Re: English language basis for throw

2000-08-16 Thread John Porter

Peter Scott wrote:
 Only one of them needs to be right.  As long as one is right,
 there is no problem.
 Right, I was just pointing out that it's harder for people to divine which 
 one we picked without recourse to the documentation.

Yes; unfortunately, this problem exists generally, especially wrt Perl.  :-/

John Porter

Re: English language basis for throw

2000-08-16 Thread Piers Cawley


 Please take this discussion to the new -errors sublist.  Thanks in

Exceptions are not necessarily errors. This belongs in
perl-language-flow surely?


Re: English language basis for throw

2000-08-16 Thread John Porter

Peter Scott wrote:
 At 05:33 PM 8/15/00 -0400, John Porter wrote:
 The thing I don't like about C++/Java try/catch syntax is the way
 the blocks are daisychained.  That is not intuitive to the flow.
 I find it quite intuitive :-)

I note the smiley.

 What interpretation should be placed on statements in the try block 
 following a catch block?

Whatever you want.  I can think of three possibilities.

John Porter

Re: English language basis for throw

2000-08-16 Thread David L. Nicol

Bart Lateur wrote:
 To me, a program is much like a maze, a
 multilevel walk in an old castle. 

And if you commit a faux pas of some kind, the guards show
up and "throw" you off the north tower.

  David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Useless use of a void in constant context

Re: English language basis for throw

2000-08-15 Thread Bart Lateur

On Mon, 14 Aug 2000 12:32:32 -0500, David L. Nicol wrote:

I find "throw" to be a perfectly good synonym for "raise" an exception.  The
english language equivalent is a piece of steel machinery, when it breaks
while running, which is said to "throw a rod" or "throw a bolt" depending
of course on the nature of the broken item that comes flying out of the
mechanism at dangerous and possibly inventor-fatal speeds.

Your explanation makes it sound as if the program can just blow up in
your face. I sure hope that error trapping goes in a somewhat more
controlled manner.

I find it preferable to "die" which has always struck me as morbid, even
if it does echo the equally objectionable unix "kill."

N to me, "die" just means it simply stops working. Nothing
blowing up.

Just to make sure some opposition is heard: I've always thought of
"throw" as very silly word. To me, a program is much like a maze, a
multilevel walk in an old castle. There are unexpected trapdoors, but as
long as they stay closed, you can simply continue. If such a trapdoor
open, you fall through, someimes through several floors, until somewhere
you encounter a safety net: you were caught. You can continue from
there. If there was no safety net, you keep falling, well, into the
water, out of the castle (er, "program".)

An error is not a ball.


Re: English language basis for throw

2000-08-15 Thread Peter Scott

At 05:06 PM 8/15/00 -0400, John Porter wrote:
I think about the word some OO gurus use: "raise".

I think that came from the kernel or hardware people before OO was 
around.  Something about raising and lowering IPLs.

Peter Scott
Pacific Systems Design Technologies

Re: English language basis for throw

2000-08-15 Thread Peter Scott

At 05:33 PM 8/15/00 -0400, John Porter wrote:
The thing I don't like about C++/Java try/catch syntax is the way
the blocks are daisychained.  That is not intuitive to the flow.

I find it quite intuitive :-)

The exception handlers should be more closely bound -- syntactically --
to the try block.  A switch statement would be closer; but I think an
OO syntax would be better.  You know, something like

 try {
 cough "outa here";

 catch {
 matawba = { sustain; },
 ebola = { overrule; },
 { punt; }

What interpretation should be placed on statements in the try block 
following a catch block?

Peter Scott
Pacific Systems Design Technologies

Re: English language basis for throw

2000-08-15 Thread Stephen P. Potter

Lightning flashed, thunder crashed and Dan Sugalski [EMAIL PROTECTED] whispered:
| At 04:03 PM 8/15/00 -0500, Jarkko Hietaniemi wrote:
|   open, you fall through, someimes through several floors, until somewhere
|   you encounter a safety net: you were caught. You can continue from
|   there. If there was no safety net, you keep falling, well, into the
|   water, out of the castle (er, "program".)
| Hmmm...trip() and trap()?  fail() and deal()?
| freak() (or panic) and cope().

I think fail() and handle() are good.  Something fail()ed and it was
handle()d by an exception.


Re: English language basis for throw

2000-08-15 Thread Tony Olekshy

"Stephen P. Potter" wrote:
 I think fail() and handle() are good.  Something fail()ed and
 it was handle()d by an exception.

Fail is no good, because exceptions can be used to indicate success.
Just because you don't isn't a counter-argument.  Exceptions are
*not* the same as errors, that's just one semantic mapping.

Consider the following case.  You've got some complicated algorithm
that doesn't normally succeed in finding an answer.  When it does
find an answer, it can be all over the place, but no matter what,
you want to stop the algorithm and return the answer.

When you succeed, you want to say

throw Exception::MySuccess object = $answer_object;
fail  Exception::MySuccess object = $answer_object;

and then invoke the whole algorithm under:

my $answer;

try { my_algorithm; }

catch Exception::MySuccess { $answer = $@-object; }

If my_algorithm finds the answer then $answer contains the answer,
otherwise $answer is undef.  If my_algorithm throws anything but an
Exception::MySuccess (such as an otherwise uncaught internal Perl
error), the statement after the catch is not executed at all.

That's why all the other words with negative connotation are bad
choices for throw.  It's up to the catcher to determine what's good
and what's bad, not the thrower.

The "classical" uses of try/throw/catch/finally have been around
for many years.  During that time, many languages have incorported
the concepts, and after much heat and little light, the terminology.
Could it be that's because, *all* things considered, it is good

Consider "finally" vs. "always".  Always?  Even if force majeur?
Finally simply means, "as the final act of the unwind processing".

By the way, this discussion has moved to perl-language-errors, so
the good folks here at perl-language-flow can concentrate on finding
silly words for other Perl flow-control constructs ;-)

Yours, c, Tony Olekshy

English language basis for throw

2000-08-14 Thread David L. Nicol

Dan Sugalski wrote:
 perl cribs from english as much as
 any other language, spending some time to get names that fit well makes
 perfect sense, especially since most of the perl programmers that start
 using this won't be coming with huge gobs of experience from languages that
 already do it.

I find "throw" to be a perfectly good synonym for "raise" an exception.  The
english language equivalent is a piece of steel machinery, when it breaks
while running, which is said to "throw a rod" or "throw a bolt" depending
of course on the nature of the broken item that comes flying out of the
mechanism at dangerous and possibly inventor-fatal speeds.

I find it preferable to "die" which has always struck me as morbid, even
if it does echo the equally objectionable unix "kill."  "Killing to send
a signal" sounds like La Casa Nostra or president Clinton flying over
Bosnia.  (Opposed to, for instance, LBJ, who killed because he got residuals
on the damn bombs) (my source is a vietnam-era veteran hitchhiker I picked
up while on summer vacation this year)

Because of the MTOWTDI nature of the Perl experiment, eventually there
will be perl programmers trying to make sense of C++ and Java(?) nomenclature
in which one throws exceptions and catches them with exception handlers.

This language (throw, catch) seems natural and I have seen no viable alternative
on this mailing list (although it is very possible that it was at the bottom of
a thread I abandoned after reading the first ten on-topic messages.) and I have
begun using it in "perl6 example code" included in my RFC submissions.

  David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]