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=head1 TITLE

Deep Copying, aka, cloning around.

=head1 VERSION

      Maintainer: Peter Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
      Date: 8 Aug 2000
      Last-Modified: 29 Aug 2000
      Mailing List: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
      Version: 3
      Number: 67
      Status: Frozen


Perl should have a C<clone> method for deep copying of hierarchical data

Damian Conway mooted a C<clone> function for deep copying of objects as
part of an earlier discussion.  This RFC expands upon that and gives it
special attention.  I expect several iterations of this RFC from feedback.


The language interface is the C<clone> method which takes an object as
argument and returns a copy of it as result:

=over 4

=item clone SCALAR

=item clone SCALAR, CALLBACK

      $copy = clone($obj)

      $copy = clone($obj, sub { die 'Filehandle copying not allowed' })

The C<CALLBACK> is an optional function to be called if C<clone> encounters
a filehandle, dirhandle, or object with magic or an XS implementation.  It
will either throw an exception or return a value to be used as the cloned



=head2 Default

The default functionality will switch on C<ref SCALAR> and recursively
create new data structures in the way many people have written
themselves.  Here, for instance, is Garrett Goebel
(C<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)'s version implementing circular reference checking:

      our %SEEN = ();
      our $DEPTH = 0;
      sub clone { # Dereference and return a deep copy of whatever's passed
          our %SEEN;
          local $_ = ref($_[0]) or return $_[0];
          exists $SEEN{$_} and return $SEEN{$_};

          my $rval =
            /^HASH$/   ? {map {clone($_)} (%{$_[0]})}
          : /^ARRAY$/  ? [map {clone($_)} @{$_[0]} ]
          : /^SCALAR$/ ? \${$_[0]}
          : /^FORMAT$/ ? $_[0] # Shallow copy until we figure out
          : /^Regexp$/ ? $_[0] # and Class::Tom show the way
          : /^REF$/    ? $_[0] # how to deep copy these. Note:
          : /^IO$/     ? $_[0] # "
          : /^GLOB$/   ? $_[0] # "
          : /^CODE$/   ? $_[0] # " (B::Deparse)
          : $_[0]->CLONE;

          and $SEEN{$_} = $rval
          or %SEEN = ();

=head2 Blessed objects

If C<clone> encounters a blessed object C<$obj> say, it will call
C<$obj->CLONE(CALLBACK)>.  If the C<CLONE> method is not defined in
C<$obj>'s class or any of its superclasses, C<UNIVERSAL::CLONE> will carry
out the default functionality on the internal representation of
C<$obj>.  Probably this will mean little more than calling C<clone>.

Classes (e.g., DBI) may well choose to throw an exception in their C<CLONE>

=head2 Filehandles

If C<clone> encounters an C<IO::Handle>, its default behavior will be to
make a copy of the filehandle (debatable: perhaps the default should be to
throw an exception) unless a C<CALLBACK> function was specified, in which
case it will use the return value of C<CALLBACK>.

=head2 Tied variables

If C<clone> encounters a tied variable, it will call the C<CLONE> method in
the class of the underlying implementation object or fall back to
C<UNIVERSAL::CLONE>.  (Note: perhaps all missing functions from tied
classes should punt to C<UNIVERSAL>.  But that is outside the scope of this

=head2 Cyclic references

The C<clone> function should detect circular references and replicate the
same structure in the copy.  One implementation that suggests itself is to
keep a hash of input references with output references as values.  It has
been suggested that the code to do this will already be available in the
garbage collector.

=head2 Exceptions

If an exception is thrown anywhere during the copying, it needs to be
trapped so that C<clone> can clean up any cyclic references it has created,
then rethrown.


The L<Storable> module 

The L<Data::Dumper> module 

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