> From: Carl 

> We're pleased to annouce the release of November, a wiki engine written
> in Perl 6.
> November is:
> * ...a proof-of-concept of what Rakudo Perl 6 can do today.
> * ...released early rather than "when it's done".
> * ...meant to promote interest and involvement in Perl 6/Rakudo/Parrot
>   development.
> To learn more, please browse the slides from the YAPC:EU 2008 lightning
> talk:
>  <http://viklund.pp.se/november.pdf>

I have added your link to the Official Perl 6 wiki here:


(Anyone else producing interesting Perl 6 articles and presentations should
also add links to that page.)

> November is free, released under the Artistic License 2.0, and
> available
> online:



By the way, in the U.S., Thanksgiving day happens to be in November. 
So thanks in advance.

Do you plan to make a publicly-usable version of this wiki available,
on the feather development system?

Best regards,
Conrad Schneiker


Official Perl 6 Wiki — http://www.perlfoundation.org/perl6 
Official Parrot Wiki — http://www.perlfoundation.org/parrot 

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