This is another spin-off from the 'Exposing the Garbage Collector'
thread. Here is an enhanced version.

I wonder how the generic, lexically scoped invocant/owner is called.
I propose to call it $/ (other option is to call it $&)and let the
former topicalizer become block owners and $_ the block topic that flows
into blocks from further outside if not explicitly bound with -> like:

   $topic :=;
   $_ := $topic;
   for @objects { .action } # call on $/ from @objects with $_ := $topic
                            # in all loops

   @objects».action;  # same for single action syntax

   # but
   for @objects -> { .action } # means $/.action($/) because
                               # $_ bound to dynamic block owner;
                               # but usefull for methods that don't
                               # use the topic, in particular accessors
                               # and mutators
   # same as sub call
   for @objects -> { action }  # means action($/) because $_ := $/
                               # but $/ is there if action is of
                               # type Method

   # but the $. @. %. and &. are bound through $?SELF
   # in particular
   for @objects -> { &.action } # subref curried on invocant

This implies that a .action means name lookup of 'action' while
&.action is an onboard method of $?SELF. This latter case is
typically implemented with a vtbl lookup.

The only drawback I see is, that the careless method programmer could be
caugth in an endless .action loop if .action invokes .action explicitly
on $_ where $_ := $/ from the outside. The same endless loop could of
course be achieved with a free standing .action but that looks more like

With the lurking pitfalls an occasional check of $_ =:= $?SELF and
$/ =:= $_ seems advisable and indicates that the invocant wasn't
exchanged midway :)

Same with other block topicalizers/owners

  given $x    {...}  # topic untouched, but $/ := $x
  given $x -> {...}  # $_ := $x as well


  if $x    {...}   # $/ and $_ untouched
  if $x -> {...}   # $_ := $x (non boolean value)

One more interessting thing is that in exception handlers all three
variables $!, $/ and $_ are in scope. This might allow to resume where
the exception occurred after the cause was fixed e.g. by loading or
generating some code, some revamping or other &DEEP_MAGIC. Hmm, debug
exceptions come to mind...
TSa (Thomas Sandlaß)

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