Re: [GENERAL] Streaming replication slave crash

2013-09-09 Thread Jeff Davis

On Mon, 2013-09-09 at 13:04 -0700, Mahlon E. Smith wrote:
 After some wild googlin' research, I saw the index visibility map fix
 for 9.2.1.  We did pg_upgrade in-between versions, but just to be sure I
 wasn't somehow carrying corrupt data across versions (?), I went ahead
 and VACUUMed everythng with the vacuum_freeze_table_age set to 0, and
 went on with my life, hoping I had removed whatever demons were running
 around in there.

You may have seen only partial information about that bug and the fix.
See the first item in the release notes here:

And the actual fix here:;a=commit;h=beb850e1d873f8920a78b9b9ee27e9f87c95592f

To rid the daemons entirely, after upgrading to 9.1+, you must REINDEX
all btree and GIN indexes that may have been touched by 9.2.0. Since the
actual problem you see is on an index (as you say later in your report),
then I would suggest that you do that.

Not 100% sure this is the root cause of your problem, of course, but the
symptoms seem to line up.

 Unlike Quentin's original message, simply restarting the slave didn't
 bring it back to life.  I had to pg_start_backup/rsync again from the
 master, at which point:

It looks OK to me, so I think you are in the clear.

If you are particularly unlucky, your master server crashed (while still
on 9.2.0) without writing the data and left your master copy of the
index corrupt. If you are worried about that, you can do another re-sync
after you finish the REINDEXing. This is not necessary unless you
experienced at least one crash on 9.2.0.

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] Dump/Reload pg_statistic to cut time from pg_upgrade?

2013-09-01 Thread Jeff Davis
On Mon, 2013-07-08 at 14:20 -0500, Jerry Sievers wrote:
 Planning to pg_upgrade some large (3TB) clusters using hard link
 method.  Run time for the upgrade itself takes around 5 minutes.
 Nice!!  Origin version 8.4 and destination version 9.1.
 Unfortunately the post-upgrade analyze of the entire cluster is going
 to take a minimum of 1.5 hours running several threads to analyze all
 tables.  This was measured in an RD environment.


 Anyway, perhaps there are other good reasons I should *not* attempt
 this but it turns out that the stats table can't be reloaded with it's
 own dump so this of course is a show-stopper.
 psql:d:456: ERROR:  cannot accept a value of type anyarray
 CONTEXT:  COPY pg_statistic, line 1, column stavalues1: 

[ late response, but might still be useful to someone ]

You can work around the problem with a little effort if you call
array_in directly. It takes the type output (cstring), element type
(oid), and element typmod (integer).

To dump the pg_statistics table, you have to output all of the columns
plus the type ID and the typmod, and then load it back in by doing
something like:

   insert into pg_statistic
  select starelid, ...,
 array_in(stavalues1, the_element_type, -1), ...
  from my_statistics_dump;

The element typmod is always -1 for pg_statistic. To get the element
type, you can join against pg_attribute. The only problem is, you don't
actually want the attribute type, you want the type used for the
statistics, which is normally the same but could be different. I don't
think the statypid is stored in the catalog, so you'd have to inventory
the types that you use and figure out a mapping of the type to it's
statistics type looking at the typanalyze routines.

So, it's possible to do, but not worth the effort unless you are quite
concerned about the analyze time post-upgrade.

It would be nice if we had a better way to backup, transfer, and upgrade
statistics. However, allowing statistics to be upgraded could be a
challenge if the statistics format changes between releases.

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] Why is NULL = unbounded for rangetypes?

2013-09-01 Thread Jeff Davis
On Fri, 2013-08-30 at 11:22 +0200, Andreas Joseph Krogh wrote:
 But I agree that returning NULL would be OK, then it would be easy to
 catch in queries when starting playing with range-types in queries.
 Having it implicitly mean infinity comes as a surprise, to me at

Agreed. This was discussed at the time, and the original version of
Range Types experimented with other means of specifying unbounded ranges
in order to avoid this possible confusion.

Unfortunately, everything we tried was awkward one way or another; and
we eventually made the decision to go with greater convenience, even if
it could cause some confusion.

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] Adding ip4r to Postgresql core?

2013-09-01 Thread Jeff Davis
On Wed, 2013-08-07 at 23:24 -0700, Chris Travers wrote:

 On Wed, Aug 7, 2013 at 9:44 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
 So the obvious question today is whether this isn't
 duplicative of the
 range datatype stuff.  IOW, why wouldn't we be better off to
 inetrange and call it good?

INET allows a mask, and so doesn't offer an obvious total order.
Interestingly, a mask is somewhat like a range, so perhaps we could use
a range type that considers a mask to be an alternate representation of
a range. I thought about that briefly, but it seemed more likely to lead
to confusion or backwards-compatibility problems.

If we just had an IP(v4|v6) type with no mask and a total order, adding
a range type would be trivial.

 actually this misses the one area where ip4r is really helpful and
 that is GiST support.  If you want to have an exclusion constraint
 which specifies that no two cidr blocks in a table can contain
 eachother, you can do this easily with ip4r but it takes a lot of work
 without it.

A lot of work (much of it by Alexander Korotkov) has already gone into
improving range type [sp-]gist indexes. And range types go together well
with exclusion constraints. So, I'm not sure I follow how this is a
reason to use ip4r rather than a range type -- can you clarify?

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] Why is NULL = unbounded for rangetypes?

2013-08-29 Thread Jeff Davis
On Tue, 2013-07-09 at 10:45 +0200, Andreas Joseph Krogh wrote:
 I would expect the queries above to return FALSE and have to use
 INFINITY to have them return TRUE. I don't understand what you mean by
 ranges not allowing either bound to be NULL as it seems to be the case
 (as in it works).

Although passing NULL to the constructor works, it does *not* create a
range where one bound is NULL. It actually creates an unbounded range;
that is, a range where one bound is infinite.

NULL semantics are far too confusing to be useful with ranges. For
instance, if ranges did support NULLs; the queries you mention would
have to return NULL, not FALSE.

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] Why is NULL = unbounded for rangetypes?

2013-07-08 Thread Jeff Davis
On Mon, 2013-07-08 at 10:19 +0200, Andreas Joseph Krogh wrote:
 Both of these queries return TRUE because NULL means unmounded:
 select daterange('2013-07-01' :: DATE, null, '[]')  daterange('2013-07-04' 
 :: DATE, '2013-07-30' :: DATE, '[]');
 select daterange(null, '2013-08-11' :: DATE, '[]')  daterange('2013-07-04' 
 :: DATE, '2013-07-30' :: DATE, '[]');
 What is the rational behind this behavior of NULL?

It's just a convenience that passing NULL to a constructor creates an
unbounded range. The alternatives of having extra constructors for
unbounded ranges were discussed, but seemed more awkward.

Note that ranges do not allow either bound to be NULL. That would create
a lot of semantic problems.

Does that answer your question?

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] casting tsrange to tstzrange doesn't seem to work?

2013-07-05 Thread Jeff Davis
On Tue, 2013-06-11 at 14:05 -0700, Joe Van Dyk wrote:
 # select tsrange(null)::tstzrange;
 ERROR:  cannot cast type tsrange to tstzrange
 LINE 1: select tsrange(null)::tstzrange;
I agree that there should be a cast between tsrange and tstzrange.

Unfortunately, this cant work generally for all range types, because the
total order might be different. For instance, we can't cast between a
textrange and int4range, because:


is a valid text range, but:


is not.

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] Money casting too liberal?

2013-04-01 Thread Jeff Davis
On Sat, 2013-03-30 at 09:52 -0400, D'Arcy J.M. Cain wrote:
 That's why I suggested that operations between money(2) and money(3)
 should raise an error.  Treat them as distinct types.

I don't think typmod is currently powerful enough to do that. It's lost
in many different types of expressions. Offhand, I don't even know of a
way to preserve the typmod through even a simple function.

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] Money casting too liberal?

2013-03-29 Thread Jeff Davis
On Thu, 2013-03-28 at 23:43 +1100, Gavan Schneider wrote:
 If the money type is meant to be serious then these 
 conventions need to be followed/settable on a column by column 

I don't like the idea of tying the semantics to a column. That leaves
out values that aren't stored in a column, e.g. literals or the results
of some expression.

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] Money casting too liberal?

2013-03-29 Thread Jeff Davis
On Fri, 2013-03-29 at 16:30 -0400, D'Arcy J.M. Cain wrote:
 How would this be an issue?  If you are assigning a literal to a column
 then that's no issue.  Otherwise, a literal is simply a value that can
 be cast depending on the situation.  The money type is no different in
 that regard.
 As a result of an expression, it will have the type of the data in the
 expression.  What if the result is the addition of two columns of
 different precisions?  Pick the higher precision?  Forbid the
 operation?  The latter may make sense.  How can you add Yen and US$?

Why not have various rounding functions that do exactly what you want?
Then you can use them anywhere you want in an expression.

Tying a bunch of magic to the column, I/O function, or type system just
seems like the wrong approach when it comes to real differences (like

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] FETCH in subqueries or CTEs

2012-08-23 Thread Jeff Davis
On Fri, 2012-08-24 at 09:35 +0800, Craig Ringer wrote:
 Hi all
 I've noticed that FETCH doesn't seem to be supported in subqueries or in 
 Is there a specific reason for that, beyond nobody's needed it and 
 implemented it? I'm not complaining at all, merely curious.

1. Cursors have their own snapshot, so it would be kind of like looking
at two snapshots of data at the same time. That would be a little

2. For regular subqueries, it would also be potentially
non-deterministic, because the FETCH operation has the side effect of
advancing the cursor. So, if you had something like SELECT * FROM
(FETCH 1 FROM mycursor) x WHERE FALSE, it's not clear whether the FETCH
would execute or not. After the query, it may have advanced the cursor
or may not have, depending on whether the optimizer decided it didn't
need to compute the subquery.

3. Cursors are really meant for a more effective interaction with the
client, it's not really meant as an operator (and it doesn't change the
results, anyway). You can already do LIMIT/OFFSET in a subquery if you
need that kind of thing.

All that being said, there may be some use case for something like what
you are describing, if you get creative.

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] Some feedback on range types

2012-08-20 Thread Jeff Davis
On Wed, 2012-07-18 at 14:33 -0700, Scott Bailey wrote:
 I'm testing range types and I've come up with a couple of curiosities.
 1) I'll start off easy. In the wild, discrete ranges tend to be 
 closed-closed [] while continuous ranges tend to be closed-open [). For 
 instance, on Tuesday stock traded at [28.34, 32.18] or Bob was employed 
 [2009-06-01, 2012-04-15] or Sally lived [1934, 2001]. But these ranges 
 are all converted to [). So Sally's tombstone ends up reading 
 [1934-2002). Not a huge deal, but it is difficult for users to change 
 this behavior.

I don't really have a good answer for this. We could supply alternate
output functions that allow you to specify how a discrete range is

 2) Typemod doesn't work for subtypes. So say I'm working on a 
 stock-trading app and I want to create a numeric range with a base type 
 of numeric(8,2) and a granularity of 0.01.
   CREATE TYPE num_range AS RANGE (SUBTYPE = numeric(8,2));
   SELECT num_range(0.2, 2/3.0);
   --  [0.2,0.6667)

Will fix. I haven't gotten around to it yet; it's actually quite a bit
of code (unless I'm missing something).

 3) Continuing with the above example, I make a canonical function then 
 hack it in to the system catalog to temporarily get around the 
 chicken/egg problem mentioned earlier.
   CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION num_range_canonical(num_range)
   RETURNS num_range AS
   SELECT num_range(
   (CASE WHEN lower_inc($1) THEN lower($1)
   ELSE lower($1) + 0.01 END)::numeric(8,2),
   (CASE WHEN upper_inc($1) THEN upper($1)
   ELSE upper($1) - 0.01 END)::numeric(8,2),
 However, the built in range types are automatically canonicalized while 
 a user created one is not, even with the canonical function set on the 
 type. Not a huge problem, but not an expected behavior either.

I assume that this isn't a problem when defining it in C using the
method mentioned in the other thread.

 4) No editing in place. This is a problem when trying to create 
 functions that will work with anyrange. Some missing functionality was 
 the ability to do set difference when the first range extends on both 
 sides of the second. The function range_minus throws an exception in 
 that situation. So I set about to add the functions range_ldiff and 
 range_rdiff to pull out the left or right piece in this situation. 
 Because users can add any number of range types it would be very to 
 create a new instance of the correct type. It would be much easier to 
 just edit the upper or lower bounds of one of the input parameters. But 
 that doesn't seem to be supported.

If I understand the problem correctly, it's a little more clear to solve
it with the C API. Specifically, the range_get_typcache() and
make_range() functions. You can see a similar pattern use in many of the
generic range functions defined in rangetypes.c, like range_union().

I agree it would be nice to make it easier to define new range type
functions with other PLs and not be so reliant on C.

I like the idea of having functions that return a range of the same type
but with some modification. Not quite update-in-place as you suggest,
but accomplishes the same thing.

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] Ignore hash indices on replicas

2012-08-19 Thread Jeff Davis
On Tue, 2012-07-10 at 00:09 -0700, Steven Schlansker wrote:
 I understand that the current wisdom is don't use hash indices, but
 (unfortunately?) I have benchmarks that
 show that our particular application is faster by quite a bit when a
 hash index is available.

Can you publish the results somewhere? It might provoke some interest.

 I assume that fixing the hash index logging issue hasn't been a
 priority due to low interest / technical limitations, but I'm curious
 for a stopgap measure -- can we somehow configure Postgres to ignore
 hash indices on a replica, using other b-tree indices or even a
 sequential scan?  I know I can do this on a per-connection basis by
 disabling various index lookup methods, but it'd be nice if it just
 ignored invalid indices on its own.

This might work for you:;a=blob;hb=HEAD;f=README.plantuner

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] Range-Types in 9.2

2012-08-06 Thread Jeff Davis
On Fri, 2012-08-03 at 10:42 -0700, Jeff Davis wrote:
 On Fri, 2012-08-03 at 17:06 +0200, Andreas Kretschmer wrote:
  great feature, but i can't find a TIMERANGE, i want to store time-ranges, 
  instance [10:00:00,16:00:00), how can i do that?
 CREATE TYPE timerange AS RANGE ( subtype = time );
 That's the simple answer. I believe we discussed including this as a
 built-in range type at some point, but decided against it. I can't
 remember the reason right now.

Time of day is a cycle (I forget who pointed this out), so a limit of
24:00:00 is fairly restrictive. It happens that daytime ranges like
[14:00,15:00) are more common; but it doesn't seem unreasonable to say
[22:00,02:00) either.

So, an interpretation where time of day has a total order is only useful
really for a daytime schedule (which is still useful, but perhaps not
general enough to include in core). We might be able to make it work as
ranges within a 24-hour cycle, but that will require more thought.

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] Range-Types in 9.2

2012-08-03 Thread Jeff Davis
On Fri, 2012-08-03 at 17:06 +0200, Andreas Kretschmer wrote:
 Hi all,
 great feature, but i can't find a TIMERANGE, i want to store time-ranges, for
 instance [10:00:00,16:00:00), how can i do that?

CREATE TYPE timerange AS RANGE ( subtype = time );

That's the simple answer. I believe we discussed including this as a
built-in range type at some point, but decided against it. I can't
remember the reason right now.

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] Odd corruption issue reported on, need advice

2012-07-23 Thread Jeff Davis
On Thu, 2012-07-19 at 11:35 +0800, Craig Ringer wrote:
 The short version is that the person did a bulk-load of some PostGIS
 data using the osm2pgsql data-loader tool
 ( to populate a Pg 9.1
 database. This appeared to succeed, but when the server was restarted
 it failed to come up, complaining that WAL contains references to
 invalid pages and page 1493172 of relation base/16385/477861 was
 uninitialized (for many different pages). 
 The logs of the shutdown suggest that a backend probably crashed, but
 that shouldn't cause the WAL and heap corruption observed by the OP.

Is it possible that the machine has write cache enabled?

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] Can't figure out how to use now() in default for tsrange column (PG 9.2)

2012-07-16 Thread Jeff Davis
On Mon, 2012-07-16 at 13:41 +0200, Alban Hertroys wrote:
  BTW, that second value looks a whole lot like a poorly thought out
  substitute for 'infinity' ...
  regards, tom lane
  That's certainly an interesting comment and I'm open to suggestions! The
  original db has two columns (from_timestamp, to_timestamp). I don't go for
  NULL in the to_timestamp column. Alternatively, a timestamp very, very far
  in the future can throw off query planners.
 Tom is telling you that there is a special timestamp 'infinity':

Or, perhaps specify NULL for the upper bound, indicating that there is
no upper bound and the range will be infinite.

Note that this does not mean that the upper bound is NULL in the
unknown sense, it means that there is no upper bound.

Ranges have their own internal concept of unbounded ranges, so they work
for other data types that don't have a concept of infinity (like

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] Postgresql 9.0.6 alway run VACUUM ANALYZE pg_catalog.pg_attribute

2012-06-28 Thread Jeff Davis
On Thu, 2012-06-28 at 21:41 +0700, tuanhoanganh wrote:
 I am using PostgreSQL 9.0.6 64 bit on Windows 2003 64bit.
 When i view Postgresql status, there are some autovaccum alway run.
 Ex VACUUM ANALYZE pg_catalog.pg_attribute.
 Is it problem of PostgreSQL? Please help me.

Do you have activity on the database? If so, autovacuum is normal.

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] Feature discussion: Should syntax errors abort a transaction?

2012-06-22 Thread Jeff Davis
On Wed, 2012-06-20 at 00:24 -0700, Chris Travers wrote:
 I guess it seems to me that I would not object to a new option for
 transaction behavior where one could do something like SET TRANSACTION
 INTERACTIVE; and have no errors abort the transaction at all (explicit
 commit or rollback required) but I would complain loudly if this were
 to be the default, and I don't see a real need for it.

It's already available in psql. See ON_ERROR_ROLLBACK:

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] retrieving function raise messages in ecpg embedded sql code

2012-06-22 Thread Jeff Davis
On Mon, 2012-06-18 at 21:35 +, Haszlakiewicz, Eric wrote:
 I'm trying to get some additional information back from a trigger to my 
 embedded SQL
 program, to essentially emulate Informix's way of generating serial values.
 I can get the serial to be generated, but I'm trying to figure out how to get 
 generated value back to my program with minimal changes to the SQL.

Have you already looked at INSERT...RETURNING?

 I can't figure out how to retrieve the message raised by the trigger.  I know 
 available in some cases, because I see the message when I insert a row 
 through psql,
 but even things like this:
printf(%s\n, PQerrorMessage(ECPGget_PGconn(mydb)));
 return nothing useful.  Is there a way to get this information?

Yes, these messages are delivered via notice processing (not to be
confused with LISTEN/NOTIFY):

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] Reference with inheritance propagate data

2012-06-15 Thread Jeff Davis
On Thu, 2012-06-14 at 13:08 +0400, Yuriy Rusinov wrote:
 We're need common numeration for primary key for all users tables, but
 others columns may be different for tables.

Will a sequence shared between the two tables solve this problem?

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] Reference with inheritance propagate data

2012-06-12 Thread Jeff Davis
On Wed, 2012-06-13 at 00:38 +0400, Yuriy Rusinov wrote:
 Hello, All !
 I have base table q_base_table with column (id bigint) which may be
 inherited by users tables, primary key for both base table and derived
 tables is id. Now I need for another table record_rubricator which has
 to be referenced to base and derived tables, which way I have to do
 it, because postgresql does not allow automatically propagate data ?

One foreign key cannot reference two tables.

Have you considered a design that does not use inheritance? For
instance, the users table could reference q_base_table, and then
record_rubricator could also reference q_base_table?

Also, I don't understand what you mean about propagating data. What data
do you want to propagate?

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] trigger on view returning created serial

2012-06-12 Thread Jeff Davis
On Tue, 2012-06-12 at 22:35 +0200, Philipp Kraus wrote:
 I have created a view and on this view a trigger, which is called on an 
 insert command on the view.
 Within the trigger I run an insert on a table and one of the table fields 
 uses a serial sequence, that
 creates values. If I run in the trigger after the insert a return NEW, the 
 field (id) which should
 be set by the serial on the table is 0, so how can I get the new created 
 serial on the insert command
 within the trigger function?

It's hard for me to tell exactly what problem you're describing, but it
sounds similar to the one solved here:

If I misunderstood, please be more descriptive about what you are trying
to do, what code you wrote, and what went wrong.

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] ctid ranges

2012-06-11 Thread Jeff Davis
On Fri, 2012-06-08 at 22:27 +0100, Thomas Munro wrote:
 This is slow, handled with a seq scan (as are various rephrasing with
 , =, etc):
 SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE ctid BETWEEN ... AND ...;
 Is there a way to retrieve the rows in a physical range quickly?

Interesting idea. However, as far as I know, there is no such support.

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] [PERFORM] Array fundamentals

2012-06-02 Thread Jeff Davis
On Sat, 2012-06-02 at 10:05 -0700, idc danny wrote:
 Now, if I want do do the following:
 select CombineStrings(ARRAY[SplitString2Array(SomeTextColumn), 'New
 string to add']) from SomeTable
 i get the following error:
 array value must start with { or dimension information

This discussion is better suited to another list, like -general, so I'm
moving it there.

In the fragment:
  ARRAY[SplitString2Array(SomeTextColumn), 'New string to add']
The first array element is itself an array of strings, but the second is
a plain string. Array elements must all be the same type.

What you want to do is replace that fragment with something more like:
  array_append(SplitString2Array(SomeTextColumn), 'New string to add')

If that still doesn't work, we'll need to see the exact definitions of
your functions.

Also, as a debugging strategy, I recommend that you look at the pieces
that do work, and slowly build up the fragments until it doesn't work.
That will allow you to see the inputs to each function, and it makes it
easier to see why it doesn't work.

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] Procedural Languages

2012-05-31 Thread Jeff Davis
On Thu, 2012-05-31 at 11:52 -0600, David Salisbury wrote:
 I've often wondered how these external languages perform, figuring
 that using a native language would perform better.

One language isn't more native than another, really. SQL is a bit more
native in the sense that it might be inlined, and C is more native in
the sense that it is native code.

But PL/pgSQL just happens to be a good language when you are doing
mostly SQL with some procedural aspects, it doesn't really have an
inherent performance advantage over external PLs. There may be some
implementation quality differences, however.

 If I'm executing say a PL/Perl procedure, once I've executed it the first
 time, can I take it the interpreter is now resident withing the PG footprint?


Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] Procedural Languages

2012-05-31 Thread Jeff Davis
On Thu, 2012-05-31 at 11:23 -0700, Darren Duncan wrote:
 Michael Nolan wrote:
  PL/pgSQL and PL/perlu are the only ones I use.  I use PL/perlu primarily 
  to launch shell scripts from triggers, for example to update an external 
  website when a row in a table has been inserted, deleted or updated.
 There is also another way to do what you describe that might be more secure.
 Rather than having the DBMS launch shell scripts directly, instead use 
 LISTEN/NOTIFY messaging, where the trigger posts a message, and you have an 
 ordinary client script listening for them, and the client script launches the 
 shell scripts when it gets a message.
 This way, you need a persistent client script, but you don't need to invoke 
 shell in the DBMS ... or use the untrusted version of PL/Perl if that's all 
 was for.

An additional advantage is that if you issue NOTIFY with exactly the
same message many times in one transaction, the LISTENer only gets the
message once.

In other words, a big update won't case a million rebuilds of the static

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] pg_upgrade from 9.0.7 to 9.1.3: duplicate key pg_authid_oid_index

2012-05-31 Thread Jeff Davis
On Thu, 2012-05-31 at 15:55 -0500, Bryan Murphy wrote:
 I'm having a problem upgrading a cluster from 9.0.7 to 9.1.3.  Here's
 the error:

Please send /srv/pg_upgrade_dump_globals.sql

Also, can you restart the old system (by removing the .old suffix, as
the message suggests), and then do a SELECT oid,* FROM pg_authid and
send the output along?

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] Picksplit warning

2012-05-30 Thread Jeff Davis
On Tue, 2012-05-08 at 15:11 +0300, Oleg Mürk wrote:
 Our postgresql logs are getting filled with warnings:
   LOG: picksplit method for column COLUMN_IDX of index INDEX_NAME
 doesn't support secondary split
 We are using gist indexes on integer, timestamp, and Postgis geometry.
 Is there a way to work around this problem?

A similar complaint from a long time ago. It looks like the conclusion
was to demote that to a DEBUG1 message, which won't clutter your logs.

It doesn't indicate a real problem. It's essentially saying that PostGIS
is missing out on a potential optimization, which is not something you
can easily fix. It's also not very well documented, unfortunately, so
it's not something the PostGIS folks can fix easily, either. I brought
this up on -hackers, so hopefully it will be resolved.

In the meantime, you're stuck with the messages cluttering your

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] Streaming Replication Error

2012-05-30 Thread Jeff Davis
On Mon, 2012-04-30 at 17:23 -0400, Andrew Hannon wrote:

 1. Is our data intact? PG eventually starts up, and it seems like once
 the streaming suffers the FATAL error, it falls back to performing log

I don't see anything alarming there. Postgres will not start up if it
thinks it's really missing data.

I'd advise using an archive command that does not output anything unless
it's something you really need to know. A log file missing from the
archive is normal operation for recovery mode, so notices telling you
that are just cluttering the log.

 2. What triggers this error? Too much time between log recovery,
 streaming startup and a low wal_keep_segments value (currently 128)?

128 sounds like a high-enough number, so after it catches up fully, it
should be plenty.

It looks like, while trying to catch up, it falls within the 128
segments and begins streaming, and then momentarily falls back out and
needs to restore from the archive.

Unless you have steady-state replication lag, it should catch up fully
and then just be able to use streaming all the time. Do you see it
resume streaming later on in the logfile?

Disclaimer: I'm not 100% confident in my response, so please take it
with a grain of salt, but I hope it is helpful anyway.

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] Updateable Views or Synonyms.

2012-05-29 Thread Jeff Davis
On Wed, 2012-05-30 at 11:16 +1200, Tim Uckun wrote:
 I am wondering if either of these features are on the plate for
 postgres anytime soon? I see conversations going back to 2007 on
 updateable views and some conversations about synonyms but obviously
 they have never been added to the database for some reason or another.

Neither of these has active development right now, as far as I know.
Updatable views will appear sometime, I'm sure, but I don't know when.

Synonyms sound fairly simple, but I believe there are some concerns
around catalog bloat and catalog lookup time. I can't remember the

 With regards to synonyms. It seems to me I could kind of achieve the
 same functionality by creating a dblink into the same database. Would
 that be an insane?

You'd be working outside of the transaction, so it seems like you're
losing a lot there. How does it help you?

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] Escaping `psql --variable`

2012-05-29 Thread Jeff Davis
On Tue, 2012-05-29 at 18:32 -0400, Alan Gutierrez wrote:
 Surprised that this works:
  echo :foo | psql --variable foo=SELECT 1 AS FOO;  template1
 Why doesn't `psql` escape parameters passed in through `--variable`. When I 
 a library in other languages, they will escape the variable.
 How do I use `psql` from `bash` so that it will escape variables and thwart 

In particular, look at the section on SQL Interpolation. Hopefully that
answers your question.

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] Forcefully adding a CHECK constrained

2012-05-27 Thread Jeff Davis
On Sat, 2012-05-26 at 22:06 +0300, Catalin(ux) M. Boie wrote:
 Thanks for the answer.
 I really want to avoid reading the whole table. It is too expensive,
 and with the proposed feature will be not needed. I think is much
 faster to forcefully add the check if you know the range of data.
 What do you think?

Why not just create the CHECK constraint as NOT VALID, and never
validate it? It will still enforce the constraint, it just won't
validate it against your old data, which sounds like what you want.

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] Forcefully adding a CHECK constrained

2012-05-26 Thread Jeff Davis
On Tue, 2012-05-15 at 12:52 +0300, Catalin(ux) M. BOIE wrote:
 The old_stats is so big that I cannot afford to add a check constraint.
 But, I know that all values of the itime field are before 2012_04, so, 
 would be great if I could run something like:
 ALTER TABLE old_stats ADD CONSTRAINT xxx CHECK (itime  2012_04_timestamp) 
 I never looked at PostgreSQL sources, but the commit
 Enable CHECK constraints to be declared NOT VALID;a=commit;h=897795240cfaaed724af2f53ed2c50c9862f951f
 inspired me to dive.
 Is PostgreSQL's team willing to accept such a feature?

It looks like you already found the answer! Create the constraint using
NOT VALID, and then sometime later (when you can afford the full scan)

Unfortunately, this is only available in 9.2, which is still in beta.

CHECK constraints don't use indexes, so CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY
doesn't help you.

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] Preventing an 'after' trigger from causing rollback on error

2012-04-13 Thread Jeff Davis
On Fri, 2012-04-13 at 17:58 -0400, Eliot Gable wrote:
 Is there any way I can stop a trigger which fires after a row is
 inserted into a table from causing a rollback of the entire
 transaction if something goes wrong?

1. Try using subtransactions
( ). I
suggest releasing or rolling back the savepoints that you no longer need
because triggers can be executed many times.
2. You could have a separate connection that does the processing you
need, and use LISTEN/NOTIFY to alert the other connection that new data
is available to process.

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] efficient trigger function selection?

2012-04-10 Thread Jeff Davis
On Tue, 2012-04-10 at 16:07 -0400, Kenneth Tilton wrote:
 Suppose I have an RDF-style table (with columns for subject,
 predicate, various object types, and graph) and want to have dozens or
 even hundreds of trigger functions defined conditionally on the
 predicate, ie when predicate = 'your predicate here'.
 My guess is Postgres is quite efficient at determining which if any
 trigger functions to call, but I thought I'd ask.

I recommend measuring the overhead with some bogus no-op triggers; my
guess is that it will be significant but maybe not too bad depending on
what the rest of the application is doing.

What are you trying to accomplish with so many triggers?

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] trigger when clause

2012-04-10 Thread Jeff Davis
On Tue, 2012-04-10 at 16:15 -0400, Andy Chambers wrote:

 Does anyone know the time complexity of the algorithm used to handle
 triggers with a when clause?  

It's done with a linear scan of all triggers, testing the WHEN clause
for each.

 To make this a little more concrete, what is likely to perform better
 a) A single trigger with n if/else clauses
 b) A set of n triggers each using a different when clause.

Both are essentially linear.

If you want to scale to a large number of conditions, I would recommend
using one trigger in a fast procedural language, and searching for the
matching conditions using something better than a linear search.

To beat a linear search, you need something resembling an index, which
is dependent on the types of conditions. For instance, if your
conditions are:

  00 = x  10
  10 = x  20
  20 = x  30

you can use a tree structure. But, obviously, postgres won't know enough
about the conditions to know that a tree structure is appropriate from a
given sequence of WHEN clauses. So, you should use one trigger and code
the condition matching yourself.

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] Resize numeric column without changing data?

2012-04-09 Thread Jeff Davis
On Mon, 2012-04-09 at 16:06 -0400, Lukas Eklund wrote:
 Ah. I must have not noticed that the typmod for views is not inherited
 automatically. I'm okay with developing a script to recreate the 15 or
 so views the depend on that table. What I'm trying to avoid is locking
 that table for a substantial amount of time. Thanks for the advice!

FYI, later versions of postgres try to avoid rewrites of the table when
possible for simple ALTERs like the one you're talking about.

Are you using PostgreSQL 9.1? Try it out in a simple test case... maybe
the lock is only held for an instant anyway. Some of these optimizations
went in 9.2 (not released yet) but I think the one you need is in 9.1.

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] PANIC: corrupted item pointer

2012-04-06 Thread Jeff Davis
On Sat, 2012-03-31 at 13:21 +0200, Janning Vygen wrote:
 The OS was installed a few days before, the i installed the postgresql 
 instance. I configured my setup with a backup server by WAL archiving. 
 Then i tested some things and i played around with pg_reorg (but i 
 didn't use ist till then) then i dropped the database, shut down my app, 
 installed a fresh dump and restarted the app.

Hmm... I wonder if pg_reorg could be responsible for your problem? I
know it does a few tricky internal things.

 Is it still worth to make the copy now? At the moment everything is 
 running fine.

Probably not very useful now.

 No, i didn't found any in my postgresql dirs. Should i have a core file 
 around when i see a segmentation fault? What should i look for?

It's an OS setup thing, but generally a crash will generate a core file
if it is allowed to. Use ulimit -c unlimited on linux in the shell
that starts postgresql and I think that will work. You can test it by
manually doing a kill -11 on the pid of a backend process.

 I have never done it before. But as everything runs fine at the moment 
 it's quite useless, isn't it?

I meant a backtrace from the core file. If you don't have a core file,
then you won't have this information.

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] PANIC: corrupted item pointer

2012-03-30 Thread Jeff Davis
On Fri, 2012-03-30 at 16:02 +0200, Janning Vygen wrote:
 The PANIC occurred first on March, 19. My servers uptime ist 56 days, so
 about 4th of February. There was no power failure since i started to use
 this machine. This machine is in use since March, 7. I checked it twice:
 Now power failure.

Just to be sure: the postgres instance didn't exist before you started
to use it, right?

  Did you get the PANIC and WARNINGs on the primary or the replica? It 
  might be worth doing some comparisons between the two systems.
 It only happend on my primary server. My backup server has no suspicious
 log entries.

Do you have a full copy of the two data directories? It might be worth
exploring the differences there, but that could be a tedious process.

 It is pretty obvious to me the segmentation fault is the main reason for
 getting the PANIC afterwards. What can cause a segmentation fault? Is
 there anything to analyse further?

It's clear that they are connected, but it's not clear that it was the
cause. To speculate: it might be that disk corruption caused the
segfault as well as the PANICs.

Do you have any core files? Can you get backtraces?

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] PSQL 9.1.3 segmentation fault

2012-03-30 Thread Jeff Davis
On Fri, 2012-03-30 at 20:11 +, Hu, William wrote:
 I used –with-openssl option with the configure, after starting the
 Psql would cause a segmentation fault, createuser did too.

Can you try with plain ./configure --prefix=/your/install/path and see
if there is still a problem? It might be a problem related to openssl.

If it is a problem with openssl, try to figure out if the library
matches the headers. You should be able to see what's happening during
make when it's linking the psql or createuser binaries.

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] PANIC: corrupted item pointer

2012-03-29 Thread Jeff Davis

First of all, shut down both servers (you indicated that you have a
replica) and make a full copy of both data directories. At the first
sign of corruption, that's always a good step as long as it's a
practical amount of data (obviously this is more of a challenge if you
have terabytes of data).

On Tue, 2012-03-27 at 11:47 +0200, Janning Vygen wrote:
 I am running postgresql-9.1 from debian backport package

That may be unsafe (and usually is) depending on your I/O system and
filesystem. However, because you didn't have any power failures, I don't
think this is the cause of the problem.

 I didn't had any power failures on this server.

These WARNINGs below could also be caused by a power failure. Can you
verify that no power failure occurred? E.g. check uptime, and maybe look
at a few logfiles?

 Now I got this:
 1. Logfile PANIC
 postgres[27352]: [4-1] PANIC:  corrupted item pointer: offset = 21248,
 size = 16


 Then I run VACUUM rankingentry and i got:
 kicktipp=# VACUUM rankingentry ;
 WARNING: relation rankingentry page 424147 is uninitialized --- fixing
 WARNING: relation rankingentry page 424154 is uninitialized --- fixing
 WARNING: relation rankingentry page 424155 is uninitialized --- fixing
 WARNING: relation rankingentry page 424166 is uninitialized --- fixing
 WARNING: relation rankingentry page 424167 is uninitialized --- fixing
 WARNING: relation rankingentry page 424180 is uninitialized --- fixing
 Time: 138736.347 ms


 I am worried because i never had any error like this with postgresql. I
 just switched to 9.1 and started to have a hot standby server (WAL
 shipping). Does this error has any relation to this?

Did you get the PANIC and WARNINGs on the primary or the replica? It
might be worth doing some comparisons between the two systems.

Again, make those copies first, so you have some room to explore to find
out what happened.

It seems very unlikely that problems on the master would be caused by
the presence of a replication slave.

 Should I check or exchange my hardware? Is it a hardware problem?

It could be.

 Should I still worry about it?

Yes. The WARNINGs might be harmless if it were a power failure, but you
say you didn't have a power failure. The PANIC is pretty clearly
indicating corruption.

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] pg_upgrade + streaming replication ?

2012-03-21 Thread Jeff Davis
On Wed, 2012-03-21 at 09:12 +0100, Henk Bronk wrote:
 On linux, you can also do a
 cp -rpuv. source destination

My point was that we should not take shortcuts that avoid the work of a
full base backup for the replicas until we've determined a safe way to
do that.

As far as I know, nobody has successfully and safely done a pg_upgrade
of a set of replicas without the need for full base backups (which need
to copy all of the user data).

Until someone determines that it's safe, adds the necessary
functionality to pg_upgrade and/or replication, and documents it; then I
do _not_ recommend such a thing for any production system.

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] pg_upgrade + streaming replication ?

2012-03-20 Thread Jeff Davis
On Tue, 2012-03-20 at 16:49 -0400, Bruce Momjian wrote:
 On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 02:58:20PM -0400, Bruce Momjian wrote:
  On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 11:56:29AM -0700, Lonni J Friedman wrote:
So how can you resume streaming without rebuilding the slaves?
Oh, wow, I never thought of the fact that the system tables will be
different?   I guess you could assume the pg_dump restore is going to
create things exactly the same on all the systems, but I never tested
that.  Do the system id's have to match?  That would be a problem
because you are initdb'ing on each server.  OK, crazy idea, but I
wonder if you could initdb on the master, then copy that to the slaves,
then run pg_upgrade on each of them.  Obviously this needs some testing.

This sounds promising. Fundamentally, the user data files aren't
changing, and if you can upgrade the master you can upgrade the slaves.
So there is no fundamental problem here, but there will be some careful

I think we need to look at this as a new feature that needs its own
testing and documentation.

It's important though, because as you point out downthread, rsync
doesn't really solve the problem (still takes time proportional to the
user data size).

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] pg_upgrade + streaming replication ?

2012-03-20 Thread Jeff Davis
On Tue, 2012-03-20 at 22:21 +0100, Henk Bronk wrote:
 actually rsync works fine on file level and is good for manual syncing.
 it check really the files with the stat command, so a bit change will trigger 
 the copy
 in practice you need to keep an eye on compleetness of the rsync action.

Rsync still needs to examine the entire file. It has no information to
know that the file is the same on master and slave.

We could try to give it the appropriate information on which it can make
that assumption -- e.g. keep the timestamps the same so that rsync
assumes the contents are the same. But that seems fragile and I don't
see a good way of doing it, anyway.

We need a way to take a base backup of just the catalogs, essentially,
and leave the user data intact. Probably quite a few details to sort out

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] pg_upgrade + streaming replication ?

2012-03-19 Thread Jeff Davis
On Mon, 2012-03-19 at 15:30 -0400, Bruce Momjian wrote:
 On Thu, Mar 01, 2012 at 02:01:31PM -0800, Lonni J Friedman wrote:
  I've got a 3 node cluster (1 master/2 slaves) running 9.0.x with
  streaming replication.  I'm in the planning stages of upgrading to
  9.1.x, and am looking into the most efficient way to do the upgrade
  with the goal of minimizing downtime  risk.  After googling, the only
  discussion that I've found of using pg_upgrade with a streaming
  replication setup seems to be this (nearly) year old thread:
  In summary, there is no way to use both pg_upgrade and streaming
  replication simultaneously.  I'd have to either use pg_upgrade and
  then effectively rebuild/redeploy the slaves, or not use pg_upgrade,
  and reimport all of the data.  Is that still the latest status, or are
  there other options?
 You can shut down all three servers, run pg_upgrade on all of them, then
 restart them as 9.1 servers.

After running pg_upgrade on each server individually, they will have
different system IDs, and potentially different on-disk representation
of the catalogs, right?

So how can you resume streaming without rebuilding the slaves?

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] Temporal foreign keys

2012-03-16 Thread Jeff Davis
On Fri, 2012-03-16 at 15:13 +0100, Andreas Kretschmer wrote:
  On Fri, 2012-02-03 at 07:58 +0100, Matthias wrote:
   how can I implement temporal foreign keys with postgresql? Is writing
   triggers the only way to enforce temporal referential integrity
 It works in 9.2devel ;-)
 test=# create table x (d daterange primary key);
 NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index x_pkey
 for table x
 test=*# create table y (d daterange references x);
 test=*# insert into x values ('[2012-01-01,2012-01-10)');
 test=*# insert into y values ('[2012-01-01,2012-01-10)');
 test=*# insert into y values ('[2012-01-01,2012-01-20)');
 ERROR:  insert or update on table y violates foreign key constraint 
 DETAIL:  Key (d)=([2012-01-01,2012-01-20)) is not present in table x.

If I understand what he was asking for, it was a kind of range foreign
key which means that the following query should succeed:

  insert into y values ('[2012-01-02,2012-01-04)');

because that range is contained in a value in the table x.

So it's slightly different semantics than a normal foreign key.

But yes, normal foreign keys (based on equality) work fine over range

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] Indexing MS/Open Office and PDF documents

2012-03-15 Thread Jeff Davis
On Fri, 2012-03-16 at 01:57 +0530,
 We are looking to use Postgres 9 for the document storing and would
 like to take advantage of the full text search capabilities. We have
 hard time identifying MS/Open Office and PDF parsers to index stored
 documents and make them available for text searching. Any advice would
 be appreciated.

The first step is to find a library that can parse such documents, or
convert them to a format that can be parsed.

After you do that, PostgreSQL allows you to load arbitrary code as
functions (in various languages), so that will allow you to make use of
the library. It's hard to give more specific advice until you've found
the library you'd like to work with.

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] Temporal foreign keys

2012-03-15 Thread Jeff Davis
On Fri, 2012-02-03 at 07:58 +0100, Matthias wrote:
 how can I implement temporal foreign keys with postgresql? Is writing
 triggers the only way to enforce temporal referential integrity

Yes, currently that's the only way. Look at CREATE CONSTRAINT TRIGGER.

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] xlog corruption

2012-03-14 Thread Jeff Davis
On Mon, 2012-02-27 at 16:30 -0800, Jameison Martin wrote:
 I'd like to get some clarification around an architectural point about
 recovery. I see that it is normal to see unexpected pageaddr errors
 during recovery because of the way Postgres overwrites old log files,
 and thus this is taken to be a normal termination condition, i.e. the
 end of the log (see
  My question is how does recovery distinguish between the actual end of the 
 log as opposed to a log file corruption (e.g. torn page)?  
 I'd like to be able to distinguish between a corruption in the log vs.
 a normal recovery condition if possible.

If you have a power failure, a torn page in the WAL is expected. Torn
pages in the data pages are fixed up using WAL; but WAL doesn't have
anything under it to prevent/fix torn pages (unless your filesystem
prevents them).

Of course, checksums are used to prevent recovery from attempting to
play a partial or otherwise corrupt WAL record.

What kind of corruption are you trying to detect?

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] What is the life of a postgres back end process?

2012-02-13 Thread Jeff Davis
On Mon, 2012-02-13 at 17:30 -0500, Eliot Gable wrote:
 Are postgres back end processes connection specific? In other words,
 can we assume / trust that they will be terminated and cleaned up when
 we close a connection and that they will not live on and be reused by
 other connections?

Yes, one backend per connection. When you close the connection, the
backend process should go away.

Under some circumstances, that might not always happen immediately if
the backend is in the middle of doing some work.

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] select where not exists returning multiple rows?

2011-11-12 Thread Jeff Davis
On Tue, 2011-11-01 at 10:59 -0400, Chris Dumoulin wrote:
  item_pkey PRIMARY KEY, btree (sig)
 And we're doing an insert like this:
 INSERT INTO Item (Sig, Type, Data) SELECT $1,$2,$3 WHERE NOT EXISTS ( 
 In this case $1 and $4 should always be the same.

Unrelated note: just use $1 twice.

  The idea is to insert 
 if the row doesn't already exist.
 We're getting primary key constraint violations:

What's happening is that the NOT EXISTS is running before the INSERT,
and between those two another INSERT can happen. The PRIMARY KEY is
saving you from this problem in this case.

I recommend that you look into using SERIALIZABLE isolation mode as your

That will still throw an error, but it protects you from all kinds of
similar problems that might not be caught by a primary key.

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] pg_dump -n switch lock schema from dml/ddl?

2011-11-12 Thread Jeff Davis
On Thu, 2011-11-10 at 11:46 -0500, Tony Capobianco wrote:
 I'm testing out various pg_dump scenarios using the -n switch and I have
 a few questions:
 - When using the -n switch, is the whole schema locked from all non-read
 DML/DDL operations?


 - Once the final table is dumped 
 (i.e. pg_dump: dumping contents of table zip_data), 
 are there additional background processes that are still performing
 maintenance tasks?  Or is the entire process complete and all objects
 are released?

No background work results from using pg_dump.

 I'm asking because I have a schema with a large table with many indexes
 that is consuming the majority of the dump.  This version of the dump
 takes about 4 hours.  
 As a solution, we run 2 separate dumps in parallel, one with the schema
 excluding the large table and one including only the large table.  

FYI: you need to be a little careful running two pg_dumps in parallel.
It may (though not necessarily) increase the speed, but it also means
that you get different snapshots for the big table and all the rest of
the data.

Ordinarily, you only want on snapshot so that it's a single
point-in-time for all of the dumped data. Otherwise, you may have
inconsistent data.

 The option with just the large table takes 2.5 hours.  However, the
 option with the schema excluding the large table still takes 4 hours.
 If pg_dump locks each table individually, then releases when the dump is
 completed, I must be encountering lock contention.
 Also, I use the -v switch, however I'm not getting any information on
 how long the dump of each object takes, is there an option that exists
 where I can collect this information in the log file?

If you'd like to know what's happening on your system, the best way is
to start out with (while the pg_dumps are running):

  SELECT * FROM pg_stat_activity;

in a separate client connection. If the waiting flag is true on one
query for a significant amount of time, it may be lock-related.

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] timeline X of the primary does not match recovery target timeline Y

2011-10-20 Thread Jeff Davis
On Mon, 2011-09-26 at 08:54 -0400, Adam Tistler wrote:
 I am trying to set up master/slave warm standby streaming replication
 (9.1).  I am not doing archiving/log shipping.  I have read that you
 cannot reverse roles between the master and slave, and that once a
 slave is promoted, you need to use  pg_basebackup or rsync to copy
 files from the newly promoted master to the old master.  I am fine
 with this, however, in my case all I am trying to do is re-enable the
 slave to be in recovery mode. I am doing this by deleting the trigger
 file ( which I had originally created to promote the slave to master )
 and moving recovery.done to recovery.conf, then restarting postgres.
 As a result I get the following error:
 FATAL:  timeline 2 of the primary does not match recovery target
 timeline 3

Once it's promoted to a primary, you can't set it to start recovering
from another system again (without taking a new base backup).

Did I understand your question correctly?

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] timeline X of the primary does not match recovery target timeline Y

2011-10-20 Thread Jeff Davis
On Thu, 2011-10-20 at 12:45 -0400, Adam Tistler wrote:
 Yes you understood correctly.  Would the same apply for a hot standby 

Right. Hot standby just means that you can query (read-only) an instance
that's still in recovery.

Basically, going from recovery mode (or hot standby, which is also
recovery mode) to up (that is, can accept write queries and operate
normally) is not a reversible process. You have to make a new base
backup of another system to start recovering again.

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] inserting bytea using PHPs pg_escape_bytea()

2011-10-20 Thread Jeff Davis
On Thu, 2011-10-20 at 14:13 -0300, Martín Marqués wrote:
 How would that work with abstraction layers like MDB2 or PDO?

I'm not sure. If there isn't some way to use parameterized queries, then
it's not a very good abstraction layer, in my opinion (because
parameterized queries are widely recognized as a good idea).

Sometimes it is tied to the mechanism for preparing a query -- you might
try that.

 The only place I get these messages are when inserting (or updateing)
 bytea columns with images (normally jpeg and png).

That's probably because normal strings aren't as likely to use escape
sequences. But binary data pretty much needs to, so it does octal
escapes (or is it hex now?), like: \000 for a zero byte.

However, because the non-standard string literals allow for backslash
escapes as well, it ends up looking like (for


after escaping the bytea and escaping it to be a string literal.

When standard_conforming_strings is on, then backslash is no longer a
special character in string literals, so it can just do the bytea
escaping and that's it, so the zero byte as a string literal would look


or perhaps:


I hope this helps. My advice is to just try it in different ways and see
what strings are sent to postgresql (by setting
log_statement_min_duration=0, which will log all the SQL).

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] inserting bytea using PHPs pg_escape_bytea()

2011-10-19 Thread Jeff Davis
On Wed, 2011-10-19 at 14:30 -0300, Martín Marqués wrote:
 The only concern I have is that on insertion, I get this WARNING:
 WARNING:  nonstandard use of \\ in a string literal at character 41
 HINT:  Use the escape string syntax for backslashes, e.g., E'\\'.
 Should I worry? What does it mean?

First of all, the best solution is to use parameterized queries:

But here's the explanation for the warning:

Check the settings for:

  SHOW standard_conforming_strings;
  SHOW escape_string_warning;

I assume that those are false and true respectively. If that's the case,
you are safe, HOWEVER it means that you are using non-standard literals.

It's advisable to move to standard string literals (that is, as the SQL
spec defines them) because if you port your application to other systems
in the future, or if you later turn standard_conforming_strings to TRUE,
then you could be vulnerable to SQL injection.

To become standards-compliant, set standard_conforming_strings to TRUE,
and pg_escape_bytea should automatically start working in the standard
way. It is advisable to explicitly pass the connection object (first
parameter) to pg_escape_bytea() to make sure no mistakes are made. Try
it out with a few test strings to make sure it's using the correct
escaping, see:

Another option is to continue to use the C-style escaping, which you can
do by prefixing the literal with an E (as described in the document

I know this all sounds fairly complicated. Essentially, postgresql
adopted a non-standard literal syntax a long time ago, and has been
trying to move away from that slowly for a long time. In the end,
matching the standard syntax should be a net win against SQL injection
(as well as making porting easier).

I hope this helps.

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] gaps/overlaps in a time table : current and previous row question

2011-10-19 Thread Jeff Davis
On Wed, 2011-10-05 at 15:35 +0200, thomas veymont wrote:
 let's say that each rows in a table contains a start time and a end
 time (timeinterval type),
 but the index are not ordered nor consecutive, e.g :

I think your question has already been answered, but I thought you might
be interested in:

Period data type:

Or Exclusion Constraints, which can prevent overlapping ranges:

Also, I'm currently working on a feature called Range Types, which will
hopefully be in 9.2.

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] Is 9.1 considered more stable/robust than 9.0.4 ?

2011-09-22 Thread Jeff Davis
On Thu, 2011-09-22 at 02:36 -0500, Abraham, Danny wrote:

If you are considering migrating from 9.0.X to 9.1.Y, then perhaps wait
for a couple patch releases before going into production. However, I
highly recommend that you migrate your development environment now, at
least as a test. That will give you advance warning of any problems.

However, if you are developing a new application, you might as well
develop against 9.1, because it will stabilize while you develop and do
your own testing.

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] Disconnecting and cancelling a statement

2011-09-07 Thread Jeff Davis
On Wed, 2011-09-07 at 14:46 +0800, Craig Ringer wrote:
  Right now, PostgreSQL doesn't seem to make an effort to detect a client
  cancellation. For instance, if you do a select pg_sleep(1000) and then
  kill -9 the client, the SELECT will remain running.
 pg_sleep isn't a good test. In fact, Pg _does_ make an effort to detect 
 when a client dies, and will try to terminate the query. It does this 
 via explicit checks at various points, none of which are reached while 
 Pg is idling in a sleep() syscall. During more typical query processing 
 you'll usually find that a query gets terminated when the client dies.

pg_sleep is not merely a wrapper around the sleep system call, it does
call CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS() periodically. Also, you can see that
pg_sleep can be easily canceled if the signal arrives while the query is
actually running (try in psql, or try removing the SIGSTOP/SIGCONT
signals from the C code I attached to the first message).

Try with a large cartesian product and you should get the same problem.

 Pg must find out when the client dies, though. If the client just goes 
 away - such as with a laptop on wifi that wanders out of range - it 
 won't know about it until it next attempts to send data to the client.

How does it know, even on a good network connection, when the client
disconnects? I attached a reproducible case, so you should see what I'm
talking about.

 To address this, if you want reliable client dropout detection, you need 
 to enable tcp keepalives and set them to quite aggressive so the OS will 
 periodically test the connection for aliveness.

I'd be happy if it just detected a disconnect that the OS already knows
about, e.g. explicitly closing the socket.

 I'd love to see Pg accept OOB cancel requests done via lightweight 
 connections that don't go through the whole setup process.

It does that for cancel (see PQcancel), but there is no equivalent for

  If the server 
 sent a statement cookie when executing a statement, the client could 
 hang onto that and use it to issue a cancel for that statement and only 
 that statement by establishing a new connection to the server and 
 sending that cookie rather than the usual negotiation and auth process. 
 There'd be no need to go through full auth or even bother with SSL, 
 because it's a one-time random (or hash-based) code. Pooling systems 
 could send this to _all_ servers, or it could be prefixed with a server 
 identifier that helped poolers route it to the right server.

That's not too far from what's already done -- again, see the source for
PQcancel() and processCancelRequest().

Jeff Davis

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[GENERAL] Disconnecting and cancelling a statement

2011-09-06 Thread Jeff Davis
I'm looking for a reliable way for a client to disconnect from a backend
such that any running query is terminated.

Right now, PostgreSQL doesn't seem to make an effort to detect a client
cancellation. For instance, if you do a select pg_sleep(1000) and then
kill -9 the client, the SELECT will remain running. That's not so much
of a problem for sleep, but if it's doing real work, then it's wasting a
lot of effort (and perhaps not terminating in any reasonable amount of

And even if the client makes an effort to cancel and there are no major
network problems, then I still don't see a good method. Because the
cancellation request is sent out-of-band to the postmaster, then it's in
a race with the (asynchronous) query that you just sent. If the signal
reaches the backend before the query does, then the SIGINT becomes a
no-op (because it's still idle), and then the query arrives, and then
the client does PQfinish, the backend will still be alive doing a bunch
of needless work.

I have attached a simple C program that demonstrates the problem (must
be run from same host as PG because it uses SIGSTOP/SIGCONT to reproduce
race). After you run it, see how the SELECT pg_sleep(1000) is still
running, despite the client being disconnected.

There are two solutions that I see, neither of which look great:

1. Make a separate connection, and issue pg_terminate_backend() before
PQfinish. It works because a SIGTERM will not be a no-op on an idle
backend. This solution requires superuser privileges (not acceptable),
plus it's a little ugly.

2. Keep sending cancellation requests in a loop with a delay, consuming
input each time until PQisBusy() returns false. Obviously fairly ugly
and error prone, but is somewhat acceptable.

Any other ideas? There is no PQterminate, unforunately.
statement_timeout is not feasible, as the statement might legitimately
run for a very long time.

This is all compounded by the fact that terminating the backend directly
is no guarantee of proper shutdown, either:

That means that there is no way to nicely and reliably shut down
postgresql from the client alone, nor from the server alone. The only
way is to send a SIGTERM to the backend *and* terminate the client
connection. Unless someone has a better idea?


Jeff Davis

 * Only works if run on the same host as postgres; can't work over a
 * network because we need to be able to signal backend directly.

#include stdlib.h
#include stdio.h
#include libpq-fe.h
#include sys/types.h
#include signal.h

#define ERRBUF_SIZE 256

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	char		*conninfo;
	PGconn		*conn;
	PGcancel	*cancel;
	char		 errbuf[ERRBUF_SIZE];
	pid_t		 be_pid;

	if (argc  2)
		fprintf(stderr, must supply connection string as argument);

	conninfo = argv[1];

	conn = PQconnectdb(conninfo);

	/* Check to see that the backend connection was successfully made */
	if (PQstatus(conn) != CONNECTION_OK)
		fprintf(stderr, Connection to database failed: %s,

	cancel = PQgetCancel(conn);

	be_pid = PQbackendPID(conn);

	printf(sending SIGSTOP to %d\n, be_pid);
	kill(be_pid, SIGSTOP);

	printf(sending query\n);
	PQsendQuery(conn, select pg_sleep(1000));

	printf(sending cancel\n);
	PQcancel(cancel, errbuf, ERRBUF_SIZE);

	printf(sending SIGCONT to %d\n, be_pid);
	kill(be_pid, SIGCONT);



	return 0;

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Re: [GENERAL] How can I merge two tables?

2011-09-02 Thread Jeff Davis
On Thu, 2011-09-01 at 13:09 -0400, Jerry LeVan wrote:
 As time goes by the tables on the various computers get out of
 Is there an elegant way I can get all of the differences (uniquely)
 merged into a single table?

You can try a query involving NOT EXISTS, combined with dblink:

Effectively the query would be something like: 

INSERT INTO registrations
  -- fetch remote version of table
  dblink(..., SELECT * FROM registrations) AS remote_reg(...)
  (SELECT 1 FROM registrations local_reg
   WHERE =;

(disclaimer: I didn't test this query out, it's just for illustrating
the idea).

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] Database Restore Fail - No

2011-07-25 Thread Jeff Davis
On Tue, 2011-07-19 at 14:16 +0100, Rebecca Clarke wrote:
 Hi there
 I'm transferring a database from 8.2 to 8.4 and I have some triggers
 that reference within the database.

It sounds like you have some triggers that were compiled against one
version of PostGIS, and you need to recompile them against the new
version of PostGIS.

It might be better to ask on the PostGIS mailing list, they might have
more context that can help you.

Jeff Davis

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2011-07-25 Thread Jeff Davis
[ Moved to pgsql-general. pgsql-hackers is for development of PostgreSQL
itself. ]

On Mon, 2011-07-25 at 20:06 -0300, Alexandre Savaris wrote:
 ** Error **
 ERRO: input function 49344 returned NULL
 SQL state: XX000
 Character: 45
 It seems like the call to PG_RETURN_NULL() on the input function is 
 causing the error. Is this the correct behaviour? There's another way to 
 return a NULL value as the result of a data type's input function?

The docs say:

The input function must return a value of the data type itself.

Which means you can't return a NULL from the input function when there
is non-NULL input. The context around that statement is a little more
informative, but perhaps it could be more clear.

I assume that postgresql has that requirement because it needs to know
whether something is NULL without necessarily knowing what type it is.
For instance:
  ' ' IS NULL
Should that be true or false? If it depends on the type of the
left-hand-side, how do you figure out what type it is? I'm not sure if
this is the exact reason it's prohibited, but it seems like there would
be a problem somewhere along these lines.

Interesting idea though.

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] SerializableSnapshot removed from postgresql 8.4

2011-07-13 Thread Jeff Davis
On Wed, 2011-07-13 at 18:10 +0100, Duarte Fonseca wrote:
 Hi list,
 I'm currently upgrading from Postgresql 8.1 to 8.4 one of the steps of the 
 process for me involves compiling the replication toolkit we use against 8.4.
 I've just run into a problem since this replication code references 
 SerializableSnapshot which as been removed in 8.4, i was wondering what 
 should our code use instead, I found a thread[1] in the hackers mailing list 
 where GetActiveSnapshot() was recommended, i would greatly appreciate it if 
 someone could point me in the right direction on this.
 The code in question goes something like:
 if (SerializableSnapshot == NULL)
 elog(ERROR, SerializableSnapshot is NULL );
 // Return the minxid from the current snapshot

I believe that equivalent code in 8.4 would look something like:

if (!IsXactIsoLevelSerializable || !ActiveSnapshotSet())
  elog(ERROR, Could not find serializable snapshot);


However, be careful! Some of this code changes again in 9.1. In 9.1, you
probably want to look for the repeatable read transaction.

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] Accidentally truncated pg_type

2011-07-11 Thread Jeff Davis
On Tue, 2011-07-12 at 01:12 +0100, Matthew Byrne wrote:
 I have a large database full of irreplaceable data, and due to a
 ridiculous happenstance I accidentally executed this code (as a superuser,
 of course):
 DELETE FROM pg_catalog.pg_type;
 Now the database is *seriously* unhappy - every SQL command returns an
 error message.  How do I get at my data?

[ Only consider this after you've taken Craig's advice. ]

Did you have any user-defined types or extensions?

You might try something as simple as (on your throw-away experimental
copy, of course):

1. Make a new cluster with initdb (or just connect to a different
database, if that still works).
2. Load any extensions or user-defined types into that one, and make
sure they get the same OIDs (or hack the output of the next step).
3. Copy out the contents of pg_type, including OIDs.
4. Copy that data back into your empty pg_type.
5. Try to do a logical backup, load that data into a fresh instance, and
you might be OK.

I haven't really thought this plan through, but that's the first thing
I'd try (after doing file-level copies of everything, of course!).

Jeff Davis

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Re: [HACKERS] [GENERAL] Creating temp tables inside read only transactions

2011-07-09 Thread Jeff Davis
On Fri, 2011-07-08 at 12:34 -0700, Darren Duncan wrote:
 Yes, but that would just be in-memory or in temporary places external to 
 database.  On disk internal to a database there would just be the oid.  In 
 another aspect of the database model I defined is that each database is 
 entirely self-contained; while you can do cross-database queries, you don't 
 cross-database constraints, in the general case.

Yes, you can have a local oid and a fully-qualified oid. It sounds
like it might take some effort (which is an understatement) to go
through the system and figure out which ones should be local and which
ones should be fully-qualified.

Jeff Davis

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Re: [HACKERS] [GENERAL] Creating temp tables inside read only transactions

2011-07-09 Thread Jeff Davis
On Fri, 2011-07-08 at 21:04 -0700, Darren Duncan wrote:
  I think you should make more of an effort to understand how the system
  works now, and why, before proposing radical redesigns.
 Well yes, of course.  But that will take time and I think I already 
 enough about it to make some useful contributions in the meantime.  How much 
 what I already know may not always come across well.  If this bothers people 
 then I can make more of an effort to reduce my input until I have more solid 
 things to back them up.

I don't think anyone expects you to understand all the internal APIs in
postgres before you make a proposal. But we do expect you to look
critically at your own proposals with the status quo (i.e. existing
code, users, and standards) in mind. And that probably means poking at
the code a little to see if you find stumbling blocks, and asking
questions to try to trace out the shape of the project.

I'm hoping that we can learn a lot from your work on Muldis D. In
particular, the type system might be the most fertile ground -- you've
clearly done some interesting things there, and I think we've felt some
pressure to improve the type system from a number of different

Jeff Davis

* That being said, PostgreSQL's type system is actually very good.
Consider the sophisticated type infrastructure (or at least plumbing
around the type system) required to make KNN-GiST work, for instance.

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Re: [HACKERS] [GENERAL] Creating temp tables inside read only transactions

2011-07-09 Thread Jeff Davis
On Fri, 2011-07-08 at 23:39 -0700, Darren Duncan wrote:
 What if you used the context of the calling code and resolve in favor of 
 whatever match is closest to it?  The problem is related to general-purpose 
 programming languages.
 Basically start looking in the lexical context for an x and if you find one 
 use that; otherwise, assuming we're talking about referencing code that lives 
 the database such as a function, look at the innermost schema containing the 
 referencing code and see if it has a direct child named x; otherwise go up 
 level to a parent schema, and so on until you get to the top, and finding 
 by then say it doesn't exist.

This is an example of where data languages and normal programming
languages have a crucial difference.

With a data language, you have this problem:
 1. An application uses a query referencing '' that resolves to
internal object with fully-qualified name 'x.y.z'.
 2. An administrator creates object ''.

Now, the application breaks all of a sudden.

In a normal prgramming language, if the schema of the two foos are
different, the compiler could probably catch the error. SQL really has
no hope of catching it though.

PostgreSQL has this problem now in a couple ways, but it's much easier
to grasp what you might be conflicting with. If you have multiple nested
levels to traverse and different queries using different levels of
qualification, it gets a little more messy and I think a mistake is more

Jeff Davis

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Re: [HACKERS] [GENERAL] Creating temp tables inside read only transactions

2011-07-08 Thread Jeff Davis
On Thu, 2011-07-07 at 23:21 -0700, Darren Duncan wrote:
 I think an even better way to support this is would be based on Postgres 
 support for directly using multiple databases within the same SQL session at 
 once, as if namespaces were another level deep, the first level being the 
 databases, the second level the schemas, and the third level the schema 
 Kind of like what the SQL standard defines its catalog/schema/object 
 This instead of needing to use federating or that contrib module to use 
 Pg databases of the same cluster at once.
 Under this scenario, we make the property of a database being read-only or 
 read-write for the current SQL session associated with a database rather than 
 the whole SQL session.  A given transaction can read from any database but 
 only make changes to the ones not read-only.
 Also, the proper way to do temporary tables would be to put them in another 
 database than the main one, where the whole other database has the property 
 being temporary.
 Under this scenario, there would be separate system catalogs for each 
 and so the ones for read-only databases are read-only, and the ones for other 
 databases aren't.
 Then the system catalog itself fundamentally isn't more complicated, per 
 database, and anything extra to handle cross-database queries or whatever, if 
 anything, is a separate layer.  Code that only deals with a single database 
 once would be an optimized situation and perform no worse than it does now.

One challenge that jumps to mind here is that an Oid would need to
become a pair (catalog, oid). Even if the end result isn't much more
complex, getting there is not trivial.

 See also how SQLite works; this mount being analogous to their attach.

I'm not sure SQLite is the best example. It has a radically different

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] Latency problems with simple queries

2011-07-07 Thread Jeff Davis
On Thu, 2011-07-07 at 12:13 +0100, Adrian Schreyer wrote:
 I randomly get latency/performance problems even with very simple
 queries, for example fetching a row by primary key from a small table.
 Since I could not trace it back to specific queries, I decided to give
 LatencyTOP ( a go. Soon after running a
 couple of queries, I saw this in latencytop whilst a query was hanging
 in postgres:
 Cause   Maximum  Percentage
 Writing a page to disk19283.9 msec99.7

What IO scheduler and filesystem are you using?

I think that CFQ has some problems for database workloads. It would be
easy to test: just switch to deadline and/or noop for a while and see if
the problem persists.

Also, I have heard of a few strange things with ext4, but they have
probably fixed those issues and it would be much harder for you to test.
But it might be worth searching for issues/bugs with your particular
version of the filesystem.

Jeff Davis

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Re: [HACKERS] [GENERAL] Creating temp tables inside read only transactions

2011-07-07 Thread Jeff Davis
On Thu, 2011-07-07 at 20:56 -0700, Darren Duncan wrote:
  When you create a temporary table, PostgreSQL needs to add rows in
  pg_class, pg_attribute, and probably other system catalogs. So there are
  writes, which aren't possible in a read-only transaction. Hence the
  error. And no, there is no workaround.
 That sounds like a deficiency to overcome.
 It should be possible for those system catalogs to be virtual, defined like 
 union views over similar immutable tables for the read-only database plus 
 mutable in-memory ones for the temporary tables.

Ideally, yes, from a logical standpoint there are catalog entries that
are only interesting to one backend.

But that doesn't mean it's easy to do. Remember that catalog lookups
(even though most go through a cache) are a path that is important to
performance. Also, more complex catalog interpretations may introduce
some extra bootstrapping challenges.

 Are there any plans in the works to do this?

I don't think so. It sounds like some fairly major work for a
comparatively minor benefit.

Suggestions welcome, of course, to either make the work look more minor
or the benefits look more major ;)

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] point types in DISTINCT queries

2011-06-29 Thread Jeff Davis
On Wed, 2011-06-29 at 11:37 -0400, Jonathan S. Katz wrote:
 Which means it *should* work, but first I would need to clean up the data and 
 find the duplicates.  I was hoping this might work:
   SELECT geocode, count(*)
   FROM a
   GROUP BY a.geocode
   HAVING count(*)  1;

Maybe you could use a self-join as a workaround for now, just to clean
up the data?

SELECT geocode, other_columns from a a1, a a2 where a1.other_columns 
a2.other_columns and a1.geocode ~= a2.geocode;

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] point types in DISTINCT queries

2011-06-28 Thread Jeff Davis
On Tue, 2011-06-28 at 18:56 -0400, Jonathan S. Katz wrote:

 I looked into the mailing list archives and found a potential answer
 on this thread:
 However I wanted to see if it was still necessary that I would need
 the complete btree operator class to run such a query.

Yes, the default btree operator class is used to find the equality
operator. Even though you have defined the operator =, postgresql
doesn't rely on that meaning equals -- the btree operator class is
what imparts that meaning.

 Are there plans to have a defined = operator on the point type?  I
 can understand how the other geometric types, = would represent
 area, but AFAIK I think = could be safely applied on a point type
 (and i realize I could submit a patch for that :-) maybe depending on
 the resolution to this / refreshing my C...).

The built-in geometric types haven't received a lot of attention lately.
Most people who use geometric data use the PostGIS extension, which is a
sophisticated extension that can deal with that kind of data. You might
want to check that out and see if it meets your needs.

Perhaps someone is interested in bringing the built-in geometric types
up to speed; but I think most of the interest is moving things like this
out to extensions where they can be more easily be maintained by
interested parties.

If you'd like to submit a patch, I suggest first asking on -hackers
whether improvements to the built-in spatial types would be accepted.

Jeff Davis

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[GENERAL] Re: [HACKERS] Postmaster holding unlinked files for pg_largeobject table

2011-06-03 Thread Jeff Davis
[ For future reference, -general is the appropriate list. Moving
discussion there. ]

On Sat, 2011-06-04 at 00:45 +0300, Alexander Shulgin wrote:
 We've noticed that free disk space went down heavily on a system, and
 after a short analysis determined that the reason was that postmaster
 was holding lots of unlinked files open.  A sample of lsof output was
 something like this:


 Restarting PostgreSQL obviously helps the issue and the disk space
 occupied by those unlinked files (about 63GB actually) is reclaimed.

Normally postgres closes unlinked files during a checkpoint. How long
between checkpoints on this system? Is it possible that you noticed
before postgresql caused an automatic checkpoint?

Also, you can do a manual checkpoint with the CHECKPOINT command.

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] full_page_writes makes no difference?

2011-05-25 Thread Jeff Davis
On Wed, 2011-05-04 at 00:17 -0400, Tian Luo wrote:
 So, nbytes should always be multiples of XLOG_BLCKSZ, which in the
 default case, is 8192.
 My question is, if it always writes full pages no matter
 full_page_writes is on or off, what is the difference?

Most I/O systems and filesystems can end up writing part of a page (in
this case, 8192 bytes) in the event of a power failure, which is called
a torn page. That can cause problems for postgresql, because the page
will be a mix of old and new data, which is corrupt.

The solution is full page writes, which means that when a data page is
modified for the first time after a checkpoint, it logs the entire
contents of the page (except the free space) to WAL, and can use that as
a starting point during recovery. This results in extra WAL data for
safety, but it's unnecessary if your filesytem + IO system guarantee
that there will be no torn pages (and that's the only safe time to turn
it off).

So, to answer your question, the difference is that full_page_writes=off
means less total WAL data, which means fewer 8192-byte writes in the
long run (you have to test long enough to go through a checkpoint to see
this difference, however). PostgreSQL will never issue write() calls
with 17 bytes, or some other odd number, regardless of the
full_page_writes setting.

I can see how the name is slightly misleading, but it has to do with
whether to write this extra information to WAL (where extra
information happens to be full data pages in this case); not whether
to write the WAL itself in full pages.

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] pervasiveness of surrogate (also called synthetic) keys

2011-05-03 Thread Jeff Davis
On Mon, 2011-05-02 at 20:06 -0600, Rob Sargent wrote:
 Jeff Davis wrote:
  In particular, I think you are falsely assuming that a natural key must
  be generated from an outside source (or some source outside of your
  control), and is therefore not reliably unique.
  You can generate your own keys...


 My wife works (at the sql level) with shall we say records about 
 people.  Real records, real people.  Somewhere around 2 million unique 
 individuals, several million source records.  They don't all have ssn, 
 they don't all have a drivers license.  They don't all have an address, 
 many have several addresses (especially over time) and separate people 
 have at one time or another lived at the same address.  You would be 
 surprise how many bob smiths where born on the same day.  But then 
 they weren't all born in a hospital etc etc etc.  A person may present 
 on any of a birth record, a death record, a hospital record, a drivers 
 license, a medical registry, a marriage record and so on.  There simply 
 is no natural key for a human.  We won't even worry about the 
 non-uniqueness of ssn. And please don't get her started on twins. :) 
 I can only imagine that other equally complex entities are just as 
 slippery when it comes time to pinpoint the natural key.

I think you missed my point. You don't have to rely on natural keys that
come from somewhere else; you can make up your own, truly unique

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] pervasiveness of surrogate (also called synthetic) keys

2011-05-03 Thread Jeff Davis
On Tue, 2011-05-03 at 13:35 -0600, Rob Sargent wrote:
 Sorry, but I'm confused, but that's common.  Isn't a natural key to be 
 compose solely from the attributes of the entity?  As in a subset of the 
 columns of the table in a third-normalish world. Isn't tacking on 
 another column with a concocted id joining the pervassiveness?

Not in my opinion. Before cars existed, there was no driver's license
number. The DMV (as it's called in California, anyway) created it, and
it's now a key that they can trust to be unique. It's also an attribute
of the entity now, because it's printed on the cards you hand to people.

The thing that I think is a mistake is to use generated IDs like an
internal implementation detail (i.e. hide them like pointers); then at
the same time mix them into the data model.

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] pervasiveness of surrogate (also called synthetic) keys

2011-05-03 Thread Jeff Davis
On Mon, 2011-05-02 at 23:07 -0400, Greg Smith wrote:
 I see this whole area as being similar to SQL injection.  The same way 
 that you just can't trust data input by the user to ever be secure, you 
 can't trust inputs to your database will ever be unique in the way you 
 expect them to be. 

So, don't trust them to be unique then. Make up your own unique
identifier, and use that.

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] pervasiveness of surrogate (also called synthetic) keys

2011-05-02 Thread Jeff Davis
On Mon, 2011-05-02 at 11:10 -0400, Greg Smith wrote:
 The position Merlin 
 has advocated here, that there should always be a natural key available 
 if you know the data well enough, may be true.  But few people are good 
 enough designers to be sure they've made the decision correctly, and the 
 downsides of being wrong can be a long, painful conversion process.  
 Easier for most people to just eliminate the possibility of making a 
 mistake by using auto-generated surrogate keys, where the primary 
 problem you'll run into is merely using more space/resources than you 
 might otherwise need to have.  It minimizes the worst-case--mistake make 
 in the model, expensive re-design--by adding overhead that makes the 
 average case more expensive.

Once you really try to define natural and surrogate keys, I think a
lot of the arguments disappear. I wrote about this a few years back:

In particular, I think you are falsely assuming that a natural key must
be generated from an outside source (or some source outside of your
control), and is therefore not reliably unique.

You can generate your own keys, and if you hand them out to customers
and include them on paperwork, they are now a part of the reality that
your database models -- and therefore become natural keys. Invoice
numbers, driver's license numbers, etc., are all natural keys, because
they are known about, and used, in reality. Usernames are, too, the only
difference is that you let the user choose it.

In contrast, a pointer or a UUID typically does not represent reality,
because no humans ever see it and no computer systems outside yours know
about it. So, it's merely an implementation detail and should not be a
part of the model.

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] New feature: skip row locks when table is locked.

2011-04-29 Thread Jeff Davis
On Fri, 2011-04-29 at 10:25 +0200, Andres Freund wrote:
 On Thursday, April 28, 2011 11:44:37 PM Jeff Davis wrote:
  On Thu, 2011-04-28 at 07:29 +0200, pasman pasmański wrote:
   Hi. Yesterday i have an idea, that sometimes row locks may be skipped,
   when table is already locked with LOCK command. It may to reduce an
   overhead from row locks.
   What do you think about it?
  be using row locks if they already have an EXCLUSIVE lock on the table.
  Do you have a use-case in mind?
 It could possibly reduce the disk overhead of doing foreign key checks during 
 large operations somewhat as fewer buffers would get dirtied.
 At least thats the situation where I thought about it before.

Oh, that does sound like a good use case. Doesn't sound too hard to do
either, unless I'm missing something.

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] Looking for Silicon Valley/Peninsula/San Francisco users group

2011-04-29 Thread Jeff Davis
On Fri, 2011-04-29 at 14:58 -0700, Rick Genter wrote:
 I've been using PostgreSQL pretty steadily for the past year and am
 interesting in joining/attending a users group meeting. I've searched
 for a users group in the San Francisco/Peninsula/Silicon Valley area
 (I'm in Redwood City), but all I've found are references to a San
 Francisco group where the last update/meeting was 2 years ago. Is
 there such a group in this area? Thanks.


I'm not sure which reference you found, but SFPUG is certainly active
with meetings every month. The next one is May 10.

Check out the user group mailing list here:

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] New feature: skip row locks when table is locked.

2011-04-28 Thread Jeff Davis
On Thu, 2011-04-28 at 07:29 +0200, pasman pasmański wrote:
 Hi. Yesterday i have an idea, that sometimes row locks may be skipped,
 when table is already locked with LOCK command. It may to reduce an
 overhead from row locks.
 What do you think about it?

The table-level lock mode would need to be high enough to conflict with
SELECT FOR UPDATE to prevent concurrent SELECT FOR UPDATEs from
happening (or a SELECT FOR UPDATE and SELECT FOR SHARE happening


It looks like you'd need either EXCLUSIVE or ACCESS EXCLUSIVE lock mode
as the table-level lock in order to skip the row-level lock.

So, I think your optimization would work (at least I can't think of
anything wrong with it), so long as the table-level lock is at least as
strong as EXCLUSIVE. Seems fairly minor though -- most people would not
be using row locks if they already have an EXCLUSIVE lock on the table.
Do you have a use-case in mind?

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] [ADMIN] Streaming Replication limitations

2011-04-14 Thread Jeff Davis
On Wed, 2011-04-13 at 14:42 -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
 Simon Riggs writes:
  2011/4/13 Tom Lane
  Short answer is to test the case you have in mind and see.
  That's the long answer, not least because the absence of a failure in
  a test is not conclusive proof that it won't fail at some point in the
  future while in production.
 Not really.  Every known source of incompatibility (endianness,
 alignment, float format, etc) is checked at postmaster startup via
 entries in pg_control.

I seem to remember that Mac and Linux have a different notion of what
en_US collation means (I couldn't find any standard anywhere to say that
one was right and the other was wrong). So, that risks index corruption.

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] Deferred foreign key constraint downsides

2011-04-08 Thread Jeff Davis
On Fri, 2011-04-08 at 14:08 -0500, Jack Christensen wrote:
 Are there any other downsides to just setting all my foreign keys to 
 initially deferred?

It may consume memory resources until the transaction is complete.

Also, when it's possible to write the SQL in an order that always
maintains the integrity of the FK, then it's usually more readable and
understandable. So using immediate constraints may encourage a more
readable style.

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] Out of memory

2011-04-05 Thread Jeff Davis
On Tue, 2011-04-05 at 21:50 +1200, Jeremy Palmer wrote:
 I've been having repeated troubles trying to get a PostgreSQL app to play 
 nicely on Ubuntu. I recently posted a message on this list about an out of 
 memory error and got a resolution by reducing the work_mem setting. However 
 I'm now getting further out of memory issues during the same stage of plpgsql 
 function as mentioned before.
 The function itself is run as part of larger transaction which does the 

Where is the source to the function?

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] unique amount more than one table

2011-04-05 Thread Jeff Davis
On Tue, 2011-04-05 at 17:02 -0500, Perry Smith wrote:
 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION unique_xxx ( ) RETURNS boolean AS $$
SELECT ( SELECT max(cnt) FROM ( SELECT count(*) AS cnt FROM xxx GROUP 
 BY name ) AS foo ) = 1;
 Next I added a check constraint with:
 ALTER TABLE table1 ADD CHECK ( unique_xxx() );


 After I insert a row that I want to be rejected, I can do:
 select unique_xxx();
 (1 row)
 but the insert was not rejected.  I'm guessing because the check constraint 
 runs before the insert?

Yes. But even if it ran afterward, there is still a potential race
condition, because the query in the CHECK constraint doesn't see the
results of concurrent transactions.

To make this work, you should be using LOCK TABLE inside of a trigger
(probably a BEFORE trigger that locks the table, then looks to see if
the value exists in the view already, and if so, throws an exception).
CHECK is not the right place for this kind of thing.

Keep in mind that the performance will not be very good, however. There
is not a good way to make this kind of constraint perform well,
unfortunately. But that may not be a problem in your case -- try it and
see if the performance is acceptable.

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] Create unique index or constraint on part of a column

2011-03-07 Thread Jeff Davis
On Mon, 2011-03-07 at 23:30 +, Ruben Blanco wrote:
 Is there anyway to create a unique index or constraint on part of a
 Something like this, but something that works ;-)
   ALTER TABLE invoices 

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX invoices_constraint_idx ON invoices
  (EXTRACT(YEAR FROM invoice_date), invoice_number);

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] temporal period type and select distinct gives equality error

2011-01-28 Thread Jeff Davis
On Thu, 2011-01-27 at 07:32 -0500, Arturo Perez wrote:
 I thought I saw that in CVS but when I checked it out and installed it 
 the error did not go away.
 Let me try that again.  Do you think I'd need to reinstall the server 
 itself to insure the proper behavior?

No, reinstalling the extension should fix it.

Also, there is a mailing list for this extension as well:

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] temporal period type and select distinct gives equality error

2011-01-26 Thread Jeff Davis
On Wed, 2011-01-26 at 09:27 -0500, Arturo Perez wrote:
  and yet when I do a select distinct with a join I get
  QueryLogger - *** error.
  org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: could not identify an equality 
  operator for type period
  If I leave the period column out of the select list then it works fine.
  Did I install it wrong?  Or is something else going on?
 No suggestions from anyone?  Anyone out there? :-)

Sorry, I missed this the first time.

I have added support for this in the CVS repository, but have not
included it in the latest release. The thing that's missing from the
released files is a btree opclass, which is what postgresql uses to
find the right equality operator for DISTINCT.

I am currently working on range types which is a patch that will
provide support for PERIOD, as well as many other range types, in core.
That will, of course, support everything you expect, including DISTINCT
on the range type.

We're currently in the middle of the final commit fest for 9.1. After
this is over (or perhaps earlier, if I can find the time), I'll do some
clean up of the existing pgsql-temporal PERIOD type, and do a release of

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] Constraint exclusion with box and integer

2011-01-21 Thread Jeff Davis
On Fri, 2011-01-21 at 18:36 +, Daniele Varrazzo wrote:
 = alter table commission_rate add constraint check_overlapping
 exclude using gist (payer_id with =, box( point(extract(epoch from
 start_date), extract(epoch from start_date)),
 point(coalesce(extract(epoch from end_date), 'infinity'),
 coalesce(extract(epoch from end_date),'infinity') ) ) with );
 ERROR:  data type integer has no default operator class for access method 
 HINT:  You must specify an operator class for the index or define a
 default operator class for the data type.
 Can I build a constraint check using both a box (for the range) and an
 integer (for a fkey) or should I go back to the classic trigger + lock

Install btree_gist, and this should work.

Exclusion constraints are enforced with an index, and an index can only
have one index access method (btree, gist, etc.). So you need to have
one index access method that works for both = on integers and  on

There's no hope of making a btree work for  on boxes, so we need to
make gist work for = on integers.

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] Are there any projects interested in object functionality? (+ rule bases)

2011-01-21 Thread Jeff Davis
On Fri, 2011-01-21 at 09:10 -0600, Andy Colson wrote:
 On 1/21/2011 2:16 AM, Nick Rudnick wrote:
  Dear all,
  for the sake academic teaching, a colleague asked me in how far
  PostgreSQL does support object functionality these days.

Although postgres at one time had ORDBMS as a goal, I haven't seen any
real interest or work in that area for a long time. The OO features are

1. OIDs -- hidden columns with auto-generated number.

At one time, OIDs were a part of every table, now they must be specified
explicitly. They still remain on many of the system catalogs, but not
all. Mostly, they are now just an implementation detail that people only
notice when looking at the catalogs (and I am personally annoyed that
they are hidden, because when looking at the catalogs usually you want
to see the OIDs).

2. Inheritance

This feature is now used almost exclusively for physical partitioning
rather than logical design.

 You do realize that ORM sucks, right?

Andy, please try to keep the criticism constructive.

Nick, I think the problem with ORDBMS is that they essentially introduce
pointers in the data, and that adds a lot of complexity.

For instance, the relational algebra has nice closure properties. If you
join two relations, you get another relation.

But what if you introduce pointers? Well, then each table might start
out with OIDs, but then when you join with another table and do a GROUP
BY, you lose any meaningful OIDs. So what do you have? Something else.
Therefore, you've lost closure.

Now, maybe there is a good reason to sacrifice closure and other nice
properties of the relational model. But there is a perception among many
people (like Andy) that the case has not been made.

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] Need help writing exclusion constraint

2011-01-19 Thread Jeff Davis
On Wed, 2011-01-19 at 10:15 -0500, Daniel Popowich wrote:
 Anyway...Jeff, all your answers depend on using new features in 9.0.
 What would you recommend for folk still using 8.4?  Without 9.0
 exclusion constraints, what else can you do besides using functions in
 check constraints (or triggers) with appropriate locking (at some
 level of the overall application architecture).

There are several approaches, but all of them leave something to be
desired, of course.

I break the alternative solutions into 4 categories:

1. Full table lock -- instead of using a CHECK constraint, use a trigger
and acquire a full table lock. The obvious problem here is the
contention over that lock, so transactions will need to be kept short.
Performance with this approach will not be very good, but perhaps that's
OK in some situations.

2. What I call quantization. That is, choose a size, say one hour, and
assume that 1:00 really means 1:00 - 2:00. Then you can use a UNIQUE
index. You have to align everything on the hour exactly (you can't do
1:30-2:30, for instance), and longer reservations require multiple
entries. Choosing an appropriate chunk size is difficult, because if
it's too big then it makes the application overly strict (and imposes
inconveniences on your organization); but if you choose a size that is
too small, it requires many entries for a single reservation (if you
choose one minute, then a one-hour reservation requires 60 rows). These
drawbacks are acceptable for some organizations, but not all.

3. Complex procedural code can be used. For instance, you might have a
separate table (call it my_locks) of rows that exist just for
row-level locks. One row would represent 1:00 - 2:00, another 2:00 -
3:00, etc. And when you go to insert into the main table (call it
reservations), you take a row-level lock on every row in my_locks that
overlaps with the time you are inserting. So, if you are inserting 10:30
- 11:30 into the reservations table, you would take a lock on the rows
10:00 - 11:00 and 11:00 - 12:00 in your my_locks table. This effectively
partitions your lock space, so that a reservation for 1:30 - 2:30 won't
have to wait for a reservation between 10:30 and 11:30. There are other
ideas along these lines as well, this is just an example of how adding
complexity can help. Be careful though, the complexity explodes pretty
quickly, and there are a lot of hidden performance traps.

4. You can work outside of the transactional system. Record both
reservations, and check later for conflicts. The problem here is what to
do when you find one. If you want to undo one reservation, and it was
part of a larger transaction, you have to figure out how to undo the
whole transaction. And you need to keep a log of which transactions need
to be checked, so that if there is a crash you don't lose track and
leave the conflicting reservations in there.

As you can see, none of these are ideal. But, if you run into a specific
problem, you can usually pick one of these approaches and make it work
with careful determination. Exclusion constraints are much easier,
however ;)

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] Need help writing exclusion constraint

2011-01-18 Thread Jeff Davis
On Sat, 2011-01-15 at 19:17 +, Matthew Wilson wrote:
 create table event(
 destination_id integer not null references destination
 starts timestamp,
 ends timestamp
 I want to make sure that no two rows **with the same destination_id**
 overlap in time.

First, you need to have some notion of overlaps, so you need to
combine the starts and ends into a single value. I recommend trying
the PERIOD datatype (as Andreas suggests). They don't have to be in the
same column necessarily (you could use a functional index that combines
the values), but typically it would be helpful anyway.

If you use the PERIOD datatype, the overlaps operator is . So,
assuming that the combined start/end is called during, the exclusion
constraint might look something like:

   EXCLUDE USING gist (destination_id WITH =, during WITH )

You'll need to install the contrib module btree_gist first, so that
= is indexable over integers using GiST.

What's the above constraint says is: rows R1 and R2 conflict if
R1.destination_id = R2.destination_id AND R1.during  R2.during, and
it will prevent R1 and R2 from both existing at the same time in your

This method will be safe from race conditions.

Hope this helps. Also, for more detailed examples that happen to be very
similar to your problem, see:

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] Need help writing exclusion constraint

2011-01-18 Thread Jeff Davis
On Sat, 2011-01-15 at 15:07 -0500, Daniel Popowich wrote:
 Constraint expressions can only be simple boolean expressions, so can
 refer only to the column(s) of the current row you're

Exclusion Constraints are a new feature in 9.0:

They allow you to constrain across rows, much like UNIQUE (in fact, the
constraints that can be expressed by an exclusion constraint are a
superset of the constraints that can be expressed by UNIQUE).

 so to refer to other records (which you'll need to
 do to compare destination_ids) you need to create a
 function...something along the lines of this:


 ALTER TABLE event ADD CONSTRAINT event_overlap
  CHECK(overlap_at_dest(destination_id, starts, ends));

As Tomas said, that's an unsafe thing to do. I do not recommend using a
table-reading function in a check constraint.

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] Need help writing exclusion constraint

2011-01-18 Thread Jeff Davis
On Sat, 2011-01-15 at 21:32 +0100, Tomas Vondra wrote:
  ALTER TABLE event ADD CONSTRAINT event_overlap
   CHECK(overlap_at_dest(destination_id, starts, ends));
 There's a race condition 


 One way to fix this is locking 

I do not recommend locking. In fact, the primary reason that exclusion
constraints exist is to prevent unnecessary locking for problems exactly
like this.

I included some links in my other reply that demonstrate how to avoid
that excessive locking while still being safe from race conditions.

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] Shit happens

2011-01-03 Thread Jeff Davis
On Sun, 2011-01-02 at 10:31 +0100, Dick Kniep wrote:
 Hi list,
 Thanks for the clear answer. However, this is the simple answer that
 is also in the manual. Yes I know it is not directly possible to get
 that data, but I am quite desparate to get the data back. If one way
 or another the data is (except for the 4 days we really have no data
 for) accessible, we will write a program to recover the data into the
 production database. So if anyone of you knows about a way to access
 the actual data in the WAL file (or a reference where to find enough
 information to do this) I would be very happy.

The WAL segment files will contain a lot of information (including some
full page images), which may be enough to recover some of your data.
Obviously, you'll be missing most of the data from that 4-day period,
but there is some hope.

However, pulling that data out of the WAL and making sense out of it
will be tricky, indeed (as Radosław already mentioned).

Email lists are probably not the best way to make it through this kind
of tricky recovery. You might consider contacting one of the PostgreSQL
consulting companies:

where someone experienced with WAL recovery can help you personally.
Some of these organizations employ people who have done extensive
development on the WAL recovery system and know it _very_ well.

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] B-tree + sorting + unique constraint

2010-12-29 Thread Jeff Davis
On Wed, 2010-12-29 at 16:39 -0800, bricklen wrote:
 -- works:
 create unique index t_uidx on t (x desc nulls last,y desc nulls last, z asc);
 drop index t_uidx;


 -- creating the unique constraint with sorting fails:
 alter table t add constraint t_xyz_uc unique (x desc nulls last,y desc
 nulls last, z asc);
 ERROR:  syntax error at or near desc
 LINE 1: alter table t add constraint t_uidx unique (x desc nulls las...

A UNIQUE constraint in a table definition only allows simple column
references. To get more advanced, you need to use the CREATE UNIQUE
INDEX syntax you showed above.

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] v9 deployment advise

2010-11-15 Thread Jeff Davis
On Mon, 2010-11-15 at 13:25 -0700, Gauthier, Dave wrote:

 Are there any serious known bugs left in 9.0.1 that will be addressed
 in 9.0.2 (if there even will be a 9.0.2)?

Take a look here:;a=log;h=refs/heads/REL9_0_STABLE

at everything that happened after 9.0.1. It's up to you whether you
consider those serious or not, but I don't think there are any major
issues that should prevent deployment.

Jeff Davis

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Re: [GENERAL] Using EXCLUDE in 9.0 with operator ...

2010-11-09 Thread Jeff Davis
On Wed, 2010-11-10 at 13:45 +1300, Derek Harland wrote:
 Theoretically the following would be nice if it worked
 but it complains that 
   ERROR:  operator (text,text) is not a member of operator family
 because the Btree index method only allows = in an exclude constraint.
 Or am I missing a simpler way of doing this?  (without having to
 create and then foreign key to another table, which is obviously a

Try using 9.1alpha ( ) and
installing btree_gist. Then, use:


In 9.0 this particular constraint won't work because there is an
additional sanity check in the code that won't pass if the operator is
. The sanity check was deemed worthwhile for the first release of
the feature, but will be lifted in version 9.1.

Also,  doesn't work (yet) with btree, but in principle there is no
reason why not. Perhaps for 9.1 as well.

Can you please share your use case for this particular constraint? I'd
like to hear it.

Jeff Davis

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