Re: Draft RFC: my Dog $spot is just an assertion

2000-09-13 Thread Hildo Biersma

Piers Cawley wrote:

 =head1 ABSTRACT
 The behaviour of the my Dog $spot syntax should simply be an
 assertion of the invariant:
(!defined($spot) || (ref($spot) $spot-isa('Dog)))

Apart from the buglet that Damian pointed out, agree.

Instead of an implementation based on tie, I'd rather define logical
sequence points where the core would check this assertion - e.g., just
after any modification (assignment, bless, change in @ISA-tree, ...).


Re: Draft RFC: my Dog $spot is just an assertion

2000-09-13 Thread Piers Cawley

Damian Conway [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Piers wrote:
 The behaviour of the my Dog $spot syntax should simply be an
 assertion of the invariant: 
(!defined($spot) || (ref($spot) $spot-isa('Dog)))
 (!defined($spot) || (ref($spot)  $spot-isa('Dog')))
 Otherwise, AMEN!


Draft RFC: my Dog $spot is just an assertion

2000-09-12 Thread Piers Cawley

=head1 TITLE

Cmy Dog $spot is just an assertion

=head1 VERSION

  Maintainer: Piers Cawley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: 12th September 2000
  Last Modified: 12th September 2000
  Mailing List: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Version: 0
  Status: Draft


The behaviour of the my Dog $spot syntax should simply be an
assertion of the invariant: 

   (!defined($spot) || (ref($spot) $spot-isa('Dog)))


The syntax 

my Dog $spot = Dog-new();

currently carries little weight with Perl, often failing to do what
one expects:

$ perl -wle 'my Dog::$spot; print "ok"' 
No such class Dog at -e line 1, near "my Dog"
Execution of -e aborted due to compilation errors.
$ perl -wle 'sub Dog::new; my Dog $spot; print "ok"'
$ perl -wle 'sub Dog::new; my Dog $spot = 1'

The first example is obvious, as is the second. The third one is

I therefore propose that Cmy Dog $spot comes to mean that C$spot
is restricted to being either undefined or a reference to a CDog
object (or any subclasses of Dog). Simply having this implicit
assertion can be useful to the programmer, but I would argue that its
main advantage is that the compiler knows the object's interface at
compile time and can potentially use this fact to speed up method

=head2 Examples

In class methods:

package Dog;
sub speak {
my Dog $self = shift; # Sadly 'my __PACKAGE__ $self' doesn't work
print $self-name, " barks!\n";

Admittedly, this makes little sense unless there is some optimization
available, but it can still be useful as a notational convenience.

Or, consider the case where you have an CAnimalShelter object and
you're looking to get a Dog from there.

my AnimalShelter $shelter = RSPCA-find_nearest_shelter;
my Dog $stray;

try {
PET: while (!defined($stray)) {
$stray = $shelter-next_animal;
catch Exception::WrongClass {
next PET;

Admittedly this makes some assumptions about the possibility of loops
within try blocks, but I think the point is still valid.

My main concern with this proposal is to make it possible to use the
Cmy Dog $spot syntax along with it's associated (posited)
optimizations and assertions wherever it's appropriate in user code. 


I've not really looked into using source filters, but if 
Cmy Dog $spot can be mapped to
Ctie my $spot, Tie::Invariant, 'Dog' then Tie::Invariant can look
something like:

package Tie::Invariant;
use carp;

my $self = bless {value = undef}, shift;
$self-{class} = shift;
return $self;

sub FETCH {
my $self = shift;
return $self-value;

sub STORE {
my($self,$newval) = @_;

if (!defined($newval) || (ref($newval) 
  UNIVERSAL::isa($newval, "UNIVERSAL") 
  $newval-isa($self-{class}))) {
croak "Value must be 'undef' or be a $self-{class}"
$self-{value} = $newval;


Migration issues should be minor, the only problem arising when people
have assigned things that aren't objects of the appropriate type to
typed variables, but they deserve to lose anyway.


RFC 171: my Dog $spot should call a constructor implicitly

This RFC is a counter RFC to RFC 171. See my forthcoming
'new pragma: use package' RFC for something that addresses one of the
concerns of RFC 171.

RFC 137: Overview: Perl OO should Inot be fundamentally changed

My guiding principle.



Re: Draft RFC: my Dog $spot is just an assertion

2000-09-12 Thread Damian Conway

Piers wrote:

The behaviour of the my Dog $spot syntax should simply be an
assertion of the invariant: 

   (!defined($spot) || (ref($spot) $spot-isa('Dog)))

(!defined($spot) || (ref($spot)  $spot-isa('Dog')))

Otherwise, AMEN!
