Re: RFC: multiline comments

2000-08-05 Thread Edwin Wiles

Of all the variations that I've seen so far (I'm way behind on reading
the list), the one I like the best is:

qc{ multi
here }

Second best, but still acceptable would be:


The reason it's second best, is because qc{ canbeusedinline } as well as
multi-line.  It's just an extension of the existing quoting mechanism.

The # comment # variations just don't seem "perlish" to me.  Sorry! 
That's just a personal feeling.

If you just have to go with the # set for a block comment, I rather
like the idea of making them # and # to end, starting in the first

Again, for the stated purpose, #ifdef seems to be the more reasonable
way to go, rather than putting in a truly cryptic usage of the comment
pound sign.


John Porter wrote:
 Michael Mathews wrote:
  So this should work in Perl 6
  code here;
  # this is a single line comment
  $foo = $a + $b # here's an in-line comment # + $c * $d;
  more code here;
 If starting in column 1 is going to be magic, you may as well
 make the magic char #, so:
 # this is a single line comment
 $foo = $a + $b # here's an in-line comment # + $c * $d;
 And then, you may as well make it =, and use some meaningful
 verbiage instead of "" and "".  So:
 =begin comment
 # this is a single line comment
 $foo = $a + $b # here's an in-line comment # + $c * $d;
 =end comment
 The pod solution is more or less obvious.  Inlinable nestable
 comments are something else, and it should look like perl.
 qc() -- compiled to nothingness.
 John Porter

[Fwd: Re: Sublist auto*]

2000-08-05 Thread Edwin Wiles

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: Sublist auto*
Date: Sat, 05 Aug 2000 14:39:33 -0400
From: Edwin Wiles [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Organization: Totally Disorganized
To: Johan Vromans [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Johan Vromans wrote:
 I would plea for autosubscribing perl6-language list members to every
 sublist that gets spawned. The reason is continuity.

OY! Please do NOT do this!  Or rig it as a member configuration choice,
so that those who want autosubscription can opt-in!

 An alternative solution is to automatically sent all messages that have
 been posted to the sublist so far, upon subscription.

That would be just ducky by me!  Though you might wish to consider
limiting it to the last N hundred messages.  If someone subscribes late
in the sub-list life, their SA is _not_ going to be happy if their
system gets killed by what would effectively be a mail-bombing, albeit

As yet another alternative, if you subscribe late, go look at the


Re: DRAFT RFC: Enhanced Pack/Unpack

2000-08-05 Thread Edwin Wiles


I'm going to be combining a number of different comments in here.

Glenn Linderman wrote:
 I was surprised by the read/write operations, but have no objection to them.
 New/get/set and the individual data member access functions are the critical
 pieces, as the I/O could be done to normal variables, but it would take more
 steps that way, so read/write are nice enhancements.

I felt that the read/write enhancements were necessary.  Without them,
the programmer must calculate the required length of the reads
themselves.  While they may know the length of fixed elements, they will
not know the length of variable elements.  At least not without
pre-reading the fixed elements that provide that length.

Requiring them to do so would defeat one of the goals, easier use.

[ 'bar' = 'i', 'baz' = 'i', 'count' = 'i' ]

It is my understanding that "=" is an indication of a link in a hash
array between its name and its value.  Given the necessity of
maintaining the order of elements, this nomenclature would appear to be

Still, I like the idea of making the relationship more explicit, we
could do it this way:

[ ['bar','int32'], ['baz','int32'], ['count','int32'] ]

As you can see, I agree with longer data type names.  However, in
response to a number of other postings to the language group, I'm going
to suggest that we adopt a different format.

PLEA FOR INFO!  Can anyone point me at a better/more detailed
explanation of the existing 'pack/unpack' format characters?  The one in
'perlfunc' leaves me wondering what a number of the markers are for, or
exactly how they work.

Consider 'p' and 'P'.  They're supposedly refering to a pointer to
either a string or structure, but they don't say whether the pointer is
relative to the first byte of the pointer, the first byte after the
pointer, or the first byte of the overall structure.

Basic Object Type:

'short' - whatever your computer understands is a short.
'long' - ditto.
'int' - ditto.
'double' - ditto.
'float' - ditto.
'char' - ditto, with the understanding that Unicode makes these
 characters larger than you would expect.
'byte' - whatever your computer understands is a byte.  (Yes, there
 are some systems that don't use 8 bits to a byte.  Not many,
 but they are there.)
'octet' - specifically 8 bits, regardless of the byte size of your

To which we may append a number of different modifiers:


/d - default, whatever your system uses normally
/n - network
/b - big
/l - little
/v - vax

(??vax is sufficiently different to require it's own??  Or is this to do
with bit order?)


/u - unsigned
/s - signed

We may also allow these modifiers in the definition of the structure, so
that the entire structure can be affected, without having to explicitly
modify each variable.

Non-Standard sizes:

/[0-9]+ - The basic object is this many bits long.

I strongly suggest that we settle on bits as the standard of length,
since if we start mixing bits versus bytes on the basic elements, we're
going to confuse the living daylights out of people.

Definition of arrays:

[length] - The number of basic objects, as modified.

So, an array of 20 10-bit unsigned network order integers would be:

[ ['myarray','int/10/u/n[20]'] ]


[ ['myarray','int/un10[20]'] ]

I know that looks complex, but I believe that the vast majority of cases
would likely be handled by the simplest forms, such as:

[ ['myfixedstring', 'char[30]'] ]

Which is an array of 30 unicode characters.  (Of course, if the decision
is made that we do not use unicode, or any other multi-lingual support,
then the specialness of 'char' versus 'byte' goes away.) (As you might
guess, I'm torn between human readable, easily parsed, and easy to
type.  I may have gone too far twoards 'easily parsed'.)

 4) allow hooks to support non-standard types.
   sub Structure::define ( type name, frombinarysub, tobinarysub )
   sub from_funny ( type_params, binary_var, bit_offset )
   # returns ( next_bit_offset, funny_var )
   sub to_funny ( type_params, binary_var, bit_offset, funny_var )
   # returns ( next_bit_offset )

This combination presumes that the data has already been loaded into an
internal variable.  Given variable length data, this is not a valid

I considered adding a 'length' subroutine to the spec, which the main
pack code could call to determine if it needed to read any more data,
but realized that the 'length' subroutine itself might need to read more
data before it could determine the total length needed for 'from_funny'
to succeed.

Thus, 'from_funny' must either return a special code indicating that it
needs more data to work, with some indication of how much more to read;
or it must perform it's own reading, and therefore accept a file handle
to read from.

I'm leaning towards the first case, because we may have received our
data via a string, not a file handle.  In that event, there is no 

Re: RFC: multiline comments

2000-08-02 Thread Edwin Wiles

John Porter wrote:
 Michael Mathews wrote:
  Using a two-character syntax to start and end a multiline comment seems to
  be a good way to satisfy both the desired similarity to "#" and the desired
  uniqueness to avoid collision with real single-line quotes. I would suggest
  a (# many lines of comment #) syntax:
 Nothing personal, but -- Barf.  Very non-perlish, IMHO.
   qc( here's some text which will evaluate to "silent undef". );

I had much the same reaction to (# foo #).  I would find qc( foo ) much
acceptable.  We lose the "comments are always #" idea, but then there's
other languages that have more than one character design used for

In the case of C/C++, # would map to //, and qc() would map to /* */. 
You can use either to simulate the other, but each has one or two things
that it handles better than the other.

On the other hand, the stated desire for this is for commenting out
blocks of code.  That might be more achievable with (I forget the right
name for this) 'compile time directives' such as "#if", "#endif".  We'd
have to use a different opening syntax, since # is already taken for
comments, but this might be of more general usefulnes than block

[I have a sneaking suspicion that this is another one of those 'hot
topics'.  I suspect that we could abuse pod to achieve the block comment
effect, but that would clutter up the documentation rather badly.]
