Chaim Frenkel wrote:
> >>>>> "KH" == Kai Henningsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> KH> Hashes and arrays, OTOH, really aren't different for people. The
> KH> of an index needing to be a nonnegative number is a computer concept.
> I don't know about that. Good old PL/I had arbitrary ranges for array
> indices.
> Hmm, I feel an RFC coming on....
> my @arr :low(-32000) :high(+32000);
> my @population :low(1900) :high(2039);
> $population[1923] = 323000;
> How about
> my @population[1900:2039];
> Looks funny though.
I'm quite fond of the idea of negative array indices. But don't you touch my
precious C<:> operator, or I'll send in the hounds! I want its sanctity
recognised for the purpose of the notation in RFC 81:

PS: Do you ever get the impression that some people will take every chance
possible to segue all threads into a discussion of their own RFCs? ;-)

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