[GENERAL] Re: Hot standby problems: consistent state not reached, no connection to master server.

2015-04-13 Thread Ilya Ashchepkov
On Mon, 13 Apr 2015 12:24:11 -0700
Adrian Klaver  wrote:

> On 04/13/2015 11:25 AM, Ilya Ashchepkov wrote:
> > On Mon, 13 Apr 2015 10:06:05 -0700
> > Adrian Klaver  wrote:
> >
> >> On 04/13/2015 09:42 AM, Ilya Ashchepkov wrote:
> >>> On Sun, 12 Apr 2015 17:30:44 -0700
> >>> Adrian Klaver  wrote:
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >
>  If a connection is not being made:
>  1) Dose user replication have REPLICATION rights?
>  2) Is the pg_hba.conf on the master set up to allow a connection
>  from the standby for user replication and database replication?
> >>>
> >>> I commented 'restore_command' in recovery.conf and after start
> >>> slave connected to master.
> >>> Then I uncomment it back. Is it possible to have a both, streaming
> >>> connection and restoring from wal files from NFS share?
> >>
> >> Yes:
> >>
> >> http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.3/interactive/warm-standby.html#STREAMING-REPLICATION
> >>
> >> I wonder if your master is recycling WALs fast enough that the
> >> streaming can't find them and the standby has to go to the archive
> >> instead.
> >>
> >> What is your wal_keep_segments on the master set to?:
> > # select name,setting from pg_settings where name like
> > 'wal_keep_segments'; name| setting
> > ---+-
> >   wal_keep_segments | 128
> >
> >
> > I run tcpdump -ni eth0 port 5432 on slave and didn't see any packet
> > from slave to master after restart.
> Just to be clear:
> 1) When you comment out the restore_command the standby connects to
> the master, correct?


> 2) When you uncomment restore_command you do not see a standby 
> connection, correct?


> So:
> 1) When you are changing the restore_command status do you restart
> the standby server?


> 2) What does  select * from pg_stat_replication show, in either case?
> www.postgresql.org/docs/9.3/static/monitoring-stats.html#PG-STAT-REPLICATION-VIEW

0 rows on master
0 rows on slave

> 3) I may have missed it, but what is your archive_command on the
> master?

# select name,setting from pg_settings where name like 'archive_command';
  name   |  setting
 archive_command | test ! -f /media/psqlbak/wals/main/%f && cp %p 

> >
> >>
> >> http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.3/interactive/runtime-config-replication.html#RUNTIME-CONFIG-REPLICATION-SENDER
> >>
> >>>
>  Where are the WAL files coming from?
> >>>
> >>> NFS share on master.

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Re: [GENERAL] bigserial continuity safety

2015-04-13 Thread David G. Johnston
On Mon, Apr 13, 2015 at 7:01 PM, Jim Nasby  wrote:

> On 4/13/15 7:45 PM, David G. Johnston wrote:
>> On Mon, Apr 13, 2015 at 3:05 PM, Pawel Veselov > >wrote:
>> Hi.
>> If I have a table created as:
>> CREATE TABLE xq_agr (
>>node  text not null
>> );
>> and that multiple applications insert into. The applications never
>> explicitly specify the value for 'id'.
>> Is it safe to, on a single connection, do:
>> - open transaction (default transaction isolation)
>> - Open cursor for select * from xq_agr order by id asc
>> - do something with current record
>> - advance the cursor (and repeat something), but stop at some point
>> (id = LAST_ID), and
>> - delete from xq_agr where id <= LAST_ID;
>> - commit
>> "safe to" means - whether the cursor will not miss any records that
>> were deleted at the end.
>> I'm suspecting that depending on the commit order, I may have
>> situations when:
>> - TX1 insert ID 1
>> - TX2 insert ID 2
>> ​​
>> - TX2 commits
>> - TX3 scans 2
>> - TX1 commits
>> - TX3 deletes <= 2
>> - record ID1 is deleted, but never processed.
>> ​Going to ignore the MVC question for the moment and describe a better
>> "state transition mechanism" to consider.
>> pending -> active -> completed
>> If you ensure you never delete (i.e., transition to completed) something
>> that isn't active then you can never delete an item in pending.
>> ​Limit the locking to the state transitions only.
>> The downside is the need to deal with "active" items that have been
>> abandoned by whatever process marked them active.
> Another option is DELETE RETURNING. Instead of an initial SELECT to find
> records to work on, you would do DELETE FROM WHERE RETURNING * and deal
> with those records. I don't know if that's safe with a cursor though; I
> believe the DELETE fully materializes before records start coming back. So
> you need to handle all the rows from the SELECT or abort.
>  Back to your question: you should probably not use "<=" in your where
>> clause.  However, in READ COMMITTED TX3 cannot see ID1 since the
>> snapshot it took out was created before TX1 committed.  I am not fluent
> Actually, that's not necessarily true. It depends when TX3 actually takes
> it's snapshot, which is NOT when it runs BEGIN. I believe there's other
> problems you'd run into as well. Basically, READ COMMITTED does nothing to
> protect you from "phantom reads".
​I was basing that off of:

​​- TX2 commits
- TX3 scans 2
- TX1 commits

​The scanning causes the snapshot to be taken and occurs before TX1.​

As for the isolation levels I apparently got the two READ ones reversed in
my head...my bad :(

REPEATABLE READ should protect you from phantom reads, but it won't help
> you if someone changes the data. If you're going to try and go this route,
> SERIALIZABLE is your best bet.

While this is likely true if there is no other use of SERIALIZABLE in the
existing codebase then doing so requires learning/adding transaction retry
to the necessary skills and tools.  Its worth considering other approaches
to avoid the cognitive overhead of serializable.​

>  enough to work through the entire scenario in my head.  I'd suggest you
>> actually open up 3 psql sessions and play with them to see how things
>> really behave.
> That's really not safe enough. There's just too many different race
> conditions you can encounter, and I'd bet that you couldn't even reproduce
> some of them from a client.

​I guess there is a difference between knowing something is obviously wrong
because this simple testing failed and not realizing that you still have a
problem because there was no way to reasonably test the condition you are

The question becomes whether you rephrase the solution to make it simpler
and thus not as exposed to race conditions and the like (or fails
gracefully if it is - no deadlocks and hopefully minimal waiting) or
whether to simply prevent them outright (and quickly?) by failing with a
serialization exception.

 For me, a simply "SELECT FOR UPDATE / UPDATE WHERE" command in a
>> function solves the problem as small scale with minimal performance
>> degradation.  The transition from "pending" to "active" is effectively
>> serialized and the transition from "active" to "completed" only occurs
>> when the process has been performed and it is not possible to have two
>> client simultaneously processing the same work.
> Note that that isn't safe from repeatable reads. What you're describing is
> only safe if the WHERE clause on the update is guaranteed to always find
> only one row (ie, in this example, by using xq_agr.id = something).
> Anything other than that is asking for trouble.

​Yes, the result of the select returns an ID of (one or more) "

Re: [GENERAL] With Update From ... vs. Update ... From (With)

2015-04-13 Thread Jim Nasby

On 4/13/15 8:12 PM, David G. Johnston wrote:


Is there any non-functional difference between these two forms of Update?

UPDATE tbl SET ...
FROM name
WHERE tbl.id  = name.id 


UPDATE tbl SET ...
FROM ( WITH qry AS ( SELECT ) SELECT * FROM qry ) AS name
WHERE tbl.id  = name.id 

They both better give the same results but does the backend treat them

Does the answer to my question depend on the version of PostgreSQL?

Well, they're both ugly... but see what EXPLAIN or EXPLAIN VERBOSE shows.
Jim Nasby, Data Architect, Blue Treble Consulting
Data in Trouble? Get it in Treble! http://BlueTreble.com

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Re: [GENERAL] Help with slow table update

2015-04-13 Thread Jim Nasby

On 4/13/15 7:01 PM, Pawel Veselov wrote:

Cursors tend to make things slow. Avoid them if you can.

Is there an alternative to iterating over a number of rows, where a
direct update query is not an option?

I really doubt that either the actual processing logic, including use of
types has anything to do with my problem. This is based on the fact that
out of the tables that are being changed, only one is exhibiting the
problem. All of the involved tables have nearly the same structure, and
have the same logical operations performed on them. I thought may be the
"bad" table is slow because it was first in the list, and Postgres was
caching the functions results, but I moved things around, and pattern is
the same.

I'm guessing that you're essentially processing a queue. Take a look at 
http://www.postgresql.org/message-id/552c750f.2010...@bluetreble.com for 
some ideas. Basically, not only do cursors have non-trivial overhead, 
doing a ton of single-row queries is going to have a non-trivial 
overhead itself.

As for your specific question, I suggest you modify the plpgsql
function so that it's doing an EXPLAIN ANALYZE on the slow table.
EXPLAIN ANALYZE actually returns a recordset the same way a SELECT
would, with a single column of type text. So you just need to do
something with that output. The easiest thing would be to replace
this in your function:

UPDATE slow_table SET ...

to this (untested)


and change the function so it returns SETOF text instead of whatever
it returns now.

Thank you, that made it a lot easier to see into what's really going on.
But the outcome is somewhat the same. The "bad" table analysis shows a
very high cost, and thousands of rows, where the table contains only 24
rows. This time, however, the actual run time is shown, and one can see
where the time is spent (I was using just a sum of clock_time()s around
the update statements to see where the problem is).

r_agrio_hourly - "good", r_agrio_total - "bad".

  Update on r_agrio_hourly  (cost=0.42..970.32 rows=250 width=329)
(actual time=2.248..2.248 rows=0 loops=1)
  ->  Index Scan using u_r_agrio_hourly on r_agrio_hourly
  (cost=0.42..970.32 rows=250 width=329) (actual time=0.968..1.207
rows=1 loops=1)
  Index Cond: ((tagid = 1002::numeric) AND (unitid =
1002::numeric) AND ((rowdate)::text = '2015-04-09T23'::text) AND
(device_type = 3::numeric) AND (placement = 2::numeric))
  Total runtime: 2.281 ms
  Update on r_agrio_total  (cost=0.42..45052.56 rows=12068 width=321)
(actual time=106.766..106.766 rows=0 loops=1)
  ->  Index Scan using u_r_agrio_total on r_agrio_total
  (cost=0.42..45052.56 rows=12068 width=321) (actual time=0.936..32.626
rows=1 loops=1)
  Index Cond: ((tagid = 1002::numeric) AND (unitid =
1002::numeric) AND (device_type = 3::numeric) AND (placement = 2::numeric))
  Total runtime: 106.793 ms

Keep in mind that the estimated cost is not terribly useful; it's the 
actual times that matter.

I suspect what's happening here is a combination of things. First, the 
hourly table is basically living in cache, but the total table is not. 
That means that when you go to find a row in the total table you're 
actually hitting the disk instead of pulling the data from memory.

Second, you may have a lot of dead rows in the total table. I suspect 
this because of the very large amount of time the index scan is taking. 
Unless you're running on an old 10MB MFM drive you'd be pretty hard 
pressed for even 2 IO operations (one for the index leaf page and one 
for the heap page) to take 32ms. I suspect the index scan is having to 
read many dead rows in before it finds a live one, and incurring 
multiple IOs. Swiching to EXPLAIN (analyze, buffers) would help confirm 

Third, I think something odd is happening with the update itself. I'm 
pretty sure that the index scan itself is visiting the heap pages, so 
each page should be in shared buffers by the time each tuple hits the 
update node. That makes me wonder what on earth is taking 60ms to update 
the tuple. I suspect it's going into either finding a free buffer to put 
the new tuple on, or waiting to try and extend the relation. Selecting 
ctid from the freshly updated rows and comparing the first number to the 
total number of pages in the heap would show if the new tuples are all 
ending up at the end of the heap.

Jim Nasby, Data Architect, Blue Treble Consulting
Data in Trouble? Get it in Treble! http://BlueTreble.com

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Re: [GENERAL] bigserial continuity safety

2015-04-13 Thread Jim Nasby

On 4/13/15 7:45 PM, David G. Johnston wrote:

On Mon, Apr 13, 2015 at 3:05 PM, Pawel Veselov mailto:pawel.vese...@gmail.com>>wrote:


If I have a table created as:

   node  text not null

and that multiple applications insert into. The applications never
explicitly specify the value for 'id'.
Is it safe to, on a single connection, do:

- open transaction (default transaction isolation)
- Open cursor for select * from xq_agr order by id asc
- do something with current record
- advance the cursor (and repeat something), but stop at some point
(id = LAST_ID), and
- delete from xq_agr where id <= LAST_ID;
- commit

"safe to" means - whether the cursor will not miss any records that
were deleted at the end.

I'm suspecting that depending on the commit order, I may have
situations when:
- TX1 insert ID 1
- TX2 insert ID 2
- TX2 commits
- TX3 scans 2
- TX1 commits
- TX3 deletes <= 2
- record ID1 is deleted, but never processed.

​Going to ignore the MVC question for the moment and describe a better
"state transition mechanism" to consider.

pending -> active -> completed

If you ensure you never delete (i.e., transition to completed) something
that isn't active then you can never delete an item in pending.

​Limit the locking to the state transitions only.

The downside is the need to deal with "active" items that have been
abandoned by whatever process marked them active.

Another option is DELETE RETURNING. Instead of an initial SELECT to find 
records to work on, you would do DELETE FROM WHERE RETURNING * and deal 
with those records. I don't know if that's safe with a cursor though; I 
believe the DELETE fully materializes before records start coming back. 
So you need to handle all the rows from the SELECT or abort.

Back to your question: you should probably not use "<=" in your where
clause.  However, in READ COMMITTED TX3 cannot see ID1 since the
snapshot it took out was created before TX1 committed.  I am not fluent

Actually, that's not necessarily true. It depends when TX3 actually 
takes it's snapshot, which is NOT when it runs BEGIN. I believe there's 
other problems you'd run into as well. Basically, READ COMMITTED does 
nothing to protect you from "phantom reads".

REPEATABLE READ should protect you from phantom reads, but it won't help 
you if someone changes the data. If you're going to try and go this 
route, SERIALIZABLE is your best bet.

enough to work through the entire scenario in my head.  I'd suggest you
actually open up 3 psql sessions and play with them to see how things
really behave.

That's really not safe enough. There's just too many different race 
conditions you can encounter, and I'd bet that you couldn't even 
reproduce some of them from a client.

For me, a simply "SELECT FOR UPDATE / UPDATE WHERE" command in a
function solves the problem as small scale with minimal performance
degradation.  The transition from "pending" to "active" is effectively
serialized and the transition from "active" to "completed" only occurs
when the process has been performed and it is not possible to have two
client simultaneously processing the same work.

Note that that isn't safe from repeatable reads. What you're describing 
is only safe if the WHERE clause on the update is guaranteed to always 
find only one row (ie, in this example, by using xq_agr.id = something). 
Anything other than that is asking for trouble.

BTW, since it looks like you're just looking for a queue, you should 
take a look at PgQ (https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/PGQ_Tutorial). It 
uses something more efficient than bulk deletes to handle it's queue, 
and you can set it up so it will handle a large amount of queued items 
rather well (increase the number of tables). The one downside you may 
run into is you MUST consume every event in a single batch. There used 
to be support for the concept of "retrying" an event, but that may have 
been removed. It would be safe for you to put failed events into a 
second queue.

Jim Nasby, Data Architect, Blue Treble Consulting
Data in Trouble? Get it in Treble! http://BlueTreble.com

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Re: [GENERAL] recovery of a windows archive in linux

2015-04-13 Thread Adrian Klaver

On 04/13/2015 04:37 PM, Guillaume Drolet wrote:

Dear list,

I have a base backup and archive logs from a Windows 7 PGSQL 9.3
install. The machine OS disk started to show signs of failure so I
replaced it and now I want to switch for a Linux system.

My question is: will I be able to play my archive logs and point-in-time
recover on the Linux machine?

No. The machines have to be the same OS/architecture.

That would spare some time rebuilding a Windows machine, recovering my
db, and dumping for a Linux box.

Thanks for your advice.


Adrian Klaver

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Re: [GENERAL] recovery of a windows archive in linux

2015-04-13 Thread Jim Nasby

On 4/13/15 6:37 PM, Guillaume Drolet wrote:

Dear list,

I have a base backup and archive logs from a Windows 7 PGSQL 9.3
install. The machine OS disk started to show signs of failure so I
replaced it and now I want to switch for a Linux system.

My question is: will I be able to play my archive logs and point-in-time
recover on the Linux machine?

That would spare some time rebuilding a Windows machine, recovering my
db, and dumping for a Linux box.

No. You can only use a PITR backup on an install that's completely 
binary compatible with the installation the backup was taken from. Not 
only does the OS have to match, you could actually run into problems 
switching to a different CPU architecture (among other things, whether 
the architecture is big- or small-endian matters).

Jim Nasby, Data Architect, Blue Treble Consulting
Data in Trouble? Get it in Treble! http://BlueTreble.com

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[GENERAL] With Update From ... vs. Update ... From (With)

2015-04-13 Thread David G. Johnston

Is there any non-functional difference between these two forms of Update?

UPDATE tbl SET ...
FROM name
WHERE tbl.id = name.id


UPDATE tbl SET ...
FROM ( WITH qry AS ( SELECT ) SELECT * FROM qry ) AS name
WHERE tbl.id = name.id

They both better give the same results but does the backend treat them

Does the answer to my question depend on the version of PostgreSQL?


David J.

Re: [GENERAL] Help with slow table update

2015-04-13 Thread David G. Johnston
On Mon, Apr 13, 2015 at 5:01 PM, Pawel Veselov 

> r_agrio_hourly - "good", r_agrio_total - "bad".
>  Update on r_agrio_hourly  (cost=0.42..970.32 rows=250 width=329) (actual
> time=2.248..2.248 rows=0 loops=1)
>->  Index Scan using u_r_agrio_hourly on r_agrio_hourly
>  (cost=0.42..970.32 rows=250 width=329) (actual time=0.968..1.207 rows=1
> loops=1)
>  Index Cond: ((tagid = 1002::numeric) AND (unitid = 1002::numeric)
> AND ((rowdate)::text = '2015-04-09T23'::text) AND (device_type =
> 3::numeric) AND (placement = 2::numeric))
>  Total runtime: 2.281 ms
>  Update on r_agrio_total  (cost=0.42..45052.56 rows=12068 width=321)
> (actual time=106.766..106.766 rows=0 loops=1)
>->  Index Scan using u_r_agrio_total on r_agrio_total
>  (cost=0.42..45052.56 rows=12068 width=321) (actual time=0.936..32.626
> rows=1 loops=1)
>  Index Cond: ((tagid = 1002::numeric) AND (unitid = 1002::numeric)
> AND (device_type = 3::numeric) AND (placement = 2::numeric))
>  Total runtime: 106.793 ms

What it is you expect to see here?

​What are the results (count and times) for:

SELECT count(*) FROM r_agrio_total WHERE tagid = 1002 and unitid = 1002;
SELECT count(*) FROM r_agrio_hourly WHERE tagid = 1002 and unitid = 1002;

​More queries along this line might be needed.  The underlying question is
how many index rows need to be skipped over on "total" to get the final
result - or rather are the columns in the index in descending order of

Any chance you can perform a "REINDEX" - maybe there is some bloat
present?  There are queries to help discern if that may be the case, I do
not know then off the top of my head, but just doing it might be acceptable
and is definitely quicker if so.

​I'm still not really following your presentation but maybe my thoughts
will spark something.​

​David J.

Re: [GENERAL] bigserial continuity safety

2015-04-13 Thread David G. Johnston
On Mon, Apr 13, 2015 at 3:05 PM, Pawel Veselov 

> Hi.
> If I have a table created as:
> CREATE TABLE xq_agr (
>   node  text not null
> );
> and that multiple applications insert into. The applications never
> explicitly specify the value for 'id'.
> Is it safe to, on a single connection, do:
> - open transaction (default transaction isolation)
> - Open cursor for select * from xq_agr order by id asc
> - do something with current record
> - advance the cursor (and repeat something), but stop at some point (id =
> LAST_ID), and
> - delete from xq_agr where id <= LAST_ID;
> - commit
> "safe to" means - whether the cursor will not miss any records that were
> deleted at the end.
> I'm suspecting that depending on the commit order, I may have situations
> when:
> - TX1 insert ID 1
> - TX2 insert ID 2
> - TX2 commits
> - TX3 scans 2
> - TX1 commits
> - TX3 deletes <= 2
> - record ID1 is deleted, but never processed.
​Going to ignore the MVC question for the moment and describe a better
"state transition mechanism" to consider.

pending -> active -> completed

If you ensure you never delete (i.e., transition to completed) something
that isn't active then you can never delete an item in pending.

​Limit the locking to the state transitions only.

The downside is the need to deal with "active" items that have been
abandoned by whatever process marked them active.

Back to your question: you should probably not use "<=" in your where
clause.  However, in READ COMMITTED TX3 cannot see ID1 since the snapshot
it took out was created before TX1 committed.  I am not fluent enough to
work through the entire scenario in my head.  I'd suggest you actually open
up 3 psql sessions and play with them to see how things really behave.

For me, a simply "SELECT FOR UPDATE / UPDATE WHERE" command in a function
solves the problem as small scale with minimal performance degradation.
The transition from "pending" to "active" is effectively serialized and the
transition from "active" to "completed" only occurs when the process has
been performed and it is not possible to have two client simultaneously
processing the same work.

David J.

Re: [GENERAL] Help with slow table update

2015-04-13 Thread Pawel Veselov
On Sun, Apr 12, 2015 at 5:40 PM, Jim Nasby  wrote:

> On 4/9/15 6:18 PM, Pawel Veselov wrote:
>> Hi.
>> I have a plpgsql procedure that updates a few similar tables.
>> for some reason, updates on one of the tables take a lot longer the
>> updates on the other ones. The difference is, say, 7 seconds vs. 80
>> milliseconds.
>> the procedure uses cursors and record variables to do the updates. For
>> example:
>>  update r_agrio_total set
>>unserved = unserved + (agrow->>'unserved')::numeric(38),
>>r_brkconn = mush_brk_conn(r_brkconn, q_item.r_brkconn),
>>  where
>>tagid = _tagid and
>>unitid = (akey->>'unitid')::numeric and
>>placement = (akey->>'placement')::numeric and
>>device_type = (akey->>'device_type')::numeric;
>> There is another table (xq_agr) that is read record by record, and for
>> each of those records, such update is executed.
>> I was trying to select analyze the updates to see where the time could
>> be spent.
>> There are only 24 row in the "bad" table, and 3,400 rows in "good"
>> table. So, for the "bad" table, most of the updates will be on the same
>> rows. The times were measured on processing 100 original records.
>> When I'm analyzing pure update statements, I don't see anything strange.
>> "bad" table: explain analyze update r_agrio_total set unconfirmed =
>> unconfirmed +0 where tagid = 1000 and unitid = 1000 and placement = 0
>> and device_type = 100;
>>   Update on r_agrio_total  (cost=0.42..4.46 rows=1 width=321) (actual
>> time=0.253..0.253 rows=0 loops=1)
>> ->  Index Scan using tag_r_agrio_total on r_agrio_total
>>   (cost=0.42..4.46 rows=1 width=321) (actual time=0.037..0.041 rows=1
>> loops=1)
>>   Index Cond: (tagid = 1000::numeric)
>>   Filter: ((unitid = 1000::numeric) AND (placement = 0::numeric)
>> AND (device_type = 100::numeric))
>>   Rows Removed by Filter: 7
>>   Total runtime: 0.282 ms
>> "good" table: explain analyze update r_agrio_hourly set unconfirmed =
>> unconfirmed +0 where tagid = 1000 and unitid = 1000 and placement = 0
>> and device_type = 100 and rowdate = '2015-02-23T13';
>>   Update on r_agrio_hourly  (cost=0.42..17.36 rows=6 width=329) (actual
>> time=0.102..0.102 rows=0 loops=1)
>> ->  Index Scan using u_r_agrio_hourly on r_agrio_hourly
>>   (cost=0.42..17.36 rows=6 width=329) (actual time=0.047..0.048 rows=1
>> loops=1)
>>   Index Cond: ((tagid = 1000::numeric) AND (unitid =
>> 1000::numeric) AND ((rowdate)::text = '2015-02-23T13'::text) AND
>> (device_type = 100::numeric) AND (placement = 0::numeric))
>>   Total runtime: 0.135 ms
>> When I try doing it with WITH statement (really, to apply the actual
>> data that the plpgsql function uses), there is something strange in the
>> "bad" table.
>> explain analyze
>> with SRC as (select * from xq_agr where id = 914830)
>>  update r_agrio_total set
>>unconfirmed = unconfirmed +
>> (SRC.r_agrio->>'unconfirmed')::numeric(38)
>>  from SRC
>>  where
>>tagid = (SRC.r_agrio->'key'->>'tagid')::numeric and
>>unitid = (SRC.r_agrio->'key'->>'unit')::numeric and
>>placement = (SRC.r_agrio->'key'->>'placement')::numeric and
>>device_type = (SRC.r_agrio->'key'->>'device_type')::numeric;
>>   Update on r_agrio_total  (cost=8.91..32777.51 rows=19331 width=409)
>> (actual time=0.107..0.107 rows=0 loops=1)
>> CTE src
>>   ->  Index Scan using xq_agr_pkey on xq_agr  (cost=0.42..8.44
>> rows=1 width=379) (actual time=0.026..0.027 rows=1 loops=1)
>> Index Cond: (id = 914830)
>> ->  Nested Loop  (cost=0.46..32769.07 rows=19331 width=409) (actual
>> time=0.107..0.107 rows=0 loops=1)
>>   ->  CTE Scan on src  (cost=0.00..0.02 rows=1 width=88) (actual
>> time=0.032..0.033 rows=1 loops=1)
>>   ->  Index Scan using u_r_agrio_total on r_agrio_total
>>   (*cost=0.46..32285.78 rows=19331* width=321) (actual time=0.001..0.001
>> rows=0 loops=1)
>> Index Cond: ((tagid = (((src.r_agrio -> 'key'::text) ->>
>> 'tagid'::text))::numeric) AND (unitid = (((src.r_agrio -> 'key'::text)
>> ->> 'unit'::text))::numeric) AND (device_type = (((src.r_agrio ->
>> 'key'::text) ->> 'device_type'::text))::numeric) AND (placement =
>> (((src.r_agrio -> 'key'::text) ->> 'placement'::text))::numeric))
>>   Total runtime: 0.155 ms
>> explain analyze
>> with SRC as (select * from xq_agr where id = 914830)
>>  update r_agrio_hourly set
>>unconfirmed = unconfirmed +
>> (SRC.r_agrio->>'unconfirmed')::numeric(38)
>>  from SRC
>>  where
>>tagid = (SRC.r_agrio->'key'->>'tagid')::numeric and
>>unitid = (SRC.r_agrio->'key'->>'unit')::numeric and
>>placement = (SRC.r_agrio->'key'->>'placement')::numeric and
>>device_type = (SRC.r_agrio->'key'->

[GENERAL] recovery of a windows archive in linux

2015-04-13 Thread Guillaume Drolet
Dear list,

I have a base backup and archive logs from a Windows 7 PGSQL 9.3 install.
The machine OS disk started to show signs of failure so I replaced it and
now I want to switch for a Linux system.

My question is: will I be able to play my archive logs and point-in-time
recover on the Linux machine?

That would spare some time rebuilding a Windows machine, recovering my db,
and dumping for a Linux box.

Thanks for your advice.


[GENERAL] bigserial continuity safety

2015-04-13 Thread Pawel Veselov

If I have a table created as:

  node  text not null

and that multiple applications insert into. The applications never
explicitly specify the value for 'id'.
Is it safe to, on a single connection, do:

- open transaction (default transaction isolation)
- Open cursor for select * from xq_agr order by id asc
- do something with current record
- advance the cursor (and repeat something), but stop at some point (id =
LAST_ID), and
- delete from xq_agr where id <= LAST_ID;
- commit

"safe to" means - whether the cursor will not miss any records that were
deleted at the end.

I'm suspecting that depending on the commit order, I may have situations
- TX1 insert ID 1
- TX2 insert ID 2
- TX2 commits
- TX3 scans 2
- TX1 commits
- TX3 deletes <= 2
- record ID1 is deleted, but never processed.

Is that sequence of events as listed above possible? If yes, is there a
transaction isolation  I can use to avoid that?

Table and sequence definition, as present in the DB:

db=> \d+ xq_agr_id_seq
 Sequence "public.xq_agr_id_seq"
Column |  Type   |Value| Storage
 sequence_name | name| xq_agr_id_seq   | plain
 last_value| bigint  | 139898829   | plain
 start_value   | bigint  | 1   | plain
 increment_by  | bigint  | 1   | plain
 max_value | bigint  | 9223372036854775807 | plain
 min_value | bigint  | 1   | plain
 cache_value   | bigint  | 1   | plain
 log_cnt   | bigint  | 27  | plain
 is_cycled | boolean | f   | plain
 is_called | boolean | t   | plain

db=> \d xq_agr
   Table "public.xq_agr"
  Column   |  Type   |  Modifiers

 id| bigint  | not null default
 node  | text| not null
"xq_agr_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)

Re: [GENERAL] Hot standby problems: consistent state not reached, no connection to master server.

2015-04-13 Thread Guillaume Lelarge
Le 12 avr. 2015 16:50, "Ilya Ashchepkov"  a écrit :
> Hello.
> I'm setting up hot standby slave.
> It recovers from wal archive files, but I can't connect to it:
> $ psql
> psql: FATAL:  the database system is starting up
> On master:
> # select name,setting from pg_settings where name like 'wal_level';
>name|   setting
> ---+-
>  wal_level | hot_standby
> My slave recovery.conf:
> $ cat recovery.conf
> # Note that recovery.conf must be in $PGDATA directory.
> # It should NOT be located in the same directory as postgresql.conf
> # Specifies whether to start the server as a standby. In streaming
> # this parameter must to be set to on.
> standby_mode  = 'on'
> # Specifies a connection string which is used for the standby server to
> # with the primary.
> primary_conninfo  = 'host= port=5432 user=replication
> # Specifies a trigger file whose presence should cause streaming
replication to
> # end (i.e., failover).
> trigger_file = '/media/psqlbak/101/main/standup'
> # Specifies a command to load archive segments from the WAL archive. If
> # wal_keep_segments is a high enough number to retain the WAL segments
> # required for the standby server, this may not be necessary. But
> # a large workload can cause segments to be recycled before the standby
> # is fully synchronized, requiring you to start again from a new base
> restore_command = '/usr/lib/postgresql/9.3/bin/pg_standby -t
/tmp/pgsql.trigger.5432 /media/psqlbak/101/wals/main/ %f %p %r'

Don't use pg_standby if you want to use streaming. Use cp, scp, rsync, or
anything else but not pg_standby. Streaming starts when archive recovery
fails to get next archive.

> I tried to comment 'restore_command' in recovery.conf on slave, then
slave connects
> to master and starts receiving data, but I think it's not very good way.
> What should I change to receive data through connection and reach
> state on slave?
> --
> Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org)
> To make changes to your subscription:
> http://www.postgresql.org/mailpref/pgsql-general

Re: [GENERAL] Re: Hot standby problems: consistent state not reached, no connection to master server.

2015-04-13 Thread Adrian Klaver

On 04/13/2015 11:25 AM, Ilya Ashchepkov wrote:

On Mon, 13 Apr 2015 10:06:05 -0700
Adrian Klaver  wrote:

On 04/13/2015 09:42 AM, Ilya Ashchepkov wrote:

On Sun, 12 Apr 2015 17:30:44 -0700
Adrian Klaver  wrote:

If a connection is not being made:

1) Dose user replication have REPLICATION rights?
2) Is the pg_hba.conf on the master set up to allow a connection
from the standby for user replication and database replication?

I commented 'restore_command' in recovery.conf and after start slave
connected to master.
Then I uncomment it back. Is it possible to have a both, streaming
connection and restoring from wal files from NFS share?



I wonder if your master is recycling WALs fast enough that the
streaming can't find them and the standby has to go to the archive

What is your wal_keep_segments on the master set to?:

# select name,setting from pg_settings where name like 'wal_keep_segments';
name| setting
  wal_keep_segments | 128

I run tcpdump -ni eth0 port 5432 on slave and didn't see any packet
from slave to master after restart.

Just to be clear:

1) When you comment out the restore_command the standby connects to the 
master, correct?

2) When you uncomment restore_command you do not see a standby 
connection, correct?


1) When you are changing the restore_command status do you restart the 
standby server?

2) What does  select * from pg_stat_replication show, in either case?


3) I may have missed it, but what is your archive_command on the master?


Where are the WAL files coming from?

NFS share on master.

Adrian Klaver

Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org)
To make changes to your subscription:

[GENERAL] Re: Hot standby problems: consistent state not reached, no connection to master server.

2015-04-13 Thread Ilya Ashchepkov
On Mon, 13 Apr 2015 10:06:05 -0700
Adrian Klaver  wrote:

> On 04/13/2015 09:42 AM, Ilya Ashchepkov wrote:
> > On Sun, 12 Apr 2015 17:30:44 -0700
> > Adrian Klaver  wrote:
> >
> >>>
> >>> Oh! I missed this! Thank you!
> >>> Now slave reached consistent state some time after start, but
> >>> still no connection to master server and still restoring
> >>> wal-files.
> >>
> >> Not quite sure what you are getting at.
> >>
> >> You are not seeing the streaming connection happening?
> >
> > Yes, no streaming connection.
> >
> >> If a connection is not being made:
> >>
> >> 1) Dose user replication have REPLICATION rights?
> >> 2) Is the pg_hba.conf on the master set up to allow a connection
> >> from the standby for user replication and database replication?
> >
> > I commented 'restore_command' in recovery.conf and after start slave
> > connected to master.
> > Then I uncomment it back. Is it possible to have a both, streaming
> > connection and restoring from wal files from NFS share?
> Yes:
> http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.3/interactive/warm-standby.html#STREAMING-REPLICATION
> I wonder if your master is recycling WALs fast enough that the
> streaming can't find them and the standby has to go to the archive
> instead.
> What is your wal_keep_segments on the master set to?:
# select name,setting from pg_settings where name like 'wal_keep_segments';
   name| setting
 wal_keep_segments | 128

I run tcpdump -ni eth0 port 5432 on slave and didn't see any packet
from slave to master after restart.

> http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.3/interactive/runtime-config-replication.html#RUNTIME-CONFIG-REPLICATION-SENDER
> >
> >>
> >> Where are the WAL files coming from?
> >
> > NFS share on master.
> >
> >>
> >>>
> >
> >
> >
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org)
To make changes to your subscription:

Re: [GENERAL] unexpected error " tables can have at most 1600 columns"

2015-04-13 Thread Day, David

Thanks so much. This seems to help explain the  problem.

I can say that the patch file had a later statement with  an error related to 
search_path setup.
Given that the logic that applies patches repeat attempts for an extended 
period of time,
I speculate that the rollback of the patch leaves these invisible columns 
Otherwise I fail to see  from where these columns originate.

When I drop the database and recreate it with the schema reference issues 
( ie. Issues related to search_path  setup ). The database builds without issue.

These patches were not an issue for ongoing developers because at some point
In the installation the default search_path gets setup so that this err in the
patch writing is masked.

Thanks so much.


Dave Day

select attname from pg_attribute where 
attrelid='log.conference_history'::regclass and attnum > 0;

select count(*) from pg_attribute where 
attrelid='log.conference_history'::regclass and attnum > 0 and attisdropped;

From: Pavel Stehule [mailto:pavel.steh...@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, April 13, 2015 12:06 PM
To: Day, David
Cc: pgsql-general@postgresql.org
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] unexpected error " tables can have at most 1600 columns"

2015-04-13 17:57 GMT+02:00 Day, David mailto:d...@redcom.com>>:

I have a co-developer installing a new Virtual Machine and encountering a 
postgres error during the installation.
One of our  SQL patch files is failing unexpectedly.

The patch is attempting to add columns to a table,  The table involved  
currently has only 2 columns,
Interactively I can generate the same error in his current state.

psql -h ohio -U redcom ace_db
psql (9.3.6)
Type "help" for help.

ace_db=# select * from log.conference_history;
conf_id | max_size
(0 rows)

ace_db=# ALTER TABLE log.conference_history ADD talker_limit integer DEFAULT 0;
ERROR:  tables can have at most 1600 columns

There can be removed (invisible columns)

select attname from pg_attribute where attrelid = 'test'::regclass and attnum > 

postgres=# select attname from pg_attribute where attrelid = 'test'::regclass 
and attnum > 0;
│ attname │
│ a   │
│ c   │
│ d   │
(3 rows)

alter table test drop column a, drop column c;

postgres=# select attname from pg_attribute where attrelid = 'test'::regclass 
and attnum > 0;
│   attname│
│ pg.dropped.1 │
│ pg.dropped.2 │
│ d│
(3 rows)

postgres=# select count(*) from pg_attribute where attrelid = 'test'::regclass 
and attnum > 0 and attisdropped;
│ count │
│ 2 │
(1 row)
So maybe it can be a reason of this issue?

Puzzled ?

Any thoughts ?


Dave Day

Re: [GENERAL] Pgagent

2015-04-13 Thread Ramesh T
no error messages.. i checked at PostgreSQL\9.4\data\pg_log

Didn't deleted data from table.after schedule time..

one thing i don't understand ,after set timings and in definition section
also the function works fine individually.

any help..

On Mon, Apr 13, 2015 at 8:47 PM, Adrian Klaver 

> On 04/13/2015 07:22 AM, Ramesh T wrote:
>> Hi,
>> in steps>definition->
>> do
>> $body$
>> begin
>> perform delete_empty_parts();
>> end;
>> $body$
>> delete_empty_parts is the function
>> i do selected SQL option in step process.Right clicked on job chosen run
>> now it getting failed(On error i selected failed,if select success it
>> getting success)
> Is there an error message in the Postgres logs?
>> I'm running function on particular database and selected today dates..
>> but function wasn't executed.
> How do you know?
>> let me know how to set it function in pgagent..
>> On Mon, Apr 13, 2015 at 7:26 PM, Adrian Klaver
>> mailto:adrian.kla...@aklaver.com>> wrote:
>> On 04/13/2015 06:53 AM, Ramesh T wrote:
>> Hi all,
>>i have a function to delete data from table.Where i
>> need to
>> place function in pgagent.in 
>>  definition section can
>> i select SQL or BATCH ..?
>> or else any other method.?
>> See here:
>> http://www.pgadmin.org/docs/__dev/pgagent.html
>> Any Help..
>> --
>> Adrian Klaver
>> adrian.kla...@aklaver.com 
> --
> Adrian Klaver
> adrian.kla...@aklaver.com

Re: [GENERAL] PG-9.3.6, unable to "drop role because some objects depend on it"

2015-04-13 Thread Dennis Jenkins
Doh.  I found my answer.  Tome posted it years ago..

I have to connect to the offending database and try to "drop role" again to
get the list of actual objects.  One database cannot query the catalog of

On Mon, Apr 13, 2015 at 12:05 PM, Dennis Jenkins <
dennis.jenkins...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am attempting to remove a "role" from Postgresql-9.3.6.  I've already
> reassigned ownership for the role's tables, functions, sequences, types,
> views, etc...  However, I am still unable to remove the role.  Postgresql
> reports that "8 objects in the database 'postgres'" depend on this role.
> How do I locate the database objects that depend on the 'DEADUSER' so that
> I can remedy the situation?
> ps- I've tried "REASSIGN OWNED BY DEADUSER TO pgsql;" with no success.
> (env vars set for PGDATABASE and PGUSER, target role name changed to
> protect the guilty)
> # psql -c"drop role DEADUSER;"
> ERROR:  role "DEADUSER" cannot be dropped because some objects depend on it
> DETAIL:  8 objects in database postgres
> # pg_dump --schema-only postgres | grep -i DEADUSER
> ## No results

Re: [GENERAL] PG-9.3.6, unable to "drop role because some objects depend on it"

2015-04-13 Thread Dennis Jenkins
Apologies for the typo of your name in my last post, Tom.

On Mon, Apr 13, 2015 at 12:16 PM, Dennis Jenkins <
dennis.jenkins...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Doh.  I found my answer.  Tome posted it years ago..
> http://www.postgresql.org/message-id/18994.1325874...@sss.pgh.pa.us
> I have to connect to the offending database and try to "drop role" again
> to get the list of actual objects.  One database cannot query the catalog
> of another.
> On Mon, Apr 13, 2015 at 12:05 PM, Dennis Jenkins <
> dennis.jenkins...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I am attempting to remove a "role" from Postgresql-9.3.6.  I've already
>> reassigned ownership for the role's tables, functions, sequences, types,
>> views, etc...  However, I am still unable to remove the role.  Postgresql
>> reports that "8 objects in the database 'postgres'" depend on this role.
>> How do I locate the database objects that depend on the 'DEADUSER' so
>> that I can remedy the situation?
>> ps- I've tried "REASSIGN OWNED BY DEADUSER TO pgsql;" with no success.
>> (env vars set for PGDATABASE and PGUSER, target role name changed to
>> protect the guilty)
>> # psql -c"drop role DEADUSER;"
>> ERROR:  role "DEADUSER" cannot be dropped because some objects depend on
>> it
>> DETAIL:  8 objects in database postgres
>> # pg_dump --schema-only postgres | grep -i DEADUSER
>> ## No results

[GENERAL] Pgagent

2015-04-13 Thread Ramesh T
Hi all,
 i have a function to delete data from table.Where i need to place
function in pgagent.in definition section can i select SQL or BATCH ..?

or else any other method.?
Any Help..

Re: [GENERAL] Pgagent

2015-04-13 Thread Ramesh T
in steps>definition->
perform delete_empty_parts();

delete_empty_parts is the function

i do selected SQL option in step process.Right clicked on job chosen run
now it getting failed(On error i selected failed,if select success it
getting success)

I'm running function on particular database and selected today dates..

but function wasn't executed.

let me know how to set it function in pgagent..

On Mon, Apr 13, 2015 at 7:26 PM, Adrian Klaver 

> On 04/13/2015 06:53 AM, Ramesh T wrote:
>> Hi all,
>>   i have a function to delete data from table.Where i need to
>> place function in pgagent.in  definition section can
>> i select SQL or BATCH ..?
>> or else any other method.?
> See here:
> http://www.pgadmin.org/docs/dev/pgagent.html
>  Any Help..
> --
> Adrian Klaver
> adrian.kla...@aklaver.com

[GENERAL] PG-9.3.6, unable to "drop role because some objects depend on it"

2015-04-13 Thread Dennis Jenkins
I am attempting to remove a "role" from Postgresql-9.3.6.  I've already
reassigned ownership for the role's tables, functions, sequences, types,
views, etc...  However, I am still unable to remove the role.  Postgresql
reports that "8 objects in the database 'postgres'" depend on this role.

How do I locate the database objects that depend on the 'DEADUSER' so that
I can remedy the situation?

ps- I've tried "REASSIGN OWNED BY DEADUSER TO pgsql;" with no success.

(env vars set for PGDATABASE and PGUSER, target role name changed to
protect the guilty)

# psql -c"drop role DEADUSER;"
ERROR:  role "DEADUSER" cannot be dropped because some objects depend on it
DETAIL:  8 objects in database postgres

# pg_dump --schema-only postgres | grep -i DEADUSER
## No results

Re: [GENERAL] Re: Hot standby problems: consistent state not reached, no connection to master server.

2015-04-13 Thread Adrian Klaver

On 04/13/2015 09:42 AM, Ilya Ashchepkov wrote:

On Sun, 12 Apr 2015 17:30:44 -0700
Adrian Klaver  wrote:

Oh! I missed this! Thank you!
Now slave reached consistent state some time after start, but still
no connection to master server and still restoring wal-files.

Not quite sure what you are getting at.

You are not seeing the streaming connection happening?

Yes, no streaming connection.

If a connection is not being made:

1) Dose user replication have REPLICATION rights?
2) Is the pg_hba.conf on the master set up to allow a connection from
the standby for user replication and database replication?

I commented 'restore_command' in recovery.conf and after start slave
connected to master.
Then I uncomment it back. Is it possible to have a both, streaming
connection and restoring from wal files from NFS share?



I wonder if your master is recycling WALs fast enough that the streaming 
can't find them and the standby has to go to the archive instead.

What is your wal_keep_segments on the master set to?:


Where are the WAL files coming from?

NFS share on master.

Adrian Klaver

Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org)
To make changes to your subscription:

[GENERAL] Re: Hot standby problems: consistent state not reached, no connection to master server.

2015-04-13 Thread Ilya Ashchepkov
On Sun, 12 Apr 2015 17:30:44 -0700
Adrian Klaver  wrote:

> On 04/12/2015 08:25 AM, Ilya Ashchepkov wrote:
> > On Sun, 12 Apr 2015 08:10:48 -0700
> > Adrian Klaver  wrote:
> >
> >> On 04/12/2015 07:47 AM, Ilya Ashchepkov wrote:
> >>> Hello.
> >>>
> >>> I'm setting up hot standby slave.
> >>> It recovers from wal archive files, but I can't connect to it:
> >>> $ psql
> >>> psql: FATAL:  the database system is starting up
> >>>
> >>> On master:
> >>> # select name,setting from pg_settings where name like
> >>> 'wal_level'; name|   setting
> >>> ---+-
> >>>wal_level | hot_standby
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> My slave recovery.conf:
> >>> $ cat recovery.conf
> >>> # Note that recovery.conf must be in $PGDATA directory.
> >>> # It should NOT be located in the same directory as
> >>> postgresql.conf
> >>>
> >>> # Specifies whether to start the server as a standby. In streaming
> >>> replication, # this parameter must to be set to on.
> >>> standby_mode  = 'on'
> >>>
> >>> # Specifies a connection string which is used for the standby
> >>> server to connect # with the primary.
> >>> primary_conninfo  = 'host= port=5432
> >>> user=replication password=*'
> >>>
> >>> # Specifies a trigger file whose presence should cause streaming
> >>> replication to # end (i.e., failover).
> >>> trigger_file = '/media/psqlbak/101/main/standup'
> >>>
> >>> # Specifies a command to load archive segments from the WAL
> >>> archive. If # wal_keep_segments is a high enough number to retain
> >>> the WAL segments # required for the standby server, this may not
> >>> be necessary. But # a large workload can cause segments to be
> >>> recycled before the standby # is fully synchronized, requiring
> >>> you to start again from a new base backup. restore_command =
> >>> '/usr/lib/postgresql/9.3/bin/pg_standby
> >>> -t /tmp/pgsql.trigger.5432 /media/psqlbak/101/wals/main/ %f %p %r'
> >>>
> >>> I tried to comment 'restore_command' in recovery.conf on slave,
> >>> then slave connects to master and starts receiving data, but I
> >>> think it's not very good way. What should I change to receive data
> >>> through connection and reach consistent state on slave?
> >>
> >> What have you set for hot_standby on the standby server?:
> >>
> >> http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.3/interactive/runtime-config-replication.html#RUNTIME-CONFIG-REPLICATION-STANDBY
> >>
> >
> > Oh! I missed this! Thank you!
> > Now slave reached consistent state some time after start, but still
> > no connection to master server and still restoring wal-files.
> Not quite sure what you are getting at.
> You are not seeing the streaming connection happening?

Yes, no streaming connection.

> If a connection is not being made:
> 1) Dose user replication have REPLICATION rights?
> 2) Is the pg_hba.conf on the master set up to allow a connection from 
> the standby for user replication and database replication?

I commented 'restore_command' in recovery.conf and after start slave
connected to master.
Then I uncomment it back. Is it possible to have a both, streaming
connection and restoring from wal files from NFS share?

> Where are the WAL files coming from?

NFS share on master.

> >
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org)
To make changes to your subscription:

Re: [GENERAL] unexpected error " tables can have at most 1600 columns"

2015-04-13 Thread Pavel Stehule
2015-04-13 17:57 GMT+02:00 Day, David :

> Situation
> I have a co-developer installing a new Virtual Machine and encountering a
> postgres error during the installation.
> One of our  SQL patch files is failing unexpectedly.
> The patch is attempting to add columns to a table,  The table involved
>  currently has only 2 columns,
> Interactively I can generate the same error in his current state.
> psql -h ohio -U redcom ace_db
> psql (9.3.6)
> Type "help" for help.
> ace_db=# select * from log.conference_history;
> conf_id | max_size
> -+--
> (0 rows)
> ace_db=# ALTER TABLE log.conference_history ADD talker_limit integer
> ERROR:  tables can have at most 1600 columns
> ace_db=#
> ace_db=#

There can be removed (invisible columns)

select attname from pg_attribute where attrelid = 'test'::regclass and
attnum > 0;

postgres=# select attname from pg_attribute where attrelid =
'test'::regclass and attnum > 0;
│ attname │
│ a   │
│ c   │
│ d   │
(3 rows)

alter table test drop column a, drop column c;

postgres=# select attname from pg_attribute where attrelid =
'test'::regclass and attnum > 0;
│   attname│
│ pg.dropped.1 │
│ pg.dropped.2 │
│ d│
(3 rows)

postgres=# select count(*) from pg_attribute where attrelid =
'test'::regclass and attnum > 0 and attisdropped;
│ count │
│ 2 │
(1 row)

So maybe it can be a reason of this issue?


> Puzzled ?
> Any thoughts ?
> Regards
> Dave Day

[GENERAL] unexpected error " tables can have at most 1600 columns"

2015-04-13 Thread Day, David

I have a co-developer installing a new Virtual Machine and encountering a 
postgres error during the installation.
One of our  SQL patch files is failing unexpectedly.

The patch is attempting to add columns to a table,  The table involved  
currently has only 2 columns,
Interactively I can generate the same error in his current state.

psql -h ohio -U redcom ace_db
psql (9.3.6)
Type "help" for help.

ace_db=# select * from log.conference_history;
conf_id | max_size
(0 rows)

ace_db=# ALTER TABLE log.conference_history ADD talker_limit integer DEFAULT 0;
ERROR:  tables can have at most 1600 columns

Puzzled ?

Any thoughts ?


Dave Day

Re: [GENERAL] Pgagent

2015-04-13 Thread Adrian Klaver

On 04/13/2015 07:22 AM, Ramesh T wrote:

in steps>definition->
perform delete_empty_parts();

delete_empty_parts is the function

i do selected SQL option in step process.Right clicked on job chosen run
now it getting failed(On error i selected failed,if select success it
getting success)

Is there an error message in the Postgres logs?

I'm running function on particular database and selected today dates..

but function wasn't executed.

How do you know?

let me know how to set it function in pgagent..

On Mon, Apr 13, 2015 at 7:26 PM, Adrian Klaver
mailto:adrian.kla...@aklaver.com>> wrote:

On 04/13/2015 06:53 AM, Ramesh T wrote:

Hi all,
   i have a function to delete data from table.Where i
need to
place function in pgagent.in 
 definition section can
i select SQL or BATCH ..?

or else any other method.?

See here:


Any Help..

Adrian Klaver

Adrian Klaver

Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org)
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Re: [GENERAL] schema or database

2015-04-13 Thread Jim Nasby

On 4/13/15 6:21 AM, Anil Menon wrote:

In addition to all these comments

- If you use multiple databases, if you want to keep some "common"
tables (example counties_Table, My_company_details), its going to be a pain
- if you want to access tables across databases - you might need to
start using FDWs (which is going to be a administrative pain - syncing
passwords and stuff)
- you could set up security easier with multiple schemas - example userA
can only use schema A and no access to other schemas

Please don't top-post.

On Mon, Apr 13, 2015 at 4:48 PM, Pavel Stehule mailto:pavel.steh...@gmail.com>> wrote:

2015-04-13 10:43 GMT+02:00 Albe Laurenz mailto:laurenz.a...@wien.gv.at>>:

Michael Cheung wrote:
> I have many similar database to store data for every customer.
> Structure of database is almost the same.
> As I use same application to control all these data, so I can only use
> one database user to connect to these database.
> And I have no needs to query table for different customer together.
> I wonder which I should use, different shema or different database to 
store data?
> I 'd like to know the advantage and disadvantage for using schema or 

In addition to what others have said:

If you use multiple schemas within one database, the danger is
greater that
data are written to or read from the wrong schema if your
application has a bug
ans does not make sure to always set search_path or qualify
every access with a
schema name.

With multiple databases you are guaranteed not to access data
from a different

The main downside that I see to multiple databases is the
overhead: each of
the databases will have its own pg_catalog tables.

It can be advantage - if your schema is pretty complex - thousands
procedures, tables, then separate pg_catalog can be better - there
are issues with pg_dump, pg_restore.

So it depends on catalog size and complexity.

Two things no one has mentioned. First, you could also use row-level 
security. If you plan on each customer having a fairly small amount of 
data, this is by far your most efficient option. Anything else will 
result in either huge catalogs or a lot of wasted catalog space.

Second, if you do per-database, that makes it trivial to scale across 
multiple servers.

Regarding backups; you can easily do partial either way with pg_dump; 
there's really no difference. You can't do partial with PITR, but that's 
true for both schema and database.

Jim Nasby, Data Architect, Blue Treble Consulting
Data in Trouble? Get it in Treble! http://BlueTreble.com

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Re: [GENERAL] SELinux context of PostgreSQL connection process

2015-04-13 Thread Мартынов Александр
If the user is given the necessary permissions, then can the connection process 
get a context of the user?  
I mean a category and a level (sensibility) by context.
Does the architecture of PostgreSQL permit to add changing a context of a 
connection process to context of the connecting user?

25.03.2015, 17:38, "Мартынов Александр" :
> If the user is given the necessary rights, then can the connection process 
> get a context of the user?
> Is there the possibility in principle?
> 24.03.2015, 21:11, "John R Pierce" :
>>  On 3/24/2015 5:16 AM, Мартынов Александр wrote:
>>>   There is postgres db with sepgsql enabled. When user connect to postgres 
>>> db with psql, postgres create new process for each connection. These 
>>> processes have selinux context unconfined_u:unconfined_r:postgresql_t.
>>>   Is there a way to assign the process a context of user that connected to 
>>> db?
>>  what if that user is on a different system connecting over the network?
>>  no, the only user the postgres server processes should run as are those
>>  of the postgres server itself as it needs to read and write files in the
>>  postgres data directory tree.
>>  --
>>  john, recycling bits in santa cruz
>>  --
>>  Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org)
>>  To make changes to your subscription:
>>  http://www.postgresql.org/mailpref/pgsql-general
> --
> Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org)
> To make changes to your subscription:
> http://www.postgresql.org/mailpref/pgsql-general

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Re: [GENERAL] Pgagent

2015-04-13 Thread Adrian Klaver

On 04/13/2015 06:53 AM, Ramesh T wrote:

Hi all,
  i have a function to delete data from table.Where i need to
place function in pgagent.in  definition section can
i select SQL or BATCH ..?

or else any other method.?

See here:


Any Help..

Adrian Klaver

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Re: [GENERAL] schema or database

2015-04-13 Thread Anil Menon
In addition to all these comments

- If you use multiple databases, if you want to keep some "common" tables
(example counties_Table, My_company_details), its going to be a pain
- if you want to access tables across databases - you might need to start
using FDWs (which is going to be a administrative pain - syncing passwords
and stuff)
- you could set up security easier with multiple schemas - example userA
can only use schema A and no access to other schemas


On Mon, Apr 13, 2015 at 4:48 PM, Pavel Stehule 

> 2015-04-13 10:43 GMT+02:00 Albe Laurenz :
>> Michael Cheung wrote:
>> > I have many similar database to store data for every customer.
>> > Structure of database is almost the same.
>> > As I use same application to control all these data, so I can only use
>> > one database user to connect to these database.
>> > And I have no needs to query table for different customer together.
>> >
>> > I wonder which I should use, different shema or different database to
>> store data?
>> >
>> > I 'd like to know the advantage and disadvantage for using schema or
>> database.
>> In addition to what others have said:
>> If you use multiple schemas within one database, the danger is greater
>> that
>> data are written to or read from the wrong schema if your application has
>> a bug
>> ans does not make sure to always set search_path or qualify every access
>> with a
>> schema name.
>> With multiple databases you are guaranteed not to access data from a
>> different
>> database.
>> The main downside that I see to multiple databases is the overhead: each
>> of
>> the databases will have its own pg_catalog tables.
> It can be advantage - if your schema is pretty complex - thousands
> procedures, tables, then separate pg_catalog can be better - there are
> issues with pg_dump, pg_restore.
> So it depends on catalog size and complexity.
> Regards
> Pavel
>> Yours,
>> Laurenz Albe
>> --
>> Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org)
>> To make changes to your subscription:
>> http://www.postgresql.org/mailpref/pgsql-general

Re: [GENERAL] schema or database

2015-04-13 Thread Pavel Stehule
2015-04-13 10:43 GMT+02:00 Albe Laurenz :

> Michael Cheung wrote:
> > I have many similar database to store data for every customer.
> > Structure of database is almost the same.
> > As I use same application to control all these data, so I can only use
> > one database user to connect to these database.
> > And I have no needs to query table for different customer together.
> >
> > I wonder which I should use, different shema or different database to
> store data?
> >
> > I 'd like to know the advantage and disadvantage for using schema or
> database.
> In addition to what others have said:
> If you use multiple schemas within one database, the danger is greater that
> data are written to or read from the wrong schema if your application has
> a bug
> ans does not make sure to always set search_path or qualify every access
> with a
> schema name.
> With multiple databases you are guaranteed not to access data from a
> different
> database.
> The main downside that I see to multiple databases is the overhead: each of
> the databases will have its own pg_catalog tables.

It can be advantage - if your schema is pretty complex - thousands
procedures, tables, then separate pg_catalog can be better - there are
issues with pg_dump, pg_restore.

So it depends on catalog size and complexity.



> Yours,
> Laurenz Albe
> --
> Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org)
> To make changes to your subscription:
> http://www.postgresql.org/mailpref/pgsql-general

Re: [GENERAL] schema or database

2015-04-13 Thread Albe Laurenz
Michael Cheung wrote:
> I have many similar database to store data for every customer.
> Structure of database is almost the same.
> As I use same application to control all these data, so I can only use
> one database user to connect to these database.
> And I have no needs to query table for different customer together.
> I wonder which I should use, different shema or different database to store 
> data?
> I 'd like to know the advantage and disadvantage for using schema or database.

In addition to what others have said:

If you use multiple schemas within one database, the danger is greater that
data are written to or read from the wrong schema if your application has a bug
ans does not make sure to always set search_path or qualify every access with a
schema name.

With multiple databases you are guaranteed not to access data from a different

The main downside that I see to multiple databases is the overhead: each of
the databases will have its own pg_catalog tables.

Laurenz Albe

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Re: [GENERAL] Limiting user from changing its own attributes

2015-04-13 Thread David G. Johnston
On Sun, Apr 12, 2015 at 10:23 PM, Sameer Kumar 

> On Mon, Apr 13, 2015 at 1:03 PM Jim Nasby 
> wrote:
>> No. I suspect the community would support at least a hook for GUC
>> changes, if not a full-on permissions system. A hook would make it
>> fairly easy to add event trigger support.
> I hope someone out there is listening :)
> I hope I have made my concern clear, I currently don't have a way to
> control users from changing the parameter values for their own settings,
> which allows each user to set in-appropriate values e.g. for work_mem.
If work_mem is the only example you can describe then I'm doubtful that any
kind of urgency is going to be associated with this request.  Your actual
request does nothing because the same user can simply issue "SET work_mem"
at session start and bypass the user defaults that you want to prevent.

You haven't provided enough meat for anyone to offer advice regarding the
scenario you are encountering that you think has "restrict alter role" as a
solution.  If you want to take the time to actually paint us a picture then
maybe suggestions or motivation for change will result.  But, in the end,
the current architecture of PostgreSQL means that people with credentials
to the database have the capability to DoS the server.  work_mem is simply
one possible avenue and, in reality, one where an inappropriate value can
be either too large or too small.

The useful solution here is not restring work_mem but rather having a
process in place that provides data regarding excessive memory utilization
AND disk I/O and associating that data with the work_mem value and
executing user.  The event triggers would also allow for monitoring,
without setting an excessive log_statements level, changes and their values.

If you really care about their "set role" aspect you can at least setup
cron shell script to query the catalog and report any undesirable settings
and maybe even remove the offending entry.  You are still open to "SET
work_mem" during the session though...

David J.

Re: [GENERAL] schema or database

2015-04-13 Thread John R Pierce

On 4/13/2015 12:07 AM, Alban Hertroys wrote:

That's easier to backup, sure, but you can't restore a single customer's schema 
easily that way. So if one customer messes up their data big time, you'll need 
to restore a backup for all customers in the DB.

if you use pg_dump -Fc, then you can specify the schema at pg_restore time.

john r pierce, recycling bits in santa cruz

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Re: [GENERAL] schema or database

2015-04-13 Thread Alban Hertroys

> On 13 Apr 2015, at 4:20, Ian Barwick  wrote:
> On 13/04/15 11:08, Michael Cheung wrote:
>> hi, all;
>> I am new here. And I need some suggestion.
>> I have many similar database to store data for every customer.
>> Structure of database is almost the same.
>> As I use same application to control all these data, so I can only use
>> one database user to connect to these database.
>> And I have no needs to query table for different customer together.
>> I wonder which I should use, different shema or different database to store 
>> data?
>> I 'd like to know the advantage and disadvantage for using schema or 
>> database.
> If as you say access to the database is via a single application database
> user, it will probably make more sense to use multiple schemas rather than
> multiple databases. Keeping everything in one database will simplify
> administration (e.g. making backups - ypu'll just need to dump the one 
> database
> rather than looping through a variable number) and will make life easier if 
> you
> ever need to do some kind of query involving multiple customers.

That's easier to backup, sure, but you can't restore a single customer's schema 
easily that way. So if one customer messes up their data big time, you'll need 
to restore a backup for all customers in the DB.

Alban Hertroys
If you can't see the forest for the trees,
cut the trees and you'll find there is no forest.

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