Re: perl6's new name?

2019-08-13 Thread Eliza


on 2019/8/14 5:19, Laurent Rosenfeld via perl6-users wrote:
Having said that, I should add that if the name should really change, I 
think Camelia is probably the least bad idea that I can think of.

Following the link:

June - Pearl
July - Ruby
August - Peridot

So how about perl6 renames to Peridot or Peri?


Type name limit?

2019-08-13 Thread Mark Devine
This is Rakudo version 2019.07.1 built on MoarVM version 2019.07.1 implementing 
Perl 6.d.

Is there a type “name” size limit in Perl 6/Rakudo/Moar?

I’ve been making a hierarchy of classes to take in a > 4MB XML file, and I 
found it organized & convenient to use the names of the elements for class 
names and folders/.pm6 file names.  Perl 6 lets me do this for a few levels, 
then eventually refuses to compile because the latest (deep-in-the-hierarchy) 
class I added & ‘use’ and type an attribute with ‘has’ – is deemed insufficient 
as a type.  (actually the compile error says the parent of the new class isn't 
sufficiently type-like anymore)

Hypervisor::IBM::POWER::HMC # a REST API client package
  ::ManagedSystems  # xml root
::Managed-System# etc.
:: etc.
  :: etc.

Since I’ve encountered the compile error I’ve started folding the class files 
at an arbitrary level, but that’s not intuitive.  Implementing the hierarchy in 
the file system and class names seems much better.  (34" monitors are prevalent 

If there is a type-name limit, then it would appear to be arbitrary.  Is it 

Would anyone care to clarify?



Re: perl6's new name?

2019-08-13 Thread Laurent Rosenfeld via perl6-users
I don't think the decision has been made so far. At this point, it is a
proposal  by one (or possibly several) individual(s) whom I very much

And it is definitely not going to hapopen this week (and quite probably not
this month).

Even though my opinion on the subject is probably irrelevant to most
people, I want to say for the record that I'm personally not in favor of a
name change, as I'm afraid that this will make things even more complicated
than they currently are. Perl 6 has been known under this name for almost
20 years by now, giving it a new name now might just blur everything in the
mind of most people. "The ship has sailed," as they say. I'm afraid that
changing the name today might actually become a marketing disaster. And I
am not saying that as an author of one of the Perl 6 books, my concern is
really not to lose sales on my book (if it were, my book wouldn't be freely
available on-line and open source).

At the same time, I can certainly understand some of the arguments for a
name change.

Having said that, I should add that if the name should really change, I
think Camelia is probably the least bad idea that I can think of.


Le mar. 13 août 2019 à 21:46, William Michels via perl6-users <> a écrit :

> I've put up two name suggestions for Perl 6:
> Specifics:
> I'm not sure why this decision has to be made now. A number of good
> books just released under the "Perl 6" name, so those authors will
> lose sales traction. But if a name-change is inevitable, it seems that
> the 5 year anniversary of the release of Perl 6 is coming up on
> Christmas Day, 2020. Why not then?
> I's primary season and election season in the US, so if someone wants
> to put up a Doodle-Poll, this might be fun. We can get a better idea
> of how popular the names Camelia, Raku, ofun, Nuperl, Neuperl,
> larrylang, Albus, Perlsix, Zeta, etc. are .
> Otherwise, why this month? Why this week?

Re: perl6's new name?

2019-08-13 Thread William Michels via perl6-users
I've put up two name suggestions for Perl 6:




I'm not sure why this decision has to be made now. A number of good
books just released under the "Perl 6" name, so those authors will
lose sales traction. But if a name-change is inevitable, it seems that
the 5 year anniversary of the release of Perl 6 is coming up on
Christmas Day, 2020. Why not then?

I's primary season and election season in the US, so if someone wants
to put up a Doodle-Poll, this might be fun. We can get a better idea
of how popular the names Camelia, Raku, ofun, Nuperl, Neuperl,
larrylang, Albus, Perlsix, Zeta, etc. are .

Otherwise, why this month? Why this week?

Re: perl6's new name?

2019-08-13 Thread David Christensen

On 8/11/19 11:14 PM, Eliza wrote:

Hello perl6 world,

I saw the perl6 github issue, just was confused will perl6 change its name?

I don't know whether to take this is troll bait or a real issue.  Lots 
of people seem to be responding; so in case the issue is real, I will 
make two points against changing the name of Perl 6

From an X.Y major-minor version numbering system standpoint, X is 
incremented whenever the product changes significantly.  In the context 
of computer programming languages, source code incompatibility is an 
obvious criteria for changing X.  If source code is compatible after a 
change, then Y should be changed.  Perl 6 is significantly different 
from Perl 5, and, in general, Perl 6 programs are incompatible with the 
Perl 5 compiler/ interpreter and vice-versa.  Therefore, the "6" was 
properly applied and "Perl 6" is correct.

From a practical standpoint, there is too much water under the bridge. 
Name changes need to be done up front (Ruby was done properly in this 


Re: perl6's new name?

2019-08-13 Thread David E.
It's been said before, but I do think that the "Perl6" name is holding back
adoption.  Too many people think of the old Perl, and have no interest in
looking at what's changed in a new version of the "same" language.
Whatever the new name ultimately becomes, changing it (perhaps timed with a
new major release of the Rakudo implementation), would do much to improve

Camelia could work, but I'll throw in another suggestion that's been in my
head for a while:  *PANL* - short for "Perl 6 is A New Language".
Alternatively, its components can be referred to as the "PAN Language",
"PAN Interpreter", "PAN Specification", etc with a possible logo being a
frying pan (held by a camel?) mixing up all of the best language concepts &
tools ;-)

It's short and makes clear that this is a part of the Perl family (for
those that care), while still conveying that it is, for all intents and
purposes, a new language.


On Tue, Aug 13, 2019 at 1:21 AM BELOSCAR Christian <> wrote:

> Camelia : Excellent idea Eliza, I totally agree with yours arguments and
> what a sympathetic non technical name
> accorded with its logo and attracting young programmers too. I vote for
> this choice with enthusiasm !
> Chris
> Le lun. 12 août 2019 à 08:15, Eliza  a écrit :
>> Hello perl6 world,
>> I saw the perl6 github issue, just was confused will perl6 change its
>> name?
>> Perl 6 was initially conceived to be the next version of Perl 5. It took
>> way too long to mature to an initial release. Meanwhile, people
>> interested in taking Perl 5 along, took back the reigns and continued
>> developing Perl 5.
>> Having two programming languages that are sufficiently different to not
>> be source compatible, but only differ in what many perceive to be a
>> version number, is hurting the image of both Perl 5 and Perl 6 in the
>> world. Since the word "Perl" is still perceived as "Perl 5" in the
>> world, it only seems fair that "Perl 6" changes its name.
>> Since Larry has indicated, in his video message to the participants of
>> PerlCon 2019 in Riga, that the two sister languages are now old and wise
>> enough to take care of themselves, such a name change would no longer
>> require the approval of the BDFL.
>> I would therefore propose to change the name to "the Camelia Programming
>> Language" or "Camelia" for short, for several reasons:
>> the search term "camelia programming language" already brings you to the
>> right place. This means that changing the name to "Camelia" will have
>> minimal impact on findability on search engines such as Google and
>> DuckDuckGo.
>> the logo / mascot would not need changing: it's just that it now also
>> becomes the actual name of the programming language.
>> "Camelia" in its name, still carries something Perlish inside of it.
>> The concept of "Camelia" being an implementation of a specification in
>> "roast", still stands. The alternative, to use "Rakudo" as the name of
>> the language, would cause confusion with the name being used to indicate
>> an implementation, and would endanger the separation between
>> specification and implementation.
>> Choosing yet another name, such as Albus, would mean having to start
>> from scratch with marketing and getting the name out there. Hence my
>> preference for a known name such as "Camelia".
>> The "Camelia" logo is still copyright Larry Wall, so it would allow
>> Larry to still be connected to one of the programming languages that he
>> helped get into the world.
>> regards,
>> Eliza