Re: Newbie question.

2005-06-22 Thread Jason Opperisano
On Tue, Jun 21, 2005 at 08:23:49PM -0400, Jason Dixon wrote:
 On Jun 21, 2005, at 6:24 PM, Bill Swisher wrote:
 After reading over the pf-faq.pdf file I have, at this time, one 
 question.  The home/small office example assumes that the internet 
 lives off of ep0.  In my case this is partially true.  What really 
 is there is a router running on the network 192.168.2.* (my internal 
 network is the standard 192.168.1.*) and if I use the command block 
 drop in quick on $ext if from $priv_nets and it's corresponding 
 output block I'd pretty much be sitting deaf and mute, as far as the 
 rest of the computing world goes near as I can figure.
 I like that router!  It does the PPoE for me, along with minimal 
 blocking.  I don't want to toss it.
 Anyone have a way around this?
 priv_nets = {,,,, 
 ! }

i'm certainly missing something here, as i am somewhat new-ish to pf
(long time with ipf, though)...

the above macro definition of priv_nets will create the rules:

  block drop in quick on ep0 inet from to any
  block drop in quick on ep0 inet from to any
  block drop in quick on ep0 inet from to any
  block drop in quick on ep0 inet from to any
  block drop in quick on ep0 inet from ! to any

where the second rule will drop traffic from, and the
fifth rule will effectively drop all other traffic.

in my experience--lists of networks/IP's that need to be negated always
seem to need to go in a table to work properly.  now i never tried this
before, but i just tested it (on 3.7-release), and it appears to work
(tables *really* kick ass):

  ext_if = ep0
  table private const \
{ 127/8, 10/8, 172.16/12, 192.168/16, !192.168.2/24 }
  block drop in quick on $ext_if from private

with that--traffic from the RFC1918 space plus the loopback net (*) gets
dropped, but gets to the next rule.



(*) i'm pretty sure that the openbsd routing code drops traffic from
127/8 received on the wire before pf ever sees it--so the inclusion of
127/8 in the table is not strictly necessary.

Stewie: Damn you, vile woman, you've impeded my work since the day I
 escaped your wretched womb.
--Family Guy

Re: ranges within a table ... is it possible ?

2005-04-20 Thread Jason Opperisano
On Wed, Apr 20, 2005 at 09:56:48PM +0930, alex wilkinson wrote:
 Hi all,
 Is it possible to specify a range within a table ? e.g.
 table itunes  const { 8000  8999 }
 I get a syntax error for the aformentioned table, so can anyone
 suggest a method for what I'm trying to achieve ?

tables hold IP addresses, not port numbers.  and even with IP
addresses--no, tables do not support IP addresses ranges (break it down
to CIDR).

how about:

itunes = 8000  8999
pass in inet proto tcp from any to any port $itunes


Brian: Seriously, who buys a novelty fire extinguisher?
 Peter: I'll tell you who: someone who cares enough about physical
 comedy to put his entire family into serious danger, that's who.
--Family Guy

Re: (src_addr) (dst_addr)

2005-04-20 Thread Jason Opperisano
On Wed, Apr 20, 2005 at 09:44:59PM +0930, alex wilkinson wrote:
 Hi all,
 I have a macro defined such as: 
 I want to refer to this interface in parentheses in case tun0's DHCP
 ip address changes.
 However, when I use the (...) feature in the following rule for example:
 block return-rst in log on ($EXT_IF) proto tcp all

on $EXT_IF resolves to the interface name, not the IP address.
the interface NAME is not dynamic--the IP address is.  use the
parentheses when the token is expanded to the IP address, like if you

  block return-rst in log on $EXT_IF proto tcp from any to ($EXT_IF)

 I get /etc/pf.conf:83: syntax error
 I can't see anything odd about my rule except for tun0 is a virtual interface.
 Should or can I use 'ppp' for $EXT_INT ?

might i recommend a re-read of the PF User's Guide:


Chris: Here, it's a Candy-cane. But don't stick it up your nose, it
 burns like hell.
--Family Guy

Re: dup-to problem with specific packets

2005-04-14 Thread Jason Opperisano
On Sun, Apr 10, 2005 at 11:18:58PM -0400, Michael W. Lucas wrote:
 I'm trying to duplicate packets matching one particular rule.
 Background: I have softflowd running on OpenBSD 3.5 i386.  This is
 exporting flows to a logging host.  Works beautifully.
 The old logging host is being replaced.  I would like to run the two
 logging hosts in parallel temporarily, until I'm sure all the bugs are
 out of the new one.
 While I could fire up a second instance of softflowd, it seems like
 this would be a good application of dup-to.  I don't want to duplicate
 the entire mass of traffic going through this box, just the netflow
 pass out on $int_if proto udp from any to a.b.c.251 port 8641 dup-to ($int_if 
 (port number changed to protect the guilty, of course)
 pfctl -nf gives me a syntax error on line 80, but won't be specific on
 what the problem is.
 Any suggestions?  Or am I just outright misunderstanding dup-to?

dup-to goes in the same spot as route-to and reply-to, so:

  pass out on $int_if dup-to ($int_if a.b.c.252) inet proto udp \
from any to a.b.c.251 port = 8641

appears to be the correct syntax here (3.6 GENERIC#0 sparc64)


Contestant: I'll take the dying boy to block.
 Tom Bergeron: Ok, Jeremy... is there anything lower than absolute zero?
 Jeremy: Uhh, yeah... my white cell count.
--Family Guy

Re: AIM connection issues

2005-03-26 Thread Jason Opperisano
On Fri, 2005-03-25 at 13:03, florian mosleh wrote:
 The only other factor that I see as possibly contributing to the problem (i'm
 not sure how) is that the internet connection is a set of 4 bonded t1s, but 
 been given the impression that this shouldn't make a difference. 

you're pretty light on details--so the quality of help you receive is
going to reflect that.

the only thing that jumps out at me is that awhile back, AOL changed its
login process such that the user actually connects to about 4 different
servers in order to complete the login process.  if the user's source IP
changes during this process--the login fails.

if you are performing outbound NAT for your clients and using a pool of
addresses like so:

  nat on $outside inet from $inside_nets to any - $nat_pool round-robin

(where prefix length of $nat_pool  32)

try adding sticky-address for TCP 5190 connections (this obviously
must come before the previous rule):

  nat on $outside inet proto tcp from $inside_nets to any port = 5190 \
- $nat_pool sticky-address

if this doesn't help...well--what did you really expect?


Mr. Simpson, why are you here?
 Don't say revenge! Don't say revenge!
 That's it! I'm outta here!
--The Simpsons

Re: pf and Cisco route map equivalent?

2005-03-24 Thread Jason Opperisano
On Wed, 2005-03-23 at 15:21, Xavier wrote:
 Just one question... Maybe stupid, pardon me!
 Can I define sort of route maps such as
 in Cisco devices with pf?
 Ex: if source address = x.x.x.x - send to next hop y.y.y.y

yes--route-to can be used for this:

pass in on $int_if route-to ($ext_if y.y.y.y) inet from x.x.x.x \
 to any keep state


Asleep at the switch?  I wasn't asleep, I was drunk!
--The Simpsons

Re: PF and promiscuous mode

2005-03-19 Thread Jason Opperisano
On Fri, 2005-03-18 at 10:48, Michael W. Lucas wrote:
 I'm using two PF boxes as traffic shapers, with CARP, running 3.5
 GENERIC#127 i386 (to be updated to 3.7 as soon as it hits the
 Will promiscuous mode see traffic before or after queueing on an

inbound to an interface:  before.
outbound from an interface:  after.

promiscuous mode apps normally attach at the BPF layer which is below
where a layer 3 filter like PF hooks into the stack.  so as a packet go
up the stack it hits BPF, then layer 3 filter.  as a packet goes down
the stack on the way out, it hits layer 3 filter then BPF.


If I wanted smoke blown up my ass, I'd be at home with a pack of
 cigarettes and a short length of hose.
--The Simpsons

Re: pf vs ASIC firewalls

2005-03-14 Thread Jason Opperisano
On Mon, Mar 14, 2005 at 03:50:23PM +0530, Siju George wrote:
 So probably no checks later in the protocol. Similar problem with
 CheckPoint's fastpath option, btw.

1) check point fw-1 is software, not hardware.
2) the fastpath option hasn't been around since 4.0 (and has always
   been deprecated).
3) in NG--all packets pass through the deep inspection filter engine
   (even if you enable the securexl acceleration feature).


Beer. Now there's a temporary solution.
--The Simpsons

Re: CIDR Networks in recursive Macros

2005-02-17 Thread Jason Opperisano
On Thu, 2005-02-17 at 10:21, Aaron Spanik wrote:
 I couldn't find this issue in any of the documentation I could find, so
 I thought I'd ask here.
 Macros in pf can be defined recursively, but it doesn't seem to work
 when the macros that are being expanded are CIDR-style network
 For instance, while this works:
 wibble = { 192.168.1/24 192.168.4/24 }
 This does not (fails with a syntax error when trying to load):
 muh = 192.168.1/24
 fuh = 192.168.4/24
 wibble = { $muh $fuh }
 I've tried it with commas, with one macro and one literal, with
 non-abbreviated style (i.e., etc., but nothing seems to
 Recursive macros work normally with individual hosts, but not netblocks.
 Is this a feature or a bug?

quirk in the parser--need more quotes.

net1 = ''
net2 = ''
net3 = ''

rfc1918 = { $net1 $net2 $net3 }


I'll leave the world the same way I came into it - dirty, screaming
 and torn away from the woman I love.
--The Simpsons

Re: blocking IP range Q

2005-02-15 Thread Jason Opperisano
On Tue, Feb 15, 2005 at 09:42:40AM -0800, Dominic Opferkuch wrote:
 I need to block certain IP's on my webserver. Can
 anyone point out how to do that.
 Here the IP address range I need to block 
   (*-ed out the first three digits)
 ***.139.192.0 --***.139.223.255
 Thanks for the help friends


  block drop in quick inet from ***.139.192.0/19 to any


English - Who needs that? I'm never going to England!
--The Simpsons

Re: new feature

2005-01-28 Thread Jason Opperisano
On Fri, Jan 28, 2005 at 10:37:44AM -0800, Gustavo A. Baratto wrote:
 hello all,
 Is it (or will be) possible to set different state timeouts for different 
 For example, if I'm using http, and I need to keep the state for 10 minutes 
 because of an e-commerce session, and I dont want to keep the state for 
 smtp for more than 30 seconds.
 Something like:
 set timeout 60  #default timeout
 # http rule
 pass out on fxp0 proto tcp from any to any port www keep state timeout 600
 # smtp rule
 pass out on fxp0 proto tcp from any to any port smtp keep state timeout 30

you can do that today:

  pass out on fxp0 proto tcp from any to any port = www \
keep state (tcp.established 600)

  pass out on fxp0 proto tcp from any to any port = smtp \
keep state (tcp.established 30)

man 5 pf.conf for more details.


Asleep at the switch?  I wasn't asleep, I was drunk!
--The Simpsons

Re: First time user comments

2005-01-21 Thread Jason Opperisano
On Thu, 2005-01-20 at 17:05, Peter Fraser wrote:
 The very broad: I don't understand why there is separate configuration
 files for bridges and routing and packet filtering.

routing and bridging are two separate things.

 Now for the picky ones.
 Could the syntax error message, give the position in the line that the
 error occurred, or at least the token that caused it. When you are a
 first time user you syntax errors are not obvious.
 I could find no where in the documentation that says what happens when
 you omit the on interface clause. The documentation implies that it
 must always be given, and grammar in man pf.conf shows it as being
 required, but several examples don't supply one. 

the GRAMMAR section in pf.conf show this:

 pf-rule= action [ ( in | out ) ]
  [ log | log-all ] [ quick ]
  [ on ifspec ] [ route ] [ af ] [ protospec ]
  hosts [ filteropt-list ]

where on ifspec is in [] denoting that it's optional.  in the intro
paragraph of the PARAMETERS section it also states Most parameters are
optional.  from the above--the only required parameters are action
and hosts making the simplest rule possibilities:

  block all
  pass all

 I believe that not
 supplying a on interface means the statement applies to all

correct.  just like not specifying in|out means the packet can match in
either direction.

 What needs to be quoted in a macro is not documented. One of my first
 mistakes was to write
   Internal_net = 192.168.200/24
 I could not find any documentation that said it had to be written as
   Internal_net = 192.168.200/24
 with quotes. I also tried 
   DebugLog = log
 and got a similar error.

i have never seen an example where the value of a macro was not quoted. 
the exception to this is macros inside of macros, which is pointed out
in the MACROS section of the man page:

  Macros are not expanded inside quotes.
 For example,
   ext_if = kue0
   all_ifs = { $ext_if lo0 }

 I have several (actually three) segments, each of which have their own
 set of IP address. I wanted each segment to be only allowed to send in
 from IP addresses belonging to the segment, (and for good message stop
 firewall from putting out packets onto a segment that they did not
 belong on). I expected an option on the antispoof directive to implement
 this effect, but it was not there so I wrote:
   InternalInterfaces = { ste1 ste2 ste3 }
   block in  quick on $InternalInterfaces from !$id:network
   block out quick on $InternalInterfaces to   !$id:network  
 and was surprised to get macro id is not defined. I believe the $id is
 only defined in certain contexts. Now I can get the same effect by
 writing the six statements which is what I did, but I was surprised.

um--that's what antispoof is for--source address verification inbound
on a given interface.  as for your good measure(?) of blocking packets
outbound from the firewall...that's what the routing table is for...IMHO
i don't see the good in that measure(?).

as for pf not magically knowing what $id is supposed to mean; i'm not
sure why you think it would--also not sure why you'd be surprised that
it would tell you that the macro isn't defined, as you clearly didn't
define it.  the macro $magic_miss_cleo_psychic_logic isn't defined
either--so it doesn't surprise me when my rules fail to load when i
reference it.  computers do what you tell them to do--they're funny that

--snip dns resolving in rules comments--

 It would be nice if there was a predefined macro for the unrouteable

all IP address are routeable, as IP is a routed protocol; unlike say,
NetBEUI for example...  i could be so bold as to assume you mean the RFC
1918 address spaces reserved for private networks, but i would just be
assuming.  maybe you mean the RFC 3330 special-use addresses, sans the
cable modem 24/8 network.  maybe you mean all the network blocks listed
on as
Reserved|Private Use|Returned.  ah--but this list is a moving target
that can be modified at any time--last update was 02Aug2004, fyi...  the
pf developers; much like the parsing engine, are not
mind-readers--firewalling is a personal thing:  say what you mean and
mean what you say.  how hard is it to define what *you* actually mean by
unrouteable in a template file that you create your firewall configs

 It would be nice if there is only one interface type on the computer to
 define a macro automatically for them, I suggest $id0 $id1 etc. That way
 pf config files could be more portable, particularly in the case of a
 server machine that only has one interface.

not 100% sure what you mean here, but if you mean being able to refer to
hme0, hme1, hme2, hme3, and hme4 simply as hme--then it's already there.

 I could not find a documentation on the output of tcpdump for pf. For
 example tcpdump give a rule 

Re: my firewall

2005-01-19 Thread Jason Opperisano
On Wed, Jan 19, 2005 at 02:07:10PM -0700, R T wrote:
 Hello folks. Thanks to everyone who responded to my problem. The laptop can 
 use the internet now, however it wont resolve host names properly. For 
 example, it wouldnt connect to but it would to 
 Same for IRC, xhat wouldnt connect to but it would connect to   ...wierd, huh?

it sounds like you don't have the proper DNS servers set on your client

 Heres the pf.conf Im using:
 # Gatewolf pf rules
 ext_if = xl0
 int_if = ep1
 nat on $ext_if from to any - ($ext_if)

any reason you're only NAT-ing for a single IP?

 block in  log all
 block out log all
 pass in quick on lo0 all
 pass out quick on lo0 all
 pass in  quick on $int_if from any to any
 pass out quick on $int_if from any to any
 pass quick all

you *do* realize that your firewall doesn't actually *firewall*
anything, right?


Kids, you tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is,
 never try.
--The Simpsons

Re: blcoking multiple connections

2005-01-14 Thread Jason Opperisano
On Fri, Jan 14, 2005 at 08:51:57AM -0800, Bryan Irvine wrote:
 Is there a way to limit people to only 1 or a few simultaneous connections?
 Every morning the same IP makes about 100 simultaneous connections and
 hogs all the resources until it's through.  Is their a way to only
 allow them 5? or 10, or whatever?

might adding max-src-states to your rule do what you want?


I'll leave the world the same way I came into it - dirty, screaming
 and torn away from the woman I love.
--The Simpsons

Re: Strange ? keep state behaviour

2005-01-06 Thread Jason Opperisano
On Thu, 2005-01-06 at 16:48, Jason Murray wrote:
 Hello new to the list, but not exactly new to pf.
 I've got a 3 interface firewall and I'm seeing what I would call strange 
 behaviour. Here is the scenario. I want to allow http in from the Internet 
 to a web server on an isolated segment. I have a rdr rule set up and it 
 works just fine (traffic flows when no filtering is being done).
 If I have a rule set like the following:
 block log all
 antispoof quick for { lo0 $uat_if $dev_if }
 # Allow web traffic to the UAT (marlin) box.
 pass in log quick on $ext_if proto tcp from any to $marlin port { 80, 443 } 
 flags S/SA keep state


i *really* hope someone will smack me if i'm off-base here, because i'm
not sure i'm 100% clear on *i* understand it, as soon as
you use on $if in a rule--the state that is created is if-bound even
if your state-policy is floating.  so you either (a) create 2 rules, one
pass in for the inbound interface and one pass out for the outbound
interface, (b) create strict rules on the inbound interface and a single
lax rule on the outbound interface or (c) don't use the on $if
construct in your rules.

personally--i use (b) for internal-external rules and (a) for
external-internal rules.  i always assumed that if i needed to build a
pf.conf to support an enormous number of states--i would use (c).


I'm having the best day of my life, and I owe it all to not going
 to Church!
--The Simpsons

Re: Use two nat's for an extra IP

2005-01-02 Thread Jason Opperisano
On Sun, 2005-01-02 at 06:56, Daniel Johansson wrote:
 Hi, my setup looks like the usual one. Internet - router with openbsd 3.5 -
 switch - hosts. 
 I recently got a second IP from my ISP but I don't want to use it on an
 external box directly to the internet. So I used ifconfig alias and added the
 second IP tp my openbsd box. 
 I just needed ssh, http and https to an internal box but with the new IP so I 
 used PF 
 and added this rule, is the internal ip of the box I want to
 forward the traffic. I also wanted all traffic from to use the
 new IP and not my old one.
 nat on $ext inet from to any - new_ip
 I already had this rule in my config:
 nat on $ext inet from ($int)/24 to any - old_ip
 I then added my rdr-rules to the new box. It all seems to work perfectly but
 what I would like to know if is this is a correct way of doing what I want to
 do or is there any better or more correct solution? 

if it works the way you want, then no--i wouldn't say there's a more
correct way to do it.  if $new_ip is solely dedicated to;
you could use binat instead of nat + rdr but that's really just a
matter of preference.

 Does it matter which one of my nat rules comes first in my config?

yes.  from man 5 pf.conf

 For each packet processed by the translator, the translation rules
 are evaluated in sequential order, from first to last.  The first
 matching rule decides what action is taken.


Silly customer, you cannot hurt a Twinkie!
--The Simpsons

Re: CARP again, again

2004-12-24 Thread Jason Opperisano
On Thu, 2004-12-23 at 17:28, ed wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 Hello again, sorry to bother you all again.
 I have a question, we have two DSL connections, and I plan on using two
 boxes, which are carped. But, I'd like to do this in a fashion such that
 I can failover to a different connection when the primary one becomes
 Would anyone have experience of doing this, and how exactly does one
 determine that the connection has failed? Does it base the failure on
 link status or on IP untouchables?

well--setting 'net.inet.carp.preempt=1' will allow you to fail-over all
interfaces on the primary if a single interface loses link.  if you want
to get fancier than that; i.e., pinging upstream hosts over each
link--take a look at ifstated:

 The ifstated daemon runs commands in response to network state
 changes, which it determines by monitoring interface link state or
 running external tests.  For example, it can be used with carp(4)
 to change running services or to ensure that carp(4) interfaces
 stay in sync, or with pf(4) to test server or link availability
 and modify translation or routing rules.

the source is present in 3.6, but not compiled in the default
system--have a look in:


for the bits.


Television! Teacher, mother, secret lover.
--The Simpsons

Re: pf port knocking

2004-12-17 Thread Jason Opperisano
On Fri, 2004-12-17 at 15:51, Peter GILMAN wrote:
 Ed White [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 | On Friday 17 December 2004 15:45, Roy Morris wrote:
 |  change your ssh port to like 30222 or something ..
 | That's dumb.
 Choose a port  1024.

not trying to speak for ed, but's dumb because any yahoo with
a local account on a machine can create a listening socket on a port =

running a daemon on a port  1024 requires privilege (thus the
name)...sshd deserves the VIP treatment.  if it doesn't conflict with an
ssl httpd...443 is an awfully remote-side-firewall-friendly choice for
an alternate sshd port...


I hope I didn't brain my damage.
--The Simpsons

Re: missing something simple with rdr

2004-12-16 Thread Jason Opperisano
On Thu, Dec 16, 2004 at 10:16:14AM -0500, Chad M Stewart wrote:
 I don't know what it was, but after a reboot things are redirecting as 
 they should. Now I just need to configure spamd to my liking.  :)

is it possible that you never did a pfctl -e


What's the point of going out, we're just going to end up back
 here anyway?
--The Simpsons

Re: missing something simple with rdr

2004-12-16 Thread Jason Opperisano
On Thu, Dec 16, 2004 at 07:16:48AM -0500, Chad M Stewart wrote:
 # pfctl -vv -f /etc/pf.conf
 Loaded 345 passive OS fingerprints
 table spamd persist
 table spamd-white persist
 @0 rdr inet proto tcp from any to any port = smtp - port 8025
 # telnet localhost 8025
 Connected to localhost.
 Escape character is '^]'.
 220 ESMTP hello world; Thu Dec 16 12:09:16 2004
 Connection closed by foreign host.
 # telnet localhost 25
 Connected to localhost.
 Escape character is '^]'.
 220 Chads AVS appliance
 221 Bye
 Connection closed by foreign host.

have you tried telnet-ing to port 25 from a machine other than
localhost?  i could be mistaken, but i don't think your rdr rule will
apply to a connection from localhost to localhost.


This has purple stuff inside - purple is a fruit.
--The Simpsons

Re: two bridges on an etherchannel link

2004-12-13 Thread Jason Opperisano
On Mon, 2004-12-13 at 11:24, Alain wrote:
 I'm working on an high availability bridged firewall solution.
 Would it be possible to put two openbsd bridged firewall on an 
 etherchannel link (between two cisco switch) and let the switch manage 
 the failover ?

i don't think etherchannel is the technology you're looking for.  i've
seen setups where you put the two bridging firewalls in between two
switches and allow spanning tree to handle fail-over if one of the
firewalls dies.


It takes two to lie. One to lie and one to listen.
--The Simpsons

Re: Internal IP Address Detection Through NAT

2004-12-09 Thread Jason Opperisano
On Wed, 2004-12-08 at 14:34, messmate wrote:
 This is correct.  Squid by default includes a X-Forwarded-For: header
 on each HTTP request showing the original requesting IP address.  This
 can be disabled in squid.conf with forwarded_for off.
 Sorry, not correct. I'm behind my squid and forwarded on or off the
 header is there !

the X-Forwarded-For header is present whether you set the
forwarded_for directive to on or off--the difference is that with
it set to off the header reads:

X-Forwarded-For: unknown\r\n

which would rule it out as the source of the IP leak that the OP is
asking about.

you can also control what is shown in the Via header by setting the
visible_hostname directive.  again--ruling out squid as the source of
the leak...

oh--and if the Via:  header bugs you:

header_access Via deny all

works without and recompile...  as does:

header_access X-Forwarded-For deny all


Oh, so they have internet on computers now!
--The Simpsons

Re: Note: states with asymmetric routing

2004-11-25 Thread Jason Opperisano
On Wed, 2004-11-24 at 01:32, Ilya A. Kovalenko wrote:
   Just note.
   Stateful inspection on gateway can hamper tcp-connections, when
 inbound or outbound packets goes another route (i.e. when one of
 directions not goes thru gateway).
   Connection works fine on low rate, but fast transfers stops on
 each 64K (because suddenly PF stops passing packets).
   I guess, it is not bug, just some feature (like some
 tcp-window-related state protection). So think, is there reasons to
 correct this PF behavior.
 Thank you
 Ilya A. Kovalenko

stateful firewalls are built on the premise that the firewall is in-line
between client and server; and therefore, sees all requests/replies.

asymmetric routing violates that premise; and therefore, all bets are

if you *_must_* do this--allow states to be created on non-SYN packets
(note:  this is an *awful* idea).

i will assume that you do not have delusions that this should work with
NAT-ed connections, because it most certainly will not.


Another day, another box of stolen pens.
--The Simpsons

Re: SSH from admin machine

2004-11-07 Thread Jason Opperisano
On Sun, 7 Nov 2004, messmate wrote:

Hi all,
i've a problem to ftp from my admin machine to the
This rule seems not correct :(
#Autorise SSH from admin machine
pass in quick on $internal proto tcp from $TRUST_IP to any port = 22
flags S keep state
#seemms a syntax error ??

remove the = sign
pass in quick on $internal proto tcp from $TRUST_IP to any port 22

What did i wrong ?
and decide whether you mean FTP or SSH.

Re: port 6881

2004-10-31 Thread Jason Opperisano
On Sat, 2004-10-30 at 16:20, messmate wrote:
 Hi list,
  as a newbie i've installed pf and closed everything.
 But i have to open port 6881 TCP/UDP to get 
 azureus ( torrent) working.
 For one machine  on this internal network.
 How can i do that ?
 Sorry for this ignorance


  rdr pass on $ext_if proto tcp from any to $ext_if port 6881 -
$inside_host port 6881


Well, I'm tired of being a wannabe league bowler. I wanna be a
league bowler!
--The Simpsons

Re: Layer2 Filtering

2004-10-21 Thread Jason Opperisano
On Wed, 2004-10-20 at 18:59, eric wrote:
 What's the method by which you folks filter layer 2 traffic? Some of
 my methods don't scale well (static arp entries, etc) and was
 curious to know if there was working being conducted in this area
 for pf, or any other BSD licensed goodies.

man 8 brconfig

check out the examples on creating rules.  especially nifty is the
ability to tag packets at the bridge level and utilize those tags in
your PF rules.

dunno if this qualifies as scalable though...  maybe the rulefile
ability adds scalability.


Drinking coffee for instant relaxation? That's like drinking alcohol for
instant motor skills. -- Marc Price

Re: Carp Ftp-proxy address translation

2004-10-19 Thread Jason Opperisano
On Sun, Oct 17, 2004 at 08:21:56PM -0700, Yuri wrote:
 I have a failover firewall setup with 2 boxes using CARP. Everything 
 works ok, but i have a question about ftp-proxy...
 Box #1 has external ip: and internal ip:
 Box #2 has external ip: and internal ip:
 They both share external CARP address and internal CARP:
 All requests that come from internal network, go out on CARP address so 
 from outside you see that all requests are coming from
 nat on $ext_if from $internal_net to any - $external_carp
 All active ftp requests that use ftp-proxy are taken care of by this:
 1) rdr on $carp_int proto tcp from any to any port 21 - port 
 2) pass in on $ext_if inet proto tcp from any to $carp_ext user proxy 
 keep state
 But when i do that, the ftp requests are coming from Box's #1 external 
 interface ( and not the CARP address ( ), 
 and when the second box takes over they're coming from
 Is there any ways i can force all the outgoing active ftp requests come 
 from CARP address ( instead? If so, what changes to i need 
 to make in pf/carp/ftp-proxy setup...?

man 8 ftp-proxy


 -a address
 Specify the local IP address to use in bind(2) as the
 source for connections made by ftp-proxy when connecting
 to destination FTP servers.


Jason Opperisano [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Application Layer Tagging

2004-10-13 Thread Jason Opperisano
On Tue, Oct 12, 2004 at 03:38:49PM -0700, Jon Simola wrote:
 I've searched a fair bit and started some research into the pf code
 looking for a way to identify packets at the application layer.
 I believe that the functionality (just some simple text searching
 inside the packet payload) would have to be inserted inside
 pf_test_tcp() using a functional block similar to pf_osfp_match().
 What I'm trying to do, exactly, is identify and tag P2P streams based
 on signatures so that they can be sent to a lower-priority queue or
 blocked. Given that the newer P2P protocols are no longer using static
 ports and I have a requirement to constrain undesirable bandwidth
 usage by my users, I've started looking at this as a possibility.
 Has there been any other work done in this direction with PF, or am I
 forging my own trail, so to speak?

i think daniel summarizes the view on this quite well in:

Booze is the answer.  I don't remember the question.

RE: Trouble using route-to

2004-10-08 Thread Jason Opperisano
On Fri, 2004-10-08 at 17:41, Ben wrote:
 Great, thanks!  So the hostname.*  file would look like (for example)
 !-s route add 

heh, no...  that was an attempt to make an exclamation point plural...

man 5 hostname.if

you would use:

!route add


There are only two kinds of tequila. Good and better.

Re: blocking gnutella

2004-09-14 Thread Jason Opperisano
On Tue, 2004-09-14 at 15:33, Bryan Irvine wrote:
 I can't seem to get gnutella to break.
 gnutella = { 6346 6348 8436 }
 block out quick proto { udp tcp } from any to any port $gnutella
 block in quick proto { udp tcp } from any to any port $gnutella
 pftop still shows connection on 6346 though, ideas?

pftop still shows new connections being established or still shows old
connections that were established before you implemented the new rules
and didn't flush the state table or kill the individual states?


It has been said that Public Relations is the art of winning friends and
getting people under the influence. -- Jeremy Tunstall

Re: perceived strange behavior

2004-09-10 Thread Jason Opperisano
On Fri, 2004-09-10 at 03:11, Ryan McBride wrote:
 On Thu, Sep 09, 2004 at 08:40:23PM -0400, Jason Opperisano wrote:
  all use TCP Port 5190.  all three connections appear to stay open once
  connected.  the simple solution appears to be to set a NAT rule that
  only uses 1 translation IP for connections on TCP Port 5190.
 Or use the 'sticky-address' keyword.

yes--precisely.  the OP on other firewall mailing list was essentially
asking for pf's sticky-address feature.

forgot where i was posting there for second...


I hate it when my foot falls asleep during the day cause that means it's
going to be up all night. -- Steven Wright

Re: rdr rule

2004-09-09 Thread Jason Opperisano
On Thu, 2004-09-09 at 18:21, Bryan Irvine wrote:
 anyone know why this rule doesn't work?
 I've read and re-read the pf users guide but this specific example
 isn't covered.
 ftpservers = { intranet, }
'cause of the comma? |

 rdr on $LANS proto tcp from any to ! $ftpservers  port ftp -
 $localhost port ftp-proxy


If God had wanted us to be concerned for the plight of the toads, he
would have made them cute and furry. -- Dave Barry

Re: preventing dos attacks with pf

2004-09-03 Thread Jason Opperisano
On Thu, 2004-09-02 at 10:16, Wolfgang Pichler wrote:
 hi all,
 an hour ago i was hit by a sort of dos attack (someone sent nearly
 20 mails to our mail addresses in the form of [EMAIL PROTECTED]).
 I've now googled around to see if its possible to limit the number of
 connections from one ip with pf - but havn't found something useful.
 Can someone please point me to the right direction ?

man 5 pf.conf

read the section titled STATEFUL TRACKING OPTIONS

you appear to be asking for the functionality of:

Limits the maximum number of simultaneous state entries that a
single source address can create with this rule.


Time is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so. -- The Hitchhiker's Guide to
the Galaxy

Re: pf same rule passes some, blocks some?

2004-09-01 Thread Jason Opperisano
On Tue, 2004-08-31 at 19:31, cmustard wrote:
  are those the complete log entries?  my log entries look more like
 - no, i truncated, I was running tcpdump -neq -ttt -r /var/log/pflog
   they were the 'standard/normal' entries:
 Aug 31 01:20:15.287341 rule 1/0(match): block in on rl0: P 4294966553:0(743) ack 1 win 5792  (DF)
 Aug 31 01:20:15.287341 rule 1/0(match): block in on rl0: 69.42.xx.xx.80  
 192.168.xx.x1.61265: P 4294966553:0(743) ack 1 win 5792  (DF)
  rule 0/0(match): block out on hme1: R
  8:8(0) ack 1 win 58410 (DF)
  the reason i ask, is because all your rules use flags S/SA and keep
  state which; in the normal course of operation, create a lot of log
  entries where the flags are RST-ACK, FIN-ACK, etc...  they are just
  trailing packets that arrive after the state entry has been removed...
 -hmmm, so your saying just because I see a rule being matched it doesnt' 
  mean a packet is being blocked. it may be matching flags S/SA but is 
  still passing in to the interface,   cool, I haden't thought of that,
  that's what I get using rules I don't really understand yet,... :)

actually, what i was saying is:  when you use flags S/SA keep state
*only* a packet with the SYN bit (out of SYN, ACK) can match the rule
and create a state.  those states are also interface-bound (if you
specify an interface), and once that state is removed, any packets
lagging behind the closing of that connection will be blocked by your
default rule because they don't match anything else and have no state
associated with them. generally, these will be FIN-ACK, RST-ACK, or
PSH-ACK packets.

here's the rules i try to follow with respect keeping state, either:

don't specify interfaces when keeping state, or

only keep state on one interface (usually the external)


If God had intended Man to Smoke, He would have set him on Fire.

Re: pf same rule passes some, blocks some?

2004-08-30 Thread Jason Opperisano
On Mon, 2004-08-30 at 14:18, cmustard wrote:
 rule 1/0(match) block in on rl0: tcp 0 (DF)
 rule 1/0(match) block in on rl0: tcp 0 (DF)
 to me, this rule says it's blocking traffic on my external interface that is
 comming from any (internet) and bound for my dmz interface.

are those the complete log entries?  my log entries look more like
(produced with tcpdump -netttr /var/log/pflog):

rule 0/0(match): block out on hme1: R
8:8(0) ack 1 win 58410 (DF)

the reason i ask, is because all your rules use flags S/SA and keep
state which; in the normal course of operation, create a lot of log
entries where the flags are RST-ACK, FIN-ACK, etc...  they are just
trailing packets that arrive after the state entry has been removed...


I was at this restaurant. The sign said Breakfast Anytime. So I
ordered French Toast in the Rennaissance. -- Steven Wright

Re: A Firewall and Routing Question

2004-08-30 Thread Jason Opperisano
On Mon, 2004-08-30 at 12:46, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have tried to set up a firewall with BSD (3.5).
 I experimented with filtering bridge, so far ok. Now I needed a DMZ, so
 I didn't want to play with two PCs, all should be in one PC. I
 understand, I'd have to use a firewall with three interface cards.
 Meanwhile I have read the book from Jacek Artymiak (second edition), and
 I have looked into the mailing lists ... But: I have problems to
 understand routing.
 Which routes do I need to setup in this straight forward example ?

all you need is a default route pointing to your internet router's IP
address (attached to xl0).

the openbsd gateway is directly attached to the networks on xl1 and xl2
and will automatically know how to get to those networks.  the output
$ netstat -rn -f inet

should confirm this.

   |xl0|   --
   |   |   |DMZ |
   |   xl1 |---||
   |   |   | Mail  WWW | 
   |xl2|   --
 On top is the Internet, on the right hand side my DMZ (actually with a
 WWW and a Mail server). Below is my local area LAN. I would like to
 setup the firewall with PF and NAT. I have three network cards (3COM
 PCI), which are configured as xl0, xl1 and xl2, lets assume I have these
 IP adresses:
 ext-if: x.x.x.x   (xl0)
 dmz-if: (xl1)
 int-if:   (xl2)   
 I would store these informations in the corresponding interface.xl?
 In /etc/mygate on the firewall I would put the xl0 interface address
 (would that be also my default route ?). 

um, no.  in /etc/mygate you need to put the IP address of the upstream
router that connects you to the internet

 All clients in the LAN shall
 have XL2's interface adress as gateway.


 Everything shall leave the firewall via ext-if (xl0) by default. 
 Assume, I have no PF activated (but net.inet.ip.forwarding=1), then I
 would have to tell packets from the LAN, that the www and mailserver are
 in a different LAN. And for their different subnet I'd need a routing

yes--but it's already there for you once the interface is configured
with an IP address.

 When the mailserver sends his mails to the internet, his gateway adress
 would be that of dmz-if (xl1), same applies for the WWW server. If
 traffic comes from DMZ, it would leave over the default gateway ext-if


 If traffic from both DMZ servers is destinated into the LAN, I would
 think I need a corresponding routing entry to pass via int-if.

no.  again--this will be automatic, as the internal LAN is directly

 If I set up PF now, with rules in pf.conf, do I need to delete these
 routes ?

not quite sure what you mean by this, but i'm going to say the answer is


I am two with nature. -- Woody Allen

Re: TODO: pass unidir. TCP connections

2004-08-19 Thread Jason Opperisano
On Thu, 2004-08-19 at 06:51, Ilya A. Kovalenko wrote:
Good day,
   I trying to pass any outgoing TCP connections from my
 office (nPrivate) onto campus network (nPublic) sites,
 but block any incoming connections from campus to office.
 Can use for it, PF ruleset like this (on 2-ifaced GW
 between office  campus):
  block return-rst in proto tcp  all
  pass in on lo0 all
  pass  in  from nPublic  to nPublic
  pass  in  from nPrivate to nPublic
  pass  in  from nPrivate to nPrivate
  pass  in proto tcp  from nPrivate  to nPublic keep state
 I suppose to think, that last rule would create state for
 outgoing connection and pass all campus packets for it.
   But it seems to does not work ... or I missed some other
   Should it work ?
 Previously, I've used construction like this
  pass  in proto tcp  from nPublic  to nPrivate
  block in proto tcp  from nPublic  to nPrivate flags S/SA
 but it has security issue - public host could send spoofed
 TCP packet, on which, internal host responds with RST.
   So public host could perform ping-scan (by nmap, for example)
 for internal network.

if that's your concern--do some anti-spoofing (there's actually a
shortcut version of this in 3.5, but it's just as easy to do it

block in all
block return-rst in proto tcp  all
block in quick on ! $private_if from nPrivate
[ ... rest of rules ... ]


Drunks are rarely amusing unless they know some good songs and lose a
lot a poker. -- Karyl Roosevelt

Re: route-to problem; traffic remains on the default link

2004-08-13 Thread Jason Opperisano
On Fri, 2004-08-13 at 04:18, Paul Cusbish wrote:
 My problem is with route-to.  It seems to have no effect in my case.  For the 
 record, I don't have any nat rules on this link - My suspicion is that the nat'd 
 link is grabbing the packet bound for the route-to gateway, but i'm probably wrong.

while it seems unrelated to the question at hand--if you don't have an
outbound NAT for traffic exiting this interface, how is this supposed to
work?  is your LAN addressed with publicly-routed IP's?

 my route-to line is as follows:
 pass in quick on xl0 route-to ($adsl_if $adsl_nexthop) inet proto tcp from 
 $workstation to any port 25 keep state

 I can attach more rules if needed

i think that would be beneficial.


Faster, faster, you fool, you fool! -- Bill Cosby

Re: DHCP pf and bridges

2004-08-12 Thread Jason Opperisano
 Hello There,
 I'm a complete newbie to OpenBSD - a veteran from FreeBSD attracted by
 the green grass of pf for a new firewall. Here's the rub - simple setup
 with nic connected to internet, nic connected to subnet, wireless card
 bridged to internal subnet. Dhcpd is running, working fine, handing out
 licenses on the internal ethernet - but no licenses on the wlan. If I
 manually configure a machine on the wireless lan - all is fine...also I
 can't ping from one side of the bridge to the other - but both sides
 reach the internet and router fine. Attached is a messy (well hacked)

i'm not an expert on this--but i've seen it posted multiple times on
openbsd-misc that your cannot bridge with a wireless nic.  you're going to
have to subnet wireless  wired networks and route between them.


Re: PF $if:network syntax with more than one interface IP.

2004-07-06 Thread Jason Opperisano
$if:network:0 will only grab the network for the primary address;
ignoring aliases.  not sure if there's a way to grab a specific alias
through some other syntax.


On Mon, 2004-07-05 at 14:29, Per-Olov Sjöholm wrote:
 Hi !
 I have used $if:network and $if:broadcast much to avoid specifying macros 
 with IP addresses. However... I have recently fixed me a second public IP on 
 my internet interface. Now I see the limitations with this and have to go 
 back and specify the IP:s directly in pf.conf (for the Internet interface..) 
 as I don't want both my public IP:s expanded in the ruleset. If I specify 
 $if:network both addresses are expanded
 The question:
 Is is possible to fix the interface a'la Solaris where you can specify 
 interfaces for example hme0:1, hme0:2 etc where you have a separate 
 interface name for each IP on the same physical interface.. Then it would 
 still be possible to use the syntax above that I really like.
Jason Opperisano [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: What am I missing? (4-leg setup)

2004-07-05 Thread Jason Opperisano
the teach a man to fish response here is:  change your 'block all'
line to 'block log all' and then 'tcpdump -n -e -ttt -i pflog0' and see
what's getting blocked.

the give a man a fish response would involve something along the lines
of (possibly amongst other things):

  pass in on $sec_if from $wi_net tag WI_INET keep state

as an unrelated tip, you could also exploit the super-handy
'$if:network' syntax to avoid creating macros for your networks...



On Fri, 2004-07-02 at 22:15, RZR wrote:
 Following the directions from, plus a little tweaking to 
 include access for ipsec laptops on $wi_if (isakmpd on firewall), I came 
 up with this.
 However, ALL access becomes blocked; namely
 -access from the firewall out
 -access to the firewall from the ipsec laptops
 -access to DMZ boxes from the ipsec laptops.
 I know I'm missing something (hopefully small).
 Any help would be much appreciated.
 pf.conf -
 # macros
 int_if = fxp0
 wi_if = fxp1
 dmz_if = sk0
 sec_if = enc0
 ext_if = tun0
 int_net =
 wi_net =
 dmz_net =
 www_server =
 mail_server =
 table spamd persist file /etc/spammers
 set loginterface $ext_if
 ### AltQueue
 altq on $ext_if priq bandwidth 100Kb queue { q_pri, q_def }
 queue q_pri priority 7
 queue q_def priority 1 priq(default)
 # classification -- classify packets based on the defined firewall
 # policy.
 #rdr on $ext_if proto tcp from spamd to port smtp \
 #   tag SPAMD - port 8025
 rdr on $int_if proto tcp from any to any port 21 - port 8021
 rdr on $sec_if proto tcp from any to any port 21 - port 8021
 #rdr on $DMZ_if proto tcp from any to any port 21 - port 8021
 rdr on $ext_if proto tcp from any to $ext_if port 22 \
  - $mail_server port 22
 rdr on $ext_if proto tcp from any to $ext_if port 25 \
  - $mail_server port 25
 rdr on $ext_if proto tcp from any to $ext_if port 80 \
  - $www_server port 80
 rdr on $ext_if proto tcp from any to $ext_if port 443 \
  - $www_server port 443
 nat on $ext_if inet from ! ($ext_if) to any - ($ext_if)
 block all
 pass in on $int_if from $int_net tag LAN_INET keep state
 pass in on $wi_if from $wi_net tag WI_INET keep state
 pass in on $int_if from $int_net to $dmz_net tag LAN_DMZ keep state
 pass in on $wi_if from $wi_net to $dmz_net tag WI_DMZ keep state
 pass in on $ext_if proto tcp to $www_server port {www, https} \
  tag INET_DMZ keep state
 pass in on $ext_if proto tcp to $mail_server port {ssh, smtp} \
  tag INET_DMZ keep state
 # policy enforcement -- pass/block based on the defined firewall policy.
 pass in  quick on $ext_if tagged SPAMD keep state
 pass out quick on $ext_if tagged LAN_INET keep state queue(q_def, q_pri)
 pass out quick on $ext_if tagged WI_INET keep state queue(q_def, q_pri)
 pass out quick on $dmz_if tagged LAN_DMZ keep state
 pass out quick on $dmz_if tagged WI_DMZ keep state
 pass out quick on $dmz_if tagged INET_DMZ synproxy state queue(q_def, 
 q_pri) label $dstaddr:$dstport queue(q_def, q_pri)

Jason Opperisano [EMAIL PROTECTED]