Working with files wish list

2008-12-15 Thread Richard Hainsworth
Following the request for ideas on IO, this is my wish list for working 
with files. I am not a perl guru and so I do not claim to be able to 
write specifications. But I do know what I would like.

The organisation of the IO as roles seems to be a great idea. I think 
that what is suggested here would fall in naturally with that idea.


a) I am fed up with writing something like

open(FP, “${fname}_out.txt”) or die “Cant open ${fname}_out.txt for 

The complex definition of the filename is only to show that it has to be 
restated identically twice.

Since the error code I write (die blaa) is always the same, surely it 
can be made into a default that reports on what caused the die and 
hidden away as a default pointer to code that can be overridden if the 
programmer wants to.

b) Why do I have to 'open' anything? Surely when software first 
identifies a File object (eg., names it) that should be sufficient 
signal to do all the IO things. So, I would love to write

my File $file .= new(:namemydatafile.txt);

my File $output .=new(:namemyresults.txt, :modewrite);

and then:

while $ {…};


say “Hello world” :to$output;

The defaults would include error routines that die if errors are 
encountered, read as the default mode, and a text file with EndOfLine 
markers as the file type. Obviously, other behaviours, such as not 
dying, but handling the lack of a file with a request to choose another 
file, could be accommodated by overridding the appropriate role attribute.

The suggestion here is that the method say on a File object is 
provided in a role and has some attributes, eg., $.error_code, that can 
be assigned to provide a different behaviour.

c) I want the simplest file names for simple scripts. As Damian Conway 
has pointed out, naming a resource is a can of worms. I work with 
Cyrillic texts and filenames and still have problems with the varieties 
of char sets. Unicode has done a lot, but humans just keep pushing the 
envelop of what is possible. I don't think there will ever be a 
resolution until humanity has a single language and single script.

It seems far better to me for standard resource names to be constrained 
to the simplest possible for 'vanilla' perl scripts, but also to let the 
programmer access the underlying bit/byte string so they can do what 
they want if they understand the environment.

The idea of 'stringification', that is providing to the programmer for 
use inside the program a predictable representation of a complex object, 
also seems to me to be something to exploit. In the case of a resource 
name, the one most easily available to the programmer would be a 
'stringified' version of the underlying stream of bytes used by the 
operating system.

Eg. if a File object located in some directory under some OS would have 
both $ as a unicode representation and a $file.underlying_name 
with some arbitrary sequence of bits with a semantics known only to the 
OS (and the perl implementation).

d) It would be nice to specify filters on the incoming and outgoing 
data. I find I do the following all the time in perl5:

while (FN) {chop; …};

So my example above, viz.,

while $ { … };

would automatically provide $_ with a line of text with the EOL chopped off.

Note that the reverse (adding an EOL on output) is so common that perl6 
now has 'say', which does this.

Could this behaviour (filtering off and on the EOL) be made a part of 
the standard “read” and “say” functions?

Allowing access to the filter function (allowing a programmer the 
ability to override an attribute) could be quite useful. For example, 
suppose the role providing getline includes an attribute with default

$.infilter = { s/\n// }; # a good implementation would have different 
rules for different OS's

and this can be overridden with

$.infilter = { .trans ( /\s+/ = ' ' ) }; # squash all white space to a 
single space

$.infilter = { s/\n//; split /\t/ };

then a call to $ would assign an array to $_ ( or would it be 
@_ ?)

Filtering the outgoing data would be similar to using a format string 
with printf, but associating it with the IO object rather than with a 
specific printf statement. Thus suppose instead of a file, the IO object 
is a stream associated with the internet and the role that provides 
“say” as a method on a stream object has $.outfiler as an attribute, 
then overidding

$.outfilter = { s[(.*)] = “$1\n” };


$.outfilter = { s[(.*)] = “htmlbody$1/body/html” }

would mean (I think) that

say “hello world” :to$stream;

would generate the http stream
htmlbodyHello World/body/html
(Yes I know, the space should be coded, but hopefully the idea is clear.)

e) When dealing with files in directories in perl5 under linux, I need

opendir(DIR,'./path/') or die “cant open ./path/\n”;

my @filelist = grep { /^.+\.txt/ } readdir(DIR);

I would prefer something like

my Location $dir .= new(:OSpath'./data');


Re: r24325 - docs/Perl6/Spec

2008-12-15 Thread David Green

On 2008-Dec-14, at 11:21 am, Moritz Lenz wrote:

Uri Guttman wrote:

how is sort ordering specified?
Currently it is not specified, it defaults to infix:cmp. If you  
can suggest a non-confusing way to specify both a transformation  
closure and a comparison method, please go ahead.

how does it know to do string vs numeric sorting?
infix:cmp does numeric comparison if both operands are numbers,  
and string comparison otherwise.

Cmp (like eqv) depends on the particular type, so to sort a  
certain way, you should need only to coerce the values to the right  

@stuff.sort { .Num } # numerically
@stuff.sort { ~ .name.uc }   # stringwise
@stuff.sort { Foo(%x{$_}) }  # foo-wise

I don't know what cmp returns for two values of different types.   


Re: Working with files wish list

2008-12-15 Thread jason switzer
On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 10:43 AM, Richard Hainsworth

 a) I am fed up with writing something like

 open(FP, ${fname}_out.txt) or die Cant open ${fname}_out.txt for

 The complex definition of the filename is only to show that it has to be
 restated identically twice.

 Since the error code I write (die blaa) is always the same, surely it can
 be made into a default that reports on what caused the die and hidden away
 as a default pointer to code that can be overridden if the programmer wants

 b) Why do I have to 'open' anything? Surely when software first identifies
 a File object (eg., names it) that should be sufficient signal to do all the
 IO things. So, I would love to write

 my File $file .= new(:namemydatafile.txt);

 my File $output .=new(:namemyresults.txt, :modewrite);

You've essentially replaced the klunky mode parameters in perl5 (file)
with a cleaner role constructor. I would argue that an autodie built-in
feature would be nice with perl but it may not be a good idea to always
force a die. Maybe it could be a feature/macro that could be turned on (like
'use autodie;').

 and then:

 while $ {…};


 say Hello world :to$output;

I usually do something more like:

@ARGV = (file.txt);
@data = ;

It's lazy and kinda cheating, but for small simple tasks, it gets the job
done. I'm not up to speed with the IO spec, but a sort of auto-slurp
functionality would be nice. Something to the effect:

@data = :slurp(mydatafile.txt);

That's just a crude example and possibly not even valid perl6, but it would
be nice to have a quick read-only file slurping functionality. This is
usually the first thing I hack into larger scripts so that I can forget
about doing IO (means to an end).

In fact, File::Slurp does this right now in perl5.

 c) I want the simplest file names for simple scripts. As Damian Conway has
 pointed out, naming a resource is a can of worms. I work with Cyrillic texts
 and filenames and still have problems with the varieties of char sets.
 Unicode has done a lot, but humans just keep pushing the envelop of what is
 possible. I don't think there will ever be a resolution until humanity has a
 single language and single script.

 It seems far better to me for standard resource names to be constrained to
 the simplest possible for 'vanilla' perl scripts, but also to let the
 programmer access the underlying bit/byte string so they can do what they
 want if they understand the environment.

 The idea of 'stringification', that is providing to the programmer for use
 inside the program a predictable representation of a complex object, also
 seems to me to be something to exploit. In the case of a resource name, the
 one most easily available to the programmer would be a 'stringified' version
 of the underlying stream of bytes used by the operating system.

 Eg. if a File object located in some directory under some OS would have
 both $ as a unicode representation and a $file.underlying_name
 with some arbitrary sequence of bits with a semantics known only to the OS
 (and the perl implementation).

It would actually be nicer if I the filename defaulted to my platform and I
there were naming convention converters provided. I don't know how that
should look and it actually sounds like something that should probably be
provided by modules.

Some of what File::Spec provides now would be nice built in, but how much is
up for debate. I think File::Path::canonpath and File::Path::path would be
nice attributes to add to the File role.

Allowing access to the filter function (allowing a programmer the ability to
 override an attribute) could be quite useful. For example, suppose the role
 providing getline includes an attribute with default

 $.infilter = { s/\n// }; # a good implementation would have different rules
 for different OS's

 and this can be overridden with

 $.infilter = { .trans ( /\s+/ = ' ' ) }; # squash all white space to a
 single space
 $.infilter = { s/\n//; split /\t/ };

I would imagine a filter role would be useful. If they're roles, it allows
people to build layers of functionality on them to do various different
kinds of filters, turn them on and off, etc. With filters as roles, I would
love to imagine something like this:

my File $fstab = new(:name/etc/fstab, :filternew WhitespaceTrim)

Yet another crude example, but imagine once the whitespace cleaner above
trimmed things down, and output filter could then realign them. I see more
utility if the filter were a role than some $.infilter scalar that can be
clobbered by multi-threaded applications.

 Perhaps, too a module for a specific environment, eg., Windows, would
 provide the syntatic sugar that makes specifying a location look like
 specifying a directory natively, eg.
 use IO::Windows;
 my Location $x .= new(:OSpathC:\\Documents\perldata\);
 whilst for linux it would be
 use IO::Linux;
 my Location $x .=new(:OSpath/home/perldata/);


Re: Working with files wish list

2008-12-15 Thread Leon Timmermans
On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 5:43 PM, Richard Hainsworth wrote:
 Following the request for ideas on IO, this is my wish list for working with
 files. I am not a perl guru and so I do not claim to be able to write
 specifications. But I do know what I would like.

 The organisation of the IO as roles seems to be a great idea. I think that
 what is suggested here would fall in naturally with that idea.


 a) I am fed up with writing something like

 open(FP, ${fname}_out.txt) or die Cant open ${fname}_out.txt for

 The complex definition of the filename is only to show that it has to be
 restated identically twice.

 Since the error code I write (die blaa) is always the same, surely it can
 be made into a default that reports on what caused the die and hidden away
 as a default pointer to code that can be overridden if the programmer wants

You could think along the lines of

my $fh = open '', $filename, :errorstring(Could not open %file: %error);

It doesn't repeat itself, but still gives the programmer the chance to
add a helpful message.

 b) Why do I have to 'open' anything? Surely when software first identifies a
 File object (eg., names it) that should be sufficient signal to do all the
 IO things. So, I would love to write

 my File $file .= new(:namemydatafile.txt);

 my File $output .=new(:namemyresults.txt, :modewrite);

 and then:

 while $ {…};


 say Hello world :to$output;

 The defaults would include error routines that die if errors are
 encountered, read as the default mode, and a text file with EndOfLine
 markers as the file type. Obviously, other behaviours, such as not dying,
 but handling the lack of a file with a request to choose another file, could
 be accommodated by overridding the appropriate role attribute.

 The suggestion here is that the method say on a File object is provided in
 a role and has some attributes, eg., $.error_code, that can be assigned to
 provide a different behaviour.

open() is an idiom, and not an inappropriate one at that IMHO, it
carries a meaning with it. Even someone who program's another language
will understand what's going on when you say open. When you say new,
that isn't necessarily the case. IMHO the word new focuses to much on
the object, while the resource it holds is far more important.

 c) I want the simplest file names for simple scripts. As Damian Conway has
 pointed out, naming a resource is a can of worms. I work with Cyrillic texts
 and filenames and still have problems with the varieties of char sets.
 Unicode has done a lot, but humans just keep pushing the envelop of what is
 possible. I don't think there will ever be a resolution until humanity has a
 single language and single script.

 It seems far better to me for standard resource names to be constrained to
 the simplest possible for 'vanilla' perl scripts, but also to let the
 programmer access the underlying bit/byte string so they can do what they
 want if they understand the environment.

 The idea of 'stringification', that is providing to the programmer for use
 inside the program a predictable representation of a complex object, also
 seems to me to be something to exploit. In the case of a resource name, the
 one most easily available to the programmer would be a 'stringified' version
 of the underlying stream of bytes used by the operating system.

 Eg. if a File object located in some directory under some OS would have both
 $ as a unicode representation and a $file.underlying_name with some
 arbitrary sequence of bits with a semantics known only to the OS (and the
 perl implementation).

We talked about such issues before. Fact is, many unices don't use
Unicode for filenames, but blobs. This means that you can't assume
that filenames will be valid Unicode.

I'm not sure how to solve that cleanly and portably. I suspect there
is no way to do it that is both clean and portable, and we'll have to
choose :-/.

 d) It would be nice to specify filters on the incoming and outgoing data. I
 find I do the following all the time in perl5:

 while (FN) {chop; …};

 So my example above, viz.,

 while $ { … };

 would automatically provide $_ with a line of text with the EOL chopped off.

 Note that the reverse (adding an EOL on output) is so common that perl6 now
 has 'say', which does this.

 Could this behaviour (filtering off and on the EOL) be made a part of the
 standard read and say functions?

Autochomping is already in the language. It's very underspecified though.

 e) When dealing with files in directories in perl5 under linux, I need

 opendir(DIR,'./path/') or die cant open ./path/\n;

 my @filelist = grep { /^.+\.txt/ } readdir(DIR);

 I would prefer something like

 my Location $dir .= new(:OSpath'./data');

 and without any further code $dir contains an Array ($d...@elems) or Hash
 ($dir.%elems) (I dont know which, maybe both?) of File objects. If a Hash,
 then the keys would be the 

Re: Working with files wish list

2008-12-15 Thread Uri Guttman
 LT == Leon Timmermans writes:

   e) When dealing with files in directories in perl5 under linux, I need
   opendir(DIR,'./path/') or die cant open ./path/\n;
   my @filelist = grep { /^.+\.txt/ } readdir(DIR);
   I would prefer something like
   my Location $dir .= new(:OSpath'./data');
   and without any further code $dir contains an Array ($d...@elems) or Hash
   ($dir.%elems) (I dont know which, maybe both?) of File objects. If a Hash,
   then the keys would be the stringified .name attribute of the files.
   No need to opendir or readdir. Lazy evaluation could handle most 

  LT I agree there should be a single function that combines opendir,
  LT readdir and closedir. Scalar readdir can be useful in some context,
  LT but in my experience it's the less common usage of it. From a
  LT programmers point of view lazy operation would be convenient, but from
  LT a resource management point of view that may be a bit complicated.

as another responder mentioned File::Slurp, i want to say it contains a
read_dir function (note the _ in the name). it does a slurp of a dir and
always filters out . and .. . i have plans to have it take an optional
qr and grep the dir list for you. something like this:

my @dirs = read_dir( $dirpath, qr/\.txt$/ );

again, i agree these functions should not be named new() as open and
readdir have more meaning. how could you tell you were opening a file vs
a dir with just open? many coders may not even know that open in p5 will
work on a dir! you just open the file and can read the raw dir data
which will likely look like garbage unless you have the correct
filesystem c structures to decode it. so you must have some way to
designate to the open/new that this is a dir.

the whole issue of portable paths is another problem but i can't address



Uri Guttman  -- --
-  Perl Code Review , Architecture, Development, Training, Support --
- Free Perl Training --- -
-  Gourmet Hot Cocoa Mix -

Re: r24325 - docs/Perl6/Spec

2008-12-15 Thread Larry Wall
 infix:cmp does numeric comparison if both operands are numbers, and 
 string comparison otherwise.

That is a bit of an oversimplification.

 Cmp (like eqv) depends on the particular type, so to sort a certain 
 way, you should need only to coerce the values to the right type:

   @stuff.sort { .Num } # numerically
   @stuff.sort { ~ .name.uc }   # stringwise
   @stuff.sort { Foo(%x{$_}) }  # foo-wise

 I don't know what cmp returns for two values of different types.   

Any type may define infix:cmp however it likes for two arguments of
its own type.  It may also define multis with other types that define
desirable coercions.  The infix:cmp:(Any,Any) routine is what would
be providing the default string coercion, so it would succeed for
any two different types that match Any and have string coercions.
Outside of Any are the Object and Junction types; I suppose cmp can
thread on junctions, but trying to sort junctions might well result
in aberrant behavior, especially if we choose a sort algorithm that
coredumps on circular ordering relations.  :)


Re: List.end - last item and last index mixing

2008-12-15 Thread Larry Wall
On Sun, Dec 14, 2008 at 09:33:20PM +0100, Moritz Lenz wrote:
: Moritz Lenz wrote:
:  From S29:
:  : =item end
:  :
:  :  our Any method end (@array: ) is export
:  :
:  : Returns the final subscript of the first dimension; for a one-dimensional
:  : array this simply the index of the final element.  For fixed dimensions
:  : this is the declared maximum subscript.  For non-fixed dimensions
:  (undeclared
:  : or explicitly declared with C*), the actual last element is used.
:  The last sentence  seems to suggest that not the index of the last
:  element is returned, but the element itself. (Which I think is pretty weird)
: I've found a test that seems to imply that the index is meant, so I've
: patched S29 to say that.

Yes, that is correct.


Re: What does a Pair numify to?

2008-12-15 Thread Larry Wall
On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 02:24:54PM +0100, TSa wrote:

 Carl Mäsak wrote:
 Pugs and Elf currently numify a Pair object to 2, and Rakudo currently
 dies of despair.

 My guess is that the semantics of Pugs and Elf falls out naturally
 form a pair being treated as a list of two elements, or something. The
 question still deserves to be raised whether always-2 is a good
 semantics, or whether one would prefer some other default.

 My idea is to let a pair numify to whatever the value numifies to.
 Same thing with stringification. In general I think that a pair should
 hide its key as far as possible if used as non-pair.

This makes sense to me, but I'd like to see any use cases to the
contrary, if anyone can think of one.


Re: What does a Pair numify to?

2008-12-15 Thread mark . a . biggar
-- Original message --
From: Larry Wall
 On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 02:24:54PM +0100, TSa wrote:
  My idea is to let a pair numify to whatever the value numifies to.
  Same thing with stringification. In general I think that a pair should
  hide its key as far as possible if used as non-pair.
 This makes sense to me, but I'd like to see any use cases to the
 contrary, if anyone can think of one.

The only use case I can think of is sorting a list of pairs;
 should it default to sort by key or value?

Mark Biggar

Re: r24325 - docs/Perl6/Spec

2008-12-15 Thread Uri Guttman
 LW == Larry Wall writes:

   infix:cmp does numeric comparison if both operands are numbers, and 
   string comparison otherwise.

  LW That is a bit of an oversimplification.

  LW Any type may define infix:cmp however it likes for two arguments of
  LW its own type.  It may also define multis with other types that define
  LW desirable coercions.  The infix:cmp:(Any,Any) routine is what would
  LW be providing the default string coercion, so it would succeed for
  LW any two different types that match Any and have string coercions.
  LW Outside of Any are the Object and Junction types; I suppose cmp can
  LW thread on junctions, but trying to sort junctions might well result
  LW in aberrant behavior, especially if we choose a sort algorithm that
  LW coredumps on circular ordering relations.  :)

this means cmp still does a string compare as long as it can coerce its
args to strings. this means the shorter sort ideas being bandied about
still have a major weakness - specifying the sort comparison. you can
default to string like p5 sort which is fine. but how do you pass in
=? or handle multiple keys with different comparison ops? this is why
damian and i agree that a key description style works best for a
sorter. the short versions i have seen are useful for string sorts of a
single key. there are plenty of uses for that and those would be a good
short cut. but there still needs to be a full sort signature of the kind
damian proposed and we have both built in different modules. there is
plenty to steal from there so don't go reinventing this wheel just
yet. :)



Uri Guttman  -- --
-  Perl Code Review , Architecture, Development, Training, Support --
- Free Perl Training --- -
-  Gourmet Hot Cocoa Mix -

Re: What does a Pair numify to?

2008-12-15 Thread Uri Guttman
 mab == mark a biggar writes:

  mab -- Original message --
  mab From: Larry Wall
   On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 02:24:54PM +0100, TSa wrote:
My idea is to let a pair numify to whatever the value numifies to.
Same thing with stringification. In general I think that a pair should
hide its key as far as possible if used as non-pair.
   This makes sense to me, but I'd like to see any use cases to the
   contrary, if anyone can think of one.

  mab The only use case I can think of is sorting a list of pairs;
  mab  should it default to sort by key or value?

the default should be sort by key since that is used way more often than
sort by value. well, at least it seems that way to me. but if you use a
key description sort it may be trivial either way. something like
(broken p6):

@pairs.sort( .key ) ;
@pairs.sort ;   # same thing if key is the default
@pairs.sort( .val ) ;

or even using the single letter method names (i dunno what is supported

@sorted = @pairs.sort(.k) ;
@sorted = @pairs.sort(.v) ;

and if i am correct, no assignment would mean in-place sorting which is

so you could default to sorting pairs by keys and not bother too many.


Uri Guttman  -- --
-  Perl Code Review , Architecture, Development, Training, Support --
- Free Perl Training --- -
-  Gourmet Hot Cocoa Mix -

Re: What does a Pair numify to?

2008-12-15 Thread Jon Lang
Mark Biggar wrote:
 The only use case I can think of is sorting a list of pairs;
  should it default to sort by key or value?

But this isn't a case of numifying a Pair, or of stringifying it - or
of coercing it at all.  If you've got a list of Pairs, you use a
sorting algorithm that's designed for sorting Pairs (which probably
sorts by key first, then uses the values to break ties).  If you've
got a list that has a mixture of Pairs and non-Pairs, I think that the
sorting algorithm should complain: it's clearly a case of being asked
to compare apples and oranges.

When are you going to be asked to stringify or numify a Pair?  Actual
use-cases, please.  Personally, I can't think of any.

Jonathan Dataweaver Lang

Re: What does a Pair numify to?

2008-12-15 Thread David Green

On 2008-Dec-15, at 4:18 pm, Jon Lang wrote:
If you've got a list of Pairs, you use a sorting algorithm that's  
designed for sorting Pairs (which probably sorts by key first, then  
uses the values to break ties).


If you've got a list that has a mixture of Pairs and non-Pairs, I  
think that the sorting algorithm should complain: it's clearly a  
case of being asked to compare apples and oranges.

If there's no cmp(Pair, Other::Thing) defined, then it would fall back  
to string-comparison, which seems fair to me.  But complaining isn't  
unreasonable either, since it's easy to coerce stuff to strings if  
that's what you want.

I guess you could force complaining with: infixcmp:(Any, Any) =  
{ die Apples and oranges! }

When are you going to be asked to stringify or numify a Pair?   
Actual use-cases, please.  Personally, I can't think of any.

say $pair;

I can't really think of a great example where you'd want to numify a  
pair, but I would expect printing one to produce something like a =  
23 (especially since that's what a one-element hash would print,  


Re: Working with files wish list

2008-12-15 Thread Dave Whipp

Leon Timmermans wrote:

On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 5:43 PM, Richard Hainsworth wrote:

a) I am fed up with writing something like

open(FP, ${fname}_out.txt) or die Cant open ${fname}_out.txt for

The complex definition of the filename is only to show that it has to be
restated identically twice.

my $fh = open '', $filename, :errorstring(Could not open %file: %error);

It doesn't repeat itself, but still gives the programmer the chance to
add a helpful message.

I assume that the return value of Copen will be an unthrown exception 
(via Cfail) if the file can't be opened. If your failure mode doesn't 
cause an immediate failure then it would die when used as an IO. The 
stringification of that failure object would presumably print a useful 
error message -- and you could override it by handling it yourself.

Resume from exception

2008-12-15 Thread Stephen Weeks
do {
die 'some text';
say 'after the exception';
say 'caught the exception';
...; # what goes here?

My proposal is to call .resume() on the exception object.


Re: What does a Pair numify to?

2008-12-15 Thread Moritz Lenz
Larry Wall wrote:
 On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 02:24:54PM +0100, TSa wrote:

 Carl Mäsak wrote:
 Pugs and Elf currently numify a Pair object to 2, and Rakudo currently
 dies of despair.

 My guess is that the semantics of Pugs and Elf falls out naturally
 form a pair being treated as a list of two elements, or something. The
 question still deserves to be raised whether always-2 is a good
 semantics, or whether one would prefer some other default.

 My idea is to let a pair numify to whatever the value numifies to.
 Same thing with stringification. In general I think that a pair should
 hide its key as far as possible if used as non-pair.
 This makes sense to me, but I'd like to see any use cases to the
 contrary, if anyone can think of one.

The counter example is if you want to print a pair:

.say for %hash.pairs.sort: { .value };

In that case it would be nice to have the key appear in the stringification.

I haven't found a counter example for the conversion to Num though.


Re: Working with files wish list

2008-12-15 Thread Leon Timmermans
On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 6:42 PM, jason switzer wrote:
 It's lazy and kinda cheating, but for small simple tasks, it gets the job
 done. I'm not up to speed with the IO spec, but a sort of auto-slurp
 functionality would be nice. Something to the effect:

 @data = :slurp(mydatafile.txt);

A slurp() function has been specced to slurp a file into a string, as
well as a lines() function that does the same into an array of lines.

 I think File::Path::canonpath and File::Path::path would be
 nice attributes to add to the File role.

You didn't get the point of my Roles idea. It should not be added to a
role File, but to the Role Nameable, which would be composed into
whatever implements file filehandles, but for example also into Unix
sockets. IMNSHO interfaces and implementation should be kept separate
to maintain a proper abstraction level.

 I would imagine a filter role would be useful. If they're roles, it allows
 people to build layers of functionality on them to do various different
 kinds of filters, turn them on and off, etc. With filters as roles, I would
 love to imagine something like this:

 my File $fstab = new(:name/etc/fstab, :filternew WhitespaceTrim)

You can already easily mix it in using 'does':

$fstab = open('/etc/fstab', :r);
$fstab does WhitespaceTrim;

I don't think it's really necessary to include that into open(),
though it might be useful syntactic sugar.


Leon Timmermans

Re: Resume from exception

2008-12-15 Thread Leon Timmermans
On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 8:47 PM, Stephen Weeks wrote:
 do {
die 'some text';
say 'after the exception';
say 'caught the exception';
...; # what goes here?

 My proposal is to call .resume() on the exception object.


The spec says Exceptions are not resumable in Perl 6 unless the
exception object does the Resumable role.. I don't think Str does
Resumable. In other words, you can't resume that.

Otherwise, I agree resume is a logical name.



Resume from exception

2008-12-15 Thread Stephen Weeks
do {
die 'some text';
say 'after the exception';
say 'caught the exception';
...; # what goes here?

My proposal is to call .resume() on the exception object.


Re: What does a Pair numify to?

2008-12-15 Thread Moritz Lenz wrote:
 -- Original message --
 From: Larry Wall
 On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 02:24:54PM +0100, TSa wrote:
  My idea is to let a pair numify to whatever the value numifies to.
  Same thing with stringification. In general I think that a pair should
  hide its key as far as possible if used as non-pair.
 This makes sense to me, but I'd like to see any use cases to the
 contrary, if anyone can think of one.
 The only use case I can think of is sorting a list of pairs;
  should it default to sort by key or value?

Since sort uses infix:cmp as default comparison, and that has a
special rule for Pairs (compare on key first, if they are equal, compare
on the value) it doesn't really matter in this case what the string
value is.

Re: r24325 - docs/Perl6/Spec

2008-12-15 Thread Moritz Lenz
Uri Guttman wrote:
 LW == Larry Wall writes:
infix:cmp does numeric comparison if both operands are numbers, and 
string comparison otherwise.
   LW That is a bit of an oversimplification.
   LW Any type may define infix:cmp however it likes for two arguments of
   LW its own type.  It may also define multis with other types that define
   LW desirable coercions.  The infix:cmp:(Any,Any) routine is what would
   LW be providing the default string coercion, so it would succeed for
   LW any two different types that match Any and have string coercions.
   LW Outside of Any are the Object and Junction types; I suppose cmp can
   LW thread on junctions, but trying to sort junctions might well result
   LW in aberrant behavior, especially if we choose a sort algorithm that
   LW coredumps on circular ordering relations.  :)
 this means cmp still does a string compare as long as it can coerce its
 args to strings.

... and as long as no other multis are specified.
I know at least of infix:cmp(Num $a, Num $b) (which does the same as
Perl 5's =) and infix:cmp(Pair $a, Pair $b) (which does $a.key cmp
$a.key || $a.value cmp $b.value), so numbers and pairs DWIM. Likewise
sorting of AoAs is specified to first sort on the first items, then on
the seconds etc.


Re: r24325 - docs/Perl6/Spec

2008-12-15 Thread Mark J. Reed
On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 5:41 PM, Moritz Lenz wrote:

 I know at least of infix:cmp(Num $a, Num $b) (which does the same as
 Perl 5's =) and infix:cmp(Pair $a, Pair $b) (which does $a.key cmp
 $a.key || $a.value cmp $b.value), so numbers and pairs DWIM.

Hm.  Rakudo doesn't let me cmp pairs at all currently:

  (a = 2) cmp (a = 10)

Multiple Dispatch: No suitable candidate found for 'cmp', with signature

Pugs DWIMs with numbers and string-valued pairs, but it looks like
num-valued pairs get their values stringified:

 pugs 2 cmp 10


pugs (a = 2) cmp (a = 10)


Mark J. Reed

Re: Working with files wish list

2008-12-15 Thread jason switzer
On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 6:59 PM, Leon Timmermans wrote:

 On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 6:42 PM, jason switzer wrote:
  It's lazy and kinda cheating, but for small simple tasks, it gets the job
  done. I'm not up to speed with the IO spec, but a sort of auto-slurp
  functionality would be nice. Something to the effect:
  @data = :slurp(mydatafile.txt);

 A slurp() function has been specced to slurp a file into a string, as
 well as a lines() function that does the same into an array of lines.

Okay, that's good to know.

 You didn't get the point of my Roles idea. It should not be added to a
 role File, but to the Role Nameable, which would be composed into
 whatever implements file filehandles, but for example also into Unix
 sockets. IMNSHO interfaces and implementation should be kept separate
 to maintain a proper abstraction level.

I hadn't seen a Nameable role mentioned yet, so I wasn't able to understand
any such concept. That is a good idea, but the idea is so general that
anything can be nameable and thus the specificity of the role could quickly
become lost. I was suggesting specific naming functionalities be added to
the File role. If you want to abstract that, that's fine, but beware that
something like Nameable can be too broad of a role (maybe just IONameable?).

 You can already easily mix it in using 'does':

 $fstab = open('/etc/fstab', :r);
 $fstab does WhitespaceTrim;

 I don't think it's really necessary to include that into open(),
 though it might be useful syntactic sugar.

I haven't spent the time to understand mix-ins yet, but this does look like
a feasible (clean) idea. However, how do you specify one/more filters? For
example, say you want to :rw a file. How can you provide an input filter and
an output filter (or multiples of either)? Can you layer filters if done
with mix-ins? If so, how do you specify direction?

-Jason s1n Switzer