[GENERAL] Dropping all foreign keys for a column in a table

2012-08-29 Thread Andreas Joseph Krogh
Here is a function for removing all FKs on a column (yes, PG for some 
reason allows multiple similar FKs on a column):

create or replace function remove_fk_by_table_and_column(p_table_name 
varchar, p_column_name varchar) returns INTEGER as $$

v_fk_name varchar := NULL;
v_fk_num_removed INTEGER := 0;
FOR v_fk_name IN (SELECT ss2.conname
FROM pg_attribute af, pg_attribute a,
(SELECT conname, conrelid,confrelid,conkey[i] AS conkey, 
confkey[i] AS confkey

FROM (SELECT conname, conrelid,confrelid,conkey,confkey,
generate_series(1,array_upper(conkey,1)) AS i
FROM pg_constraint WHERE contype = 'f') ss) ss2
WHERE af.attnum = confkey
AND af.attrelid = confrelid
AND a.attnum = conkey
AND a.attrelid = conrelid
AND a.attrelid = p_table_name::regclass
AND a.attname = p_column_name) LOOP
execute 'alter table ' || quote_ident(p_table_name) || ' drop 
constraint ' || quote_ident(v_fk_name);

v_fk_num_removed = v_fk_num_removed + 1;

return v_fk_num_removed;

$$ language plpgsql;


select remove_fk_by_table_and_column('my_table', 'some_column');

I find myself often having to remove FK-constraints on a column because 
they are refactored to point to other columns or whatever, and I thought 
this might be useful to others.

Andreas Joseph Kroghandr...@officenet.no  - mob: +47 909 56 963
Senior Software Developer / CEO - OfficeNet AS - http://www.officenet.no
Public key: http://home.officenet.no/~andreak/public_key.asc

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Re: [GENERAL] Dropping a column on parent table doesn't propagate to children?

2012-08-29 Thread Sergey Konoplev
On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 12:26 AM, Moshe Jacobson mo...@neadwerx.com wrote:
 The docs said that the descendant tables' columns would be removed unless
 they had had their own definition for that column. I'm not sure what that

It means that when you DEFINE columns in the inherited table they will
be independent from the parent table. So anything you do with the
columns in the parent table will not affect such columns in the
inherited one.

 means, but the descendant tables were created using like tb_audit_event to
 inherit the columns.

When LIKE table_name is specified in the definition of a table it
means that all the columns will be DEFINED in the new table. You
should not specify LIKE table_name in the definition of the inherited
tables to make the columns to be INHERITED instead of DEFINED.

Here you will find a very good explanation of the inheritance

 Any idea why the descendant columns are not dropping along with the parent?

 Here are the table descriptions followed by my table alter and check:

 postgres@zeus=hera:ises=# \d tb_audit_event

  Table public.tb_audit_event
  Column |Type |
  audit_event| integer | not null default
  audit_field| integer | not null
  row_pk_val | integer | not null
  recorded   | timestamp without time zone | not null default now()
  entity | integer | not null
  row_op | character(1)| not null
  op_sequence| integer | not null
  transaction_id | bigint  | not null
  process_id | integer | not null
  old_value  | text|
  new_value  | text|
 tb_audit_event_pkey PRIMARY KEY, btree (audit_event)
 tb_audit_event_recorded_key btree (recorded)
 tb_audit_event_transaction_id_key btree (transaction_id)
 Check constraints:
 tb_audit_event_row_op_check CHECK (row_op = ANY (ARRAY['I'::bpchar,
 'U'::bpchar, 'D'::bpchar]))
 Foreign-key constraints:
 tb_audit_event_audit_field_fkey FOREIGN KEY (audit_field) REFERENCES
 tb_audit_event_entity_fkey FOREIGN KEY (entity) REFERENCES
 tr_redirect_audit_events BEFORE INSERT ON tb_audit_event FOR EACH ROW
 EXECUTE PROCEDURE fn_redirect_audit_events()
 Number of child tables: 17 (Use \d+ to list them.)

 postgres@zeus=hera:ises=# \d audit_log.tb_audit_event_20120826_0208
  Table audit_log.tb_audit_event_20120826_0208
  Column |Type |
  audit_event| integer | not null default
  audit_field| integer | not null
  row_pk_val | integer | not null
  recorded   | timestamp without time zone | not null default now()
  entity | integer | not null
  row_op | character(1)| not null
  op_sequence| integer | not null
  transaction_id | bigint  | not null
  process_id | integer | not null
  old_value  | text|
  new_value  | text|
 tb_audit_event_20120826_0208_pkey PRIMARY KEY, btree (audit_event)
 tb_audit_event_20120826_0208_recorded_idx btree (recorded)
 tb_audit_event_20120826_0208_transaction_id_idx btree (transaction_id)
 Check constraints:
 tb_audit_event_20120826_0208_recorded_check CHECK (recorded =
 '2012-08-19 14:57:49.315938'::timestamp without time zone AND recorded =
 '2012-08-26 14:13:04.133753'::timestamp without time zone)
 tb_audit_event_row_op_check CHECK (row_op = ANY (ARRAY['I'::bpchar,
 'U'::bpchar, 'D'::bpchar]))
 Inherits: tb_audit_event

 postgres@moshe=devmain:ises=# alter table tb_audit_event drop column
 postgres@moshe=devmain:ises=# \d audit_log.tb_audit_event_20120826_0208
  Table audit_log.tb_audit_event_20120826_0208
  Column |Type |
  audit_event| integer | not null default
  audit_field| integer | not null
  row_pk_val | integer | not null
  recorded   | timestamp without time zone | not 

Re: [GENERAL] order of checking the unique constraints

2012-08-29 Thread Sergey Konoplev
 Can somebody tell me the order in which the Unique Constraints of a table
 are checked, like when an INSERT is done ?

 I had a similar question some time ago, with an answer by Tom lane:

You might also find interesting that this behavior can be controlled
by specifying DEFERRABLE/IMEDIATE properties on your UCs and by using


Sergey Konoplev

a database and software architect

Jabber: gray...@gmail.com Skype: gray-hemp Phone: +79160686204

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[GENERAL] do the files in pg_xlog differ in master and slave?

2012-08-29 Thread Kent Tong

The documentation seems to say that when setting up a standby, it is OK to
rsync/copy the files from the master, but the pg_xlog directory should be
excluded. Is there some important difference between the files in pg_xlog
in the master and those in the slave? If so, what is it? If the pg_xlog
files are copied, would it cause the timeline xx of the primary does not
match recovery target timeline yy error? Why?


Kent Tong
IT author and consultant, child educator

Re: [GENERAL] Dropping all foreign keys for a column in a table

2012-08-29 Thread Bartosz Dmytrak
thanks, this will help me :)

Maybe one small hint:
You use only table name variable (p_table_name) which I assume should
contain schema name. If so then quote_ident ('aaA.bbbB') will give You
aaA.bbbB but not aaA.bbbB. This will produce error. It is better
idea, in my oppinion, to add p_schema_name variable to function parameters
or table OID as p_table_name, and then get table and schema name (fully
qualified) from casting oid to regclass:

SELECT 'pg_class'::regclass::oid
gives me: 1259
SELECT 1259::regclass
gives me: pg_class

You can try this with any table and second casting will give You fully
qualified name besed on provided OID.


2012/8/29 Andreas Joseph Krogh andr...@officenet.no

 Here is a function for removing all FKs on a column (yes, PG for some
 reason allows multiple similar FKs on a column):

 create or replace function remove_fk_by_table_and_column(**p_table_name
 varchar, p_column_name varchar) returns INTEGER as $$
 v_fk_name varchar := NULL;
 v_fk_num_removed INTEGER := 0;
 FOR v_fk_name IN (SELECT ss2.conname
 FROM pg_attribute af, pg_attribute a,
 (SELECT conname, conrelid,confrelid,conkey[i] AS conkey,
 confkey[i] AS confkey
 FROM (SELECT conname, conrelid,confrelid,conkey,**confkey,
 generate_series(1,array_upper(**conkey,1)) AS i
 FROM pg_constraint WHERE contype = 'f') ss) ss2
 WHERE af.attnum = confkey
 AND af.attrelid = confrelid
 AND a.attnum = conkey
 AND a.attrelid = conrelid
 AND a.attrelid = p_table_name::regclass
 AND a.attname = p_column_name) LOOP
 execute 'alter table ' || quote_ident(p_table_name) || ' drop
 constraint ' || quote_ident(v_fk_name);
 v_fk_num_removed = v_fk_num_removed + 1;

 return v_fk_num_removed;

 $$ language plpgsql;


 select remove_fk_by_table_and_column(**'my_table', 'some_column');

 I find myself often having to remove FK-constraints on a column because
 they are refactored to point to other columns or whatever, and I thought
 this might be useful to others.

 Andreas Joseph Kroghandr...@officenet.no  - mob: +47 909 56 963
 Senior Software Developer / CEO - OfficeNet AS - http://www.officenet.no
 Public key: 

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[GENERAL] PQfformat question and retrieving bytea data in C

2012-08-29 Thread Jason Armstrong
I have a question regarding the return value of PQfformat()

I have a 'data' column in my table, type bytea (postgresql 9.1.5).

In postgresql.conf:
bytea_output = 'escape'

When I execute the query:
PGresult *res = PQexec(db, SELECT data::bytea FROM data_table WHERE id='xxx')

And I run through the results:

int i, j;
for (i = 0; i  PQntuples(res); i++) {
  for (j = 0; j  PQnfields(res); j++) {
printf(Format %d: %d\n, j, PQfformat(res, j));
printf(Type   %d: %d\n, j, PQftype(res, j));

This prints that the format is type 0, and the type is 17.

Shouldn't the format be 1 (binary data)?

I am getting a discrepancy between data that I put into the table and
data I retrieve.
When I dump the data, using:

int di;
char *val = PQgetvalue(res, i, j);
for (di = 0; di  16; di++) fprintf(stderr, %2x , val[di]);

I see the following:
30 5c 33 33 32 5c 30 30 30 5c 30 31 31 5c 30 30

But when I look at the same data in the database:

psql select encode(substr(data, 0, 16), 'hex') from data_table where id='xxx';


This is the data I'm expecting to get back. Is the '00' (third byte)
causing the problem?

The data looks the same at a certain place (ie it starts with the same
byte 30, then the C code has 22 bytes whereas the db hex dump has 7
bytes, then the data is the same again. The 7/22 number of bytes isn't
always the same, across the different data values).

Jason Armstrong

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Re: [GENERAL] PQfformat question and retrieving bytea data in C

2012-08-29 Thread Dmitriy Igrishin
Hey Jason,

2012/8/29 Jason Armstrong j...@riverdrums.com

 I have a question regarding the return value of PQfformat()

 I have a 'data' column in my table, type bytea (postgresql 9.1.5).

 In postgresql.conf:
 bytea_output = 'escape'

 When I execute the query:
 PGresult *res = PQexec(db, SELECT data::bytea FROM data_table WHERE

PQexec() always returns data in the text format. You should use
PQexecParams() to obtain the data as binary.

 And I run through the results:

 int i, j;
 for (i = 0; i  PQntuples(res); i++) {
   for (j = 0; j  PQnfields(res); j++) {
 printf(Format %d: %d\n, j, PQfformat(res, j));
 printf(Type   %d: %d\n, j, PQftype(res, j));

 This prints that the format is type 0, and the type is 17.

 Shouldn't the format be 1 (binary data)?

 I am getting a discrepancy between data that I put into the table and
 data I retrieve.
 When I dump the data, using:

 int di;
 char *val = PQgetvalue(res, i, j);
 for (di = 0; di  16; di++) fprintf(stderr, %2x , val[di]);

 I see the following:
 30 5c 33 33 32 5c 30 30 30 5c 30 31 31 5c 30 30

 But when I look at the same data in the database:

 psql select encode(substr(data, 0, 16), 'hex') from data_table where

 This is the data I'm expecting to get back. Is the '00' (third byte)
 causing the problem?

 The data looks the same at a certain place (ie it starts with the same
 byte 30, then the C code has 22 bytes whereas the db hex dump has 7
 bytes, then the data is the same again. The 7/22 number of bytes isn't
 always the same, across the different data values).

 Jason Armstrong

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// Dmitriy.

Re: [GENERAL] Views versus user-defined functions: formatting, comments, performance, etc.

2012-08-29 Thread Merlin Moncure
On Tue, Aug 28, 2012 at 3:25 PM, Dmitriy Igrishin dmit...@gmail.com wrote:
 2012/8/20 Merlin Moncure mmonc...@gmail.com

 On Sun, Aug 19, 2012 at 8:14 AM, Dmitriy Igrishin dmit...@gmail.com
  For various reasons, this often goes the wrong way.  Views are often
  the right way to go.  +1 on your comment above -- the right way to do
  views (and SQL in general) is to organize scripts and to try and avoid
  managing everything through GUI tools.  It works.
  The drawback of this approach is that in some cases we need a
  factory function(s) (in terms of the OOP) which returns one or a
  set of objects (i.e. the function returns the view type). But since
  the views are not in the dump we are forced to abandon this solution
  and go with workarounds (such as creating extra composite types
  to use as returning values or use the tables).

 Could you elaborate on this?

  Suppose we've designed a simple class hierarchy (I'll use C++ notation):
 class User { ... };
 class Real_user : public User { ... };
 class Pseudo_user : public User { ... };

 Suppose we've decided that objects of these classes will be stored
 in one database table:
 CREATE TYPE user_type AS ENUM ('real', 'pseudo');
 CREATE TABLE user (id serial NOT NULL,
  tp user_type NOT NULL,
  user_property1 text NOT NULL,
  user_property2 text NOT NULL,
  real_user_property1 text NULL,
  real_user_property2 text NULL,
  pseudo_user_property1 text NULL);

 For simple mapping we've creating the (updatable, with rules) views:
 CREATE VIEW real_user_view
   AS SELECT * FROM user WHERE tp = 'real';

 CREATE VIEW pseudo_user_view
   AS SELECT * FROM user WHERE tp = 'pseudo';

 CREATE VIEW user_view
   AS SELECT * FROM real_user_view
 UNION ALL SELECT * FROM pseudo_user_view;

 The C++ classes above will operate on these views.
 Finally, suppose we need a function which gets a Real_user's
 instance by known identifier (or a key):
 The C++ function may be defined as:
 Real_user* real_user(int id);

 At the same time this function can call PL/pgSQL's function:
 CREATE FUNCTION real_user(id integer)
 RETURNS real_user_view ...

 So, the factory function real_user() is depends on the view. And
 when the views are not in the dump (stored in the separate place)
 this is an annoying limitation and we must use some of the
 workarounds. (Use the table user as a return value or create
 an extra composite type with the same structure as for the real_user_view).

Hm, couple points (and yes, this is a common problem):
*) how come you don't have your function depend on the table instead
of the view?  this has the neat property of having the function
automatically track added columns to the table.

*) if that's still a headache from dependency point of view, maybe you
can use composite-type implemented table:
postgres=# create type foo as  (a int, b int);
postgres=# create table bar of foo;
postgres=# create view baz as select * from bar;
postgres=# alter type foo add attribute c int cascade;
postgres=# \d bar
  Table public.bar
 Column |  Type   | Modifiers
 a  | integer |
 b  | integer |
 c  | integer |
Typed table of type: foo

*) do you really need a factory function to create 'user'  -- why not
allow regular inserts?

*) I usually do some variant of this:

create table fruit
  fruit_id int primary key,
  type text,
  freshness numeric

create table apple
  fruit_id int primary key references fruit on delete cascade
deferrable initially deferred,
  cyanide_content numeric

create table orange
  fruit_id int primary key references fruit on delete cascade
deferrable initially deferred,
  vitamin_c_content numeric

create or replace function hs(r anyelement) returns hstore as
  select hstore($1);
$$ language sql immutable strict;

create or replace view fruit_ext as
  select f.*,
coalesce(hs(a), hs(o)) as properties
  from fruit f
  left join apple a using(fruit_id)
  left join orange o using(fruit_id);

insert into fruit values(1, 'apple', 2.0);
insert into fruit values(2, 'orange', 3.5);

insert into apple values(1, 0.3);
insert into orange values(2, 0.012);

This seems to work well especially if you have a lot of
specializations of the 'base type' and you can season deletions to
taste with appropriate RI triggers if you want.  An alternate way to
do it is to include fruit.type in the primary key, forcing the
dependent fruit back to the proper record though.  My main gripe about
it is that it there's no way to make sure that a 'fruit' points at the
proper dependent table based on type with a pure constraint.

Yet another way of doing this is to simple hstore the extended
properties into the base table so that everything is stuffed in one

[GENERAL] calling a C function from pgsql function

2012-08-29 Thread tamanna madaan
Hi All

I have created a function in C language . This is to be called from a pgsql
function .
Let say the C language function name is test1 and pgsql function name is
test .

test1 is called from test three times with different arguments .  For
example :

test ()

test1(arg1);--test1 is a C library function  returning an int


Now, my questions are :

1. what are the ways to get  the value returned by this library function .
2. when test1 is called, will it wait for test1 to return before
continuing with the next statement in test or it will continue with the
next statement parallely while test1 is being executed.
3. Moreover, will test1  be called sequentially in order for all the three
arguments i.e arg1 first and arg3 in last. Or there can be a different



 Tamanna | Associate Consultant
GlobalLogic Inc. | Innovation by Design
Office:  0120-4062000  x 2971


Re: [GENERAL] PQfformat question and retrieving bytea data in C

2012-08-29 Thread Merlin Moncure
On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 8:05 AM, Dmitriy Igrishin dmit...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hey Jason,

 2012/8/29 Jason Armstrong j...@riverdrums.com

 I have a question regarding the return value of PQfformat()

 I have a 'data' column in my table, type bytea (postgresql 9.1.5).

 In postgresql.conf:
 bytea_output = 'escape'

 When I execute the query:
 PGresult *res = PQexec(db, SELECT data::bytea FROM data_table WHERE

 PQexec() always returns data in the text format. You should use
 PQexecParams() to obtain the data as binary.

Also see libpqtypes.  It abstracts you from the wire format and
returns data in a regular way:

int success;
PGint4 i4;
PGtext text;
PGbytea bytea;
PGpoint pt;
PGresult *res = PQexec(conn, SELECT i,t,b,p FROM tbl);

/* Get some field values from the result (order doesn't matter) */
success = PQgetf(res,
 0,/* get field values from tuple 0 */
 %int4 #text %bytea %point,
   /* type format specifiers (get text by name '#') */
 0,   i4, /* get an int4 from field num 0 */
 t, text,   /* get a text from field name t */
 2,   bytea,  /* get a bytea from field num 2 */
 3,   pt);/* get a point from field num 3 */

/* Output an error message using PQgeterror(3). */
 fprintf(stderr, *ERROR: %s\n, PQgeterror());

/* Output the values, do this before PQclear() */
 printf(int4=%d, text=%s, bytea=%d bytes, point=(%f,%f)\n,
  i4, text, bytea.len, pt.x, pt.y);



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Re: [GENERAL] PQfformat question and retrieving bytea data in C

2012-08-29 Thread Chris Angelico
On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 10:30 PM, Jason Armstrong j...@riverdrums.com wrote:
 I see the following:
 30 5c 33 33 32 5c 30 30 30 5c 30 31 31 5c 30 30

 But when I look at the same data in the database:

 psql select encode(substr(data, 0, 16), 'hex') from data_table where 

Here's what you're seeing:


5c is a backslash, the rest are all digits. The backslashes introduce
octal escape codes - that's what bytea_output = 'escape' means. 0332
is 0xda, 011 is 0x09, etc. You're seeing the same values come up in
the cases where they don't need to be escaped, like the 0x30 at the


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Re: [GENERAL] calling a C function from pgsql function

2012-08-29 Thread Craig Ringer

On 08/29/2012 09:18 PM, tamanna madaan wrote:

1. what are the ways to get  the value returned by this library function .

You need to wrap the C library function with a PostgreSQL C extension 
that uses the fmgr.h APIs, so it's callable from SQL and can return a 
result to SQL. See:


2. when test1 is called, will it wait for test1 to return before
continuing with the next statement in test or it will continue with
the next statement parallely while test1 is being executed.

The call will return when the C wrapper function returns, so they'll be 
executed in series not in parallel.

3. Moreover, will test1  be called sequentially in order for all the
three arguments i.e arg1 first and arg3 in last. Or there can be a
different order.

The calls will be executed in the order they appear in the PL/PgSQL 

Craig Ringer

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Re: [GENERAL] calling a C function from pgsql function

2012-08-29 Thread Pavel Stehule

see http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.1/static/xfunc-c.html

plpgsql can call any sql function, so you have to register your C
function as custom postgresql sql function


Pavel Stehule

2012/8/29 tamanna madaan tamanna.mad...@globallogic.com:
 Hi All

 I have created a function in C language . This is to be called from a pgsql
 function .
 Let say the C language function name is test1 and pgsql function name is
 test .

 test1 is called from test three times with different arguments .  For
 example :

 test ()

 test1(arg1);--test1 is a C library function  returning an int


 Now, my questions are :

 1. what are the ways to get  the value returned by this library function .
 2. when test1 is called, will it wait for test1 to return before
 continuing with the next statement in test or it will continue with the
 next statement parallely while test1 is being executed.
 3. Moreover, will test1  be called sequentially in order for all the three
 arguments i.e arg1 first and arg3 in last. Or there can be a different



  Tamanna | Associate Consultant
 GlobalLogic Inc. | Innovation by Design
 Office:  0120-4062000  x 2971


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Re: [GENERAL] Dropping a column on parent table doesn't propagate to children?

2012-08-29 Thread Moshe Jacobson
Thanks Sergey.

I create these inherited tables from the main table, and then move them
into a different schema that is backed up separately from the main schema,
since they are for audit logging, which gets very big.

1. If I want the inherited table's columns indexed the same way as the
parent, must I create new indexes on the inherited table?
2. If I move the inherited table to a new schema, will its indexes also be
moved into the new schema?
3. Any difference in behavior regarding check constraints, schemas,
indexes, etc that I should be aware of between inherited tables created
with pure inheritance as opposed to like parent_table?

Thank you.

On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 4:35 AM, Sergey Konoplev 
sergey.konop...@postgresql-consulting.com wrote:

 On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 12:26 AM, Moshe Jacobson mo...@neadwerx.com
  The docs said that the descendant tables' columns would be removed unless
  they had had their own definition for that column. I'm not sure what that

 It means that when you DEFINE columns in the inherited table they will
 be independent from the parent table. So anything you do with the
 columns in the parent table will not affect such columns in the
 inherited one.

  means, but the descendant tables were created using like
 tb_audit_event to
  inherit the columns.

 When LIKE table_name is specified in the definition of a table it
 means that all the columns will be DEFINED in the new table. You
 should not specify LIKE table_name in the definition of the inherited
 tables to make the columns to be INHERITED instead of DEFINED.

 Here you will find a very good explanation of the inheritance

  Any idea why the descendant columns are not dropping along with the
  Here are the table descriptions followed by my table alter and check:
  postgres@zeus=hera:ises=# \d tb_audit_event
   Table public.tb_audit_event
   Column |Type |
   audit_event| integer | not null default
   audit_field| integer | not null
   row_pk_val | integer | not null
   recorded   | timestamp without time zone | not null default now()
   entity | integer | not null
   row_op | character(1)| not null
   op_sequence| integer | not null
   transaction_id | bigint  | not null
   process_id | integer | not null
   old_value  | text|
   new_value  | text|
  tb_audit_event_pkey PRIMARY KEY, btree (audit_event)
  tb_audit_event_recorded_key btree (recorded)
  tb_audit_event_transaction_id_key btree (transaction_id)
  Check constraints:
  tb_audit_event_row_op_check CHECK (row_op = ANY (ARRAY['I'::bpchar,
  'U'::bpchar, 'D'::bpchar]))
  Foreign-key constraints:
  tb_audit_event_audit_field_fkey FOREIGN KEY (audit_field)
  tb_audit_event_entity_fkey FOREIGN KEY (entity) REFERENCES
  tr_redirect_audit_events BEFORE INSERT ON tb_audit_event FOR EACH ROW
  EXECUTE PROCEDURE fn_redirect_audit_events()
  Number of child tables: 17 (Use \d+ to list them.)
  postgres@zeus=hera:ises=# \d audit_log.tb_audit_event_20120826_0208
   Column |Type |
   audit_event| integer | not null default
   audit_field| integer | not null
   row_pk_val | integer | not null
   recorded   | timestamp without time zone | not null default now()
   entity | integer | not null
   row_op | character(1)| not null
   op_sequence| integer | not null
   transaction_id | bigint  | not null
   process_id | integer | not null
   old_value  | text|
   new_value  | text|
  tb_audit_event_20120826_0208_pkey PRIMARY KEY, btree (audit_event)
  tb_audit_event_20120826_0208_recorded_idx btree (recorded)
  tb_audit_event_20120826_0208_transaction_id_idx btree
  Check constraints:
  tb_audit_event_20120826_0208_recorded_check CHECK (recorded =
  '2012-08-19 14:57:49.315938'::timestamp without time zone AND recorded =

Re: [GENERAL] Views versus user-defined functions: formatting, comments, performance, etc.

2012-08-29 Thread Chris Travers
On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 6:15 AM, Merlin Moncure mmonc...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hm, couple points (and yes, this is a common problem):
 *) how come you don't have your function depend on the table instead
 of the view?  this has the neat property of having the function
 automatically track added columns to the table.

Plus there are lots of really cool things about function/table

 *) if that's still a headache from dependency point of view, maybe you
 can use composite-type implemented table:
 postgres=# create type foo as  (a int, b int);
 postgres=# create table bar of foo;

That's a useful syntax there.

 *) do you really need a factory function to create 'user'  -- why not
 allow regular inserts?

I don't know about his case but with LedgerSMB our new code all maps
inserts into stored procedures.  These have a useful property of
discoverability although I suppose an insert would too.However if you
are going the insert route, it may be good to separate physical from
logical storage, which may be where the views and functions come in.

Also showing before where table inheritance can make this a bit better and
how to solve your key issue (which again inheritance provides a solution
for, properly used).

 *) I usually do some variant of this:

 create table fruit
   fruit_id int primary key,
   type text,
   freshness numeric

I would suggest adding fruit.type to the primary key.  From here there are
all sorts of things you can do and depending on number of types,
inheritance can be a net win (see my upcoming post tomorrow on this).

Also create another table:

CREATE TABLE fruit_ref (
   fruit_id int,
   fruit_type text

This is then useful for creating inherited interfaces.  More on this below.

 create table apple
   fruit_id int primary key references fruit on delete cascade
 deferrable initially deferred,
   cyanide_content numeric

Change this to:

   cyanide_content numeric,
   primary key (fruit_id, fruit_type)
   check (fruit_type = 'apple'),
   foreign key (fruit_id, fruit_type) references fruit (fruit_id, type)
   deferrable initially immediate,
) inherits (fruit_ref);

Make similar changes to other tables below

 create table orange
   fruit_id int primary key references fruit on delete cascade
 deferrable initially deferred,
   vitamin_c_content numeric

Now, you can also do as follows:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fruit(fruit_ref) returns fruit
language sql
as $$
select * from fruit where fruit_id = $1.fruit_id; $$;

This way you technically can do something like:

select (a.fruit).* from apple a;

although that will essentially force a nested loop join, and probably even
worse than that so keep  those to the minimum.

But now we can decide on how to enforce the type constraint.  The simplest
way if you don't have too many subtypes is probably to add the following
columns to fruit:

ALTER TABLE fruit ADD apple_id int;
ALTER TABLE fruit ADD FOREIGN KEY (apple_id, type)
   REFERENCES apple (fruit_id, type)

And then do the same for orange etc.  you can then:

ALTER TABLE fruit ADD CHECK ((type = 'apple' and apple_id IS NOT NULL) OR
(type = 'orange' AND orange_id IS NOT NULL)

This way you only get a fairly complicated set of type constraints, and the
interface to fruit is in fact guaranteed to be unique and enforced.

The problem though is that if you have a very large number of subtypes,
this becomes sufficiently complex that constraint triggers against the
fruit_ref inheritance tree may become a net win over individual foreign
keys.  Inheritance also simplifies adding sub-types because you inherit the
subtype interface and then work from there for joins and doesn't have to be
used to enforce keys to get there however.

 This seems to work well especially if you have a lot of
 specializations of the 'base type' and you can season deletions to
 taste with appropriate RI triggers if you want.  An alternate way to
 do it is to include fruit.type in the primary key, forcing the
 dependent fruit back to the proper record though.  My main gripe about
 it is that it there's no way to make sure that a 'fruit' points at the
 proper dependent table based on type with a pure constraint.

deferred foreign key constraints can do that if you add one key to fruit
for each base table.

 Yet another way of doing this is to simple hstore the extended
 properties into the base table so that everything is stuffed in one
 table -- that discards all type safety though.  I'm curious about what
 others have come up with in terms of solving this problem.

 Aside: a better way of doing this is the problem that table
 inheritance was trying to solve (and didn't).

Inheritance certainly hasn't become hassle-free in terms of this sort of
modelling and in fact is usually on the balance not a net gain.  It may be
helpful in defining interfaces 

[GENERAL] Problem with initdb and ephemeral drives when rebooting

2012-08-29 Thread Sébastien Lorion

When doing the setup for a benchmark of pgsql on an High IO instance of
Amazon, I got the following problem and was wondering if it is expected:

On FreeBSD 9.0 amd64, I installed PostgreSQL 9.1.5 on the boot drive (UFS),
created a ZFS pool using the 2 SSD drives (tank/db), chown pgsql tank/db,
ran initdb -D /tank/db as pgsql and all went well. When I rebooted the
instance, I tried to recreate the db in the same way, but I get the
following error:

FATAL: could not open file pg_xlog/00010001

I searched a bit to find what could cause this, but did not find any useful


[GENERAL][postgis-users] pg_dump -s should use add_geometrycolumn(...)

2012-08-29 Thread Willy-Bas Loos

pg_dump -s should use add_geometrycolumn(...) instead of creating a
column+constraints with normal DDL
Because, when you don't dump the data, then the record in geometry_columns
is lost.



Quality comes from focus and clarity of purpose -- Mark Shuttleworth

Re: [GENERAL] Understanding autocommit

2012-08-29 Thread Chris Angelico
On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 6:52 PM, Albe Laurenz laurenz.a...@wien.gv.at wrote:
 Chris Angelico wrote:
 I'm looking at these two pages:


 I'm sure there's something really obvious here, but... how do I find
 out whether my program's running in autocommit mode or not?

 An embedded SQL program is a program written in C that makes use
 of ecpg.

 The server itself has autocommit, so every program that uses
 PostgreSQL will be in autocommit mode by default.

 The only way around that are explicit BEGIN or START TRANSACTION
 commands (which is what ecpg uses).

Thanks Albe.

I've poked around a bit more with this question, and it seems that the
functionality was moved out of the server and into the client. It's no
longer possible to have autocommit set to anything other than true.
(But in case anyone else is wondering, the query show autocommit is
what I was looking for, to find out what current status is.)

So I guess now I need to check out the PHP bindings, since all my C++
code uses libpqxx and much better handling of transactions. (And I
rather doubt that you guys will know what Pike is, much less whether
it can automatically open a transaction and not commit it when a query
comes in.) I'd really rather get off PHP altogether, but that isn't
looking likely at the moment!


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[GENERAL] using vars in ddl in procedure call

2012-08-29 Thread Gauthier, Dave

v9.0.1 on linux.

Trying (failing) a test to see if I can run ddl in a procedure where elements 
of the ddl are vars.  Consider...

create or replace function newcol (text) returns integer as $$
  newcol alias for $1;

  alter table target add column newcol text;


$$ language plpgsql;

This successfully adds a column called newcol instead of what I passed it as 
an arg.

Any suggestions on how to make this work?

Thanks !

Re: [GENERAL] String comparision in PostgreSQL

2012-08-29 Thread Merlin Moncure
On Tue, Aug 28, 2012 at 9:46 AM, Nicola Cisternino ncis...@tiscali.it wrote:
 Hi all,
 I'm valutating a complex porting of our application based on Sybase
 SqlAnywhere on PostgreSQL (I've love it ...) and I'd like to have your
 opinion about searching/ordering funcionality.
 The problem is about string comparision.
 MS Sql server, MySql, SqlAnywhere and other DB engine allow a simple
 definition of case sensitive/insensitive behavior using char, varchar and
 text field type.
 In PostgreSQL I've already tried to use citext, lower() function (applied
 to indexes, too ...), ILIKE an so on . but nothing really work as I need
 (poor performances ...) !!

hm, poor performance? can you elaborate?


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Re: [GENERAL] using vars in ddl in procedure call

2012-08-29 Thread salah jubeh
you need to use execute command 


execute 'alter table  ' || newcol || ';' 


 From: Gauthier, Dave dave.gauth...@intel.com
To: pgsql-general@postgresql.org pgsql-general@postgresql.org 
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2012 4:56 PM
Subject: [GENERAL] using vars in ddl in procedure call

v9.0.1 on linux.
Trying (failing) a test to see if I can run ddl in a procedure where elements 
of the ddl are vars.  Consider...
create or replace function newcol (text) returns integer as $$
  newcol alias for $1;
  alter table target add column newcol text;
$$ language plpgsql;
This successfully adds a column called newcol instead of what I passed it as 
an arg.
Any suggestions on how to make this work?
Thanks !

[GENERAL] String comparision in PostgreSQL

2012-08-29 Thread Nicola Cisternino

Hi all,
I'm valutating a complex porting of our application based on Sybase 
SqlAnywhere on PostgreSQL (I've love it ...) and I'd like to have your 
opinion about searching/ordering funcionality.

The problem is about string comparision.
MS Sql server, MySql, SqlAnywhere and other DB engine allow a simple 
definition of case sensitive/insensitive behavior using char, varchar 
and text field type.
In PostgreSQL I've already tried to use citext, lower() function 
(applied to indexes, too ...), ILIKE an so on . but nothing really 
work as I need (poor performances ...) !!

My questions are:
1) Why PostgreSQL don't use COLLATE to manage case sensitive / 
insensitive comparision (I think it's the best and ANSI standard way ) ?
2) Can I build a custom COLLATION (for example named: NOCASE ) to 
apply to my DB objects ? What's the way (... some example ? ) ???

Best Regards.

Re: [GENERAL] using vars in ddl in procedure call

2012-08-29 Thread Tom Lane
Gauthier, Dave dave.gauth...@intel.com writes:
 Trying (failing) a test to see if I can run ddl in a procedure where elements 
 of the ddl are vars.  Consider...

You'll need to construct the command as a string value and then run it
with EXECUTE.  Beware of quoting issues (quote_ident and quote_literal
are your friends).

regards, tom lane

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Re: [GENERAL][postgis-users] pg_dump -s should use add_geometrycolumn(...)

2012-08-29 Thread Andres Freund
On Wednesday, August 29, 2012 04:44:14 PM Willy-Bas Loos wrote:
 pg_dump -s should use add_geometrycolumn(...) instead of creating a
 column+constraints with normal DDL
 Because, when you don't dump the data, then the record in geometry_columns
 is lost.
That shouldn't be a problem with postgres 2 anymore as far as I understand 


 Andres Freund http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training  Services

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Re: [GENERAL] Views versus user-defined functions: formatting, comments, performance, etc.

2012-08-29 Thread Dmitriy Igrishin
2012/8/29 Merlin Moncure mmonc...@gmail.com

 On Tue, Aug 28, 2012 at 3:25 PM, Dmitriy Igrishin dmit...@gmail.com
  2012/8/20 Merlin Moncure mmonc...@gmail.com
  On Sun, Aug 19, 2012 at 8:14 AM, Dmitriy Igrishin dmit...@gmail.com
   For various reasons, this often goes the wrong way.  Views are often
   the right way to go.  +1 on your comment above -- the right way to do
   views (and SQL in general) is to organize scripts and to try and
   managing everything through GUI tools.  It works.
   The drawback of this approach is that in some cases we need a
   factory function(s) (in terms of the OOP) which returns one or a
   set of objects (i.e. the function returns the view type). But since
   the views are not in the dump we are forced to abandon this solution
   and go with workarounds (such as creating extra composite types
   to use as returning values or use the tables).
  Could you elaborate on this?
   Suppose we've designed a simple class hierarchy (I'll use C++ notation):
  class User { ... };
  class Real_user : public User { ... };
  class Pseudo_user : public User { ... };
  Suppose we've decided that objects of these classes will be stored
  in one database table:
  CREATE TYPE user_type AS ENUM ('real', 'pseudo');
  CREATE TABLE user (id serial NOT NULL,
   tp user_type NOT NULL,
   user_property1 text NOT NULL,
   user_property2 text NOT NULL,
   real_user_property1 text NULL,
   real_user_property2 text NULL,
   pseudo_user_property1 text NULL);
  For simple mapping we've creating the (updatable, with rules) views:
  CREATE VIEW real_user_view
AS SELECT * FROM user WHERE tp = 'real';
  CREATE VIEW pseudo_user_view
AS SELECT * FROM user WHERE tp = 'pseudo';
  CREATE VIEW user_view
AS SELECT * FROM real_user_view
  UNION ALL SELECT * FROM pseudo_user_view;
  The C++ classes above will operate on these views.
  Finally, suppose we need a function which gets a Real_user's
  instance by known identifier (or a key):
  The C++ function may be defined as:
  Real_user* real_user(int id);
  At the same time this function can call PL/pgSQL's function:
  CREATE FUNCTION real_user(id integer)
  RETURNS real_user_view ...
  So, the factory function real_user() is depends on the view. And
  when the views are not in the dump (stored in the separate place)
  this is an annoying limitation and we must use some of the
  workarounds. (Use the table user as a return value or create
  an extra composite type with the same structure as for the

 Hm, couple points (and yes, this is a common problem):
 *) how come you don't have your function depend on the table instead
 of the view?  this has the neat property of having the function

I always do emphasis on the code style and on the easiness of
maintenance. And I looks at the views as on the classes (aka abstractions).
In many cases I don't want to care how (and where) the data is actually
stored -- in the one table, or in the many tables, or whatever.
AFAIK, the main goal of the views to provide such abstraction.

 automatically track added columns to the table.

Agreed, this is a nice feature.

 *) if that's still a headache from dependency point of view, maybe you
 can use composite-type implemented table:
 postgres=# create type foo as  (a int, b int);
 postgres=# create table bar of foo;
 postgres=# create view baz as select * from bar;
 postgres=# alter type foo add attribute c int cascade;
 postgres=# \d bar
   Table public.bar
  Column |  Type   | Modifiers
  a  | integer |
  b  | integer |
  c  | integer |
 Typed table of type: foo

Thanks for the solution! But it seems like a workaround here.

 *) do you really need a factory function to create 'user'  -- why not
 allow regular inserts?

By factory function I mean the function which creates an instance
for the client -- i.e. selecting object from the data source :-)

 *) I usually do some variant of this:

 create table fruit
   fruit_id int primary key,
   type text,
   freshness numeric

 create table apple
   fruit_id int primary key references fruit on delete cascade
 deferrable initially deferred,
   cyanide_content numeric

 create table orange
   fruit_id int primary key references fruit on delete cascade
 deferrable initially deferred,
   vitamin_c_content numeric

 create or replace function hs(r anyelement) returns hstore as
   select hstore($1);
 $$ language sql immutable strict;

 create or replace view fruit_ext as
   select f.*,
 coalesce(hs(a), hs(o)) as properties
   from fruit f
   left join apple a using(fruit_id)
   left join orange o using(fruit_id);

 insert into fruit 

Re: [GENERAL][postgis-users] pg_dump -s should use add_geometrycolumn(...)

2012-08-29 Thread Willy-Bas Loos
On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 5:23 PM, Andres Freund and...@2ndquadrant.comwrote:

 That shouldn't be a problem with postgres 2 anymore as far as I understand


Quality comes from focus and clarity of purpose -- Mark Shuttleworth

Re: [GENERAL][postgis-users] pg_dump -s should use add_geometrycolumn(...)

2012-08-29 Thread Andres Freund
On Wednesday, August 29, 2012 05:41:07 PM Willy-Bas Loos wrote:
 On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 5:23 PM, Andres Freund 
  That shouldn't be a problem with postgres 2 anymore as far as I
  understand things?
Argh, postgis 2.

Two things:
* the geometry_columns table is not a table anymore but a view of the postgres 
* extensions (9.1+, used by postgis 2 onwards) can declare configuration 
tables now, so even if you would still need a configuration table it would get 
dumped in a schema only dump

Also, adding postgis support into pg_dump would have been problematic given 
that pg_dump is part of core postgres and postgis isnt...


 Andres Freund http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training  Services

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Re: [GENERAL] String comparision in PostgreSQL

2012-08-29 Thread Nicola Cisternino

Il 29/08/2012 17.08, Merlin Moncure ha scritto:

On Tue, Aug 28, 2012 at 9:46 AM, Nicola Cisterninoncis...@tiscali.it  wrote:

Hi all,
I'm valutating a complex porting of our application based on Sybase
SqlAnywhere on PostgreSQL (I've love it ...) and I'd like to have your
opinion about searching/ordering funcionality.
The problem is about string comparision.
MS Sql server, MySql, SqlAnywhere and other DB engine allow a simple
definition of case sensitive/insensitive behavior using char, varchar and
text field type.
In PostgreSQL I've already tried to use citext, lower() function (applied
to indexes, too ...), ILIKE an so on . but nothing really work as I need
(poor performances ...) !!

hm, poor performance? can you elaborate?

The same query using   LIKE value  is completed in 15 ms 
while using   ILIKE value  the execution time is 453 ms 

Re: [GENERAL][postgis-users] pg_dump -s should use add_geometrycolumn(...)

2012-08-29 Thread Tom Lane
Andres Freund and...@2ndquadrant.com writes:
 On Wednesday, August 29, 2012 04:44:14 PM Willy-Bas Loos wrote:
 pg_dump -s should use add_geometrycolumn(...) instead of creating a
 column+constraints with normal DDL
 Because, when you don't dump the data, then the record in geometry_columns
 is lost.

 That shouldn't be a problem with postgres 2 anymore as far as I understand 

The big picture here is that pg_dump doesn't, and is not likely ever to,
know about anything as extension-specific as add_geometrycolumn().
Rather, if postgis needs some info in a special table geometry_columns,
that should be handled by pg_dump dumping and restoring that table too
(since, again, there is no reason for pg_dump to treat such a table

Willy hasn't provided enough context for us to know why that approach
might not be working for him, though a first guess is that he tried to
do a selective dump excluding geometry_columns.

I believe there was some discussion awhile back about whether postgis
could dodge this problem by cramming its additional info into type
modifiers (with the geometry-type typmodin and typmodout functions
becoming responsible for accessing the special table).  I don't know
if that can fly on syntax grounds, but if it can, I think all the core
infrastructure for it is in place as of 9.1.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [GENERAL] using vars in ddl in procedure call

2012-08-29 Thread Gauthier, Dave
Yup, works like a charm.
Thanks Salah and Tom for the advise !

-Original Message-
From: Tom Lane [mailto:t...@sss.pgh.pa.us] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2012 11:18 AM
To: Gauthier, Dave
Cc: pgsql-general@postgresql.org
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] using vars in ddl in procedure call

Gauthier, Dave dave.gauth...@intel.com writes:
 Trying (failing) a test to see if I can run ddl in a procedure where elements 
 of the ddl are vars.  Consider...

You'll need to construct the command as a string value and then run it with 
EXECUTE.  Beware of quoting issues (quote_ident and quote_literal are your 

regards, tom lane

Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org)
To make changes to your subscription:

Re: [GENERAL][postgis-users] pg_dump -s should use add_geometrycolumn(...)

2012-08-29 Thread Andres Freund
On Wednesday, August 29, 2012 06:02:24 PM Tom Lane wrote:
 Andres Freund and...@2ndquadrant.com writes:
  On Wednesday, August 29, 2012 04:44:14 PM Willy-Bas Loos wrote:
  pg_dump -s should use add_geometrycolumn(...) instead of creating a
  column+constraints with normal DDL
  Because, when you don't dump the data, then the record in
  geometry_columns is lost.
  That shouldn't be a problem with postgres 2 anymore as far as I
  understand things?
 The big picture here is that pg_dump doesn't, and is not likely ever to,
 know about anything as extension-specific as add_geometrycolumn().
 Rather, if postgis needs some info in a special table geometry_columns,
 that should be handled by pg_dump dumping and restoring that table too
 (since, again, there is no reason for pg_dump to treat such a table
 Willy hasn't provided enough context for us to know why that approach
 might not be working for him, though a first guess is that he tried to
 do a selective dump excluding geometry_columns.
 I believe there was some discussion awhile back about whether postgis
 could dodge this problem by cramming its additional info into type
 modifiers (with the geometry-type typmodin and typmodout functions
 becoming responsible for accessing the special table).  I don't know
 if that can fly on syntax grounds, but if it can, I think all the core
 infrastructure for it is in place as of 9.1.
As far as I know, and thats what I tried to refer to, that's done as of 
postgis 2.0.

Yep: PostgreSQL typmod integration, for an automagical geometry_columns 


 Andres Freund http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training  Services

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Re: [GENERAL] Dropping a column on parent table doesn't propagate to children?

2012-08-29 Thread Vincent Veyron
Le mercredi 29 août 2012 à 09:48 -0400, Moshe Jacobson a écrit :

 1. If I want the inherited table's columns indexed the same way as the
 parent, must I create new indexes on the inherited table?
 2. If I move the inherited table to a new schema, will its indexes
 also be moved into the new schema?
 3. Any difference in behavior regarding check constraints, schemas,
 indexes, etc that I should be aware of between inherited tables
 created with pure inheritance as opposed to like parent_table?

The 'LIKE' section of the documentation for CREATE TABLE explains it :


Vincent Veyron
Gestion informatique des sinistres d'assurances et des dossiers contentieux 
pour le service juridique

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Re: [GENERAL] String comparision in PostgreSQL

2012-08-29 Thread Chris Angelico
On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 1:56 AM, Nicola Cisternino ncis...@tiscali.it wrote:
 The same query using   LIKE value  is completed in 15 ms while
 using   ILIKE value  the execution time is 453 ms 

Sounds to me like (pun not intended) there's an index that's being
used in one case and not in the other.

But taking this back a step: Do you really need case-insensitive
comparisons? They become pretty much impossible once you start looking
at internationalization. Sure, it's easy in ASCII. You just mask off
one bit and off you go. But truly case insensitive matching gets
really hairy. Can you redo things with case sensitive searches,
possibly with some forcing of case in simple situations? For instance,
you accept a name prefix from the user, look at it and find that it's
all ASCII; lower-case it, then upper-case the first letter, then add a
percent sign, and use a case-sensitive LIKE. That's going to produce
correct results in most cases, and is way faster than truly case
insensitive searching.


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Re: [GENERAL] String comparision in PostgreSQL

2012-08-29 Thread Merlin Moncure
On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 10:56 AM, Nicola Cisternino ncis...@tiscali.it wrote:
 Il 29/08/2012 17.08, Merlin Moncure ha scritto:

 On Tue, Aug 28, 2012 at 9:46 AM, Nicola Cisternino ncis...@tiscali.it

 Hi all,
 I'm valutating a complex porting of our application based on Sybase
 SqlAnywhere on PostgreSQL (I've love it ...) and I'd like to have your
 opinion about searching/ordering funcionality.
 The problem is about string comparision.
 MS Sql server, MySql, SqlAnywhere and other DB engine allow a simple
 definition of case sensitive/insensitive behavior using char, varchar and
 text field type.
 In PostgreSQL I've already tried to use citext, lower() function (applied
 to indexes, too ...), ILIKE an so on . but nothing really work as I need
 (poor performances ...) !!

 hm, poor performance? can you elaborate?


 The same query using   LIKE value  is completed in 15 ms while
 using   ILIKE value  the execution time is 453 ms 

citext unfortunately doesn't allow for index optimization of LIKE
queries, which IMNSHO defeats the whole purpose.  to the best way
remains to use lower()

create table foo(f text);
create index on foo(lower(f));
select * from f where lower(f) = 'abc%'

this will be index optimized and fast as long as you specified C
locale for your database.


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Re: [GENERAL] Dropping a column on parent table doesn't propagate to children?

2012-08-29 Thread Moshe Jacobson
On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 12:11 PM, Vincent Veyron vv.li...@wanadoo.frwrote:

 Le mercredi 29 août 2012 à 09:48 -0400, Moshe Jacobson a écrit :

  1. If I want the inherited table's columns indexed the same way as the
  parent, must I create new indexes on the inherited table?
  2. If I move the inherited table to a new schema, will its indexes
  also be moved into the new schema?
  3. Any difference in behavior regarding check constraints, schemas,
  indexes, etc that I should be aware of between inherited tables
  created with pure inheritance as opposed to like parent_table?

 The 'LIKE' section of the documentation for CREATE TABLE explains it :


I don't see the answers to #1 and #2 there...

Moshe Jacobson
Nead Werx, Inc. | Senior Systems Engineer
2323 Cumberland Parkway, Suite 201 | Atlanta, GA 30339
mo...@neadwerx.com | www.neadwerx.com

[GENERAL] C locale versus en_US.UTF8. (Was: String comparision in PostgreSQL)

2012-08-29 Thread Aleksey Tsalolikhin
On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 9:45 AM, Merlin Moncure mmonc...@gmail.com wrote:
 citext unfortunately doesn't allow for index optimization of LIKE
 queries, which IMNSHO defeats the whole purpose.  to the best way
 remains to use lower() ...
 this will be index optimized and fast as long as you specified C
 locale for your database.

What is the difference between C and en_US.UTF8, please?  We see that
the same query (that invokes a sort) runs 15% faster under the C
locale.  The output between C and en_US.UTF8 is identical.  We're
considering moving our database from en_US.UTF8 to C, but we do deal
with internationalized text.


Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org)
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[GENERAL] psql unix env variables

2012-08-29 Thread Little, Douglas
Is there a method for having unix env variables incorporated into a psql sql 
Export var='dev'
Psql =c 'select count(*) from $var.customer;'

Doug Little

Sr. Data Warehouse Architect | Business Intelligence Architecture | Orbitz 
500 W. Madison, Suite 1000  Chicago IL 60661| Office 312.260.2588 | Fax 
312.894.5164 | Cell 847-997-5741
 [cid:image001.jpg@01CD85E2.C7732E50]   orbitz.comhttp://www.orbitz.com/ | 
ebookers.comhttp://www.ebookers.com/ | 
hotelclub.comhttp://www.hotelclub.com/ | 
cheaptickets.comhttp://www.cheaptickets.com/ | 
ratestogo.comhttp://www.ratestogo.com/ | 

inline: image001.jpg

Re: [GENERAL] psql unix env variables

2012-08-29 Thread Alan Hodgson
On Wednesday, August 29, 2012 12:35:32 PM Little, Douglas wrote:
 Is there a method for having unix env variables incorporated into a psql sql
 statement? Ie
 Export var='dev'
 Psql =c 'select count(*) from $var.customer;'

Use double-quotes, not single-quotes. Bash won't interpolate variables into 
single-quoted strings.

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Re: [GENERAL] C locale versus en_US.UTF8. (Was: String comparision in PostgreSQL)

2012-08-29 Thread Bruce Momjian
On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 10:31:21AM -0700, Aleksey Tsalolikhin wrote:
 On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 9:45 AM, Merlin Moncure mmonc...@gmail.com wrote:
  citext unfortunately doesn't allow for index optimization of LIKE
  queries, which IMNSHO defeats the whole purpose.  to the best way
  remains to use lower() ...
  this will be index optimized and fast as long as you specified C
  locale for your database.
 What is the difference between C and en_US.UTF8, please?  We see that
 the same query (that invokes a sort) runs 15% faster under the C
 locale.  The output between C and en_US.UTF8 is identical.  We're
 considering moving our database from en_US.UTF8 to C, but we do deal
 with internationalized text.

Well, C has reduced overhead for string comparisons, but obviously
doesn't work well for international characters.  The single-byte
encodings have somewhat less overhead than UTF8.  You can try using C
locales for databases that don't require non-ASCII characters.

  Bruce Momjian  br...@momjian.ushttp://momjian.us
  EnterpriseDB http://enterprisedb.com

  + It's impossible for everything to be true. +

Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org)
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Re: [GENERAL] psql unix env variables

2012-08-29 Thread Ryan Kelly
On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 12:35:32PM -0500, Little, Douglas wrote:
 Is there a method for having unix env variables incorporated into a psql sql 
 Export var='dev'
 Psql =c 'select count(*) from $var.customer;'
export FOO=bar
psql -c select count(*) from $FOO.customer;

Note the double quotes. That allows your shell to interpolate the string
into your query. Note that the interpolation is done by your shell, and
not psql.

 Doug Little
 Sr. Data Warehouse Architect | Business Intelligence Architecture | Orbitz 
 500 W. Madison, Suite 1000  Chicago IL 60661| Office 312.260.2588 | Fax 
 312.894.5164 | Cell 847-997-5741
  [cid:image001.jpg@01CD85E2.C7732E50]   orbitz.comhttp://www.orbitz.com/ | 
 ebookers.comhttp://www.ebookers.com/ | 
 hotelclub.comhttp://www.hotelclub.com/ | 
 cheaptickets.comhttp://www.cheaptickets.com/ | 
 ratestogo.comhttp://www.ratestogo.com/ | 

-Ryan Kelly

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Re: [GENERAL] C locale versus en_US.UTF8. (Was: String comparision in PostgreSQL)

2012-08-29 Thread Merlin Moncure
On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 12:43 PM, Bruce Momjian br...@momjian.us wrote:
 On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 10:31:21AM -0700, Aleksey Tsalolikhin wrote:
 On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 9:45 AM, Merlin Moncure mmonc...@gmail.com wrote:
  citext unfortunately doesn't allow for index optimization of LIKE
  queries, which IMNSHO defeats the whole purpose.  to the best way
  remains to use lower() ...
  this will be index optimized and fast as long as you specified C
  locale for your database.

 What is the difference between C and en_US.UTF8, please?  We see that
 the same query (that invokes a sort) runs 15% faster under the C
 locale.  The output between C and en_US.UTF8 is identical.  We're
 considering moving our database from en_US.UTF8 to C, but we do deal
 with internationalized text.

 Well, C has reduced overhead for string comparisons, but obviously
 doesn't work well for international characters.  The single-byte
 encodings have somewhat less overhead than UTF8.  You can try using C
 locales for databases that don't require non-ASCII characters.

To add:
The middle ground I usually choose is to have a database encoding of
UTF8 but with the C (aka POSIX) locale.  This gives you the ability to
store any unicode but indexing operations will use the faster C string
comparison operations for a significant performance boost --
especially for partial string searches on an indexed column.  This is
an even more attractive option in 9.1 with the ability to specify
specific collations at runtime.


Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org)
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Re: [GENERAL] C locale versus en_US.UTF8. (Was: String comparision in PostgreSQL)

2012-08-29 Thread Scott Marlowe
On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 11:43 AM, Bruce Momjian br...@momjian.us wrote:
 On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 10:31:21AM -0700, Aleksey Tsalolikhin wrote:
 On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 9:45 AM, Merlin Moncure mmonc...@gmail.com wrote:
  citext unfortunately doesn't allow for index optimization of LIKE
  queries, which IMNSHO defeats the whole purpose.  to the best way
  remains to use lower() ...
  this will be index optimized and fast as long as you specified C
  locale for your database.

 What is the difference between C and en_US.UTF8, please?  We see that
 the same query (that invokes a sort) runs 15% faster under the C
 locale.  The output between C and en_US.UTF8 is identical.  We're
 considering moving our database from en_US.UTF8 to C, but we do deal
 with internationalized text.

 Well, C has reduced overhead for string comparisons, but obviously
 doesn't work well for international characters.  The single-byte
 encodings have somewhat less overhead than UTF8.  You can try using C
 locales for databases that don't require non-ASCII characters.

I think you're confusing encodings with locales.  C is a locale. You
can have a database with a locale of C and UTF-8 encoding.

create database clocale_utf8 encoding='UTF8' LC_COLLATE= 'C' template=template0;

 Name |  Owner   | Encoding  |   Collate   |Ctype|
Access privileges
 clocale_utf8 | smarlowe | UTF8  | C   | en_US.UTF-8 |

SQL_ASCII is the encoding equivalent of C locale, but it also allows
multi-byte characters.

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Re: [GENERAL] Dropping a column on parent table doesn't propagate to children?

2012-08-29 Thread Vincent Veyron
Le mercredi 29 août 2012 à 13:05 -0400, Moshe Jacobson a écrit :
 On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 12:11 PM, Vincent Veyron vv.li...@wanadoo.fr
 Le mercredi 29 août 2012 à 09:48 -0400, Moshe Jacobson a
 écrit :
  1. If I want the inherited table's columns indexed the same
 way as the
  parent, must I create new indexes on the inherited table?
  2. If I move the inherited table to a new schema, will its
  also be moved into the new schema?
  3. Any difference in behavior regarding check constraints,
  indexes, etc that I should be aware of between inherited
  created with pure inheritance as opposed to like
 The 'LIKE' section of the documentation for CREATE TABLE
 explains it :
 I don't see the answers to #1 and #2 there...

Quote : 

Any indexes on the original table will not be created on the new table,
unless the INCLUDING INDEXES clause is specified.

I don't use schemas personnally, but if you do, I suggest you test and
see what happens

 Moshe Jacobson
 Nead Werx, Inc. | Senior Systems Engineer
 2323 Cumberland Parkway, Suite 201 | Atlanta, GA 30339
 mo...@neadwerx.com | www.neadwerx.com

Vincent Veyron
Gestion informatique des sinistres d'assurances et des dossiers contentieux 
pour le service juridique

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Re: [GENERAL] C locale versus en_US.UTF8. (Was: String comparision in PostgreSQL)

2012-08-29 Thread Dmitriy Igrishin
2012/8/29 Merlin Moncure mmonc...@gmail.com

 On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 12:43 PM, Bruce Momjian br...@momjian.us wrote:
  On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 10:31:21AM -0700, Aleksey Tsalolikhin wrote:
  On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 9:45 AM, Merlin Moncure mmonc...@gmail.com
   citext unfortunately doesn't allow for index optimization of LIKE
   queries, which IMNSHO defeats the whole purpose.  to the best way
   remains to use lower() ...
   this will be index optimized and fast as long as you specified C
   locale for your database.
  What is the difference between C and en_US.UTF8, please?  We see that
  the same query (that invokes a sort) runs 15% faster under the C
  locale.  The output between C and en_US.UTF8 is identical.  We're
  considering moving our database from en_US.UTF8 to C, but we do deal
  with internationalized text.
  Well, C has reduced overhead for string comparisons, but obviously
  doesn't work well for international characters.  The single-byte
  encodings have somewhat less overhead than UTF8.  You can try using C
  locales for databases that don't require non-ASCII characters.

 To add:
 The middle ground I usually choose is to have a database encoding of
 UTF8 but with the C (aka POSIX) locale.  This gives you the ability to
 store any unicode but indexing operations will use the faster C string
 comparison operations for a significant performance boost --
 especially for partial string searches on an indexed column.  This is
 an even more attractive option in 9.1 with the ability to specify
 specific collations at runtime.

Good point! Thanks!

// Dmitriy.

Re: [GENERAL] Views versus user-defined functions: formatting, comments, performance, etc.

2012-08-29 Thread Merlin Moncure
On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 8:52 AM, Chris Travers chris.trav...@gmail.com wrote:
 ALTER TABLE fruit ADD apple_id int;
 ALTER TABLE fruit ADD FOREIGN KEY (apple_id, type)
REFERENCES apple (fruit_id, type)

 And then do the same for orange etc.  you can then:

 ALTER TABLE fruit ADD CHECK ((type = 'apple' and apple_id IS NOT NULL) OR
 (type = 'orange' AND orange_id IS NOT NULL)

Doing the above for me is a 'bridge too far'.  Sure, It's the only way
to make sure the base type is properly specialized but it just sucks.
If there was some way to 'C union' the value into a single column
(there isn't) i'd be all over it...


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Re: [GENERAL] Dropping a column on parent table doesn't propagate to children?

2012-08-29 Thread Moshe Jacobson
On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 3:06 PM, Vincent Veyron vv.li...@wanadoo.fr wrote:

 Quote :

 Any indexes on the original table will not be created on the new table,
 unless the INCLUDING INDEXES clause is specified.

This is referring to the behavior on creating a table LIKE another table. I
am specifically asking about NOT using LIKE but just INHERITS.


 I don't use schemas personnally, but if you do, I suggest you test and
 see what happens

I will.

Also, do you or does anyone know what the asterisk is for, that I asked
about at the end of my original post?

 Moshe Jacobson
Nead Werx, Inc. | Senior Systems Engineer
2323 Cumberland Parkway, Suite 201 | Atlanta, GA 30339
mo...@neadwerx.com | www.neadwerx.com

Re: [GENERAL] psql unix env variables

2012-08-29 Thread Little, Douglas

-Original Message-
From: Ryan Kelly [mailto:rpkell...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2012 12:41 PM
To: Little, Douglas
Cc: PostgreSQL General (pgsql-general@postgresql.org)
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] psql  unix env variables

On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 12:35:32PM -0500, Little, Douglas wrote:
 Is there a method for having unix env variables incorporated into a psql sql 
 Export var='dev'
 Psql =c 'select count(*) from $var.customer;'
export FOO=bar
psql -c select count(*) from $FOO.customer;

Note the double quotes. That allows your shell to interpolate the string into 
your query. Note that the interpolation is done by your shell, and not psql.

 Doug Little
 Sr. Data Warehouse Architect | Business Intelligence Architecture | 
 Orbitz Worldwide
 500 W. Madison, Suite 1000  Chicago IL 60661| Office 312.260.2588 | 
 Fax 312.894.5164 | Cell 847-997-5741 
  [cid:image001.jpg@01CD85E2.C7732E50]   orbitz.comhttp://www.orbitz.com/ | 
 ebookers.comhttp://www.ebookers.com/ | 
 hotelclub.comhttp://www.hotelclub.com/ | 
 cheaptickets.comhttp://www.cheaptickets.com/ | 
 ratestogo.comhttp://www.ratestogo.com/ | 

-Ryan Kelly

Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org)
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Re: [GENERAL] C locale versus en_US.UTF8. (Was: String comparision in PostgreSQL)

2012-08-29 Thread Bruce Momjian
On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 01:45:20PM -0500, Merlin Moncure wrote:
 On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 12:43 PM, Bruce Momjian br...@momjian.us wrote:
  On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 10:31:21AM -0700, Aleksey Tsalolikhin wrote:
  On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 9:45 AM, Merlin Moncure mmonc...@gmail.com wrote:
   citext unfortunately doesn't allow for index optimization of LIKE
   queries, which IMNSHO defeats the whole purpose.  to the best way
   remains to use lower() ...
   this will be index optimized and fast as long as you specified C
   locale for your database.
  What is the difference between C and en_US.UTF8, please?  We see that
  the same query (that invokes a sort) runs 15% faster under the C
  locale.  The output between C and en_US.UTF8 is identical.  We're
  considering moving our database from en_US.UTF8 to C, but we do deal
  with internationalized text.
  Well, C has reduced overhead for string comparisons, but obviously
  doesn't work well for international characters.  The single-byte
  encodings have somewhat less overhead than UTF8.  You can try using C
  locales for databases that don't require non-ASCII characters.
 To add:
 The middle ground I usually choose is to have a database encoding of
 UTF8 but with the C (aka POSIX) locale.  This gives you the ability to
 store any unicode but indexing operations will use the faster C string
 comparison operations for a significant performance boost --
 especially for partial string searches on an indexed column.  This is
 an even more attractive option in 9.1 with the ability to specify
 specific collations at runtime.

Do you get proper sort ordering in this case, or only when you specific
the proper collation at runtime? 
  Bruce Momjian  br...@momjian.ushttp://momjian.us
  EnterpriseDB http://enterprisedb.com

  + It's impossible for everything to be true. +

Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org)
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Re: [GENERAL] C locale versus en_US.UTF8. (Was: String comparision in PostgreSQL)

2012-08-29 Thread Bruce Momjian
On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 12:52:50PM -0600, Scott Marlowe wrote:
 On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 11:43 AM, Bruce Momjian br...@momjian.us wrote:
  On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 10:31:21AM -0700, Aleksey Tsalolikhin wrote:
  On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 9:45 AM, Merlin Moncure mmonc...@gmail.com wrote:
   citext unfortunately doesn't allow for index optimization of LIKE
   queries, which IMNSHO defeats the whole purpose.  to the best way
   remains to use lower() ...
   this will be index optimized and fast as long as you specified C
   locale for your database.
  What is the difference between C and en_US.UTF8, please?  We see that
  the same query (that invokes a sort) runs 15% faster under the C
  locale.  The output between C and en_US.UTF8 is identical.  We're
  considering moving our database from en_US.UTF8 to C, but we do deal
  with internationalized text.
  Well, C has reduced overhead for string comparisons, but obviously
  doesn't work well for international characters.  The single-byte
  encodings have somewhat less overhead than UTF8.  You can try using C
  locales for databases that don't require non-ASCII characters.
 I think you're confusing encodings with locales.  C is a locale. You

I think technically C is a non-locale.

 can have a database with a locale of C and UTF-8 encoding.
 create database clocale_utf8 encoding='UTF8' LC_COLLATE= 'C' 
  Name |  Owner   | Encoding  |   Collate   |Ctype|
 Access privileges
  clocale_utf8 | smarlowe | UTF8  | C   | en_US.UTF-8 |
 SQL_ASCII is the encoding equivalent of C locale, but it also allows
 multi-byte characters.

Yes, but what sort ordering do you get in that case?

  Bruce Momjian  br...@momjian.ushttp://momjian.us
  EnterpriseDB http://enterprisedb.com

  + It's impossible for everything to be true. +

Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org)
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Re: [GENERAL] C locale versus en_US.UTF8. (Was: String comparision in PostgreSQL)

2012-08-29 Thread Scott Marlowe
On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 2:17 PM, Bruce Momjian br...@momjian.us wrote:
 On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 12:52:50PM -0600, Scott Marlowe wrote:
 On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 11:43 AM, Bruce Momjian br...@momjian.us wrote:
  On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 10:31:21AM -0700, Aleksey Tsalolikhin wrote:
  On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 9:45 AM, Merlin Moncure mmonc...@gmail.com 
   citext unfortunately doesn't allow for index optimization of LIKE
   queries, which IMNSHO defeats the whole purpose.  to the best way
   remains to use lower() ...
   this will be index optimized and fast as long as you specified C
   locale for your database.
  What is the difference between C and en_US.UTF8, please?  We see that
  the same query (that invokes a sort) runs 15% faster under the C
  locale.  The output between C and en_US.UTF8 is identical.  We're
  considering moving our database from en_US.UTF8 to C, but we do deal
  with internationalized text.
  Well, C has reduced overhead for string comparisons, but obviously
  doesn't work well for international characters.  The single-byte
  encodings have somewhat less overhead than UTF8.  You can try using C
  locales for databases that don't require non-ASCII characters.

 I think you're confusing encodings with locales.  C is a locale. You

 I think technically C is a non-locale.

True.  But it's NOT an encoding.

 can have a database with a locale of C and UTF-8 encoding.

 create database clocale_utf8 encoding='UTF8' LC_COLLATE= 'C' 

  Name |  Owner   | Encoding  |   Collate   |Ctype|
 Access privileges
  clocale_utf8 | smarlowe | UTF8  | C   | en_US.UTF-8 |

 SQL_ASCII is the encoding equivalent of C locale, but it also allows
 multi-byte characters.

 Yes, but what sort ordering do you get in that case?

Byte ordering.

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[GENERAL] Refreshing functional index

2012-08-29 Thread Grzegorz Tańczyk


I have a problem with functional index feature in Postgres 8.3

There are two tables, lets call them: PARENTS and CHILDREN(with 
timestamp column)

I created functional index on parents with function, which selects max 
value of timestamp from child elements(for given parent_id).

The problem is that plpgsql function, which returns the value is 
IMMUTABLE and it works like a cache.  When I insert new record to 
children table, select over parents with function gives wrong(outdated) 

So far I figured out only one way to flush this cache. It's by calling 
REINDEX on my index. I guess I should call it after every insert to 
children table. It's not good for me since it locks the table.

I'm thinking about partitioning the index by my app, so reindexing will 
be less painful, but perhaps there is some other easier way to solve 
tihs problem?



Re: [GENERAL] Refreshing functional index

2012-08-29 Thread David Johnston
From: pgsql-general-ow...@postgresql.org 
[mailto:pgsql-general-ow...@postgresql.org] On Behalf Of Grzegorz Tanczyk
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2012 5:02 PM
To: pgsql-general@postgresql.org
Subject: [GENERAL] Refreshing functional index


I have a problem with functional index feature in Postgres 8.3 

There are two tables, lets call them: PARENTS and CHILDREN(with timestamp 

I created functional index on parents with function, which selects max value of 
timestamp from child elements(for given parent_id). 

The problem is that plpgsql function, which returns the value is IMMUTABLE and 
it works like a cache.  When I insert new record to children table, select over 
parents with function gives wrong(outdated) results. 

So far I figured out only one way to flush this cache. It's by calling 
REINDEX on my index. I guess I should call it after every insert to children 
table. It's not good for me since it locks the table. 

I'm thinking about partitioning the index by my app, so reindexing will be less 
painful, but perhaps there is some other easier way to solve tihs problem? 



This is not really a problem rather the behavior is working as designed and you 
are trying or expecting it to behave differently.

First I would see whether I actually need an INDEX for whatever problem you are 
trying to solve.  A view with an embedded sub-query to dynamically determine 
the max(timestamp) is likely to perform decently if there are not too many rows 
for each child.

Any other suggestions require guessing about your data properties but if said 
timestamp is auto-assigned and thus always increasing as new children are added 
(and children are not deleted or change their timestamp) then adding an INSERT 
trigger on the child table that updates either the parent or some other 
relation-maintaining table would likely suffice.

Also, your function is STABLE, not IMMUTABLE.  Saying it is IMMUTABLE in order 
to create the index doesn't magically overcome the very reason that STABLE 
functions cannot be indexed.

I would also suggest that using a timestamp is probably not the best decision.  
It is possible that two transactions could be started at the same time and thus 
the resultant timestamps would match as well.  Also are you guaranteed that the 
times with always come from the same source?  Again, they WHY behind your 
decision is unknown but storing the PK of the most recent child would make 
more sense conceptually rather than storing a time and having to back into the 

If you go that route upon INSERT you simply UPDATE parent SET 
child_id_mostrecent = child_pk.  In the face of concurrency the last one to 
commit remains.  Upon deletion, if allowed, you simply set it to NULL so that 
there is no most recent.  Another option in that case would be to store an 
array and pre-pend each new child PK but also truncate the array to a maximum 
of, say 10 children.  Upon delete you would then just remove any references to 
the deleted child from the array.  For query purposes the first child is the 
one that matters (if present since an empty array is still possible).  Updates 
could work the same way if you want to refresh the recentness of the children 
in that situation.

Lots of options (mostly trigger on the child oriented) but a functional index 
is not one of them.

David J.

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Re: [GENERAL] Refreshing functional index

2012-08-29 Thread Merlin Moncure
On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 4:01 PM, Grzegorz Tańczyk golia...@polzone.pl wrote:

 I have a problem with functional index feature in Postgres 8.3

 There are two tables, lets call them: PARENTS and CHILDREN(with timestamp

 I created functional index on parents with function, which selects max value
 of timestamp from child elements(for given parent_id).

 The problem is that plpgsql function, which returns the value is IMMUTABLE
 and it works like a cache.  When I insert new record to children table,
 select over parents with function gives wrong(outdated) results.

 So far I figured out only one way to flush this cache. It's by calling
 REINDEX on my index. I guess I should call it after every insert to children
 table. It's not good for me since it locks the table.

 I'm thinking about partitioning the index by my app, so reindexing will be
 less painful, but perhaps there is some other easier way to solve tihs

Well, the only reason what you're trying to do works at all is because
the database isn't stricter about double checking to see if your stuff
is IMMUTABLE: it isn't, so of course it doesn't work.

How about a trigger on the child table that updates an indexed column
on parent?


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Re: [GENERAL] String comparision in PostgreSQL

2012-08-29 Thread Craig Ringer

On 08/28/2012 10:46 PM, Nicola Cisternino wrote:

1) Why PostgreSQL don't use COLLATE to manage case sensitive /
insensitive comparision (I think it's the best and ANSI standard way ) ?

Support for per-column collations in PG was only added relatively 
recently - in 9.1, by the looks:


Prior to that, there was no meaningful way to use case insensitive 
collations, as these would affect the whole database, including system 
tables, which could break all sorts of things in new and exciting ways.

With the advent of per-column and per-operation collation control, 
case-insensitive collations become very appealing.

One of the challenges with adding case insensitive collations is that, 
AFAIK, collations are implemented using the operating system charset and 
locale support, which may not offer case insensitive collation directly.

Another challenge is the rather ... variable ... meaning of case 
insensitive. Results are likely to vary between host platforms and 

Still, now that per-col / per-op collation is supported, it'd be nice to 
have. I don't know if it's just a matter of needing someone with the 
desire and time (or funding) and expertise to design and build it, or if 
there'd be issues with getting it accepted.

Craig Ringer

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Re: [GENERAL] SQLSTATE XX000 Internal Error 7

2012-08-29 Thread johnkeefe
I know this post is a few months old now, but I have a strikingly similar
setup and am getting a similar, somewhat more reliable error:

  ERROR:  could not open file base/29292/12186914_fsm: Invalid argument

It happens while doing an ST_Difference() function on two large geometries.

I'm running OSX 10.8 (Mountain Lion)
Postgresql 9.4.1
PostGIS 2.0.1

It's failing repeatedly for me right now, so at the moment it's a hard fail.
That said, just last week, with the same database, same command but
different table, I got this slightly different error:

  ERROR:  could not open file base/29292/49722_fsm: Invalid argument

THAT error, however, cleared up mysteriously after I shut down and
restarted. (I haven't been able to get tonight's error to clear up in the
same way.)

What other information can I provide to help track squash this bug?


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Re: [GENERAL] SQLSTATE XX000 Internal Error 7

2012-08-29 Thread Craig Ringer

On 08/30/2012 10:24 AM, johnkeefe wrote:

I know this post is a few months old now, but I have a strikingly similar
setup and am getting a similar, somewhat more reliable error:

   ERROR:  could not open file base/29292/12186914_fsm: Invalid argument

It happens while doing an ST_Difference() function on two large geometries.

I'm running OSX 10.8 (Mountain Lion)
Postgresql 9.4.1

Did you mean 8.4.1?

Craig Ringer

Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org)
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Re: [GENERAL] SQLSTATE XX000 Internal Error 7

2012-08-29 Thread johnkeefe
Ack. I meant 9.1.4:

~ ∴ psql
psql (9.1.4)


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