Re: [GENERAL] quick survey on schema less database usage

2009-09-11 Thread Andreas Wenk

rr04 wrote:

I am an MIT student doing a project on schema-less database usage and would
greatly appreciate if you guys can fill out a quick survey on this (should
take  5 mins)


even when I think that most of the people on this list will answer the 
same way to your survey, I would be really interested in the results. 
Can you post a link?



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Re: [GENERAL] Video available for PGDay SJC '09

2009-07-29 Thread Andreas Wenk

David Fetter schrieb:
Just a quick question. Wouldn't it be better to provide the videos in flv 
format in a player in this page. Since I have a MAC, I have no problems 
viewing the videos. But with my Linux box and FF 3.5 I can't.

You can use xine on your Linux box :)


David, thanks for the tip ;-)



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Re: [GENERAL] Video available for PGDay SJC '09

2009-07-28 Thread Andreas Wenk

Christophe Pettus schrieb:


The video recordings of the sessions for PG Day SJC '09 are now available:


Many thanks to Steve Crawford for the audio system and assistance with 
setup, tear-down, and coordination during the event.

-- Christophe Pettus

Hi Christophe,

thanks - that's awesome!

Just a quick question. Wouldn't it be better to provide the videos in flv format in a 
player in this page. Since I have a MAC, I have no problems viewing the videos. But with 
my Linux box and FF 3.5 I can't.

I can imagine that some people have problems with .mov files and (more importantly), mov 
files are really big - so a lot of traffic is going over the wire.

I could assist creating a page with a player (OS stuff) and converting the files to flv if 
this is a desired way to provide the videos.



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Re: [GENERAL] Video available for PGDay SJC '09

2009-07-28 Thread Andreas Wenk

Bill Moran schrieb:
  While I've no objection to someone helping out by converting files, I

find it odd that flv is suggested.  I've yet to find anything that can
play flv files on my FreeBSD desktop machine.  I'm pretty sure mplayer
can play mov files ... I guess I'll find out this evening when I take
time to watch them.

You will not need to watch them on your desktop. If your browser supports flash, then you 
simply watch them with your browser. I think flash (flv, swf) is more supported by the 
browser than mov - as long as you don't download the videos. For sure mplayer can play 
them. But why download them at all? ;-)



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Re: [GENERAL] Video available for PGDay SJC '09

2009-07-28 Thread Andreas Wenk

Greg Stark schrieb:

On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 1:41 PM, Andreas wrote:
Why not use a standardized openly documented container format like
mpeg4 with mpeg4 part 2 compression instead of one controlled by a
single company like flv or quicktime? That would let people play it
using any of various open source codecs which can play mpeg4 part 2.

another good approach. I understand the point of view. But this menas to download the 
files anyway because playing mpeg files in the browser is the same as with mov files - I 

All in all my suggestion to convert the videos to flv and let people see the videos in a 
flash player was based on the assumption, that

- the files are really smaller so less traffic
- flash video is the most supported format for watching *in the browser*
- it's easy to convert the existing videos to flv
- no need to download the videos

But now I see that there are different opinions if this approach is a good idea. Im a 
still confident, that it's not evil to use the format which is best known for the 
mainstream ... and maybe this point is what I have to see in a different light. Maybe the 
group of people watching the videos are not mainstream ;-)



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Re: [GENERAL] Moving from Windows to Ubuntu - Have a couple of questions

2009-07-28 Thread Andreas Wenk

Jennifer Trey schrieb:
I am in the process of switching to Ubuntu, and I have a couple of 
question to get started. I installed pgadmin and postgre through the 
Synaptic Package Manager. I am unfamiliar with the console so I prefer 
to use pgAdmin to set things up.

congratulations for switching ;-). You should start to get familar with the console 
because a lot of things are much easier using the console. Especially configuring the 
PostgreSQL and using psql (the command line interface)

Opening pgAdmin I see Servers(0) .. I am trying to add a server and 
filled out things to match the windows properties but can't get it to work. 
On the Service part, windows says postgresql-8.3 but on Ubuntu it is 
empty. I tried to put the same thing there as well, but also with no 
success. I am guessing I need to do something before that.. the ideas is 
that I will create a DB later and use my windows backup and restore.

You have to edit two files at least:


This ist the file for setting the authentication for your cluster. Please refer to this 
part of the documentation:

And probably you also have to edit:


Please read the documentation here:

Most important is listen_adresses ... hm, I think the defaults should be ok to 
get started.

Basically you should be able to connect to the server by setting this in 

local   all all   trust

But take care - this should only be set for testing purpose.

Is the server running? Type this in the command line:

$ /etc/init.d/postgresql-8.3 status

If you get something like this

8.3 main  5432 online postgres /var/lib/postgresql/8.3/main \ 

PG is running ...

Hope that helps for the start



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Re: [GENERAL] Video available for PGDay SJC '09

2009-07-28 Thread Andreas Wenk

Christophe Pettus schrieb:

Historically, MOV has been the least-bad container format; Flash support 
on anything besides Windows has, traditionally, been very spotty.  The 
files themselves are pretty much the same size; FLV is (as noted) a 
container format, not a codec, and the video is H.264 either way.

I never assumed that flv is a codec ... the size for sure depends on the quality (and 
resolution). So if you want to have the same high quality as having with mov, then I 
believe it's the same size. But that's not the intention of using flv.

And, of course, you do have to download the video either way; it just 
starts playing faster if you are using a Flash viewer.  Requiring a 
download first does have the advantage that it keeps the bandwidth off 
of down, since the video only has to be downloaded 
to your desktop once, rather than each time you watch it.  (I'm not sure 
how much of a real issue this is, however.)

agreed. This is the fact, if the video will have the same size in flv also. Then there is 
concerning the bandwith no difference ... but I would definitely size it down in data 
size. But hey - this is just the way I would do it. I am not saying that having mov files 
a bad thing. Really not! ;-)

The right answer is to move to using the video tag, now that more 
browsers are supporting it.  For the next event, I'll encourage 
providing a video-based viewer (since I don't control the HTML on, I can't make any grand promises).

uh - HTML 5 is supported by the browser when? Firefox 3.5 does - yeah. But this would be 
no option for me in the next two years or so ... believe it or not - there are still s 
many people using IE6 (what brings a lot of headaches to me for layout and javascript 
coding by the way!)

My recapitulation of this discussion is to leave it like it is because it's best suitable 
in more concerns for most of the people. In the future it is the best idea to use the HTML 
5 video/video tags. Sounds good to me ;-)

Thanks for taking the time to discuss that with me.



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Re: [GENERAL] Video available for PGDay SJC '09

2009-07-28 Thread Andreas Wenk

Christophe Pettus schrieb:

On Jul 28, 2009, at 8:35 AM, Andreas Wenk wrote:

uh - HTML 5 is supported by the browser when?

Currently, the video tag is supported by Firefox 3.5, Safari 3 and 4, 
Chrome 3 (in alpha, I believe), iPhone 3.

That being said, we can do a fallback to Quicktime, then to a Flash 
client, all the way back to IE6.  A nice example of fallback code is 
available at:

thanks for the link! I wil check it out asap.

Now, Joshua Drake has often uploaded these videos to Vimeo, thus giving 
everyone an in-browser channel as well.

The fallback idea sounds great ;-) If you need help at any time just get in 
touch with me ...



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Re: [GENERAL] Disable databse listing for non-superuser (\l) ?

2009-07-25 Thread Andreas Wenk

Bill Moran schrieb:

Scott Marlowe wrote:

On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 5:02 PM, Brian A. wrote:


Any suggestions on how-to, or comments on a potential NFR, to disable
non-superuser's from viewing the database list via \l?

So, is this a misguided attempt at security through obscurity, or are
you looking at limiting the noise that users see when they look at

I don't know about misguided, Scott.  Security takes many forms.

If a client wants shared database hosting, but wants an assurance that
other clients using the same shared DB server can't tell who else is
using it?

It's not security in the strict computer-science definition.  Obviously,
if the proper ownerships and grants don't exist to protect the data, in
addition to said obscurity, then the whole thing is pointless.  But such
obscurity _in_addition_ to proper, real security, has show usefulness
in many areas.

Take a properly secured SSH server, for example, and move it to an obscure
port #.  Now you've reduced the number of mindless bots looking for
unprotected root accounts, and your IDS solution that monitors the ssh
logs is actually useful.  Of course, that's only effective if ssh is
properly secured to begin with.

Similar concept.

Many clients want the cost-effectiveness of shared DB hosting.  Many of
them also want it kept under wraps that they're doing so.  The provider
that can do such a thing gets the contract.  Those that complain about
it's not security, it's obscurity do not get the contract.

I mean, didn't Apple just kill someone for letting their new iPhone
design leak?

this is now going off topic - but what do you mean with your last sentence?



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Re: [GENERAL] split string by special characters

2009-07-25 Thread Andreas Wenk

Jan-Erik schrieb:

On 24 Juli, 23:22, (Andreas Wenk)


I was thinking about that and in my opinion the approach to let the
database do that is the wrong direction. Sure you can do a lot with
regexp_split_to_table or regexp_split_to_array but they are kind of

Yes, I see. You're quite right, the split was intended to do give me
everything in processed chunks it in some easy way as the last part of
the interpretation of the text.

limited compared to a programming language using regular expressions. If
I had to try to get your jobdone, I would try regexp_matches() like:

SELECT regexp_matches('This is just a text, that contain special
characters such as, (comma),(, ) (left and right parenthesis) as
well as ? question, mark.How do I split it up with PostgreSQL?',


(29 rows)

So, you have the ability to catch the seperators like ','. But for now,
teh example just catches the comma. But you want to catch a lot of other

Yes, but then I ran into the problems with separators that regexp
consider as part of the expression and how to dynamically build the
right expression in some unified way for each language.

seperators as well. I suggest you do that within the logic of your
coding language because I don't think this will be an easy way to walk

Guess you're right, because I didn't know how to handle it with the
I sat down yesterday and wrote a function that does the job for me in
PL/pgSQL, I'm not quite finished, but can see the light at the end of
the tunnel.

just in case you are running into a black performance hole - you could 
try to write it in C as a user defined function. Actually for me it 
would be a real big challenge ;-)

The basic approach I'm working with now is to let it find the position
of each delimiter combination within the text, then sort the resulting
array to get it ordered and extract each part.
It won't be fast as lightning, but sufficient for now and as it seem,
allow me to parse text from various files written in different
languages (e.g. programming) just by specifying the delimiters.

;-). This is no database job in my opinion.

I didn't intend to try it either before I spotted some of those
functions... :-)
Then figured it would be nice to do it within the db-engine as all the
data is present there.
I wrote code outside the db-engine some time ago, but then other
aspects made it less desirable to use.



Thank you Andy for the code example and your advice.
I really appreciate that you took your time to show me how and explain


hey you're welcome. When you're done it would be really great to see the 
resulting function ;-)



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Re: [GENERAL] Disable databse listing for non-superuser (\l) ?

2009-07-25 Thread Andreas Wenk

Greg Stark schrieb:

On Sat, Jul 25, 2009 at 2:53 PM, Andreas wrote:

I mean, didn't Apple just kill someone for letting their new iPhone
design leak?

this is now going off topic - but what do you mean with your last sentence?

Please don't quote an entire message if you're only responding to part
of it. (That's what people are really talking about when they say
top-posting is bad.)


I don't think there's any actual indication that Apple was involved directly.

no problem and got it - but my reply was kind of a quick shot because I 
don't think that posting messages /sentences like that are really useful 
or helpful for the community ...

Bill, don't get me wrong - this is my personal opinion.



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Re: [GENERAL] user/grant - best practices handling permission in production system

2009-07-24 Thread Andreas Wenk

Stefano Nichele schrieb:

Hi All,
I have some questions for you about the best way to handle permission on 
a database in a production system.
The final goal is to have a web application connected to the db using a 
single user that must run select/delete/insert/update (and maybe truncate)

In my opinion that user should NOT own the db and the db itself should 
NOT be created using that user. Of course that user should NOT be able 
to create database or other users.

The steps could be:
1. using postgres user (or another user with grant for creating 
database) create the database
2. using the user used in step 1, create the schema and populate tables 
with initial data
3. using the user used in the previous step, create a new user (the one 
the webapp will use)
4. give to the new user the grant on all database objects for 

I totally agree with Greg's answer but just want to give a hint for granting privileges to 
several objects in one shot as in step 4. pgAdmin III is giving this ability with the 
grant wizard ... this may help if you don't want to put all the steps in a init script 
for automatic db setup.



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Re: [GENERAL] split string by special characters

2009-07-24 Thread Andreas Wenk

Jan-Erik wrote:

I wonder if you could please help me out to extract a character string
to an array or better yet, a table.

I'd like to split strings of text up into words and delimiters (but
not delete the delimiters). The delimiters are defined as comma,
space, dot, singe/double quotation mark, question mark etc.¹ in a
separate table (delimiters) depending on what rules apply for the

regexp_split_to_array/table seem quite suitable but I have
difficulties to form the right expression with it, apart from that it
remove the delimiters as well.

This is just a text that contain special characters such as , (comma),
(, ) (left and right parenthesis) as well as ? question mark.
How do I split it up with PostgreSQL?

Expected result:
{This,  , is,  , just,  , a, ..., PostgreSQL, ? }
¹)  Also later on tags such as html and at other times something
else depending on the circumstances.



I was thinking about that and in my opinion the approach to let the 
database do that is the wrong direction. Sure you can do a lot with 
regexp_split_to_table or regexp_split_to_array but they are kind of 
limited compared to a programming language using regular expressions. If 
I had to try to get your jobdone, I would try regexp_matches() like:

SELECT regexp_matches('This is just a text, that contain special 
characters such as, (comma),(, ) (left and right parenthesis) as 
well as ? question, mark.How do I split it up with PostgreSQL?', 


(29 rows)

So, you have the ability to catch the seperators like ','. But for now, 
teh example just catches the comma. But you want to catch a lot of other 
seperators as well. I suggest you do that within the logic of your 
coding language because I don't think this will be an easy way to walk 
;-). This is no database job in my opinion.



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Re: [GENERAL] comparing NEW and OLD (any good this way?)

2009-07-23 Thread Andreas Wenk

Pavel Stehule schrieb:


Pavel Stehule

Pavel, this trick-list is awesome ;-) Thanks for the tip!



P.S.: a link to that would be nice ;-)

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Re: [GENERAL] psql \du [PATCH] extended \du with [+] - was missing

2009-07-22 Thread Andreas Wenk

Alvaro Herrera wrote:

Andreas Wenk wrote:

here is the patch for help.c . I think updating some translations is not 
neccessary because there is no change. Am I right?

Not really.  For example the spanish translation file has this:

msgid   \\du [PATTERN]  list roles (users)\n
msgstr   \\du [PATRÓN]  listar roles (usuarios)\n

and it needs to read instead:

msgid   \\du[+]  [PATTERN]  list roles (users)\n
msgstr   \\du[+]  [PATRÓN]  listar roles (usuarios)\n

first I want to mention, that I moved this to hackers list. And actually 
I realized that I have to make more changes. I have to change also the 
documentation. And the same change has to be made with \dg ...

After your reply I understand now what Peter meant with changing the 
translation files also. I didn't have a look to them and did not know, 
that \du and \dg is also written there - my fault.

I will provide a patch tomorrow.

Thanks for everybody's patience with me - I am learning ... ;-)



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Re: [GENERAL] psql \du [PATCH] extended \du with [+] - was missing

2009-07-22 Thread Andreas Wenk

Alvaro Herrera wrote:

Tom Lane wrote:

We've never before expected patch submitters to patch the .po files,
and in fact I would have thought it would be useless to do so.  The
masters are not in our CVS.  Why is Andreas being told to worry about

I must admit I don't know :-)

hm - I don't wanna make it more complicate as it is ... Peter wrote as 
the first answer to this post to do so - so actually I could do it (I 
had a short look to the po files two minutes ago - /src/bin/psql/po/). 
I leave the desicion up to ;-)



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Re: [GENERAL] Can LIKE under utf8 use INDEXes?

2009-07-22 Thread Andreas Wenk

Robert James wrote:
Thank you, Tom.  I guess I'm a bit confused about things here.  How can 
I find the locale of my database? (I wasn't able to find this in the docs).
If I do have the locale set to 'C', do I loose anything by using utf8 
for all text fields?

use psql:

postgres=# \l+
List of databases
  Name  |   Owner   | Encoding |  Collation  |Ctype|
 postgres   | postgres  | UTF8 | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 | 

output shortend ;-)



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Re: [GENERAL] Can LIKE under utf8 use INDEXes?

2009-07-22 Thread Andreas Wenk

Robert James wrote:

Thanks - I don't show any locale:
rbt_development= \l
  List of databases
  Name | Owner | Encoding
 rbt_development | rbt | UTF8

ahm - you are running pg 8.2. There I think the + option is not 
available (\l+). So if you use a debian based system and installed it 
via the package manager apt or aptitude you could give this a try:

/usr/lib/postgresql/8.2/bin/pg_controldata \ 
/var/lib/postgresql/8.2/main/ |grep LC

This should output something like:


I hope this helps a little ...



P.S.: top posting is ugly ;-)

On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 6:45 PM, Andreas Wenk 

Robert James wrote:

Thank you, Tom.  I guess I'm a bit confused about things here.
 How can I find the locale of my database? (I wasn't able to
find this in the docs).
If I do have the locale set to 'C', do I loose anything by using
utf8 for all text fields?

use psql:

postgres=# \l+
   List of databases
 Name  |   Owner   | Encoding |  Collation  |Ctype|
 postgres   | postgres  | UTF8 | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 |

output shortend ;-)



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Re: [GENERAL] Can LIKE under utf8 use INDEXes?

2009-07-22 Thread Andreas Wenk

Andreas Wenk wrote:

Robert James wrote:

Thanks - I don't show any locale:
rbt_development= \l
  List of databases
  Name | Owner | Encoding
 rbt_development | rbt | UTF8

ahm - you are running pg 8.2. There I think the + option is not 
available (\l+). So if you use a debian based system and installed it 
via the package manager apt or aptitude you could give this a try:

/usr/lib/postgresql/8.2/bin/pg_controldata \ 
/var/lib/postgresql/8.2/main/ |grep LC

This should output something like:


I hope this helps a little ...



P.S.: top posting is ugly ;-)

more correct: \l+ is also available in 8.2 but the output in 8.4 is 
extended ...



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Re: [GENERAL] Full text search in PostgreSQL 8.4

2009-07-20 Thread Andreas Wenk


I recently upgraded to version 8.4 and now full text search with russian 
configuration is not working:

template1=# create database test encoding='win1251';

test=# create table test (test varchar(255));

test=# insert into test values ('тест');

test=# select * from test where to_tsvector('russian', test) @@ 
to_tsquery('russian', 'тест');

In 8.3 version I have result:




(1 запись)


In 8.4 I have this notice and 0 rows with any table values:

 NOTICE: text-search query contains only stop words or doesn't contain 
lexemes, ignored



(0 rows)

Why it may not working in 8.4 version?


Hi Konstantin,

I ran your tests with 8.3 and 8.4. I have the expected result:

postgres=# \c test
psql (8.4.0)
You are now connected to database test.
test=# create table test (test varchar(255));
test=# insert into test values ('тест');
test=# select * from test where to_tsvector('russian', test) @@ 
to_tsquery('russian', 'тест');
(1 row)

I have a clean installation - means the dictionarys are not edited. After insterting тест 
into the russian.stop file, I can reproduce your case:

test=# select * from test where to_tsvector('russian', test) @@ 
to_tsquery('russian', 'тест');
NOTICE:  text-search query contains only stop words or doesn't contain lexemes, 
(0 rows)

If you would have given the column test the data type tsvector, probably no value would 
have been inserted. Just try it with another column and see if you can insert тест into 
that column.

This is just an idea ...

Cheers Andy

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Re: [GENERAL] psql \du [PATCH] extended \du with [+] - was missing

2009-07-17 Thread Andreas Wenk

Peter Eisentraut schrieb:

On Thursday 16 July 2009 02:12:05 ANdreas Wenk wrote:


I recognized in psql using the internal help (\?) that the *+* sign is
missing for the shortcut \du:

# \du
   List of roles
   Role name   |  Attributes  | Member of

# \du+
  List of roles
   Role name   |  Attributes  | Member of | Description

Where shall I place this info? Is this also a bug?

Looks like the help is missing this info.  If you could provide a patch that 
also fixes up the translations, that would be most helpful.


here is the patch for help.c . I think updating some translations is not neccessary 
because there is no change. Am I right?

 src/bin/psql/help.c |2 +-
 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/bin/psql/help.c b/src/bin/psql/help.c
index 5f13b8a..8a541e6 100644
--- a/src/bin/psql/help.c
+++ b/src/bin/psql/help.c
@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ slashUsage(unsigned short int pager)
fprintf(output, _(  \\ds[S+] [PATTERN]  list sequences\n));
fprintf(output, _(  \\dt[S+] [PATTERN]  list tables\n));
fprintf(output, _(  \\dT[S+] [PATTERN]  list data types\n));
-   fprintf(output, _(  \\du [PATTERN]  list roles (users)\n));
+   fprintf(output, _(  \\du[+]  [PATTERN]  list roles (users)\n));
fprintf(output, _(  \\dv[S+] [PATTERN]  list views\n));
fprintf(output, _(  \\l[+]  list all databases\n));
fprintf(output, _(  \\z  [PATTERN]  same as \\dp\n));

0001-extended-du-with-was-missing.patch (END)



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Re: [GENERAL] psql \du

2009-07-16 Thread Andreas Wenk

Peter Eisentraut schrieb:

On Thursday 16 July 2009 02:12:05 ANdreas Wenk wrote:


I recognized in psql using the internal help (\?) that the *+* sign is
missing for the shortcut \du:

# \du
   List of roles
   Role name   |  Attributes  | Member of

# \du+
  List of roles
   Role name   |  Attributes  | Member of | Description

Where shall I place this info? Is this also a bug?

Looks like the help is missing this info.  If you could provide a patch that 
also fixes up the translations, that would be most helpful.


will be the first time for me but sure, I will do it ;-)



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Re: [GENERAL] best practice transitioning from one datatype to another

2009-07-16 Thread Andreas Wenk

Arndt Lehmann schrieb:

On Jul 16, 8:05 am, (Tom Lane) wrote:

CG writes:

While transitioning from 8.1 to 8.4, I need to transition to the internal UUID 
type in place of the contrib/uniqueidentifier module. I've built the database 
around uniqueidentifier, so nearly every table has one column of that data 
type. It's going to be tedious to
...repeat 600 times...
I'll also have to drop and reload the views and the rules on tables. It'll be 
tedious even if the tables have no data in them.
Can anyone recommend a better/faster way to make the transition?

Couldn't you rename the type to uuid in the 8.1 database before you

regards, tom lane

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Just an idea - don't know if it works, first try on a test server:
1. Dump the complete database into text format (pg_dump --format=t)
2. Do a search and replace from uniqueidentifier to uuid
3. Reimport

Best Regards,
  Arndt Lehmann

uh - --format=t means tar format. --format=p means plain text ...

Or am I missing something?

$pg_dump --help
  pg_dump [OPTION]... [DBNAME]

General options:
  -F, --format=c|t|p   output file format (custom, tar, plain text)



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Re: [GENERAL] Function does not exist

2009-07-16 Thread Andreas Wenk

Pavel Stehule schrieb:

2009/7/16 dipesh mistry (Imap)


In my function i had defined addnewuser(integer,character,..), and i
call this function by Java code.

I had created function with integer datatype but database always gives me
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: function
addnewuser(bigint,character varying,) does not exist

Why database gives me bigint error instead i had declare integer in

Next i create one more function named adduser(bigint,character,).
but then it gives me same error.

are all others parameters really varchar? You can use explicit cast to
varchar like

SELECT addnewuser(19, ''::varchar, 'a'::varchar, 


just a question. Why should it be necessary to add explicit typcasting here? I can't see 
the problem in more depth. I still think that the function is called with the wrong 
parameter. Would be cool to hear your points to understand the problem better ;-)

Another idea to be sure that the function is working correctly is to call the function in 
psql and see if an error is thrown ... if yes its a paramter problem. If no its an 
external problem (I think this is called by a Java app ... isn't it?).



Pavel Stehule

If you are not confident, you are doing a trial run.

Pavel Stehule wrote:


it's look like problem with casting. You defined function
name(integer,...) but you call it with bigint param. Bigint cannot be
casted to int - so you have to redefine your func - name(bigint, ...

Pavel Stehule

2009/7/15 dipesh mistry (Imap)


I have create my own function name addnewuser(integer,varchar.),
and when I call this function it gives me below error,

org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: function addnewuser(bigint,
character varying, character varying, character varying, character
character varying, character varying, unknown, character varying,
varying, character varying, character varying, character varying,
varying, character varying, character varying, character varying,
varying, character varying, character varying, integer) does not exist

Even though function exist why it gives me this error, we use
We install postgres by .tar,gz file.

If you can't make a mistake, you can't make anything.

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Re: [GENERAL] Function does not exist

2009-07-16 Thread Andreas Wenk

Pavel Stehule schrieb:

2009/7/16 Andreas Wenk

Pavel Stehule schrieb:

2009/7/16 dipesh mistry (Imap)


In my function i had defined addnewuser(integer,character,..), and i
call this function by Java code.

I had created function with integer datatype but database always gives me
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: function
addnewuser(bigint,character varying,) does not exist

Why database gives me bigint error instead i had declare integer in

Next i create one more function named adduser(bigint,character,).
but then it gives me same error.

are all others parameters really varchar? You can use explicit cast to
varchar like

SELECT addnewuser(19, ''::varchar, 'a'::varchar, 


just a question. Why should it be necessary to add explicit typcasting here?
I can't see the problem in more depth. I still think that the function is
called with the wrong parameter. Would be cool to hear your points to
understand the problem better ;-)

ofcourse - explicit casting is hard method, and it's better don't use
it. But some times java environments are too smart. Explicit cast
should help with searching an problematic param.


Thanks Pavel, then I suggest to first get the function running in psql and then check it 
in the Java environment ... if this has not be done allready ;-)



Another idea to be sure that the function is working correctly is to call
the function in psql and see if an error is thrown ... if yes its a paramter
problem. If no its an external problem (I think this is called by a Java app
... isn't it?).



Pavel Stehule

If you are not confident, you are doing a trial run.

Pavel Stehule wrote:


it's look like problem with casting. You defined function
name(integer,...) but you call it with bigint param. Bigint cannot be
casted to int - so you have to redefine your func - name(bigint, ...

Pavel Stehule

2009/7/15 dipesh mistry (Imap)


I have create my own function name addnewuser(integer,varchar.),
and when I call this function it gives me below error,

org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: function addnewuser(bigint,
character varying, character varying, character varying, character
character varying, character varying, unknown, character varying,
varying, character varying, character varying, character varying,
varying, character varying, character varying, character varying,
varying, character varying, character varying, integer) does not exist

Even though function exist why it gives me this error, we use
We install postgres by .tar,gz file.

If you can't make a mistake, you can't make anything.

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Re: [GENERAL] Function does not exist

2009-07-15 Thread ANdreas Wenk

dipesh mistry (Imap) wrote:


I have create my own function name *addnewuser(integer,varchar.)*,
and when I call this function it gives me below error,

org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: function addnewuser(bigint, 
character varying, character varying, character varying, character 
varying, character varying, character varying, unknown, character 
varying, character varying, character varying, character varying, 
character varying, character varying, character varying, character 
varying, character varying, character varying, character varying, 
character varying, integer) does not exist

Even though function exist why it gives me this error, we use 
postgres-8.3.7 latest.

We install postgres by .tar,gz file.

If you can't make a mistake, you can't make anything.


I suppose you are setting the wrong parameter when calling this 
function. If you use psql use the short cut command \df to get all 
functions you built and check this again ... such an error message is 
mostly a hint that something with the params is wrong ...



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[GENERAL] psql \du

2009-07-15 Thread ANdreas Wenk


I recognized in psql using the internal help (\?) that the *+* sign is 
missing for the shortcut \du:

# \du
  List of roles
  Role name   |  Attributes  | Member of

# \du+
 List of roles
  Role name   |  Attributes  | Member of | Description

Where shall I place this info? Is this also a bug?



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Re: [GENERAL] Password?

2009-07-08 Thread Andreas Wenk

Ms swati chande schrieb:

When I write the following commands at the prompt,

 createuser -S -d -R user1
  createdb sample

I am asked to enter a password. I have not set any password anywhere. 
Which password is it asking for?

Please help.
I have built from source on Windows XP.

Thanks is advance,


Hi Swati,

what are the setting of your pg_hba.conf? I assume that there is a entry like 


# local is for Unix domain socket connections only
local   all all   password

That means that the password you are asked is the password of the standard user for your 
cluster - commonly postgres.



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Re: [GENERAL] Password?

2009-07-08 Thread Andreas Wenk

Andreas Wenk schrieb:

Ms swati chande schrieb:

When I write the following commands at the prompt,

 createuser -S -d -R user1
  createdb sample

I am asked to enter a password. I have not set any password anywhere. 
Which password is it asking for?

Please help.
I have built from source on Windows XP.

Thanks is advance,


Hi Swati,

what are the setting of your pg_hba.conf? I assume that there is a entry 
like this:


# local is for Unix domain socket connections only
local   all all   password

That means that the password you are asked is the password of the 
standard user for your cluster - commonly postgres.



*argh* - more detailed to avoid confusion. The auth method 'password' in pg_hba.conf 
means, that you will be asked for a password for the user you try to create a db with. If 
no user is given (with createdb -U [username]), this user is postgres ...

see also createdb --help for options ...



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[Re: [GENERAL] Password?]

2009-07-08 Thread Andreas Wenk

Serge Fonville schrieb:

*argh* - more detailed to avoid confusion. The auth method 'password' in
pg_hba.conf means, that you will be asked for a password for the user you
try to create a db with. If no user is given (with createdb -U [username]),
this user is postgres ...

Wasn't it that it uses the currently logged on user is used if no user
is specified?

correct - so this will be postgres because other users are not allowed to use 
programs ...

/var/lib/postgresql/8.4/bin$ ./createdb test -p 5433
createdb: could not connect to database postgres: FATAL:  role duke does not 

$ sudo su postgres
postg...@duke-linux:~/8.4/bin$ ./createdb test -p 5433

auth method in pg_hba.conf is trust in this case.

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Re: [GENERAL] Password?

2009-07-08 Thread Andreas Wenk

Ms swati chande schrieb:

--- On *Wed, 7/8/09, Andreas Wenk /* wrote:

From: Andreas Wenk
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Password?
To: Ms swati chande, PG-General Mailing List
Date: Wednesday, July 8, 2009, 3:47 PM

Ms swati chande schrieb:
  Thanks Andy,
   I am working on Windows XP. Have built from source using Visual
Studio 2005.
   I have made a change in pg_hba.conf to include the ipconfig of
my system.
   *hostall all my ipconfig  trust*
   # IPv4 local connections:
  hostall all  trust
  # IPv6 local connections:
  #hostall all ::1/128   trust
   This was to take care of the following problem:
   LOG: could not bind IPv4 socket: Address already in use
  HINT: Is another postmaster already running on port 5432? If not,
wait a few seconds and retry.
  WARNING: could not create listen socket for *
  FATAL: could not create any TCP/IP sockets
   For this I changed the listen_addresses to my current ip. and
made the same change in pg_hba.conf.

So does it work now ? Why is there a * sign before host? This seems
to be incorrect ...

P.S.: dont' forget to reply also to the mailinglist (reply to all)

 No its still not working.
 The * doesn't exist in pg_hba. It was probably in the mail as I had
 formatted that line to be 'bold'.

ah ok ..

Actually it should work if you set listen_addresses to '*' in postgresql.conf. Did you 
change anything else in postgresql.conf or pg_hba.conf?

I am not too experienced with Windows so maybe someone with more knowledge is able to find 
the trick (I installed 8.4 once with the one click installer problems at all). But 
as far as I understand something is wrong with:

 WARNING: could not create listen socket for *
 FATAL: could not create any TCP/IP sockets

I understand correct, that you fixed this? Then it should work as I mentioned 
earlier ...

Cheers Andy

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Re: [GENERAL] Password?

2009-07-08 Thread Andreas Wenk

Ms swati chande schrieb:

Thanks Andy,
I am working on Windows XP. Have built from source using Visual Studio 2005.
I have made a change in pg_hba.conf to include the ipconfig of my system. 

*hostall all my ipconfig  trust*
# IPv4 local connections:

hostall all  trust
# IPv6 local connections:
#hostall all ::1/128   trust

This was to take care of the following problem:
LOG: could not bind IPv4 socket: Address already in use
HINT: Is another postmaster already running on port 5432? If not, wait a 
few seconds and retry.

WARNING: could not create listen socket for *
FATAL: could not create any TCP/IP sockets
For this I changed the listen_addresses to my current ip. and made the 
same change in pg_hba.conf.


So does it work now ? Why is there a * sign before host? This seems to be 
incorrect ...

P.S.: dont' forget to reply also to the mailinglist (reply to all)

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Re: [GENERAL] [Re: Password?]

2009-07-08 Thread Andreas Wenk

Jasen Betts schrieb:

On 2009-07-08, Andreas Wenk wrote:

Serge Fonville schrieb:

*argh* - more detailed to avoid confusion. The auth method 'password' in
pg_hba.conf means, that you will be asked for a password for the user you
try to create a db with. If no user is given (with createdb -U [username]),
this user is postgres ...

Wasn't it that it uses the currently logged on user is used if no user
is specified?

correct - so this will be postgres because other users are not allowed to use 
programs ...

/var/lib/postgresql/8.4/bin$ ./createdb test -p 5433
createdb: could not connect to database postgres: FATAL:  role duke does not 

$ sudo su postgres
postg...@duke-linux:~/8.4/bin$ ./createdb test -p 5433

auth method in pg_hba.conf is trust in this case.

if it's trust any user can do

~postgres/8.4/bin/createdb -U postgres -p 5433 test

nope! what you did is calling createdb as system user postgres (I believe because of the ~ 
sign at the beginning) *and* giving the option -U postgres. That works for sure and you 
even don't need -U postgres since you are allready postgres. But leave -U postgres away as 
a system user not equal to postgres ... see my example above.



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Re: [GENERAL] [Re: Password?]

2009-07-08 Thread Andreas Wenk

Steve Atkins schrieb:

On Jul 8, 2009, at 6:19 AM, Andreas Wenk wrote:

Jasen Betts schrieb:

On 2009-07-08, Andreas Wenk wrote:

Serge Fonville schrieb:
*argh* - more detailed to avoid confusion. The auth method 
'password' in
pg_hba.conf means, that you will be asked for a password for the 
user you
try to create a db with. If no user is given (with createdb -U 

this user is postgres ...

Wasn't it that it uses the currently logged on user is used if no user
is specified?
correct - so this will be postgres because other users are not 
allowed to use these

programs ...

That's not true.

you are right!Sorry for that mistake.

/var/lib/postgresql/8.4/bin$ ./createdb test -p 5433
createdb: could not connect to database postgres: FATAL:  role 
duke does not exist

$ sudo su postgres
postg...@duke-linux:~/8.4/bin$ ./createdb test -p 5433

auth method in pg_hba.conf is trust in this case.

if it's trust any user can do
~postgres/8.4/bin/createdb -U postgres -p 5433 test

nope! what you did is calling createdb as system user postgres (I 
believe because of the ~ sign at the beginning) *and* giving the 
option -U postgres. That works for sure and you even don't need -U 
postgres since you are allready postgres. But leave -U postgres away 
as a system user not equal to postgres ... see my example above.

Nor is that.

Why not? I think it is but maybe I did not write it understandable 
enough. See my example.

Most of the postgresql client tools, including createdb, can be used by 
any operating system user to connect to the database as any database user.

If they are called with -U foo then they will attempt to connect to 
the database as database user foo.

If they are not called with -U then they will usually attempt to connect 
to the database as the current operating system user (though that can be 
overridden with the PGUSER or PGSERVICE environment variables).

So if I'm logged in as steve and I do createdb test then I will try 
and connect to the database as database user steve and create the test 
database. If I do createdb -U postgres test I will try to connect to 
the database as database user postgres and create the test database.

this is exactly my example. I am the system user duke but there is no 
role duke in the db. The result is the error message. Using -U postgres 
is successful.

But in the case shown by Swati she is allready the system user postgres. 
So there's no need to put the option -U postgres. Correct? See my example.

Whether I'm prompted for a password or not depends on the settings in 
pg_hba.conf. Typically the postgres operating system user is allowed to 
connect to the database as the postgres database user without a 
password. Other OS user / database user combinations may or may not need 
a password depending on whether pg_hba.conf is set up to ask for one or 
not - how that is set up as default varies, but it's fairly common to 
require a password.

exactly. Thanks a lot for explaining that way better.


Actually I think we both know how it works ;-)



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Re: [GENERAL] Password?

2009-07-08 Thread Andreas Wenk

Ms swati chande schrieb:

I started everything again from scratch.

1. Created a new user(Swati), with limited/ restricted rights.
Ensured that no password is set anywhere.
2. Ran initdb from the new user.

c:\postgresql\bininitdb -D c:\postgresql\data2
   It displayed the DEBUG: start transaction and commit
transaction states etc.
   and ended with DEBUG: exit(0)
   A warning with the following statement was also displayed:
 WARNING: enabling trust authentication foe local
 you can change this by editing pg_hba.conf or by
initdb -A.
3. After this I executed pg_ctl:

 c:\postgresql\binpg_ctl -D c:\postgresql\data2 -l
logfile start
 got the the message:server starting
 and the logfile contained the following:
 LOG:  could not bind IPv4 socket: No error
 HINT:  Is another postmaster already running on
port 5432? If not,
 wait a few seconds and retry.
 WARNING:  could not create listen socket for
 FATAL:  could not create any TCP/IP sockets
 LOG:  could not bind IPv4 socket: No error
 HINT:  Is another postmaster already running on
port 5432? If not, wait
 a few seconds and retry.
 WARNING:  could not create listen socket for
 FATAL:  could not create any TCP/IP sockets
4. To take care of the above issues,

 Made the following change in the postgresql.conf file:
 listen_addresses = '' (my current ip)
 and in pg_hba:
 host all all '' trust
5.Then issued

 c:\postgresql\binpg_ctl -D c:\postgresql\data2 -l logfile
   Now got the following in logfile:
 LOG: database system was shut down at 2009-07-08
 LOG: database system is ready to accept connections
 LOG:  autovacuum launcher started
6.Opened another command window.

   Now when I write in the new window (or even in the same),
 c:\postgresql\bincreatedb demo
 c:\postgresql\bincreateuser -S -d -R svc
   I am prompted for password, I don't know what to enter here.
I think I am making some mistake in pg_hba.conf. Can't make out.

Must be some brainless blunder some where.
Thanks a ton for sparing your time and bearing with me.
Please guide.


Swati, sorry to say - but I got no solution as I cannot try to simulate 
this. I do not have a Windows machine ... hopefully someone else can help.

One thing anyway ...  Step 4. seems to be correct. Actually, is there a 
user postgres on your system? Why not give postgres then a password (in 
the windows user administration) and use

c:\postgresql\bincreateuser -U postgres -S -d -R svc

But this is really vague ...



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[GENERAL] Sugestion a db modele like mysql workbrench

2009-07-07 Thread Andreas Wenk

originally posted at BUGS list - now answering at GENERAL list

Pavel Golub schrieb:

Hello, Oscar.

First of all you shouldn't post such messages here since this is not a
bug for sure.

Take a look on MicroOLAP Database Designer for PostgreSQL at

You will be surprised :)

Hi Pavel,

since I did some research for such a tool, I am wondering if there is a similar one for 
none Windows OS. I installed this tool and thought it's a good one - but sadly it's 
working only on Windows ;-). This is interesing for people needing more options as given 
in pgAdmin.

Do you know something else?

Thankls a lot  Cheers


You wrote:

OMAE The following bug has been logged online:

OMAE Bug reference:  4903
OMAE Logged by:  Oscar Miguel Amezcua Estrella
OMAE Email address:
OMAE PostgreSQL version: 8.4
OMAE Operating system:   Opensuse 11.1
OMAE Description:Sugestion a db modele like mysql workbrench
OMAE Details: 

OMAE hiyas im newuser for postgresql and we try to find a software like mysql
OMAE workbrench to modelate data bases and we not found a good program for this
OMAE work and we like to sugestion this one to make a software like mysql
OMAE workbrench that can help to migrate more people from mysql to postgreSQL

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Re: [GENERAL] Sugestion a db modele like mysql workbrench

2009-07-07 Thread Andreas Wenk

USTID: DE 238093396

Pavel Golub schrieb:

Hello, Andreas.

You wrote:

AW originally posted at BUGS list - now answering at GENERAL list

AW Pavel Golub schrieb:

Hello, Oscar.

First of all you shouldn't post such messages here since this is not a
bug for sure.

Take a look on MicroOLAP Database Designer for PostgreSQL at

You will be surprised :)

AW Hi Pavel,

AW since I did some research for such a tool, I am wondering if there is a 
similar one for
AW none Windows OS. I installed this tool and thought it's a good one - but 
sadly it's
AW working only on Windows ;-). This is interesing for people needing more 
options as given
AW in pgAdmin.

AW Do you know something else?

The latest release of MicroOLAP Database Designer for PostgreSQL is
specialy tested for Wine support. Thus all you need is to install Wine
of the latest version. Some details ma be found here:

AW Thankls a lot  Cheers

AW Andy

You wrote:

OMAE The following bug has been logged online:

OMAE Bug reference:  4903
OMAE Logged by:  Oscar Miguel Amezcua Estrella
OMAE Email address:
OMAE PostgreSQL version: 8.4
OMAE Operating system:   Opensuse 11.1
OMAE Description:Sugestion a db modele like mysql workbrench
OMAE Details: 

OMAE hiyas im newuser for postgresql and we try to find a software like mysql
OMAE workbrench to modelate data bases and we not found a good program for this
OMAE work and we like to sugestion this one to make a software like mysql
OMAE workbrench that can help to migrate more people from mysql to postgreSQL

Hi Pavel,

thanks a lot for the info ...



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Re: [GENERAL] Sugestion a db modele like mysql workbrench

2009-07-07 Thread Andreas Wenk

Thomas Kellerer schrieb:

Andreas Wenk wrote on 07.07.2009 09:33:

originally posted at BUGS list - now answering at GENERAL list

Pavel Golub schrieb:

Hello, Oscar.

First of all you shouldn't post such messages here since this is not a
bug for sure.

Take a look on MicroOLAP Database Designer for PostgreSQL at

You will be surprised :)

Hi Pavel,

since I did some research for such a tool, I am wondering if there is 
a similar one for none Windows OS. I installed this tool and thought 
it's a good one - but sadly it's working only on Windows ;-). This is 
interesing for people needing more options as given in pgAdmin.

Do you know something else?

Try out Power*Architect:


Hey this seems to be a nice one ... just installed it on my MAC at home. 
 Really good. I will check it tomorrow on Linux in the office ...

Thanks for the tip!



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Re: [GENERAL] Windows installer for pg-8.4 confusion

2009-07-06 Thread Andreas Wenk
Stuart McGraw schrieb:
 First, thanks to everyone who contributed
 to 8.4 -- the new features list looks great!
 In the past I have always installed the 
 Windows binary installer from
 For pg-8.4 I see that the download directory
 now has a pointer to the EnterpriseDB one 
 click installer.
 Has the EnterpriseDB installer now become the
 official Windows distribution?  Or will the
 standard pginstaller appear some time in the


having a look at

will answer your question ;-)



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Re: [GENERAL] Problem search on text arrays, using the overlaps () operator

2009-07-03 Thread Andreas Wenk

John Cheng schrieb:

For some reason, I am seeing a big difference in our real database. I
don't want to just rewrite all of our queries yet. I'm guessing the
data makes a big difference.  What would be a good way to examine the
data to figure out what's the best way to write our queries? Is there
any features in PostgreSQL that can help me improve the performance?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!


did you think about using the fulltext search integrated up from version 8.3. I never used 
your approach and don't know if the fulltextsearch is suitable for your case ... just a hint.



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Re: [GENERAL] Howto get the contents of mystopwords/dictionary/synonym/thesaurus ?

2009-07-03 Thread ANdreas Wenk

Joost Kraaijeveld wrote:



Is it possible to get an overview/the contents of the stopwords list,
dictionary, synonyms or thesaurus using an SQL query, e.g. SELECT *
from stopwords?

if I understand correctly, you want to see the content of the 
dictionarys. No - you can't see the entries with SQL because the data is 
not stored in the database but in files. Usually you can find the files  in




Is it possible to add or remove entries from the dictionaries using SQL?

see above ...




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Re: [GENERAL] PG_DUMP/RESTORE Would like an explanation of these (non-critical) errors

2009-07-03 Thread ANdreas Wenk

James B. Byrne wrote:


pg_restore: [archiver (db)] Error while PROCESSING TOC:
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] Error from TOC entry 4; 2615 2200 SCHEMA
public postgres
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] could not execute query: ERROR:  cannot
schema public because other objects depend on it
HINT:  Use DROP ... CASCADE to drop the dependent objects too.
Command was: DROP SCHEMA public;
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] could not execute query: ERROR:  schema
public already exists
Command was: CREATE SCHEMA public;
WARNING: errors ignored on restore: 2

The pg_dump command is:

pg_dump --create --format=c --user=postgres --verbose hll_redmine |
gzip  /var/data/pas-redmine/db/dump/hll_redmine.pgsql.gz  rsync
-avz --bwlimit=35 --delete-after --exclude=database.yml
--exclude=*.log --exclude=*cache --exclude=*ruby_sess*
/var/data/pas-redmine 1

--create is not working here because you select a custom format for your 
dump. --create is only working with plain SQL dumps.

The pg_restore command, which generates the error, is:

gunzip  /var/data/pas-redmine/db/dump/hll_redmine.pgsql.gz |
pg_restore --clean --user=postgres --dbname=hll_redmine ; vacuumdb
--user=postgres --full --analyze hll_redmine 1 /dev/null

with the --clean parameter you delete existing objects in hll_redmine 
but there are dependant objects. A common way to avoid this is to drop 
the whole database first, create a new one and then restore the dump 
into it. Means use --create instead of --clean.

Dropping the database can cause problems because you have to cut all 
client connections before being able to cut it. So maybe this approach 
is not working for you.

Another idea is not to use any of these parameters and dump only the data.

pg_restore -a

Cheers Andy

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[GENERAL] GIN and GiST index - more in depth info

2009-06-29 Thread Andreas Wenk

Hi everybody,

actually I am wondering if anybody can give me some links to a more in depth info 
concerning the GIN and GiST index. After having read the docu and searching the web for 
more info, I am still not satisfied with the knowledge I have.

For sure I had a look to Oleg Bartunov' s and Teodor Sigaev's website at but for me it's still not clear how to describe the 
differences between the indexes and the usage scenarios when to use GIN or GiST.

Every info is higly appreciated.



Netzmeister St.Pauli

St.Pauli - Hamburg - Germany

Andreas Wenk

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[GENERAL] fulltext search udf

2009-06-10 Thread Andreas Wenk

Hi everybody,

altough I know that the way over a Trigger is preferred, I can't see what is wrong in my 
function. It must be an escaping error:


art_nr ALIAS for $1;
bezeichnung ALIAS FOR $2;
beschreibung ALIAS FOR $3;
preis ALIAS FOR $4;
steuersatz ALIAS FOR $5;
aktionspreis ALIAS FOR $6;
stichworte ALIAS for $7;
vect tsvector;
vect := setweight(to_tsvector('german',coalesce(stichworte,'')),'A') ||



$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

Firering this statement:


results in this error:

FEHLER:  Syntaxfehler bei »:«
LINE 3: ... 25.50,2,'alpha,beta,cesar','beta':2A 'adfvb...

VALUES ('adfvb','adfvb','adfvb',15.5,
   25.50,2,'alpha,beta,cesar','beta':2A 'adfvb':4B 'alpha':1A 
CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function user_insert_vector_data line 14 at EXECUTE 

vector is of datatype tsvector. So I don't understand why pg is complaining ...

Thank's for any hints and sorry for annoying if I am too blind ...



Netzmeister St.Pauli

St.Pauli - Hamburg - Germany

Andreas Wenk

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Re: [GENERAL] fulltext search udf

2009-06-10 Thread Andreas Wenk

Tom Lane wrote:

Andreas Wenk writes:


This is not going to work with such a half-baked approach to quoting the
data values --- any value with ' or \ in it will break it.  You could
use quote_literal(), but I wonder why you are bothering with EXECUTE at
all.  If you just did the INSERT directly it would run faster and be a
lot less ugly.

regards, tom lane
Tom, thanks for the hint! I was really doing the wrong thing. There have 
been even more errors what made me confused. Now I got it ...



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Re: Fwd: [GENERAL] Question about Privileges

2009-03-13 Thread Andreas Wenk

Jack W schrieb:

On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 3:45 PM, John R Pierce wrote:

Jack W wrote:

I also find that if I only grant privileges on database to
dbuser as below, without granting privileges on Schema and table
to dbuser, dbuser still can not do SELECT on the tables.
mydb=# grant all privileges on Database mydb to dbuser;

Is there any simple way to grant All privileges to dbuser on all
the 10 tables?

the simplest way is to make dbuser the OWNER of the database, and
have him create all the tables too, then he automatically has full
rights to it.

Thanks. In my application, one user will create the database, then other 
users can remotely access it through ODBC/JDBC to access the database. 
In this case, I have to grant the privileges to each user one by one, right?


SCHEMA privileges grant the rights to connect to a schema, and
create/modify schemas

table/view/etc privileges grant the rights to
select/insert/update/etc the mentioned tables.

In my test as below:

mydb=#select * from mydb_schema.mydb_table1;

If I only grant the privileges to the table:

mydb=# grant all privileges on mydb_schema.mydb_table1 to dbuser;

The SELECT will fail, the error is:

STATEMENT:  select * from mydb_schema.mydb_table1;
ERROR: permission denied for schema mydb_schema

So I have to grant the privileges to the schema mydb_schema in order to 
do SELECT on mydb_table1.

This is a common mistake. You have to grant the privileges always also 
to the schema explicit and not just to the table in a schema. PostgreSQL 
is not going so far to warn you, that the user has now the privileges on 
the table but *not* to the schema.

As Adrian allready mentioned, you should use group roles and then grant 
the privileges for the schema to the group role if you have more 
different users ...



St.Pauli - Hamburg - Germany

Andreas Wenk


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Re: [GENERAL] bug?: permission denied for schema on on delete set null

2009-03-10 Thread Andreas Wenk

Ivan Sergio Borgonovo schrieb:

I get a

Query failed: ERROR: permission denied for schema user_test CONTEXT:
SQL statement UPDATE ONLY user_test.shop_commerce_baskets SET
sid = NULL WHERE $1::pg_catalog.text OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=)

This query is run when I do a
DELETE FROM user_test.sessions WHERE timestamp  1236672815;
as a result of an

on delete set null

but when I directly do a

update user_test.shop_commerce_baskets set sid=null;

I get no error.

create table user_test.sessions(
  sid int primary key,

create table user_test.shop_commerce_baskets (
  sid int references sessions (sid) on delete set null,

I'm on PostgreSQL 8.3.6 (Debian Lenny).


which rights does the actual user have for the schema user_test?

 Query failed: ERROR: permission denied for schema user_test CONTEXT:

I think the user does not have the rights for the schema ...




St.Pauli - Hamburg - Germany

Andreas Wenk

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Re: [GENERAL] bug?: permission denied for schema on on delete set null

2009-03-10 Thread Andreas Wenk

Ivan Sergio Borgonovo schrieb:

On Tue, 10 Mar 2009 14:31:56 +0100
Andreas Wenk wrote:

which rights does the actual user have for the schema user_test?

  Query failed: ERROR: permission denied for schema user_test

I think the user does not have the rights for the schema ...

I just run
on public and user_test schema +
grant all on schema user_test to user_test;

It was related to something similar to this:

I still have to sort it out since I did some random changes to
ownership of schema and tables.

It seems that the schemas have to be owned by the group and not by
the single users.

To sum it up:

a role as a group owning everything
several roles as users member of the previous role
everything owned by the group
permissions assigned to the single users 

In general you will put a user into a group role. And if the group role 
does not have the permissions for the schema you will run into this 
issue. So give the permissions to the group role and it will work ...

Check this out:

up to

maybe you follow that discussion for some minutes ...



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Re: [GENERAL] bug?: permission denied for schema on on delete set null

2009-03-10 Thread Andreas Wenk

Tom Lane schrieb:

Ivan Sergio Borgonovo writes:

I get a
Query failed: ERROR: permission denied for schema user_test CONTEXT:
SQL statement UPDATE ONLY user_test.shop_commerce_baskets SET
sid = NULL WHERE $1::pg_catalog.text OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=)

This query is run when I do a
DELETE FROM user_test.sessions WHERE timestamp  1236672815;
as a result of an

on delete set null

Queries for RI constraints are run with the permissions of the owner of
the other table.  It looks to me like the owner of user_test.sessions
doesn't have usage permission on schema user_test ...

regards, tom lane

that's what I tried to say ;-) therfore the examples in my other posts ...



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Re: [GENERAL] Enable user access from remote host

2009-03-08 Thread Andreas Wenk

Piotre Ugrumov schrieb:

On 8 Mar, 02:08, (John R Pierce) wrote:

Martin Gainty wrote:

postgresql.conf :
change listen_address to a real ip

change it to '*' or you won't be able to use localhost...  alternately,
youc could specify,localhost   if you wanted to be specific.

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I inserted this line at the end of the pg_hba.conf

hosttestangeloident sameuser

I inserted the  to allow to everyone to access to the db.
But if I try to access, from another host, I receive an error. What is
the error in that line?

just leave it blank ... no  signs ...



Andreas Wenk
Hamburg - Germany

Thanks, bye bye.

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[GENERAL] cursor question

2009-02-25 Thread Andreas Wenk
Hash: SHA1


short question. Why is this not possible:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION user_cursor_open(text) RETURNS refcursor AS $$
OPEN curs1;
RETURN curs1;
END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

Or, how do I set a parameter when using cursor?

Thanks in advance

- --
St.Pauli - Hamburg - Germany

Andreas Wenk

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Re: [GENERAL] cursor question

2009-02-25 Thread Andreas Wenk
Hash: SHA1

Pavel Stehule schrieb:
 when you would to change name of table - you have to use dynamic query OPEN FOR EXECUTE
 OPEN unbound_cursor [ [ NO ] SCROLL ] FOR EXECUTE query_string;
 Pavel Stehule

Hi Pavel,

thanks a lot. It works for me like this:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION user_cursor_test(refcursor,text) RETURNS refcursor 
AS $$
END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;



 2009/2/25 Andreas Wenk
 short question. Why is this not possible:
 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION user_cursor_open(text) RETURNS refcursor AS $$
OPEN curs1;
RETURN curs1;
 END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
 Or, how do I set a parameter when using cursor?
 Thanks in advance

- --
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Re: [GENERAL] Vacuums taking forever :(

2009-02-03 Thread Andreas Wenk
Hash: SHA1

Phoenix Kiula schrieb:
 In my conf_pg, the autovacuum is on, so the DB should be (or I hope is
 being) regularly vacuumed.
 These are my settings:
 work_mem = 20MB
 temp_buffers = 4096
 authentication_timeout   = 10s
 ssl  = off
 checkpoint_warning   = 3600
 random_page_cost = 1
 autovacuum   = on
 autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay = 20
 vacuum_cost_delay= 20
 autovacuum_naptime   = 10
 stats_start_collector= on
 stats_row_level  = on
 autovacuum_vacuum_threshold  = 75
 autovacuum_analyze_threshold = 25
 autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor  = 0.02
 autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor   = 0.01

Hi ,

just a quick thought. What is your maintenance_work_mem parameter set to? I 
think with
that lot Updates and Inserts this should not be too low ...


 The autovacuum was clearly not enough, so we also have a crontab that
 vacuums the tables every hour. This is PG 8.2.9.
 These cron jobs are taking over 35 minutes for a vacuum! What's the
 use of a vacuum if it takes that long, and the DB performance is
 tragic in the meantime?
 I'd truly appreciate some thoughts from people with experience of
 vacuum management of highly available online databases. About 10-20
 million accesses for this one. Most are SELECTs. We have about 500,000
 INSERTs and about 800,000 UPDATEs. Just 11 tables, of which only one
 is like 10 million rows. Two are close to 500,000 rows, rest are
 really small. It is this 10 million row thing that's the worry.
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Re: [GENERAL] Vacuums taking forever :(

2009-02-03 Thread Andreas Wenk
Hash: SHA1

Phoenix Kiula schrieb:
 On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 9:09 PM, Andreas Wenk wrote:
 Hash: SHA1

 Phoenix Kiula schrieb:
 In my conf_pg, the autovacuum is on, so the DB should be (or I hope is
 being) regularly vacuumed.

 These are my settings:

 work_mem = 20MB
 temp_buffers = 4096
 authentication_timeout   = 10s
 ssl  = off
 checkpoint_warning   = 3600
 random_page_cost = 1
 autovacuum   = on
 autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay = 20
 vacuum_cost_delay= 20
 autovacuum_naptime   = 10
 stats_start_collector= on
 stats_row_level  = on
 autovacuum_vacuum_threshold  = 75
 autovacuum_analyze_threshold = 25
 autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor  = 0.02
 autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor   = 0.01

 Hi ,

 just a quick thought. What is your maintenance_work_mem parameter set to? I 
 think with
 that lot Updates and Inserts this should not be too low ...
 maintenance_work_mem = 512M
 wal_buffers  = 64
 checkpoint_segments  = 128
 checkpoint_timeout   = 900
 fsync= on
 Is this enough? My server has 4GB RAM.

Try to increase it but check also what Andrew wrote in the other reply. Maybe 
ther is the
problem ...


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Re: [GENERAL] ALTER TABLE with TYPE serial does not work

2009-02-01 Thread Andreas Wenk

Jasen Betts schrieb:

On 2009-01-31, Andreas Wenk wrote:

Hi List,

I have a short question to psql.

Why does this not work:

postgres=# ALTER TABLE tab1 ALTER COLUMN nr TYPE serial;
ERROR:  type serial does not exist

but this:

postgres=# ALTER TABLE tab1 DROP COLUMN nr;
postgres=# ALTER TABLE tab1 ADD COLUMN nr serial;
NOTICE:  ALTER TABLE will create implicit sequence tab1_nr_seq for 
serial column


because serial isn't a type.

ah - I think this is what the error message says ;-/ ... ?? !!


St.Pauli - Hamburg - Germany

Andreas Wenk

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Re: [GENERAL] ALTER TABLE with TYPE serial does not work

2009-02-01 Thread Andreas Wenk

Richard Broersma schrieb:

On Sat, Jan 31, 2009 at 3:16 PM, Andreas Wenk wrote:

Why does this not work:

postgres=# ALTER TABLE tab1 ALTER COLUMN nr TYPE serial;
ERROR:  type serial does not exist

serial is really just short-hand for making an integer column use
default incrementing function.  The following will fully explain what
it is so that you can alter the column:

Thanks Richard, that helped. I thought maybe there is another reason 
because when I create a table and use serial as type (like I would 
when I use integer) it works well. I know that searial is just for my 
convenience as written in the manual. I failed to understand, that it is 
not really a type.



St.Pauli - Hamburg - Germany

Andreas Wenk

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Re: [GENERAL] ALTER TABLE with TYPE serial does not work

2009-02-01 Thread Andreas Wenk

Scott Marlowe schrieb:

On Sat, Jan 31, 2009 at 9:04 PM, Richard Broersma wrote:

On Sat, Jan 31, 2009 at 3:16 PM, Andreas Wenk wrote:

Why does this not work:

postgres=# ALTER TABLE tab1 ALTER COLUMN nr TYPE serial;
ERROR:  type serial does not exist

serial is really just short-hand for making an integer column use
default incrementing function.  The following will fully explain what
it is so that you can alter the column:

Seeing as it works with adding a column, and I've seen instructions
for creating a sequence, and then adding a dependency into the system
tables, it's quite reasonable to expect that one day it will work with
alter table alter column.  But it's probably more complicated than
just making it a serial type, there's probably some question of
setting the sequence according to the max value in the table.  I'd be
surprised if it's not on the TODO list somewhere.

Thanks for this Scott. For me as a user it would be cool to have it ... 
hopefully it's on a TODO list ;-).

On the other hand I don't think that this case will show up too often 
because the decision to have a column in a table with a incrementing 
sequence should be made while designing the database structure ...



St.Pauli - Hamburg - Germany

Andreas Wenk

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[GENERAL] ALTER TABLE with TYPE serial does not work

2009-01-31 Thread Andreas Wenk

Hi List,

I have a short question to psql.

Why does this not work:

postgres=# ALTER TABLE tab1 ALTER COLUMN nr TYPE serial;
ERROR:  type serial does not exist

but this:

postgres=# ALTER TABLE tab1 DROP COLUMN nr;
postgres=# ALTER TABLE tab1 ADD COLUMN nr serial;
NOTICE:  ALTER TABLE will create implicit sequence tab1_nr_seq for 
serial column


Sitting in front of a MAC OS X Leo with pg 8.2

Thanks a lot!


St.Pauli - Hamburg - Germany

Andreas Wenk

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Re: [GENERAL] Text search with ispell

2009-01-27 Thread Andreas Wenk
Hash: SHA1

Tommy Gildseth schrieb:
 I'm trying to figure out how to use PostgreSQL's fulltext search with an
 ispell dictionary. I'm having a bit of trouble figuring out where this
 norwegian.dict comes from though.
 When I install the norwegian ispell dictionary, i get 4 files, nb.aff,
 nb.hash, nn.aff and nn.hash. What I'm unable to figure out, is the steps
 needed to use this for PostgreSQL?

Which version are you running? It's important to know, because tsearch2 is 
since version 8.3. The behaviour for implementing in earlier versions is 
different ...


- --
St.Pauli - Hamburg - Germany

Andreas Wenk

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Re: [GENERAL] pg_restore: [archiver] entry ID -825110830 out of range -- perhaps a corrupt TOC

2009-01-21 Thread Andreas Wenk
Hash: SHA1

Dennis C schrieb:
 OK that was it!  Wow, thank you so very much!  Nice to know it was just
 plpython tracking such an obsolete version of postgresql much to my
 dismay now (especially even going backwards, which didn't even occur to
 me), as opposed to postgresql itself being less reliable than I've come
 to expect over the years!  Thanks for all your great work with that too
 in the first place!

cool that it's working now ;-)

 On Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 10:40 AM, Scott Marlowe wrote:
 On Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 11:15 AM, Dennis C wrote:
  And thanks for your reply!  I tried the following:
  less xaa | grep ^;
  xaa may be a binary file.  See it anyway? y
  Binary file (standard input) matches
  And so am not sure which version I did the following from:
  pg_dump -c -F c -Z 9 [databasename]
 It's kind of important, but... PostgreSQL's dump and restore commands
 are designed to work from the same versions or going a new version
 from an older version.  Going backwards is not supported.

That was what I head in mind asking you about the version ;-) Thank's to Scott 
bringing it to the point ;-)

  But I installed it about a year ago, so whichever was the release
  Am trying to restore to the following:
 8.2 or 8.3.  Unless you were using a version supplied by a distro,
 which could go further back.
  postgresql-client-7.4.21 PostgreSQL database (client)
  postgresql-plpython-7.4.21_1 A module for using Python to write SQL
  postgresql-server-7.4.21 The most advanced open-source database
 Now's the time to upgrade.  7.4 is the oldest supported version, which
 means it's next for the chopping block.  It's also A LOT slower than
 8.3.  Can you get and install a newer version of pgsql, preferably 8.3
 and try restoring there?
  cat * | pg_restore -d [databasename]
 The normal way to run it is to use the -f switch for the file
 pg_restore -d dbname -f filename
 Not sure there's anything wrong with your way, but I've never used
 pg_restore like that.


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Re: [GENERAL] autovacuum daemon

2009-01-21 Thread Andreas Wenk
Hash: SHA1

Abdul Rahman schrieb:
 Deal All,
 I have set postgresql.conf for autovacuum and need to know weather the
 process is running/working or not.

Hi Abdul,

1. you could check the log file

2. select setting from pg_settings where name = 'autovacuum';



- -- Andreas Wenk St.Pauli - Hamburg - Germany

 Avdul Rehman.
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Re: [GENERAL] pg_restore: [archiver] entry ID -825110830 out of range -- perhaps a corrupt TOC

2009-01-20 Thread Andreas Wenk
Hash: SHA1


maybe I did not understand - but what exactly happens when you do something like

pg_restore -d databasename -L backup.toc backup.bak (bak - or what ever custom 
format you

Is the version you did the backup with the same like the postgres version you 
want to
restore to? I am not sure, but maybe there are occuring some problems ...

$ less test.toc | grep ^;
; Dumped from database version: 8.3.5
; Dumped by pg_dump version: 8.3.5


- --
St.Pauli - Hamburg - Germany

Andreas Wenk

Dennis C schrieb:
 I already did some searches on the pg_restore: [archiver] entry ID
 -825110830 out of range -- perhaps a corrupt TOC error and am still not
 sure why my database's not restoring after upgrading the FreeBSD and
 select ports such as PostGreSQL.  I did see something from a long time
 ago about altering the table, especially column names, quite possibly
 being a problem and I have done a lot of that, but as many backups as
 I've also done this past year, this' the first time I've had to use the
 restore again and am now not even sure how to get my database back.  If
 this seems familiar and simple enough for anyone, please advise
 including which details may be useful here.
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[GENERAL] import sql dump with psql - language creation throws error

2009-01-20 Thread Andreas Wenk
Hash: SHA1

Hi everybody,

I have an automated mechanism to restore a demo database each night with an SQL 
dump. What
I do inbetween a shell script is the following:

1. all database access is canceled
2. dropdb
3. createdb
4. import SQL dump: psql -o /dev/null $DB  

The last step is the issue. The shell script is run by an cronjob and if one of 
the steps
is failing, the crondaemon sends an E-Mail. The cluster allready exists (for 
sure) and the
language plpgsl also. The last point (4.) always creates an error (what is 
allthough the dump is imported anyway:

ERROR:  Language »plpgsql« allready exists

psql -o /dev/null $DB  /var/lib/postgresql/scripts/$SQL_DUMP ||
 echo Der dump konnte nicht eingespielt werden. 2

And because the ERROR message is the output, the crondaemon sends an email.


Where can I prevent bulding the language again? My idea was to do that while 
creating the
dump or while importing the dump. But as far as I understand, that's not 

The dump is created on another server using
/usr/bin/pg_dump -Ft -t sys_language garfield  sys_language.tar

Thanks for any advice


- --
Andreas Wenk

St.Pauli - Hamburg - Germany
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Re: [GENERAL] import sql dump with psql - language creation throws error

2009-01-20 Thread Andreas Wenk
Hash: SHA1

Hi depesz,

thanks a lot for the reply. I think that will not work, because this is (still) 
a 8.1 and
tsearch2 is integreated. That means I have to use template1 otherwise tsearch2 
would not
be there ...

Am I right?

P.S.: upgrade to 8.3 is planned asap ;-)
- --
St.Pauli - Hamburg - Germany

Andreas Wenk

hubert depesz lubaczewski schrieb:
 On Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 11:15:08AM +0100, Andreas Wenk wrote:
 Where can I prevent bulding the language again? My idea was to do that while 
 creating the
 dump or while importing the dump. But as far as I understand, that's not 
 instead of createdb use:
 createdb -D template0
 Best regards,
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Re: [GENERAL] import sql dump with psql - language creation throws error

2009-01-20 Thread Andreas Wenk
Hash: SHA1

Adrian Klaver schrieb:
 On Tuesday 20 January 2009 2:15:08 am Andreas Wenk wrote:
 Hi everybody,

 I have an automated mechanism to restore a demo database each night with an
 SQL dump. What I do inbetween a shell script is the following:

 1. all database access is canceled
 2. dropdb
 3. createdb
 4. import SQL dump: psql -o /dev/null $DB 

 The last step is the issue. The shell script is run by an cronjob and if
 one of the steps is failing, the crondaemon sends an E-Mail. The cluster
 allready exists (for sure) and the language plpgsl also. The last point
 (4.) always creates an error (what is clear), allthough the dump is
 imported anyway:

 ERROR:  Language »plpgsql« allready exists

 psql -o /dev/null $DB  /var/lib/postgresql/scripts/$SQL_DUMP ||
  echo Der dump konnte nicht eingespielt werden. 2

 And because the ERROR message is the output, the crondaemon sends an email.


 Where can I prevent bulding the language again? My idea was to do that
 while creating the dump or while importing the dump. But as far as I
 understand, that's not possible.

 The dump is created on another server using
 /usr/bin/pg_dump -Ft -t sys_language garfield  sys_language.tar
 Could be lack of coffee, but I am somewhat confused. Is this indeed the dump 
 file you are restoring? I didn't think you could restore a tar dump with 
 Also you are only dumping one table, so I am not sure why the whole db is 


no lack of coffee but my fault. You are totally right - that was a copy and 
paste error.
For sure the dump is *.sql.

Until now there is no onboard solution for this issue. Means, the import of the 
dump is
working correct but a message is thrown: FEHLER:  Sprache »plpgsql« existiert 
(means ERROR: Language »plpgsql« allready exists). What I do now - and this is 
not really
beautiful - is to erase that message before oputput is created from the shell 

psql -o /dev/null $DB  /var/lib/postgresql/scripts/$SQL_DUMP  21 | grep -v 
Sprache »plpgsql« existiert bereits
exit 0

Now, no output from the script is catched by the crondaemon and no email is 
sent. On the
other hand, no error from the above line is catched at all ... unfortunately ...

By the way - language plpgsql was created with createlang plpgsql template1. 
And because
of tsearch2 it's not possible to create the db from template0.

Got another idea?



- --
St.Pauli - Hamburg - Germany

Andreas Wenk

 Thanks for any advice


 Andreas Wenk

 St.Pauli - Hamburg - Germany
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Re: [GENERAL] import sql dump with psql - language creation throws error

2009-01-20 Thread Andreas Wenk
Hash: SHA1

Adrian Klaver schrieb:
 On Tuesday 20 January 2009 7:05:23 am Andreas Wenk wrote:

 no lack of coffee but my fault. You are totally right - that was a copy and
 paste error. For sure the dump is *.sql.

 Until now there is no onboard solution for this issue. Means, the import of
 the dump is working correct but a message is thrown: FEHLER:  Sprache
 »plpgsql« existiert bereits (means ERROR: Language »plpgsql« allready
 exists). What I do now - and this is not really beautiful - is to erase
 that message before oputput is created from the shell script:

 psql -o /dev/null $DB  /var/lib/postgresql/scripts/$SQL_DUMP  21 | grep
 -v FEHLER: Sprache »plpgsql« existiert bereits
 exit 0

 Now, no output from the script is catched by the crondaemon and no email is
 sent. On the other hand, no error from the above line is catched at all ...
 unfortunately ...

 By the way - language plpgsql was created with createlang plpgsql
 template1. And because of tsearch2 it's not possible to create the db from

 Got another idea?


 Just to point you to Grzegorz's suggestion of using the  -c switch in the 
 pg_dump command. To quote the manual:
 Output commands to clean (drop) database objects prior to (the commands for) 
 creating them.
  This option is only meaningful for the plain-text format. For the archive 
 formats, you can specify the option when you call pg_restore. 

I allready tried -c ... it's not what I need or helps - thanks anyway ;-)

 Also I am not sure cron sending the email is a bad thing. Serves as indicator 
 that the process ran.

Yes that's correct ... in a way - but imagine you have 20 cronjobs running - do 
you really
want to spam your mailbox with these messages? I think the better way is to 
leave it
running and only in case of an error inform me. I think this is the common way 
are doing it ...


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[GENERAL] MD5 password issue

2009-01-15 Thread Andreas Wenk
Hash: SHA1

Hi everybody,

I posted this allready to the ADMIN list but recieved no reply (what is for 
sure ok in a
way ;-) ). So I thought I'll give it a try here. Sorry for any inconvenience.

We are trying to understand an issue concerning the md5 password encryption. 
The situation
is as follows.

In pg_hba.conf we have:


# local is for Unix domain socket connections only
local   all all   ident sameuser

# IPv4 local connections:
hostall all  md5
hostall all   md5

in pg_authid we get:

postgres=# SELECT rolname,rolpassword from pg_authid;
  rolname  | rolpassword
- ---+-
 postgres  |
 pgadmin   | plaintext
 odie  | md5passsorrrd

The user odie was created with:

The user pgadmin was created with:
$ createuser -a -d -P -N -U postgres pgadmin

The -N parameter forces not to encrypt the password - what we can see as a 
result in
pg_authid (if this makes sense or not is another question  ;-)  ).

Now the question: why is the user pgadmin able to connect to the database using 
III from That sould not be possible ... or am I wrong?

Thanks for any advice



- --
St.Pauli - Hamburg - Germany

Andreas Wenk

Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: [GENERAL] MD5 password issue

2009-01-15 Thread Andreas Wenk

Hi Joshua

Joshua D. Drake schrieb:

On Thu, 2009-01-15 at 18:05 +0100, Andreas Wenk wrote:

postgres=# SELECT rolname,rolpassword from pg_authid;
  rolname  | rolpassword
- ---+-
 postgres  |
 pgadmin   | plaintext
 odie  | md5passsorrrd

The user odie was created with:

The user pgadmin was created with:
$ createuser -a -d -P -N -U postgres pgadmin

Per the help. You need to pass -E to have it be an encrypted (md5 hash)
style password. 

Sure - I know  we added -N so that the password is not encrypted

What version of PostgreSQL is this as I recall all newer

versions do this by default.

this was made with a 8.1 version ...

  createuser [OPTION]... [ROLENAME]

  -s, --superuser   role will be superuser
  -S, --no-superuserrole will not be superuser
  -d, --createdbrole can create new databases
  -D, --no-createdb role cannot create databases
  -r, --createrole  role can create new roles
  -R, --no-createrole   role cannot create roles
  -l, --login   role can login (default)
  -L, --no-loginrole cannot login
  -i, --inherit role inherits privileges of roles it is a
member of (default)
  -I, --no-inherit  role does not inherit privileges
  -c, --connection-limit=N  connection limit for role (default: no
  -P, --pwpromptassign a password to new role
  -E, --encrypted   encrypt stored password
  -N, --unencrypted do not encrypt stored password
  -e, --echoshow the commands being sent to the server
  --helpshow this help, then exit
  --version output version information, then exit

Connection options:
  -h, --host=HOSTNAME   database server host or socket directory
  -p, --port=PORT   database server port
  -U, --username=USERNAME   user name to connect as (not the one to
  -W, --passwordforce password prompt

If one of -s, -S, -d, -D, -r, -R and ROLENAME is not specified, you will
be prompted interactively.

Joshua D. Drake


St.Pauli - Hamburg - Germany

Andreas Wenk

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Re: [GENERAL] MD5 password issue

2009-01-15 Thread Andreas Wenk

Alvaro Herrera schrieb:

Andreas Wenk wrote:

Yes thats correct with the IP address range. Maybe I did not understand  
the auth concept yet. I thought, that with METHOD set to md5, a md5  
hashed password is required. The password is submitted with the PHP 5  
pg_connect function - as plain text.

It is specified to pg_connect as plain text, but it is sent over the
wire md5-hashed.

So maybe the better question is: what is the difference between METHOD  
password and md5? As I assume now because of your answers, it has  
nothing to do with either the password is md5 hashed or not?

The difference is what travels on the wire.

ok thanks - I think I got it now ... ;-)




St.Pauli - Hamburg - Germany

Andreas Wenk

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Re: [GENERAL] MD5 password issue

2009-01-15 Thread Andreas Wenk

Hi Tom,

Tom Lane schrieb:

Andreas Wenk writes:

In pg_hba.conf we have:


# local is for Unix domain socket connections only
local   all all   ident sameuser

# IPv4 local connections:
hostall all  md5
hostall all   md5

Now the question: why is the user pgadmin able to connect to the database using 
III from That sould not be possible ... or am I wrong?

Why shouldn't it be possible?  You've specifically allowed connections
from that IP range.

Yes thats correct with the IP address range. Maybe I did not understand 
the auth concept yet. I thought, that with METHOD set to md5, a md5 
hashed password is required. The password is submitted with the PHP 5 
pg_connect function - as plain text.

(If you're wondering why he didn't have to type his password,
it's likely because pgAdmin is getting it out of ~/.pgpass or
some private settings file.)

regards, tom lane

Also to Peter. It is like that - the pasword is stored in ~/.pgpass as 

So maybe the better question is: what is the difference between METHOD 
password and md5? As I assume now because of your answers, it has 
nothing to do with either the password is md5 hashed or not?

Thanks to everybody!




St.Pauli - Hamburg - Germany

Andreas Wenk

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