Re: [GENERAL] Database design for separate tsearch table

2008-10-23 Thread Mikkel H??gh

On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 01:06:26AM +0200, Ivan Sergio Borgonovo wrote:

weight them and you'll be able to search by field and globally.

I didn't make any scientific test but I previously had something

create table subtable (
 subtableid int,
 body text,
 ftidx tsvector
create table maintable (
 maintableid int,
 body text,
 subtableid int
 ftidx tsvector

but it seem that just searching on a tsvector in maintable
build up with

coalesce(maintable.body,'')), 'A') || ' ' ||

coalesce(subtable.body,'')), 'B')

is faster.

Ok, that seems to be a good approach, thank you. 

Beware of the difference between gist and gin indexes for
restricted weighted searches since with the latter you've to use

Um, could you clarify that? I know the general differences between gist
and gin, but not how it affects weighted searches...

Kind regards,
 Mikkel H??gh

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[GENERAL] Database design for separate tsearch table

2008-10-22 Thread Mikkel H??gh


I'm trying to make a module allowing Drupal to take advantage of
PostgreSQL's excellent Full Text Search, aka. tsearch.

Since this module will probably not become part of Drupal core right off
the bat, I need to do this without modifying Drupal's own tables, so I've
created a new one for the purpose, tsearch_node. 

I'm pondering how best to do this. Basic minimum is a column which holds
the foreign key (nid) to Drupal's node.

I'm wondering whether to merge all the searchable stuff when creating the
index or to have a separate tsvector column for each of the three 
commonly indexable things about Drupal content (nodes), namely the title, 
the body and taxonomy. Any insights?

Also, I figure it'd be a good idea to keep the language of the indexed
content right there in the same table, since Drupals own node table
specifies two-letter codes (en, da, pt, etc.) and as far as I can
understand the PostgreSQL documentation, tsearch expects the full
language name (english, danish, portuguese), so to use it in queries
without having to do too much magic would require me to store the full
name right there in the table, or am I mistaken?

Kind regards,

 Mikkel H??gh

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Re: [GENERAL] Postgres User and Password

2001-07-14 Thread GH

On Fri, Jul 13, 2001 at 09:43:57PM -0400, some SMTP stream spewed forth: 
 My problem is with my Linux Posgres installations.
 I compiled as root and installed as root user. As root I can
 root@thinkpad root]#  su postgres
 root@thinkpad root]#  pg_ctl  start  ...  Or use postmaster
 and successfully start the server.. As I have set all Path and Data
 enviormental variables.

 But, if I try this as a user
 Bob@thinkpad Bob]# su postgres . My results is
  password:   Then no
 matter whats entered, even NULL

Did you expect anything different?
Trying to su from an unprivileged user to any user with no password
should fail miserably. 

You must be root to su to a user with no passwd, e.g.
root% su postgres

 ... I get
 su: incorrect password
 I had no password for User postgres but I finally gave it one but no

That indicates a greater problem with your system. Try resetting it 
so postgres has no password, and try su'ing as root. 

 I made root and Bob both members of  Group database.. no help.
That should be irrelevant.

 Once server is started Bob is a postgres user and can start and use

This is not related.

 Very inconvenient to log in as root then su postgres then back to User
 login to
 development tools..

I have no idea why you would do that.

 How can I fix this problem..

You can have the server start automatically upon boot.
Beyond that, you have no need to 'su postgres'. You can use psql as any
user on the machine (provided the permissions are all set correctly).
Can you be more specific about what the 'problem' is?

 Thank You
 Bob T

 What, no one sings along with Ricky Martin anymore?
My kid sister does (but then, she prefers pico to vi ...)
-- Suresh Ramasubramanian, alt.sysadmin.recovery

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [GENERAL] any disadvantage of PostgeSQL on Windows

2001-07-09 Thread GH

On Tue, Jul 10, 2001 at 11:30:05AM +0800, some SMTP stream spewed forth: 
 Would appreciate a lot if anyone could tell me if there is any
 disadvantage/performance issue in using PostgeSQL on windows.

I know of no disadvantages that are not a direct result of Windows.
Such things as the shared memory implementation, process switching,
general sluggishness, gui (if it a strictly server situation), etc.
Besides, PostgreSQL is fundamentally a 'unix thing'. It would be rather
like running MS Access on FreeBSD, only better because PostgreSQL is Just
That Good.

That said, you should have no trouble at all, and performance should be


 What, no one sings along with Ricky Martin anymore?
My kid sister does (but then, she prefers pico to vi ...)
-- Suresh Ramasubramanian, alt.sysadmin.recovery

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TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [GENERAL] Qn on best way to upgrade from 7.0.2 to 7.0.3 on production database

2001-07-09 Thread GH

On Mon, Jul 09, 2001 at 05:52:21PM +0800, some SMTP stream spewed forth: 
 therefore I need to upgrade to 7.0.3.
 the doc says to do dump/restore when upgrading the database. however, since pg_dump 
has problem with timestamp data, how am I going to restore back the data after 
 pls help. Thanks

It is my understanding that no dump/restore is necessary for minor
version upgrades (e.g. .2 to .3). You should be fine, but don't take my
word for it.

 What, no one sings along with Ricky Martin anymore?
My kid sister does (but then, she prefers pico to vi ...)
-- Suresh Ramasubramanian, alt.sysadmin.recovery

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Re: [GENERAL] Greetings, Thinking about converting

2001-06-10 Thread GH

On Sun, Jun 10, 2001 at 06:32:58PM -0600, some SMTP stream spewed forth: 
 Hi, I have a database with the 2 principal tables using 716,819 rows and 43,157,442 
rows each one, related each one, I have some triggers and stored procedures and views 
having a frontend made in Visual Basic using ODBC and ADO to connect to the database, 
Im considering to move from Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 to PostgreSQL because this stuff 
its getting big and getting slower, Im backing up must of things but I would like to 
know if I can get some improvement changing from Win NT 4.0-MSSQL to Linux-Postgresql.
 What do you all think ? Should I change ? 



---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [GENERAL] Greetings, Thinking about converting

2001-06-10 Thread GH

On Sun, Jun 10, 2001 at 07:31:10PM -0600, some SMTP stream spewed forth: 
  I suggest you check out FreeBSD:
  If you have no experience with either FreeBSD or some Linux variant, I
  would say switch to FreeBSD, otherwise use whatever you are comfortable
  with other than Windows. PostgreSQL will run under Windows, but you
  should get better overall performance using Linux and much better
  performance using FreeBSD. Of course, if you need crappy hardware
  support, Linux is a hardware slut; but if you are working on a server
  farm or a serious, heavily loaded server, you would be better using
  high-end hardware in a FreeBSD box if not using Sun equipment and
  software which is probably not in your budget.
 By now im using a ProliantLM350 with a SmartArray 431 and 4 SCSI non-hotswap
 ultra3 disks, 20gb each one, 1gb memory , 2 933mhz procesors, 
 I have had experience with Linux.

You should be fine on Linux. I normally would strongly *not* say to use
Linux over FreeBSD, but as I said, -current (like a beta, only better)
has been in sad state lately, and I do not know what later releases are
going to look like. It should still be better than Linux, but you
shouldn't have to learn something new if everything sucks anyway.

(Of course, the fine hackers behind PostgreSQL ensure that it runs well on
just about anything, so performance should not be an issue.)


  Basically, all of the operating systems have been going to hell lately
  (FreeBSD included, I don't know what the developers are smoking, but damn...),
  so you should be fine on anything, even Windows.
 :/ ? too sad...
  It is unfortunate that everything has to suck so badly.

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Re: [GENERAL] Greetings, Thinking about converting

2001-06-10 Thread GH

 Opinion that you dont share as I see.. but, OS and hardware appart, what
 about the MSSQL vs MySQL vs PostgreSQL discussion. what you think ?

General consensus is that MySQL is the fastest for simple selects. If you
have a decent number of (more than 2 or 3) concurrent users, 
PostgreSQL will serve you better because a site with significant 
traffic will benefit from transactions and strong data integrity.

If you care about your data, use PostgreSQL.

I would use PostgreSQL anyway, just because it is overall better (which
is a *very* subjective measure) and it /feels/ better. Furthermore, a
stronger DBMS is more likely to serve your needs in the future.

 Speed is what I am lookin for

In what type of situation are you planning to use this setup?


(Not a very strong argument, but MSSQL /is/ made by Microsoft, afterall...)

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [GENERAL] Ideal hardware configuration for pgsql/Netra

2001-05-03 Thread GH

On Thu, May 03, 2001 at 12:52:24PM -0700, some SMTP stream spewed forth: 
 It's sitting right here on my desk.  Ask whatever you want.
 Yes they are better web servers than DBMS servers but if you
 database is small enough to cache in RAM then who care if
 the Netra uses slow disks?
 All that talk on this list about Linux vs. BSD is silly.
 Why bother when you can have Solaris 8 on SPARC hardware?

Does anybody ever actually *READ* the $%@#-ing threads?
I never said a word about Linux. RedHat does *NOT* equal LINUX!

Somebody claimed that my post was uninformed...yet RedHat is all of Linux

If you are going to refute a statement, please at least have the decency
to READ it.

Can we end this?


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Re: [GENERAL] Unique or Primary Key?

2001-05-02 Thread GH

On Wed, May 02, 2001 at 06:50:09PM -0700, some SMTP stream spewed forth: 
 On Thu, May 03, 2001 at 12:58:03AM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  This table is man-in-the-middle of a many-to-many relationship:
  CREATE TABLE cv_entries (
  subscriber INTEGER NOT NULL 
  REFERENCES subscribers
  entry_type INTEGER NOT NULL
  REFERENCES cv_entry_types
  ordinal INTEGER, 
  value1 TEXT, 
  value2 TEXT, 
  minimum_trust SMALLINT, 
  UNIQUE(subscriber, entry_type, ordinal)
  I used a unique index here because I couldn't see any reason for a
  Primary Key - this table will always be searched on either the
  subscriber or entry_type index.
  Was I wrong?  Should this be a Primary Key?
 I think it's a distinction without a difference. A primary key is just a
 way to identify a unique tuple that's been chosen from a possible
 set of candidate keys (often there's only one candidate).  And,
 primary keys are enforced with a unique index...

Just to expand on Eric's response, a Primary Key directive creates a
unique not null column, whereas a unique column can be null. In this
instance, your columns are already not null, so, as Eric responded, it is
basically the same thing.



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TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: [GENERAL] last comma inside CREATE TABLE () statements

2001-04-22 Thread GH

On Sun, Apr 22, 2001 at 07:44:46PM +0100, some SMTP stream spewed forth: 
 Tom Lane wrote:
   Louis-David Mitterrand [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Is it against the SQL standard to accept a trailing comma in a table
   Yes ...
CREATE TABLE "currency" (
currency_id varchar(3),
rate float,  BOOM! parse error
As in perl, it would make life easier to simply ignore/accept a trailing
comma on table declarations.
   ... however, this seems like a reasonable idea that would not introduce
   any major problems.  I have no objections, if someone wants to submit
   a grammar patch.

I can think of no place where this would be even remotely useful.
Is it really that difficult to remove a comma?
If it works now for *all* users of PostgreSQL, why should we change it?


 I suppose it isn't a major problem, but enforcing strict grammar 
 helps to show up inadvertent errors.  Suppose I have a set of schema
 building files for a whole system; the way I do things, there may be fifty
 or more files, one per table.  If one of these gets corrupted in editing
 (perhaps a line gets deleted by mistake) it would be nice to know about it
 through a parser error. Of course, an error may be such that the parser
 won't detect it, but why remove protection by gratuitously departing from
 the standard?
 Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Isle of Wight
 PGP: 1024R/32B8FAA1: 97 EA 1D 47 72 3F 28 47  6B 7E 39 CC 56 E4 C1 47
 GPG: 1024D/3E1D0C1C: CA12 09E0 E8D5 8870 5839  932A 614D 4C34 3E1D 0C1C
  "If my people, which are called by my name, shall 
   humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and 
   turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from 
   heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal 
   their land."II Chronicles 7:14 
 ---(end of broadcast)---
 TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

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Re: [GENERAL] anti Christian bias?

2001-04-13 Thread GH

On Wed, Apr 11, 2001 at 06:32:50PM +, some SMTP stream spewed forth: 
 Hi all:
 On page 29 of the PostgreSQL User's Guide, distributed with version 7.0.3,
 in table 3-8 Postgres Date Input, the last item in the Example column is
 January 8, 99 BC.  The corresponding Description item reads "Year 99 before
 the Common Era".  The author or the editor of this manual is obviously
 expressing his anti Christian bias in attempting to redefine BC to mean

Oh yes, obviously.
Has society actually been reduced to this level of absurdity?

Since when does Christianity cule the world and thus determine what
abbreviations should be used to mean what?
Furthermore, since when is acknowledgement of differing religious (and
other) views considered "anti-Christian"?

Please, we all have more important issues.

When people stop killing each other we can worry about what BC is
supposed to mean. I challenge you to stop them from killing each other.


 "Common Era".  Throughout history BC, when associated with a date, has
 always stood for "Before Christ", and it always will.  I challenge the
 author/editor to tell us exactly what is the significant event in history
 that marks the boundary of what he chooses to call "Common Era".
 ---(end of broadcast)---
 TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

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Re: [GENERAL] point-in-time restore

2001-04-10 Thread GH

On Tue, Apr 10, 2001 at 09:27:50PM +0200, some SMTP stream spewed forth: 
 Is there a way to perform a point in time restore with postgresql ?

Nope, not yet anyway, to the best of my knowledge.


 ---(end of broadcast)---
 TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?


2001-04-06 Thread GH

On Fri, Apr 06, 2001 at 09:11:38PM -0400, some SMTP stream spewed forth: 
 I didn't get a response on my message, so I thought I would try again.
 1.  A large object has the data type OID.  What then, is the data type of the
 instance object identifier?  Is it an int4?

I believe it is of type 'oid' which is (I believe) equivalent to an int4.

 2.  How would I create a table such the following select statement will return
 the instance object indentifier along with the other columns:
 SELECT * FROM table_name

You would have to create a column of type 'oid' and insert manually 
(through the insert query) the 'instance identifier' (whatever that is, oid?)
into that column. This would be redundant, the same as the oid column.

 Up to this point, I can only retrieve the object instance identifier by doing
 the following:
 SELECT oid,* FROM table_name

Okay, so...?

 3.  Suppose, from tableA, I wanted a column that references an instance from
 tableB.  I would like this reference to contain the instance object identifier
 of the instance from tableB.  What data type do I use for this column?  I
 suppose this is related to question 1.


 Thanks for the help.

I only hope that my information is correct.
(That not only would be, but is, embarrasing.)


 "Just a mirror for the sun...
  My smiling eyes are just a mirror for the sun."
 ---(end of broadcast)---
 TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [GENERAL] Inserting values into a SERIAL field

2001-03-06 Thread GH

On Sun, Mar 04, 2001 at 05:22:46PM +, some SMTP stream spewed forth: 
 Hi all,
 Is there any SQL statement to PostgreSQL that will allow me to insert rows
 with a specified value for the SERIAL value. I know this is not what you
 want to do normally, but I'm trying to provide a kind of general export and
 import function to a generic database. Since there exists foreign key values
 in instances of other tables that point into field values for a table that
 has a SERIAL id, I'd like to somehow import all this data and continue using
 the SERIAL functionality for the highest value of the id fields.

I think what you want is 
insert into table (serial_col, whatever,...) values (...);


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[GENERAL] Standard Deviation/Variance function development

2001-03-06 Thread GH

Has anybodys grabbed development of a standard deviation/variance
calculation function? 
If not, I am interested in tacking it on my todo list.

What would be involved?
That is, should it be written in C or in PL/PgSQL, or what?
(I imagine that C would be fastest, no?)


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [GENERAL] database diff

2001-03-01 Thread GH

On Thu, Mar 01, 2001 at 10:21:53AM -0500, some SMTP stream spewed forth: 
 i want to find the differences between two database there a
 function for this or do i just pg_dump both of them and do a diff in unix?

As far as I know, such a function (or program/script) does not exist.

It occured to me a few days ago that such a beast would be useful, but I 
have to finish the projects that are two months behind, first. ;-/



[GENERAL] select...except...union, Simpler query?

2001-02-10 Thread GH

Can anybody think of a simpler way to run this query?

Table layout:
pid (unique), name_last, name_middle, name_first -- with pid::serial
pid (not unique), phone_number -- with pid::int 

(select, name_first, name_last, null::numeric(10,0) as phone_number
  from people p 
 select, name_first, name_last, null::numeric(10,0) as phone_number 
  from people p, p_phonenumber pn where
(select, name_first, name_last, phone_number 
  from people p, p_phonenumber pn where
order by pid;

I need a complete set of records (i.e. all of the records in people)
that includes phone number/s for
pid's that have it/them. A pid can have multiple phone numbers.
It seems silly to select the total set, `except` what I need, and then 
`union` it with what I need. There must be a simpler way to do this,
but I cannot find it.

I thank you for your assistance.


If it helps, here is the `explain` output:

Unique  (cost=337.77..338.51 rows=7 width=44)
  -  Sort  (cost=337.77..337.77 rows=74 width=44)
-  Append  (cost=0.00..335.47 rows=74 width=44)
-  Seq Scan on people p  (cost=0.00..330.10 rows=61
-  Materialize  (cost=5.37..5.37 rows=13
  -  Hash Join  (cost=1.16..5.37 rows=13
-  Seq Scan on people p
(cost=0.00..1.61 rows=61 width=28)
-  Hash  (cost=1.13..1.13 rows=13
  -  Seq Scan on p_phonenumber
pn  (cost=0.00..1.13 rows=13 width=4)
-  Hash Join  (cost=1.16..5.37 rows=13 width=44)
  -  Seq Scan on people p  (cost=0.00..1.61 rows=61
  -  Hash  (cost=1.13..1.13 rows=13 width=16)
-  Seq Scan on p_phonenumber pn
(cost=0.00..1.13 rows=13 width=16)


Re: [GENERAL] Re: php as stored procedures

2001-01-31 Thread GH

On Wed, Jan 31, 2001 at 02:58:23PM -0500, some SMTP stream spewed forth: 
 postgres support for pl/VB? :)

Well, the most important, of course, would be pl/COBOL!!!


 Adam Lang
 Systems Engineer
 Rutgers Casualty Insurance Company
 - Original Message -
 From: "Mitch Vincent" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2001 1:54 PM
 Subject: [GENERAL] Re: php as stored procedures
  PHP is nice, but it's designed for a very specific purpose --  to write
  based applications quickly. Having it in a DB is a little silly if you ask
  me.. Pl/pgsql is nice for smaller functions, C is great for everything
  and of course, if you're a Perl monk, use it! :-)
  Pl/PHP is possible (simply because anything is possible) but I doubt
  see any of the core developers doing anything of the sort though..
  I'm sure they'd encourage anyone to write anything they wanted so go for
  Pl/Ruby - there is an idea *grin*

Re: [GENERAL] How passwords can be crypted in postgres?

2001-01-04 Thread GH

On Thu, Jan 04, 2001 at 10:53:12PM -0500, some SMTP stream spewed forth: 
 Gordan Bobic wrote:
   Here's a crypted password: 00xNyXeahk4NU.  I crypted it in perl as
   crypt(guessme, salt).  So what is guessme?
   The point of a one way hash is that it's, well, one way.  Pretty much
   the only way you're going to figure out what password that encrypted
   string corresponds to is to brute force it.  Considering that I crypted
   a fairly long random string, that could take you a while.  A really long
   while, unless you've got a budget orders of magnitude larger than most
   Until the advent of shadow password files, which help defeat brute force
   attacks of the type I just mentioned, the /etc/password file has been
   readable by everyone.  It really doesn't matter that much if people know
   the crypted string.  They still won't be able to authenticate themselves
   until they know the real password.
   So the problem you're trying to defeat by crypting your passwords is the
   problem of someone reading your password file knowing all of your
   Now if you're dumb enough to send cleartext passwords unencrypted over a
   public network, you need some schooling.  And of course any programs
   doing authentication need to be secure.  But that's a different problem
  I was referring to a different aspect of security. I was referring to
  preventing more of a "man-in-the-middle" type of attack. If you have a
  packet sniffer somewhere between the client and the server, then someone
  could read your packet containing the encrypted password and use it to
  authenticate to the server, without knowing or caring what the real
  password is. If you can send the encrypted password to the server that
  matches, you're in.
 How so?  The server is going to take the string you send it, and one-way
 hash it.  If you send it the hash value, it will hash that.  Unless that
 happens to hash to itself, which is exceedingly unlikely, you will not
 be authenticated.
 What kind of system are you talking about?

It seems to me that the situation he describes would be one in which
the frontend recieves an auth key ("password" or whatever) and then
compares the hash of it to a value in the database. A similar situation 
would arise if the frontend merely passed the auth key to the database
and the database hashed it and compared the hash to a stored hash.

It is really just a big mess.
Recieving a key, hashing it, and having the database hash the hash
might actually work reasonably well. But not really.
By hashing it, you increase the number of members in the set of 
keys that the database would consider "valid" (or that would be
such that would allow access) provided that the database hashes the hash.
Otherwise, you are back in the same f'mess. Which you pretty much are
anyway, as the "key" simply becomes the hash of the "real" "password" if
you bypass the frontend. A someone else mentioned, a shared secret setup 
would go far to avoiding a problem like this. But, if you cannot trust
your connection for a shared secret setup, you have a bigger problem. ;-)

Have fun.



[GENERAL] Two tables refenceing each other's columns

2001-01-01 Thread GH

Is something like the following allowed (or is not a Bad Idea)?

id1  |serial primary key
col2 |int references table2(id2)

id2  |serial primary key
col2 |int references table1(id1)

Obviously, creating the tables is a problem since the constraints require
that the other table exists. 
If doing the above is *not* a Bad Idea, how could I work around this
(That is, (how) can I add the constraints after table creation?
I imagine something with "create constraint trigger", but the manual is
not very clear on that.)



Re: [GENERAL] Two tables refenceing each other's columns

2001-01-01 Thread GH

On Tue, Jan 02, 2001 at 02:27:28AM -0500, some SMTP stream spewed forth: 
 Here is some code I played with before. It does what you want.  Just make a 
 new database to try it in.

Great, thanks.
I ended up working around it by storing one of the primary keys
in another table with some other information (which is a better way
to have the tables setup, in my case).

I am glad to have your code on hand though.



 -- Load the PGSQL procedural language
 -- This could also be done with the createlang script/program.
 -- See man createlang.
 CREATE FUNCTION plpgsql_call_handler()
 RETURNS OPAQUE AS '/usr/local/pgsql/lib/'
 HANDLER plpgsql_call_handler
 ON DELETE CASCADE -- can delete test2
 ON DELETE RESTRICT -- disallows delete test1
 CREATE SEQUENCE test_id_seq;
 new_seq INTEGER;
 new_seq := nextval(''test_id_seq'');
 INSERT INTO test1 VALUES (new_seq);
 INSERT INTO test2 VALUES (new_seq);
 RETURN new_seq;
 ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
 -- implicit BEGIN;
 SELECT new_tests();
 -- implicit COMMIT;
 SELECT new_tests();
 SELECT new_tests();
 SELECT * FROM test1;
 SELECT * FROM test2;
 DELETE FROM test1 WHERE id = 1; -- this will fail
 DELETE FROM test2 WHERE id = 1; -- this will succeed and cacade
 SELECT * FROM test1;
 SELECT * FROM test2;   
 On Tuesday 02 January 2001 01:57, GH wrote:
  Is something like the following allowed (or is not a Bad Idea)?
  id1  |serial primary key
  col2 |int references table2(id2)
  id2  |serial primary key
  col2 |int references table1(id1)
  Obviously, creating the tables is a problem since the constraints require
  that the other table exists.
  If doing the above is *not* a Bad Idea, how could I work around this
  (That is, (how) can I add the constraints after table creation?
  I imagine something with "create constraint trigger", but the manual is
  not very clear on that.)
  Robert B. Easter  [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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Re: [GENERAL] What's faster: value of 0 or NULL with index

2000-12-11 Thread GH

On Mon, Dec 11, 2000 at 04:28:24AM +0100, some SMTP stream spewed forth: 
 I'm thinking about, what might be faster on SELECTs: a column with index
 which is NOT NULL and takes the value of 0 or a column which can take
 the NULL value instead of 0, also with index.
 My feeling sais, that 0 and NOT NULL should be a lot more faster, but
 perhaps it's not true?

If your SELECT uses the index on the NOT NULL column, then yes, the 
indexed 0 should be faster. I think it takes less space as well.(?)


 Alvar C.H. Freude  |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Demo:  |  Mach mit!
 Blast-DE:   |  Blast-Dich-Fit
 Blast-EN:   |  Blast/english

Re: [GENERAL] Trigger Problems?

2000-12-07 Thread GH

On Thu, Dec 07, 2000 at 03:40:00PM -0600, some SMTP stream spewed forth: 
 Ok, so I'm not sure why this is the way it is, but I figured out why the backend was 
failing every time I tried to change the data on the existing five tables.  When I 
dropped the five unused tables, I assumed that the DROP function would also remove 
the foreign key constraint triggers that were associated with the dropped tables.  
But, in fact, they were left in the db.  Therefore, every time any update or delete 
was performed on the existing tables, the constraint trigger fired and failed.  I 
don't know if this was just my stupidity and I should have know to delete these 
triggers or if this is a bug.  Either way, I learned something new.

Other than that, why would the connection die?
It seems like an error would be better.


 -Original Message-
 From: Darrin Ladd [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Wednesday, December 06, 2000 12:03 PM
 Subject: [GENERAL] Trigger Problems?
 I sent an e-mail to the mailing list yesterday, but then realized that I sent it 
using my other account, which may not be able to post to the list.
 It seems that I have found myself in a little bit of trouble.  I was wondering 
if there is anyone out there that can help me.  Unfortunately, I am quite sure that I 
will not provide enough information to diagnose the problem, because I don't really 
know where to start.  But, here is what I do know:  Yesterday, I decided that it was 
time to get rid of five tables in my db that were not being used.  I proceeded to 
drop all five tables.  I then remembered that there were insert triggers on existing 
tables which called a function which updated the dropped tables.  So then I dropped 
the function and the triggers.  All of this seemed to be successful, but then I hit a 
serious problem.  Any attempt to manipulate data (anything but a select) in the still 
existing tables which had the triggers removed from them aborts with the following 
 pqReadData() -- backend closed the channel unexpectedly.
 This probably means the backend terminated abnormally
 before or while processing the request.
 The connection to the server was lost. Attempting reset: Failed.
 Obviously, this is not good.  I have vacuum analyzed the db and that seemed to 
have processed fine.  If someone could point me in a good direction to figure out 
what is causing this, I would greatly appreciate it.  I am not opposed to dropping 
the bad tables and restoring from backups, but I am still interested in finding out 
what is wrong and what I did wrong so that I don't do it again.
 Thank you very much for your help!

[GENERAL] Postgres demographics?

2000-12-07 Thread GH

Has anybody collected information about what people use Postgres how and
to do what? I think it would be interesting to see where our Collective 
got its roots.

Personally, I came from a PHP background using MySQL. An eCommerce (oh, I
hate that word) project stretched the limits of MySQL and Postgres fit
the bill very nicely. I was somewhat hesitant due to the massive
anti-Postgres propaganda spread by just about everybody, but I am glad I
made the switch and would not consider using MySQL for any but the
simplest and least likely to grow project.

Hats off to -core and to other developers as well as to the community.
We have a Good Thing.


Re: [GENERAL] Overhead of tables.

2000-12-06 Thread GH

On Tue, Dec 05, 2000 at 09:34:19PM -0800, some SMTP stream spewed forth: 
 At 11:48 PM 12/5/2000 -0500, you wrote:
 Soma Interesting [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   I'd like to get an idea of the overhead introduced by large quantity of
   tables being hosted off a single PostgreSQL server. It is possible I'll be
   wanting to host upwards of 200-500 tables per server. Essentially, will I
   be surprised to find out that performance in PostgreSQL (or DBMS in
   general) is significantly hindered by sheer quantity of tables?
 When you get to tens of thousands of tables per server, we might start
 to worry a little... 500 is in the "what me worry?" class.
  regards, tom lane
 That is what I'd expect - but I've not experienced it to really know first 
 hand. Thanks for the input.
 If a couple more people would just say the same thing - I could rest easy 
 about moving forward on this. :)

Well, based on my experience at this point, Tom Lane's
comments/suggestions are worth those of several people. Consider it as if
I have said the same as he. ;-)



Re: [GENERAL] Your RDBMS Survey ...

2000-12-04 Thread GH

On Mon, Dec 04, 2000 at 12:31:06AM -0400, some SMTP stream spewed forth: 
 A couple of days ago, one of our brethren noticed and pointed us to your
 survey asking which RDBMS we prefered/were using ... pride in our choice
 prompted alot of us to pop over to your site and register our vote
 ... when I put mine in, the results were at something like 1461 for PgSQL
 and now they are down to 510 ...

\begin{Devils Advocate}
Maybe they are attempting to compensate for a spike in the number of 
votes in favor of Postgres. Was there a group of votes from a single ip
or some such?
\end{Devils Advoate}

} while(tired())


 one of our brethren has seen it be reset back to 450 at least twice so far
 I'm curious ... is this survey supposed to have any accuracy to it, or are
 the results fixed? *raised eyebrow*
 Marc G. Fournier   ICQ#7615664   IRC Nick: Scrappy
 Systems Administrator @ 
 primary: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   secondary: scrappy@{freebsd|postgresql}.org 

Re: Re[2]: [[GENERAL] Please vote for postgresql!!!]

2000-12-03 Thread GH

On Sun, Dec 03, 2000 at 04:14:48PM -0600, some SMTP stream spewed forth: 
 looks like it backfired...they've reset the graph

Sheesh! Apparently *everybody* wants a recount.


  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Bruno Dickhoff
  Sent: Sunday, December 03, 2000 3:11 PM
  To: Bill Barnes
  Subject: Re[2]: [[GENERAL] Please vote for postgresql!!!]
  Hello Bill,
  Sunday, December 03, 2000, 9:18:12 PM, you wrote:
  BB Thanks for the tip.  Looked good enough to sign up for an account.
  BB The numbers I saw gave postgesql a significant lead.
  So, my appeal for voting did it's job! Before I posted the mail, 
  mysql was leading at
  1200 to 450 (and 430 for interbase). Now it is 1461 for pgsql, 
  1.254 for mysql
  and 432 for interbase...
  I  hope all of us will frequently take a look at so
 things won't get turned upside down again ;-)).
 Best regards,
  Brunomailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Re[2]: [[GENERAL] Please vote for postgresql!!!]

2000-12-03 Thread GH

On Mon, Dec 04, 2000 at 02:19:36PM +1100, some SMTP stream spewed forth: 
 On Sun, Dec 03, 2000 at 09:20:51PM -0400, The Hermit Hacker wrote:
  just re-submit'd my vote ... maybe mycgiserver already has mysql installed
  and is only doing the vote to satisfy some ppl, but don't really want to
  install PgSQL? *raised eyebrow*
 The counter was reset to 450ish twice just while I've been watching.
 They mustn't be too keen on installing it...

Er, do they not suppose that people are watching them do these things?


 Matt Beauregard
 Information Technology Operations, DesignScape
 Ph: +61 2 9361 4233   Fx: +61 2 9361 4633

Re: [GENERAL] How to view the code in a function??

2000-11-28 Thread GH

On Tue, Nov 28, 2000 at 02:43:08PM -0500, some SMTP stream spewed forth: 
 I am sure someone probably knows this, I have used the \d tablename quite a
 lot lately, but I was wondering how to view the code in a function. Is there
 a way to get the definition?

I assume you are using '\d' in psql.

Add the '-E' option when you start psql and it will show the specific
commands that it uses to expand things like '\d'.

It is a bit messy, though.



[GENERAL] Bug? 'psql -l' in pg_ctl?

2000-11-26 Thread GH

Er, did anybody notice trouble when starting Postgres if a password has
been set for user pgsql?

On my FreeBSD 5.0-2528-CURRENT box, psql -l (from pg_ctl)
sucks down a big 28% cpu.

Here is the relevant section of the startup script:

[ -d /usr/local/pgsql/lib ]  /sbin/ldconfig -m /usr/local/pgsql/lib
[ -x /usr/local/pgsql/bin/pg_ctl ]  {
su -l pgsql -c \
'exec /usr/local/pgsql/bin/pg_ctl -w start  /usr/local/pgsql/errlog
echo -n ' pgsql'

Postgres will start, but I still have that psql -l process cycling
waiting for a password...
errlog shows "DEBUG:  Data Base System is in production state..." 

Ah hah, I think I founnd the source of this and the file descriptor
problem (for those of you who are familiar with it):

in pg_ctl there is a loop to check if the postgres server is "accessible"

# wait for postmaster starting up
if [ "$wait" = 1 ];then
$ECHO_N "Waiting for postmaster starting up.."$ECHO_C
while :
if psql -l /dev/null 21
cnt=`expr $cnt + 1`
if [ $cnt -gt 60 ];then
$ECHO "$CMDNAME: postmaster does not start up"
exit 1
sleep 1
$ECHO "done."

That damn loop has brought down two of my servers already.
It seems like a bloody bad idea to have such a thing in a startup script,
eh? Or am I maybe just not supposed to set a password for pgsql?

Either way, any suggestions?


Re: [GENERAL] Bug? 'psql -l' in pg_ctl?

2000-11-26 Thread GH

On Sun, Nov 26, 2000 at 10:53:24PM +0100, some SMTP stream spewed forth: 
 GH writes:
  Either way, any suggestions?
 Personally, I don't trust pg_ctl farther than I can throw it.  Consider
 not using it.

Heh, I certainly have...but defaults that lock up servers?
Erm, that's a Bad Thing(tm).


 Peter Eisentraut  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [GENERAL] Bug? 'psql -l' in pg_ctl?

2000-11-26 Thread GH

On Sun, Nov 26, 2000 at 10:24:28PM -0500, some SMTP stream spewed forth: 
 Tatsuo Ishii [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Probably we really need here is a kind of ping tool for PostgreSQL,


 (BTW, a short-term answer for grasshacker is not to use -w in his
 pg_ctl start script ...)

Heh, I just went and commented out the whole if block. ;-)

   regards, tom lane

[GENERAL] Postgres and AOLServer

2000-11-26 Thread GH

Does anybody know if PHP would do connection pooling to Postgres as a
module under AOLServer?

If it would, does anyone have any idea how to configure AOLServer to 
connect with pools to Postgres?

My thinking was that the threaded nature of AS would enable PHP to 
do connection pooling. 

Is it not the webserver that does the actual connection to the database
rather than any module such as PHP?



Re: [GENERAL] Automatic Addslashes

2000-11-24 Thread GH

On Fri, Nov 24, 2000 at 01:29:41PM +0100, some SMTP stream spewed forth: 
 I do
 copy tmp from '/home/algobit/product.txt
 tmp ia a table with one record (line varchar(255))
 in product.txt I have many line as:
 2;"100";"Parmigiano Reggiano";"Parmigiano Reggiano stagionato 2
 anni";4;"parmigiano4.jpg";2;"Fette 1 Kg";0.18;1;1.00;"true"
 Then with "select * from tmp" the result is exactly like in the original
 2;"100";"Parmigiano Reggiano";"Parmigiano Reggiano stagionato 2
 anni";4;"parmigiano4.jpg";2;"Fette 1 Kg";0.18;1;1.00;"true"
 But when i fetch in a variable the rercords (with php) i READ in the
 2;\"100\";\"Parmigiano Reggiano\";\"Parmigiano Reggiano stagionato 2
 anni\";4;\"parmigiano4.jpg\";2;\"Fette 1 Kg\";0.18;1;1.00;\"true\"
 the question is : The SLASH are effectively in the record ?

Not if, as you say, a regular non-php select returns the "original"
record. Likely, your PHP setup has magic_quotes_runtime (or
magic_quotes_gpc) set to On. This would cause PHP to "addslashes()" to
the data gathered from the db (also true for forms, etc).

Make sense?

You can use get_magic_quotes_runtime or get_magic_quotes_gpc to retrieve 
the current setting of the two options.
gives a nice summary.





2000-11-23 Thread GH

On Fri, Nov 24, 2000 at 08:35:34AM +0300, some SMTP stream spewed forth: 
 On Mon, Nov 20, 2000 at 12:44:20PM +0800, BaiJie wrote:
 At first, don't use all caps. 

Heh, I was waiting for something like that.

 Igor' Robul', Unix System Administrator  Programmer @ sanatorium "Raduga", 
 Sochi, Russia

[GENERAL] [NOVICE] Skipping numbers in a sequence.

2000-11-23 Thread GH

Hello all.

It's like this. ;-)

I have a table with a column that has a default nextval('sequence').
The sequence is a standard increment 1 cycle sequence.

What happens when
the sequence wraps after inserting the 
2-million-and-whatever-th row 
some of the earlier 
rows (say, 1-100) are still in the table
but other rows or sections (say, 101-110 and 120-125) have 
been deleted
and I need to begin with the first un-used sequence number?

I suppose that I would need to find the first un-used sequence number, 
use setval() to update the sequence, and then insert the row that needs
to be insert-ed. Well, how can I find the first un-used sequence number?
I thought about doing something using a function like
select sequence_column from table
NOT [the set of numbers that make up the sequence]
but, how do I select the set of numbers that make up the sequence?

Is there a better/cleaner/easier way of getting the end result?

Postgres 7.0.2 (should be running .3, *sigh*)
PHP 4.0.3pl1

Thanks fellas (and ladies, if applicable).


[GENERAL] Weird table permission stuff.

2000-11-22 Thread GH

Running 7.0.2 on FreeBSD 4.0-RELEASE.

After creating a database and any number of tables, the situation is

The owner of the database and table may run rampant on any tables that 
have *no* permissions granted. On tables with permissions granted to 
anyone other than the owner, access is refused to anyone except the
owner. Er, that is supposed to happen, correct?


Re: [GENERAL] Script Location

2000-11-15 Thread GH

On Thu, Nov 16, 2000 at 12:22:34AM -0500, some SMTP stream spewed forth: 
 When I dump a database (creating a script from the pg_dump command), I
 can't just put it in any old directory and point psql at it. I have to
 put it in the /var/lib/pgsql subdirs before postgresql will accept it.
 Is this right? Am I doing something wrong? Is this a bug^H^H^Hfeature?
 Paul M. Foster
Description: ...pg_dump will produce the queries necessary to re-generate
all user-defined types, functions, tables, indices, aggregates, and

Note the limitations (if you have not already done so).
The text files created by pg_dump are intended to be read in by the psql
program. The general command form to restore a dump is 

psql dbname  infile
where infile is what you used as outfile for the pg_dump command. The
database dbname will not be created by this command, you must do that
yourself before executing psql (e.g., with createdb dbname). psql
supports similar options to pg_dump for controlling the database server
location and the user names. See its reference page for more information.

To answer your question:
You seem to misunderstand pg_dump (?).
To restore from a dump, just reate the database and 
psql [options]  dumpfile 
The dumpfile can be anywhere (accessible to your user).
It actually does *not* belong under the pgsql directory.

That sounds correct..

G'luck and