> Larry Wall profounded:
> On Fri, Jun 16, 2006 at 11:51:09AM +0930, Tom Lanyon wrote:
> : On Thu, Jun 15, 2006 at 10:12:12PM -0400, Matt Todd wrote:
> : > I really like these. I think you're on to something. I'm
> definitely in
> : > favor of Momi Wiki, or just Momi.
> :
> : Just 'Momi' sounds good, I really like it.
> Hmm, 'Momi' will be mispronounced by some English speakers as
> "mommy".

All that's missing is -hood and apple pi (Pugs-style).

> so it'd
> be cool if it works as a bilingual pun.

IMHO, preferably in semi-universal "languages" (such as math,
programming notation), so as not to overly discriminate against other
major natural languages (versus all of them :-).

OTOH, "Perl++" is already a multi-way pun, and is also multiply

Along those lines, "++Lisp++" is tempting name, but would {likely,
unintentionally} offend most pro-Lispers, and less cosmopolitan
Perlers would {likely, unfortunately} not recognize this as
overwhelmingly positive comment on Perl6. 

Related claim: very roughly speaking, Lisp:AI prog <--> Perl6:NI prog,
but where Perl NI (Natural Intelligence) programming will eventually
both {subsume, exceed} traditional Lisp AI prog, due to much better
P2H (Program to Human) "cognitive impedance matching". 

Related analogy: In terms of notation, Perl6 versus modern Lisps is
analogous to "deism versus dotism" in calculus notation (Leibnitz's
"d/dx notation" versus Newton's "dot notation"). The d-notation
(especially when enhanced with "quasi-sigils" distinguishing full
derivatives, partial derivatives, loop integrals, and so on) proved
very much easier to "naturally" comprehend and use--especially for
increasingly {sophisticated, complex} applications. For decades after
the Leibnitz/Newton inventions of calculus, dogged adherence to dotism
had a considerable stultifying effect on its users, relative to the
rapidly progressing deists (for whom combinational play with the
notation suggested many {important, powerful} {applications, theorems,
proofs}), and so dotism was eventually abandoned. The main difference
here is that Perl6 came along well after modern Lisp, and had the
prior examples of {Smalltalk, Python, Ruby, Perl5, and so on} to
suggest better "human interfaces" for incorporating "Lisp's greatest
hits" (among other things).

BTW, back to the original topic, "Perlcosm" is also semi-punish, and
s/co/ga/ is perhaps too much more so. :-)

But I still {prefer, vote for} Perl++ as the name of the primary
meta-wiki for all things Perl. 

Best regards,
Conrad Schneiker

http://perl.net.au/wiki/Perl_6_Users_FAQ (Moved from AthenaLab to Perl
6 Wiki.)

www.AthenaLab.com (Nano-electron-beam and micro-neutron-beam

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