Re: XML module question?

2021-07-16 Thread David Warring
The XML::Writer  module side-steps any
ordering issues by directly serializing data structures to xml:

$ raku -M XML::Writer -e'say XML::Writer.serialize: :wpt[ :lat<42>,
:long<69>, "blah" ]'

On Sat, Jul 17, 2021 at 4:48 AM Bruce Gray 

> > On Jul 15, 2021, at 11:02 PM, William Michels via perl6-users <
>> wrote:
> (and I re-ordered):
> > Any help appreciated,
> > Thanks, Bill.
> > I'm trying to put an answer together for SO, and I keep running into the
> same difficulty. Given a CSV file,
> Note: input is a log file, not in CSV format.
> > how can one produce an XML file with latitude and longitude values
> properly quoted? Every time I get proper quoting, "lat" and "lon" are
> scrambled (i.e. sometimes "lat" first, sometimes "lat" second).
> ...
> > using the "make-xml()" function from the XML module, I end up scrambling
> "lat/lon”:
> You are using the correct XML module, and you are using it correctly.
> Similar to a Raku hash, the attributes in an XML start-tag are *unordered*.
> While the inconsistant ordering may be displeasing to our human eyes, any
> program reading XML should treat your current output identically to your
> desired output.
> In Raku-speak, these two hashes have the same contents:
> my %wpt1 = lat => 'A', lon => 'z';
> my %wpt2 = lon => 'z', lat => 'A’;
> Designers of XML libraries are reluctant to add the ability to force an
> ordering; it would lead to XML-reading programs making improper assumptions.
> Like many major XML libraries in other languages, I see no such ability in
> the Raku XML module.
> See:
> Note that the order of attribute specifications
> in a start-tag or empty-element tag is not significant.
> > Conversely, if I manage to restrict "lat/lon" to the correct order, I
> lose the equals sign and proper (value) quotation.
> Unless you just hardcode a template and insert the lat/lon/datetime values
> (never a good idea), you will have to live with the varying order.
> I will point out that the XML library also does not output the multi-line
> indentation that the OP shows; it is irrelevant in XML.
> > $ raku -MXML -e 'my @xml = do for lines() {make-xml("wpt",
> :lat(.words[5].subst(";")), :lon(.words[8]), \("time",.words[0..2]))}; .put
> for @xml;’  lat_lon.txt
> Minor critiques:
> That use of `@array = do for lines() {…}` is more commonly written as
> `@array = lines().map: {…}`
> raku -MXML -e 'my @xml = lines().map: {make-xml("wpt",
> :lat(.words[5].subst(";")), :lon(.words[8]), \("time",.words[0..2]))}; .put
> for @xml;'  lat_lon.txt
> Nothing is gained by creating an array, just to print each line of the
> array, so your can just `put` each time you construct an XML line.
> raku -MXML -e 'for lines() { put make-xml("wpt",
> :lat(.words[5].subst(";")), :lon(.words[8]), \("time",.words[0..2])) }'
> lat_lon.txt
> When all the output is per-line based on the input, the `-p` or `-n` flag
> removes the need for `for lines`.
> raku -MXML -ne 'put make-xml("wpt", :lat(.words[5].subst(";")),
> :lon(.words[8]), \("time",.words[0..2]))'  lat_lon.txt
> > So far, I can correctly swap the date/time to the end:
> >
> > $ raku -MXML -e 'my @reordered = do for lines()
> {(.words[3..*],.words[0..2])}; .put for @reordered;’  lat_lon.txt
> I am sure that `-MXML` is leftover from other experiments.
> Removing `@reordered` and switching to `-n` like my critiques above, this
> becomes:
> raku -ne 'put (.words[3..*],.words[0..2]);' lat_lon.txt
> To “wow” the SO crowd, you might note that @array[N..*],@array[0..N-1] has
> a shortcut in Raku (.rotate), making this the tightest of all the solutions
> I see so far:
> raku -ne 'put .words.rotate(3);'  lat_lon.txt
> --
> Hope this helps,
> Bruce Gray (Util of PerlMonks)

Re: ^methods doesn't show all methods

2021-02-16 Thread David Warring
I'm getting this on Rakudo blead.

$ raku -v
Welcome to Rakudo(tm) v2020.12-129-g291cc5f39.
Implementing the Raku(tm) programming language v6.d.
Built on MoarVM version 2020.12-100-gc93531608.
$ raku -e'my $s = set 2, 4, 6; say $s.^methods>>.name.sort;'
DELETE-KEY EXISTS-KEY Hash Int Map Mix MixHash Mixy Num Numeric Real STORE
Set SetHash Setty Str WHICH antipairs default elems fmt gist grab grabpairs
hash item iterator keyof keys kv list maxpairs minpairs new new-from-pairs
of pairs pick pickpairs raku roll total values)

Which does seem to include associative methods
- David

On Wed, Feb 17, 2021 at 8:25 AM Joseph Brenner  wrote:

> Set objects have Associative methods:
>   my $s = set 2, 4, 6;
>   say $s.keys;   # (4 2 6)
> But I don't see them in the list from .^methods:
>   say $s.^methods;
>   # (menu default pick minpairs Setty grabpairs SET-SELF raku
> Method+{is-nodal}.new Real Baggy iterator keyof Method+{is-nodal}.new
> Method+{is-nodal}.new Method+{is-nodal}.new Mixy of grab
> Method+{is-nodal}.new ACCEPTS new elems Method+{is-nodal}.new Str
> Method+{is-nodal}.new WHICH Bool RAW-HASH fmt new-from-pairs Numeric
> total maxpairs Method+{is-nodal}.new Capture Method+{is-nodal}.new
> Method+{is-nodal}.new Method+{is-nodal}.new Int gist
> Method+{is-nodal}.new Method+{is-nodal}.new Method+{is-nodal}.new
> Method+{is-nodal}.new Num Method+{is-nodal}.new Method+{is-nodal}.new
> Method+{is-nodal}.new roll pickpairs STORE BUILDALL)
>   say so $s.^methods.gist.grep(/<>/); # False
> I'm using the latest rakudo star release: v2020.10.
> Has this been fixed in later versions of Raku?

Re: Is LibraryMake still current?

2019-12-22 Thread David Warring
Hi Fernando,
I'm still in the habit of using LibraryMake. E.g. for released in this last few months.

On Sun, Dec 22, 2019 at 7:47 AM Fernando Santagata <> wrote:

> Hello,
> What can I use to help building native code for a Raku module?
> Is LibraryMake still the preferred method or there's something else to use
> nowadays?
> Thanks!
> --
> Fernando Santagata

Re: Fastest way to convert from a Buf to a Str?

2019-02-03 Thread David Warring
Are all characters in the range 0-255, ie latin-1 characters?

You could then try: my $str =  $buf.decode("latin-1");

There's one potential  issue if your data could contain DOS end of lines
("\r\n"), which will get translated to a single logical "\n" in the decoded

- David

On Sun, Feb 3, 2019 at 7:16 PM Brad Gilbert  wrote:

> This:
> for ( @$BinaryFile ) -> $Char { $StrFile ~= chr($Char); }
> is better written as
> my $StrFile = $*.chr).reduce(* ~ *);
> It is also exactly equivalent to just e
> # if $BinaryFile is a Buf
> my $StrFile = $BinaryFile.decode('latin1');
> # if it isn't
> my $StrFile =$BinaryFile).decode('latin1');
> If you don't otherwise need $BinaryFile
> my $fh = open 'test', :enc('latin1');
> my $StrFile = $fh.slurp;
> or
> my $StrFile = 'test'.IO.slurp(:enc('latin1'));
> ---
> Buf and Str used to be treated more alike, and it was very confusing.
> There should be more methods on Buf that work like the methods on Str,
> but that is about it.
> Having a string act like a buffer in Modula 2 probably works fine
> because it barely supports Unicode at all.
> Here is an example of why it can't work like that in Perl6:
> my $a = 'a';
> my $c = $a ~ $b;
> my $d = $a.encode ~ $b.encode;
> my $e =$a.encode) ~$b.encode);
> say $a.encode; # utf8:0x<61>
> say $b.encode; # utf8:0x
> say $c.encode; # utf8:0x
> say $d; # utf8:0x<61 CC 81>
> say $e; # Buf:0x<61 CC 81>
> Notice that `$c.encode` and `$d` are different even though they are
> made from the same parts.
> `$d` and `$e` are similar because they are dealing with lists of
> numbers not strings.
> On Sat, Feb 2, 2019 at 9:23 PM ToddAndMargo via perl6-users
>  wrote:
> >
> > Hi All,
> >
> > I need to read a file into a buffer (NO CONVERSIONS!)
> > and then convert it to a string (again with no
> > conversions).
> >
> > I have been doing this:
> >
> > for ( @$BinaryFile ) -> $Char { $StrFile ~= chr($Char); }
> >
> > But it takes a bit of time.  What is the fastest way to do this?
> >
> > I guess there is not a way to create/declare a variable that is
> > both Buf and Str at the same time?  That would mean I did not
> > have to convert anything.  I use to get away with this under
> > Module 2 all the time.
> >
> > $ p6 'my $B =, 0x66, 0x77); $B.Str ~= "z";'
> > Cannot use a Buf as a string, but you called the Str method on it
> >in block  at -e line 1
> >
> > $ p6 'my $B =, 0x66, 0x77); Str($B) ~= "z";'
> > Cannot use a Buf as a string, but you called the Str method on it
> >in block  at -e line 1
> >
> >
> > Many thanks,
> > -T
> >
> > --
> > 
> > A computer without Microsoft is like
> > a chocolate cake without the mustard
> > 

Re: Are 64 bit natives universally available?

2017-08-27 Thread David Warring
Thanks Liz,
I just had a momentary concern that they might not be available on Win32 or
other 32 bit platforms.
Roast confirms that they're available everywhere as well.


On Mon, Aug 28, 2017 at 9:08 AM, Elizabeth Mattijsen <> wrote:

> They have been available since Christmas, afaik.
> > On 27 Aug 2017, at 22:42, David Warring <> wrote:
> >
> > Quick question.
> >
> > I just want to doublle check that int64,  uint64 are universally
> available via Perl 6, before introducing them into modules. e.g.
> > % perl6 -e'my uint64 $n = 99; say $n'
> > 99
> >
> > - David

Are 64 bit natives universally available?

2017-08-27 Thread David Warring
Quick question.

I just want to doublle check that int64,  uint64 are universally available
via Perl 6, before introducing them into modules. e.g.
% perl6 -e'my uint64 $n = 99; say $n'

- David

Re: Bi-directional communication with another process

2017-07-27 Thread David Warring
Thanks Timo,
A Proc::Async example, after reading the doco. Agree, that't better, even
for the simple case :-)
- David

my $proc ='sh', '-c', 'for x in `seq 1 1` ; do echo
"o$x"; echo "e$x" 1>&2; done');

# subscribe to new output from out and err handles:
$proc.stdout.tap(-> $v { print "o:$v" }, quit => { say 'caught exception '
~ .^name });
$proc.stderr.tap(-> $v { print "e:$v" });

say "Starting...";
my $promise = $proc.start;

# wait for the external program to terminate
await $promise;
say "Done.";

On Fri, Jul 28, 2017 at 12:42 PM, Timo Paulssen  wrote:

> We have Proc::Async which removes the need for the select call itself

Re: ding!

2017-05-31 Thread David Warring
Does printing an ASCII BEL character do what you want?

perl6 -e'print "\x7"'

On Thu, Jun 1, 2017 at 3:23 PM, ToddAndMargo  wrote:

> Hi All,
> Does Perl 6 have a build in "ding" sound, or do I
> need to make a system call (which I do all
> the time in bash script)?
> Many thanks,
> -T
> --
> ~
> When we ask for advice, we are usually looking for an accomplice.
>--  Charles Varlet de La Grange
> ~

Re: Union

2016-04-11 Thread David Warring
Hi Marcel,
With regard to checking for endianess. I don't think there's anything built
in NativeCall that directly determines this, but hopefuly the following
should do it, without resorting to a C compiler.

use NativeCall;
sub little-endian returns Bool {
my $i = CArray[uint32].new: 0x01234567;
my $j = nativecast(CArray[uint8], $i);
say sprintf("j[0]:%x j[3]:%x", $j[0], $j[3]);
$j[0] == 0x67;

say "little-endian:" ~ little-endian;

I've only tested this on a little endian architecture.

Source: I ported the 'C' answer to this SO question:

On Tue, Apr 12, 2016 at 6:30 AM, Marcel Timmerman  wrote:

> Hi
> Thanks for your answer. I was thinking in perl6, I should have been more
> explicit. At the moment I am converting Num to a float representation in
> my
> BSON module and was wondering if there where easier ways and maybe faster
> too.
> Regards,
> Marcel
> --- Forwarded message ---
> From: Marcel Timmerman 
> Date: April 11, 2016 8:28:22 PM
> Subject: Re: Union
> To: Parrot Raiser <>
> Hi
> Thanks for your answer. I was thinking in perl6, I should have been more
> explicit. At the moment I am converting Num to a float representation in my
> BSON module and was wondering if there where easier ways and maybe faster
> too.
> Regards,
> Marcel

Re: Custom accessor compose via traits

2015-07-30 Thread David Warring
Just to give a bit more background.

If you've ever looked at a PDF, it's mostly constructed of fairly
conventional data structures such as arrays, dictionaries, names (hash
keys), byte-stings and numbers. These mostly map reasonably well to Perl
6's built in types.

However, these are then organized into indirect objects, e.g.

 0 obj
 /Type /Pages /Count 1 /Kids [ 4 0 R ] 
4 0 obj
 /Type /Page /MediaBox [ 0 0 420 595 ] 


Which is roughly equivalent to:

my $Page = { :TypePage, :MediaBox[0, 0, 420, 595 ] };
my $Pages = { :TypePages , :Count(1) };

Or at least should be this simple if we can hide indirect objects. These
only need to be handled at a low level when reading or writing to PDF's.

On top of that gradual typing can be used for validation. MediaBox for
example should always be present in Page of objects and is always an array.

At least that's the theory. I've got an experimental module under
construction over at

Field access need to be flexible. It's sometimes the case that user code
will need to get at additional entries which are specified.

It's got a pretty simple tied interface to arrays and hashes, which are a
bit more evolved than the above.

hash methods are also overrride: AT-KEY ( $foobar) , and ASSIGN-KEY
($foobar = 42)

It's an experiment, which is so far, progressing pretty well, the above is
just a nit.
- David

On Fri, Jul 31, 2015 at 9:47 AM, David Warring

 The example below is combines traits (S14)  Lvalue subs (S06) to create a
 base class SimpleTiedHash that ties Attributes to the hash using the
 'Entry' accessor.

 PDFCatalog is an example instance class.

 This mostly works well. But SimpleTiedHash currently has a hacky way of
 overriding the built-in accessor.

 -- The :entry trait detects then overrides the Attribute `has_accessor
 property, setting it back to false. This `fools` Perl6 class system into
 not generating a standard accessor.

 -- The SimpleTiedHash.compose method only needs to be invoked once per
 class instance initialization, but is currently getting called too late and
 repeatedly via the  new method.

 Is there a better way of adding custom accessors from traits, just once
 when classes are being initialized?

 Code sample below
 - David
 my role TiedAtt {
 has Bool $.is-entry = True;
 has Bool $.gen-accessor is rw;
 has method has_accessor { False }

 multi trait_mod:is(Attribute $att is rw, :$entry!) is export(:DEFAULT) {
 # fool rakudo into not generating a standard accessor

 my $gen-accessor = $att.has_accessor;
 $att does TiedAtt;
 $att.gen-accessor = $gen-accessor;

 class SimpleTiedHash
 is Hash {
 # base class

 sub att-accessor($obj, Str $key, Attribute $att) {
 FETCH = method {
 STORE = method ($val is copy) {
 # simple typecheck

 die $key: {$val.perl} has wrong type
 unless $val ~~ $att.type;
 $obj{$key} = $val;

 # create accessors

 method compose {
 for self.^attributes.grep({ .name ~~ /^'$!'[A..Z]/ 
 ) }) - $att {
 my $key = $^'$!'/, '');
 warn setting up attribute $key;
 if $att.gen-accessor   ! self.^declares_method($key) {
 self.^add_method( $key, method {
 att-accessor(self, $key, $att ) } );

 method new(|c) {
 my $obj = callsame;
 # happening too late.

 # should ideally be invoked once during class initialisation

 warn composing...;

 class PDFCatalog
 is SimpleTiedHash {
  # data instance class

 has Str $.Version is entry;
 has Hash $.Pages is entry;
 method ping{say 42}


 my $cat =;
 $cat.Version = '1.3';
 $cat.Pages = { :Count(0), :Kids[] };

 say $cat.Version;
 say $catVersion;
 say $cat.Pages.perl;

Re: Need Help with Perl 6 Module Test::Builder

2015-04-01 Thread David Warring
Hi Tom,
I'm seeing the failure(s) as well.

I've put in a PR that hopefully addresses this issue -

While we're waiting for the author, you can try checkout out, and building


On Thu, Apr 2, 2015 at 3:51 AM, Tom Browder wrote:

 I need Perl 6 module Test::Builder to continue porting CPAN Perl 5
 module Geo::Ellipdoid to Perl 6.

 Test::Builder currently is in the Task::Star module but it fails
 during the build process with Rakudo 2015.03 (it did NOT fail with
 Rakudo 2015.02).

 I have filed a bug report at the github source repo
 (, and have attempted
 to contact the original author (Kevin Polulak, Email:, IRC: soh_cah_toa) with no success yet.

 The offending line with 'make test' is shown in the error message:

 ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling lib/Test/Builder/
 Virtual call $.expected may not be used on partially constructed objects
 at lib/Test/Builder/
 -- alid or missing plan!' unless $.expected�.defined;
 expecting any of:
 prefix or term
 make: *** [blib/lib/Test/Builder/] Error 1

 Then, when I comment out the offending line, I get this with 'make test':

 ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling lib/Test/
 The following packages were stubbed but not defined:
 at lib/Test/
 -- done unless $TEST_BUILDER.done_testing }�EOL
 expecting any of:
 statement end
 make: *** [blib/lib/Test/] Error 1

 And I, a mere noob, have no idea how to proceed.  I think that it will
 take some careful study of the whole package to see how the class
 constructors interrelate, but that will take some time.  Could the
 singleton use be the problem?

 In the meantime, does anyone have any idea what might have triggered
 the failure between Rakudo 2015.02 and 2015.03?  Were there any
 significant changes in the class construction that might be a place to
 look?  Singleton use?

 I did re-visit at the Rakudo 2015.03 announcement and didn't notice
 anything obvious that seemed to affect the modules involved.

 Final questions:

 1. Am I the only person seeing this failure?

 2. If the failure continues (assuming  I'm not the only one, shouldn't
 it be marked bad and removed from Task::Star?

 Thanks for any ideas.



Re: Gather, take, newbie questions

2013-12-11 Thread David Warring
Hi Jacinta,
I get a bit further with my build of Perl 6, which at least runs:

% perl6

Are you maybe using an old Perl6? Try:

% perl6 -e'say $*PERL'

(name = rakudo, compiler = {name = rakudo, ver =
2013.11-22-g262e600, release-number = , build-date =
2013-12-05T22:52:45Z, codename = }).hash

 Confused at line 19, near }\n\nsub fib

- David

Re: Perl 6 / Rakudo unicode code point ranges

2013-02-20 Thread David Warring
Hi Will,

On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 3:52 AM, Will Coleda wrote:

 The code points giving you trouble are 0xFDD0..0xFDEF:

 You can split this into two ranges to avoid the problematic points (and
 could use this to combine the distinct ranges you have above.)

 $  perl6 -e 'say ?(\c[0xFDCF] ~~

Thanks for clarifying that.

 Note that if you have invalid UTF-8 input, though, you'll still get the
 invalid character error, so you'll need to deal with that before trying to
 use the rule.

 $  perl6 -e 'say ?(\c[0xFDD0] ~~
 Invalid character for UTF-8 encoding

 Hope this helps.

 Yes I think so. The rule seems to be trying to step around invalid
code-points; and every thing that it rejects blows up when you try to
encode it anyway.

So as long as I'm only parsing encoded strings, the following much simpler
rule should suffice:

token nonascii   {- [\x0..\x7F]}

(also using \x7F rather than \c[0x7F] - as suggested)

- David

 On Mon, Feb 18, 2013 at 11:29 PM, David Warring 

 Hi Guys,
 A quick question.

 I'm trying to interpret unicode code-point ranges from the CSS 3 spec -

 The rule in question is

 nonascii :== #x80-#xD7FF #xE000-#xFFFD #x1-#x10

 Where (I think) these are unicode code-point ranges.

 The latest rakudo build is fine with:

 % perl6 -e perl6 -e '/[\c[0x80]..\c[0xD7FF]]/'

 ...but doesn't like the second (or third) range:

 % perl6 -e '/[\c[0xE000]..\c[0xFFFD]]/'
 Invalid character for UTF-8 encoding

 ...the individual code points are ok:

 % perl6 -e '/[\c[0xE000]]/'
 % perl6 -e '/[\c[0xFFFD]]/'

 I'm think I'm getting the above error because not all unicode code-points
 are defined for the range xE000 to xFFFD - see  .

 I'm just having a problem implementing a concise regex/grammar rule for
 above. Looking for advice.

 David Warring

 Will Coke Coleda