Re: missing block

2024-03-03 Thread ToddAndMargo via perl6-users

On 3/3/24 04:25, Elizabeth Mattijsen wrote:

On 3 Mar 2024, at 05:12, ToddAndMargo via perl6-users  
$ raku -I./ -c CobianWrapper.pl6
Missing block
at /home/CDs/Windows/NtUtil/CobianWrapper.pl6:1000

1000 is the last line in my code.  I presume by
"block" they mean something like "]" or "}"

Do I really have to read 1000 lines of code to find my screw
up?   Anyone have a tip on how to find it quicker?

I use `vim` as the editor.

In `vim` if I have this situation, then I put the cursor on the first opening { 
 and press `%`.  This brings me to the corresponding closing }.

If the associated closing curly does not match your expectations, then you're 
nearing the source of the problem.

I assume other code editor have a similar `%` functionality.

Hi Elizabeth,

I learned vi about 35 years ago.  I still use
it occasionally.  I will have to try out that
% feature out.  Thank you!   (I just made
a quick "Keeper" out of it.)

I use Geany for programming a lot.  Primarily
as is works well with ssh X11 over poor internet

Geany has a thing were you park on a bracket of
some type and it will turn the other end blue.
So, something similar to vi (an alias to vim).

To work around the missing block issue, I always
place both sides of a {} before writing inside
them.  It does not always work if I ramble too much.

And it is the tip off that I have rambled on too
much and need to put some things into subs.
Considering I am a YUGE proponent of "top down"
programming, I really should know better.

This is what became of your help:

sub SortList( @List, Str $Msg, Bool $NoDebug )  {
   my @Sorted = Empty;
   @Sorted = @List.sort(*.split(/\d+/, :kv).map({ (try .Numeric) // 

   if  %Options< Debug >  && not $NoDebug  {
  print "$Msg";
  for @Sorted.kv -> $Index, $Element  {
  print "   Element [$Index]  <$Element>\n";
   return @Sorted;

sub ListParentDir( Str $Msg, Bool $NoDebug = False  )  {
   # list and sort %Options
   my @List = Empty;
   for dir( %Options ) { push @List, $_.Str };
   @List = SortList @List, $Msg, $NoDebug;
   return @List;

It really cut down on the clutter and made missing
bracket much easier to find.

Oh and you helped me fix a bug in my program that I
had though was a Windows error that had been going
on for years.  Thank you again!


Re: pint: Elizabeth, sort list???

2024-03-03 Thread Elizabeth Mattijsen
> On 3 Mar 2024, at 03:32, ToddAndMargo via perl6-users  
> wrote:
>> On 3/2/24 05:13, Elizabeth Mattijsen wrote:
>>> .sort(*.split(/\d+/, :kv).map({ (try .Numeric) // $_}).List)
>> Hi Elizabeth,
>> It works perfectly.  Thank you!
>> I have no idea why, I will ask you in another post
> Would you take apart your sort piece by piece and explain
> each part?

Actually, the expression can be refined a bit:

say .sort(*.split(/\d+/, :v).map({ (try .Int) // $_}).List)

Sort works by using `cmp` semantics by default.

If `cmp` is called on two lists, it will `cmp` each element and return the 
result of the first comparison that did not produce `Same`.

If you call `sort` with a Callable that takes only one argument, it is taken as 
the producer of the actual values that will be compared, basically doing a 
Schwartzian transform under the hood.

A whatever code (which is what we specified here) produces a Callable with a 
single argument.  So we'll be doing a Schwartzian transform under the hood.

The `split` splits the value (each element in the list) on any set of Numeric 
characters (`\d+`), *but* also produces the strings that were split on (`:v`). 
(The previous version had .kv, but that just produces more identical entries in 
the list, which only will make comparisons slower).

The resulting values from the `split` are then mapped to an integer value (if 
possible: `(try .Int)` and if that fails, just returns the value (`// $_`).  
(The previous version had `.Numeric`, which will also work, but since `\d+` can 
only produce integers, it's an extra unnecessary step).

Then convert the `.Seq` that is produced by the `.map` to a `List`.  Otherwise 
we'd be comparing `Seq` objects, and the semantics of those are undefined.

So for `"afoo12" cmp "afoo2"`, we will be doing `("afoo", 12) cmp ("afoo", 2)`. 
 Which would do: `"afoo" cmp "afoo"`, which produces `Same`, and then do `12 
cmp 2`, which will return `More`, and thus will cause swapping the order of 

Hope that made sense!