"We live surrounded by a chaos of undifferentiated factoids
  and half-formed allusions, and in the absence of convincing
  structural links, we rely on, search for, or imagine flashes,
  intuitions, hovering conceptual affinities, and hyperbolic
  recurrences that can be explained only by accumulated karma
  from previous lifetimes or pure unadulterated random chance."

-- Peter Sellars, forward to Chris Salter's "Entangled" (2010),
"Technology and the Transformation of Performance"

            The Raku Study Group

February 26, 2023  1pm in California, 9pm in the UK

An informal meeting: drop by when you can, show us what you've got,
ask and answer questions, or just listen and lurk.

Perl and programming in general are fair game, along with Raku,

Zoom meeting link:

Passcode: 4RakuRoll

RSVPs are useful, though not needed:

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