Re: How to read a particular environmental variable?

2020-04-07 Thread Gerard ONeill
It’s still a hash — the * twigil tweaks it’s scope, but it is still a % —
so %*ENV works (windows)

On Tue, Apr 7, 2020 at 6:48 PM ToddAndMargo via perl6-users <> wrote:

> Hi All,
> $ raku -e 'say %*ENV;'
> Gives me ALL of them.  Is there a way to just ask for
> a particular one, such as %appdata%, or %userprofile%
> in Windows or $HOME is Linux?
> Many thanks,
> -T

Re: OAuth2?

2020-03-22 Thread Gerard ONeill
Just looked at the stackoverflow post — there are 3 updates with respect to
needing to reauthenticate.

Basically, you use the ‘AUTH XOATH base64 oathtoken’ command, after the
EHLO command.

the weird part seems to be the ehlo command is repeated twice — before
STARTTLS, and after.


On Sun, Mar 22, 2020 at 8:18 AM ToddAndMargo via perl6-users <> wrote:

> On 2020-03-21 22:56, Peter Scott wrote:
> > On 3/21/20 2:20 PM, ToddAndMargo via perl6-users wrote:
> >> On 2020-03-18 18:42, ToddAndMargo via perl6-users wrote:
> >>> This is a long shot, but have any of you figured out
> >>> how to send eMail through G-Mail with OAuth2?
> >>>
> >>> I have a module that uses cURL, but I can't figure
> >>> out how to get it to work with OAuth2.
> >>>
> >>> RFE: please support OAuth2
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Is in the works, but I need to get something going
> >>> by June 2020 as s-suite will stop supporting
> >>> Less Secure Apps at that time.
> >>
> >> Found this:
> >>
> >> python & smtplib: Is sending mail via gmail using oauth2 possible?
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> But it is python we doh't have anything equivalent to
> >> import oauth2 as oauth
> >> import oauth2.clients.imap as imaplib
> >
> > I am in almost exactly the same situation. I don't need to send mail,
> > but I do need to read Gmail through IMAP and rename folders and move
> > messages.  I am under the same deadline and have done extensive research
> > without getting anywhere.  The documentation and online Q do not get
> > me very far.
> You may wish to sign up for this RFE/Bug I posted:
> RFE: please support OAuth

Re: bitwise NOT

2020-01-14 Thread Gerard ONeill
A negative number (-A5) is the twos compliment of the positive number.  A
ones compliment is all the bits flipped.  A twos compliment is a ones
compliment plus one.  So a ones compliment of (A5) is (-A5 - 1), which is

So presumably, the twos compliment operator is (-). And I suppose for
consistency, +-A5 gives you -A5, which makes +- the twos compliment bitwise

On Tue, Jan 14, 2020 at 7:45 AM Paul Procacci  wrote:

> >> What is the syntax for a twos complement anyway?
> I'm not sure I understand the question.
> Two's compliment is +^ ... the routine you've been using.
> On Tue, Jan 14, 2020 at 12:33 AM ToddAndMargo via perl6-users <
>> wrote:
>> >> On Mon, Jan 13, 2020 at 11:30 PM ToddAndMargo via perl6-users
>> >>>> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> Hi All,
>> >>
>> >> This works,
>> >>
>> >>  $ p6 'my uint8 $c = 0xA5; my uint8 $d =  +^$c; say
>> $d.base(16);'
>> >>  5A
>> >>
>> >> But this does not:
>> >>
>> >>  $ p6 'my uint8 $c = 0xA5; say (+^$c).base(16);'
>> >>  -A6
>> >>
>> >> 1) who turned it into an negative integer?
>> >>
>> >> 2) how do I turn it back?
>> >>
>> >> Many thanks,
>> >> -T
>> On 2020-01-13 21:18, Paul Procacci wrote:
>> > If you read the signature for +^, you'll notice it returns an Int.
>> >
>> > In your first working example, you're taking a uint8 with binary value
>> > 10100101, zero extending it to 64 bits via +^, applying a two's
>> > compliment, and then assigning bits [0:7] to another uint8 which at
>> that
>> > point contains the binary value of 01011010 (or hex value 0x5A).
>> > In your second example that isn't working, you're taking uint8 with
>> > binary value 10100101, zero extending it to 64 bits via +^, applying a
>> > two's compliment, and then displaying this *Int* (64 bits) as hex.[1]
>> > To turn it back you need to mask off bits [8:63] with: say ((+^$e) +&
>> > 0x0FF).base(16);" [2]
>> >
>> > [1] I'd show you the 64 bit value but it's a bunch of 1's followed by
>> > the value -0xA6.
>> > [2] Note, since the type has been promoted to an Int there' no going
>> > back to uint8 without an explicit assignment (afaik)
>> >
>> That explains it.  Thank you.
>> I used uint8 to keep the ones to a mild torrent!
>> If I am remembering correctly, 0xA5 going to 0x5A is
>> a ones compliment.
>> What is the syntax for a twos complement anyway?
> --
> __
> :(){ :|:& };:

Re: Definitions: compiler vs interpreter [was: Rationale for a VM + compiler approach instead of an interpreter?]

2014-12-10 Thread Gerard ONeill
Looks like we have a different way of thinking, not to mention thinking about
a particular idea.

Obviously definitions and distinctions are only for those who care about them,
and everyone else is free to ignore them so that there is no debate.

Although if I'm not mistaken, it seems like we agree (minus perhaps my
misunderstanding of how perl handles begin and end blocks, or bytecode..).


-- Original Message --
Received: 08:32 AM EST, 12/10/2014
From: Aristotle Pagaltzis
Subject: Re: Definitions: compiler vs interpreter [was: Rationale for a VM +
compiler approach instead of an interpreter?]

 * Parrot Raiser [2014-12-07 22:40]:
  The practical distinction, surely, is that the output of a compiler
  is usually kept around, to be run one or more times, whereas the an
  interpreter always works with the original human-readable source.
 Yes, surely that’s it. We all consider Python a compiler, after all.
 Go on, tweak your definition to pin it down. :-)
 * Gerard ONeill [2014-12-08 15:10]:
  How about an interpreter interprets input directly into action (even
  if there is some optimization going on), while a compiler converts
  instructions from one set to another set to be interpreted later.
 That’s just an unnecessarily concrete rephrasing of the definitions
 I mentioned.
  Which would make perl both at the perl source level,
 Perl never interprets raw perl code without first parsing it into an
  and an interpreter at the bytecode level.
 Well yeah, bytecode always implies an interpreter.
  Thinking of execution as interpretation, this allows for the transmeta
  concept, where the CPU was just an interpreter / just in time compiler
  that interpreted x86 instructions.
  Although modern CISC CPU's have a step where the input to the chip was
  still converted to microcode which was actually what was run.  So
  a compilation step, and an interpreting step.
 Execution takes a program as input and produces the program’s output as
 output. So it’s interpretation. By definition.
 Sometimes there are dedicated hard-wired circuits that do it, and
 sometimes there are other layers of abstraction around the hard-wired
 circuitry. The layers can be in hardware, and even then at different
 degrees of abstraction (FPGA vs microcode, say), or in software, and
 really what is software and what is hardware depends merely on your
 perspective. There are plenty of coprocessors that internally run code
 which is opaque from the outside; is that software or hardware?
 That’s what I meant by fuzzy ideas. You don’t get anywhere trying to
 nail this pudding to the wall. You only get somewhere if you accept that
 which is which is relative to your point of view and that the difference
 is defined in terms of the output: compilers transform programs to other
 programs and interpreters transform a program into its output. That’s it.
 E.g. if you have something perl running a Perl program then you have the
 CPU interpreting a program (perl) that itself interprets another program
 (the optree), which in turn was compiled from the user Perl program
 earlier on.
 Once you stop trying to artificially force everything into a single
 absolute distinction, the entire debate about which is which vanishes.
 Aristotle Pagaltzis //

Re: Definitions: compiler vs interpreter [was: Rationale for a VM + compiler approach instead of an interpreter?]

2014-12-08 Thread Gerard ONeill
How about an interpreter interprets input directly into action (even if there
is some optimization going on), while a compiler converts instructions from
one set to another set to be interpreted later.

Which would make perl both at the perl source level, and an interpreter at the
bytecode level.

Thinking of execution as interpretation, this allows for the transmeta
concept, where the CPU was just an interpreter / just in time compiler that
interpreted x86 instructions.

Although modern CISC CPU's have a step where the input to the chip was still
converted to microcode which was actually what was run.  So a compilation
step, and an interpreting step.

-- Original Message --
Received: 04:37 PM EST, 12/07/2014
From: Parrot Raiser
To: Aristotle Pagaltzis pagalt...@gmx.deCc:
Subject: Re: Definitions: compiler vs interpreter [was: Rationale for a VM +
compiler approach instead of an interpreter?]

 The practical distinction, surely, is that the output of a compiler is
 usually kept around, to be run one or more times, whereas the an
 interpreter always works with the original human-readable source.
 The distinction mattered a lot more when compiling even a trivial
 program involved at least the order of minutes. Then, it was important
 to re-use the binary, to avoid recompiling for as long as possible.
 (Although even in the 1970s, a report-writer program could be run from
 source without noticeable delay.) Now, the compilation phase is
 usually trivial in comparison to run times, for any significant data
 Perl 6 just needs a spot of optimisation in the compile phase. :-)*
 On 12/6/14, Aristotle Pagaltzis wrote:
  * Moritz Lenz [2014-12-06 20:05]:
  First of all, the lines between interpreters and compilers a bit
  blurry. People think of Perl 5 as an interpreter, but actually it
  compilers to bytecode, which is then run by a runloop. So it has
  a compiler and an interpreter stage.
  This is sort of a tangent, but it was a clarifying insight that resolved
  a point of vagueness for me, so I’d like to just talk about that for
  a moment if you’ll indulge me.
  Namely, that line is actually very clear in a theoretical sense, if you
  judge these types of program by their outputs:
  A program that receives a program as input and produces the output
  of that program as output
  A program that receives a program as input and produces another
  equivalent (in some sense) program as output
  Now some compilers emit programs that can be run directly by the CPU of
  the same computer that is running them, without an extra interpreter.
  This is what people with fuzzy ideas of the terms usually refer to when
  they speak of a compiler. But the output doesn’t have to be a program
  this kind.
  The blurriness in practice comes from the fact that essentially all
  programming languages in use by humans are very impractical to use for
  direct interpretation. And so almost every interpreter ever written is
  actually coupled to a compiler that first transforms the user source
  program into some other form which is more convenient to interpret. Even
  the BASICs on those famous old home computers of the past are combined
  compiler-interpreters in this sense.
  Basically just parsing an input program up front as a whole essentially
  meets the definition of a compiler – even if a rather weak version of
  it. I think that means shells are typically true interpreters, and that
  they are more or less the only real examples of such.
  Aristotle Pagaltzis //