[GENERAL] postgres 9.2.4 - ERROR: invalid input syntax for type numeric:

2014-05-20 Thread Khangelani Gama

The follow query below works in one database but not on another database.
The databases are similar but independent of each other. From the previous
post I found that: *This is fixed by casting the first argument to **text*
*:,* but I can’t see which COALESCE to fix out the several COALESCE  in the

ERROR:  invalid input syntax for type numeric: 

Query :

SELECT (SELECT br_cde FROM br_prof) as Store, hp_acc.cus_acno as
Account, hp_acc.hp_sub_acno as Sub_account, (select con_recover_sum
from contract where con_id = hp_acc.con_id) as Contract_amount, (select
con_goods from contract where con_id = hp_acc.con_id) as Stock_RSP,
(select con_doc_disc  from contract where con_id = hp_acc.con_id) as
Discount, (hpacc_bdwo_amt - COALESCE(hpacc_bdwo_rec_amt,0) * -1) as
Balance_Outstanding_write_off_a, hpacc_inv_fpp as Invoice_FPP,
hp_acc.acc_cde as Account_type, ( select endp_addr_line1 from end_point
where endp_id = hp_acc.endp_id) as Delivery_address_1, ( select
endp_addr_line2 from end_point where endp_id = hp_acc.endp_id) as
Delivery_address_2, ( select endp_addr_line3 from end_point where endp_id
= hp_acc.endp_id) as Delivery_address_3, ( select endp_addr_line4 from
end_point where endp_id = hp_acc.endp_id) as Delivery_address_4, ( select
endp_addr_cde from end_point where endp_id = hp_acc.endp_id) as
COALESCE(to_char(hpacc_deal_dte::date,'/mm/dd'),'/00/00') as
COALESCE(to_char(hpacc_auth_dte::date,'/mm/dd'),'/00/00') as
COALESCE(to_char(hpacc_inv_dte::date,'/mm/dd'),'/00/00') as
COALESCE(to_char(hpacc_cancelled::date,'/mm/dd'),'/00/00') as
COALESCE(to_char(hpacc_1_inst_dte::date,'/mm/dd'),'/00/00') as
First_installment_date, (select con_instalment from contract where con_id
= hp_acc.con_id) as Monthly_installment, (select con_fin_period from
contract where con_id = hp_acc.con_id) as Finance_period, (select
con_fin_rate from contract where con_id = hp_acc.con_id) as
Interest_rate, (select con_cost from contract where con_id =
hp_acc.con_id) as Stock_cost, (select COALESCE(con_handling,0) from
contract where con_id = hp_acc.con_id) as Cartage, (select con_maint from
contract where con_id = hp_acc.con_id) as Maintenance, (select con_club
from contract where con_id = hp_acc.con_id) as Club_Fees, (select con_del
from contract where con_id = hp_acc.con_id) as Delivery, (select (con_ins
+ con_rins) from contract where con_id = hp_acc.con_id) as Insurance,
(select con_stamp_duty from contract where con_id = hp_acc.con_id) as
Stamp_duty, (select COALESCE(con_cash_dep,0) from contract where con_id =
hp_acc.con_id) as Cash_deposit, (select COALESCE(con_fin_chrg,0) from
contract where con_id = hp_acc.con_id) as Finance_charges, (select
from contract where con_id = hp_acc.con_id ) as Tax, COALESCE((select
sum(TRUNC(CASE WHEN sku_line.skul_nett_rsp-sku_line.skul_nett_rsp_tax !=0
ELSE 0 END,2)) from sku_line join hpacc_sku using (skul_id) where cus_acno
= hp_acc.cus_acno AND hp_sub_acno = hp_acc.hp_sub_acno),0) as Tax_rate, (
CASE WHEN (select con_fin_period from contract where con_id =
hp_acc.con_id)  0 THEN (select con_club/con_fin_period from contract
where con_id = hp_acc.con_id) ELSE 0 END)::numeric(16,2) as
Monthly_club_fee, COALESCE(hp_acc.hpacc_deal_no,'0') as Invoice_number,
(select con_addon from contract where con_id = hp_acc.con_id) as
Add_on_finance, COALESCE(deposit,0) as Agreed_deposit,
(total_period_in_days-months_not_paid) as Live_periods,
contract_month_left as Period_to_go, COALESCE((select
hpfin_me_mth_not_paid from hp_fin where cus_acno = hp_acc.cus_acno AND
hp_sub_acno = hp_acc.hp_sub_acno),0) as Arrears_Outstanding_write_off_a,
amount_now_due as Now_due, COALESCE(to_char((select
hpfin_lst_pay_dte::date from hp_fin where cus_acno = hp_acc.cus_acno AND
hp_sub_acno = hp_acc.hp_sub_acno),'/mm/dd'),'/00/00') as
Last_paid_date, COALESCE((select hpfin_lst_pay_amt from hp_fin where
cus_acno = hp_acc.cus_acno AND hp_sub_acno = hp_acc.hp_sub_acno),0) as
Last_paid_amount, COALESCE(theoretical_instalment,0) as
Theoretical_installment, COALESCE((select hpfin_me_mth_not_paid from
hp_fin where cus_acno = hp_acc.cus_acno AND hp_sub_acno =
hp_acc.hp_sub_acno),0) as Actual_months_since_last_paid_i,
COALESCE((select con_initiation_fee from contract where con_id =
hp_acc.con_id),0) as Adn_Initiation_fee, COALESCE((select sum(aoc_value)
from add_on_contract where addt_cde = '30' and hp_acc.con_id = con_id group
by add_on_contract.con_id),0) as License_fee, COALESCE(( select
con_installation_fee from contract 

Re: [GENERAL] postgres 9.2.4 - ERROR: invalid input syntax for type numeric:

2014-05-20 Thread Khangelani Gama

I found the problem, it’s data problem in another database, it’s trying to
convert numeric null but of which it’s not a null data, it’s a blank data.

*From:* Khangelani Gama [mailto:kg...@argility.com]
*Sent:* Tuesday, May 20, 2014 12:24 PM
*To:* pgsql-general@postgresql.org
*Subject:* postgres 9.2.4 - ERROR: invalid input syntax for type numeric: 


The follow query below works in one database but not on another database.
The databases are similar but independent of each other. From the previous
post I found that: *This is fixed by casting the first argument to **text*
*:,* but I can’t see which COALESCE to fix out the several COALESCE  in the

ERROR:  invalid input syntax for type numeric: 

Query :

SELECT (SELECT br_cde FROM br_prof) as Store, hp_acc.cus_acno as
Account, hp_acc.hp_sub_acno as Sub_account, (select con_recover_sum
from contract where con_id = hp_acc.con_id) as Contract_amount, (select
con_goods from contract where con_id = hp_acc.con_id) as Stock_RSP,
(select con_doc_disc  from contract where con_id = hp_acc.con_id) as
Discount, (hpacc_bdwo_amt - COALESCE(hpacc_bdwo_rec_amt,0) * -1) as
Balance_Outstanding_write_off_a, hpacc_inv_fpp as Invoice_FPP,
hp_acc.acc_cde as Account_type, ( select endp_addr_line1 from end_point
where endp_id = hp_acc.endp_id) as Delivery_address_1, ( select
endp_addr_line2 from end_point where endp_id = hp_acc.endp_id) as
Delivery_address_2, ( select endp_addr_line3 from end_point where endp_id
= hp_acc.endp_id) as Delivery_address_3, ( select endp_addr_line4 from
end_point where endp_id = hp_acc.endp_id) as Delivery_address_4, ( select
endp_addr_cde from end_point where endp_id = hp_acc.endp_id) as
COALESCE(to_char(hpacc_deal_dte::date,'/mm/dd'),'/00/00') as
COALESCE(to_char(hpacc_auth_dte::date,'/mm/dd'),'/00/00') as
COALESCE(to_char(hpacc_inv_dte::date,'/mm/dd'),'/00/00') as
COALESCE(to_char(hpacc_cancelled::date,'/mm/dd'),'/00/00') as
COALESCE(to_char(hpacc_1_inst_dte::date,'/mm/dd'),'/00/00') as
First_installment_date, (select con_instalment from contract where con_id
= hp_acc.con_id) as Monthly_installment, (select con_fin_period from
contract where con_id = hp_acc.con_id) as Finance_period, (select
con_fin_rate from contract where con_id = hp_acc.con_id) as
Interest_rate, (select con_cost from contract where con_id =
hp_acc.con_id) as Stock_cost, (select COALESCE(con_handling,0) from
contract where con_id = hp_acc.con_id) as Cartage, (select con_maint from
contract where con_id = hp_acc.con_id) as Maintenance, (select con_club
from contract where con_id = hp_acc.con_id) as Club_Fees, (select con_del
from contract where con_id = hp_acc.con_id) as Delivery, (select (con_ins
+ con_rins) from contract where con_id = hp_acc.con_id) as Insurance,
(select con_stamp_duty from contract where con_id = hp_acc.con_id) as
Stamp_duty, (select COALESCE(con_cash_dep,0) from contract where con_id =
hp_acc.con_id) as Cash_deposit, (select COALESCE(con_fin_chrg,0) from
contract where con_id = hp_acc.con_id) as Finance_charges, (select
from contract where con_id = hp_acc.con_id ) as Tax, COALESCE((select
sum(TRUNC(CASE WHEN sku_line.skul_nett_rsp-sku_line.skul_nett_rsp_tax !=0
ELSE 0 END,2)) from sku_line join hpacc_sku using (skul_id) where cus_acno
= hp_acc.cus_acno AND hp_sub_acno = hp_acc.hp_sub_acno),0) as Tax_rate, (
CASE WHEN (select con_fin_period from contract where con_id =
hp_acc.con_id)  0 THEN (select con_club/con_fin_period from contract
where con_id = hp_acc.con_id) ELSE 0 END)::numeric(16,2) as
Monthly_club_fee, COALESCE(hp_acc.hpacc_deal_no,'0') as Invoice_number,
(select con_addon from contract where con_id = hp_acc.con_id) as
Add_on_finance, COALESCE(deposit,0) as Agreed_deposit,
(total_period_in_days-months_not_paid) as Live_periods,
contract_month_left as Period_to_go, COALESCE((select
hpfin_me_mth_not_paid from hp_fin where cus_acno = hp_acc.cus_acno AND
hp_sub_acno = hp_acc.hp_sub_acno),0) as Arrears_Outstanding_write_off_a,
amount_now_due as Now_due, COALESCE(to_char((select
hpfin_lst_pay_dte::date from hp_fin where cus_acno = hp_acc.cus_acno AND
hp_sub_acno = hp_acc.hp_sub_acno),'/mm/dd'),'/00/00') as
Last_paid_date, COALESCE((select hpfin_lst_pay_amt from hp_fin where
cus_acno = hp_acc.cus_acno AND hp_sub_acno = hp_acc.hp_sub_acno),0) as
Last_paid_amount, COALESCE(theoretical_instalment,0) as
Theoretical_installment, COALESCE((select hpfin_me_mth_not_paid from
hp_fin where cus_acno = hp_acc.cus_acno AND hp_sub_acno =

[GENERAL] Constraint exclusion for timestamp expression

2014-05-20 Thread Victor Yegorov

I have a partitioned table, that can be reproduced the following way:

ara_id  int4,
run_id  int4,
set_id  int4,
created_at  timestamp,
DO $partition$
FOR _mon IN
SELECT * FROM generate_series('2013-10-01'::timestamp,
date_trunc('mon',now()+interval'2mon'),interval'1mon') s(dt)
_tab:='ara_'||to_char(_mon, 'MM');
RAISE NOTICE '..oO( Creating % )', _tab;
(created_at = %L AND created_at  %L)) INHERITS (ara)$$,
 _tab, _mon, (_mon+interval'1mon'));
EXECUTE format($$CREATE UNIQUE INDEX p_%s ON %I(ara_id)$$, _tab,
EXECUTE format($$CREATE INDEX i_%s_name ON %I(name)$$, _tab, _tab);
EXECUTE format($$CREATE INDEX i_%s_run_and_name ON
%I(run_id,name)$$, _tab, _tab);


Now, if I check plan for this query:

 WHERE ara.created_at
   BETWEEN (current_timestamp-interval'90 days')::timestamp
   AND (current_timestamp)::timestamp;

I can see that all partitions are considered by the planner.

If I replace the interval expression with constant, like this:

 WHERE ara.created_at
   BETWEEN '2014-02-20'::timestamp
   AND (current_timestamp)::timestamp;

then partition pruning kicks in and skips outdated partitions. The same
happens for the future-dated partitions if I use a constant timestamp for
the upper limit.

`constraint_exclusion` is default: partition

This happens on 9.1.13, but I get the same plans also on 9.3.4.

How can I enforce pruning to kick in for the initial expressions?

Victor Y. Yegorov

Re: [GENERAL] Constraint exclusion for timestamp expression

2014-05-20 Thread Tom Lane
Victor Yegorov vyego...@gmail.com writes:
 How can I enforce pruning to kick in for the initial expressions?

You already found out: use constants.  The planner can't remove
partitions on the basis of clauses involving volatile, or even
stable, functions, because their results might be different at

regards, tom lane

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Re: [GENERAL] Constraint exclusion for timestamp expression

2014-05-20 Thread Victor Yegorov
2014-05-20 14:26 GMT+03:00 Tom Lane t...@sss.pgh.pa.us:

 Victor Yegorov vyego...@gmail.com writes:
  How can I enforce pruning to kick in for the initial expressions?

 You already found out: use constants.  The planner can't remove
 partitions on the basis of clauses involving volatile, or even
 stable, functions, because their results might be different at

Do you mean constants are the only way here?
I.e. there is absolutely no way to use any of the current date /
timestamp functions available?

I've been trying to wrap current expressions into immutable functions, like
`date_trunc`, without any luck.

Victor Y. Yegorov

[GENERAL] Revoking permission on view pg_prepared_xacts

2014-05-20 Thread Ondrej Chaloupka

I would like know whether there is some way how to revoke permission for doing 
recovery (showing prepared transactions and working with them) for a user?

I've tried someting like 
revoke all on pg_catalog.pg_prepared_xacts from public;
revoke all on function pg_prepared_xacts from public;
but this does not work (at least for me).

My intention is to have user which could work with xa - doing commit as being 
part of a global transaction but which can't do recovery stuff?

Is there some way how to achieve that?

Thank you for any idea

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[GENERAL] Force specific index disuse

2014-05-20 Thread Steve Crawford
Is there a way to force a specific index to be removed from 
consideration in planning a single query?

Specifically, on a 60-million-row table I have an index that is a 
candidate for removal. I have identified the sets of nightly queries 
that use the index but before dropping it I would like to run EXPLAIN 
and do timing tests on the queries to see the impact of not having that 
index available and rewrite the query to efficiently use other indexes 
if necessary.


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Re: [GENERAL] Force specific index disuse

2014-05-20 Thread Seamus Abshere

On 5/20/14, 1:38 PM, Steve Crawford wrote:

Is there a way to force a specific index to be removed from
consideration in planning a single query?

hi Steve,

What is the query? Or at least a sanitized but complete version?


PS. I've had luck hinting with OFFSET 0 but it might not help in your 
use case. 

Specifically, on a 60-million-row table I have an index that is a
candidate for removal. I have identified the sets of nightly queries
that use the index but before dropping it I would like to run EXPLAIN
and do timing tests on the queries to see the impact of not having that
index available and rewrite the query to efficiently use other indexes
if necessary.

Seamus Abshere, SCEA
+598 99 54 99 54

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Re: [GENERAL] Force specific index disuse

2014-05-20 Thread Alvaro Herrera
Steve Crawford wrote:
 Is there a way to force a specific index to be removed from
 consideration in planning a single query?
 Specifically, on a 60-million-row table I have an index that is a
 candidate for removal. I have identified the sets of nightly queries
 that use the index but before dropping it I would like to run
 EXPLAIN and do timing tests on the queries to see the impact of not
 having that index available and rewrite the query to efficiently use
 other indexes if necessary.

If you can afford to lock the table for a while, the easiest is

DROP INDEX bothersome_idx;
EXPLAIN your_query;

Álvaro Herrerahttp://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training  Services

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Re: [GENERAL] Force specific index disuse

2014-05-20 Thread Steve Crawford

On 05/20/2014 09:44 AM, Seamus Abshere wrote:

On 5/20/14, 1:38 PM, Steve Crawford wrote:

Is there a way to force a specific index to be removed from
consideration in planning a single query?

hi Steve,

What is the query? Or at least a sanitized but complete version?

I've now resolved the issue with the one update query I was 
investigating this morning. But this involved building a test where I 
removed the index then ran explain and timed the query.

The question is actually general as I anticipate reviewing the benefit 
of dropping more indexes and it would be much more quick and convenient 
to do something akin to:

disable index foodex;
explain update bar set baz ;

I'm not sure what would be involved in adding this. It seems that simply 
hiding an index from the planner would be all that is necessary but I'm 
sure there are, as always, subtleties.


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Re: [GENERAL] Force specific index disuse

2014-05-20 Thread Steve Crawford

On 05/20/2014 10:44 AM, Alvaro Herrera wrote:

Steve Crawford wrote:

Is there a way to force a specific index to be removed from
consideration in planning a single query?

Specifically, on a 60-million-row table I have an index that is a
candidate for removal. I have identified the sets of nightly queries
that use the index but before dropping it I would like to run
EXPLAIN and do timing tests on the queries to see the impact of not
having that index available and rewrite the query to efficiently use
other indexes if necessary.

If you can afford to lock the table for a while, the easiest is

DROP INDEX bothersome_idx;
EXPLAIN your_query;

Interesting. But what do you mean by a while? Does the above keep the 
index intact (brief lock) or does it have to rebuild it on rollback?

What would happen if you did:
DROP INDEX bothersome_idx;
INSERT INTO indexed_table...;


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Re: [GENERAL] Force specific index disuse

2014-05-20 Thread Steve Crawford

On 05/20/2014 11:48 AM, Steve Crawford wrote:


What would happen if you did:
DROP INDEX bothersome_idx;
INSERT INTO indexed_table...;

Never mind. Thought it through.


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Re: [GENERAL] Force specific index disuse

2014-05-20 Thread Tom Lane
Steve Crawford scrawf...@pinpointresearch.com writes:
 On 05/20/2014 10:44 AM, Alvaro Herrera wrote:
 If you can afford to lock the table for a while, the easiest is
 DROP INDEX bothersome_idx;
 EXPLAIN your_query;

 Interesting. But what do you mean by a while? Does the above keep the 
 index intact (brief lock) or does it have to rebuild it on rollback?

The index doesn't need to be rebuilt; the transaction need take only
as long as your EXPLAIN does.

 What would happen if you did:
 DROP INDEX bothersome_idx;
 INSERT INTO indexed_table...;

The INSERT would insert a tuple lacking any entry in bothersome_idx,
but it doesn't matter since it'll get rolled back.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [GENERAL] Force specific index disuse

2014-05-20 Thread David G Johnston
Steve Crawford wrote
 On 05/20/2014 10:44 AM, Alvaro Herrera wrote:
 Steve Crawford wrote:
 Is there a way to force a specific index to be removed from
 consideration in planning a single query?

 Specifically, on a 60-million-row table I have an index that is a
 candidate for removal. I have identified the sets of nightly queries
 that use the index but before dropping it I would like to run
 EXPLAIN and do timing tests on the queries to see the impact of not
 having that index available and rewrite the query to efficiently use
 other indexes if necessary.
 If you can afford to lock the table for a while, the easiest is

 DROP INDEX bothersome_idx;
 EXPLAIN your_query;

 Interesting. But what do you mean by a while? Does the above keep the 
 index intact (brief lock) or does it have to rebuild it on rollback?
 What would happen if you did:
 DROP INDEX bothersome_idx;
 INSERT INTO indexed_table...;

DROP INDEX would take a lock, the insert would happen without updating
bothersome_idx, then the rollback would revert indexed_table back to the way
it was before the DROP INDEX was issued - both data and active indexes. 
Since the table contents didn't change there is no need to rebuild any
associated indexes.

David J.

View this message in context: 
Sent from the PostgreSQL - general mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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Re: [GENERAL] Force specific index disuse

2014-05-20 Thread Alvaro Herrera
Steve Crawford wrote:
 On 05/20/2014 10:44 AM, Alvaro Herrera wrote:

 If you can afford to lock the table for a while, the easiest is
 DROP INDEX bothersome_idx;
 EXPLAIN your_query;
 Interesting. But what do you mean by a while? Does the above keep
 the index intact (brief lock) or does it have to rebuild it on

Dropped relations are not deleted from disk until transaction commit, so
the original index is kept intact, and when ROLLBACK is executed only
catalog state changed by the DROP INDEX is reverted, but it's an
instant operation.

Álvaro Herrerahttp://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training  Services

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Re: [GENERAL] Force specific index disuse

2014-05-20 Thread Jeff Janes
On Tue, May 20, 2014 at 11:48 AM, Steve Crawford 
scrawf...@pinpointresearch.com wrote:

 On 05/20/2014 10:44 AM, Alvaro Herrera wrote:

 Steve Crawford wrote:

 Is there a way to force a specific index to be removed from
 consideration in planning a single query?

 Specifically, on a 60-million-row table I have an index that is a
 candidate for removal. I have identified the sets of nightly queries
 that use the index but before dropping it I would like to run
 EXPLAIN and do timing tests on the queries to see the impact of not
 having that index available and rewrite the query to efficiently use
 other indexes if necessary.

 If you can afford to lock the table for a while, the easiest is

 DROP INDEX bothersome_idx;
 EXPLAIN your_query;

  Interesting. But what do you mean by a while? Does the above keep the
 index intact (brief lock) or does it have to rebuild it on rollback?

Best case, 'A while' means however long it takes the explain (possibly
analyze) to run, and for you to then type 'rollback;'

worse case, someone else is already holding an incompatible lock (i.e. any
lock) on the table, and is going to hang on to it for a long while, so your
drop index hangs forever waiting to acquire the lock and in the process
brings all other desired activity (except the one already holding the lock)
to a screeching halt because they are not allowed to jump the lock queue.

worser case, you forget to enter 'rollback' at all and accidentally commit
the index drop.

I use the begin...drop...rollback on test servers a lot, but rarely on
productions servers.  If I don't want to lock for that long, you can often
alter the query to make the index useless, for example:

explain select * from pgbench_accounts where aid=87;


explain select * from pgbench_accounts where aid+0=87;

Although for complex queries it can be hard to find the antimagic bullet.



Re: [GENERAL] Force specific index disuse

2014-05-20 Thread David G Johnston
On Tue, May 20, 2014 at 3:20 PM, Jeff Janes [via PostgreSQL] 
ml-node+s1045698n580459...@n5.nabble.com wrote:

 On Tue, May 20, 2014 at 11:48 AM, Steve Crawford [hidden 

 On 05/20/2014 10:44 AM, Alvaro Herrera wrote:

 Steve Crawford wrote:

 Is there a way to force a specific index to be removed from
 consideration in planning a single query?

 Specifically, on a 60-million-row table I have an index that is a
 candidate for removal. I have identified the sets of nightly queries
 that use the index but before dropping it I would like to run
 EXPLAIN and do timing tests on the queries to see the impact of not
 having that index available and rewrite the query to efficiently use
 other indexes if necessary.

 If you can afford to lock the table for a while, the easiest is

 DROP INDEX bothersome_idx;
 EXPLAIN your_query;

  Interesting. But what do you mean by a while? Does the above keep the
 index intact (brief lock) or does it have to rebuild it on rollback?

 Best case, 'A while' means however long it takes the explain (possibly
 analyze) to run, and for you to then type 'rollback;'

 worse case, someone else is already holding an incompatible lock (i.e. any
 lock) on the table, and is going to hang on to it for a long while, so your
 drop index hangs forever waiting to acquire the lock and in the process
 brings all other desired activity (except the one already holding the lock)
 to a screeching halt because they are not allowed to jump the lock queue.

 worser case, you forget to enter 'rollback' at all and accidentally commit
 the index drop.

 I use the begin...drop...rollback on test servers a lot, but rarely on
 productions servers.  If I don't want to lock for that long, you can often
 alter the query to make the index useless, for example:

 explain select * from pgbench_accounts where aid=87;


 explain select * from pgbench_accounts where aid+0=87;

 Although for complex queries it can be hard to find the antimagic bullet.



​This whole line of thought is a use-case for Jaime Casanova​'s recent

Note that disabling the index as shown, via clobbering a WHERE clause,
doesn't help when the concern is how much time is being spent updating
indexes during INSERT/UPDATE.

The risk of forgetting to issue the BEGIN; (not so much ROLLBACK given
typical default behavior if BEGIN is indeed issued) is probably the one
that would concern me the most if working on a production server.

David J.

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Re: [GENERAL] Force specific index disuse

2014-05-20 Thread Alvaro Herrera
Jeff Janes wrote:

 Best case, 'A while' means however long it takes the explain (possibly
 analyze) to run, and for you to then type 'rollback;'
 worse case, someone else is already holding an incompatible lock (i.e. any
 lock) on the table, and is going to hang on to it for a long while, so your
 drop index hangs forever waiting to acquire the lock and in the process
 brings all other desired activity (except the one already holding the lock)
 to a screeching halt because they are not allowed to jump the lock queue.
 worser case, you forget to enter 'rollback' at all and accidentally commit
 the index drop.

I guess you could write a program to do this for you instead of doing it
interactively.  That way,

1. you never forget BEGIN
2. you never mistake ROLLBACK and type COMMIT instead (oops).
3. you can LOCK TABLE before the DROP, with NOWAIT, and if it fails,
just retry later; or you can specify a statement_timeout so that an
upper limit to impact on other queries is.  (Reset statement_timeout
after LOCK TABLE is successful, so that the EXPLAIN can take longer if

I guess you should use a test server, of course, and that would mostly
free you from concern (3) anyway.

Also: there is, or used to be, a concept of hypothetical indexes in the
planner which could be useful to tools attaching to some hook(s) already
in core.  EDB had an index advisor tool way back when; I don't know if
it's still alive.  I have never tried any of this.  I probably wouldn't
run it on a production server anyway ...

Álvaro Herrerahttp://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training  Services

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[GENERAL] Convert an XML database

2014-05-20 Thread Aram Fingal
I want to set up a new PostgreSQL database from an XML database file.  It seems 
like there should be an obvious way to do this but I can't seem to find any 
directions anywhere.  How is this sort of thing normally done?

The database is available to the public here:


-- Aram

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Re: [GENERAL] Convert an XML database

2014-05-20 Thread John R Pierce

On 5/20/2014 9:16 PM, Aram Fingal wrote:

I want to set up a new PostgreSQL database from an XML database file.  It seems 
like there should be an obvious way to do this but I can't seem to find any 
directions anywhere.  How is this sort of thing normally done?
you'd need some sort of tool that could parse the XSD schema definition 
and generate SQL create table commands, then read the XML data and 
insert it into the database.

a generic ETL (extract, transform, load) tool that supports XML and 
postgresql should be able to do it, but its not something built into 
postgresql as-is.I can't recommend any specific ETL tool to do this 
as I've never needed to do this exactly.

there's some ETL tools listed here,

john r pierce  37N 122W
somewhere on the middle of the left coast

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