Piers Cawley wrote:

( a lot ;-)

Thanks for this really informative summary. Must be a lot of work.

>     ... Actually, Leopold was something of a patch monster this week,

Of course, you missed all my private mails to Sean WRT imcc & perl6 
patches ;-)

>     If I read his post right, Leopold Toetsch now has his native parrot
>     assembler up and at least assembling the entire test suite into a
>     runnable state (even if some of the tests then fail.) Work on this
>     continues, but I think it's lovely.

No I did post a small script, which uses the current infrastructure and 
runs all tests either native or shared by use of perl6.
perl6 (=> imcc, assemble.pl, pbc2c.pl, gcc, ...)
(s. Warnock)


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