
I just have a couple of ideas that may either make me look like a fool 
or provoke some discussion:

Personally, I have never used the Schwartzian Transform (but I have 
heard, looked at it), so I may not be fully knowledgeable of its 
usefulness. However, do the advantages of including it outweigh the 
disadvantages? I have read all of the messages on this topic to this 
point and I haven't seen much discussion from this aspect, but a lot on 
what the function would be named, etc.

The argument for including this was that many newbies may not be able 
to understand it very well. But, do you need to understand the 
intricacies if you can just cut and paste and just change a few 
variables? Couldn't it be included as a module and be implemented 
basically the same way?

Over my long experience with perl (not even one year :-) ), I have 
heard a lot about it being slow. Wouldn't adding functions like this 
just make it needlessly slower?

Please correct me if I am wrong. I am just trying to begin some 
discussion from this point of view.

-- Zenon "zdog" Zabinski

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