Re: Question on pgwatch

2019-08-23 Thread Georg H.

Hi Bikram,

Am 23.08.2019 um 22:10 schrieb Bikram Majumdar:

Hi George,

So nice for your response.

Thanks. But, my question is how does it get the IP address ?

And, how does one run psql command to connect/login to the test 
database ( pgwatch configuration database)  to add any database ?

Thanks and regards,

the pgwatch2 configuration database resides within the docker container 
when using the docker variant.

Whether you've exposed this port on container creation/start or you have 
to go into the docker image (docker exec -it IMAGENAME /bin/bash) and 
connect there with psql (pg_hba.conf should be in 
/etc/postgresql/[version]/main or similiar).



Re: Question on pgwatch

2019-08-23 Thread Georg H.

Hello Bikram,

Am 22.08.2019 um 23:50 schrieb Bikram MAJUMDAR:

Need help from anyone in the team who has worked on pgwatch2.

Yesterday we installed  pgwatch2 docker image and started the container.
We are running the pgwatch2 container from the database server itself -
Now we want to add our databases for monitoring using the admin interface:
We are opening the pgwatch2 admin interface at :8080/dbs.But, when we 
try to add the database (cemtore) in the admin interface we get the following error:

Could not connect to specified host (ignore if gatherer daemon runs on another host): FATAL: no pg_hba.conf 
entry for host "", user "cemtore", database "cemtore", SSL off

Any idea what we are doing wrong?

We would now like to add the database manually following notes below:
by default the pgwatch2 configuration database running inside Docker is being 
monitored so that you can immediately see some graphs, but you should add new 
databases by opening the admin interface at or logging into 
the Postgres config DB and inserting into pgwatch2.monitored_db table (db - 
pgwatch2 , default user/pw - pgwatch2/pgwatch2admin)

But, my question is, how do I run the psql on my  database server to login to 
this default pgwatch2 configuration DB?

Bikram Majumdar
Sr Software Developer/DBA, Aqsacom Inc.
c. 1.972.365.3737

As the message states (FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host 
"", user "cemtore", database "cemtore", SSL off) you have to 
edit pg_hba.conf of the PostgreSQL Cluster hosting the cemtore database

to allow connections from pgwatch to it as your current config doesn't 
allow that. Also you may need the connecting user within your database 
with the required rights (if not added yet).



Re: logging "raise" to file

2019-07-28 Thread Georg H.


Am 28.07.2019 um 12:32 schrieb


is there a way to log output from "raise ..." to a local file? \o file 
does not work (for me).


the red part writes your "raise notice" to your log

psql (+your connection string) -f /path/to/file.sql *> 
/path/to/log/xxx.log 2>&1*




Re: short sql question

2021-06-18 Thread Georg H.


Am 18.06.2021 um 09:15 schrieb


I just cannot see what is wrong with my query:

create table files (id int, name text, prev_name text, );
create table fnchanged (id int, name text);

update files f set prev_name =, name = from fnchanges c where = and !=

your update statement works for me after changing

from fnchanges


from fnchanged
(as written in your create statement) but I've gotERROR: relation "fnchanges" 
does not exist instead of a syntax error

--- gets syntax error at "from"

(Using PostgreSQL 10.4 on a NAS box)

Best regards

kind regards

Re: PostgreSQL reference coffee mug

2021-07-28 Thread Georg H.

Hello Matthias,

Am 28.07.2021 um 15:40 schrieb Matthias Apitz:

El día martes, julio 27, 2021 a las 08:32:45p. m. +0200, Matthias Apitz 

Thank you, Pavel. This is ofc to much for a coffee mug. For using it as
a Reference Card in paper form, it's a pity that it is not written in English.

I'm working on my own for the mug and will publish the PDF and
libreoffice ODT version here. The max size of the image for the mug is
7.5cm high x 16cm around the body of the coffee mug.

only typos:

\o file snnds  -> sends

\passwor  -> password

createdb ... dbna -> dbname

Attached is a first version as PDF. Bugs/comments are welcome. Thanks.




Re: Converting sql anywhere to postgres

2023-08-15 Thread Georg H.


Am 15.08.2023 um 17:04 schrieb Russell Rose | Passfield Data Systems:

Hi there

I am trying to convert a SQL Anywhere database to postgres. Within SQL 
anywhere a field can have a default value of ‘last user’. This means 
that when you perform an update on a table, if the field is not 
explicitly set then the current user is used. So for instance if I 
have a field called mod_user in a table, but when I do an update on 
the table and do not set mod_user then SQL Anywhere sets the field to 
current_uer. I have tried to replicate this using a postgres trigger 
in the before update. However, if I do not set the value then it 
automatically picks up the value that was already in the field. Is 
there a way to tell the difference between me setting the value to the 
same as the previous value and postgres automatically picking it up.

If the field myfield contains the word ‘me’. Can I tell the difference 

Update table1 set field1=’something’,myfield=’me’


Update table1 set field1=’something’

maybe this is what you're looking for (without a trigger)

CREATE TABLE mytest.autovalues
    key serial NOT NULL,
    product text,
    updated_by text DEFAULT current_user,
    updated_at timestamp without time zone DEFAULT current_timestamp,
    PRIMARY KEY (key)

TABLESPACE pg_default;

ALTER TABLE IF EXISTS mytest.autovalues
    OWNER to postgres;

-- instead of current_user you may also use |session_user see|


|then try:

|insert into mytest.autovalues (product) values ('apple') ;
insert into mytest.autovalues (product,updated_by) values 
('apple','justanotheruser') ;
insert into mytest.autovalues (product,updated_by) values 
('peach','justanotheruser') ;

select * from mytest.autovalues;
update mytest.autovalues set product='pear', updated_by=DEFAULT where key=2;
select * from mytest.autovalues;|


|In case you want to "automate" the update command (not setting 
|||updated_by to DEFAULT manually/programmatically)| you may use an on 
update trigger that compares current_user/session_user with 
old.|updated_by and if they are different you could set new.updated_by 
to DEFAULT (or whatever logic fits your needs)||

kind regards


Re: psql "\d" no longer working

2023-02-12 Thread Georg H.

Hello Rob,

Am 12.02.2023 um 10:02 schrieb Rob Sargent:

Seems I've lost the table definition meta-command

riftehr=> \d actual_and_inf_rel_clean_final
ERROR:  column c.relhasoids does not exist
LINE 1: ..., c.relhasindex, c.relhasrules, c.relhastriggers,

while listing tables still works

riftehr=> \dt act*
List of relations
 Schema |   Name    | Type  | Owner
 cell   | actual_and_inf_rel_clean_final    | table | cell
 cell   | actual_and_inf_rel_clean_final_count_rels | table | cell
 cell   | actual_and_inf_rel_part1  | table | cell
 cell   | actual_and_inf_rel_part1_unique   | table | cell
 cell   | actual_and_inf_rel_part1_unique_clean | table | cell
 cell   | actual_and_inf_rel_part2  | table | cell
 cell   | actual_and_inf_rel_part2_unique   | table | cell
 cell   | actual_and_inf_rel_part2_unique_clean | table | cell
(8 rows)

riftehr=> select version();

 PostgreSQL 14.7 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (GCC)
8.5.0 20210514 (Red Hat 8.5.0-16), 64-bit
(1 row)

The server was restarted Friday morning (according to systemctl) and 
the log file has the complete sql statement:

2023-02-10 13:42:55.214 MST [524159] STATEMENT:  SELECT
c.relchecks, c.relkind, c.relhasindex, c.relhasrules,
c.relhastriggers, c.relhasoids, '', c.reltablespace, CASE WHEN
c.reloftype = 0 THEN '' ELSE
c.reloftype::pg_catalog.regtype::pg_catalog.text END, c.relpersistence
    FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c
 LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class tc ON (c.reltoastrelid =
    WHERE c.oid = '219319';
2023-02-10 13:43:01.143 MST [524159] ERROR:  column c.relhasoids
does not exist at character 80

but I don't see any other issue in the log file.

I have yet to find another broken meta-command and no sql of mine has 
failed along similar lines as had "\d"

Any pointers much appreciated.

Check the version of your psql binary. I assume it's below v13.
There was a change in pg_catalog.

Clients below 13 assume, the column is still there.

kind regards


Re: best migration solution

2024-04-25 Thread Georg H.

Hello Markus,

keep it simple. Use a restored backup of the source db or this db itself
and then

Am 25.04.2024 um 09:55 schrieb Zwettler Markus (OIZ):

we have to migrate from hosted PG12 to containerized PG16 on private

some of the installed PG12 extensions are not offered on the
containerized PG16, eg. PostGIS related extensions like pg_routing and

some of these extensions are not needed anymore. some of these
extensions were installed in their own schema.

we also need to change the database names and most role names due to
external requirements.

I came up with this solution.

dump all roles with pg_dumpall.

edit this dumpfile and

  * exclude roles not needed

drop roles not needed

  * change required role names

rename the required roles to their new names

then dump the roles

dump all required databases with pg_dump

  * in plain text
  * exclude all schemas not needed

drop all schemas not needed as well as any extension that does not exist
on the target and those that have own schemas (maybe they should not be
installed before the dump is imported)

then take a pg_dump just of the database(s)


edit this dump file and

  * exclude any "create extension" command for not existing extensions
  * change all required role names on permissions and ownerships

any missings?
any better solutions?

I wonder whether a plain text dump could lead to conversion problems
or something similar?

when the roles and db-dump are imported, install the missing extensions.

To take the dumps use the binaries of the target version

kind regards and good luck
