Re: [GENERAL] Looping through cursor row batches

2008-10-07 Thread Henry Combrinck
Anyone know the most efficient way of FETCHing a batch of rows, and  
 looping  through them in a function?  FETCHing a record at a  
time will  work, but I  was wondering whether this could be done.

You're outsmarting yourself.

:-) One can only try.

plpgsql already does the equivalent of
this under the hood, there is no need for you to try to make it happen
at user level.  Just use a plain ol' FOR rec IN SELECT and forget the
explicit cursor.

I'm aware of the implicit cursor use in functions, but recall that (pg8.3.3)

FOR rec IN SELECT col from dblink_fetch('cursor'..) DO

is running out of memory (see discussion due  
to an exception block inside the loop (which is possibly leaking  
memory - I tried to reduce it to a concise failing case, still trying).

I'm pre-emptively expecting (pessimistically, I know) an OOM error again with:

FOR rec IN SELECT col FROM really_huge_table DO
   exception block...

Anyway, I've found that fetching a batch of (say) 100,000 (instead of  
10,000) at a time I reduce the likelihood of running out of memory (a  
process which does exactly this has been running for the past day or  
two; time will tell).  I was pondering whether it's possible to do  
what I mentioned in my original post - ie, an explicit cursor as the  
source object in a FOR loop so I can have a bit more control over how  
many rows are fetched each time (instead of 1 at a time).

So, setting aside my self-outsmartiness, is there a way to achieve this?


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[GENERAL] Looping through cursor row batches

2008-10-06 Thread Henry Combrinck


I gather the following isn't possible (which would have been elegant  
and ideal):

FOR rec IN
  FETCH 10 FROM cursor

Anyone know the most efficient way of FETCHing a batch of rows, and  
looping through them in a function?  FETCHing a record at a time will  
work, but I was wondering whether this could be done.


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Re: [GENERAL] Is it possible to remove the public schema?

2004-10-22 Thread Henry Combrinck
 No problem at all.
 It's easy to automate the table linking process.

 I have a table in access that holds - among other things - the internal
 and external name of my linked tables, in which database, schema and
 server they locate.

Thank you very much for the information.


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[GENERAL] Is it possible to remove the public schema?

2004-10-21 Thread Henry Combrinck
Hello all

I've been approached by the development people about removing the 'public'
schema.  They complain about having to manually remove the 'public_' tag
from table names generated by their development software whenever they
link to PG via ODBC.

Renaming or using another schema is not what they're after either.

1.  If it is possible to remove the public schema, what are the
ramifications to existing databases in our system (ie, will a dump/restore
be required, etc)?

2.  If it's not possible, can it be done via the ODBC driver?


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TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
  joining column's datatypes do not match

Re: [GENERAL] Is it possible to remove the public schema?

2004-10-21 Thread Henry Combrinck
 It sounds to me like the real problem is with non-schema-aware client

They're using Office XP Developer (Access 2000).  No hope of fixing that.

 ...I think your options are to fix that, or downgrade to a
 non-schema-aware database (eg. Postgres 7.2 or before).

...and miss out on the nourishing goodness of 7.4?  I don't think so!

Thanks anyway.


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Re: [GENERAL] SOLVED: Where clause limited to 8 items?

2004-10-20 Thread Henry Combrinck

 Check the estimated number of rows returned.  It's presumably believing
 that the a sequential scan will be cheaper for the estimated number of

 If the estimated number of rows is significantly off, you may wish to
 change the statistics target (see ALTER TABLE) for col1 and analyze the
 table again.

 If it still is choosing a sequential scan over an index scan and the
 number of rows is similar, you may want to look at the random_page_cost
 variable.  You have to be careful not too lower it too far that other
 queries are pessimized the other direction, but some experimentation
 comparing the real times and estimated costs of queries with and without
 enable_seqscan=off may help.

Thanks for the detailed response!  Your suggestion was spot-on.


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Re: [GENERAL] Where clause limited to 8 items?

2004-10-20 Thread Henry Combrinck
 Henry Combrinck [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 The above works fine - the index is used.  However, extend the where
 clause with an extra line (say, col1 = 9) and the index is no longer used.


   explain analyze select ...

 with both versions and send the results (preferably without line wrapping it).

 I'm a bit skeptical about your description since I don't see how either query
 could possibly be using an index here.

Why?  Either it uses an index, or it doesn't.  Being skeptical doesn't
change the reality of what is in fact happening.  Anyway, the suggestion
from Stephan Szabo was the right one.

Just in case you're still feeling skeptical:

DB=# set enable_seqscan=on;
DB=# explain analyse select count(*) from test1 where a=1 or a=2 or a=3 or a=4 or a=5 
or a=6 or a=7 or a=8;
 Aggregate  (cost=38.75..38.75 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=0.291..0.292 rows=1 
   -  Index Scan using test1_pkey, test1_pkey, test1_pkey, test1_pkey, test1_pkey, 
test1_pkey, test1_pkey, test1_pkey on test1  (cost=0.00..38.72 rows=8 width=0) (actual 
time=0.089..0.228 rows=8 loops=1)
 Index Cond: ((a = 1) OR (a = 2) OR (a = 3) OR (a = 4) OR (a = 5) OR (a = 6) 
OR (a = 7) OR (a = 8))
 Total runtime: 0.744 ms
(4 rows)

DB=# explain analyse select count(*) from test1 where a=1 or a=2 or a=3 or a=4 or a=5 
or a=6 or a=7 or a=8 or a=9;
 Aggregate  (cost=42.52..42.52 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=0.249..0.250 rows=1 
   -  Seq Scan on test1  (cost=0.00..42.50 rows=9 width=0) (actual time=0.067..0.182 
rows=9 loops=1)
 Filter: ((a = 1) OR (a = 2) OR (a = 3) OR (a = 4) OR (a = 5) OR (a = 6) OR (a 
= 7) OR (a = 8) OR (a = 9))
 Total runtime: 0.493 ms
(4 rows)


When used on a real table (ie, with hundreds of thousands of records),
the total runtime peaks at over 8000ms (seq scan)...

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[GENERAL] Where clause limited to 8 items?

2004-10-19 Thread Henry Combrinck

Searched around, but could not find this mentioned.

I've noticed the following behaviour in 7.4.5:

[explain analyse] select * from foo where
col1 = 1 or
col1 = 2 or
col1 = 3 or
col1 = 4 or
col1 = 5 or
col1 = 6 or
col1 = 7 or
col1 = 8;

where an index on foo.col1 exists.

The above works fine - the index is used.  However, extend the where
clause with an extra line (say, col1 = 9) and the index is no longer used.

Is there a parameter I can SET to extend the number of items allowed for
index usage?

Any pointers would be appreciated.


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[GENERAL] Passing RECORD variable from func1() to func2()

2004-09-06 Thread Henry Combrinck

Hopefully someone can shed some light on the following issue.  After
chatting at, without success, this is my last
effort before giving up and using a temp table.

Essentially, I would like to pass a RECORD variable from one function to
another using plpgsql:

rec1 alias for $1
  -- do work on rec1.*
  raise notice ''val1=% val2=%'', rec1.col1, rec1.col2;

  temprec record;
  for temprec in select * from table1, table2...
  select func2(temprec);/* pass temprec row to func2() */
  end loop;

Then call with:

Is this possible?  The docs only speak about RECORD type being used to
*return* rows, but not to pass it.

Any pointers would be appreciated.


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Re: [GENERAL] Passing RECORD variable from func1() to func2()

2004-09-06 Thread Henry Combrinck
 Henry Combrinck [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Essentially, I would like to pass a RECORD variable from one function to
 another using plpgsql:


 You can't declare a plpgsql function that accepts RECORD; this is simply
 not supportable.  (For one thing, which actual record types should such
 a function be considered to match?  It's a nonstarter even at the level
 of function argument resolution, let alone the implementation issues.)
 It has to take some named rowtype, instead.

Thanks for the response.

Can you give an example of what a named rowtype is?  Are you refering to
creating some kind of custom TYPE, and then passing that to


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