FYI: Just noticed that the increasingly-populated Perl 6 Wiki was recently
crawled by Google. ... Unfortunately the Wiki doesn't turn up anywhere near
the top of simple perl6 and Perl 6 Google searches yet. ... Someday soon,

Below are Google results from doing local site search for "perl" using
" perl" (without quotes).


Perl 6 - Perl 6
Perl 6 is the insanely great next version of the Perl programming language.
... For our regular visitors, current Perl 6 news is provided below. ... - 27k - Sep 10, 2006 - Cached - Similar pages

Learn About Perl 6 - Perl 6
This page is for general resources to learn about Perl 6. ... Damian Conway
(2003): The Perl 6 design process is about keeping what works in Perl 5, ... - 30k - Sep 10, 2006 - Cached
- Similar pages

Download Perl 6 - Perl 6
If you plan to contribute to Perl 6, you can see about getting a free
account ... Perl Community Development Server. There a fresh version of Pugs
is built ... - 26k - Sep 10, 2006 - Cached -
Similar pages

Glossary of Perl 6 Terms and Jargon - Perl 6
However Perl 6 to Perl 5 bridges will eventually make all of CPAN look like
... "#perl6" is the Perl 6 IRC channel. Information for accessing the logs
and ... - 28k - Sep
10, 2006 - Cached - Similar pages

Perl 6 for Perl 5 - Perl 6
Perl 6 features are also coming to Perl 5 in other ways. As described below,
a number of Perl 5 modules already implement some Perl 6 features, ... - 23k - Cached - Similar pages

Getting Involved - Perl 6
You might also be interested to Start Your Own Perl 6 Module, ... This plan
is still current AFAIK: "Perl 6 developers are refactoring relevant ... - 27k - Sep 10, 2006 - Cached -
Similar pages

Documentation - Perl 6
Official Perl 6 Documentation (Which means, documentation that is officially
bundled ... The rapidly growing Perl 6 test base is another {very important,
... - 27k - Sep 10, 2006 - Cached -
Similar pages

Mail Lists, IRC, Archives - Perl 6
Perl 6 Mailing Lists The currently active Perl 6 mailing lists are at ...
Perl 6 IRC IRC channels (and their archives) are a major source of useful
... - 28k - Sep 10, 2006 -
Cached - Similar pages





Best regards,
Conrad Schneiker
Nano-electron-beam and micro-neutron-beam technology.

Check out the new Perl 6 Workplace Wiki:


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