General notification!

The community members working on the documentation system are deploying a new refactored system. Hopefully, no one will notice a difference on the page. When the next Rakudo Star is released p6doc will be working.

However, murphy rules! So some warning ...

The Perl 6 documentation system has developed incrementally over several years. Problems developed, the most obvious being that p6doc stopped working.

Two GSoC projects have refactored the system and p6doc works in a much more intuitive manner.

A number of modules are all in a single repository, and these need to be split, so that the base Pod6 sources containing documentation about the language are in one repo, p6doc is in another repo, and support modules are in other repos.

The main aim of the new work has been

- retain the user-facing interface

- specify the documentation system so that changes to the documentation software can be tested

- unit tests on software and the documentation

- increased robustness of the documentation system

All of this development work and the rational behind it can be found in the wiki at the github repo for the docs.

The refactoring has been tested separately, but it will be implemented for the Perl 6 system in the near future.

Some patience is requested.

In order for Perl 6 to be more widely accepted, it must have a good and evolving documentation system. As new functionality becomes common in the software world, the documentation system needs to adapt.

By separating out content sources from the software rendering the sources, we can allow for new systems to develop.

Not everyone agrees about what is 'good' documentation. So for the future, flexibility is needed to allow for different possibilities to be developed based on a single set of source POD6 files, and for software to be specified and tested before deployment.


Richard Hainsworth,

aka finanalyst

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