Re: [GENERAL] SELECT x'00000000F'::int leading zeros causes "integer out of range"

2017-02-24 Thread Gavan Schneider

On 2/25/17 at 6:56 AM, Gavin Flower wrote:

On 25/02/17 08:39, John McKown wrote:

On Fri, Feb 24, 2017 at 1:25 PM, David G. Johnston
On Friday, February 24, 2017, Tom Lane wrote:

Justin Pryzby writes:

Is this expected behavior ?
ts=# SELECT x'F'::int;
ERROR:  22003: integer out of range
LOCATION:  bittoint4, varbit.c:1575

Yes.  The provided operation is "convert a bitstring of up to
32 bits to an integer".  It's not "guess whether it's okay to
throw away some bits to make an integer".

IME The error message itself is to blame here - we are checking
for a malformed (too many characters) integer varbit
representation but then reporting that the we somehow got a valid
integer but that it is "out of range".

​A better reply would be good. Another possibility is for the parser
to remove unneeded leading zeros.​


I think the latter would be a good idea!

This is interesting in that the views expressed range from 
something close to "every bit is sacred" through to something 
resembling "drop what's needed to make it work".

My take is PostgreSQL is already pragmatic:

pendari=# select ((x'')::bigint)::int;
(1 row)

Clearly we've quietly dropped a lot of bits moving across this line.

The problem posed in the OP example happens when the bit pattern 
is under specifying a long value (or over specifying a short 
value), and, in an ideal world, the correct behaviour should be 
close to what all well behaved CPUs are already doing:

Opclass Operand Action (MSB=most significant bit)

logical/bitwise Small->LargeZero fill most significant, but
Large->Smallcheck which "standard" applies

arthmetic/signedSmall->LargePropagate sign bit to left
Large->SmallTruncate sign bits, error
if sign bits are not all equal,
and not equal to MSB of result

arithmetic/unsigSmall->LargeZero fill most significant part
Large->SmallTruncate from MSB, error if
any truncated bit is not zero

To my mind Tom's reply resembles the bitwise case but I think 
the OP's example should ideally have been interpreted in an 
arithmetic manner (i.e., treating the extra bits as representing 
the sign and nothing more) since the desired result was to be a 
signed integer.

But! This gets problematic for something like:  x'FFF67'::bigint

My analogy would have this interpreted as 
x'FF67'::bigint whereas the current behaviour is 
equivalent to x'000FFF67'::bigint, and I doubt anyone 
has the appetite to change this. (Of course we have always known 
using bit masks across architectures with different word sizes 
was never an easy or safe activity. :)

So, getting back to the OP problem… what's a good parser to do?

I suggest:
1. the error message might be better (i.e., help get the focus 
onto the real problem); and/or,
2. consider dropping excess leading zeros when building an 
integer value. (I don't think this breaks anything.)

Other than that there really isn't a realisable consistent 
behaviour beyond the current strict bitwise interpretation. 
Specifically any behaviour which tries to promote or truncate 
some "sign" bits in an arithmetically consistent manner is going 
to break existing behaviour.

Gavan Schneider

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Re: [GENERAL] How tö select a column?

2017-02-20 Thread Gavan Schneider

On 2/18/17 at 3:33 AM, Egon Frerich wrote:

I have a table with two columns with type money. If column 'a' has an
amount > 0 then this amount is wanted else the amount from column 'b'.

Examples in 4.2.14


Gavan Schneider

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Re: [GENERAL] BEFORE UPDATE trigger doesn't change column value

2013-04-05 Thread Gavan Schneider

On 5/4/13 at 6:59 AM, Clemens Eisserer wrote:

Sorry for this newbie-question, I am trying for quite some time now to get
the following trigger-function to work properly:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION update_synced_column()
RETURNS trigger AS
NEW.synced :=  false;
COST 100;

The idea is basically to always update the synced column to false, unless
a value has been provided manually in the UPDATE-clause.
Synced is defined as BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE;
I execute this function in a BEFORE UPDATE trigger FOR EACH ROW, however it
doesn't seem to have any effect.

You could also add 'NOT NULL' to the declaration of synced so 
this column can never be set to NULL and this would further 
ensure the trigger function has nothing to do.

By way of sanity testing, do you get any rows when doing 
something like:

SELECT * FROM relevant_table WHERE synced IS NULL;

Any ideas what could be wrong here?

If the above does not apply and at the risk of being too obvious 
(specifically not wishing to cause offence):

Has the trigger itself been declared?

Is the function ever getting called?

Gavan Schneider

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[GENERAL] Why not cascade? (was: Using varchar primary keys)

2013-04-03 Thread Gavan Schneider
On 3/4/13 at 1:49 PM, (Julian |pg-gts/Basic|) wrote:

... having to really think it out is probably a good sign that you
should stick to a surrogate unless you are really sure. (again I don't
advocate ON UPDATE CASCADE as a solution should you change your mind)

OK this is interesting.

Why not cascade?

Assuming someone makes the dB design as straight forward as 
possible, avoids obfuscation of key values (since this mostly 
only gets the present and the next developer into trouble, not 
the mythical external hacker), and has constraints with cascaded 
updates in place to keep it all consistent. Something changes in 
the real world, the DBA makes the dB reflect this change and the 
cascade ensures everything is still consistent. Where is the 
problem with this?

When there is a lot of work involved this needs to be taken into 
account, but what is the basis for such a general prohibition on 
a modern SQL dB? why not use the feature?

Gavan Schneider

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Re: [GENERAL] Money casting too liberal?

2013-03-31 Thread Gavan Schneider

On 30/3/13 at 11:09 PM, D'Arcy J.M. Cain wrote:

I am formulating Cain's Law.  Something like If a discussion lasts
long enough, someone will mention Godwin's Law.


More formally:
As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of 
Godwin's Law

being mentioned approaches one.

Gavan Schneider

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Re: [GENERAL] Money casting too liberal?

2013-03-31 Thread Gavan Schneider

On 30/3/13 at 12:58 AM, D'Arcy J.M. Cain wrote:

On Sat, 30 Mar 2013 12:04:21 +1100 Gavan Schneider wrote:
No MONEY column would be complete without the ability to 
specify whether it is normally DEBIT or CREDIT (or in my 
preferred case

That seems extreme.  What use case would there ever be for making a
column always debit or always credit?  I have a G/L system and most
money columns either don't know about Dr/Cr or else there is another
column with the G/L account which implies Dr/Cr.  Where do you see a
column that would be dedicated to one or the other?

If you have a credit card and a bank account you are already 
familiar with the concept of Debit and Credit columns. If the 
balance figures on your bank account are negative you have 
become overdrawn (i.e., it's a Credit column), if the balance of 
your credit card becomes negative it means you have paid them 
too much money (i.e., it's a Debit column). Notice how the sign 
is different when money is paid to the bank account (+ve) as 
opposed to the credit card (-ve).

On the G/L system you probably have all the liabilities listed 
and when added up they come to a positive number. The assets 
should also add up to a positive number. Adding the two together 
in simple arithmetic terms should produce a nice big positive 
number which is not useful. The accounting convention is to 
negate all Debit values before adding them to Credit values, 
i.e., the result represents how much assets exceed liabilities. 
Obviously a negative number here means bad news for unsecured 
creditors if the company is in receivership.

Most people don't notice this process since it is part of an 
accounting framework. Deep inside the application is a lookup 
table or application code or some other device that applies this 
Debit/Credit convention every time it's needed. My proposal is 
to make this part of the column characteristic so this logic is 
moved to the table design phase (and handled by the backend) 
rather than the application needing to keep track of which 
column values need to be negated and when.

Basically if MONEY is to be a useful tool it should really 
handle money matters in a way that makes accountants happy. If 
it can't do that then nobody is going to bother using it for 
serious work since NUMERIC and INTEGER will do the job just as 
well without the surprises.

Gavan Schneider

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Re: [GENERAL] Money casting too liberal?

2013-03-31 Thread Gavan Schneider

On 31/3/13 at 5:20 AM, D'Arcy J.M. Cain wrote:

On Sun, 31 Mar 2013 21:57:49 +1100 Gavan Schneider wrote:

On 30/3/13 at 12:58 AM, D'Arcy J.M. Cain wrote:

That seems extreme.  What use case would there ever be for making a
column always debit or always credit?  I have a G/L system and most
money columns either don't know about Dr/Cr or else there is another
column with the G/L account which implies Dr/Cr.  Where do you see a
column that would be dedicated to one or the other?

If you have a credit card and a bank account you are already 
familiar with the concept of Debit and Credit columns. If the

I am *very* familiar with debit and credit columns.  In addition, I
don't confuse columns on a display or piece of paper with columns in a

OK. My assumption was that my previous comment was not 
understood and I needed to plod through a basic example to make 
my meaning clear. While English is my first language I don't 
claim perfection in its usage.

it can't do that then nobody is going to bother using it for 
serious work since NUMERIC and INTEGER will do the job just as 
well without the surprises.

What surprises?  It is much faster than numeric and it does the
formatting for you rather than requiring code like integer would.
Other than that they fail your test exactly like the money type.

Sorry. I know you authored the type. And mine are not the only 
comments along these lines.

The MONEY type is in the system and any and all are welcome to 
use it as is. From the discussion it does not suite many and my 
only motive was to explore ways in which it could cover a wider 
audience without losing its advantages, i.e., speed and specificity.

Gavan Schneider

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Re: [GENERAL] Using varchar primary keys.

2013-03-31 Thread Gavan Schneider

On 1/4/13 at 10:35 AM, Tim Uckun wrote:

Consider the following scenario.

Since I don't consider myself an expert I am talking in basic 
terms below. Please don't misunderstand this plodding as 
anything other than me attempting to be as clear as possible.

These comments reflect my understanding of Joe Celko's view as 
expressed in his books. I fully understand that many respectable 
SQL masters (respectfully) disagree with Celko in this. My take 
is to use his approach as a starting point and only deviate when 
a different approach is obviously much easier for me. (I doubt 
it's better. :). YMMV.

I have a typical tagging structure. There is a table called tags, there is
a table called taggings. The taggings table acts as a many to many join
table between the taggers and the tags.

The tags table has two fields id and tag. id is a serial data type.

Celko would suggest the table name is the plural of its primary 
key, so a table named tags has tag as the name of its primary 
key. And this is a big hint: the sequential index is not needed. 
And he further (very strongly) suggests that primary keys assume 
their natural values and not be referenced by arbitrary 
(sequential) values, i.e., avoid pseudo-keys, as neither SQL nor 
modern data bases need them.

The taggings has a tag_id field along with the context, tagger_id etc.

So this would instead have two columns named tag and tagger 
(each referencing the column of the same name in tables tags 
and taggers) and whatever is implied by the etc. if the pair 
(tag,tagger) is meant to be unique then this is a good candidate 
for primary key, otherwise a further term(s) needs to be dragged 
into the composite index (e.g., a timestamp). Once again there 
is no logical need for a sequential integer to be stored as well.

Given that you can still set foreign keys and cascade commands to adjust
child records either way the tables would be properly normalized so I am
wondering what I am gaining by using these serial ID fields.

Is this false economy?

I think so.

If the tags table has both sequential integer and the unique tag 
value then there is likely storage and I/O associated with two 
indexes, along with storage of both tag and associated integer. 
If the list of tags is short enough it might be suitable to use 
an ENUM to enforce both integrity and brevity.

If the list of tags is longer and/or might need updating then a 
single column table will allow for this. In general, I think 
lists of things (e.g., tag values) should be kept within the dB 
so they can be used for integrity checking, etc. I don't like 
the idea of externalising this job to the interface application. 
Also, as you have mentioned, you can elegantly handle table 
renovation, eg., if a given tag needs its name changed, it can 
be done via a foreign key constraint with cascade. (Elegant here 
refers to the syntax, the actual I/O implications may be very 
ugly depending on the scale of data that needs rewriting. :)

In another situation the tags table might well contain columns 
such as: tag, tag_full_name, tag_origin, 
tag_authority_certificate/expiry/whatever. In such an instance 
the tag is better if it's human readable/meaningful so reports 
can be useful without always back joining the full name. 
Sequential integers rarely fulfil this role as implied by the 
original question.

Gavan Schneider

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Re: [GENERAL] Money casting too liberal?

2013-03-29 Thread Gavan Schneider

Some people wrote:

... Hmm... This should optionally apply to time.
... for anything that really matters, I'll work with UTC.

Is there a Godwin's law's_law equivalent for when 
our conversations end up with timezones getting mentioned? :)

Gavan Schneider

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Re: [GENERAL] Money casting too liberal?

2013-03-29 Thread Gavan Schneider

Some thoughts.

The current MONEY type might be considered akin to ASCII. 
Perfect for a base US centric accounting system where there are 
cents and dollars and no need to carry smaller fractions. As 
discussed, there are some details that could be refined.

When it comes to this type being used in full blown money 
systems it lacks the ability to carry fractions of cents and 
keep track of currencies. It also needs to play nicer with other 
exact types such as numeric, i.e., no intermediate calculations 
as real.

Therefore the discussion is really about the desired role for 
the MONEY type. Should it be refined in its current dallar and 
cents mode? or, be promoted to a more universal role (akin to a 
shift from  ASCII to UTF)?

If there is merit in making MONEY work for most situations 
involving financial transactions I think the following might apply:

- keep integer as the underlying base type (for performance)

- generalise the decimal multiplier of a MONRY column so a 
specific MONEY column can be what its creator wants (from 
partial cents to millions of dollars/Yen/Other, along with 
rounding/truncating rules as required by r the user of his/her 
external agencies)

- define the currency for a given column and only allow this to 
change in defined ways, and specifically forbid implicit changes 
such as would arise from altering LOCALE information

- ensure the MONEY type plays nice with other exact precision 
types, i.e., convert to REAL/FLOAT as a very last resort

Personally I don't think it is appropriate for the MONEY type to 
have variable characteristics (such as different currencies) 
within a given column, rather the column variable should define 
the currency along with the desired decimal-multiplier and 
whatever else is required. The actual values within the column 
remain as simple integers. This is mostly based on performance 
issues. If the MONRY type is to be used it has to offer real 
performance benefits over bespoke NUMERIC applications.

Gavan Schneider

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Re: [GENERAL] Money casting too liberal?

2013-03-29 Thread Gavan Schneider
 -- need to allow for 
multiple rules here, sometimes
-- cents are just 
dropped, otherwise it can be
-- required that 
rounding is up or down


I have left the display characteristics out (they could be there 
as a default) but column values are going to be displayed 
however the application wants them, and this only applies at the 
time of reporting. Each currency can carry the conventional 
defaults and the application should have formatting tools to 
alter this during output.

Inputting money values, i.e., text to MONEY should follow the 
conventions of the target currency. Specifically the input 
conversion routine should handle the symbol (or no symbol) and 
all the usual conventions for negative values, decimals and 
separators. It should throw an error if asked to add a value to 
a USD column but finds a yen symbol in the text. (There is no 
such help for all of us sharing the $ symbol. :) Also it should 
parse such things as 123.456,00 (Europe) and 123,456.00 (Anglo) 
properly. Errors need to be thrown when it looks wrong 
123,456.789.00 -- since this is likely to be corrupted data, and 
finally gets me back to the issue raised by OP. :)

Hope this hasn't been too much of a ramble.

Regards, and happy (Western) Easter to all,
Gavan Schneider

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Re: [GENERAL] Money casting too liberal?

2013-03-29 Thread Gavan Schneider

On 30/3/13 at 9:30 AM, I wrote:

I have sketched something of a notation for MONEY columns along these lines:

amt_received MONEY (CURRENCY-- e.g., 'USD' 'AUD' 'YEN' ...
[,SCALE -- default as per currency, e.g. USD 2 decimals
-- but could be used to see money in bigger units
-- such as '000s (e.g., that end-of-month view)
[,ROUND -- need to allow for multiple rules here, sometimes
-- cents are just dropped, otherwise it can be
-- required that rounding is up or down


No MONEY column would be complete without the ability to specify 
whether it is normally DEBIT or CREDIT (or in my preferred case 
NATURAL, i.e., no sign is pre-applied before any arithmetic 
between columns).

This is possibly the best use case for the type since it really 
allows for the DB/CR (IMNSHO arcane) conventions to be properly 
handled within established industry traditions and has special 
benefits with externally provided data... values will enter the 
dB with sign conventions properly observed.

Gavan Schneider

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Re: [GENERAL] Money casting too liberal?

2013-03-28 Thread Gavan Schneider

On 27/3/13 at 9:12 AM, Steve Crawford wrote:

In contrast to certain other open-source databases, PostgreSQL leans
toward protecting data from surprises ...

And long may this continue.

But it appears that the philosophy does not extend to the money
type. ...

select ',123,456,,7,8.1,0,9'::money;


In general terms I would hate for such probable garbage to 
appear as legitimate data in the dB.

Somewhat more worrisome is the fact that it automatically rounds input (away 
from zero) to fit.

select '123.456789'::money;

select '$-123.456789'::money;

Thoughts? Is this the no surprises way that money input should behave?

I would defer to a CPA on the correct conventions for rounding. 
However I have a vague notion there are circumstances when 
rounding is always up, always down and (only sometimes) to the 
nearest. If the money type is meant to be serious then these 
conventions need to be followed/settable on a column by column 
basis. And money is done in whole dollars, thousands of dollars, 
and fractional cents according to the situation, i.e., not just 
two decimal places... another setting.

Personally I have ignored the money type in favour of numeric. 
Money seemed to do too much behind the scenes for my taste, but, 
that's me being lazy as well, I haven't spend much time trying 
to understand its features.

Gavan Schneider

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2013-02-08 Thread Gavan Schneider

On Friday, February 8, 2013 at 19:34, Albe Laurenz wrote:

Gavan Schneider wrote:

Referring to:

I really must have missed something so am
standing by for the 'gotcha'... please supply :)

Further down on the page you quote, it says: ...

Thank you, it had to be somewhere. :)

And this leads to a thought. Why is it that in this chapter the 
documentation gives a synopsis which is not correct for the 
current implementation but relies on a negation much further 
down the page to properly describe the actual behaviour?

Mostly the manual follows the pattern of a correct synopsis 
(where correct means what this version will actually do) 
followed by a section setting out the differences from the 
standard and/or other implementations.

While this chapter of the current documentation is not in error 
overall it's a bit misleading.

Of course if anything is going to change my preference would be 
to leave the synopsis in its SQL conformant state and bring the 
implementation up to standard in this area, meaning we can drop 
the contradiction/'correcting' paragraph. And, no, I'm not 
holding my breath on this just now.

Gavan Schneider

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Re: [GENERAL] Swapping volumes under tablespaces: supported?

2013-02-08 Thread Gavan Schneider

On Friday, February 8, 2013 at 10:58, Tom Lane wrote:

If it breaks you get to keep both pieces.

Tom is an optimist. My (unscheduled) attempt at this resulted in 
a lot more than two pieces all of which appeared broken in their 
own right.

If you want to (re)start a conversation about making 
mount/unmount/move tablespace a reality be my guest, but, be 
warned, there seem to be some very fundamental barriers.

Gavan Schneider

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[GENERAL] Re: [NOVICE] Problems with ñ and tildes / CSV import problems in PostgreSQL 9.1

2013-02-07 Thread Gavan Schneider
On Wednesday, February 6, 2013 at 11:56, (Zach Seaman 
|pg-gts/Basic|) wrote:

This a similar question to this one,
so I have encoded a database with LATIN-1 as suggested
but can't copy a CSV file into a table within the database.

I may have missed something here... why would anyone suggest 
LATIN-1 in modern times?

UTF-8 will do all of LATIN-1 and everything else as well. Except 
for legacy support why would anyone use anything other than 
UTF-8? (Of course there are those where UTF-16 is a better 
choice for their dominant language use, e.g. chinese.)

Suggest you use UTF-8 database encoding and if there are no 
problems importing the .csv stay with UTF-8. OTOH if there are 
still problems when using UTF-8, stay with UTF-8 while you work 
out what it is in the .csv file that's causing the problem.


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2013-02-07 Thread Gavan Schneider

Getting back to the OP (Andreas):

On Tuesday, February 5, 2013 at 20:22, Andreas Joseph Krogh wrote:

På tirsdag 05. februar 2013 kl. 09:59:54, skrev Albe Laurenz:
Andreas Joseph Krogh wrote: ...

Are there any plans to make NOT NULL constraints deferrable so
one can avoid the trigger boilerplate?

Not that I know of.

There's an entry in the TODO list that recognizes that it would
be desirable to make NOT NULL a regular constraint (you can do
that today by using CHECK (col IS NOT NULL) instead).

But CHECK constraints are also not deferrable...

Is there any I want to sponsor development of feature-X with 
$xxx mechanism?  

On Thursday, February 7, 2013 at 18:45, Albe Laurenz wrote:

... the standard caters for deferrable NOT NULL constraints.

So, notwithstanding the many expressions of personal preference 
and several suggested 'work arounds' needed to compensate for 
this implied SQL compliance failure, there seems to be no good 
reason why this 'entry in the TODO list' couldn't be sponsored 
for development.

But I feel I have missed something here.

Referring to:

where column_constraint is:

[ CONSTRAINT constraint_name ]
  NULL |
  CHECK ( expression ) [ NO INHERIT ] |
  DEFAULT default_expr |
  UNIQUE index_parameters |
  PRIMARY KEY index_parameters |
  REFERENCES reftable [ ( refcolumn ) ] [ MATCH FULL | 

[ ON DELETE action ] [ ON UPDATE action ] }

and table_constraint is:

[ CONSTRAINT constraint_name ]
{ CHECK ( expression ) [ NO INHERIT ] |
  UNIQUE ( column_name [, ... ] ) index_parameters |
  PRIMARY KEY ( column_name [, ... ] ) index_parameters |
  EXCLUDE [ USING index_method ] ( exclude_element WITH 
operator [, ... ] )

  index_parameters [ WHERE ( predicate ) ] |
  FOREIGN KEY ( column_name [, ... ] )
REFERENCES reftable [ ( refcolumn [, ... ] ) ]
DELETE action ]

[ ON UPDATE action ] }

CHECK constraints, NOT NULL constraints and FOREIGN KEY 
constraints all look very deferrable in this definition. If 
that's the case, why are we having this discussion if the 
requested functionality/compliance is already present? (As I 
have said already) I really must have missed something so am 
standing by for the 'gotcha'... please supply :)

Gavan Schneider

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2013-02-06 Thread Gavan Schneider
On Wednesday, February 6, 2013 at 23:31, (Alban Hertroys 
|pg-gts/Basic|) wrote:

On 6 February 2013 12:56, Chris Angelico wrote:

If you get into a taxi and ask
to be driven to New Zealand within the hour, no amount of begging will
get you what you want.

Unless you get into a taxi in New Zealand.

  Which makes the request effectively NULL, planning to do 
this makes it DEFFERABLE.

Taking a different tangent ...

Is there anything in the SQL standards about NOT NULL 
constraints being deferrable?

To my mind we should not consider implementing non-standard 
behaviour, but if something is in the standard I can't see why 
it shouldn't be implemented, esp. when there is no compulsion 
for it to be used.

Gavan Schneider

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Re: [GENERAL] Cast double precision to integer check for overflow

2013-01-26 Thread Gavan Schneider

On Saturday, January 26, 2013 at 08:13, Ian Pilcher wrote:

I need to cast a double precision into an integer, and I want to check
that the value will actually fit (modulo rounding).

Coming from a C/Java background, this seems like something that should
be utterly trivial.  In my searching, however, I can't seem to find any
SQL equivalent of INT_MAX, Integer.MAX_VALUE, etc.

So far I haven't seen such defined constants but am happy to 
share the RTFM moment. :-)

I am sure you have already found this:

Do I have to hard-code this value?

Or cast double to both numeric(13000,0) and integer and compare 
them. A stored function could encapsulate this along with 
raising the exception when required. If design is still fluid 
and performance allows the numeric type could do the job without 
fear of overflow.

(And yes, I do feel stupid having to ask this question here.)

If in doubt the Novice list is designed for those questions 
where feelings of impending stupidity lurk.

Gavan Schneider (who considers himself a novice)

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Re: [GENERAL] Throttling Streamming Replication

2013-01-25 Thread Gavan Schneider

On Friday, January 25, 2013 at 23:59, Rodrigo Pereira da Silva wrote:

We are having a problem with our infrastructure provider because the
network traffic between master and slave server is reaching more than
30k packages per second(SLA says 20k/second).

I note the later post where the infrastructure provider has 
determined it is their problem, however you might well benefit 
from this as a warning and trim your traffic anyway.

Is there any way to throttle the streamming replication? I meant, any
parameter that I set the max number of megabytes sent to standby
server per second?

I am guessing (i.e., no knowledge of your setup) you would 
prefer to not have a lot of delay between the master and slave 
servers. This is especially so if the slave has to become master 
since people mostly want that transition to appear seamless to 
the outside world. So increasing time settings may not be 
suitable even if it did reduce bandwidth.

It is possible to get serious bandwidth savings without 
increasing latency.


If you put each WAL file through pg_clearxlogtail (it zeros out 
the unused part of the fixed-length WAL file) then 
compress-transmit-decompress the result you will get much better 
use of the available bandwidth between master and slave servers. 
Specifically you will only be sending information that is 
needed, and smaller data chunks are faster data chunks.

Gavan Schneider

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Re: [GENERAL] Yet Another Timestamp Question: Time Defaults

2013-01-23 Thread Gavan Schneider
On Monday, January 21, 2013 at 18:11, 
(Nathan Clayton |pg-gts/Basic|) wrote:

I only wish. I work with a transactional system from the 70s on
a daily basis that decided to store something like a work date and
work time. The date changes whenever they decide to dateroll the
system. Until then the time field continues to grow, so you see times
like 25:00 and 26:00 all the time.

SELECT execute(relevant_dba) FROM the_70s WITH tardis WHERE 
working_tardis = true;

Exceptions abound.

At least that can't be blamed on a government, and, we can only 
hope ISO-8601 will prevent more examples being created.

You sound as though you really need, and/or already have, a 
dedicated datatype... if only to stop 'the system' from 'fixing' 
such weirdness.

Gavan Schneider

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Re: [GENERAL] Yet Another Timestamp Question: Time Defaults

2013-01-22 Thread Gavan Schneider

On 01/21/2013 07:40 PM, Gavan Schneider wrote:

The points raised by Adrain have prompted some more research on my 
part and I am intrigued to learn that on one day of the year in many 
countries (e.g., Brazil) where daylight conversion happens over 
midnight the local-time version of midnight as start of day does not 
exist. Basically the last day of unadjusted time ends at midnight and 
rolls directly into 01:00:00 the next day (i.e., time 00:00:00 never 
happens on this one day). So the current date- date+time system must 
already have some added complexity/overhead to check for this rare 
special case. (If not, there's a bug needs fixing!)

Basically midnight is not safe as a target entity once timezones and 
daylight saving get involved. Midday, on the other hand, is a very 
solid proposition, no checks required, 12:00:00 will happen in all 
time zones on every day of the year! Basically nobody messes with 
their clocks in the middle of the day.

So restating:
'2013-10-20'::timestamp == 2013-10-20 12:00:00 can never be 
wrong; but,
'2013-10-20'::timestamp == 2013-10-20 00:00:00 is wrong in some 

Wrong times occur in every time zone that changes offsets at various 
points of the year. Here in California, 02:00:00-02:59:59 March 10, 2013 
are wrong but PostgreSQL uses a reasonable interpretation to yield a 

select '2013-03-10 0230'::timestamptz;

 2013-03-10 03:30:00-07

And it does the exact same thing in Brazil:

set timezone to 'Brazil/West';
select '1993-10-17 00:00'::timestamptz;

 1993-10-17 01:00:00-03

select '1993-10-17'::timestamptz;

 1993-10-17 01:00:00-03

Note, too, that in both zones when the input is interpreted in the local 
zone and displayed in the local zone the date-portion of the 
point-in-time is the same as the input date. (While I suppose some 
politician somewhere could decide that fall-back could cross date 
boundaries, I am unaware of any place that has ever done something so 
pathological as to have the same date occur in two non-contiguous pieces 
once every year.)


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Re: [GENERAL] Yet Another Timestamp Question: Time Defaults

2013-01-21 Thread Gavan Schneider

On Monday, January 21, 2013 at 06:53, Adrian Klaver wrote:

On 01/21/2013 11:27 AM, Tom Lane wrote:

Note that that default is local midnight according to your current
timezone setting (from which we may guess that Adrian lives on the US
west coast, or somewhere in that general longitude).

Not sure you can change the default supplied by Postgres,

SET timezone ought to do it ...

I took Richs question to mean can you change the time portion supplied by 
Postgres, so:

Instead of '2013-01-21' having the time portion set to local midnight
it could be set to a user supplied value say, 08:00:00. That is not
possible, correct. In the absence of a time portion a date string
supplied to timestamp will always get local midnight?

Thanks to all for the discussion of timestamps with/without 
timezones I have been learning a lot from the side.

Taking another tangent I would much prefer the default time to 
be 12:00:00 for the conversion of a date to timestamp(+/-timezone).

Propose: '2013-12-25'::timestamp == 2013-12-25 12:00:00

The benefit of the midday point is that the actual date will not 
change when going through the timezone conversion. This has 
implications for time-of-day insensitive data such as birthdays 
and other calendar values. I am still resolving off by one day 
errors that crept into many entries in my calendar and contacts 
from several years ago when data was added while travelling 
across multiple time zones (and I did report it as a bug back 
then). With this lesson learnt the workaround for me in my own 
applications since has been to store such dates as point-in-time 
for midday while keeping track of the input/output so it only 
gets used as a date... sometimes tedious, and a last resort. 
Mostly I have been actively avoiding anything with the taint of 
timezone due to this bad experience. It's time to reconsider, I 
guess, since this can cause other forms of silly behaviour.

Aesthetically (and/or mathematically) the midday point is more 
accurate. It is the middle of the relevant interval (i.e., 24 
hours) implied by a date. Midnight is the extreme edge of any 
date (i.e., not what you would consider as mid-target). 
Midnight also has confusing English semantics since it can 
belong to either of its adjacent days.

I don't know if the current behaviour will be deemed to be too 
rusted in place for change, or if this proposal has too many 
adverse consequences, but hope springs eternal. :)

Gavan Schneider

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Re: [GENERAL] Yet Another Timestamp Question: Time Defaults

2013-01-21 Thread Gavan Schneider

On Tuesday, January 22, 2013 at 09:48, I wrote:

(and I did report it as a bug back then)

Didn't pick this up on my pre-post re-read bug report was 
_NOT_ against PostgreSQL. It was some very early incarnations of 
OSX iCal, etc. which showed this behaviour.

Apologies for the noise/confusion.

Gavan Schneider

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Re: [GENERAL] Yet Another Timestamp Question: Time Defaults

2013-01-21 Thread Gavan Schneider

On Monday, January 21, 2013 at 12:06, Kevin Grittner wrote:

Adrian Klaver wrote: [Actually Gavan Schneider wrote this, don't blame Adrian :]

I see where my confusion lies. There are two proposals at work in the above:

Taking another tangent I would much prefer the default time 
to be 12:00:00 for the conversion of a date to timestamp(+/-timezone)

Propose: '2013-12-25'::timestamp == 2013-12-25 12:00:00 

For the timestamp(alias for timestamp without time zone) case 
the date does not change. For timestamp with time zone it might.

Well, the big problem here is in trying to use either version of
timestamp when what you really want is a date. It will be much
easier to get the right semantics if you use the date type for a

This is the cleanest solution.

And I did not want to imply the following...

Adrian Klaver wrote:

If I was following Gavan correctly, he wanted to have a single
timestamp field to store calender dates and datetimes. In other
words to cover both date only situations like birthdays and
datetime situations like an appointment.

My discussion really only applies to some notion of the best 
(or, more exactly, the least wrong) time to attribute to a date 
when conversion to timestamp happens for whatever reason. And, 
as indicated in my original post, I have been stung when dates 
got (badly) mixed into a datetime timezone aware context.

The points raised by Adrain have prompted some more research on 
my part and I am intrigued to learn that on one day of the year 
in many countries (e.g., Brazil) where daylight conversion 
happens over midnight the local-time version of midnight as 
start of day does not exist. Basically the last day of 
unadjusted time ends at midnight and rolls directly into 
01:00:00 the next day (i.e., time 00:00:00 never happens on this 
one day). So the current date- date+time system must already 
have some added complexity/overhead to check for this rare 
special case. (If not, there's a bug needs fixing!)

Basically midnight is not safe as a target entity once timezones 
and daylight saving get involved. Midday, on the other hand, is 
a very solid proposition, no checks required, 12:00:00 will 
happen in all time zones on every day of the year! Basically 
nobody messes with their clocks in the middle of the day.

So restating:
'2013-10-20'::timestamp == 2013-10-20 12:00:00 can never 
be wrong; but,
'2013-10-20'::timestamp == 2013-10-20 00:00:00 is wrong in 
some places.

Gavan Schneider

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Re: [GENERAL] Yet Another Timestamp Question: Time Defaults

2013-01-21 Thread Gavan Schneider

On Monday, January 21, 2013 at 10:53, Steve Crawford wrote:

On 01/21/2013 02:48 PM, Gavan Schneider wrote:

Taking another tangent I would much prefer the default time to 
be 12:00:00 for the conversion of a date to timestamp(+/-timezone).

Propose: '2013-12-25'::timestamp == 2013-12-25 12:00:00

The benefit of the midday point is that the actual date will 
not change when going through the timezone conversion.

Just like it doesn't change now? (I just checked against all of the
more than 1,100 zones in PG without seeing a problem.)

I find this result strange to say the least... our conversation 
is straddling Monday(you)/Tuesday(me). We shared the time point 
2013-01-22 01:30 UTC, but called it different things, viz., 
2013-01-22 12:30 and 2013-01-21 17:30.

And any definition based on midnight(UTC) will cast to either 
side of the date line depending on the local timezone. This is 
not a problem per se. It just brings me back to my point that 
sometimes the date is more important than the notion of a point 
in time. Hence:
This has implications for time-of-day insensitive data such as 
birthdays and other calendar values. I am still resolving off 
by one day errors that crept into many entries in my calendar 
and contacts from several years ago when data was added while 
travelling across multiple time zones (and I did report it as 
a bug back then). With this lesson learnt the workaround for 
me in my own applications since has been to store such dates 
as point-in-time for midday while keeping track of the 
input/output so it only gets used as a date... sometimes 
tedious, and a last resort. Mostly I have been actively 
avoiding anything with the taint of timezone due to this bad 
experience. It's time to reconsider, I guess, since this can 
cause other forms of silly behaviour.

Date/time is not trivial. ...

Total agreement here. And, as I said, I am going to school on 
this with a lot more insight after your's and other's input.

Meanwhile if I'm up at that hour and try to schedule a job ...

or possibly one of your machines is on the other side of the 
planet and running on tomorrow's time

Aesthetically (and/or mathematically) the midday point is more 
accurate. It is the middle of the relevant interval (i.e., 24 
hours) implied by a date. Midnight is the extreme edge of any 
date (i.e., not what you would consider as mid-target). 
Midnight also has confusing English semantics since it can 
belong to either of its adjacent days.

Except for days that are 23-hours long, or 25, or other (it's a big
world with all sorts of timezone rules).

The day's length may change but I don't believe there is 
anywhere that allows for the local time of day to equal or be 
greater than 24:00:00 without rolling over to the next day.

How would that fit with ISO-8601?

It's also very useful for common queries (select ... from somelog
where logtime  current_date) and provides a known starting-point from
which you can easily calculate the offsets you desire.

Agree, but aren't we better writing something like:
SELECT ... FROM somelog WHERE logtime::date = CURRENT_DATE;
and not relying on an implementation detail for correct behaviour.

Timestamps can always be busted back to lesser precision, i.e., 
date only, but adding time information to a date is 
extrapolation. IMNSHO this sort of thing should be avoided.

I don't know if the current behaviour will be deemed to be too 
rusted in place for change, or if this proposal has too many 
adverse consequences, but hope springs eternal. :)

Obviously there is no discussion if current PostgreSQL behaviour 
is SQL standards compliant. I don't think anyone should ask that 
existing standards compliance be undone.

It would sure break a lot of my queries. And for the many people who
want/expect the date to cast to date at 00:00:00 local time it would
lead to a load of pitfalls such as naively subtracting 12-hours or
requiring the programmer to add complexity to determine how many hours
to subtract based on local time zone and current date.

This is assuming that someone would need to correct the hour 
when there was never any time of day information originally 
present. The naivety here is in attempting to correct something 
that is arbitrary. This is already a problem with the current 
system when attempting to correct times in all timezones, 
i.e., how many hours to add for a least wrong estimate of the time?

But you are, of course, free to use the capability that PostgreSQL
gives you to define pretty much any data-type you want along with your
desired casting rules if you so desire. Just don't expect the built-in
definitions to change.

Thinking only, but it's way too early on my learning curve to 
venture there since such a data-type still has to play correctly 
with the rest of the system. And once I better know the system I 
may well have learnt to mitigate correctly in the relevant

Re: [GENERAL] Yet Another Timestamp Question: Time Defaults

2013-01-21 Thread Gavan Schneider

On Monday, January 21, 2013 at 15:33, Tom Lane wrote:

I think it is also arguably contrary to the SQL standard...

17) If TD is the datetime data type TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE,
then let TSP be the timestamp precision of TD.

b) If SD is a date, then the primary datetime fields hour,
minute, and second of TV are set to 0 (zero) and the primary
datetime fields year, month, and day of TV are set to their
respective values in SV.

That has to be the trump card.

... let's just define a new GUC parameter that selects the behavior,
with a backwards-compatible default setting.  ...  Robust application
code has to be made to cope with any possible setting of such a GUC,
which makes them not nearly such a cheap fix as they seem 
initially. ...

and, why go to significant trouble to implement standards 
non-compliance when there is no legacy code to support?

I could always wish the SQL committee had thought along my lines 
all those years ago, and then again, I could just do something 
useful. :)

On Monday, January 21, 2013 at 11:38, Adrian Klaver wrote:

I must be missing something. I to am in PST:

test=# \d ts_test
Table utility.ts_test
Column |   Type   | Modifiers
ts_fld | timestamp with time zone |

test=# INSERT INTO ts_test VALUES('2012-01-21');

test=# SELECT * from ts_test ;

2012-01-21 00:00:00-08

test=# set timezone ='AKST9AKDT';

test=# SELECT ts_fld   from ts_test;

2012-01-20 23:00:00-09

The only thing missed is we are saying much same thing. There is 
no problem with the conversion. It is, as we see from Tom, fully 
SQL compliant. The only problem is when you are more 
interested in the date itself and not the point in time. This is 
just one of several scenarios where the date might get changed 
in ways that could be difficult to trace... caveat coder.

Thanks again everyone for a lot more clarity in my thinking 
about dates times and timezones.

Gavan Schneider

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2013-01-11 Thread Gavan Schneider

On Saturday, January 12, 2013 at 04:49, Gavin Flower wrote:

On 12/01/13 06:45, Bosco Rama wrote:

Shouldn't the value for theta be:
2 * pi() * random()


Very definitely! :-)

One could also ask if the value for theta shouldn't be:
tau() * random() :-)


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Re: [GENERAL] query by partial timestamp

2013-01-10 Thread Gavan Schneider

On Wednesday, January 9, 2013 at 04:42, Michael Nolan wrote:

On 1/8/13, Gavan Schneider wrote:

'2011-01-01'::TIMESTAMP = col_of_type_timestamp
ANDcol_of_type_timestamp =

This won't  quite work, because '2011-12-31'::TIMESTAMP
is the same as 2011-12-31 00:00:00.0
so records timestamped later in the day on the 31st would not get selected

'2011-01-01'::TIMESTAMP = col_of_type_timestamp
AND col_of_type_timestamp  '2012-01:01'::TIMESTAMP;

would get all records with a 2011 timestamp.

Thank you. I was wondering where Tom and Depesz were coming from 
when they both said less than or equal to the 
'2011-12-31'::TIMESTAMP would miss data. I was giving it a rest 
before re-reading, testing, and/or asking 'the right question'. 
You have supplied the missing part to my puzzle.

Mostly I use DATE so have not had much practice wrestling the 
TIMESTAMP edge cases. I also prefer the closed-open equality 
tests as you suggest especially as they are the 'only way to go' 
when grouping data on a monthly basis. My only 'defense' is that 
I tried to craft my examples as close as possible to the OP 
statement and not introduce the 'next year' unless forced... 
lame I know. :)

Gavan Schneider

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Re: [GENERAL] query by partial timestamp

2013-01-08 Thread Gavan Schneider

On Tuesday, January 8, 2013 at 09:26, Raymond O'Donnell wrote:

On 08/01/2013 22:19, Kirk Wythers wrote:

I have a column of type TIMESTAMP, I'd like to query all records from
2011. If it were text I could use a partial such as:

WHERE text ~ '2011'

There must be a simple way to pull the year part out of a timestamp
format. Thanks in advance.

You want the extract() function.

From my perspective there are at least three ways to attack 
this problem:

(I have not tested these, so apologies for the stupid syntax errors.)

1.  SELECT ... WHERE 2011 = extract(YEAR FROM col_of_type_timestamp);

'2011-01-01'::TIMESTAMP = col_of_type_timestamp
ANDcol_of_type_timestamp = 

(col_of_type_timestamp, col_of_type_timestamp) OVERLAPS
(DATE '2011-01-01', DATE '2012-01-01');

Is this the full list?

So... generalizing the original question: which approach would 
yield the best performance and/or compliance with SQL standards?

I note Steve Crawford has (strongly) hinted that direct date 
comparison is more likely to use an index (when available) so I 
suspect this is the way to go, but would an index based on 
extract(YEAR...) negate this difference?

Gavan Schneider

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Re: [GENERAL] question about varchar

2012-12-18 Thread Gavan Schneider

On Tuesday, December 18, 2012 at 10:15, Rui Li wrote:
** text 'cleaned' to remove message digest cruft
** apologies for any errors

In postgresql, we can create column as varchar(n)=94 where n is the
sizeof the char, or we can just define column as varchar=94
rli=3D# CREATE TABLE test (v1 varchar(100), v2 varchar);
rli=3D# \d test
Table public.test
Column |  Type  | Modifiers
v1 | character varying(100) |
v2 | character varying  |

so my question is: why should we even declare character varying(n) in
postgresql when there's an easier options to declaring character
varying (without n) is there any performance different between it? or
some other reason we should use varchar(n) instead of just varchar?

thanks for any help

The short answer seems to be: just use text, e.g.,
CREATE TABLE test (v1 text, v2 text);
and, only go to varchar(n) if there is a very special need.

Lots of good reasons to not use char(n) if you cannot guarantee 
to fill the field every time (otherwise those right filled blank 
padding characters will just cause problems).

There is no speed performance difference between them, but lots 
of design advantages in favour of text (it's much more 'future proof').

These ideas are much better explained, and tested here:

Gavan Schneider

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Re: [GENERAL] youtube video on pgsql integrity

2012-11-29 Thread Gavan Schneider
On Friday, November 30, 2012 at 02:30, 
(Chris Angelico |pg-gts/Basic|) wrote:

I like his quoting of the error messages. MySQL: now()/0 - NULL;
PostgreSQL: now()/0 - dude, what are you doing.

H... that looked amusing in a perverse way, and a diversion 
from test cases, so I gave it a try mid psql session, as follows:

pendari= select '2149Q1'::text similar to 
(1 row)

pendari= select now()/0;
Bus error: 10
pendari:~ gavan$ psql --user=book_keeper --host=localhost pendari
psql: could not connect to server: Connection refused
Is the server running on host localhost ( 
and accepting

TCP/IP connections on port 5434?
could not connect to server: Connection refused
Is the server running on host localhost (::1) and accepting
TCP/IP connections on port 5434?
could not connect to server: Connection refused
Is the server running on host localhost (fe80::1) and accepting
TCP/IP connections on port 5434?
pendari:~ gavan$

Ouch! That is a strange way to say dude, what are you doing, 
even if it is totally accurate.

PostreSQL:  9.2.1
System: Mac OS X Server Lion 10.7.5 (11G63)
Processor:  2.66 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
RAM:8 GB 1067 MHz DDR3
Nothing got to the log files

On the assumption that stupid user input should not crash the 
server I consider this to be a bug, but also assume there must 
be some details in my configuration that have brought this to 
light. So what extra information is needed to complete the picture?

Since I did the build myself I have the ./configure output 
files, and will see if a core dump has turned up somewhere. 
Anything else to add? and, what is the next step?

Gavan Schneider

PS. Of course I will smile bravely if this is the postgresql 
equivalent of being Rick rolled :)

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Re: [GENERAL] youtube video on pgsql integrity

2012-11-29 Thread Gavan Schneider

Tom, thanks for the reply

On Thursday, November 29, 2012 at 12:58, Tom Lane wrote:

Gavan Schneider writes:

pendari= select now()/0;
Bus error: 10

[ scratches head... ]  I get the expected error report on my own OS X
10.7.5 machine (though it's just plain Lion not Server).

As of Lion the Server functionality is a simple add-on to the 
base system. Seems the underlying stuff is always there just you 
get the management tools and extra bell'n'whistles to configure.

This looks like it's a psql-side problem, not a server-side problem,
particularly since you say nothing showed up in the server log.

Agree that psql had a problem since it left crash logs for both 
of the instances I had running in separate shells. Impressive! 
almost quantum (aka spooky action at a distance) effect. Execute 
stupid statement in one shell and kill your own and the other 
process as well. I have found an instance of my server process 
still hanging on but it is not accepting connections from psql 
or pgadmin3, and at almost zero CPU time, is likely detritus 
from a failed startup test.

So the psql problem also took the server down... to me this 
all seems to point to a common piece of code with poor 
interprocess separation so the misaligned libraries idea seems 
to have merit.

From the psql crash log:

Process: psql [94318]
Identifier:  psql
Version: ??? (???)
Code Type:   X86-64 (Native)
Parent Process:  bash [69168]

Date/Time:   2012-11-30 09:48:53.886 +1100
OS Version:  Mac OS X Server 10.7.5 (11G63)
Report Version:  9

Crashed Thread:  0  Dispatch queue:

Exception Type:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGBUS)
Exception Codes: 0x000a, 0x000100938622

VM Regions Near 0x100938622:
-- mapped file 00010093-00010098c000 [  
368K] r-x/rwx SM=COW

VM_ALLOCATE 00010098c000-000100993000 [   
28K] rw-/rwx SM=PRV

Application Specific Information:
objc[94318]: garbage collection is OFF

Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue:
0   ??? 0x000100938622 0 + 4304635426
1   ??? 0x000100939807 0 + 4304640007
2   ??? 0x000100940df6 0 + 4304670198
3   ??? 0x000100931124 0 + 4304605476

Thread 0 crashed with X86 Thread State (64-bit): ...
Logical CPU: 0

Binary Images:
   ... +psql (??? - ???) /Volumes/VOLUME/*/psql
   ... libssl.0.9.8.dylib (44.0.0 - compatibility 0.9.8) 

*==   ... libedit.3.dylib (3.0.0 - compatibility 2.0.0) ... 

From this can I conclude:

--  the Apple buggy version is the one in use?

--  specifically, that my postgres build would not normally have
installed this library in this location? and,

--  do you have the GNU readline installed on your system?

(While I am having so many adventures doing the normal thing, 
I hope you can understand why I don't want to be a pioneer as 
well. :)

Gavan Schneider

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Re: [GENERAL] ERROR: query has no destination for result data

2012-11-24 Thread Gavan Schneider

On Friday, November 23, 2012 at 21:36, Peter Kroon wrote:


I wish to return the SELECT statement.
Ho can I achieve this?

DO $$

DECLARE v_some_id int=14;

more queries here...
SELECT 'this is text';
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

Peter Kroon

Reinterpreting the question and taking the  pseudocode 
semi-literally is

the following closer to what was asked?
ref. 39.2. Structure of PL/pgSQL

pendari= CREATE FUNCTION somefunc() RETURNS text AS $$
pendari$ DECLARE
pendari$   v_some_id int=14;
pendari$ BEGIN
pendari$   /*
pendari$ more queries here...
pendari$   */
pendari$   RETURN 'this is text'::text;
pendari$ END;
pendari$ $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
pendari= select somefunc();
 this is text
(1 row)



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Re: [GENERAL] [BUGS] Prepared Statement Name Truncation

2012-11-18 Thread Gavan Schneider
On Sunday, November 18, 2012 at 01:10, David Johnston wrote:

 Can the system be made smart enough to not allow intra-schema
 collisions in addition to same schema ones?  That would seem to be the
 area of greatest concern - particularly around the usage of
My summary FWIW:
1. Potential exists for internally generated names to exceed maxlen; and
2. this maxlen is shorter than the SQL standard specification; but
3. it may not be worth the performance hit to be SQL compliant in this; with
4. potential for (undetected) name collision and unintended consequences.

May I suggest an idea from the days when memory was counted in (tiny int) kB:
represent the over maxlen identifiers as is up to maxlen-8 bytes
use those last 8 bytes for a 40bit hash in Base32 for disambiguation
if 1:10^^12 residual collision risk is considered too high
a side list of overlong names would allow for a second hash disambiguation 

1.  The choice of Base32 encoding may be a matter of personal preference, and, if so, I suggest using the
Crockford encoding
(I am impressed his design is excellent, while also averting some
accidental obscenities. None of the others offer this feature :)
2.  Something along these lines, with the side table to track the
(hopefully) occasional overlong identifiers, could give standards
compliance in identifier length while still keeping the working
tables compact.
3.  (Wild speculation) There may be a sweet spot using even shorter
identifiers than is the case now, with full disambiguation, which
might improve overall performance.

Gavan Schneider

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