Re: [GENERAL] coalesce function

2013-06-20 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
Torsdag 20. juni 2013 21.45.02 skrev itishree sukla:
 Hi All,
 I am using coalesce(firstname,lastname), to get the result if first name is
 'NULL' it will give me lastname or either way. I am having data like
 instead of NULL,  blank null ( i mean something like '' ) for which
 coalesce is not working, is there any workaround or other function
 available in postgresql, please do let me know.

CASE WHEN firstname NOT IN (NULL, '') THEN firstname ELSE lastname END;

regards, Leif

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Re: [GENERAL] Storing Special Characters

2013-05-14 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
Tirsdag 14. mai 2013 18.05.05 skrev Rebecca Clarke:
 Hi there.
 This may be the wrong forum to inquire in, but I'd be grateful if I could
 directed in the right direction if that is the case.
 I am currently using Postgresql 9.1.
 I have a table in which I want to store shop names. Some of the shop names
 contain 'é' and '£'.
 The query below works when I run it through pg_admin:
 insert into retail(storename) values ('£'::character varying)
 However, when I run the same query through pg_query in PHP, I get:
 PHP Warning:  pg_query(): Query failed: ERROR:  invalid byte sequence for
 encoding UTF8: 0xa3

It's possibly a client encoding problem. See the PHP documentation on

regards, Leif

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Re: [GENERAL] Money casting too liberal?

2013-03-31 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
 Søndag 31. mars 2013 18.45.10 skrev ajmcello :
 On Sun, Mar 31, 2013 at 3:31 AM, Gavan Schneider wrote:
  On 30/3/13 at 11:09 PM, D'Arcy J.M. Cain wrote:
   I am formulating Cain's Law.  Something like If a discussion lasts
  long enough, someone will mention Godwin's Law.
  More formally:
  As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of Godwin's Law
  being mentioned approaches one.

First corollary to Cain's Law:

As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of someone trying to 
unsubscribe by posting a reply to the discussion approaches one.

regards, Leif

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Re: [GENERAL] Using composite types within PLPGSQL Function

2013-01-08 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
 Tirsdag 8. januar 2013 16.10.03 skrev Graeme Hinchliffe :
 My example code is :
 CREATE TYPE testtype AS (
   x testtype;
 $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
 This throws up syntax errors for the (x).a:=1; line.. I have also tried
 SELECT INTO (x).a 1;
 Any help much appreciated, version of PostgreSQL is 8.4 under Debian.

It should work with

x.a := 1;

without the parentheses. See for an example 
of composite types and functions.

regards, Leif

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Re: [GENERAL] Where is 'createdb'?

2012-11-01 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
 Torsdag 1. november 2012 16.32.42 skrev Kevin Burton :
 This is probably a question for the authors of a book I have been reading
 but it may be faster to get an answer here.
 I was trying to follow along in a book 'Seven Databases in Seven Weeks' and
 chapter 2 deals with PostgreSQL. One of the first things it does is issue a
 command 'createdb book'. The text before this command says, Once you have
 Postgres installed, create a schema called book using the following
 command: $ createdb book' But when I tried to issue this command (at a
 Linux command prompt) I get 'createdb command not found'. Are the authors
 out of date? What is the current command?

leif@balapapa ~ $ which createdb

regards, Leif

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Re: [GENERAL] Great site for comparing databases (or anything else)

2012-10-27 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
 Søndag 28. oktober 2012 01.17.45 skrev Gavin Flower :
 Also note that for features that are obviously complicated or advanced,
 Postgres tends to a lot better than MySQL.

It's like comparing BASIC to C. BASIC has a low threshold, but you will very 
quickly bump your head against the wall.

MySQL, the BASIC of db engines?

regards, Leif

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Re: [GENERAL] database corruption questions

2012-10-13 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
 Lørdag 13. oktober 2012 23.53.03 skrev Heine Ferreira :
 Are there any best practices for avoiding database

In my experience, database corruption always comes down to flaky disk drives. 
Keep your disks new and shiny eg. less than 3 years, and go for some kind of 
redundancy in a RAID configuration.

regards, Leif

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Re: [GENERAL] insert ... returning in plpgsql

2012-10-02 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
 Tirsdag 2. oktober 2012 15.01.08 skrev Willy-Bas Loos :
 (postgres 9.1)
 I was doing something like this in a plpgsql function, but i got a Syntax
 t_var:=(insert into table1(field2) values ('x') returning field1);
 Is there no support for using RETURNING in insert, update, delete queries
 to fill a variable in plpgsql?


insert into table1(field2) values ('x') returning field1 into t_var

regards, Leif

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Re: [GENERAL] problem with recreating database with export

2012-09-27 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
 Torsdag 27. september 2012 16.55.15 skrev Dennis Gearon :
 note to future
 To anyone reading this in the future, if you have problems importing a
 plain text database export, it is usually impossible to do:
 psql -d some_dbase -f the_backup.sql. I don't know why. What works is doing
 'cd ./the_files_directory', going INTO psql command line, then issuing '\i
 the_backup.sql', and it's really fast. 8 seconds for 128 mbyte file.
 PS,do this as user 'postgres' on the system.
 /note to future

FWIW, here are a few relevant lines from my script, which I have 
been using since version 7.4, and which is working perfectly:

dropdb $DB
createdb --encoding=UNICODE $DB
psql -U postgres -d $DB -f $INFILE  restore.log 21

Note that I'm running this as a regular postgres user, whose only privilege is 
to create new databases.

regards, Leif

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Re: [GENERAL] Need to run a job in PgAdmin-III

2012-09-24 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
 Mandag 24. september 2012 11.06.32 skrev pavithra :
 I have a scheduled a sql query as select sysdate from dual and i have
 given as Data Export.

That's an Oraclism. Have you actually tested the query in psql?

postgres= select sysdate from dual;
ERROR:  relation dual does not exist
LINE 1: select sysdate from dual;

Maybe this is what you want?

postgres= select current_date;

(1 row)


regards, Leif

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Re: [GENERAL] Using psql -f to load a UTF8 file

2012-09-20 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
 Torsdag 20. september 2012 19.27.22 skrev Alan Millington :
 Thank you for the link. I am using Notepad, which inserts the byte order
 mark. Following the links a bit further, I gather that the version of
 Notepad that I am using may not identify a UTF8 file correctly if the byte
 order mark is omitted. Also, as I mentioned, Python makes use of it. (From
 the Python documentation on Encoding declarations: If the first bytes of
 the file are the UTF-8 byte-order mark ('\xef\xbb\xbf'), the declared file
 encoding is UTF-8 (this is supported, among others, by Microsoft’s
 The conclusion seems to be that I must use one editor for Python, and
 another for Postgres. 

It's been a long time since I last wrote a Python script, but I've always used 
the explicit encoding directive:

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-

See which also 
mentions the BOM method as an alternative.

regards, Leif

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Re: [GENERAL] Using psql -f to load a UTF8 file

2012-09-20 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
 Torsdag 20. september 2012 16.56.16 skrev Alan Millington :
 psql. But how am I supposed to remove the byte order mark from a UTF8
 file? I thought that the whole point of the byte order mark was to tell
 programs what the file encoding is. Other programs, such as Python, rely
 on this.

While the Byte Order Mark is important for UTF-16, it's totally irrelevant to 
the UTF-8 encoding. Still you'll find several editors that automatically input 
BOMs in every text file. There is usually a setting Insert Byte Order Mark 
somewhere in the configuration, and it may be on by default.

regards, Leif

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Re: [GENERAL] Trying to execute several queries involving temp tables in a PHP script

2012-06-13 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
 Onsdag 13. juni 2012 15.12.33 skrev Alexander Farber :

 Any ideas please on how to handle this situation
 in PHP scripts, do I really have to encapsulate
 my calls into a pl/PgSQL function?

I believe that Misa Simic's idea that you can do it all in a single query 
without temp tables is correct. But anyway, it's always a good idea to 
encapsulate multiple interdependent queries in a single pl/pgsql function. I 
tend to keep my PHP code as simple as possible, and do most of the work inside 
the database.

regards, Leif

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Re: [GENERAL] Procedural Languages

2012-05-31 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
 Torsdag 31. mai 2012 17.07.19 skrev Merlin Moncure :
 pl/pgsql is unique in that it has 'first class queries' -- sql is
 intermixed freely with procedural code and it uses the same type
 system and error handling mechanisms  (although the syntax is
 different).   this directly translates into direct, impactful coding
 as long as you are not trying to do things that are awkward for the
 language like heavy computation or string processing.

I'm using plpgsql for string processing all the time, mostly with regexes, and 
don't find it particularly awkward. That may of course be an example of the If 
all you've got is a hammer, all problems look like nails syndrome. But I've 
never felt a need for installing another pl language.

regards, Leif

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Re: [GENERAL] what Linux to run

2012-03-03 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
 Lørdag 3. mars 2012 01.43.29 skrev Gavin Flower :

 I think if you are going to select a member of the Debian family, I
 would strongly recommend Debian itself. I have the impression that the
 Debian community is more serious about quality than Canonical (the
 company behind Ubuntu).

I haven't run Debian for ten years, when I had a headless old PC running with 
a LAMP stack. Since I discovered Gentoo, that has been my preferred distro. 
However, I'm currently in the process of setting up a dedicated Web server 
with Debian as it may one day be another person's responsibility to admin this 
box, and I would consider it cruel to leave a Gentoo box to anyone but the 
most devoted Linux fans.

My current gripe is this: The «stable» version of Postgres on Debian is 8.4. 
In order to install 9.1, I added this line to /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb unstable main contrib non-free

Then I did an apt-get update and 

apt-get install postgresql-9.1 postgresql-client-9.1

Finally I commented out the added line of /etc/apt/sources.list.

This seems a rather roundabout way, is there a better one?

regards, Leif

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Re: [GENERAL] what Linux to run

2012-03-03 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
 Lørdag 3. mars 2012 12.34.27 skrev Raymond O'Donnell :

 You can get Postgres 9.1 from
 deb squeeze-backports main

Ah, sweet, thank you!

regards, Leif

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Re: [GENERAL] Philosophical question

2011-12-14 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
 Onsdag 14. desember 2011 22.21.04 skrev Chris Angelico :
 The biggest problem with PHP, imho, is actually that it's so easy to
 use. Anyone can get a WYSIWYG editor, save as HTML, and have a web
 page... and then all you need to do is rename it to .php and put
 some special tags in it, and look! You have a dynamic web page and
 it's so awesome! At least, it is until you try to go further, and you
 start adding mess on top of mess on top of mess.

In my opinion, that's a pretty elitistic view. Certainly, that's one way of 
writing PHP, but it isn't the only one. Quite a few of us have started with 
something like what you've outlined here, but have long ago moved on to more 
maintainable coding practices.

The good thing about PHP is the low threshold, and you can start using it 
doing exactly what you outlined in your first paragraph. But somebody coming to 
PHP from any old procedural language, will soon find that PHP lends itself well 
to building function upon function, until you can really write the code you 
need to express anything you want.
 There are a few more fundamental issues with the language, but mainly,
 it gets the blame for myriad bad PHP programmers.

Yes there's a lot of bad programmers out there. Most of them code in Java or 
Visual Basic.

 I prefer Pike. It's designed for writing servers, performance is
 pretty decent, it's a high level language, and it has great database
 support (including Postgres-specific features, some of which are quite

I'd like to look at this Pike. I don't think that my Web host supports it, but 
it might still be a fun experience.

regards, Leif

The Yggdrasil project:

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Re: [GENERAL] I/O error on data file, can't run backup

2011-10-06 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
On Thursday 6. October 2011 07.07.11 Craig Ringer wrote:
 On 10/06/2011 03:06 AM, Leif Biberg Kristensen wrote:
  I seemingly fixed the problem by stopping postgres and doing:
  balapapa 612249 # mv 11658 11658.old
  balapapa 612249 # mv 11658.old 11658
  And the backup magically works.
 Woo! That's ... interesting.
 I'd be inclined to suspect filesystem corruption, a file system bug /
 kernel bug (not very likely if you're on ext3), flakey RAM, etc rather
 than a failing disk ... though a failing disk _could_ still be the culprit.
 Use smartmontools to do a self-test; if 'smartctl -d ata -t long
 /dev/sdx' (where 'x' is the drive node) is reported by 'smartctl -d ata
 -a /dev/sdx' as having passed, there are no pending or uncorrectable
 sectors, and the disk status is reported as 'HEALTHY' your disk is quite
 likely OK. Note that a 'PASSED' or 'HEALTHY' report by its self doesn't
 mean much, disk firmwares often return HEALTHY even when the disk can't
 even read sector 0.
 I strongly recommend making a full backup, both a pg_dump *and* a
 file-system level copy of the datadir. Personally I'd then do a test
 restore of the pg_dump backup on a separate Pg instance and if it looked
 OK I'd re-initdb then reload from the dump.

Thank you very much for the tip on smartmontools, which I didn't know about. 
There indeed appears to be some problems with this disk:


balapapa ~ # smartctl -d ata -a /dev/sdb -s on
smartctl 5.40 2010-10-16 r3189 [x86_64-pc-linux-gnu] (local build)
Copyright (C) 2002-10 by Bruce Allen,

Model Family: Seagate Barracuda 7200.11 family
Device Model: ST31000340AS
Serial Number:9QJ1ZMHY
Firmware Version: SD15
User Capacity:1 000 204 886 016 bytes
Device is:In smartctl database [for details use: -P show]
ATA Version is:   8
ATA Standard is:  ATA-8-ACS revision 4
Local Time is:Thu Oct  6 07:46:19 2011 CEST

== WARNING: There are known problems with these drives,
see the following Seagate web pages:

SMART support is: Available - device has SMART capability.
SMART support is: Disabled

SMART Enabled.

SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED

General SMART Values:
Offline data collection status:  (0x82) Offline data collection activity
was completed without error.
Auto Offline Data Collection: Enabled.
Self-test execution status:  (  25) The self-test routine was aborted by
the host.
Total time to complete Offline 
data collection: ( 650) seconds.
Offline data collection
capabilities:(0x7b) SMART execute Offline immediate.
Auto Offline data collection on/off 
Suspend Offline collection upon new
Offline surface scan supported.
Self-test supported.
Conveyance Self-test supported.
Selective Self-test supported.
SMART capabilities:(0x0003) Saves SMART data before entering
power-saving mode.
Supports SMART auto save timer.
Error logging capability:(0x01) Error logging supported.
General Purpose Logging supported.
Short self-test routine 
recommended polling time:(   1) minutes.
Extended self-test routine
recommended polling time:( 236) minutes.
Conveyance self-test routine
recommended polling time:(   2) minutes.
SCT capabilities:  (0x103b) SCT Status supported.
SCT Error Recovery Control supported.
SCT Feature Control supported.
SCT Data Table supported.

SMART Attributes Data Structure revision number: 10
Vendor Specific SMART Attributes with Thresholds:
  1 Raw_Read_Error_Rate 0x000f   114   099   006Pre-fail  Always   
-   61796058
  3 Spin_Up_Time0x0003   094   092   000Pre-fail  Always   
-   0
  4 Start_Stop_Count0x0032   100   100   020Old_age   Always   
-   46
  5 Reallocated_Sector_Ct   0x0033   100   100   036Pre-fail  Always   
-   1
  7 Seek_Error_Rate

[GENERAL] I/O error on data file, can't run backup

2011-10-05 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
Running postgresql 9.0.5 on 

balapapa ~ # uname -a
Linux balapapa 2.6.39-gentoo-r3 #1 SMP Sun Jul 17 11:22:15 CEST 2011 x86_64 
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 930 @ 2.80GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux

I'm trying to run pg_dump on my database, and get an error:

pg_dump: SQL command failed
pg_dump: Error message from server: ERROR:  could not read block 1 in file 
base/612249/11658: Inn/ut-feil
pg_dump: The command was: SELECT tableoid, oid, opfname, opfnamespace, (SELECT 
rolname FROM pg_catalog.pg_roles WHERE oid = opfowner) AS rolname FROM 

I have tried to stop postgresql and take a filesystem backup of the data 
directory with a cp -ax, but it crashes on the same file. I've looked at the 
directory with ls -l, and the file looks pretty normal to me. I've also 
rebooted from a live CD and run fsck on my /var partition, and it doesn't find 
any problem.

The database is still working perfectly.

The backup script overwrote my previous backup with a 40 byte file (yes silly 
me I know that's bloody stupid - I'm gonna fix that) and now I haven't got a 
recent backup anymore.

Is this fixable?

regards, Leif

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Re: [GENERAL] I/O error on data file, can't run backup

2011-10-05 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
On Wednesday 5. October 2011 20.42.00 Tom Lane wrote:
 Postgres can't magically resurrect data that your drive lost, if that's
 what you were hoping for.  However, you might be in luck, because that
 file is probably just an index and not original data.  Try this:
   select relname from pg_class where relfilenode = 11658;
 On my 9.0 installation I get pg_opclass_am_name_nsp_index.  If you get
 the same (or any other index for that matter) just reindex that index
 and you'll be all right ... or at least, you will be if that's the only
 file your drive has lost.

this is what I get:

postgres@balapapa ~ $ psql pgslekt
psql (9.0.5)
Type help for help.

pgslekt=# select relname from pg_class where relfilenode = 11658;
(1 row)

regards, Leif

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Re: [GENERAL] I/O error on data file, can't run backup

2011-10-05 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
I seemingly fixed the problem by stopping postgres and doing:

balapapa 612249 # mv 11658 11658.old
balapapa 612249 # mv 11658.old 11658

And the backup magically works.

I'm gonna move the data to another disk right now.

regards, Leif

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Re: [GENERAL] I/O error on data file, can't run backup

2011-10-05 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
On Wednesday 5. October 2011 22.41.49 Tom Lane wrote:
 Leif Biberg Kristensen writes:

  I'm gonna move the data to another disk right now.
 Good plan.

Couple of things I forgot to mention, in case it matters:

The disk is a 1 TB Seagate Barracuda S-ATA, and it has been in use for about a 
year. I've been using this brand since way back around 1998 without any 
problems, but have never used any disk more than 3 years. The file system is 

I had a hang on the machine a few hours earlier that required a power-off 
reboot. That has been a problem with this rig since I built it about a year 
ago, it's probably a funky connection somewhere. This may be the direct cause 
of the I/O error, which also may mean that the disk is not to blame.

I'm so used to postgres and everything else coming up without a hiccup after a 
power-off that I don't usually pay much attention to it. But I'm certainly 
going to rework my backup strategy, and keep several generations.

regards, Leif

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Re: [GENERAL] I/O error on data file, can't run backup

2011-10-05 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
On Thursday 6. October 2011 00.17.38 Steve Crawford wrote:
 I'm thinking perhaps a funky memory problem - you are having odd crashes
 after all.

I've been thinking about the memory myself, but it passes memtest86plus with 
flying colors. Or at least it did the last time I checked which is a few months 

The problems got a lot better after I replaced a monster Radeon XFX video card 
with a very basic fanless NVidia card (with the added bonus that I can now 
actually watch Flash videos in full screen), which may point to overheating 

In other news: I discovered that injecting `date +%u` into the backup file name 
at an appropriate place will number it by weekday, which is great for keeping 
daily backups for a week.

regards, Leif.

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Re: [GENERAL] How to find freak UTF-8 character?

2011-10-02 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
On Sunday 2. October 2011 15.53.50 pasman pasmański wrote:
 Its simple to remove strange chars  with regex_replace.

True, but first you have to know how to represent a «strange char» in 
Postgresql :P

It isn't all that obvious, and it's difficult to search for the solution. I 
tried a lot of different search terms in Google, and none of them turned up 
anything near what I needed.

regards, Leif

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Re: [GENERAL] How to find freak UTF-8 character?

2011-10-02 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
On Sunday 2. October 2011 16.34.27 Cédric Villemain wrote:
 you may have miss this one :

That's an, uh, interesting article, but as far as I can see, it doesn't tell 
anything about how to find a perfectly legal three-byte UTF-8 character that 
doesn't have a counterpart in LATIN1, given that all I know about it is its 
hexadecimal value.

I know how to do it now, and I consider the problem solved. Hopefully, this 
thread may help others who stumbles upon the same issue.

regards, Leif

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Re: [GENERAL] How to find freak UTF-8 character?

2011-10-02 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
On Sunday 2. October 2011 17.54.52 Raymond O'Donnell wrote:
 I may have missed it upthread, but if you haven't already would you
 consider writing up your solution for the benefit of the archives?

I did, in my own first reply to the original message:

SELECT * FROM foo WHERE bar LIKE E'%\xe2\x80\x8e%';

The trick is obviously to escape each byte in the sequence.

Maybe I'll write a blog post about it. It appears to be weakly documented, or 
at least very hard to find. Or maybe it's just me being dense.

regards, Leif.

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[GENERAL] How to find freak UTF-8 character?

2011-10-01 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
I've somehow introduced a spurious UTF-8 character in my database. When I try 
to export to an application that requires LATIN1 encoding, my export script 
bombs out with this message:

psycopg2.DataError: character 0xe2808e of encoding UTF8 has no equivalent in 

I figure that it should be easy to find the offending character in the database 
by doing a SELECT * FROM foo WHERE bar like '%\0xe2808e%' or something like 
that, but I can't find the correct syntax, I can't find a relevant section in 
the manual, and I can't figure out how to google this problem.

regards, Leif

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Re: [GENERAL] How to find freak UTF-8 character?

2011-10-01 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
On Saturday 1. October 2011 07.55.01 Leif Biberg Kristensen wrote:
 I've somehow introduced a spurious UTF-8 character in my database. When I
 try to export to an application that requires LATIN1 encoding, my export
 script bombs out with this message:
 psycopg2.DataError: character 0xe2808e of encoding UTF8 has no equivalent
 in LATIN1

I finally figured it out, with a little help from maatb's unicode database 

SELECT * FROM foo WHERE bar LIKE E'%\xe2\x80\x8e%';

regards, Leif

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Re: [GENERAL] How to find freak UTF-8 character?

2011-10-01 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
On Saturday 1. October 2011 21.29.45 Andrew Sullivan wrote:
 I see you found it, but note that it's _not_ a spurious UTF-8
 character: it's a right-to-left mark, ans is a perfectly ok UTF-8 code

thank you for your reply. Yes I know that this is a perfectly legal UTF-8 
character. It crept into my database as a result of a copy-and-paste job from 
a web site. The point is that it doesn't have a counterpart in ISO-8859-1 to 
which I regularly have to export the data.

The offending character came from this URL:

and the text that I copied and pasted from the page looks like this in the 
source code:

Aslaug Steinarsdotter Fjågesundnbsp;nbsp;lrm;(I2914)lrm;

I'm going to write to the webmaster of the site and ask why that character, 
represented in the HTML as the lrm; entity, has to appear in a Norwegian web 
site which never should have to display text in anything but left-to-right 
 If you need a subset of the UTF-8 character set, you want to make sure
 you have some sort of constraint in your application or your database
 that prevents insertion of anything at all in UTF-8.  This is a need
 people often forget when working in an internationalized setting,
 because there's a lot of crap that comes from the client side in a
 UTF-8 setting that might not come in other settings (like LATIN1).

I don't want any constraint of that sort. I'm perfectly happy with UTF-8. And 
now that I've found out how to spot problematic characters that will crash my 
export script, it's really not an issue anymore. The character didn't print 
neither in psql nor in my PHP frontend, so I just removed the problematic text 
and re-entered it by hand. Problem solved.

But thank you for the idea, I think that I will strip out at least any lrm; 
entities from text entered into the database.

By the way, is there a setting in psql that will output unprintable characters 
as question marks or something?

regards, Leif.

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Re: [GENERAL] max_stack_depth error, need suggestion

2011-08-18 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
On Thursday 18. August 2011 12.39.31 AI Rumman wrote:
 I am using Postgresql 9.0.1 in Centos 5.
 Yesterday, I got the error inlog:
 2011-08-16 10:57:34 EDT [3868]: [1-1] user=vcrm,db=vtigercrm504 ERROR:
 stack depth limit exceeded
 2011-08-16 10:57:34 EDT [3868]: [2-1] user=vcrm,db=vtigercrm504 HINT:
 Increase the configuration parameter max_stack_depth, after ensuring the
 platform's stack depth limit is adequate.
 I found that I need to increase max_stack_depth. But doc says that it is a
 bit risky increasing it.
 Could any one please suggest me what the maximum safe value I may set in my
 My Server RAM is 32 GB.

That error message is usually caused by an infinite recursion.

regards, Leif

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Re: [GENERAL] Using Postgresql as application server

2011-08-15 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
On Monday 15. August 2011 16.36.23 Merlin Moncure wrote:
 Postgres is not just a database -- it's a language hosting platform if
 you want to use it as such.  Now, you can continue to do things as
 you've always done (database 'here', code 'here', web server 'here'),
 but why discourage people from trying out different things?

Somebody's probably going to do it -- for no other reason why than because you 

Sometimes I'll write functions like

SELECT 'p class=packed' || ss_link_expand(source_text) || '/p'
FROM sources
WHERE parent_id=$1
ORDER BY sort_order

for dumping thext that I'll copy and paste right into a static Web page. It's 
a lot easier to do this in psql than a lot of other methods that I can think 

BTW, the mentioned ss_link_expand() function will generate hyperlinks on the 
fly from a compact format stored in the database. The concept is explained 

I'm working with Postgres and PHP in tandem, and frequently write functions in 
sql or pl/pgsql that will output text directly in HTML format, mostly because 
I've found text transformation (particularly regexp_replace) in Postgres to be 
far superior to the equivalent methods of doing it in PHP.


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Re: [GENERAL] announcements regarding tools

2011-07-19 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
On Tuesday 19. July 2011 18.44.46 Scott Ribe wrote:
 I'm not sure to whom this specifically should be addressed, but something
 that's been bugging me for a while: announcements like this morning's
 AnySQL Maestro 11.7 released, where the announcement mentions nothing
 about platform support. And it's not just the lack of that info in
 announcements; on many web sites you have to dig for a while to find info
 about platform support, and I do not enjoy finding what looks like a nice
 tool, only to have to spend 5-10 minutes to figure out that it is Windows
 My suggestion: all such announcements should include information about
 supported platforms. Any announcement submitted without that info should
 be rejected, and the vendor instructed to add it before re-submission.

I totally agree. In particular, Windows users seems to think that everybody 
else is using their platform, much as right-handers seem to unconsciously deny 
the existence of left-handers.

The corollary being that if the announcement doesn't explicitly say otherwise, 
you can assume with about 99% confidence that the touted product is Windoze 

regards, Leif

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Re: [GENERAL] An amusing MySQL weakness--not!

2011-06-27 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
On Sunday 26. June 2011 16.11.06 Vincent Veyron wrote:
 Le dimanche 26 juin 2011 à 00:05 -0700, Darren Duncan a écrit :
  Michael Nolan wrote:
  Having real BOOLEAN is just one of the reasons I like Postgres the most.
 Would you mind giving an example of where a boolean field would be a win
 over an integer one?
 I'm asking this because I frequently wonder what is best for my use; I
 normally query postgres via Perl modules, which don't care about boolean
 (the driver converts t/f to 0/1), but I like to tune my fields properly.

PHP has its own Boolean values TRUE/FALSE, but reads Postgresql Booleans as 
't'/'f'. You always have to rely on kludgy konstructs like

if ($pg_bool == 't') then
$my_bool = TRUE;
elseif ($pg_bool == 'f') then
$my_bool = FALSE;
$my_bool = NULL;

It's of course much easier to use integer values, but it sucks not to use a 
bool when you want a variable that can't be anything but TRUE, FALSE or NULL.

It obfuscates the code to use a var that evaluates to an integer, but in 
reality is a Boolean in disguise.

regards, Leif

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Re: [GENERAL] Oracle / PostgreSQL comparison...

2011-06-24 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
On Friday 24. June 2011 03.14.39 Rodrigo E. De León Plicet wrote:
 Any comments?

I think he got a point in «Oracle as the second largest software company in 
the world» which is a killer argument from the PHB point of view. They're big 
because they're big.

regards, Leif

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Re: [GENERAL] Oracle / PostgreSQL comparison...

2011-06-24 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
On Friday 24. June 2011 06.01.31 Greg Smith wrote:

 The idea that PostgreSQL is reverse engineered from Oracle is

Maybe he believes that SQL was invented by Oracle?

regards, Leif

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Re: [GENERAL] what is the best way of storing text+image documents in postgresql

2011-06-10 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
On Friday 10. June 2011 09.04.18 Arash pajoohande wrote:

 Actually, my word files consists of many exam questions. for each user, a
 random subset of questions must selected and displayed.
 it seem's that it would be nice if I have each question as an easy to
 handle document section (e.g. html div) and display them without need of
 any other application.

That is a very trivial task in eg. PHP. Like John and Craig has said, just 
store the questions as plain text in the database. (Watch out for special MS 
characters.) Let the PHP script pick a random subset of predefined size and 
display it in the browser. Click on File - Print.

Sounds like less than a day's work to me.

regards, Leif

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Re: [GENERAL] Passing parameters into an in-line psql invocation

2011-06-02 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
On Thursday 2. June 2011 18.58.23 Gauthier, Dave wrote:
 I'd like to pass a parameter into an inline psql call that itself calls an
 sql script, something like...
 psql mydb -c \i thesqlscript foo
 Wherefoo is the value I want to pass in.
 Just as good would be the ability to sniff out an environment variable from
 within the sql script (thesqlscript in the example above).  In perl, I
 would use $ENV{VARNAME}.  Is there something like that in Postgres SQL?
 V8.3.4 on Linux (upgrading to v9 very soon).
 Thanks for any ideas !

Personally I prefer to write a small wrapper in Perl for interaction with 
Postgres from the command line. Here's a boilerplate:

#! /usr/bin/perl

use strict;
use DBI;

my $val = shift;
if ((!$val) || !($val =~ /^\d+$/)) {
print Bad or missing parameter $val\n;
my $dbh = DBI-connect(dbi:Pg:dbname=mydb, '', '',
{AutoCommit = 1}) or die $DBI::errstr;
my $sth = $dbh-prepare(SELECT foo(?));
while (my $text = STDIN) {
my $retval = $sth-fetch()-[0];
if ($retval  0) {
$retval = abs($retval);
print Duplicate of $retval, not added.\n;
else {
print $retval added.\n;

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Re: [GENERAL] wnat ot edit pg_hba.conf file from command prompt

2011-05-02 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
On Monday 02 May 2011 16:28:48 Sim Zacks wrote:

 sed for windows -

Whatever happened to edlin?

regards, Leif

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Re: [GENERAL] 10 missing features

2011-04-26 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
On Monday 25 April 2011 10:41:36 Linos wrote:
 Hi all,
   only want to link this blog post ,
 i think he may have any good points.
 Miguel Angel.

Maybe the best point is the one between the lines: That PostgreSQL is being 
compared to Oracle on a feature-by-feature basis. I don't know if his views 
are representative for Oracle DBAs, but it's an indication of PostgreSQL being 
considered in the same league as Oracle.

The «features» perceived to be missing from PostgreSQL by the Oracle DBA is 
the icing on the cake. The cake itself (in terms of data integrity, 
performance, scalability) is obviously regarded as totally edible.

regards, Leif

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Re: [GENERAL] Using column aliasses in the same query

2011-04-17 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
On Sunday 17 April 2011 13:01:45 Robert J.C. Ivens wrote:
 I am not sure if there ever was a feature request for using defined column
 aliases in the rest of a query. This would make queries with a lot of
 logic in those aliased columns a lot smaller and this easier to
 I already know you can use the following syntax:
 SELECT col1, col2, col3, (col2-col3) as col4 FROM (SELECT col1, (long and
 lots of logic here) as col2, col3 FROM table) s WHERE col2  aValue
 But when you need to use (calculated) values from the actual record and or
 have sub-selects in your main select that also need to use these values
 things get really hairy. I don't know if the SQL specification allows it
 but I know that RDBMS's like Sybase already support this.
 Any thoughts?

It's easy to define a view or an SQL function and stash the hairy logic there.

regards, Leif

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Re: [GENERAL] ..horribly documented, inefficient, user-hostile, impossible to maintain interpreted language..

2011-04-04 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
On Monday 04 April 2011 21:07:38 Martin Gainty wrote:
 ..horribly documented, inefficient, user-hostile, impossible to maintain
 interpreted language.. to whom might you be alluding to

Probably something starting with P.

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Re: [GENERAL] ..horribly documented, inefficient, user-hostile, impossible to maintain interpreted language..

2011-04-04 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
On Monday 04 April 2011 21:20:51 John R Pierce wrote:
 On 04/04/11 12:07 PM, Martin Gainty wrote:
  ..horribly documented, inefficient, user-hostile, impossible to
  maintain interpreted language..
  to whom might you be alluding to
 I only used a few of those adjectives, and prefixed them by
 hypothetical.   to be honest, I would expect most languages commonly
 used in web service environments to be more efficient at string
 processing than pl/pgsql, and I really can't think of a counterexample
 off the top of my head.

I had to move a piece of regexp/replace logic from PHP into pl/pgsql because 
PHP couldn't handle more than abt. 50 replacements in one text unit, instead 
it just dumped the text in the bit bucket. It was probably a memory allocation 
problem. On the other hand pl/pgsql has had no problem with the logic.

Documentation here:

regards, Leif

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Re: [GENERAL] UUID column as pimrary key?

2011-01-05 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
On Wednesday 5. January 2011 16.05.29 Bill Moran wrote:

 Beyond that, the namespace size for a UUID is so incomprehensibly huge
 that the chance of two randomly generated UUIDs having the same value
 is incomprehensibly unlikely ... it is, however, not a 100% guarantee.
I can't help thinking of the «Birthday Paradox»:

regards, Leif

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Re: [GENERAL] Restore problem

2010-12-29 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
On Wednesday 29. December 2010 13.18.40 Alban Hertroys wrote:

 Learning Vim is probably time well-spent, but until you do it's 
probably not that good a tool for fixing your problem.
 Although Vim is indeed a very powerful editor, it's not particularly 
easy to use. Unlike your usual editors like Notepad and friends, it's a 
command-based editor, meaning you have to execute a command before you 
can input or change data. It's an entirely different paradigm than what 
you're probably used to (I may assume wrongly here).

Back when I used Windows, my favorite editor was EditPlus 
( It isn't free, but well worth the 35 bucks.

As a rather casual coder, I'm very satisfied with the simple editor 
Kwrite in KDE. It's a sheer delight compared to Notepad.

regards, Leif

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Re: [GENERAL] Root user commands

2010-12-22 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
On Wednesday 22. December 2010 20.03.23 Bob Pawley wrote:
 I am attempting to see if my Postgresql installation is running.
 I’ve found this -
 [root user only] ./ status
 I don’t understand what is meant by root user.
 I also don’t know how “./ status” is used.

You don't tell where you found this information.

If you don't know what a root user is, you're probably on Windows. On 
*nix systems, root is the privileged user who can do all the things a 
normal user isn't allowed to do, like modifying system files.

The '' is a Perl script. Perl is a fairly default 
installation on *nix systems, there also exist builds for Windows. I 
used the Komodo flavor way back when.


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Re: [GENERAL] Copy From suggestion

2010-12-20 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
On Monday 20. December 2010 15.24.58 Jorge Godoy wrote:
 With that 65K limit goes away as well...
 I don't know why it is still like that today for MS Office...  It is 
 2011 and they still think 64K is enough? :-)

Maybe there's an uncrippled «Professional» or «Enterprise» version 
costing an arm and a leg? ;)

Leif B. Kristensen

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Re: [GENERAL] Adding data from mysql to postgresql periodically

2010-11-14 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
On Sunday 14. November 2010 13.44.53 franrtorres77 wrote:
 Hi there
 I need to add periodically some data from a remote mysql database into our
 postgresql database. So, does anyone know how to do it having in mind that
 it must be runned every minute or so for adding new records to the

It should be trivial to write a Perl script that pulls the data from MySQL,
inserts them into PostgreSQL, and then goes to sleep for 60 seconds.

Leif B. Kristensen

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Re: [GENERAL] Adding data from mysql to postgresql periodically

2010-11-14 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
On Sunday 14. November 2010 14.33.39 franrtorres77 wrote:
 well, I know how to query to mysql but what i dont know is how to then 
 that data on the fly to the postgresql

The DBD::Pg package has an excellent documentation:

Leif B. Kristensen

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Re: [GENERAL] Adding data from mysql to postgresql periodically

2010-11-14 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
On Sunday 14. November 2010 14.33.39 franrtorres77 wrote:
 well, I know how to query to mysql but what i dont know is how to then 
 that data on the fly to the postgresql

I'd also like to say that it's an interesting question, and a lot of 
people (including me) might want to take a stab at the solution.

If you can tell what the data looks like coming from MySQL, and the 
corresponding table structure in PostgreSQL, you may well get a much 
more detailed reply.

Leif B. Kristensen

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Re: [GENERAL] Full Vacuum/Reindex vs autovacuum

2010-11-08 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
On Monday 8. November 2010 20.06.13 Jason Long wrote:
 I currently have Postgres 9.0 install after an upgrade.  My database is
 relatively small, but complex.  The dump is about 90MB.
 Every night when there is no activity I do a full vacuum, a reindex, and
 then dump a nightly backup.
 Is this optimal with regards to performance?  autovacuum is set to the

I've got a database about the same size order (65 MB on disk, 5 MB dump.tgz) 
and I never bother with neither full vacuum nor reindexing. I run the default 
autovacuum, and if the db becomes bloated for some reason, I just do a 
dump/drop/reload cycle. It's done in a few seconds.

Leif B. Kristensen

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Re: [GENERAL] How do you control IMMUTABLE PG PROC results?

2010-11-04 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
On Friday 5. November 2010 01.24.14 Carlo Stonebanks wrote:
 We have procs that would benefit from returning IMMUTABLE results. The procs 
 are dependent on external tables that rarely change, but when they DO 
 change, it would be great if we could expire the cache that the procs read 
 from so that the procs are forced to re-evaluate the results.

A function declared as IMMUTABLE can't, by definition, do database lookups. 
Then it has to be declared as STABLE.

«An IMMUTABLE function cannot modify the database and is guaranteed to return 
the same results given the same arguments forever.»

Leif B. Kristensen

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Re: [GENERAL] 8.4 Data Not Compatible with 9.0.1 Upgrade?

2010-11-02 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
On Tuesday 2. November 2010 22.37.33 Carlos Mennens wrote:
 On Tue, Nov 2, 2010 at 10:53 AM, Steve Clark wrote:
  mv /var/lib/postgres/data  /var/lib/postgres/data.old
 Before I move or rename '/var/lib/postgres/data', what version of
 PostgreSQL should I be at? 8.4 or 9.0?

You should be at 9.0. The important thing is that you must start the new 
installation initdb with an empty  data directory, or you'll inevitably get 
the complaints about incompatibility with the old files. It's quite logical, 
really, if you think about it.

  You will then have to do an initdb to create the basic 9.x databases.
  You can then use psql or pg_restore depending on how you dumped
  your data to restore your databases.
 I simply ran the following command:
 /usr/bin/pg_dump finance  finance.sql

That's only the first part of the upgrade process. Then you must prepare an 
empty directory to acommodate your data, do an initdb, and then populate the 
new directory from your dump file.
I think that the Gentoo method works great: In the /var/lib/postgres 
directory, we just create a new subirectory named /8.3, /8.4, /9.0, and so on, 
and then a new /data directory under each one. That way, you can safely remove 
the old data when you've confirmed that the new version actually works.

Leif B. Kristensen

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Re: [GENERAL] Printing command string passed to EXECUTE command in plpgsql (after argument resolution)

2010-10-28 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
On Thursday 28. October 2010 16.25.47 Allan Kamau wrote:
 I am debugging a plpgsql function which contains a long sql query
 consisting of several parameters which is executed using EXECUTE
 command. I would like to output this command string including the
 actual values of the parameters contained within it so I can obtain
 the actual query and run it directly (manually) in psql (or other
 client such as pgAdmin3). Or at least is possible to output the
 command string as is, followed by the parameter resolution details
 such as $1='2', $2='abc' and so on.

If I understand you correctly, you can assign the SQL string to a variable x, 
and then do a RAISE NOTICE 'Query is: %', x

Leif B. Kristensen

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Re: [GENERAL] Front End Application (OFF-TOPIC)

2010-09-24 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
On Friday 24. September 2010 19.15.39 Carlos Mennens wrote:
 I am using PostgreSQL to hold my entire I.T. inventory for my company.
 I am manually entering the data in via hand through the Linux command
 line and the 'psql' utility which is great for me but other co-workers
 in I.T. have no understanding of how to view the schema and I wanted
 to see if anyone had any recommendations for software or applications
 I could use that would display all my PostgreSQL data to them over the
 web of sorts? Something that lets them view the warranty expiration
 dates I entered in the Dell table. I don't want an administrative tool
 like 'phppgadmin' or anything but more like a utility that users can
 go in and view the database schema and data for reference only.
 Sorry if this is not the correct forum to ask this kind of question
 but I figured with everyone on the list using this in so many
 different varieties, I would find something.
 Thanks for your support!

With PHP, it's very easy to build a Web interface to a PostgreSQL database. 
Even I have managed that :D

Leif Biberg Kristensen

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Re: [GENERAL] Trade Study on Oracle vs. PostgreSQL

2010-09-24 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
On Friday 24. September 2010 20.04.26 Lincoln Yeoh wrote:

 Then again, does Tom ever sleep? Maybe he sleeps in the afternoon? Or 
 is that when he does intensive coding?

Once there was a suggestion on this list to give Tom every other week off to 
level the competition with the other RDBMSes.

That being said, the PostgreSQL mail lists is an excellent and totally free 
support channel. Speaking for myself, I've never needed any support outside 
the mail lists. And Tom is of course a great big part of that.

Leif Biberg Kristensen

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Re: [GENERAL] Trade Study on Oracle vs. PostgreSQL

2010-09-24 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
On Friday 24. September 2010 23.03.21 Joshua D. Drake wrote:
 DUDE! Are you trying to kill the postgresql company's business? :P

Huh? Is there a company? :P

The REALLY great thing about PostgreSQL is the free sharing. Back in 2002 when 
I discovered that all the software that I considered cool was Freenix based, I 
left the world of proprietary software and never looked back.

This is my world.

Thanks to every one of you who makes this possible.

Leif Biberg Kristensen

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Re: [GENERAL] MySQL versus Postgres

2010-08-12 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
On Thursday 12. August 2010 08.29.13 Ma Sivakumar wrote:
 What does a migrating PHP/MySQL user do? If MySQL performs fast just
 out of box (I have not used MySQL), what is different there? Do MySQL
 defaults give better performance? How do they arrive at those
 Or is it a completely different system, which can not be adapted in 

For the vast majority of use cases, ie. with db size  100 MB, PostgreSQL 
performs well enough out of the box. I guess that the same goes for MySQL.

For the relatively few high-profile, high-performance installations some manual 
tuning obviously is needed, and I guess that applies whatever the name of 
system is. That is of course one of the major reasons why such installations 
need qualified DBAs. But for the long-tail segment where most of us belong, 
this isn't a problem.

Leif Biberg Kristensen

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2010-07-17 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
On Saturday 17. July 2010 15.14.51 Cornelio Royer Climent wrote:
 I want to create this table, but i can't, 
 Look this error.
 CREATE TABLE security_info2 (
 window character varying(64) NOT NULL
 ERROR:  syntax error at or near window
 LINE 2: window character varying(64) NOT NULL

window is a reserved word in PostgreSQL since version 8.3, I believe.

Leif Biberg Kristensen

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Re: [GENERAL] Cognitive dissonance

2010-06-10 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
On Thursday 10. June 2010 17.24.00 Tom Lane wrote:
 Alvaro Herrera writes:
  Excerpts from Peter Eisentraut's message of jue jun 10 02:50:14 -0400 
  As I said back then, doing this is straightforward, but we kind of need
  more than one user who asks for it before we make it part of a regular
  service, which comes with maintenance costs.
  Hey, count me as another interested person in a single-file plain-text
  doc output format.
 Well, there are two separate things here:
 * providing a Makefile target to build plain-text output.
 * shipping prebuilt plain text docs in standard distributions.
 I am for #1, not so much for #2, mainly on the grounds of size.  But
 given #1 it would be possible for packagers to make their own choices
 about whether to include plain-text docs.

Wouldn't it suffice to make it downloadable, like the pdf doc?

Leif Biberg Kristensen

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Re: [GENERAL] uppdate from postgersql 8.3.7 to 8.4.4

2010-05-25 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
On Tuesday 25. May 2010 12.15.14 Alban Hertroys wrote:
 I know it's totally unrelated, but when did it become popular to send (HTML) 
messages in a very small blue font? I find this rather hard to read and usually 
fall back to the plain text alternative (which is included, thankfully).

At least there's a plain text fallback. Messages in HTML only are totally 
unreadable in a plaintext MUA, and should IMO be bounced from the list.

Leif Biberg Kristensen

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Re: [GENERAL] Fwd: Google Alert - postgresql 8.4

2010-05-17 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
On Monday 17. May 2010 17.13.05 Thom Brown wrote:
  Is this announcement premature?  I don't see where to download 8.4.4.
  -- Forwarded message --
  From: Google Alerts
  Date: Mon, May 17, 2010 at 5:18 AM
  Subject: Google Alert - postgresql 8.4
  Google News Alert for: postgresql 8.4
  PostgreSQL developers fix vulnerabilities
  The H
  PostgreSQL versions 8.0 to 8.4 and 7.4 are affected by the update. 
Installation packages and source code are available online. 8.4.4, 8.3.11, 
8.2.17, ...
 Erk... yeah, that does appear to be premature.  The site doesn't
 reflect that announcement.

I'm on Gentoo Linux, and am compiling PostgreSQL 8.4.4 from portage (~x86) as 
I'm writing.

Leif Biberg Kristensen

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Re: [GENERAL] Resetting serial type after delete from table

2010-05-08 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
On Saturday 8. May 2010 10.11.32 John Gage wrote:
 If I delete from table, which table contains a serial type field,  
 and then insert new rows into the table excluding the [serial] column  
 from the list of columns in the INSERT statement, the numbers in the  
 serial column resume where they left  off prior to the delete from   
 table: 639, 640, 641, 642 for example.
 This behavior is totally acceptable, but is it possible to have the  
 serial column reset itself to 1 following  delete from table (i.e.  
 following flushing all the rows from the table)?  The only way I can  
 think to do this is by altering the table by dropping the serial  
 column and then altering it again by adding a new serial column before  
 doing the insert.  That is only a couple of more lines of script, so I  
 don't do the work, but is there an easier way?

Leif Biberg Kristensen

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Re: [GENERAL] GeSHi module for Postgresql?

2010-05-04 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
On Tuesday 4. May 2010 08.20.56 Yeb Havinga wrote:
 Leif Biberg Kristensen wrote:
  Now I only need a list of the built-in functions. There doesn't seem to be 
  pg_get functions()?

 Try psql -E postgres
 (-E shows all queries psql does on the catalog)
 then \df

Thanks, Yeb.

I'm starting to get second thoughts about including a full function list; 
there's a myriad of functions of which I guess nobody (except for Tom Lane of 
course) has a full overview.

It's probably better to provide a short list of the most common functions, and 
then let users add to it according to their own domain of usage.

Leif Biberg Kristensen

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Re: [GENERAL] GeSHi module for Postgresql?

2010-05-04 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
On Tuesday 4. May 2010 16.31.20 Tom Lane wrote:
 Leif Biberg Kristensen writes:
  Now I only need a list of the built-in functions.
 There's an awful lot of them, many of which aren't really intended to be
 called by users anyway.  Can't you just do if it looks syntactically
 like a function call, assume it is one?

As the FAQ points out, «GeSHi is not a lexical parser, unlike other 
highlighting solutions.» So, that's not 
really feasible the way GeSHi is built. That said, I've already compiled a 
list of most of the functions from the documentation. I only omitted system 
administration functions which may be postponed for a later version. I've 
submitted a preliminary draft of a Postgresql language file, and am waiting for 
a reply.

Leif Biberg Kristensen

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Re: [GENERAL] GeSHi module for Postgresql?

2010-05-04 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
On Tuesday 4. May 2010 16.31.20 Tom Lane wrote:
 Leif Biberg Kristensen writes:
  Now I only need a list of the built-in functions.
 There's an awful lot of them, many of which aren't really intended to be
 called by users anyway.  Can't you just do if it looks syntactically
 like a function call, assume it is one?

Another point: I'm uncertain how to define a «user» in this context. Someone 
who wants to highlight plpgsql code snippets is most likely to be some kind of 

Leif Biberg Kristensen

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Re: [GENERAL] GeSHi module for Postgresql?

2010-05-04 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
On Tuesday 4. May 2010 18.05.02 Tom Lane wrote:
 Leif Biberg Kristensen writes:
  Another point: I'm uncertain how to define a «user» in this context. 
  who wants to highlight plpgsql code snippets is most likely to be some 
kind of 
 Sure, but what I meant was not intended to be called directly from
 SQL.  Lots of those functions underlie operators, for example, and
 you're really expected to use the operator instead.  Stuff like
 btree support functions likewise not really intended to be called

Yes, I think we are agreed. See also my earlier reply to Yeb Havinga, where I 
expressed some second thoughts about including a full function list. I think 
that the «public» functions included in the docs are sufficient for most 
purposes. There aren't an awful lot of them; I compiled a list by hand in a 
couple of hours.

Leif Biberg Kristensen

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[GENERAL] GeSHi module for Postgresql?

2010-05-03 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
GeSHi is a system for 
highlighting code. I've just installed the WP-Syntax plugin, which utilizes 
GeSHi, in my WP blog because I like code highlighting and am tired of doing it 
more or less by hand. However, I was disappointed when I didn't find PostgreSQL 
on the list of supported languages.

I wonder if any of you have at least started writing a PostgreSQL module, in 
which case I'll be happy to contribute. From a peek at the plsql module, it 
doesn't look like rocket science. If I have to write one from scratch, I 
wonder if there' s a compiled list somewhere of just the PostgreSQL keywords 
and function names. That would be of great help.

Leif Biberg Kristensen

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Re: [GENERAL] GeSHi module for Postgresql?

2010-05-03 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
On Monday 3. May 2010 22.49.21 Leif Biberg Kristensen wrote:
 GeSHi is a system for 

Sorry about that link. It's of course


Leif Biberg Kristensen

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Re: [GENERAL] GeSHi module for Postgresql?

2010-05-03 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
On Monday 3. May 2010 23.05.54 Richard Broersma wrote:
 On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 1:49 PM, Leif Biberg Kristensen wrote:
  wonder if there' s a compiled list somewhere of just the PostgreSQL 
  and function names. That would be of great help.
 These are what I know of:

Richard, thank you.

That list is a table with descriptions etc, but I can extraxt the keywords 
with a little Perl magic.

That's not very useful. I see that I can get a list of the functions in public 
with a \df, put can I get a corresponding one for the system functions?

That list is probably superfluous, as I suspect those words are already in the 
keywords list.

But thanks anyway. I've also received a private message from a guy with an 
«under work» project, and along with your hints it's a good start.

Leif Biberg Kristensen

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Re: [GENERAL] GeSHi module for Postgresql?

2010-05-03 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
On Monday 3. May 2010 23.02.05 Christophe Chauvet wrote:

 i have begin this work, you can find it at

Christophe, thank you very much!

I've started to look at it, and have already taken your postgresql.php for a 
spin. You can see the first test at my blog under the title «Regular expression 
fun in PostgreSQL». I don't want to post the direct link here.

As soon as I've got some real progress, I'll send you an updated file.

Leif Biberg Kristensen

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Re: [GENERAL] GeSHi module for Postgresql?

2010-05-03 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
On Monday 3. May 2010 23.50.55 Alvaro Herrera wrote:

 Why wouldn't you simply ask Postgres?

Because I didn't know how :D That's why we've got this wonderful list, isn't 
 select * from pg_get_keywords();

Cool! Thank you! I really only need the 'word' column. I'll separate the data 
types from the rest of the keywords, though.

Now I only need a list of the built-in functions. There doesn't seem to be a 
pg_get functions()?

Leif Biberg Kristensen

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Re: [GENERAL] Fuzzy string matching of product names

2010-04-05 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
On Monday 5. April 2010 22.00.41 Peter Geoghegan wrote:
 similar they sound. How can that actually be applied to get the
 functionality that I've described?

I've got a similar problem in my 18th century research, when clerks usually 
took pride in being able to spell a name in any number of ways. I've landed on 
a solution where I'm sending search strings to SIMILAR TO. I usually get far 
too many hits, but it's much easier to browse through 100 hits than the entire 
dataset which is approaching 60,000 records.

Optimizing the search strings is based upon a lot of experience.

It would probably be better to add a column with normalized names, but the 
amount of work involved with that is staggering. I eventually associate most 
of the records to «persons» with normalized names, but the search process can 
sometimes be very frustrating, and it would really help with some kind of 
fuzzy search.

Just in case anyone should suggest it: Both Soundex and Metaphone are useless 
for Norwegian 18th century names.

Leif Biberg Kristensen

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Re: [GENERAL] Advice on webbased database reporting

2010-04-02 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
On Friday 2. April 2010 14.43.48 Davor J. wrote:
 I need to make certain views from the database visible online (on our 
 webpage) and I wonder if there is any reasonably quick solution for this 
 that works with Postgres?
 At best, a query should be specified and the user should be able to select 
 the layout on certain columns (like stepped, or outlined).
 I don't mind running a whole CMS on our Apache server as long as it allows 
 me to make reports and is free to use.
 Has anyone any suggestions?

PHP works great with Postgres and Apache.

Leif Biberg Kristensen

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Re: [GENERAL] insert into test_b (select * from test_a) with different column order

2010-03-29 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
On Monday 29. March 2010 16.51.35 Ole Tange wrote:
 I have 2 tables that have the same column names but in different
 order. Similar to this:
   create table test_a (col_a text, col_b int);
   create table test_b (col_b int, col_a text);
   insert into test_a values ('abc', 2),( 'def', 3);
 I would like to do this:
   insert into test_b (select * from test_a);
 This fails because the columns in test_b are not in the same order as
 test_a. For my use case the tables may get more columns or have
 columns removed over time og be recreated in a different order, the
 only thing that is given is that the column names in test_a and test_b
 always are the same and that the datatype of the named columns are the
 Is there a general solution I can use to do the insert?

Per the SQL standard, there's no inherent order between columns. That said, 
you'll usually get the columns in the order that they were created, but 
there's no guarantee for it. Actually, when you do a SELECT * FROM ... you 
make a totally unwarranted assumption that the columns will come out in any 
specific order. So, the answer to your question is to specify the columns 
explicitly in your query, as

insert into test_b (select col_b, col_a from test_a);

Leif Biberg Kristensen

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Re: [GENERAL] Self-referential records

2010-01-24 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
On Sunday 24. January 2010 14.43.10 Ovid wrote:
 Assuming I have the following table:
 CREATE TABLE refers (
   name  VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
   parent_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
   FOREIGN KEY (parent_id) REFERENCES refers(id)
 I need to insert two records so that select * from refers looks like this:
 =# select * from refers;
  id | name | parent_id 
   1 |  | 1
   2 | yyy  | 2
 The first record can't be inserted because I don't yet know the parent_id. 

I've got a similar structure. I just declared the root node with both id and 

Leif Biberg Kristensen

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Re: [GENERAL] Self-referential records

2010-01-24 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
On Sunday 24. January 2010 16.22.00 Wayne E. Pfeffer wrote:
 If you do not use null to represent a root node, when you go to unwind the
 data from the table to generate a hierarchy tree, you could end up with an
 infinite loop. The query will always be looking for the next parent in the
 hierarchy. Meaning, you will want to find the parent of a node using the
 given parent_id, the query will find the parent of 1 to be 1, then it will
 look again for the parent of 1 it will find 1, etc. etc. ad nauseum. I enjoy
 using recursion as much as the next guy, but this could cause some serious
 issues with the PostgreSQL query engine eating up system resources.

It doesn't really matter if the root node is NULL or 0 or whatever. You just 
have to realize that the root node is a special case and program accordingly. 
An adjacency tree is not a normalized structure, and will never be. It's the 
programmer's responsibility to ensure that circular references can't occur.

Leif Biberg Kristensen

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Re: [GENERAL] Configuration Optimisation

2010-01-14 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
On Thursday 14. January 2010 14.31.07 Howard Cole wrote:

 Test setup: pgbench -i -s 5
 Test run: pgbench -T 120
 You may think this is a short test, but running it for much longer does 
 not seem to make a significant difference.
 Now running on windows I get ~ 700 TPS, but on linux I am getting ~70 TPS.
 The hardware configuration is Dual Opteron, 8GB Ram and 4 sata disks in 
 a Hardware Raid 10 configuration.

For what it's worth, on my aging Gentoo Linux workstation with a Pentium 4 @ 3 
GHz, 1 GB RAM and a single 400 GB SATA Seagate Barracuda disk, default 
Postgres 8.4.2 installation, I get:

l...@balapapa ~ $ pgbench -i -s 5   
l...@balapapa ~ $ pgbench -T 120
starting vacuum...end.
transaction type: TPC-B (sort of)
scaling factor: 5
query mode: simple
number of clients: 1
duration: 120 s
number of transactions actually processed: 29990
tps = 249.694058 (including connections establishing)
tps = 249.700935 (excluding connections establishing)

Leif Biberg Kristensen

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Re: [GENERAL] Configuration Optimisation

2010-01-14 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
On Thursday 14. January 2010 16.02.12 Andy Colson wrote:
 I think an important question is: are both os's really flushing all the 
 way to disk, or is someone lying to you?
 Assuming your workload is IO bound, I'd bet windows is write caching and 
 linux is not.

See my reply above. My 250 tps seems in line with the 700 tps on a modern 
system that the OP gets on his Windows setup. To me it seems like something is 
broken on his Ubuntu setup.

Leif Biberg Kristensen

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Re: [GENERAL] Configuration Optimisation

2010-01-14 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
On Thursday 14. January 2010 16.55.07 Howard Cole wrote:
 Leif Biberg Kristensen wrote:
  On Thursday 14. January 2010 16.02.12 Andy Colson wrote:

  See my reply above. My 250 tps seems in line with the 700 tps on a modern 
  system that the OP gets on his Windows setup. To me it seems like 
something is 
  broken on his Ubuntu setup.

 I am hoping your assumptions are correct. I have reinstalled ubuntu from 
 scratch as I had been tinkering with the power management on the server. 
 Once the RAID has rebuilt, I shall try again.

What kind of file system are you running?

Leif Biberg Kristensen

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Re: [GENERAL] How to get DATE in server locale format

2010-01-11 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
On Sunday 10. January 2010 22.57.38 Andrus wrote:
 Server lc_times contains non-US locale.
 still returns date in format -MM-DD
 How to get date in server locale format ?

Pg doesn't care about lc_times.


(1 row)

pgslekt= set datestyle to german;

(1 row)

Leif Biberg Kristensen

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Re: [GENERAL] Gentoo, 8,2 --- 8.4, and /var/run/postgresql in mode 770

2010-01-09 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
On Saturday 9. January 2010 22.20.36 wrote:
 I just upgraded my home gentoo system's postgresql from 8.2.14 to
 8.4.2.  I use it mostly for fooling around and keeping smatterings of
 personal data, so it was simple laziness which kept me from upgrading
 sooner, triggered by the gentoo switch back in 8.2.mumble in how they
 manage postgresql.
 Everything went smoothly except the permissions of the directory
 /var/run/postgresql with the domain socket .s.PGSQL.5432.  This dir
 had permissions of 770, owned by postgres.postgres, so no mere mortals
 could access it.  I have changed this to 775 and can now access it.
 Didn't 8.2 put these in /tmp?  Maybe this was a gentoo thing.  What
 should the permissions be for this?  Or does gentoo do their own thing
 and there is a different standard way of handling this?

In Gentoo, you must add the database owner (probably your own username) to the 
group Postgres. This was changed with 8.3, and if you had read the message 
from emerge, you should have noticed. And, yes, I fumbled a lot with this 

Leif Biberg Kristensen

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Re: [GENERAL] Rules and conditions

2009-12-09 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
On Wednesday 9. December 2009 09.06.12 Guillaume Lelarge wrote:
 Le mercredi 9 décembre 2009 à 01:52:03, George Silva a écrit :
  I can't seem to understand why a simples if is not working on the
  creation of rules.
  I tried both ways (am i missing something?):
 Sure. IF does not exist in SQL, and you can only put SQL statements in a 
 Instead, you can call a stored function written in PL/pgsql which supports 

Or you can look up the CASE WHEN ... THEN ... ELSE .. END, construct, which 
works very much like IF / THEN / ELSE:

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