Re: [GENERAL] Import data from XML file

2009-08-26 Thread Bill Bartlett
We've used Pentaho Data Integration (aka Kettle) at to
do this in the past.  (Kettle is the free / open source version, although there
is a bigger commercial version of PDI that does more.) It reads XML nicely and
talks natively to PostgreSQL databases, so you can load data directly from your
XML file right into your PostgreSQL database.

If you're a Microsoft shop, you can also use SQL Server Integration Services
[SSIS] to do the same thing but much better and faster, although I almost
hesitate to mention a Microsoft tool on this forum even though it's just going
from XML to PostgreSQL and CSV with no trace of SQL Server anywhere to be seen.
(If you do go the SSIS route, the "dotConnect for PostgreSQL" ADO.NET driver
from Devart [ ] works wonderfully
to connect from SSIS to PostgreSQL.  Unfortunately, the Npgsql driver doesn't
really work very well with SSIS...)

- Bill

> -Original Message-
> From: [mailto:pgsql-general-
>] On Behalf Of Erwin Brandstetter
> Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2009 12:10 PM
> To:
> Subject: [GENERAL] Import data from XML file
> Hi!
> How do you import data from an xml-file?
> For instance, if I have a file like this:
>   2
>   Konzerte
>   1
>   Reggae
>   1
>   45
>   sonstige
>   5
>   44
> ... and I want a CSV file like this:
> main_category_namemain_category_id
> Sonstiges5
> Buehne2
> category_namemain_category_id   category_id
> Reggae145
> sonstige544
> Or is there a way to import directly into tables in a postgres
> database?
> Your help would be appreciated!
> Regards
> Erwin
> --
> Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (
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Re: [GENERAL] Strange "missing tables" problem

2009-08-23 Thread Bill Bartlett
Possible xid rollover problem?  (We saw behavior similar to this during a recent
xid rollover fiasco, where tables didn't appear in the various catalogs and psql
catalog commands, but the data was still there.)

What version of PostgreSQL are you on?

If you try a VACUUM on the pg_catalog.pg_class and pg_catalog.pg_tables tables,
do the proper rows come back?

- Bill

> -Original Message-
> From: [mailto:pgsql-general-
>] On Behalf Of Denis BUCHER
> Sent: Sunday, August 23, 2009 8:55 AM
> To: Wojtek
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Strange "missing tables" problem
> Hello,
> That's what I found, do you see something inside that looks interesting ?
> bw_rma=# SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_class WHERE relname = 'customers';
>  relname | relnamespace | reltype | relowner | relam | relfilenode |
> reltablespace | relpages | reltuples | reltoastrelid | reltoastidxid |
> relhasindex | relisshared | relkind | relnatts | relchecks | reltriggers
> | relukeys | relfkeys | relrefs | relhasoids | relhaspkey | relhasrules
> | relhassubclass |  relacl
>  customers |17013 |   17022 |   10 | 0 |   17021 |
>0 |16202 | 86685 | 0 | 0 | f
>   | f   | r   |9 | 0 |   0 |
>0 |0 |   0 | f  | f  | f   |
> f  | {postgres=arwdRxt/postgres,as400=arwdRxt/postgres}
>  customers |17055 |   16398 |   10 | 0 |   16397 |
>0 | 2831 | 80929 | 0 | 0 | t
>   | f   | r   |9 | 0 |   0 |
>0 |0 |   0 | f  | f  | f   |
> f  | {postgres=arwdRxt/postgres,rma_php=r/postgres}
> (2 lignes)
> bw_rma=# SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE tablename =
> 'customers';
>schemaname| tablename | tableowner | tablespace | hasindexes |
> hasrules | hastriggers
>  bw_import_as400 | clients   | postgres   || f  | f
>| f
>  rma | clients   | postgres   || t  | f
>| f
> (2 lignes)
> Thanks a lot for your help :-)
> Denis
> Wojtek a écrit :
> > hi,
> >
> > You may try checking:
> > SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_class WHERE relname = 'customers'
> > SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE tablename = 'customers'
> > to what's the status of your table.
> >
> > Regards,
> > foo
> >
> > Denis BUCHER wrote:
> >> Hello,
> >>
> >> Small correction to my previous email :
> >>
> >>
> >>> I have a strange problem since I moved some tables to a schema, some
> >>> tables are missing from the list (with \d or \dt) but they are still
> >>> present anyway ???!
> >>>
> >>> Example :
> >>>
>  $ psql mybase
>  Bienvenue dans psql 8.1.17, l'interface interactive de PostgreSQL.
>  Saisissez:
>  mybase=#
>  bw_rma=# \dt
>  Liste des relations
>   Schéma  |   Nom| Type  | Propriétaire
>  -+--+---+--
>   import  | rebates_products | table | postgres
>   import  | rebates_customers| table | postgres
>   rma | categories   | table | postgres
>   rma | customers| table | postgres
>   rma | defauts  | table | postgres
>   rma | providers| table | postgres
> >>> No trace of my import.customers table ?
> >>>
> >>> But if I do :
> >>>
>  bw_rma=# SELECT count(*) FROM import.customers;
>   count
>  ---
>   86703
>  (1 ligne)
> >>> My table is there and I can access it !!!
> >>>
> >>> Any hint or help would be greatly appreciated !
> >>>
> >>> I can do without it, but it's a little strange not to be able to list
> >>> the objects present in the database...
> --
> Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (
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Re: [GENERAL] psql and Emacs on Windows

2009-08-07 Thread Bill Bartlett
On Friday, August 07, 2009 12:44 PM, Joshua D. Drake wrote:
> On Fri, 2009-08-07 at 17:36 +0100, Sam Mason wrote:
> > On Fri, Aug 07, 2009 at 11:11:10AM -0500, Wenjian Yang wrote:
> > > We currently installed emacs 23.1 and PostgreSQL 8.4.0 for Windows on a
> > > windows desktop. When issue "sql-postgres" in emacs, after providing
> > > User/Password/Database/Server, nothing happens. There is no prompt from
> > > emacs. Checking the server log, it doesn't seem to have received any
> > > connection request.
> >
> > The current setup on my windows box uses the psql that comes with
> > cygwin.  Unfortunately I don't use it enough to remember the details of
> > how or why I settled on this setup.
> readline?

Yes, the problem is readline.  When running the "native" psql.exe from inside
any sort of a "shell" program on Windows (such as from inside emacs, rxvt,
remote SSH command line, etc.), psql thinks it is running in batch mode so you
see no prompts.  It is indeed running, but you'll see no interactive

>From my 8/4/2007 response to a similar posting:

We use the Cygwin version of the psql.exe program under Windows instead of the
native psql.exe program, even though the rest of the PostgreSQL installation
uses the standard native Windows versions of all the other PostgreSQL components
(database, tools, etc.).  (So before I get flamed, I want to clarify that the
ONLY component of PostgreSQL that we use from Cygwin is psql.exe, and it's run
from an alternate directory.)

The main advantage that we get by using the Cygwin version of psql is that is
runs in "interactive" mode regardless of how it is run, whereas the native psql
program runs in non-interactive mode (showing almost no output, no prompts, no
readline support, etc.) when run from most "shell" programs.  We frequently run
psql via a remote SSH connection or from the RXVT terminal program or from
inside Emacs, and in all of these cases the native psql program runs in
non-interactive mode whereas the Cygwin version of psql is fully-functional."

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Re: [GENERAL] Windows Crash

2008-06-26 Thread Bill Bartlett
MS's web site has a good summary at
93.mspx?mfr=true .  Their bottom line: " Faulty hardware, a buggy system
service, antivirus software, and a corrupted NTFS volume can all generate this
type of error."

If you haven't installed anything else recently or changed any other drivers
(and you've tried the same w/your AV turned off), I'd strongly suspect a
hardware error.  Run a CHKDSK to check the system drive volume and a RAM test to
rule out bad RAM (bad RAM would be the first thing I'd check).

- Bill

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bob Pawley
Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2008 11:57 AM
To: PostGIS Users Discussion
Cc: PostgreSQL
Subject: [GENERAL] Windows Crash


I'm copying PostgreSQL discussion group in case the following problem 
involves their efforts.

I am running Postgresql 8.3 with Postgis latest version and PGAdmin 1.8.2 on 
Windows XP.

I imported a shapefile using conversion and upload and it installed with no 

When I viewed the table through PGAdmin and scrolled, Windows crashed with a 
message that the graphics driver had an error.

I downloaded and installed the latest graphics driver and tried to view the 
table again.

This time I used the Select * option and the table opened normally, but when 
I attempted to scroll, Windows again crashed.

This time I got the blue screen with the error message 

I restarted and again used Select * all and was able to read the table. Very 
slow scrolling allowed me to read a few rows, some of which had distorted 
views of the information in the geometriy column.

Would anyone have any thoughts - other than to buy new hardware??


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Re: [GENERAL] Killing a session on windows

2007-11-29 Thread Bill Bartlett
Use "select pg_cancel_backend()" instead -- we have to do this periodically
when queries get timed out by the web server but Postgres doesn't notice /
doesn't get notified...

- Bill

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Howard Cole
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2007 5:55 AM
To: 'PgSql General'
Subject: [GENERAL] Killing a session on windows

I have a database I want to drop on a windows server. Unfortunately I 
cannot restart postgres because it is running several live database.

To kill the offending session, I tried select * from pg_stat_activity to 
find the PID of the session, and then tried to kill it with command line:

taskkill /f /pid 1234

This appeared to kill the session, but postgres still thinks the session 
is live with the same process id.

Using the SysInternals process explorer - there doesn't appear to be a 
process with the given ID.

How can I get postgres to drop this session?


Howard Cole

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Re: [GENERAL] Request: Anyone using bogus / "humorous" X-Message-Flag headers, could we please turn them off

2007-10-08 Thread Bill Bartlett

> -Original Message-
> From: Michael Glaesemann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Friday, October 05, 2007 3:25 PM
> To: Bill Bartlett
> Cc: 'Andreas Kretschmer';
> Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Request: Anyone using bogus / 
> "humorous" X-Message-Flag headers, could we please turn them off
> > (Makes me have to think twice about raising
> > any _real_ issues though, like why my VACUUMs periodically keep
> > into lock contentions with my JDBC connections and ultimately
causing me
> > to have to shut down Postgres w/ "pg_ctl stop -m immediate", or how
> > properly handle postmaster errors that don't appear to be documented
> > anywhere except in the source code...  [No, it's not the absolutely

> > most recent version of Postgres; No, I can't upgrade it.])
> This isn't fair, Bill. Your original question concerned posts your  
> email client has trouble processing, which isn't the primary 
> topic of the list. You also knew that it was somewhat contentious,
given that  
> you've made comments such as "Believe me, I'm not defending 
> Outlook", so you probably weren't overly surprised at some of the 
> responses you got. Also note that the responses you got were attempts
> solve your problem: I don't see any that only belittled your choice of

Most people didn't completely read my email and thus unfortunately
completely missed the point, in many cases seemingly because they were
too quick to jump on my use of Outlook as an email client (thus assuming
I was just one of "those" terrible horrible know-nothing Windows users).
It's obvious from 3 years of reading these forums that there is a "Linux
Postgres users good, Windows Postgres users bad" bias by many (but not
all) of the members rather than them realizing that " 'we' are all
Postgres users, 'those' other horrible people are MySQL / Oracle / etc
users".  I forgot that by posting about a header flag which could be
traced back to a Microsoft product, I'd be stepping right smack into
that muck.

Rereading my original email, you can see that the problem I was trying
to address was not my choice of email software but rather that several
people in these Postgres listservs (like other people in other
listservs) were intentionally misusing a specific header flag that is
used by specific email programs (only the various "Outlook"-related
ones, as far as I've been able to determine) to highlight messages for
special handling.  Granted that they were using it for "joking"
purposes, but after a while, all jokes get old.  (After spending 4 days
in a row dealing with significant Postgres system crashes on several
different servers, "old" just happened to rub me the wrong way whereas I
normally just grit my teeth and ignore it.)  After researching this flag
further (after seeing the feedback I got on this forum), I've discovered
that this type of misuse is frequently used, and even recommended on
many Linux-oriented web sites as a means, to annoy Outlook-based users
(as a means to annoy Windows users).  As I mentioned above, I think in a
forum such as this, where "we" need to all be Postgres users, I don't
think it's appropriate to intentionally annoy any of our group.  (That
may not have been the intent, but after seeing the many Linux-oriented
web sites and forums recommending its use for specifically this purpose,
now it does annoy me even more.)

(Just for the record, not that I should have to justify my background
and biases [or hopefully lack thereof] to the group: I gave up fighting
platform wars a LOOONG time ago, back when I used to try to get the
corporate world to bring in Macs instead of Windows 3.x.  Now I
generally use the best tool for the job, or the tools I have to use when
that's not an option.  Insofar as systems and OS's, I am currently
handling 140+ servers running a pretty much even split between Win2K3
and various versions of Linux (primarily several SuSE 9.x versions, a
few Red Hats and at least one Debian), with VMware instances of 2 SuSE
"servers" running inside this specific XP development desktop, managing
pretty much everything remotely via SSH and bash (via Cygwin on the
Windows servers).  I may be using Windows on my desktop, but I don't
think I'd put myself into the category of being merely one of "those
terrible horrible know-nothing Windows users".)

> If you *are* having issues with PostgreSQL, it would behoove you to  
> at least post them and see what kind of response you get, 
> rather than judge the list as a whole due to the response you got to
> off-topic post. Many of the people on the lists have 

Re: [GENERAL] Request: Anyone using bogus / "humorous" X-Message-Flag headers, could we please turn them off

2007-10-05 Thread Bill Bartlett
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
> Andreas Kretschmer
> Sent: Friday, October 05, 2007 12:55 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Request: Anyone using bogus / 
> "humorous" X-Message-Flag headers, could we please turn them off
> Bill Bartlett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:
> > 
> > 
> > > -Original Message-
> > > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
> A. Kretschmer
> > > Sent: Friday, October 05, 2007 10:57 AM
> > > To:
> > > Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Request: Anyone using bogus / 
> > > "humorous" X-Message-Flag headers, could we please turn them off
> > > 
> > > 
> > > am  Fri, dem 05.10.2007, um 10:05:32 -0400 mailte Bill
> > > Bartlett folgendes:
> > > > Quick request to the group: we have several members who
> > > include bogus
> > > > or "humorous" X-Message-Flag headers in their email
> > > messages.  Could I
> > > > request that you _please_ turn them off?  Because they come
> > > through as
> Outlook is a PITA. As you can see, it breaks the lines in 
> quotings. Hard
> to read, because any mail readers can colored different 
> quoting planes.
> Disgusting.

Agreed - never said it wasn't.  But putting time into changing to
something else is time that I just won't have for the foreseeable

> > See other reply -- I'm not complaining that Outlook is 
> broken but rather
> > that the misuse of this flag slows down my workflow.  The 
> issue is that
> I think, you have any other problems with this crappy software. For
> instance, Outlook can't group messages by Message-IDs (Treading). For
> mailing-lists IMHO a no-go.

Agreed - but I'm not debating the merits of Outlook.  It's a tool that
does a job, and for all its faults, for what I need right now and for
the very limited time I have avaiable, it does the job.

> > > And yes: there are any email-software available, without 
> > > problems. Including Windows.
> > 
> > Hmm ... I still use "Pine" on some of my really old Linux 
> boxes -- does
> > this count?  (Useful for reading CRON output...)
> Pine isn't a solution, mutt is a solution for instance. KMail is a
> solution, and Thunderbird, both for Linux and Windows.
> (and any other software, i'm a mutt-user)

Again, for what I need and how I need to use it, pine is a perfectly
good solution that works (although in looking at cone, that definitely
looks like a much better solution).  For the specific cases where I use
pine, neither KMail nor Thunderbird is a workable solution at all, since
I need to use a console-mode mail reader running on remote servers being
accessed via SSH and without being able to forward X-Windows so anything
graphical is out.  (I always need to match an appropriate solution to
the problem, and part of that is realizing that one single solution does
not always fit every problem.)

> > > Please, don't beat me if this header are still in this 
> > > message, the problem is work in progress... i'm not sure if i 
> > > change the config properly.
> > 
> > Yes, it's working properly now.  MUCH thanks!
> No problem, but i'm not sure, if this the right way. YOU 
> can't force all
> other people to omit things that make problems in your crappy 
> software.
> And: YOU renounce for nice feature in modern software...

Never mind -- it's not that big a deal, certainly not as much as
everyone has turned it into.  I assumed that this would be a simple
request about a simple problem, but I didn't realize I'd have to spend
so much time trying to justify to so many people on the listserv the
tools I have to use to do my job.  (btw: The heading is back on in this
reply, so there must be some other setting somewhere in your mail
program that needs to be tweaked.  But don't worry about trying to
change anything else -- my effort involved in correcting the misdirected
emails is probably less than your effort in trying to configure
different headers for different groups, so I wouldn't want you to waste
any more time on it.)

Anyway - to those people still slogging through this thread who haven't
moved on to something more productive: no more emails on this please;
I'm done with this subject.  (Makes me have to think twice about raising
any _real_ issues though, like why my VACUUMs periodically keep getting
into lock contentions with my JDBC connections and ultimately causing me
to have to shut down Postgres w

Re: [GENERAL] Request: Anyone using bogus / "humorous" X-Message-Flag headers, could we please turn them off

2007-10-05 Thread Bill Bartlett

> -Original Message-
> From: Scott Marlowe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Friday, October 05, 2007 12:30 PM
> To: Bill Bartlett
> Cc: A. Kretschmer;
> Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Request: Anyone using bogus / 
> "humorous" X-Message-Flag headers, could we please turn them off
> On 10/5/07, Bill Bartlett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Hmm ... I still use "Pine" on some of my really old Linux boxes -- 
> > does this count?  (Useful for reading CRON output...)
> If you need / want the familiar interface of pine on a modern 
> linux box, look for cone.
> Note that there's also an open source implementation of pico 
> called nano.
> Just FYI.  I use both, quite a bit.

I just starting using nano, although I still tend to use vi a lot more
than I should.  (Never got into the whole emacs thing tho.)

I hadn't heard of cone, so I'll have to take a look for that.  Thanks
for the tip!  (Long live the console!)

- Bill

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Re: [GENERAL] Request: Anyone using bogus / "humorous" X-Message-Flag headers, could we please turn them off

2007-10-05 Thread Bill Bartlett

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of A. Kretschmer
> Sent: Friday, October 05, 2007 10:57 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Request: Anyone using bogus / 
> "humorous" X-Message-Flag headers, could we please turn them off
> am  Fri, dem 05.10.2007, um 10:05:32 -0400 mailte Bill 
> Bartlett folgendes:
> > Quick request to the group: we have several members who 
> include bogus 
> > or "humorous" X-Message-Flag headers in their email 
> messages.  Could I 
> > request that you _please_ turn them off?  Because they come 
> through as
> Do you mean me?

Not specifically -- yours just happened to be the one that triggered it,
but no, I see this in postings from other people as well.  (Didn't mean
to single you out though.)

> > flagged messages in Outlook,  it throws off my email rules 
> processing 
> > and the messages end up into the wrong groups.  (With the volume of
> This header is a special Outlook-Feature. If this header 
> realy make problems in _this_ software, then i think, _this_ 
> software is broken. But hey, tell news ;-)

See other reply -- I'm not complaining that Outlook is broken but rather
that the misuse of this flag slows down my workflow.  The issue is that
because this flag is useful when used properly (e.g.: for mail rules
like "take all messages flagged for followup and move them to specific
other folders for different types of followup"), having the flag be
added to emails just for the sake of putting in a "humorous" message
just gets in the way.  (I keep needing to go fish the
incorrectly-flagged messages back out of the various followup folders
before I can completely follow the threads in the Postgres listservs.)

> And yes: there are any email-software available, without 
> problems. Including Windows.

Hmm ... I still use "Pine" on some of my really old Linux boxes -- does
this count?  (Useful for reading CRON output...)

> > (Yes, I understand people's personal preferences for not liking 
> > Windows or Outlook or Microsoft, but that isn't going to change the 
> > applications that I need to use for my day-to-day work.  
> Feel free to 
> > continue
> Okay, i like this list and i like the people here. I will try 
> to disable this special header line for this and only this 
> list (okay, for all postgresql-lists). Let me try, i'm not 
> sure how to disable this header-line only for [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Please, don't beat me if this header are still in this 
> message, the problem is work in progress... i'm not sure if i 
> change the config properly.

Yes, it's working properly now.  MUCH thanks!

> Andreas
> -- 
> Andreas Kretschmer
> Kontakt:  Heynitz: 035242/47150,   D1: 0160/7141639 (mehr: -> Header)
> GnuPG-ID:   0x3FFF606C, privat 0x7F4584DA
> ---(end of 
> broadcast)---
> TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
   choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [GENERAL] Request: Anyone using bogus / "humorous" X-Message-Flag headers, could we please turn them off

2007-10-05 Thread Bill Bartlett

> -Original Message-
> From: Michael Glaesemann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Friday, October 05, 2007 10:45 AM
> To: Bill Bartlett
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Request: Anyone using bogus / 
> "humorous" X-Message-Flag headers, could we please turn them off
> On Oct 5, 2007, at 9:05 , Bill Bartlett wrote:
> > Quick request to the group: we have several members who include
> > bogus or
> > "humorous" X-Message-Flag headers in their email messages.  Could I
> > request that you _please_ turn them off?
> In all practicality, a request like this is futile:
> * Given the number of people on the list, you'll never get everybody  
> to remove "bogus"
> X-Message-Flag headers
> * Given it's an X- header, doesn't that mean the meaning of 
> the value  
> is implementation dependent? What's "bogus" wrt Outlook may not be  
> wrt another mail system or client
> * Doesn't this indicate that Outlook is broken (for some values of  
> broken)?

Actually, no -- this is why I listed a specific X- header (
X-Message-Flag ) rather than simply saying "Hey, would everyone please
turn off their X-headers".  This specific X- header is designed to have
Outlook "flag" a message and display an extra line of text with the flag
comment above the email.  Since this is generally only used to flag
messages for followup actions, having messages come across with the
header already embedded in them simply serves to add an extra
distraction to the already-too-many bits into which I need to slice my
time.  (Not that I want more time for things like my having to spend 3
hrs yesterday regenerating sequences after diagnosing a database crash
[bad disk controller on an old SuSE box] and restoring from backup, but
that's my real world...)

> >   Because they come through as
> > flagged messages in Outlook,  it throws off my email rules 
> processing 
> > and the messages end up into the wrong groups.  (With the volume of 
> > email these days, I definitely need all the assistance I 
> can get from 
> > things like rules processing to attempt to stay on top of it.)
> I sympathize. there *is* a lot of email traffic these days (and not  
> just from the lists). But rather than request that others bend to  
> your rules, I'd think a better solution would be to find (or 
> develop)  
> tools that do what you want. Whether that means better rule handling  
> or better understanding of various headers, it sounds like Outlook  
> isn't doing the job for you. Perhaps a hybrid approach would be  
> helpful: use another email client for mailing lists and Outlook  
> otherwise.

See above -- the problem isn't with Outlook at a mail client. Outlook is
doing exactly what it's supposed to do when it sees this X- header:
highlighting it and flagging the message for special handling.  The
issue is with the headers being used (or misused) as they are.  Believe
me, I'm not defending Outlook; however, that's what I (and many other
people) use -- it's just a tool to get a job done.

(For all you non-Outlook people out there, since you aren't seeing the
messages anyway, most of them are generally humorous messages like '
"Windows" is not the answer. "Windows" is the question and the answer is
"no"! ' or ' Really, I'm not out to destroy Microsoft. That will just be
a completely unintentional side effect. (Linus Torvalds) ' Yes, they
were funny 2 years ago when I first saw them, but now it's gotten a bit
old -- sorry.  [No, I'm not meaning to single out Andreas -- his just
happened to be the first two that I saw in my "listserv items of useful
Postgresql stuff to keep for reference" folder.])

> Hope this gives you some ideas.
> Michael Glaesemann
> grzm seespotcode net

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

[GENERAL] Request: Anyone using bogus / "humorous" X-Message-Flag headers, could we please turn them off

2007-10-05 Thread Bill Bartlett
Quick request to the group: we have several members who include bogus or
"humorous" X-Message-Flag headers in their email messages.  Could I
request that you _please_ turn them off?  Because they come through as
flagged messages in Outlook,  it throws off my email rules processing
and the messages end up into the wrong groups.  (With the volume of
email these days, I definitely need all the assistance I can get from
things like rules processing to attempt to stay on top of it.)

(Yes, I understand people's personal preferences for not liking Windows
or Outlook or Microsoft, but that isn't going to change the applications
that I need to use for my day-to-day work.  Feel free to continue
posting your feelings in email signatures though -- never can tell if it
will indeed influence a change ...)

Much appreciated!

- Bill

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [GENERAL] Building Windows fat clients

2007-09-20 Thread Bill Bartlett
I haven't used it in a year or so, although I've heard that it only
keeps getting better / more mature / more complete.

According to their "Supported Platforms" page ( ), their current list of
supported OS's is:

* Linux
* Mac OS X
* Sun Solaris
* BSD - OpenBSD, FreeBSD, NetBSD
* Microsoft Windows 

One of these days I'm hoping to have some time to get back to using it
(instead of just using Java for cross-platform work).

- Bill

> -Original Message-
> From: Martin Gainty [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, September 20, 2000 11:00 AM
> To: Bill Bartlett; 'johnf';
> Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Building Windows fat clients
> Glad to hear that
> I knew Novell *was* working on a port to BSD
> But I havent heard about ports to other Nix platforms?
> M--
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Bill Bartlett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "'Martin Gainty'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "'johnf'" 
> Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2007 10:42 PM
> Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Building Windows fat clients
> >
> >
> >> -Original Message-
> >> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Martin 
> >> Gainty
> >> Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2000 5:58 PM
> >> To: johnf;
> >> Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Building Windows fat clients
> >>
> >>
> >> Hello Guys
> >>
> >> Using C# means .NET framework will need to be installed and your 
> >> webapp will only work with Microsoft OS
> >
> >
> > Not entirely true.  The Mono project ( ) has
> > implemented a decent amount of the .NET Framework in a 
> cross-platform
> > environment, including much of ASP.NET.
> >
> >
> >> Be aware scripting languages such as PHP and Python will
> >> necessitate that
> >> you acquire all of the libraries for your web app..
> >> As long as you stay mainstream you should be ok
> >> But if you have specific requirements for XYZ Db that nobody
> >> supports or
> >> protocols or device drivers that nobody has written you'll
> >> have to write the
> >> libraries yourself
> >>
> >> Martin--
> >> - Original Message - 
> >> From: "johnf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >> To: 
> >> Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2007 5:20 PM
> >> Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Building Windows fat clients
> >>
> >>
> >> > On Wednesday 19 September 2007 10:19, Scott Ribe wrote:
> >> >> I'm asking this group because we tend to think alike wrt to data
> >> >> modeling and separation of concerns ;-)
> >> >>
> >> >> Any recommendations on ORM libraries for new Windows
> >> development? The
> >> >> last
> >> >> time I started anything from scratch was over 10 years
> >> ago, and the
> >> >> "state
> >> >> of the art" seemed to be to smash everything together into
> >> event handlers
> >> >> on GUI objects. Ugh. I pulled the M of the MVC out into
> >> separate coherent
> >> >> classes and implemented a *very* simple ORM, leaving 
> the VC mostly
> >> >> conflated in the event handlers--which is not too bad
> >> since this app will
> >> >> never need to be cross-platform.
> >> >>
> >> >> So the dev tool was discontinued, some closed-source 
> libraries are
> >> >> getting
> >> >> less and less compatible by the year, and we're going to
> >> rewrite. Where
> >> >> to
> >> >> start? It's a custom Windows-only app, only installed at
> >> one site. Using
> >> >> .NET would be fine. C# or C++ would be most-preferred
> >> language choices,
> >> >> although we could suck it up and use Java. I don't want to
> >> put VB on the
> >> >> table.
> >> >>
> >> >> Leaning toward Visual Studio .NET because I know it 
> will be around
> >> >> (in whatever morphed form) for a while; but also considering
> >> >> Borland's supposedly revitalized C++ tools because I used
> >> C++ Builder
> >> >> with success back when MS C++ compilers were still 

Re: [GENERAL] Building Windows fat clients

2007-09-19 Thread Bill Bartlett

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Martin Gainty
> Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2000 5:58 PM
> To: johnf;
> Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Building Windows fat clients
> Hello Guys
> Using C# means .NET framework will need to be installed and 
> your webapp will 
> only work with Microsoft OS

Not entirely true.  The Mono project ( ) has
implemented a decent amount of the .NET Framework in a cross-platform
environment, including much of ASP.NET. 

> Be aware scripting languages such as PHP and Python will 
> necessitate that 
> you acquire all of the libraries for your web app..
> As long as you stay mainstream you should be ok
> But if you have specific requirements for XYZ Db that nobody 
> supports or 
> protocols or device drivers that nobody has written you'll 
> have to write the 
> libraries yourself
> Martin--
> - Original Message - 
> From: "johnf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2007 5:20 PM
> Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Building Windows fat clients
> > On Wednesday 19 September 2007 10:19, Scott Ribe wrote:
> >> I'm asking this group because we tend to think alike wrt to data 
> >> modeling and separation of concerns ;-)
> >>
> >> Any recommendations on ORM libraries for new Windows 
> development? The
> >> last
> >> time I started anything from scratch was over 10 years 
> ago, and the 
> >> "state
> >> of the art" seemed to be to smash everything together into 
> event handlers
> >> on GUI objects. Ugh. I pulled the M of the MVC out into 
> separate coherent
> >> classes and implemented a *very* simple ORM, leaving the VC mostly
> >> conflated in the event handlers--which is not too bad 
> since this app will
> >> never need to be cross-platform.
> >>
> >> So the dev tool was discontinued, some closed-source libraries are
> >> getting
> >> less and less compatible by the year, and we're going to 
> rewrite. Where 
> >> to
> >> start? It's a custom Windows-only app, only installed at 
> one site. Using
> >> .NET would be fine. C# or C++ would be most-preferred 
> language choices,
> >> although we could suck it up and use Java. I don't want to 
> put VB on the
> >> table.
> >>
> >> Leaning toward Visual Studio .NET because I know it will be around 
> >> (in whatever morphed form) for a while; but also considering 
> >> Borland's supposedly revitalized C++ tools because I used 
> C++ Builder 
> >> with success back when MS C++ compilers were still awful. I should 
> >> probably mention that the Windows apps, with the exception of one 
> >> complicated "explore customer's
> >> entire history here" screen, are pretty simple; the 
> complexity is in
> >> reports and stored procedures.
> >>
> >> Suggestions where to start?
> > If you like python you might want to check 
>  Dabo was
> > designed
> > to access data.
> > -- 
> > John Fabiani
> >
> > ---(end of 
> > broadcast)---
> > TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend
> > 
> ---(end of 
> broadcast)---
> TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: [GENERAL] Export data to MS Excel

2007-09-01 Thread Bill Bartlett
For quick/simple table format reports, you can just use psql to create
the output in HTML format, then import that directly into Excel.  For
example, I use the following psql line to generate an HTML-format report
of server IP information; this file can then be directly opened in
Excel.  (Excel 2002 and later will open and parse most HTML format files
without even needing to import them -- just open the file.)

   psql -H -P tableattr='cellspacing=0 cellpadding=6' -P title='Server
IP Information' -f get_server_ip_info.sql -o get_server_ip_info.html

Alternatively, you can bury the formatting commands in the SQL file
itself -- this is handy if the formatting is longer or doesn't change,
or you want different formats or titles for different reports.  For

 \pset format html
 \pset title 'List of Unsigned Images'
 \pset tableattr 'cellspacing=0 cellpadding=6'
 SELECT p.last_name, p.first_name, [blah blah blah]...

- Bill

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Phoenix Kiula
> Sent: Saturday, September 01, 2007 5:24 AM
> To: Ashish Karalkar
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Export data to MS Excel
> On 01/09/07, Ashish Karalkar 
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> > Hello All,
> > I want to export data from PostgreSQL tables to MS Excel.
> > Is there any way?
> Sure, write SQL in a program (php, perl, jsp, asp) to dump 
> the tables in HTML  rows format. Then import 
> that HTML page program into Excel from Tools --> Data 
> Sources. Once you save the xls file, you can always just 
> refresh the data because it already points to your program.
> I guess there must be other ways, but this one works fine for 
> me. Excel has a limit of 65,700 rows (or thereabouts) so it's 
> not a huge deal for a db like pgsql.
> ---(end of 
> broadcast)---
> TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
   choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [GENERAL] v8.2 ... command line interface on Windows

2007-08-04 Thread Bill Bartlett
We use the Cygwin version of the psql.exe program under Windows instead
of the native psql.exe program, even though the rest of the PostgreSQL
installation uses the standard native Windows versions of all the other
PostgreSQL components (database, tools, etc.).  (So before I get flamed,
I want to clarify that the ONLY component of PostgreSQL that we use from
Cygwin is psql.exe, and it's run from an alternate directory.)

The main advantage that we get by using the Cygwin version of psql is
that is runs in "interactive" mode regardless of how it is run, whereas
the native psql program runs in non-interactive mode (showing almost no
output, no prompts, no readline support, etc.) when run from most
"shell" programs.  We frequently run psql via a remote SSH connection or
from the RXVT terminal program or from inside Emacs, and in all of these
cases the native psql program runs in non-interactive mode whereas the
Cygwin version of psql is fully-functional.

- Bill

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of nac1967
> Sent: Saturday, August 04, 2007 3:01 PM
> To:
> Subject: [GENERAL] v8.2 ... command line interface on Windows
> I am a PostgreSQL user, using the native windows version 8.2. 
> I am new to PostgreSQL and am wondering if other users have 
> suggestions regarding command line interfaces. I cannot for 
> the life of me get readline to work on the Windows version. 
> If you use IPython, for example, readline works fantastically 
> with smart ctrl-P search of previous commands and tab 
> completion. Does anyone know of a way either to get readline 
> to work or another good command line interface?
> Thank you.
> ---(end of 
> broadcast)---
> TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
   subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
   message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Re: [GENERAL] v8.2 ... command line interface on Windows

2007-08-04 Thread Bill Bartlett
Couldn't this be offered pre-built as an alternative in the Windows
installer or as a "psql2.exe" program?  Seems like there might be more
than a few PostgreSQL users running with US keyboard layouts under
native Windows, and providing the prebuilt version along with the
"normal" one might eliminate many of the postings like this that keep
reappearing on these lists.

- Bill

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
> Magnus Hagander
> Sent: Saturday, August 04, 2007 3:09 PM
> To: nac1967
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [GENERAL] v8.2 ... command line interface on Windows
> nac1967 wrote:
> > I am a PostgreSQL user, using the native windows version 
> 8.2. I am new 
> > to PostgreSQL and am wondering if other users have suggestions 
> > regarding command line interfaces. I cannot for the life of me get 
> > readline to work on the Windows version. If you use IPython, for 
> > example, readline works fantastically with smart ctrl-P search of 
> > previous commands and tab completion. Does anyone know of a 
> way either 
> > to get readline to work or another good command line interface?
> Readline only works with US keyboard layouts under native 
> windows, that's why it's been turned off in the binary 
> builds. You are left with the very limited commandline 
> editing in the default windows command shell.
> If you are using only US keyboard layout, you can rebuild 
> psql from source (using the MingW build system) with 
> readline. You only need to rebuild psql - not libpq or the 
> backend itself.
> //Magnus
> ---(end of 
> broadcast)---
> TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: [GENERAL] Can you specify the pg_xlog location from a config file?

2007-01-26 Thread Bill Bartlett
The Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit and WinXP Resource Kit (both free
to download) both also provide the LINKD utility -- we use LINKD to
create junctions on most of our Windows servers (to mimic the equivalent
hard links we use on our Linux servers).

- Bill

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jeremy Haile
> Sent: Friday, January 26, 2007 1:44 PM
> To: Roman Neuhauser; Karen Hill
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Can you specify the pg_xlog location 
> from a config file?
> This utility is useful for creating junctions in Windows: 

I am using this to "symlink" my pg_xlog directory to another disk and it
works great.

Jeremy Haile

On Fri, 26 Jan 2007 18:27:04 +, "Roman Neuhauser"
> # [EMAIL PROTECTED] / 2007-01-26 09:21:27 -0800:
> > Windows doesn't support symlinks.  Is it possible instead for there 
> > to be a config file that lets one set where the pg_xlog directory 
> > will sit?
> Windows has junction points.
> --
> How many Vietnam vets does it take to screw in a light bulb?
> You don't know, man.  You don't KNOW.
> Cause you weren't THERE.
> ---(end of 
> broadcast)---
> TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
   subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
   message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

[GENERAL] Any issues w/PostgreSQL 8.0.4 on Win2K3 x64?

2006-11-30 Thread Bill Bartlett
Is anyone aware of any issues with running PostgreSQL 8.0.4 on a Windows
2003 Server x64 system?  (I know it's an old DB version that we will
eventually upgrade to 8.1.x or 8.2.x, but it's running on a production
system where for the immediate future I don't have the time to test on
any of the later versions.)  I've seen discussions re: running 8.1.x w/o
problem on the x86 versions of Windows server, but I wanted to check to
see if anyone had any experience (good or bad) running 8.0.x on x86


- Bill

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
   choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [GENERAL] Reinstall problem of PostgreSQL in Windows XP

2006-09-10 Thread Bill Bartlett
Assuming you are logged on to the XP workstation with an
administrator-level account, you should also be able to do

net user postgres /delete 

from the XP command line to delete the postgres user account that was
created by the old installation.

- Bill

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of maarten
> Sent: Sunday, September 10, 2006 7:33 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Reinstall problem of PostgreSQL in Windows XP
> PostgreSQL creates an Administrator user you can only get rid of by 
> booting XP in "sans echec mode", or whatever this is called in your 
> language.
> You otherwise won't be able to see this user.
> You will also most likely need some register cleaning tools 
> to get rid 
> of it completely and or change the port for a reinstall.
> Having said that reinistalling does not change a lot to your 
> configuration and all the modifications of the installer can be 
> effectuated with the Admin tool.
> PS What is your bottom line problem with your Postgres ?
> askoh a écrit :
> > I installed postgresql-8.1.4-1 once and then uninstalled it. I also 
> > cleanup the directory C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL
> > I tried to reinstall it, but cannot get past the account 
> creation part.
> > The installer says that the username and/or password are 
> bad. I have to
> > quit installation. How can I get PostgreSQL to reinstall?
> > 
> > Please see the video of the problem at 
> >
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > Aik-Siong Koh
> > 
> ---(end of 
> broadcast)---
> TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [GENERAL] postgres and emacs on windows os

2006-09-07 Thread Bill Bartlett

> Sent: Thursday, September 07, 2006 2:46 AM
> To:
> Subject: [GENERAL] postgres and emacs on windows os
> hi all,
> has anybody experience using psql with emacs (M-x sql-postgres) on
windows. if i execute this command
> emacs prompts for user, database and host, but not for the password,
so i think there is no response
> from psql. but if am looking at the emacs messages there is no error
> if try to execute sql-statements or some psql commands nothing
happens, but thats not unexpected, because witout the specification of
the password i can't be logged in.
> thanks and greetings from munich
> christian


Are you sure that nothing is actually happening, or are you just seeing
no output?  Unfortunately, the native Win32 psql program falls into
"non-interactive" mode whenever it is run from most shell programs, and
thus although it is actually running and executing your commands, it
shows no output.  We see this behavior whenever we run psql remotely via
SSH, and I believe we've also seen it when we run psql from emacs.

There was a patch posted a while back that added a "force interactive
mode" flag to psql, but this was never added in to the real psql code

The alternative we chose instead was to run the version of psql from
Cygwin -- that version works fine from inside shell programs, and since
we were already using Cygwin to provide remote SSH services among other
things, it was an easy switch. (All you need are psql.exe and pq.dll,
although you may need to install the complete PostgreSQL server from the
Cygwin setup to get just these two files.)

- Bill

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [GENERAL] Migrating PostgreSQL database to MySQL/MS Access

2006-08-13 Thread Bill Bartlett

> On 8/12/2006 Merlin Moncure <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> the .net 'way' of database application development is to keep 
> all the logic in the .net middleware.  please note that I am 
> completely opposed to this because it obfuscates good data 
> management practices. however based on the op's comments I am 
> guessing he is doing things the .net way.
> merlin

Speaking as an architect on both Java-based systems and .NET-based
systems, I need to jump in and correct this before too many rumors get
started.  The .NET camp argues about this all the time in the same way
that the Java camp does: should the business logic be in the database
tier or the middle tier, with valid arguments on both sides depending on
the specific situation.  (I tend to lean heavily towards database tier
myself for most data-related tasks, although in some cases this is more
for the benefit of performance than for design.)  Plus the .NET camp has
the same problem with less-advanced developers embedding business and
database logic in the _client_ tier as does the Java camp (the .NET
folks embed their dynamic SQL in Winforms apps and ASP/ASP.NET code
while the Java folks embed theirs in Swing apps or JSP).

The argument seems to be raised again more often now in the .NET camp
since the release of SQL Server 2005, since SQL Server 2005 can run CLR
(.NET-based) procedures native inside the database.  Now, of course,
some of the people who were keeping their .NET code in the middle tier
are starting to move this code into the data tier (still running their
same .NET code, but now running inside the database process space).
Whether or not in fact this is the right layer for that specific
operation depends on the situation.

- Bill

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: [GENERAL] Installing PosygreSQL 8.1 on Windows2003 server in terminal session (remote desktop)

2006-03-02 Thread Bill Bartlett
Are you connecting to the "console" session on your Win2K3 server or to
one of the other two available remote desktop sessions?  (To connect to
the console session using the RDP client from XP, you need to inclde
"/console" at the _end_ of your command line: ie: "mstsc
/v:MyRemoteServerName /console".  Using the Win2K3 RDP client, I think
there is a checkbox to do this.)  Don't know if this will help with the
PostgreSQL install since I still do all mine at the servers at the
moment, but it does work with many other apps that want to be installed
"at the console".

- Bill

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of koder
> Sent: Wednesday, March 01, 2006 1:56 PM
> To:
> Subject: [GENERAL] Installing PosygreSQL 8.1 on Windows2003 
> server in terminal session (remote desktop)
> Hi,
> I try to install PostgreSQL 8.1.3 on Windows2003 server. I 
> have no phisical access to the server, only through remote 
> desktop. When I run installer, i get this message: "The 
> PostgreSQL installer must be run on the system console, not 
> in a terminal service session".
> Is there anything I can do to install using installer, or do 
> I need to instal POstgresql by hand? If so (by hand), is 
> there any step-by-step manual describing installation on windows?
> Thanks in advance,
> Pawel
> ---(end of 
> broadcast)---
> TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

[GENERAL] Permissions required for service user account _after_ installation

2005-11-15 Thread Bill Bartlett
The "Silent install of PostgreSQL on Windows" document states that "The
service user needs Log on as a service, Log on locally and Access this
computer from the network."  If the PostgreSQL database will only be
accessed via localhost, are these permissions still required after the
installation has finished (ie: are they required to simply run the
database).  I hadn't seen this document until today and during my
installation script I take away the "log on locally" and "access this
computer from the network" rights after the installation has finished,
and so far everything seems to be working properly.  Or is just a matter
of my not having bumped into a problem yet?

- Bill

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [GENERAL] Using native win32 psql.exe using alternative cygwin - psql 8.0.0 beta 3 question

2005-11-11 Thread Bill Bartlett

> Bill Bartlett wrote:
> >I hit this exact same problem, and my initial reaction was 
> the same as 
> >yours -- psql was "hanging".  After much head-banging, I discovered 
> >that it is not in fact hanging, but is instead getting confused by 
> >being run from inside Putty, Cygwin, xterm, rxvt terminal, etc.  
> >Because psql is not being run from a native Win32 console window, it 
> >puts itself into non-interactive mode, so it shows no 
> prompts, allows 
> >no line editing, shows no command history, etc.  But it is actually 
> >running.  (And I couldn't find any combination of TERM settings, 
> >security settings or any other settings that would get around this.)
> >
> >Unfortunately, at the moment there is no command-line flag to force 
> >psql into "interactive" mode.  I have the code (courtesy of Bruce 
> >Momjian) to add a flag such as this, but I haven't had time 
> to set up 
> >the environment to actually recompile psql.
> >
> >Alternatively, you can run Cygwin's version of psql against 
> the native 
> >Win32 PostgreSQL 8 database, assuming you install the base Cygwin 
> >environment.  This does work fine, and gives you the added 
> benefit of 
> >including "readline" support (something compiled out of the native 
> >Win32 version of psql), so tab-completion works even in the Windows 
> >environment.  Two caveats, however:
> >
> >1) You can't install _just_ psql from the Cygwin setup -- 
> you'll have 
> >to install the complete PostgreSQL environment (database and 
> all), then 
> >copy just the psql-related files (psql.exe and pq.dll) to your 
> >workstation. (So be sure to NOT install this on your main PostgreSQL 
> >server -- no telling what will happen when the Cygwin version of the 
> >PostgreSQL server tries to run at the same time as the native Win32 
> >version already on there.)
> >
> >2) The latest "release" version of PostgreSQL for Cygwin is v7.4.5. 
> >There is v8.x code available in CVS, but you'll have to compile it 
> >yourself.  I'm also planning on doing this too, but I 
> haven't had the 
> >time.
> >
> >- Bill
> >
> >  
> >
> as info -- if you use the cygwin setup program, and click the 
> Exp(erimental) tab, you'll get 8.0.0-cvs 
> downloaded/installed. You can check the box to download the 
> source also/instead, if you want 
> to build yourself

I hadn't noticed this -- thanks much!  (Apparently it is also possible
to keep clicking through on the "version" column in Cygwin's setup
program and setup will cycle through all the versions that it has
available, one of which is 8.0.0 Beta 3.)

One question: Not knowing the development history of psql, is there any
reason I should build the latest 8.0.x release version of psql vs simply
using this "8.0.0 Beta 3" version already supplied by Cygwin, assuming
that for the immediate future we are still staying with 8.0.4 servers?

Tip to anyone else who wants to use the Cygwin version of psql against a
Win32 native PostgreSQL server: you'll need to include "-h localhost" on
the command line in order to connect to the local server.

- Bill

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [GENERAL] Using native win32 psql.exe using alternative cygwin terminal

2005-11-06 Thread Bill Bartlett
I hit this exact same problem, and my initial reaction was the same as
yours -- psql was "hanging".  After much head-banging, I discovered that
it is not in fact hanging, but is instead getting confused by being run
from inside Putty, Cygwin, xterm, rxvt terminal, etc.  Because psql is
not being run from a native Win32 console window, it puts itself into
non-interactive mode, so it shows no prompts, allows no line editing,
shows no command history, etc.  But it is actually running.  (And I
couldn't find any combination of TERM settings, security settings or any
other settings that would get around this.)

Unfortunately, at the moment there is no command-line flag to force psql
into "interactive" mode.  I have the code (courtesy of Bruce Momjian) to
add a flag such as this, but I haven't had time to set up the
environment to actually recompile psql.

Alternatively, you can run Cygwin's version of psql against the native
Win32 PostgreSQL 8 database, assuming you install the base Cygwin
environment.  This does work fine, and gives you the added benefit of
including "readline" support (something compiled out of the native Win32
version of psql), so tab-completion works even in the Windows
environment.  Two caveats, however:

1) You can't install _just_ psql from the Cygwin setup -- you'll have to
install the complete PostgreSQL environment (database and all), then
copy just the psql-related files (psql.exe and pq.dll) to your
workstation. (So be sure to NOT install this on your main PostgreSQL
server -- no telling what will happen when the Cygwin version of the
PostgreSQL server tries to run at the same time as the native Win32
version already on there.)

2) The latest "release" version of PostgreSQL for Cygwin is v7.4.5.
There is v8.x code available in CVS, but you'll have to compile it
yourself.  I'm also planning on doing this too, but I haven't had the

- Bill

Bill Bartlett
meridianEMR, Inc.

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
> Richard van den Berg
> Sent: Friday, November 04, 2005 5:51 AM
> To:
> Subject: [GENERAL] Using native win32 psql.exe using 
> alternative cygwin terminal
> I just installed postgresql 8.1-rc1 on a Windows 2003 
> machine. Since I like psql a lot, and hate the cmd.exe 
> terminal, I use puttycyg instead.
> When I tried using psql.exe in a puttycyg terminal, after 
> entering my password for the database, the screen just 
> "hangs". When I do the same from a cygwin cmd.exe terminal, 
> everything works. Another detail: the password using cmd.exe 
> is hidden, using puttycyg it is shown.
> The exact same behaviour is shown when using the OpenSSH daemon (under
> cygwin) and logging in to it from remote (putty client or 
> OpenSSH client).
> It looks like there is a problem with the interactive mode. 
> When I run:
> psql -d postgres -c 'select * from pg_tables limit 1;'
> the output is shown just fine. I tried different TERM 
> settings, but they made no difference.
> Is there something I can do to make this combination work? 
> I'd gladly do more tests..
> Sincerely,
> -- 
> Richard van den Berg, CISSP
> ---
> Trust Factory B.V. |
> Bazarstraat 44a|
> 2518AK The Hague   |  Phone: +31 70 3620684
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> ---
> ---(end of 
> broadcast)---
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>subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
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---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: [GENERAL] Oracle 10g Express - any danger for Postgres?

2005-11-01 Thread Bill Bartlett
Given both the naming of Oracle 10g Express and the timing of Oracle's
announcement, I think Oracle Express is more of a reaction to pressure
by Microsoft's SQL Server 2005 Express, due to be released Nov 7 but
actually shipped to developers this past Thursday.

I've been a DBA for _many_ years on Sybase, Oracle, SQL Server and
PostgreSQL.  From my perspective, Oracle requires a significant amount
of DBA expertise in order to use it, so although I do see Oracle Express
as a certain amount of threat to PostgreSQL, I don't think it's too
significant.  I think it's probably more designed to keep current Oracle
users from migrating to SQL Server or possibly to PostgreSQL.

MS SQL Server, on the other hand, while benefiting from a good DBA (like
all RDBMS's do), requires virtually no DBA expertise. (I'd never
consider using Oracle in any sort of embedded, bundled, DBA-less
environment, but I'd have no problem using either PostgreSQL or MS SQL
Server in those cases.)  So I do see SQL Server Express as more of a
threat to PostgreSQL, at least on the Windows platform.

I actually see both Oracle Express and SQL Server Express as being more
of a threat to MySQL rather than to PostgreSQL.  There are still MANY
many MS Access databases out there supporting departmental applications
or smaller web sites; I think many of these sites traditionally move to
MySQL.  Now they may be more likely to move to either Oracle Express or
SQL Server Express, especially in a corporate environment.

However, the other place where both these two (Oracle Express and SQL
Server Express) may hurt is not by taking current users away from
PostgreSQL but rather by taking away future users, and therefore a
certain amount of future growth.  Again, in a corporate environment, in
many cases it still takes a somewhat sizeable amount of persuasion to
convince "management" to go with any "free" solution, whereas going with
anything "commercial" is more just a matter of justifying the budget
numbers.  Thus it's _much_ less risky to recommend using Oracle Express
or SQL Server Express rather than PostgreSQL or MySQL.  It's the old
"you never get fired for buying IBM" all over again.  (Same goes for
consultants brought in to work on a new project, do a conversion of an
existing project or recommend a new platform: most of the time they'll
go with the safer solution rather than the riskier one -- there's always
one eye on future consulting business.)  No, this obviously won't always
be the case, but it's inevitable that at least some portion of the
projects that would have chosen PostgreSQL or MySQL in the past will now
stick with the "safe" solutions (at least career-wise) in the future.

- Bill

> tml
> 'Oracle intends to release a free version of its database, a
> reaction to the growing competitive pressure from low-end 
> open-source databases.'
> Your thoughts?
> --
> Best regards,
> Nikolay

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [GENERAL] Limitations of PostgreSQL

2005-10-13 Thread Bill Bartlett


> May not be the best choice on Windows for production use, though for 
> development, it should be adequate.

Are there known issues with the Windows version for production use, or
is this simply because of the relative newness of the Windows-native

- Bill

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?