Paul Krugman, "Peddling Prosperity" (1994):

   "... there is a circularity: the network of
   support and reinforcement that makes a technology
   fully productive is both a cause and a result of
   that technology's widespread use.  So a new
   technology, no matter how marvelous, may have
   only superficial effects for decades, then flower
   as it finally reaches critical mass."

The Raku Study Group

July 24, 2021, SATURDAY, 1pm in California, 8pm in the UK

Zoom meeting link:

Passcode: 4RakuRoll

RSVPs are useful, though not needed:

Note: this week we're bumping up the meeting from our usual
Sunday session to Saturday, July 24th.

And don't forget the Raku Conference coming up on August 6-8, 2021

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