Re: Logical replication and AFTER UPDATE triggers [PG 16]

2024-02-02 Thread Chris Angelico
On Fri, 2 Feb 2024 at 13:20, Chris Angelico  wrote:
> create or replace function send_settings_notification() returns
> trigger language plpgsql as $$begin perform
> pg_notify('stillebot.settings', ''); return null; end$$;
> create trigger settings_update_notify after update on
> stillebot.settings execute function send_settings_notification();
> alter table stillebot.settings enable always trigger settings_update_notify;

Ah ha! A discovery. It may be that a FOR EACH STATEMENT trigger (which
is the default) does not fire on the subscriber. Converting to FOR
EACH ROW seems to make this function. Does this seem reasonable? I
can't find anything in the docs that confirms it.


Logical replication and AFTER UPDATE triggers [PG 16]

2024-02-01 Thread Chris Angelico
After various iterations of logical on PG 15, I bit the bullet and
installed PG 16. (Using the bookworm-pgdg repository.) Turns out, that
basically solved all the problems I'd been having previously - yay!

Got a bit of a curveball thrown at me though. I have a singleton
settings table (see other thread; I added a primary key to it to make
replication reliable) and it has a trigger on it:

create or replace function send_settings_notification() returns
trigger language plpgsql as $$begin perform
pg_notify('stillebot.settings', ''); return null; end$$;
create trigger settings_update_notify after update on
stillebot.settings execute function send_settings_notification();
alter table stillebot.settings enable always trigger settings_update_notify;

Updating the table (even to the same value as it currently has)
correctly notifies any listening clients on the *same* database
instance. However, the replicated node does not fire off a
notification. For testing purposes I have four clients - running on
Sikorsky connected to Sikorsky, on Sikorsky connected to Gideon, on
Gideon connected to Sikorsky, on Gideon connected to Gideon - and any
edit made on Sikorsky sends notifications to the two that are
connected to Sikorsky, and any edit made on Gideon sends notifications
to the two connected to Gideon. According to this would
be the default behaviour, but with "enable always trigger", it should
fire on both ends, right?

The changes ARE getting replicated out - querying the table on either
end shows that data is flowing correctly - so it's just the trigger.

What's the correct way to use NOTIFY triggers in a replicated system?


Re: Logical replication claims to work, not working - new tables

2024-01-21 Thread Chris Angelico
On Mon, 22 Jan 2024 at 05:50, Chris Angelico  wrote:
> On Mon, 22 Jan 2024 at 05:25, Justin  wrote:
> > Adding a primary key will fix this issue.  Note PG 16 can use indexes to 
> > find qualifying rows when a table's replica is set to full.
> I'll try dropping the table, creating it again with a PK, and seeing
> how it goes. Thanks.

Okay, it seems to be working now. Thanks! Hopefully that was the only issue.

I'm a bit surprised by this, the docs do seem to imply that it ought
to work (albeit inefficiently). Maybe I made it worse by initially
creating the table without specifying the replica identity, and had to
alter it in afterwards?


Re: Logical replication claims to work, not working - new tables

2024-01-21 Thread Chris Angelico
On Mon, 22 Jan 2024 at 05:25, Justin  wrote:
> When using replica set to full this kicks off  a  full table scan for each 
> update or delete this is very expensive.  If there are no errors being 
> reported you will find it is working but hung doing full scans.  Inserts are 
> just appended to end of heap.

That shouldn't be too costly, since this table only has a single row
in it. But it never finishes the replication at all.

> You can copy the replication slot on the primary to peak at which 
> transactions LR is hung on to confirm.
> Adding a primary key will fix this issue.  Note PG 16 can use indexes to find 
> qualifying rows when a table's replica is set to full.

Ah, sadly PG 16 isn't an option as yet. It would definitely make
dual-master replication somewhat easier.

I'll try dropping the table, creating it again with a PK, and seeing
how it goes. Thanks.


Logical replication claims to work, not working - new tables

2024-01-20 Thread Chris Angelico
PostgreSQL 15 on Debian, both ends of replication.

I'm doing logical replication in a bit of a complex setup. Not sure
how much of this is relevant so I'll give you a lot of detail; sorry
if a lot of this is just noise.

* Bidirectional alternating-master replication. Since I'm still on PG
15, the replication is up in one direction, down in the other, rather
than actually being simultaneous.
* Replication is defined as "for all tables". All relevant tables are
in a single schema, "stillebot".
* Replication was working fine on initial deployment, including a swap
of master/slave.
* One table was created without a primary key, and subsequently
altered to have "replica identity full".
* Replication is not working for this table (stillebot.settings) but
is working for other tables.

I tried restarting Postgres on the slave and monitoring
/var/log/postgresql/postgresql-15-main.log and it all seemed happy.
According to pg_subscription_rel, all tables are in their
"replication" phase:

select srsubstate,srsublsn,relname from pg_subscription_rel join
pg_class on srrelid=oid;
 srsubstate | srsublsn | relname
 r  |  | user_followed_categories
 r  |  | config
 r  |  | config_exportable
 r  |  | commands
 r  |  | settings
(5 rows)

If I make a change to user_followed_categories, it works fine. If I
make a change to settings, it does not replicate.

The stillebot.config table seems somewhat desynchronized - rows are
missing - but if I INSERT a new row into it, it gets properly

How can I dig into this to determine what's going on? Have I broken
things by creating a table without a primary key? (It's a singleton
table, will only ever have one row in it; could add a meaningless PK
if it helps the replication.) Are there other logs to inspect?

Thanks in advance!
