[GENERAL] Need help in tuning

2014-08-06 Thread Phoenix Kiula
My PG server is still going down. After spending the weekend doing a
CLUSTER of my largest table (it's a RAID 1 system with SATA hard disks
and 4 GB memory, mostly devoted to PG) I still have this issue.

When I do a top command, 99% of the CPU and about 15% of the memory
is being taken by PG. When I press a c in the top UI, I see that
postmaster is doing some CLUSTER. However, I don't do any more
clustering. The only automatic setting I can think of are autovacuum.

So, question: to the degree that my system allows for performance,
what steps can I take to find out what's happening? I see some things
mentioned: I/O, vacuum settings, pg_stats, pg_activity -- is there a
simple guide somewhere which shows me step by step what to do? Google
hasn't been much help. Postgresql performance tunings brings a lot
of esoteric articles.


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Re: [GENERAL] Reindex taking forever, and 99% CPU

2014-08-06 Thread Phoenix Kiula
Thank you for the very specific idea of pg_stat_user.

This is what I see (the output is also included in email below, but
this is easier to read) --

The output here  (might become a jumbled mess)--

=# SELECT * from pg_stat_user_tables where relname='bigtb';
 relid  | schemaname | relname | seq_scan | seq_tup_read | idx_scan |
idx_tup_fetch | n_tup_ins | n_tup_upd | n_tup_del | n_tup_hot_upd |
n_live_tup | n_dead_tup |  last_vacuum  |
last_autovacuum | last_analyze  | last_autoanalyze
 105954 | public | bigtb   |0 |0 |   220396 |
   89781 | 63516 | 6 |   910 | 1 |
634879579 | 39 | 2014-08-06 20:12:47.163055-04 |
  | 2014-08-06 20:19:40.317771-04 | (1 row)

Time: 50.844 ms

We spent some time to do some massive cleaning of the data from this
table. Brought it down to around 630 million rows. Overall size of the
table including indexes is about 120GB anyway.

More stats that we could manage are pretty-pasted here:

The biggest table (bigtb -- codename for pasting on public forum)
stores some URLs. The most important index is for this table is the
alias column, which is varchar(35) as you can see.

Table definition also pasted below:

  Table public.bigtb
 Column  |Type |Modifiers
 alias   | character varying(35)   | not null
 url | text| not null
 user_registered | boolean |
 private_key | character varying(6)| default NULL::character varying
 modify_date | timestamp without time zone | default now()
 ip  | bigint  |
 url_md5 | text|

idx_bigtb_pkey PRIMARY KEY, btree (alias)
idx_bigtb_ip_url UNIQUE, btree (ip, url_md5)
idx_bigtb_modify_date btree (modify_date)
idx_bigtb_urlmd5 btree (url_md5)
Check constraints:
bigtb_alias_check CHECK (alias::text ~ '[-.~a-z0-9_]'::text)
Referenced by:
TABLE bigtb_registered CONSTRAINT fk_bigtb_registered FOREIGN
TABLE interesting CONSTRAINT interesting_alias_fkey FOREIGN
__track_bigtb_deleted AS
   WHERE NOT (EXISTS ( SELECT bigtb_deleted.alias
   FROM bigtb_deleted
  WHERE bigtb_deleted.alias::text = old.alias::text)) DO
INSERT INTO bigtb_deleted (alias, url, user_registered, modify_date)
  VALUES (old.alias, old.url, old.user_registered, old.modify_date)

What else could I do here?

As you will see in the code shared above (GIST Github link) the stats
for this table are:

bigtb -

   row count: 634,879,168
   inserted:  65613
   updated: 6
   deleted:  1013

There are recent numbers. The DB has been going down often. But
deletions would be around 20,000 per week. Updates are lowest. INSERT
and SELECT are huge, with of course SELECT being the biggest activity
(high traffic website).

We did put PGBouncer for some pooling benefits, and memcached for
taking some load off the postgresql server. As of this writing, the
memcached thing is caching around 200,000 URLs which would otherwise
have been a query based on the index on the alias column --

What other info can I share?

Suppose we might have to explore partitioning, which would probably be
via first letter of the alias? This would lead to around 26 + 9 = 35
sub-tables. Is this too many?

My CONFIG settings:

max_connections = 180   # Was 250!  -
superuser_reserved_connections  = 5
shared_buffers  = 512MB
effective_cache_size= 1200MB   # Nov 11 2011, was 1500MB
temp_buffers= 32MB # min 800kB
maintenance_work_mem= 320MB# min 1MB, was 128MB
work_mem= 64MB
wal_buffers = 20MB # min 32kB
fsync   = on   # turns forced
synchronization on or off
checkpoint_segments = 128  # was 128
checkpoint_timeout  = 1000 # was 1000
enable_indexscan= on
log_min_duration_statement  = 1000

Much appreciate any further ideas!

On Sun, Aug 3, 2014 at 9:29 PM, Adrian Klaver adrian.kla...@aklaver.com wrote:
 On 08/02/2014 07:37 PM, Phoenix Kiula wrote

Re: [GENERAL] Upgrading from 9.0.11 to 9.3.5 on CentOS 6 (64 bit)

2014-08-02 Thread Phoenix Kiula
Thanks...comments below.

 assuming you installed 9.0 from the yum.postgresql.com respositories, then,
 `yum update postgresql90-server`   and restart the postgresql-9.0 service
 should do nicely.

This worked. Took me to 9.0.17 for some reason. I'm OK with this.

But the vacuum full was a terrible idea. I just spent 2 tranches of
5 hours each waiting for it to work. Many websites/blogs mention NOT
to run vacuum full at all. Instead, run cluster. Is this better then?

My table is huge. Over a billion rows. The idea of pg_dump and then
pg_restore of a table might work, followed by reindexing. But that
would also cause serious downtime.

Anything else I can do? Just adjust the autovacuum information for
example? My current settings are as follows:

autovacuum  = on
autovacuum_max_workers  = 5
autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay= 20ms
autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit= 350

The table in question has over a billon rows.

HOW do I know if this table is causing the issues? This is the only
table that's heavily queried. Recently many times the PG server has
been locked, and the pending queries have led to server outage. When I
manually vacuumdb, this is the table where the process has stuck for

So I need to tune this table back to its usual performance.

Appreciate any ideas! I'm sure there are much larger tables in the
world than mine. What do they do? (Apart from replication etc)


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[GENERAL] Reindex taking forever, and 99% CPU

2014-08-02 Thread Phoenix Kiula
Hi. I've been patient. PG is 9.0.17, updated via Yum yesterday.

One of my large tables (101 GB on disk, about 1.1 billion rows) used
to take too long to vacuum. Not sure if it's an index corruption
issue. But I tried VACUUM FULL ANALYZE as recommended in another
thread yesterday, which took 5 hours on the two times I tried, without

Now the REINDEX TABLE has taken over 6 hours as I decided to be
patient and just let something finish. Not sure this is normal though!
How do production level DBAs do this if it takes so long?

If I open another SSH window to my server and try select * from
pg_stats_activity it just hangs there, as the REINDEX I presume is
taking up all the memory? I basically can't do anything else on this

Just in case it helps, a segment of my postgresql.conf is below. Would
appreciate any tips on what I can do.

(I did a pg_dump of just this table, which also took about 2 hours,
then I renamed the original table in the database, and tried to
pg_restore just the table, but it gave me an error message about the
archive being in the wrong format !!! So REINDEX or something like it
seems to be the only idea?)

Thanks for any help!

PS: CentOS 6 64 bit, 4 GB of RAM, Raid 1 Raptor disks. Postgresql.conf
and TOP output during the running of the REINDEX are below..


max_connections = 180
superuser_reserved_connections  = 5
shared_buffers  = 512MB
effective_cache_size= 1200MB
temp_buffers= 32MB
maintenance_work_mem= 320MB
work_mem= 128MB
wal_buffers = 20MB
fsync   = on
checkpoint_segments = 128
checkpoint_timeout  = 1000
enable_indexscan= on

autovacuum  = on
autovacuum_max_workers  = 5  # max number of autovacuum subprocesses
  #autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor  = 0.2# fraction of table size
before vacuum
autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay= 20ms
autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit= 350

--TOP OUTPUT (db name changed for privacy, with the word MYDOMAIN) ---

top - 21:18:51 up 22 days,  7:43,  2 users,  load average: 1.20, 1.17, 1.18
Tasks: 214 total,   3 running, 211 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
Cpu(s): 25.1%us,  1.6%sy,  0.0%ni, 71.9%id,  1.1%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.3%si,  0.0%st
Mem:   4046644k total,  4022324k used,24320k free, 9880k buffers
Swap:  2096440k total,   177144k used,  1919296k free,  2526536k cached

21044 postgres  25   0 1102m 513m  76m R 97.7 13.0 432:03.46 postgres:
 8812 root  18   0 1403m  53m 3344 S  2.3  1.4 377:33.38
./jre/bin/java -Djava.compiler=NONE -cp /usr/StorMan/RaidMan.jar com.
 8319 named 24   0  317m  37m 1860 S  1.3  0.9 319:11.26
/usr/sbin/named -u named -4 -t /var/named/chroot
14184 nobody15   0  266m  15m 5156 S  1.0  0.4   4:13.43 nginx:
worker process
14181 nobody15   0  279m  34m 5160 S  0.7  0.9   4:13.93 nginx:
worker process
30285 root  15   0 12760 1188  820 R  0.7  0.0   0:00.03 top
  282 root  10  -5 000 S  0.3  0.0 184:37.48 [kswapd0]
25093 nobody16   0  334m  15m 5124 S  0.3  0.4   0:01.00
/usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -k restart -DSSL
25095 nobody15   0  334m  15m 5256 S  0.3  0.4   0:00.94
/usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -k restart -DSSL
25102 nobody15   0  334m  15m 5120 S  0.3  0.4   0:00.93
/usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -k restart -DSSL
25106 nobody15   0  334m  15m 5416 S  0.3  0.4   0:00.99
/usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -k restart -DSSL
25109 nobody15   0  334m  15m 5424 S  0.3  0.4   0:00.94
/usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -k restart -DSSL
25113 nobody16   0  334m  15m 4980 S  0.3  0.4   0:00.93
/usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -k restart -DSSL
25115 nobody16   0  334m  15m 5192 S  0.3  0.4   0:00.95
/usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -k restart -DSSL
25117 nobody16   0  334m  15m 4988 S  0.3  0.4   0:00.97
/usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -k restart -DSSL
25119 nobody16   0  334m  15m 5028 S  0.3  0.4   0:00.96
/usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -k restart -DSSL
31759 root  15   0 000 S  0.3  0.0   0:35.37 [pdflush]
1 root  15   0 10368  592  556 S  0.0  0.0   0:04.29 init [3]
2 root  RT  -5 000 S  0.0  0.0   0:06.24
3 root  34  19 000 S  0.0  0.0   0:08.72
4 root  RT  -5 000 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.00
5 root  RT  -5 000 S  0.0  0.0   0:05.27
6 root  34  19 000 S  0.0  0.0   3:49.89
7 root  RT  -5 000 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.00 [watchdog/1]

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Re: [GENERAL] Reindex taking forever, and 99% CPU

2014-08-02 Thread Phoenix Kiula
Thanks John.

So what're the right settings? Anyway, right now Postgresql is
servicing only one main connection, which is the REINDEX. All other
stuff is switched off, no one else is connecting to the DB.

My issue with this table was the vaccum process would stop at this
table, and take hours. So I thought something was wrong with this
table. My version of PG was 9.0.11, and googling for similar issues
brought up an old post by Tom Lane that suggested to the poster of
that thread to upgrade. So now I have, and am at 9.0.17 -- I recognize
this is not 9.3.5, but not sure we have the appetite right now for a
massive upgrade.

So what I'm trying to do is reindex this specific table.


Linux 2.6.18-238.9.1.el5 (coco.MYDOMAIN.com) 08/02/2014

avg-cpu:  %user   %nice %system %iowait  %steal   %idle
  10.630.103.11   13.420.00   72.74

Device:tps   Blk_read/s   Blk_wrtn/s   Blk_read   Blk_wrtn
sda 284.10 43828.59  5729.27 84628259628 11062603842
sda1  0.00 0.00 0.00   2272 10
sda2  3.0844.97   989.21   86838949 1910058506
sda3  7.65   193.0484.34  372745356  162860428
sda4  0.00 0.00 0.00  6  0
sda5  1.5831.15 6.84   60140845   13208874
sda6  0.8220.28 0.88   391611381693104
sda7  1.1015.5924.32   30101692   46962204
sda8  2.7744.8820.07   86661146   38754800
sda9267.11 43478.67  4603.61 83952607992 8889065916

On Sun, Aug 3, 2014 at 9:56 AM, John R Pierce pie...@hogranch.com wrote:
 On 8/2/2014 6:20 PM, Phoenix Kiula wrote:

 PS: CentOS 6 64 bit, 4 GB of RAM, Raid 1 Raptor disks. Postgresql.conf
 and TOP output during the running of the REINDEX are below..


 max_connections = 180
 superuser_reserved_connections  = 5
 shared_buffers  = 512MB
 effective_cache_size= 1200MB
 temp_buffers= 32MB
 maintenance_work_mem= 320MB
 work_mem= 128MB

 with 4GB of ram, and 180 connections, if you actually had all 180
 connections busy at once, you could use over 180 times work_mem, 180*128MB
 in 4GB would be fatal.

 john r pierce  37N 122W
 somewhere on the middle of the left coast

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Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org)
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Re: [GENERAL] Reindex taking forever, and 99% CPU

2014-08-02 Thread Phoenix Kiula
 In your original post you said it was stopping on pg_class so now I am

No need to be confused. The vacuum thing is a bit tricky for laymen
like myself. The pg_class seemed to be associated to this table.
Anyway, even before the upgrade, the vacuum was stopping at this table
and taking forever.

The question is: what now. Where can I give you information from?
IOSTAT I've already shared.

Will the work_mem settings affect the manual REINDEX that's still
running? What can I do to speed up the REINDEX? Should I change my
autovacuum settings for this table specifcally (it's the only mammoth
table in the DB, and our main one)?


Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org)
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[GENERAL] Upgrading from 9.0.11 to 9.3.5 on CentOS 6 (64 bit)

2014-08-01 Thread Phoenix Kiula

I have Postgresql from a few years ago. That's 9.0.11.

During the vacuum it's basically crawling to its knees. While googling
for this (it stops at pg_classes forever) I see Tom Lane suggested

So now I must. In doing so, can I follow these instructions?

I want to make sure all my data remains exactly as it is, and the
pgbouncer on top of PG (helps us a lot) also remains on the same port
etc. Just want to confirm that whether I update via the RPM method, or
the YUM method, that the settings in all the places will remain?

Ideally, I don't want to be linking new paths and so on as I see in
online instructions on blogs. Many of them (e.g., the official post
here - 
) also speak of clusters. I don't have any, or is my PG basically
one cluster?

Sorry for the noob question, but it would be great to get some simple
to follow, step by step guidance. MySQL etc are so simple to upgrade!

Many thanks,

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Re: [GENERAL] Upgrading from 9.0.11 to 9.3.5 on CentOS 6 (64 bit)

2014-08-01 Thread Phoenix Kiula
Thank you John.

 you can upgrade to 9.0.18 painlessly.   9.1 or .2 or .3, not quite so

What's the best way to get to 9.0.18, as a start?  Is there a simple
single command I can use? I'm on CentOS 6, 64bit.

 have you tried a vacuum full of the whole cluster, with your applications
 shut down?

Not yet, not with the apps shut down entirely, but in read mode, yes.
No new rows being added. SELECTs have to work as it's a high traffic

 you will need to either pg_dumpall your old database 'cluster' and load this
 into the new version, or use pg_upgrade, which is a fair bit trickier but
 can do an in-place upgrade.if your databases aren't much over a few
 dozen gigabytes, pg_dumpall is probably simpler than pg_upgrade.  if your
 databases are large, pg_dumpall - psql restore may take a LONG time, so the
 pg_upgrade process may be more efficient.

Dread to use pg_upgrade after that confirmation of my fears. Our DB is
around 200 GB. Even with pg_upgrade, will I have to once again tinker
with all the conf files and authentication (which is md5 right now),
change my passwords and do template1 database stuff again? I saw the
doc page on the postgresql.org site for pg_upgrade, but it presumes a
lot of things in terms of knowledge. I just have one database
instance or cluster. The 10-15 tables are not complex. But they're
large, as in over a billion rows now. All I need is for the upgrade to
happen automatically, retaining my config and paths and whatnot (or
clear instructions that work, step by step).


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[GENERAL] How to REMOVE an on delete cascade?

2013-06-28 Thread Phoenix Kiula
Hi. Hard to find this command in the documentation - how should I alter a
table to REMOVE the on delete cascade constraint from a table? Thanks.

Re: [Pgbouncer-general] [GENERAL] Again, problem with pgbouncer

2012-10-05 Thread Phoenix Kiula
On Thu, Oct 4, 2012 at 2:50 AM, Wolf Schwurack w...@uen.org wrote:
 I use pgpool but some of the problem you listed are same as I had with pgpool

Thanks Wolf, for the thoughts.

 I would not run pgbouner in /var/run/pbbouner. Every time you reboot the
 directory will get deleted. I set my parameter to another directory the would 
 get deleted after a reboot.

OK, but this is not a showstopper here. Right?

 what is the permission on /var/log? If you don't have write permission on the 
 directory then you cannot write to the file.


/var/run/pgbouncer --
70058074 drwxr-xr-x  2 pgbouncer postgres 4.0K Oct  2 06:17 pgbouncer/

/var/log --
145686529 drwxr-xr-x 17 root root  4.0K Oct  5 04:29 log/

Please note that whatever the settings, they were working before a
server reboot. What settings do I need to give /var/log (currently
root) so the pgbouncer process can write to it? Why are these special
permissions needed-- I mean Apache, MysQL, Nginx etc...all of them can
write to the logs in this log folder.

 Psql: ERROR: No such user:
  You have to create the user in postgres, check you users

 postgres=# /du

Yes, this user exists in the postgres database.

  List of roles
Role name|Attributes | Member of
 postgres| Superuser, Create role, Create DB | {}
 rvadmin |   | {}
 MYSITE  |   | {}
 MYSITE_MYSITE   | Superuser, Create DB  | {}

And the authfile also has permissions for pgbouncer:postgres.

What else?

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Re: [Pgbouncer-general] [GENERAL] Again, problem with pgbouncer

2012-10-05 Thread Phoenix Kiula
On Sat, Oct 6, 2012 at 12:01 AM, Wolf Schwurack w...@uen.org wrote:

 You need to have a pgbouner directory in /var/log and have the owner 
 pgbouncer. This is easy to test try creating a file in /var/log as the user 
 pgbouncer. It should fail because pgbouncer does not have writer permissions 
 to /var/log. As root create a directory /var/log/pgbouncer, change owner to 
 pgbouncer. Set your parameter for pgbouncer.log to /var/log/pgbouncer. Then 
 test by creating a file in /var/log/pgbouncer as user pgbouncer

Wolf, I think you missed the earlier posts in this thread. The
/var/log/pgbouncer.log already has those permissions.

Note this important fact: the same permissions have been working for
nearly 2 years.

Anyway, I created a directory:  /var/log/pgbouncer/, put the
pgbouncer.log file in it.

   chown -R pgbouncer:postgres /var/log/pgbouncer
   chown pgbouncer:postgres /var/log/pgbouncer/pgbouncer.log
   chmod 777 /var/log/pgbouncer/pgbouncer.log

As was already happening, pgbouncer starts. No problem.

It's now that I cannot connect to PSQL via pgbouncer (of course I can
connect to psql directly) because it fails with this error:

  psql: ERROR:  No such user: MYSITE_MYSITE

Which is weird, because that user does exist. Both inside the postgres
database when I do \du as you suggested, and of course in the
pgbouncer authfile too --

  chown pgbouncer:postgres /var/lib/pgsql/pgbouncer.txt

cat /var/lib/pgsql/pgbouncer.txt

   MYSITE_MYSITE md5 pass
   MYSITE_MYSITE raw pass
   postgres md5fd6313191fec7887f88c31a85c43df21

So now. What? Why is this otherwise very useful tool coded so poorly
that there's reams of such permissions and all of these threads
online? Would love to have some help or guidance.


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Re: [Pgbouncer-general] [GENERAL] Again, problem with pgbouncer

2012-10-05 Thread Phoenix Kiula
On Sat, Oct 6, 2012 at 10:07 AM, Adrian Klaver adrian.kla...@gmail.com wrote:


 What are the contents of your pgbouncer.ini file?

Thanks Adrian.

I mentioned the full ini file details above in the thread, but here
they are again. (Please do not comment about port numbers. This is a
public list so I change the numbers, but they are very much on track
everywhere they need to be.)

Thanks for any pointers...

* = host= port=5432

listen_addr = *
listen_port = 6389
auth_type = trust
auth_file = /var/lib/pgsql/pgbouncer.txt
logfile = /var/log/pgbouncer/pgbouncer.log
pidfile = /var/run/pgbouncer/pgbouncer.pid
admin_users = postgres,MYSITE_MYSITE,MYSITE_pgbouncer
stats_users = postgres,MYSITE_MYSITE,MYSITE_pgbouncer,stats,root
pool_mode = transaction
server_reset_query = DISCARD ALL;
server_check_query = select 1
server_check_delay = 10
max_client_conn = 800
default_pool_size = 20
log_connections = 0
log_disconnections = 0
log_pooler_errors = 1
unix_socket_dir = /tmp
ignore_startup_parameters = application_name

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Re: [Pgbouncer-general] [GENERAL] Again, problem with pgbouncer

2012-10-05 Thread Phoenix Kiula
On Sat, Oct 6, 2012 at 10:24 AM, Adrian Klaver adrian.kla...@gmail.com wrote:

 One thing I see above:
 \* acts as fallback database

 Notice the backslash.

Ok, but:

(1) The exact same INI file was working so far.

(2) Why do I need a fallback database? I want to be precise about
database names if possible.

(3) I did try and change the config to have the backslash, but when I
restart, I get this error:

 2012-10-05 22:30:06.882 27442 ERROR
 syntax error in configuration (/etc/pgbouncer/pgbouncer.ini:2),
stopping loading


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Re: [GENERAL] Again, problem with pgbouncer

2012-10-03 Thread Phoenix Kiula
On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 5:27 PM, Phoenix Kiula phoenix.ki...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 11:29 AM, Phoenix Kiula phoenix.ki...@gmail.com 
 On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 12:59 AM, Phoenix Kiula phoenix.ki...@gmail.com 
 Could you please check permission of /var/run/pgbouncer/ directory. If
 pgbouncer directory does not have postgres user permissions,please assign
 it and then start the pgbouncer.

 The /var/run/pgbouncer/ directory has

chown -R postgres:postgres ..

 The port number everywhere is already 6789.

 What else?

 And just to be safe, I also added pgbouncer user to postgres group:

 usermod -a -G postgres pgbouncer

 Now when I restart the pgbouncess service, it fails. The log has this 

 2012-10-01 23:25:24.004 21037 FATAL
 Cannot open logfile: '/var/log/pgbouncer.log':
 Permission denied

 That file is owned by postgres:postgres as indicated in a gazillion
 threads and documentation online (none of which is comprehensive) but
 just to be sure I also did this:

 chown :postgres /var/log/pgbouncer.log

 Still the same permission error. Seriously, why can't the log message
 be a little more useful? Why can't it say clearly WHICH USER is
 looking for permission to the log file? Both pgbouncer and
 postgres have permissions (through the group postgres) on that
 file. So which is it?

 I made the port number 6389 everywhere. I changed the permissions of
 the pgbouncer.log to:

chown pgbouncer:postgres /var/log/pgbouncer.log

 Now at least the service starts. But when I try and connect via the
 pgbouncer ID:

psql -p 6389 -U  snipurl_snipurl snipurl

 I get this error:

psql: ERROR:  No such user: MYSITE_MYSITE

 And yet, the authfile has this:

 MYSITE_MYSITE md5 of raw password
 MYSITE_MYSITE raw password
 postgres md5 of string

 The authfile permissions are:

283377983 -rw-r--r-- 1 pgbouncer postgres 262 Apr 14 11:15

 What else?

No response.

Is there anyone who can help me with pgbouncer?

What are the permissions for the authfile, etc?

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Re: [GENERAL] Again, problem with pgbouncer

2012-10-02 Thread Phoenix Kiula
On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 11:29 AM, Phoenix Kiula phoenix.ki...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 12:59 AM, Phoenix Kiula phoenix.ki...@gmail.com 
 Could you please check permission of /var/run/pgbouncer/ directory. If
 pgbouncer directory does not have postgres user permissions,please assign
 it and then start the pgbouncer.

 The /var/run/pgbouncer/ directory has

chown -R postgres:postgres ..

 The port number everywhere is already 6789.

 What else?

 And just to be safe, I also added pgbouncer user to postgres group:

 usermod -a -G postgres pgbouncer

 Now when I restart the pgbouncess service, it fails. The log has this message:

 2012-10-01 23:25:24.004 21037 FATAL
 Cannot open logfile: '/var/log/pgbouncer.log':
 Permission denied

 That file is owned by postgres:postgres as indicated in a gazillion
 threads and documentation online (none of which is comprehensive) but
 just to be sure I also did this:

 chown :postgres /var/log/pgbouncer.log

 Still the same permission error. Seriously, why can't the log message
 be a little more useful? Why can't it say clearly WHICH USER is
 looking for permission to the log file? Both pgbouncer and
 postgres have permissions (through the group postgres) on that
 file. So which is it?

I made the port number 6389 everywhere. I changed the permissions of
the pgbouncer.log to:

   chown pgbouncer:postgres /var/log/pgbouncer.log

Now at least the service starts. But when I try and connect via the
pgbouncer ID:

   psql -p 6389 -U  snipurl_snipurl snipurl

I get this error:

   psql: ERROR:  No such user: MYSITE_MYSITE

And yet, the authfile has this:

MYSITE_MYSITE md5 of raw password
MYSITE_MYSITE raw password
postgres md5 of string

The authfile permissions are:

   283377983 -rw-r--r-- 1 pgbouncer postgres 262 Apr 14 11:15

What else?

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[GENERAL] Again, problem with pgbouncer

2012-10-01 Thread Phoenix Kiula

  - PG 9.0.10
  - Pgbouncer version 1.4.2

Not long ago, during the last server reboot for us, we had fixed the
really painful (and largely mysterious) process of setting up

File permissions and other mysteries were solved with help from Raghavendra:

After a long we rebooted our server today and again, as if on cue,
pgbouncer has problems yet again :(

PG itself is running without problems.

The Pgbouncer process starts properly too. All the auth file, log file
etc are setup as mentioned in that URL above. We haven't changed
anything at all!

At first, just connecting via pgbouncer port was giving the no user
error. Which is funny, because the authfile has been working without
problems forever. The .pgpass file had the same problems, and is still
the same all this time.

So, upon reading that old thread again, I guessed that the postgres
user permissions were needed, so I did this:

  chown -R postgres:postgres /etc/pgbouncer
  chown -R postgres:postgres /var/run/pgbouncer/
  chown postgres:postgres /var/log/pgbouncer.log
  chown postgres:postgres /var/lib/pgsql/pgbouncer.txt

Then restarted both PG and Pgbouncer.

Now pgbouncer won't do anything at all. Trying to connect to psql via
the pgbouncer port gives this error:

 psql: could not connect to server: No such file or directory
Is the server running locally and accepting
connections on Unix domain socket /tmp/.s.PGSQL.6789?

And in the log is this line:

 2012-10-01 06:12:00.703  3754 FATAL @src/main.c:553 in function
write_pidfile(): /var/run/pgbouncer/pgbouncer.pid: Permission denied

What now? Would appreciate some pointers.


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Re: [GENERAL] Again, problem with pgbouncer

2012-10-01 Thread Phoenix Kiula
 Could you please check permission of /var/run/pgbouncer/ directory. If
 pgbouncer directory does not have postgres user permissions,please assign
 it and then start the pgbouncer.

The /var/run/pgbouncer/ directory has

   chown -R postgres:postgres ..

The port number everywhere is already 6789.

What else?


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Re: [GENERAL] Again, problem with pgbouncer

2012-10-01 Thread Phoenix Kiula
On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 12:59 AM, Phoenix Kiula phoenix.ki...@gmail.com wrote:
 Could you please check permission of /var/run/pgbouncer/ directory. If
 pgbouncer directory does not have postgres user permissions,please assign
 it and then start the pgbouncer.

 The /var/run/pgbouncer/ directory has

chown -R postgres:postgres ..

 The port number everywhere is already 6789.

 What else?

And just to be safe, I also added pgbouncer user to postgres group:

usermod -a -G postgres pgbouncer

Now when I restart the pgbouncess service, it fails. The log has this message:

2012-10-01 23:25:24.004 21037 FATAL
Cannot open logfile: '/var/log/pgbouncer.log':
Permission denied

That file is owned by postgres:postgres as indicated in a gazillion
threads and documentation online (none of which is comprehensive) but
just to be sure I also did this:

chown :postgres /var/log/pgbouncer.log

Still the same permission error. Seriously, why can't the log message
be a little more useful? Why can't it say clearly WHICH USER is
looking for permission to the log file? Both pgbouncer and
postgres have permissions (through the group postgres) on that
file. So which is it?

Much appreciate any pointers.


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Re: [GENERAL] PGBouncer help (how to get it working)

2012-04-13 Thread Phoenix Kiula
On Fri, Apr 13, 2012 at 2:59 PM, Raghavendra
raghavendra@enterprisedb.com wrote:


 Add it in pgbouncer.auth file as per your .ini file parameter.

    auth_file = /var/lib/pgsql/pgbouncer.txt

 Seems you already did this. I believe you are connecting as postgres user
 not from root, if yes, then check .pgpass file too (it will be in postgres
 user home directory).

Thanks, but this is not helping.

I have the exact same info in three files:

1. The root .pgpass
2. The .pgpass for the postgres user
3. The authfile specified inside pgbouncer -- /var/lib/pgsql/pgbouncer.txt

Now what?

It's not telling me that the user is unrecognized, so it's likely not
that md5 or trust or plain password issue. Pgbouncer is not even
recognizing the user!

What now?

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[GENERAL] PGBouncer help (how to get it working)

2012-04-12 Thread Phoenix Kiula
I had pgbouncer working somehow, but we have switched servers recently
and now I cannot for the life of me figure out again how to set it up.

Online guides say things  like create a user ID. Well, where? Inside
PG the database? Or in my CentOS system?

Here's my /etc/pgbouncer.ini:

* = port = 5432

listen_port = 6543
listen_addr =
auth_type = trust
auth_file = /var/lib/pgsql/pgbouncer.txt
logfile = pgbouncer.log
pidfile = pgbouncer.pid
admin_users = postgres,MYSITE_pgbouncer
pool_mode = transaction
server_reset_query = DISCARD ALL;
server_check_query = select 1
server_check_delay = 10
max_client_conn = 1000
default_pool_size = 20
log_connections = 0
log_disconnections = 0
log_pooler_errors = 1

And here's my authfile, /var/lib/pgsql/pgbouncer.txt --


Is there something else I need to do? What steps am I missing? When I
start pgbouncer at the command line, I see this error:

   WARNING: password file /root/.pgpass has group or world access;
   permissions should be u=rw (0600) or less
   psql: ERROR:  No such user: MYSITE_pgbouncer

Thanks for any tips!

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Re: [GENERAL] PGBouncer help (how to get it working)

2012-04-12 Thread Phoenix Kiula
On Fri, Apr 13, 2012 at 2:41 AM, Scott Marlowe scott.marl...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 11:12 AM, Phoenix Kiula phoenix.ki...@gmail.com 

   WARNING: password file /root/.pgpass has group or world access;
   permissions should be u=rw (0600) or less
   psql: ERROR:  No such user: MYSITE_pgbouncer

 Pretty sure the error is just the perms on that file.  Set them to
 0600 and try again.

I had already done this. Doesn't do anything. Pgbouncer starts
(service pgbouncer restart) but when I try to connect, it tells me

psql: ERROR:  No such user: MYSITE_pgbouncer

Where should i create the MYSITE_pgbouncer user?

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[GENERAL] Foreign Key with an OR condition (and two concatenated columns)?

2012-01-08 Thread Phoenix Kiula
Hi. Hope I'm articulating the question correctly.

I currently have a foreign key like this:


Given the peculiar needs of this db, it seems that in some cases we
will need to track the id of table2 against a concatenation of two
columns in table2. So in pseudocode, it would look something like

fk_table2 FOREIGN KEY (id) REFERENCES table1(id   OR
id||'.'||column2) ON DELETE CASCADE;

Do I need a separate constraint for this?

Many thanks for any pointers!

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Re: [GENERAL] URGENT: temporary table not recognized?

2012-01-07 Thread Phoenix Kiula
On Fri, Jan 6, 2012 at 10:38 PM, John R Pierce pie...@hogranch.com wrote:

 you should check your attitude at the door.  this isn't Microsoft Pay per
 Incident Tech Support.

I saw the door. Found some other attitudes that were allowed to be let
in. Like asking me to write my own patch. You see, attitudes come in
different shapes.

 what you're asking for is right on that very URL you so conveniently quoted,
 both the configuration file format (Global Configuration Section), and
 where the sample pgloader.conf can be found...

No it isn't. The config file is not clear. And it's available in three
different forms in three different places, which I found only thanks
to Google. It's a community project, I get it.

Moving on. I'll do the awk/sed thing. COPY from other databases
already has several such convenient features. Postgresql is not
interested in implementing them. Sure.

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[GENERAL] URGENT: temporary table not recognized?

2012-01-06 Thread Phoenix Kiula
Hi. I'm using Postgresql 9.0.5, and the connection is made via pgbouncer.

I create a temporary table, and then want to import data into this
table via a COPY command. Yet, this just created table is not being
recognized. What's up?

From my terminal:

mydb=# create temporary table vl (
  alias varchar(35)
  ,dates timestamp without time zone
  ,referers text null
Time: 1.871 ms

mydb=# copy vl from '/backup/data.txt' WITH DELIMITER AS '|';
ERROR:  relation vl does not exist


Weird! Welcome any thoughts.


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Re: [GENERAL] URGENT: temporary table not recognized?

2012-01-06 Thread Phoenix Kiula
On Fri, Jan 6, 2012 at 11:46 AM, Tom Lane t...@sss.pgh.pa.us wrote:
 Phoenix Kiula phoenix.ki...@gmail.com writes:
 Hi. I'm using Postgresql 9.0.5, and the connection is made via pgbouncer.

 Perhaps pgbouncer is redirecting the second command to a different

Thanks Tom. I'm in the exact same session in my terminal, and the
commands are entered within 2 seconds of each other. With copy/paste,
maybe split microseconds of each other.

How can I make sure pgbouncer takes it all in the same session? I also
tried the two commands within a transaction.

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Re: [GENERAL] URGENT: temporary table not recognized?

2012-01-06 Thread Phoenix Kiula
On Fri, Jan 6, 2012 at 4:24 PM, Steve Crawford
scrawf...@pinpointresearch.com wrote:
 On 01/06/2012 01:11 PM, Phoenix Kiula wrote:

 On Fri, Jan 6, 2012 at 11:46 AM, Tom Lanet...@sss.pgh.pa.us  wrote:

 Phoenix Kiulaphoenix.ki...@gmail.com  writes:

 Hi. I'm using Postgresql 9.0.5, and the connection is made via

 Perhaps pgbouncer is redirecting the second command to a different

 Thanks Tom. I'm in the exact same session in my terminal, and the
 commands are entered within 2 seconds of each other. With copy/paste,
 maybe split microseconds of each other.

 How can I make sure pgbouncer takes it all in the same session? I also
 tried the two commands within a transaction.

 Sounds like you are using statement pooling - every statement can be
 assigned to a different server connection. You may need transaction pooling
 or session pooling:


Thanks Steve. YES! I changed it to transaction pooling and now it works.

Another problem through.

I need to COPY a huge text file into a table, with about 350 million
lines in the file (i.e., 350 million rows in the table).

While copying, some lines do not have data. They are empty values.

How can I specify in COPY command that if data is not found, it should
be ignored? In my temp table definition, I set this column as NULL
anyway, so it should be ok if this column was left empty!

What can I do in my COPY command to circumvent this?


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Re: [GENERAL] URGENT: temporary table not recognized?

2012-01-06 Thread Phoenix Kiula
On Fri, Jan 6, 2012 at 6:20 PM, Adrian Klaver adrian.kla...@gmail.com wrote:


 Search for

Thanks Adrian.

Without examples, it's hard to predict syntax. If the value after a
pipe is missing altogether, I suppose the missing value is \n
(newline). But this doesn't work:

   copy vl from 'data.txt' WITH DELIMITER AS '|' NULL '\n';

None of these work either:

   copy vl from 'data.txt' WITH DELIMITER AS '|' NULL \n;
   copy vl from 'data.txt' WITH DELIMITER AS '|' NULL \\n;
   copy vl from 'data.txt' WITH DELIMITER AS '|' NULL '';

The first two give errors, the third one throws the same missing value
for column error.

The data is stored like this:

123|big string here|189209209|US|2001-01-01
123|big string here|189209209|US|2001-01-01
123|big string here|189209209|US|2001-01-01
123|big string here|189209209|US|2001-01-01

But sometimes, the strings are:

|big string here|189209209|US|2001-01-01
|big string here|189209209|US|2001-01-01


123|big string here|189209209|US
123|big string here|189209209|US|

So you see either the first column, which is the ID in a way, is
missing so the missing character is probably a blank (''?). In this
case I want COPY to just ignore this line.

Or the last column is missing, where the missing character can be a
newline I suppose?

So how do I specify this in the COPY command so that it doesn't croak?
If a line's ID is missing, it should ignore the line and go on instead
of not doing anything by throwing an error for EVERYTHING!


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Re: [GENERAL] URGENT: temporary table not recognized?

2012-01-06 Thread Phoenix Kiula
On Fri, Jan 6, 2012 at 6:53 PM, Steve Crawford
scrawf...@pinpointresearch.com wrote:
 On 01/06/2012 03:42 PM, Phoenix Kiula wrote:

 On Fri, Jan 6, 2012 at 6:20 PM, Adrian Klaveradrian.kla...@gmail.com


 Search for

 Thanks Adrian.

 Without examples, it's hard to predict syntax. If the value after a
 pipe is missing altogether, I suppose the missing value is \n
 (newline). But this doesn't work:

    copy vl from 'data.txt' WITH DELIMITER AS '|' NULL '\n';

 None of these work either:

    copy vl from 'data.txt' WITH DELIMITER AS '|' NULL \n;
    copy vl from 'data.txt' WITH DELIMITER AS '|' NULL \\n;
    copy vl from 'data.txt' WITH DELIMITER AS '|' NULL '';

 The first two give errors, the third one throws the same missing value
 for column error.

 The data is stored like this:

     123|big string here|189209209|US|2001-01-01
     123|big string here|189209209|US|2001-01-01
     123|big string here|189209209|US|2001-01-01
     123|big string here|189209209|US|2001-01-01

 But sometimes, the strings are:

     |big string here|189209209|US|2001-01-01
     |big string here|189209209|US|2001-01-01


     123|big string here|189209209|US
     123|big string here|189209209|US|

 So you see either the first column, which is the ID in a way, is
 missing so the missing character is probably a blank (''?). In this
 case I want COPY to just ignore this line.

 Or the last column is missing, where the missing character can be a
 newline I suppose?

 So how do I specify this in the COPY command so that it doesn't croak?
 If a line's ID is missing, it should ignore the line and go on instead
 of not doing anything by throwing an error for EVERYTHING!


 Missing data is one thing, missing delimiters is another. Try doing a small
 copy of data with just a few lines to see which variants are actually
 causing the error. My money is on the one that has a mismatch between the
 table column count and the data column count. I.e., the row with three
 delimiters instead of four:

 23|big string here|189209209|US

 When you say ignore, do you mean that you want PostgreSQL to assume a null
 value for the missing column or to not import that row at all?

 In general, when you have data scrubbing issues like this, grep/sed/awk/...
 are your friends. Clean it up then import it.

 I suppose you could import all rows into a big text field and process it in
 PostgreSQL but I doubt you will find that to be an optimal solution.

Thanks Steve.

The file has 350 million lines. Sed, Awk etc are a little painful when
the file is 18GB witht hat many lines.

I'd want Postgresql to ignore the line altogether when something is
missing. Is this an option we can use, or are rules hoisted on us?

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Re: [GENERAL] URGENT: temporary table not recognized?

2012-01-06 Thread Phoenix Kiula
On Fri, Jan 6, 2012 at 6:54 PM, Adrian Klaver adrian.kla...@gmail.com wrote:

 copy vl from 'data.txt' WITH CSV DELIMITER '|';

Doesn't work. Can't see what the different in CSV is from a text file.
Same errors are thrown.

 If that doesn't work take a look at pgloader:

Wow, another geeky tool. Hard to find documentation. Archaic
presentation, no simple steps to install and get using. Anyway doesn't
seem to provide the options I need
(http://pgloader.projects.postgresql.org/) --

a) Ability to assign more than one NULL value
b) Ability to ignore lines altogether that have any problem

Really, other databases have mechanisms to ignore problem lines
while copying. Does Postgresql allow me to *ignore* lines while

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Re: [GENERAL] Foreign keys question (performance)

2011-12-06 Thread Phoenix Kiula
On Sun, Dec 4, 2011 at 7:41 PM, Phoenix Kiula phoenix.ki...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Sun, Dec 4, 2011 at 7:14 PM, Alban Hertroys haram...@gmail.com wrote:
 On 4 Dec 2011, at 11:19, Phoenix Kiula wrote:

 INSERTs in the parent table don't need to check for any reference from the 
 child table, since they're new; there can't be a reference. UPDATEs and 
 DELETEs do though, whether you let them CASCADE or not. If you don't, then 
 the database raises a foreign key constraint violation. If you do, then it 
 needs to modify the relevant rows in the child table.

 Likewise, INSERTs and UPDATEs in the child table need to verify that - if 
 their reference key changed - they're still referencing a valid row.

I have a problem.

Here's my table designs. The problem is that if Table 1 (stores) has a
foreign key reference from another child table (stores_registered),
then when I update Table 1, it throws an error that referential
intergrity is being violate because Table 2 depends on Table 1.
However, if I update Table 2 first, it tells me  that the fkey in
Table 1 doesn't exist (of course).

Any ideas? What am I missing? How do updates work in terms of CASCADE?


mydb=# \d stores

  Table public.stores
 Column  |Type |Modifiers
 strid   | character varying(35)   | not null
 plc | text| not null
 user_registered | boolean |
 private_key | character varying(6)| default NULL::character varying
 modify_date | timestamp without time zone | default now()
 ip  | bigint  |
 plc_md5 | text|
idx_stores_pkey PRIMARY KEY, btree (strid)
idx_stores_ip_plc UNIQUE, btree (ip, plc_md5)
idx_stores_modify_date btree (modify_date)
idx_stores_plcmd5 btree (plc_md5)
Check constraints:
stores_strid_check CHECK (strid::text ~ '[-.~a-z0-9_]'::text)
Referenced by:
TABLE stores_registered CONSTRAINT fk_stores_registered
TABLE stores_stats CONSTRAINT fk_stats FOREIGN KEY (strid)
TABLE interesting CONSTRAINT interesting_strid_fkey FOREIGN

mydb=# \d stores_registered

Column|Type |Modifiers
 strid| character varying(35)   | not null
 plc  | text| not null
 user_id  | character varying(30)   | not null
 modify_date  | timestamp without time zone | default now()
 plc_md5  | text|
idx_stores_registered_pkey PRIMARY KEY, btree (strid)
idx_stores_registered_userid_plc UNIQUE, btree (user_id, plc_md5)
Check constraints:
stores_strid_check CHECK (strid::text ~ '[-.~a-z0-9_]'::text)
stores_plc_check CHECK (plc  ''::text)
Foreign-key constraints:
fk_stores_registered FOREIGN KEY (strid) REFERENCES
stores_registered_users_fkey FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES

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[GENERAL] Foreign keys question (performance)

2011-12-04 Thread Phoenix Kiula

I have a foreign key as such:

ALTER TABLE child_table
FOREIGN KEY (stringid) REFERENCES parent_table (stringid) MATCH FULL


1. Is MATCH FULL adding any value here? If the foreign key is just
on an id column, what purpose does it serve? Without it, the results
would be the same? Does it affect performance or should I leave it be?
(Note that the id is a alphanumeric value)

2. More importantly, in this case basically the child_table cannot
have any keys that the parent_table doesn't have either. Will INSERTs
and UPDATEs to the parent_table be slower? Or will the foreign key
check happen only when INSERT or UPDATE happen to the child_table?


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[GENERAL] Weird behavior: deleted row still in index?

2011-12-04 Thread Phoenix Kiula

I have deleted a row from a table. Confirmed by SELECT. All
associated children tables don't have this key value either.

Yet, when I insert this row back again, the primary key index on this
table gives me a duplicate error.

As demonstrated below. PGSQL version is 9.0.5.

Is this common? I have vacuum analyzed the table three times. Still
same problem. Why is the primary key index keeping a value that was

Short of a REINDEX (which will lock the entire tableit's a large
one) is there anything I can do to clear up the index?


mydb=# delete from stores where id = '20xrrs3';
Time: 0.759 ms

mydb=# INSERT INTO stores (id) VALUES ('20xrrs3');
ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint idx_stores_pkey
DETAIL:  Key (id)=(20xrrs3) already exists.

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Re: [GENERAL] Foreign keys question (performance)

2011-12-04 Thread Phoenix Kiula
On Sun, Dec 4, 2011 at 7:14 PM, Alban Hertroys haram...@gmail.com wrote:
 On 4 Dec 2011, at 11:19, Phoenix Kiula wrote:

 INSERTs in the parent table don't need to check for any reference from the 
 child table, since they're new; there can't be a reference. UPDATEs and 
 DELETEs do though, whether you let them CASCADE or not. If you don't, then 
 the database raises a foreign key constraint violation. If you do, then it 
 needs to modify the relevant rows in the child table.

 Likewise, INSERTs and UPDATEs in the child table need to verify that - if 
 their reference key changed - they're still referencing a valid row.

Thanks Albert. Very useful.

I had ON DELETE...ALSO DELETE rules earlier and in some cases they let
some keys go by in associated tables. Hope foreign key constraint is
more reliable!


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Re: [GENERAL] Weird behavior: deleted row still in index?

2011-12-04 Thread Phoenix Kiula
On Sun, Dec 4, 2011 at 7:55 PM, Szymon Guz mabew...@gmail.com wrote:

 and then show us the whole table structure, especially any rules or

Not many rules or triggers. See below.

I ran a REINDEX on the key allegedly being violated, and it finished
it in 30 mins or so, but still the same problem:

In fact, I deleted one rule -- and maybe I cancelled it before it
finished, but it does look gone now. Could it be not entirely deleted
and maybe corrupted somewhere out of sight?

The row is surely not in the table. Below some things..

Time: 366952.162 ms

mydb=# select * from stores where id = '20xrrs3';
 id | url | user_registered | private_key | modify_date | ip | url_md5
(0 rows)

Time: 90.711 ms
mydb=# delete from stores where id = '20xrrs3';
Time: 2.519 ms
mydb=# INSERT INTO stores (id) values ('20xrrs3');
ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint idx_stores_pkey
DETAIL:  Key (id)=(20xrrs3) already exists.
mydb=# \d stores

 Table public.stores
 Column  |Type |Modifiers
 id  | character varying(35)   | not null
 modify_date | timestamp without time zone | default now()
 ip  | bigint  |

idx_stores_pkey PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
idx_stores_modify_date btree (modify_date)
Check constraints:
stores_id_check CHECK (id::text ~ '[-.~a-z0-9_]'::text)
Referenced by:
TABLE stores_stats CONSTRAINT fk_stats FOREIGN KEY (id)
__track_stores_deleted AS
   WHERE NOT (EXISTS ( SELECT stores_deleted.id
   FROM stores_deleted
  WHERE stores_deleted.id = old.id)) DO  INSERT INTO
stores_deleted (id, modify_date, ip)
  VALUES (old.id, old.modify_date, old.ip)

Any other ideas?

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[GENERAL] Sporadic query not returning anything..how to diagnose?

2011-11-29 Thread Phoenix Kiula

(My pgbouncer is finally working and has results in at least a 3-fold
site speed increase! YAY! Thanks to everyone who helped.)

Now, a new small problem.

In my PHP code I have a condition that checks for the existence of a
record, and if not found, it INSERTs a new one.

Here's the first SQL to check existence:

# SELECT ip FROM links WHERE ip = 1585119341 AND url_md5 =
'cd4866fa5fca31dfdb07c29d8d80731c' LIMIT 1

 Limit  (cost=0.00..26.20 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=0.054..0.054
rows=1 loops=1)
  -  Index Scan using idx_links_ip_url on links  (cost=0.00..26.20
rows=1 width=8) (actual time=0.053..0.053 rows=1 loops=1)
Index Cond: ((ip = 1585119341) AND (url_md5 =
 Total runtime: 0.078 ms
(4 rows)

About 5% of the times (in situations of high traffic), this is not
returning a value in my PHP code. Because it's not found, the code
tries to INSERT a new record and there's a duplicate key error, which
is in the logs. The traffic to the site is much higher than the number
of these entries in my log, which means it's only happening
sometimes--my guess is for 5% of all queries, which is still quite
significant (about 60,000 a day).

I began logging these missed SELECT queries, and when I manually go
into the postgresql terminal and execute those queries, the record is
indeed found. No problem.

So my question: is this related to some timeout or something with
pgbouncer, where I suppose the connection is held for a split-second
longer than it would, and therefore the query doesn't return anything?
Probably an inane guess. Just wondering aloud.

Welcome any thoughts on how to debug this. Btw, the logging is
happening in the postgresql usual log file, the pgbouncer log just has
hordes of one-liners stating how many requests per minute...


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Re: [GENERAL] Installed. Now what?

2011-11-24 Thread Phoenix Kiula
On Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 10:42 AM, Adrian Klaver adrian.kla...@gmail.com wrote:

 Also, how can I tell the pgbouncer log not to log proper connections
 and their closing. Right now it's filling up with nonsense. I only
 want it to log when there's a warning or error.


Thanks. Much nicer to NOT have the connect and disconnect.

Question: my log is filled up with these messages every few seconds:

2011-11-24 07:10:02.349 12713 LOG Stats: 0 req/s, in 49 b/s, out 70
b/s,query 10743 us

Does the 0 reqs mean that nothing is being server through PGBOUNCER?

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Re: [GENERAL] Table Design question for gurus (without going to NoSQL)...

2011-11-24 Thread Phoenix Kiula
On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 6:14 PM, Tomas Vondra t...@fuzzy.cz wrote:

 An index on (a, b) can be used for queries involving only a but not for
 those involving only b.

 That is not true since 8.2 - a multi-column index may be used even for
 queries without conditions on leading columns. It won't be as effective as
 with conditions on leading columns, because the whole index must be
 scanned, but it's usually much cheaper than keeping two indexes (memory
 requirements, overhead when inserting data etc.)

 Check this:

Thanks Tomas. VERY useful information.

I've decided to go with a unique multicolumn index for now.

Will ask the experts here if I see some issues..


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Re: [GENERAL] Incremental backup with RSYNC or something?

2011-11-24 Thread Phoenix Kiula
On Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 6:13 AM, Alex Thurlow alex-repo...@blastro.com wrote:
 On 11/22/2011 3:28 PM, Merlin Moncure wrote:
 How long is this backup taking?  I have a ~100GB database that I back up
 with pg_dump (which compresses as it dumps if you want it to) and that only
 takes 35 minutes.  Granted, I have it on some fast SCSI drives in RAID 1,
 but even a single SATA drive should still finish in a decent amount of time.

Hi Alex, could you share what exact command you use? Mine are SCSI
too, in RAID 10, but the dump takes over 2-3 hours (60 GB database)
and the CPU consumption during this time is huge.


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Re: [GENERAL] Incremental backup with RSYNC or something?

2011-11-24 Thread Phoenix Kiula
On Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 11:53 PM, Benjamin Henrion b...@udev.org wrote:
 On Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 4:49 PM, Phoenix Kiula phoenix.ki...@gmail.com 
 On Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 6:13 AM, Alex Thurlow alex-repo...@blastro.com 
 On 11/22/2011 3:28 PM, Merlin Moncure wrote:
 How long is this backup taking?  I have a ~100GB database that I back up
 with pg_dump (which compresses as it dumps if you want it to) and that only
 takes 35 minutes.  Granted, I have it on some fast SCSI drives in RAID 1,
 but even a single SATA drive should still finish in a decent amount of time.

 Hi Alex, could you share what exact command you use? Mine are SCSI
 too, in RAID 10, but the dump takes over 2-3 hours (60 GB database)
 and the CPU consumption during this time is huge.

 I wrote a bunch of shell scripts tools to backup postgres 9.1 with
 rsync/ccollect (another hardlink tool), I might find the time to
 publish it on github once I find the time.

Thanks Ben. Look forward to it.

Will the script be different for version 9.0.5? Would love to have
rsync working. Even without a script, just the commands will help.

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Re: [GENERAL] Installed. Now what?

2011-11-23 Thread Phoenix Kiula
On Tue, Nov 22, 2011 at 2:13 AM, Steve Crawford
scrawf...@pinpointresearch.com wrote:

 The information in the pgbouncer pseudo-database is helpful, here (psql -U
 youradminuser -h pgbouncer).

Thanks, I finally got it connecting.

Where's the pgbouncer database. Do I need to install it? It's not installed.

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Re: [GENERAL] Installed. Now what?

2011-11-23 Thread Phoenix Kiula
On Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 9:18 AM, Phoenix Kiula phoenix.ki...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Tue, Nov 22, 2011 at 2:13 AM, Steve Crawford

Thanks, I finally got it connecting.

Where's the pgbouncer database. Do I need to install it? It's not
installed.  (How else should I tell the load and utilization?)

Also, how can I tell the pgbouncer log not to log proper connections
and their closing. Right now it's filling up with nonsense. I only
want it to log when there's a warning or error.


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Re: [GENERAL] Installed. Now what?

2011-11-20 Thread Phoenix Kiula
On Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 4:49 PM, John R Pierce pie...@hogranch.com wrote:
 On 11/19/11 11:42 PM, Phoenix Kiula wrote:

 does this firewall block localhost at all?  many don't.  (I'm not at all
 familiar with this CSF/LFD thing)

 if you enable a port for TCP_IN, does it automatically allow replies back?

 postgres uses no UDP.

The firewall is set to:

1. Ignore the process pgbouncer (in fact the entire directory in which
pgbouncer sits)

2. Allow for everything, no limitations

3. Yes, it can allow replies back (the same settings work with
postgresql, should pgbouncer be any different?)

I tried disabling the firewall completely. Same thing -- pgbouncer
still does not work.

It's not the firewall. It isn't blocking anything. Nothing in the logs
related to pgbouncer. I merely mentioned it as a step.

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Re: [GENERAL] Installed. Now what?

2011-11-20 Thread Phoenix Kiula
On Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 7:43 PM, Scott Mead sco...@openscg.com wrote:

 On Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 6:21 AM, Marko Kreen mark...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 8:32 AM, Phoenix Kiula phoenix.ki...@gmail.com
  The password I am entering in the terminal is right for sure. I've
  tried it a few times, checked the caps lock, etc. Also, if the log
  carries this FATAL password authentication failed, why does the
  terminal give the vague error no working server connection?

 ISTM that either your connect string is bad to the database or you already
 have too many clients connected to the db.  Have you tried:
   show max_clients;
   select count(1) from pg_stat_activity;
   In postgres?  Is it possible that there are just too many clients already

You may be on to something. And the queries results are below. (5
connections are reserved for superusers so you may be right.)

MYDB=# show max_connections;
(1 row)

Time: 0.517 ms

MYDB=#   select count(1) from pg_stat_activity;
(1 row)

Time: 1.541 ms

But isn't the point to connect to pgbouncer (instead of PG directly)
and have it manage connections? Even when I restart PG so that its
connection count is fresh and low, and immediately try to connect to
pgbouncer, it still shows me an error.

How can I debug that the connections are the problem?

The error message in the pgbouncer log points to some FATAL password

If not, then it's probably just your connect string ( in
 pgbouncer.ini) not being quite
 right.  You are using for
 connecting, is postgres even listening?
   netstat -lntp | grep 5432

Yes. It is.

 netstat -lntp | grep 5432
tcp0  0*
 LISTEN  26220/postmaster
tcp0  0 :::5432 :::*
 LISTEN  26220/postmaster

 netstat -lntp | grep 6432
tcp0  0*
 LISTEN  10854/pgbouncer

Any ideas?

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Re: [GENERAL] Installed. Now what?

2011-11-20 Thread Phoenix Kiula
On Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 7:52 PM, Phoenix Kiula phoenix.ki...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 7:43 PM, Scott Mead sco...@openscg.com wrote:

 On Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 6:21 AM, Marko Kreen mark...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 8:32 AM, Phoenix Kiula phoenix.ki...@gmail.com
  The password I am entering in the terminal is right for sure. I've
  tried it a few times, checked the caps lock, etc. Also, if the log
  carries this FATAL password authentication failed, why does the
  terminal give the vague error no working server connection?

 ISTM that either your connect string is bad to the database or you already
 have too many clients connected to the db.  Have you tried:
   show max_clients;
   select count(1) from pg_stat_activity;
   In postgres?  Is it possible that there are just too many clients already

 You may be on to something. And the queries results are below. (5
 connections are reserved for superusers so you may be right.)

 MYDB=# show max_connections;
 (1 row)

 Time: 0.517 ms

 MYDB=#   select count(1) from pg_stat_activity;
 (1 row)

 Time: 1.541 ms

 But isn't the point to connect to pgbouncer (instead of PG directly)
 and have it manage connections? Even when I restart PG so that its
 connection count is fresh and low, and immediately try to connect to
 pgbouncer, it still shows me an error.

 How can I debug that the connections are the problem?

 The error message in the pgbouncer log points to some FATAL password

 If not, then it's probably just your connect string ( in
 pgbouncer.ini) not being quite
  right.  You are using for
 connecting, is postgres even listening?
   netstat -lntp | grep 5432

 Yes. It is.

 netstat -lntp | grep 5432
 tcp        0      0    *
     LISTEN      26220/postmaster
 tcp        0      0 :::5432                     :::*
     LISTEN      26220/postmaster

 netstat -lntp | grep 6432
 tcp        0      0    *
     LISTEN      10854/pgbouncer

 Any ideas?

Just to add, the connection string I try for pgbouncer is EXACTLY the
same as the one I use to connect directly to PG, but I add the port

For Direct PG  (works) --
pg_connect(host=localhost dbname=$db user=myuser password=mypass);

For Pgbouncer  (does NOT work) --
pg_connect(host=localhost dbname=$db port=6432 user=myuser password=mypass);

Given that both PG and postgresql are alive and kicking on 5432 and
6432 ports respectively, as shown in the netstat output above, I
wonder if the connection string is the problem.

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Re: [GENERAL] Huge number of INSERTs

2011-11-20 Thread Phoenix Kiula
On Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 2:11 PM, Tomas Vondra t...@fuzzy.cz wrote:
 Dne 18.11.2011 13:30, Phoenix Kiula napsal(a):
 Full DB:   32GB
 The big table referenced above:  28 GB

 It's inserts into this one that are taking time.

 Hm, in that case the shared_buffers is probably too low. It'd be nice to
 have at least the indexes on the table in the buffers, and I guess
 they're significantly over 256MB (your shared_buffers).

 But regarding the vmstat 5 10 output you've posted, you probably don't
 issue with I/O as the iowait is 0 most of the time.

 You do have a serious problem with CPU, though - most of the time, the
 CPU is almost 100% utilized. Not sure which process is responsible for
 this, but this might be the main problem problem.

 I'm not saying adding a row to the table (and indexes) is extremely
 expensive, but you do have an insane number of processes (350
 connections, a lot of apache workers) and a lot of them are asking for
 CPU time.

 So once again: set the number of connections and workers to sane values,
 considering your current hardware. Those numbers are actually a handy
 throttle - you may increase the numbers until the CPU is reasonably
 utilized (don't use 100%, leave a reasonable margin - I wouldn't go
 higher than 90%).

Thanks Tomas. And others.

Some observations and questions from my ongoing saga.

I have disabled all ADDing of data (INSERT + UPDATE) and just allowed
SELECTs so far. Site is under maintenance.

For a moment there, I unleashed the valve and allowed the INSERT
functionality. The log was immediately flooded with this:

LOG:  duration: 6851.054 ms  statement: select nextval('maintable_id_seq')
LOG:  duration: 6848.266 ms  statement: select nextval('maintable_id_seq')
LOG:  duration: 6846.672 ms  statement: select nextval('maintable_id_seq')
LOG:  duration: 6853.451 ms  statement: select nextval('maintable_id_seq')
LOG:  duration: 6991.966 ms  statement: select nextval('maintable_id_seq')
LOG:  duration: 8244.315 ms  statement: select nextval('maintable_id_seq')
LOG:  duration: 6991.071 ms  statement: select nextval('maintable_id_seq')
LOG:  duration: 6990.043 ms  statement: select nextval('maintable_id_seq')
LOG:  duration: 6988.483 ms  statement: select nextval('maintable_id_seq')
LOG:  duration: 6986.793 ms  statement: select nextval('maintable_id_seq')
LOG:  duration: 6985.802 ms  statement: select nextval('maintable_id_seq')

I hope it's just because of too much load that even a simple query
such as this was taking so much time?

Other queries taking too much time are also indexed queries!

Anyway, right now, with that valve closed, and only SELECTs allowed,
here's the stats:

 vmstat 5 10
procs ---memory-- ---swap-- -io --system--
 r  b   swpd   free   buff  cache   si   sobibo   in   cs us sy id wa st
 7  1   1352  47596  26412 618996033  5228   243   17   10 51
19 26  4  0
16  1   1352  45520  26440 619165600  1230  3819 1368 65722 68
31  1  0  0
 9  0   1352  61048  26464 617468800  1000  4290 1370 65545 67
32  1  0  0
27  1   1352  51908  26508 618385200  1332  3916 1381 65684 68
32  1  0  0
29  0   1352  48380  26536 618576400   977  3983 1368 65684 67
32  1  0  0
24  1   1352  46436  26576 618908000   220  4135 1373 65743 66
33  1  0  0
25  1   1352  46204  26616 619145200 0  3963 1348 66867 67
32  1  0  0
13  1   1352  57444  26692 61932200024  4038 1436 66891 66
32  2  0  0
22  1   1352  51300  26832 619673600   439  5088 1418 66995 66
31  2  0  0
26  1   1352  51940  26872 619838400 0  3354 1385 67122 67
31  2  0  0

 iostat -d -x 5 3
Linux 2.6.18-238.9.1.el5 (host.MYDB.com)11/20/2011

Device: rrqm/s   wrqm/s   r/s   w/s   rsec/s   wsec/s avgrq-sz
avgqu-sz   await  svctm  %util
sda  86.34   151.41 392.90 92.36 41796.00  1949.66
90.15 1.593.27   0.40  19.65
sda1  0.00 0.00  0.00  0.00 0.01 0.0022.38
0.003.04   3.01   0.00
sda2  0.27 8.20  0.06  0.22 3.3567.05   255.22
0.01   34.36   3.02   0.08
sda3  1.0213.83  3.29  3.65   165.35   139.7543.96
0.16   22.52   7.32   5.08
sda4  0.00 0.00  0.00  0.00 0.00 0.00 2.00
0.000.00   0.00   0.00
sda5  0.57 3.63  0.64  0.7226.5234.7245.16
0.02   11.26   4.67   0.63
sda6  0.21 0.57  0.41  0.2713.79 6.7630.24
0.02   24.31  16.51   1.12
sda7  0.24 5.36  0.11  0.44 1.9246.3286.94
0.02   44.21   7.99   0.44
sda8  2.24 2.25  1.22  0.9827.6225.8324.33
0.06   27.61  18.20   4.00
sda9 81.79   117.57 387.18 86.08 41557.45  1629.24
91.25 1.302.75   0.39  18.30

Device: rrqm/s   wrqm/s   r/s   w/s   rsec/s   wsec/s avgrq-sz
avgqu-sz   await  svctm  %util

[GENERAL] Table Design question for gurus (without going to NoSQL)...

2011-11-20 Thread Phoenix Kiula

Want to start another thread, loosely related to the performance
problems thread I have going.

Need some DB design guidance from the gurus here.

My big table now has about 70 million rows, with the following columns:

 alias   | character varying(35)
 url | text
 modify_date | timestamp without time zone
 ip  | bigint

For each IP address (user of my application) I want to have a unique
URL. So I used to have a UNIQUE constraint on IP, URL. But the index
based on this became huge, as some URLs are gigantic. so I introduced
an md5 of the URL:

 url_md5 | varchar(32)

I now have two scenarios:

1. To have an index (unique?) on (ip, url_md5)

2. To not have an index on just the ip. This way a query that tries
to match   ...WHERE ip = 999 AND url_md5 = 'md5 here'... will
still look only at the ip bit of the index, then refine it with the

The good thing about #2 is the size of index remains very small with
only a bigint field (ip) being indexed.

The bad thing about #2 is that each query of ...WHERE ip = 999 AND
url_md5 = 'md5 here'...  will have to refine the indexed IP. If one
IP address has put in a lot of URLs, then this becomes a bit slow. As
is now happening, where I have users who have over 1 million URLs


1. Instead of md5, is there any integer hashing algorithm that will
allow me to have a bigint column and save a lot hopefully in both
storage space and speed?  (Some very useful points mentioned here:

2. If I do go with the above scenario #1 of a joint index, is there
any way I can save space and maintain speed? Partitioning etc are out
of the question.

With a growing web database, I am sure many people face this
situation. Are nosql type databases the only sane solution to such
massive volumes and throughput expectations (e.g., CouchDb's MemBase)?

Many thanks for any ideas or pointers!

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Re: [GENERAL] Table Design question for gurus (without going to NoSQL)...

2011-11-20 Thread Phoenix Kiula
On Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 9:33 PM, Phoenix Kiula phoenix.ki...@gmail.com wrote:

 Want to start another thread, loosely related to the performance
 problems thread I have going.

 Need some DB design guidance from the gurus here.

 My big table now has about 70 million rows, with the following columns:

  alias           | character varying(35)
  url             | text
  modify_date     | timestamp without time zone
  ip              | bigint

 For each IP address (user of my application) I want to have a unique
 URL. So I used to have a UNIQUE constraint on IP, URL. But the index
 based on this became huge, as some URLs are gigantic. so I introduced
 an md5 of the URL:

  url_md5             | varchar(32)

 I now have two scenarios:

 1. To have an index (unique?) on (ip, url_md5)

 2. To not have an index on just the ip. This way a query that tries
 to match   ...WHERE ip = 999 AND url_md5 = 'md5 here'... will
 still look only at the ip bit of the index, then refine it with the

 The good thing about #2 is the size of index remains very small with
 only a bigint field (ip) being indexed.

 The bad thing about #2 is that each query of ...WHERE ip = 999 AND
 url_md5 = 'md5 here'...  will have to refine the indexed IP. If one
 IP address has put in a lot of URLs, then this becomes a bit slow. As
 is now happening, where I have users who have over 1 million URLs


 1. Instead of md5, is there any integer hashing algorithm that will
 allow me to have a bigint column and save a lot hopefully in both
 storage space and speed?  (Some very useful points mentioned here:

 2. If I do go with the above scenario #1 of a joint index, is there
 any way I can save space and maintain speed? Partitioning etc are out
 of the question.

 With a growing web database, I am sure many people face this
 situation. Are nosql type databases the only sane solution to such
 massive volumes and throughput expectations (e.g., CouchDb's MemBase)?

 Many thanks for any ideas or pointers!

I thought of adding a bigserial (serial8) column instead of
varchar(32) for the md5. But postgresql tells me that:

ERROR:  type bigserial does not exist

Why is this? Why can't I create a column with this type? Whats the
current syntax?


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Re: [GENERAL] Installed. Now what?

2011-11-20 Thread Phoenix Kiula
On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 4:13 AM, Adrian Klaver adrian.kla...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Sunday, November 20, 2011 3:56:18 am Phoenix Kiula wrote:

  Any ideas?

 Just to add, the connection string I try for pgbouncer is EXACTLY the
 same as the one I use to connect directly to PG, but I add the port

 That may be the problem. The Postgres server and pgbouncer are not the same
 thing. Visual aids:

 Client          --             pgbouncer          --       Postgres server

 Client credentials        pgbouncer auth               Postgres auth

                                   auth file                         Pg 

Thanks for this.

(1) Do I need to create a new user for Pgbouncer then?

(2) What info goes in the auth_file -- the Pgbouncer user/password
or the Postgres user/password?

In any case, I have kept both the user name and passwords the same for
now. But I have not created anything for Pgbouncer specifically other
than to put the info in auth_file. Have I missed a step?

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Re: [GENERAL] Installed. Now what?

2011-11-20 Thread Phoenix Kiula
On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 10:18 AM, Tomas Vondra t...@fuzzy.cz wrote:
 Dne 20.11.2011 03:33, Amitabh Kant napsal(a):
 On Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 4:14 AM, Phoenix Kiula phoenix.ki...@gmail.com

 Does the auth file (/var/lib/pgsql/pgbouncer.txt) contain valid login
 credentials to your database? If I remember correctly, it should have
 the username and password to your database.

 No, it shouldn't. It should contain credentials for connecting to the
 pgbouncer. The database credentials should go to the connection string
 in '[databases]' section of your ini file.

Thanks Tomas and everyone.

I have the following passwords:

1. Pgbouncer.ini file

MYDB  = host= dbname=MYDB user=MYDB_MYDB client_encoding=utf8
port=5432 password=='bypass'

2. In the auth_file (with auth_type set to md5)

auth_type = md5
auth_file = /var/lib/pgsql/pgbouncer.txt

Inside the auth_file:
me an md5 string

3. In the PHP file where I need to call with  pg_connect() function.
This is the postgresql database user as usual.

pg_connect(host= dbname=$db port=6432 user=$user password=$pass);


a. For #2, the pgbouncer password, do I need to create this me user
somewhere, or just writing here in the auth_file is fine? I have not
created this user anywhere else yet. Just written the user name and
md5 of the password in the auth_file.

b. In the connection string in #3 above, I need to be mentioning the
pgbouncer user name, right? Will the password then be md5 as in
auth_file? Or nothing?

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Re: [GENERAL] Table Design question for gurus (without going to NoSQL)...

2011-11-20 Thread Phoenix Kiula
On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 7:26 AM, Gavin Flower
gavinflo...@archidevsys.co.nz wrote:

 How about having 2 indexes: one on each of ip  url_md5? Pg will combine the
 indexes as required, or will just use one if that is best.

Thanks Gavin. Question: what if I have a joined index? If from a
joined index I only use the first column (say, ip) will a joined
index still be used?

It is cleaner to create two indexes for the two columns. Which is recommended?

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Re: [GENERAL] Installed. Now what?

2011-11-20 Thread Phoenix Kiula
On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 10:54 AM, Tomas Vondra t...@fuzzy.cz wrote:
 Dne 21.11.2011 02:44, Phoenix Kiula napsal(a):
 Thanks Tomas and everyone.

 I have the following passwords:

 1. Pgbouncer.ini file

 MYDB  = host= dbname=MYDB user=MYDB_MYDB client_encoding=utf8
 port=5432 password=='bypass'

 2. In the auth_file (with auth_type set to md5)

 auth_type = md5
 auth_file = /var/lib/pgsql/pgbouncer.txt

 Inside the auth_file:
 me an md5 string

 3. In the PHP file where I need to call with  pg_connect() function.
 This is the postgresql database user as usual.

 pg_connect(host= dbname=$db port=6432 user=$user password=$pass);

 I guess the $user is 'me' (as stated in pgbouncer.txt) and the password
 corresponds to pgbouncer.txt (i.e. when MD5-hashed the result is equal
 to the value in the file).


 a. For #2, the pgbouncer password, do I need to create this me user
 somewhere, or just writing here in the auth_file is fine? I have not
 created this user anywhere else yet. Just written the user name and
 md5 of the password in the auth_file.

 No. The user is created by listing the username/password in the auth_file.

 b. In the connection string in #3 above, I need to be mentioning the
 pgbouncer user name, right? Will the password then be md5 as in
 auth_file? Or nothing?

 You need to put the pgbouncer user name (as listed in the auth_file).
 The password has to be the actual value, not the hash. Otherwise it'd be
 equal to auth_type=plain.

Very clear. So all the passwords are now correct.

Now, when I do service pgbouncer restart, it shows me FAILED.

I'm on CentOS 5, 64 bit. PG is 9.0.5.

The PG log has nothing about this.

The pgbouncer log has nothing either, just a huge list of:

2011-11-20 09:03:46.855 10854 LOG Stats: 0 req/s, in 0 b/s, out 0 b/s,query 0 us
2011-11-20 09:04:46.856 10854 LOG Stats: 0 req/s, in 0 b/s, out 0 b/s,query 0 us
2011-11-20 09:05:46.856 10854 LOG Stats: 0 req/s, in 0 b/s, out 0 b/s,query 0 us
2011-11-20 09:06:46.857 10854 LOG Stats: 0 req/s, in 0 b/s, out 0 b/s,query 0 us

Any ideas on how I can determine what's going wrong?

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Re: [GENERAL] Installed. Now what?

2011-11-19 Thread Phoenix Kiula
 1. Do I need to set up the /etc/pgbouncer.ini.rpmnew as
 /etc/pgbouncer.ini and then change settings in it? What do I change?
 How? The FAQ is super geeky and unhelpful. As is the sparse info on
 the PG Wiki on pgbouncer. How can I tune pgbouner settings?

Just a quick update. By googling for an hour, I basically set up a
working ini file. It looks like this:

logfile = /var/log/pgbouncer.log
pidfile = /var/run/pgbouncer/pgbouncer.pid
; ip address or * which means all ip-s
listen_addr =
listen_port = 6543
auth_type = trust
auth_file = /var/lib/pgsql/pgbouncer.txt

admin_users = postgres
stats_users = stats, root
pool_mode = session
server_reset_query = DISCARD ALL

;;; Connection limits
; total number of clients that can connect
max_client_conn = 100
default_pool_size = 20

So now pgbouncer basically starts. Both processes are running (psql
and pgbouncer) --

service postgres start
service pgbouncer start

When the two services are started like the above, are they working
together? The manual says psql should be restarted with the pgbouncer
port number, for these to be working together. But what if my server
does not have a psql process, but a service of postgres?

From within my PHP code, if I add the port number of pgbouncer in my
pg_connect() function, it does not work.

Thanks for any insight.

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Re: [GENERAL] Installed. Now what?

2011-11-19 Thread Phoenix Kiula
On Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 2:13 AM, Adrian Klaver adrian.kla...@gmail.com wrote:


 I have never used pgbouncer, but from above it would seem you need to set up a
 [databases] section to tie pgbouncer to the Postgres server.
 SECTION [databases]

Thanks Adrian. All this is done.

The config file link just describes what each option means. There's
zero information about how to actually tweak or wisely set the stuff!

Anyway, with half a day of googling or so, and looking at sundry blogs
and such, I have pgbouncer running on port 6432. PG runs on the usual

I still keep seeing the Sorry, too many clients already error.

From my PHP code, what line should I use? This does NOT work:

  $link   = pg_connect(host=localhost dbname=$db user=$user password=$pass);

If I remove the port number, it works. Is it then connecting straight
to the DB? What am I missing? Pgbouncer is working, but not accepting
PHP pg_connect() call. The username and password are correct for sure.

Any thoughts?

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Re: [GENERAL] Installed. Now what?

2011-11-19 Thread Phoenix Kiula
On Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 2:39 AM, Phoenix Kiula phoenix.ki...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 2:13 AM, Adrian Klaver adrian.kla...@gmail.com 


 I have never used pgbouncer, but from above it would seem you need to set up 
 [databases] section to tie pgbouncer to the Postgres server.
 SECTION [databases]

 Thanks Adrian. All this is done.

 The config file link just describes what each option means. There's
 zero information about how to actually tweak or wisely set the stuff!

 Anyway, with half a day of googling or so, and looking at sundry blogs
 and such, I have pgbouncer running on port 6432. PG runs on the usual

 I still keep seeing the Sorry, too many clients already error.

 From my PHP code, what line should I use? This does NOT work:

  $link   = pg_connect(host=localhost dbname=$db user=$user password=$pass);

 If I remove the port number, it works. Is it then connecting straight
 to the DB? What am I missing? Pgbouncer is working, but not accepting
 PHP pg_connect() call. The username and password are correct for sure.

 Any thoughts?

I mean this does not work:

   $link   = pg_connect(host=localhost port=6432 dbname=$db
user=$user password=$pass);

When I remove that port number, it works. I suppose it connects
directly to PG. And this is still leading to too many connections.

Also, this does NOT work:

   psql snipurl -E snipurl_snipurl -p 6543

Shows me this error:

   psql: ERROR:  no working server connection

How come? The pgbouncer is on!

ps aux | grep pgbouncer
   postgres  5567  0.0  0.0  16880   508 ?R13:50   0:00
pgbouncer -d /etc/pgbouncer.ini
   root  5583  0.0  0.0  61188   764 pts/2R+   13:50   0:00
grep pgbouncer

Any thoughts? How can I make my PHP connect to the pgbouncer?

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Re: [GENERAL] Huge number of INSERTs

2011-11-19 Thread Phoenix Kiula
On Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 10:41 AM, Tomas Vondra t...@fuzzy.cz wrote:

 That has nothing to do with the inserts, it means the number of connection
 requests exceeds the max_connections. You've set it to 350, and that seems
 too high - the processes are going to struggle for resources (CPU, I/O and
 memory) and the scheduling gets expensive too.

 A good starting point is usually 2*(number of cores + number of drives)
 which is 16 or 24 (not sure what a dual server is - probably dual CPU).
 You may increase that if the database more or less fits into memory (so
 less I/O is needed).

Ok, there's just too much conflicting info on the web.

If I reduce the max_connections to 16, how does this reflect on the
Apache MaxClients? There's a school of thought that recommends that
MaxClients in Apache should be the same as max_connection in PGSQL.
But 16 for MaxClients with a prefork MPM would be disastrous. No?

Anyway, even if I do try 16 as the number, what about these settings:


With nginx and apache, and some other sundries, I think about 4-5GB is
left for PGSQL. This is 9.0.5. And all other details - Centos 5 on 64
bit, SCSI disks with RAID 10, 3Ware RAID controller...etc.

Any help on settings appreciated.


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[GENERAL] Logging not working

2011-11-19 Thread Phoenix Kiula
Hi. PG 9.0.5, on CentOS 5 with 64 bit.

Here's the logging related items from my config file:

log_directory   = 'pg_log'
log_filename= 'pglog.postgresql-%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S.log'
log_rotation_age= 1d
log_min_duration_statement  = 5000   # In milliseconds

That's it.

The directory /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_log is chowned by
postgres:postgres. And it's even chmodded 777, just to be sure that
anyone can write to it. (For now)

Why's there no log then? What can I do?


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Re: [GENERAL] Huge number of INSERTs

2011-11-19 Thread Phoenix Kiula
On Sat, Nov 19, 2011 at 1:29 AM, Steve Crawford
scrawf...@pinpointresearch.com wrote:
 On 11/18/2011 04:30 AM, Phoenix Kiula wrote:

 On Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 9:25 AM, Steve Crawford
 scrawf...@pinpointresearch.com  wrote:

 Database only? Or is it also your webserver?

 It's my webserver and DB. Webserver is nginx, proxying all PHP
 requests to apache in the backend.

 You still didn't answer what massive traffic means.

Thousands of website hits per minute. (At peak time)

Average is a few hundred per minute.

 3Com? Perhaps you mean 3Ware? And (again) what are the RAID cache
 *settings*? In particular, the write-back/write-through setting.

Yes 3Ware.

RAID cache settings:

Logical device information
Logical device number 0
Logical device name : RAID10-A
RAID level : 10
Status of logical device : Optimal
Size : 1906678 MB
Stripe-unit size : 256 KB
Read-cache mode : Enabled
MaxIQ preferred cache setting : Disabled
MaxIQ cache setting : Disabled
Write-cache mode : Enabled (write-back)
Write-cache setting : Enabled (write-back) when protected by battery/ZMM
Partitioned : Yes
Protected by Hot-Spare : No
Bootable : Yes
Failed stripes : No
Power settings : Disabled

Logical device segment information

Group 0, Segment 0 : Present (0,0) 9QJ00FMB
Group 0, Segment 1 : Present (0,1) 9QJ1R3NW
Group 1, Segment 0 : Present (0,2) 9QJ00L58
Group 1, Segment 1 : Present (0,3) 9QJ01JJ5

 So most of your selects aren't hitting the database. Since we are talking db
 tuning, it would have been nice to know how many queries are hitting the
 database, not the number of requests hitting the webserver. But the question
 was what is the typical duration of the queries - specifically the queries
 hitting the database.

Right now single SELECTs with just that one WHERE indexed_column =
'Value' LIMIT 1 type queries are taking 3.0 of CPU, and so on. Why
should these queries be taking so much time and resources?

 Earlier you said you were doing 200 inserts/minute. Is that an average
 throughout the day or is that at peak time. Peak load is really what is of
 interest. 200 inserts/minute is not even 4/second.

As above.

 Look at your log. If it isn't set to record request time, set it to do so. I
 set my Apache servers to log request time in microseconds.

Could you specify how precisely you have set up this log? Through
CustomLog? Thanks!


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Re: [GENERAL] Installed. Now what?

2011-11-19 Thread Phoenix Kiula
On Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 3:35 AM, Adrian Klaver adrian.kla...@gmail.com wrote:

 Well in the .ini file you posted there is no [databases] section. From what I
 read lack of one would explain the problem you are seeing.

Yes. Because that's private to post on a public mailing list like this.

Here's my INI file below, with the private DB name etc sanitizes --
and trust me, all info related to password and ports is absolutely
correctly entered. Both pgbouncer and postgresql are live and running.

Just that pg_connect() function in PHP is not working if I point is to
pgbouncer's port instead of the direct postgresql port.

MYDB  = host= dbname=MYDB user=MYUSER client_encoding=utf8 port=5432

;; Configuation section
logfile = /var/log/pgbouncer.log
pidfile = /var/run/pgbouncer/pgbouncer.pid
; ip address or * which means all ip-s
listen_addr =
listen_port = 6543
auth_type = trust
auth_file = /var/lib/pgsql/pgbouncer.txt

admin_users = postgres
stats_users = stats, root
pool_mode = session
server_reset_query = DISCARD ALL

;;; Connection limits
; total number of clients that can connect
max_client_conn = 1500
default_pool_size = 50

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Re: [GENERAL] Logging not working

2011-11-19 Thread Phoenix Kiula
On Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 3:38 AM, Tomas Vondra t...@fuzzy.cz wrote:

 What about log_destination and log_collector?

Thanks. This was it!

Much appreciated.

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Re: [GENERAL] Installed. Now what?

2011-11-19 Thread Phoenix Kiula
On Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 8:08 AM, Adrian Klaver adrian.kla...@gmail.com wrote:

 You have pgbouncer listening on In your psql connection string you
 are not specifying a host, so if you are on a Unix platform it is trying to
 connect to a socket which would account for the error. I found when working 
 new software explicit is better than implicit. Eliminate possible sources of
 error by fully qualifying everything.

Thanks for bearing.

Specifying the host is not it.

 psql -h MYDB -E MYDB_MYDB -p 6543
psql: ERROR:  no working server connection

 ps aux | grep pgbou
postgres  5567  0.0  0.0  17096   960 ?S13:50   0:00
pgbouncer -d /etc/pgbouncer.ini
root 24437  0.0  0.0  61192   788 pts/0S+   21:31   0:00 grep pgbou

In the /var/log/pgbouncer.log I see a message about failing password.

The pgbouncer password in the auth_file, does it need to be plain
text? Auth_type in my case is trust. Do I need to md5 the password?

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Re: [GENERAL] Installed. Now what?

2011-11-19 Thread Phoenix Kiula
On Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 10:33 AM, Amitabh Kant amitabhk...@gmail.com wrote:

 I am assuming the difference in the port numbers between your config file
 and php code is a typing error.
 Does the auth file (/var/lib/pgsql/pgbouncer.txt) contain valid login
 credentials to your database? If I remember correctly, it should have the
 username and password to your database.

Port numbers are correct.

Auth_file has text in this format:

username password in plain text
username2 password2 in plain text

Is this incorrect?

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Re: [GENERAL] Installed. Now what?

2011-11-19 Thread Phoenix Kiula
On Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 10:37 AM, Phoenix Kiula phoenix.ki...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 10:33 AM, Amitabh Kant amitabhk...@gmail.com wrote:

 I am assuming the difference in the port numbers between your config file
 and php code is a typing error.
 Does the auth file (/var/lib/pgsql/pgbouncer.txt) contain valid login
 credentials to your database? If I remember correctly, it should have the
 username and password to your database.

 Port numbers are correct.

 Auth_file has text in this format:

 username password in plain text
 username2 password2 in plain text

 Is this incorrect?

I just did some testing.

If the password is wrong, then it shows me the authentication failed
message right in the terminal window, immediately.

If the password is correct (plain text or md5 of that plain text --
both have similar requests), it shows me the second error no working
connection below.

[host]   psql -h MYDB -E MYDB_MYDB -p 6543psql: ERROR:
password authentication failed for user MYDB_MYDB[coco] ~  [coco] ~
 pico  /var/lib/pgsql/pgbouncer.txt

[host] ~   psql -h MYDB -E MYDB_MYDB -p 6543
psql: ERROR:  no working server connection

But in the second case, the error in the pgbouncer log is the same --
authentication is failing.

Why this inconsistent and utterly inane behavior from pgbouncer? Why
can't we see transparently what the error is?

Nowhere in the docs does it clearly specify with an example how the
auth_file format should be.

Any pointers please? I'm fresh out of google keywords to search for,
two days later.

Thank you!

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Re: [GENERAL] Installed. Now what?

2011-11-19 Thread Phoenix Kiula
On Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 10:51 AM, Adrian Klaver adrian.kla...@gmail.com wrote:

 I don't see a user specified. You sure you are connecting as correct user?
 Remember absent a -U the user will be either your system user name or what is
 specified in a ENV variable.

Adrian, all this is not helping.

To be sure, I tried this. Hope this command is MUCH simpler and puts
this to rest:

 psql --host= --dbname=MYDB --username=MYDB_MYDB --port=6543
psql: ERROR:  no working server connection

 tail -4 /var/log/pgbouncer.log
2011-11-19 22:16:49.139 26439 WARNING server login failed: FATAL
password authentication failed for user MYDB_MYDB
2011-11-19 22:16:49.139 26439 LOG S-0x15b61fe0:
MYDB/MYDB_MYDB@ closing because: login failed (age=0)
2011-11-19 22:17:13.490 26439 LOG Stats: 0 req/s, in 0 b/s, out 0 b/s,query 0 us

Please note that the word MYDB is a replacement of my private actual
word. As you can see, the password is failing.

I have read the segment of the manual you copy pasted, of course. I have

   auth_type = any
   auth_file = /var/lib/pgsql/pgbouncer.txt

I have tried trust and md5 too. Same results as previously posted.
Just for convenience, here's how the file looks:

cat /var/lib/pgsql/pgbouncer.txt
   MYDB_MYDB mypassword here

Anything else?

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Re: [GENERAL] Installed. Now what?

2011-11-19 Thread Phoenix Kiula
On Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 1:57 PM, Amitabh Kant amitabhk...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 12:12 PM, Tomas Vondra t...@fuzzy.cz wrote:

 Dne 20.11.2011 04:21, Phoenix Kiula napsal(a):
 My guess is that you actually require a password when connecting to the
 database, but you haven't specified a password in the pgbouncer.ini
 file. You have to specify it in the MYDB line, i.e. something like

 MYDB  = host= dbname=MYDB user=MYUSER client_encoding=utf8
 port=5432 password='mypassword'

 The auth_file is used only for connecting to the pgbouncer, it's not
 forwarded to the database server - the pgbouncer opens the connection on
 behalf of the users, and you may actually have a completely different
 users on the connection pooler.

OK. So I specified the password enclosed in double quotes.

MYDB  = host= dbname=MYDB user=MYUSER client_encoding=utf8
port=5432 password=mypassword

Then restarted pgbouncer:

   service pgbouncer restart

And this shows up as this:

lsof -i | grep pgbouncer
   pgbouncer  8558 postgres7u  IPv4 26187618   TCP
localhost:lds-distrib (LISTEN)

Is this normal? Shouldn't the port number be somewhere? What's lds-distrib?

Thanks for all the help.

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Re: [GENERAL] Installed. Now what?

2011-11-19 Thread Phoenix Kiula
On Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 2:16 PM, Phoenix Kiula phoenix.ki...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 1:57 PM, Amitabh Kant amitabhk...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 12:12 PM, Tomas Vondra t...@fuzzy.cz wrote:

 Dne 20.11.2011 04:21, Phoenix Kiula napsal(a):
 My guess is that you actually require a password when connecting to the
 database, but you haven't specified a password in the pgbouncer.ini
 file. You have to specify it in the MYDB line, i.e. something like

 MYDB  = host= dbname=MYDB user=MYUSER client_encoding=utf8
 port=5432 password='mypassword'

 The auth_file is used only for connecting to the pgbouncer, it's not
 forwarded to the database server - the pgbouncer opens the connection on
 behalf of the users, and you may actually have a completely different
 users on the connection pooler.

 OK. So I specified the password enclosed in double quotes.

 MYDB  = host= dbname=MYDB user=MYUSER client_encoding=utf8
 port=5432 password=mypassword

 Then restarted pgbouncer:

   service pgbouncer restart

 And this shows up as this:

    lsof -i | grep pgbouncer
   pgbouncer  8558 postgres    7u  IPv4 26187618       TCP
 localhost:lds-distrib (LISTEN)

 Is this normal? Shouldn't the port number be somewhere? What's lds-distrib?

I changed the port to the usual 6432 in the pgbouncer.ini. Restarted.
Now I see this:

 lsof -i | grep pgbounc
pgbouncer 10854 postgres7u  IPv4 26257796   TCP localhost:6432 (LISTEN)

So this is live and working. Pgbouncer is working. And yet, this is a problem:

 psql MYDB -E MYDB_MYDB -p 6432 -W
Password for user MYDB_MYDB:
psql: ERROR:  no working server connection

From the log file:

2011-11-20 01:28:57.775 10854 WARNING server login failed: FATAL
password authentication failed for user MYDB_MYDB
2011-11-20 01:28:57.775 10854 LOG S-0x1ae2efc0:
MYDB/MYDB_MYDB@ closing because: login failed (age=0)
2011-11-20 01:29:46.413 10854 LOG Stats: 0 req/s, in 0 b/s, out 0 b/s,query 0 us

The password I am entering in the terminal is right for sure. I've
tried it a few times, checked the caps lock, etc. Also, if the log
carries this FATAL password authentication failed, why does the
terminal give the vague error no working server connection?


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Re: [GENERAL] Installed. Now what?

2011-11-19 Thread Phoenix Kiula
On Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 2:45 PM, Amitabh Kant amitabhk...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 12:02 PM, Phoenix Kiula phoenix.ki...@gmail.com

 Just a trial: try password without quotes in your pgbouncer config file.
 That's how I have specified in mine, and it is working.

Already done. Same problem.

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Re: [GENERAL] Installed. Now what?

2011-11-19 Thread Phoenix Kiula
On Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 2:32 PM, Phoenix Kiula phoenix.ki...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 2:16 PM, Phoenix Kiula phoenix.ki...@gmail.com 
 On Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 1:57 PM, Amitabh Kant amitabhk...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 12:12 PM, Tomas Vondra t...@fuzzy.cz wrote:

 Dne 20.11.2011 04:21, Phoenix Kiula napsal(a):
 My guess is that you actually require a password when connecting to the
 database, but you haven't specified a password in the pgbouncer.ini
 file. You have to specify it in the MYDB line, i.e. something like

 MYDB  = host= dbname=MYDB user=MYUSER client_encoding=utf8
 port=5432 password='mypassword'

 The auth_file is used only for connecting to the pgbouncer, it's not
 forwarded to the database server - the pgbouncer opens the connection on
 behalf of the users, and you may actually have a completely different
 users on the connection pooler.

 OK. So I specified the password enclosed in double quotes.

 MYDB  = host= dbname=MYDB user=MYUSER client_encoding=utf8
 port=5432 password=mypassword

 Then restarted pgbouncer:

   service pgbouncer restart

 And this shows up as this:

    lsof -i | grep pgbouncer
   pgbouncer  8558 postgres    7u  IPv4 26187618       TCP
 localhost:lds-distrib (LISTEN)

 Is this normal? Shouldn't the port number be somewhere? What's lds-distrib?

 I changed the port to the usual 6432 in the pgbouncer.ini. Restarted.
 Now I see this:

 lsof -i | grep pgbounc
 pgbouncer 10854 postgres    7u  IPv4 26257796       TCP localhost:6432 

 So this is live and working. Pgbouncer is working. And yet, this is a problem:

 psql MYDB -E MYDB_MYDB -p 6432 -W
 Password for user MYDB_MYDB:
 psql: ERROR:  no working server connection

 From the log file:

 2011-11-20 01:28:57.775 10854 WARNING server login failed: FATAL
 password authentication failed for user MYDB_MYDB
 2011-11-20 01:28:57.775 10854 LOG S-0x1ae2efc0:
 MYDB/MYDB_MYDB@ closing because: login failed (age=0)
 2011-11-20 01:29:46.413 10854 LOG Stats: 0 req/s, in 0 b/s, out 0 b/s,query 0 

 The password I am entering in the terminal is right for sure. I've
 tried it a few times, checked the caps lock, etc. Also, if the log
 carries this FATAL password authentication failed, why does the
 terminal give the vague error no working server connection?


Another idea.

I use CSF/LFD firewall.

For TCP_IN, I have enabled 6432 port number.

Do I also need to enable it elsewhere, such as TCP_OUT or UDP_IN etc?

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Re: [GENERAL] Huge number of INSERTs

2011-11-18 Thread Phoenix Kiula
On Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 9:25 AM, Steve Crawford
scrawf...@pinpointresearch.com wrote:

 Database only? Or is it also your webserver?

It's my webserver and DB. Webserver is nginx, proxying all PHP
requests to apache in the backend.

 What version of PostgreSQL? What OS? What OS tuning, if any, have you done?
 (Have you increased readahead? Changed swappiness, turned off atime on your
 mounts, made syslogging asynchronous, etc?). Does your RAID have
 battery-backed cache? What are the cache settings?

PG 9.0.5

CentOS 5 64 bit

OS tuning - lots of it since the beginning of time. What specifically
would you like to know? Please let me know and I can share info. Like
SHM Max and Min variables type of things?

RAID has the 3Com battery backed cache, yes. Not reporting any errors.

 What is the nature of the queries? Single record inserts or bulk? Same for
 the selects. Have you run analyze on them and optimized the queries?

Simple INSERTs. Into a table with 6 columns. Column 1 is a primary
key, column 5 is a date. There are two indexes on this table, on the
pkey (col1) and one on the date (col5).

SELECTs are simple straight selects, based on pkey with limit 1. No
joins, no sorting.

 What is
 the typical duration of your queries? Are lots of queries duplicated
 (caching candidates)?

The bulk of the big SELECTs are in memcached. Much faster than PG.

It's INSERTs I don't know what to do with. Memcached is not a good
solution for INSERTs, which do need to go into a proper DB.

 What is the size of your database? Do you have any
 bandwidth bottleneck to the Internet?

Full DB:   32GB
The big table referenced above:  28 GB  

It's inserts into this one that are taking time.

 Is this your database server only or is it running web and/or other
 processes? How long does a typical web-request take to handle?

How can I measure the time taken per web request? Nginx is super fast,
based on apache bench. Apache -- how do I test it? Don't want to do
fake inserts. With selects, apache bench uses memcached instead..

 At first blush, and shooting in the dark, I'll guess there are lots of
 things you can do. Your shared_buffers seems a bit low - a rough starting
 point would be closer to 25% of your available RAM.

If I make shared_buffers too high, (2GB25% of my 8GB RAM), this
brings the server to its knees instantly. Probably because I have
apache, nginx, memcached running on the same server. Nginx and
memcached are negligible in terms of memory consumption.

 You are a prime candidate for using a connection pooler. I have had good
 luck with pgbouncer but there are others.

Will pgbouncer or pgpool help with INSERTs?

 Note: bandwidth bottlenecks can screw everything up. Your web processes stay
 alive dribbling the data to the client and, even though they don't have much
 work to do, they are still holding database connections, using memory, etc.
 Such cases can often benefit from a reverse proxy.

In addition to nginx proxying to apache, I am using CloudFlare. Is
this a problem?

Many thanks for the informative seeking of information. Hope the above
details shed more light?

I've currently disabled any INSERT functions on my website...but even
with disabled INSERTs and only SELECTs alive, I still see the psql:
FATAL:  sorry, too many clients already message.

Btw, I don't see any PG logs. What could be the problem? The config
says that it should store it in the directory pg_log, but this
directory is empty.

Also, here's the output of vmstat 5 10

 vmstat 5 10
procs ---memory-- ---swap-- -io --system--
 r  b   swpd   free   buff  cache   si   sobibo   in   cs us sy id wa st
11  3  17672  44860  24084 655934800   147   275   17   63 64
26  9  1  0
14  3  14376  48820  24208 6555968  4380 24374  1287 1529 56176 73
26  1  0  0
13  2  14112  47320  24344 6555916   102 27350  1219 1523 57979 72
27  1  0  0
20  2  14100  46672  24468 655342023 28473  1172 1499 59492 71
27  1  0  0
17  3  10400  46284  24524 6548520  7301 22237  1164 1482 59761 68
31  1  0  0
18  2   7984  45708  24712 6552308  4780 26966  1164 1487 58218 69
30  1  0  0
12  2   7980  47636  24816 654902021 25210  1134 1486 57972 71
27  1  1  0
18  1   7924  44300  25108 654883610 25918  1310 1515 60067 70
28  1  1  0
18  2   7812  45444  25288 6543668   260 26474  1326 1465 62633 70
29  1  0  0
22  2   7800  46852  25488 654236000 25620  1258 1510 63181 69
29  1  1  0

 vmstat 5 10
procs ---memory-- ---swap-- -io --system--
 r  b   swpd   free   buff  cache   si   sobibo   in   cs us sy id wa st
10  4   7712  46420  27416 644962800   167   275   18  114 64
26  9  1  0
18  2   7704  47196  27580 644825240 22546  1146 1507 55693 68
26  3  4  0
20  2   7724  47616  27628 644408431 25419  1114 1424 58069 72
27  1  0  0
15  2   7840  47240  27852 6443056  

[GENERAL] Installed. Now what?

2011-11-18 Thread Phoenix Kiula

I use CentOS 5, 64bit.

PG is 9.0.5.

I did yum install pgbouncer and got this:

Running Transaction
  Installing : libevent
  Installing : pgbouncer
warning: /etc/pgbouncer.ini created as /etc/pgbouncer.ini.rpmnew

  pgbouncer.x86_64 0:1.4.2-1.rhel5

Dependency Installed:
  libevent.x86_64 0:2.0.12-1.rhel5


Now what?

1. Do I need to set up the /etc/pgbouncer.ini.rpmnew as
/etc/pgbouncer.ini and then change settings in it? What do I change?
How? The FAQ is super geeky and unhelpful. As is the sparse info on
the PG Wiki on pgbouncer. How can I tune pgbouner settings?

2. Does pgbouncer start automatically every time PG starts, or do I
have to setup a script to do so? How does pgbouncer start and keep

3. How do I access pgbouncer inside my PHP code? Do I need to change
anything at all, can I just use the usual pg_connect() function?


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Re: [GENERAL] Incremental backup with RSYNC or something?

2011-11-17 Thread Phoenix Kiula
On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 1:45 PM, Venkat Balaji venkat.bal...@verse.in wrote:
 Question: what can I do to rsync only the new additions in every table
 starting 00:00:01 until 23:59:59 for each day?

 A table level replication (like Slony) should help here.

Slony needs more than one physical server, right?

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[GENERAL] Huge number of INSERTs

2011-11-17 Thread Phoenix Kiula
Hi. I have a massive traffic website.

I keep getting FATAL: Sorry, too many clients already problems.

It's a Quad core machine with dual servers, 4 SCSI disks with RAID 10,
with RAM of 8GB.

Server is Nginx backed by Apache for the php.

Postgresql just has to do about 1000 SELECTs a minute, and about 200
INSERTs a minute. Maybe 10-20 UPDATEs.

My conf file is below. My vmstat + top are below too.

What else can I do?

max_connections = 350
shared_buffers  = 256MB
effective_cache_size= 1400MB   # Nov 11 2011, was 1500MB
temp_buffers= 16MB # min 800kB
maintenance_work_mem= 256MB# min 1MB
wal_buffers = 12MB # min 32kB
fsync   = on   # turns forced synchronization on or 
checkpoint_segments = 128  # was 128
checkpoint_timeout  = 1000 # was 1000
enable_indexscan= on

log_directory   = 'pg_log'
log_filename= 'pglog.postgresql-%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S.log'
log_rotation_age= 1d
log_min_messages= 'error'
log_min_error_statement = 'error'
log_min_duration_statement  = 5000   # In milliseconds
client_min_messages = 'warning'
log_duration= off

autovacuum  = on
autovacuum_max_workers  = 5  # max number of autovacuum subprocesses
autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay= 10ms
autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit= 350

procs ---memory-- ---swap-- -io --system--
 r  b   swpd   free   buff  cache   si   sobibo   in   cs us sy id wa st
 6  1   4044 101396  84376 556959200   168   221  326  200 55
22 21  1  0

top - 19:43:49 up  7:33,  3 users,  load average: 19.63, 19.61, 19.25
Tasks: 663 total,  19 running, 644 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
Cpu(s): 65.8%us, 15.5%sy,  0.0%ni,  1.7%id,  0.1%wa,  0.0%hi, 17.0%si,  0.0%st
Mem:   8177444k total,  8062608k used,   114836k free,84440k buffers
Swap:  2096440k total, 4044k used,  2092396k free,  5572456k cached

 6337 postgres  15   0  397m 100m  97m S  2.3  1.3   0:16.56 postgres:
  424 postgres  15   0  397m 101m  98m S  2.0  1.3   1:01.79 postgres:
 2887 postgres  15   0  397m 100m  98m S  2.0  1.3   0:34.55 postgres:
 3030 postgres  15   0  397m 101m  98m S  2.0  1.3   0:32.35 postgres:
 5273 postgres  15   0  397m 100m  98m S  2.0  1.3   0:22.38 postgres:
 5560 postgres  15   0  397m 100m  98m S  2.0  1.3   0:20.05 postgres:
 5613 postgres  16   0  397m 100m  98m S  2.0  1.3   0:19.51 postgres:
 5652 postgres  15   0  397m 100m  98m S  2.0  1.3   0:19.76 postgres:
32062 postgres  15   0  397m 101m  98m S  2.0  1.3   1:55.79 postgres:
  358 postgres  15   0  397m 101m  98m S  1.6  1.3   1:04.11 postgres:
  744 postgres  15   0  397m 101m  98m S  1.6  1.3   0:53.01 postgres:
  903 postgres  15   0  397m 101m  98m S  1.6  1.3   0:50.79 postgres:
  976 postgres  15   0  397m 101m  98m S  1.6  1.3   0:48.24 postgres:
 1011 postgres  15   0  397m 101m  98m S  1.6  1.3   0:48.20 postgres:
 2446 postgres  15   0  397m 101m  98m S  1.6  1.3   0:38.97 postgres:
 2806 postgres  16   0  397m 100m  98m R  1.6  1.3   0:34.83 postgres:
 3361 postgres  15   0  397m 101m  98m R  1.6  1.3   0:30.32 postgres:
 3577 postgres  15   0  397m 100m  98m S  1.6  1.3   0:27.92 postgres:
 3618 postgres  15   0  397m 101m  98m S  1.6  1.3   0:27.53 postgres:
 3704 postgres  15   0  397m 100m  98m S  1.6  1.3   0:25.70 postgres:
 5073 postgres  15   0  397m 100m  98m S  1.6  1.3   0:23.92 postgres:
 5185 postgres  15   0  397m 100m  98m S  1.6  1.3   0:23.03 postgres:
 5528 postgres  15   0  397m 100m  98m S  1.6  1.3   0:20.81 postgres:
 5549 postgres  15   0  397m 100m  98m S  1.6  1.3   0:20.71 postgres:

[GENERAL] Incremental backup with RSYNC or something?

2011-11-13 Thread Phoenix Kiula

I currently have a cronjob to do a full pgdump of the database every
day. And then gzip it for saving to my backup drive.

However, my db is now 60GB in size, so this daily operation is making
less and less sense. (Some of you may think this is foolish to begin

Question: what can I do to rsync only the new additions in every table
starting 00:00:01 until 23:59:59 for each day?

Searching google leads to complex things like incremental WAL and
whatnot, or talks of stuff like pgcluster. I'm hoping there's a more
straightforward core solution without additional software or PHD

Many thanks for any ideas!

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Re: [GENERAL] Incremental backup with RSYNC or something?

2011-11-13 Thread Phoenix Kiula
On Sun, Nov 13, 2011 at 8:42 PM, Robins Tharakan
robins.thara...@comodo.com wrote:

 Well, the 'complex' stuff is only as there for larger or high-traffic DBs.
 Besides at 60GB that is a largish DB in itself and you should begin to try
 out a few other backup methods nonetheless. That is moreso, if you are
 taking entire DB backups everyday, you would save a considerable lot on
 (backup) storage.

Thanks. I usually keep only the last 6 days of it. And monthly backups
as of Day 1. So it's not piling up or anything.

What other methods do you recommend? That was in fact my question.
Do I need to install some modules?

 Anyway, as for pgdump, we have a DB 20x bigger than you mention (1.3TB) and
 it takes only half a day to do a pgdump+gzip (both). One thing that comes to
 mind, how are you compressing? I hope you are doing this in one operation
 (or at least piping pgdump to gzip before writing to disk)?

I'm gzipping with this command (this is my backup.sh)--

gzip --fast ${BKPFILE}

Is this good enough? Sadly, this takes up over 97% of the CPU when it's running!

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Re: [GENERAL] Incremental backup with RSYNC or something?

2011-11-13 Thread Phoenix Kiula
On Sun, Nov 13, 2011 at 10:45 PM, Andy Colson a...@squeakycode.net wrote:
 On 11/13/2011 07:51 AM, Gregg Jaskiewicz wrote:

 pg_dump -Fc already compresses, no need to pipe through gzip

 I dont think that'll use two core's if you have 'em.  The pipe method will
 use two cores, so it should be faster.  (assuming you are not IO bound).

I am likely IO bound. Anyway, what's the right code for the pipe
method? I think the earlier recommendation had a problem as -Fc
already does compression.

Is this the right code for the FASTEST possible backup if I don't care
about the size of the dump, all I want is that it's not CPU-intensive
(with the tables I wish excluded) --

   pg_dump MYDB -T excludetable1 -T excludetable2 -U MYDB_MYDB | gzip
--fast  ${BKPFILE}


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[GENERAL] Foreign key check only if not null?

2011-09-12 Thread Phoenix Kiula

I bet this is a simple solution but I have been racking my brains.

I have a column in my table:

user_id  varchar(100) ;

This can be NULL, or it can have a value. If it has a value during
INSERT or UPDATE, I want to check that the user exists against my
Users table. Otherwise, NULL is ok. (Because the functionality in
question is open to both unregistered and registered users).

Any idea on how I can implement a FOREIGN KEY constraint? Or do I need
a pre-insert and pre-update RULE for this?


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Re: [GENERAL] Regexp match not working.. (SQL help)

2011-05-12 Thread Phoenix Kiula
On Wed, May 11, 2011 at 11:18 PM, Phoenix Kiula phoenix.ki...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have a text column in a table, which I want to search through --
 seeking the occurrence of about 300 small strings in it.

 Let's say the table is like this:

    table1 (
         id   bigint primary key
        ,mytext   text
        ,mydate  timestamp without time zone

 I am using this SQL:

   SELECT id FROM table1
   WHERE   mytext   ~*   E'sub1|sub2|sub3|sub4...'
   LIMIT 10;

 This is basically working, but some of the mytext columns being
 returned that do not contain any of these substrings. Am I doing the
 POSIX regexp wrongly? This same thing works when I try it in PHP with
 preg_match. But not in Postgresql. I have tried several variations

   WHERE   mytext   ~*   E'(sub1)(sub2)(sub3)(sub4)...'

  None of this is working. I cannot seem to get out the results that do
 NOT contain any of those strings.

 Appreciate any pointers!


My bad. I figured out that the pipe should only separate the strings
to be searched. I had one stray pipe at the end:

SELECT id FROM table1
  WHERE   mytext   ~*   E'sub1|sub2|sub3|subXY|'
  LIMIT 10;

This meant that it was matching, well basically anything.


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[GENERAL] Massive delete from a live production DB

2011-05-12 Thread Phoenix Kiula

Been reading some old threads (pre 9.x version) and it seems that the
consensus is to avoid doing massive deletes from a table as it'll
create so much unrecoverable space/gaps that vacuum full would be
needed. Etc.

Instead, we might as well do a dump/restore. Faster, cleaner.

This is all well and good, but what about a situation where the
database is in production and cannot be brought down for this
operation or even a cluster?

Any ideas on what I could do without losing all the live updates? I
need to get rid of about 11% of a 150 million rows of database, with
each row being nearly 1 to 5 KB in size...

Thanks! Version is 9.0.4.

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Re: [GENERAL] Massive delete from a live production DB

2011-05-12 Thread Phoenix Kiula

 You can easily install it as a contrib . Just read the installation guide or
 the man Page.

Thanks Eric. How though?

The instructions here --
http://reorg.projects.postgresql.org/pg_reorg.html  -- are woefully

I have a standard PG install on WHM/Cpanel type server. I know the
path to pgsql. I can download the pg_reorg.1.1.5.tar.gz into this
folder and untar it. Then what? A make and make install does not
work -- the usual ./config stuff is not available.

Sorry, I need more detailed steps.

I googled and found this:

But the recommended steps:

   gmake install

...don't work either. Here's what I see:

[mydomain] src  cd pg_reorg-1.1.5

[mydomain] pg_reorg-1.1.5  gmake
Makefile:13: ../../src/Makefile.global: No such file or directory
gmake: *** No rule to make target `../../src/Makefile.global'.  Stop.

[mydomain] pg_reorg-1.1.5 

What am I missing?

PS. If pg_reorg is such a useful contribution, why can't it be
included with PG? Seems like a very useful tool anyway! No?


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[GENERAL] Regexp match not working.. (SQL help)

2011-05-11 Thread Phoenix Kiula
I have a text column in a table, which I want to search through --
seeking the occurrence of about 300 small strings in it.

Let's say the table is like this:

table1 (
 id   bigint primary key
,mytext   text
,mydate  timestamp without time zone

I am using this SQL:

   SELECT id FROM table1
   WHERE   mytext   ~*   E'sub1|sub2|sub3|sub4...'
   LIMIT 10;

This is basically working, but some of the mytext columns being
returned that do not contain any of these substrings. Am I doing the
POSIX regexp wrongly? This same thing works when I try it in PHP with
preg_match. But not in Postgresql. I have tried several variations

   WHERE   mytext   ~*   E'(sub1)(sub2)(sub3)(sub4)...'

 None of this is working. I cannot seem to get out the results that do
NOT contain any of those strings.

Appreciate any pointers!


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Re: [GENERAL] NULL saves disk space?

2011-04-29 Thread Phoenix Kiula
On Thu, Apr 28, 2011 at 10:59 PM, Simon Riggs si...@2ndquadrant.com wrote:
 On Wed, Apr 27, 2011 at 5:24 PM, Phoenix Kiula phoenix.ki...@gmail.com 
 Possibly a dumb question but there isn't much about this.
 I have some BOOLEAN columns. 90% of the cases of the columns is FALSE. Do I
 save disk space by having them as NULL instead of FALSE? So my application
 would have conditional code for NULL and TRUE, instead of FALSE and TRUE.

 Yes, NULL values take no additional space, but the row needs a null
 bitmap so it is possible that if this was the only NULL then it could
 occupy more space.

 If you have multiple columns, then you should use NULLs.

Thanks Simon. (And others for good advice, but that was not my
question. I already know using boolean as TRUE/FALSE is sensible. But
I have a peculiar reason for asking what I am.)

Simon, if I understand you correctly -- more than one column in a row
should have NULL for NULL to be useful in saving space? What if in a
row there are many columns but only one will be NULL?


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[GENERAL] Index not being used for UPDATE?

2011-04-27 Thread Phoenix Kiula

Just want to check why, in an UPDATE sql, the JOIN condition is not making
use of the index?

In both tables being joined, the column in question is in fact the primary

Table structure and query below. All I want is to take values from a smaller
accesscount table and update from it the values in the TABLE1 table, which
is a larger table.

The query plan shows sequential scan of both the tables. Why is this and how
can I work around it?


Table public.TABLE1*

   Column|Type |Modifiers

alias| character varying(35)   | not null
som  | text| not null
user_id  | character varying(30)   | not null
modify_date  | timestamp without time zone | default now()
volatility   | character varying(32)   |
acount   | integer |
   idx_TABLE1_pkey PRIMARY KEY, btree (alias)
   idx_TABLE1_userid btree (user_id) CLUSTER

*Table public.accesscount
   Column| Type  | Modifiers
alias| character varying(35) | not null
acount   | integer   |
   idx_9 PRIMARY KEY, btree (alias)

*=# explain
*update TABLE1
   set acount = v.acount
from accesscount v
where TABLE1.alias = v.alias

Update  (cost=22985.69..1088981.66 rows=613453 width=173)
  -  Hash Join  (cost=22985.69..1088981.66 rows=613453 width=173)
Hash Cond: ((TABLE1.alias)::text = (v.alias)::text)
-  Seq Scan on TABLE1  (cost=0.00..410625.10 rows=12029410
-  Hash  (cost=11722.53..11722.53 rows=613453 width=21)
  -  Seq Scan on accesscount v  (cost=0.00..11722.53
rows=613453 width=21)
(6 rows)

Time: 0.848 ms

[GENERAL] NULL saves disk space?

2011-04-27 Thread Phoenix Kiula
Possibly a dumb question but there isn't much about this.


I have some BOOLEAN columns. 90% of the cases of the columns is FALSE. Do I
save disk space by having them as NULL instead of FALSE? So my application
would have conditional code for NULL and TRUE, instead of FALSE and TRUE.


Re: [GENERAL] Partitioning an existing table

2011-04-27 Thread Phoenix Kiula
On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 8:28 PM, Greg Smith g...@2ndquadrant.com wrote:
 On 04/25/2011 10:10 AM, Vick Khera wrote:

 Basically, you create your partitions and set up the necessary triggers
 you want (I re-write the app to insert directly into the correct partition).
  Then all new data starts going into the partitions.  Next, write a program
 that loops over the current master table, and moves the data into each
 partition some small hunk at a time, in a transaction.  This can take a long
 time.  For us, it took about 7 days to move O(100m) rows.  Then, when you're
 done, truncate the master table, and enforce that no new data is allowed to
 be inserted into it.

 Vick's presentation at

Thanks everyone for the excellent suggestions.

Vick/Greg, thanks in particular for this reference. The doc gives me
ideas for other things too!

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Re: [GENERAL] Help - corruption issue?

2011-04-26 Thread Phoenix Kiula
On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 3:24 PM, Scott Marlowe scott.marl...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 8:50 PM, Phoenix Kiula phoenix.ki...@gmail.com 
 On Tuesday, April 26, 2011, Tomas Vondra t...@fuzzy.cz wrote:
 Dne 25.4.2011 18:16, Phoenix Kiula napsal(a):
 Sorry, spoke too soon.

 I can COPY individual chunks to files. Did that by year, and at least
 the dumping worked.

 Now I need to pull the data in at the destination server.

 If I COPY each individual file back into the table, it works. Slowly,
 but seems to work. I tried to combine all the files into one go, then
 truncate the table, and pull it all in in one go (130 million rows or
 so) but this time it gave the same error. However, it pointed out a
 specific row where the problem was:

 COPY links, line 15272357:
 16426447     9s2q7   9s2q7   N       
 server closed the connection unexpectedly
       This probably means the server terminated abnormally
       before or while processing the request.
 The connection to the server was lost. Attempting reset: Failed.

 Is this any use at all?  Would appreciate any pointers!

 So the dump worked fina and it fails when loading it back into the DB?
 Have you checked the output file (just see the tail). Can you post the
 part that causes issues? Just the line 16426447 and few lines around.


 From the old server:
 Yearly COPY files worked. Pg_dumpall was giving problems.

 In the new server:
 COPY FROM worked. All files appear to have been copied. Then I create
 the primary key index, and another index. Many records are there, but
 many are not there! There's no error, just that some records/rows just
 didn't make it.

 Are you sure you're getting all the data out of the source (broken)
 database you think you are?  Are you sure those rows are in the dump?

Actually I am not. Some rows are missing.

Will a COUNT(*) on the two databases -- old and new -- be sufficient
and reliable information about the number of rows that went AWOL?

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[GENERAL] PG 9.0 - Default postgresql.conf?

2011-04-26 Thread Phoenix Kiula

Is there any place I can download the default postgresql.conf that
comes with 9.0?


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Re: [GENERAL] PG 9.0 - Default postgresql.conf?

2011-04-26 Thread Phoenix Kiula
On Wed, Apr 27, 2011 at 1:18 AM, Magnus Hagander mag...@hagander.net wrote:
 On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 19:11, Phoenix Kiula phoenix.ki...@gmail.com wrote:

 Is there any place I can download the default postgresql.conf that
 comes with 9.0?


 (note that initdb will make a few changes to it depending on your system)

 If you have installed PostgreSQL, you should also be able to locate a
 postgresql.conf.sample file on your local system. Exactly were it is
 depends on how you intalled PostgreSQL.

Thanks Magnus. My PGSQL was installed on Linux using the Yum
repositories. There's no file called *.conf.sample.

What changes does initdb make -- can I make them by myself?

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Re: [GENERAL] PG 9.0 - Default postgresql.conf?

2011-04-26 Thread Phoenix Kiula
On Wed, Apr 27, 2011 at 1:53 AM, Phoenix Kiula phoenix.ki...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Wed, Apr 27, 2011 at 1:18 AM, Magnus Hagander mag...@hagander.net wrote:
 On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 19:11, Phoenix Kiula phoenix.ki...@gmail.com wrote:

 Is there any place I can download the default postgresql.conf that
 comes with 9.0?


 (note that initdb will make a few changes to it depending on your system)

 If you have installed PostgreSQL, you should also be able to locate a
 postgresql.conf.sample file on your local system. Exactly were it is
 depends on how you intalled PostgreSQL.

 Thanks Magnus. My PGSQL was installed on Linux using the Yum
 repositories. There's no file called *.conf.sample.

 What changes does initdb make -- can I make them by myself?

Btw, the default file is FAILING. The server does not restart.

How can I check what the problem is? I don't see any errors at least
on the command line.All I see is:

 service postgresql restart
Stopping postgresql service:   [  OK  ]
Starting postgresql service:   [FAILED]


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[GENERAL] Partitioning an existing table

2011-04-25 Thread Phoenix Kiula

The partitioning documentation in PG is very clear on how to partition
a new table. Create child tables, and have triggers that manage

How about doing this with existing massive tables? (Over 120 million rows)

I could create a new parent table with child tables, and then INSERT
all these millions of rows to put them into the right partition. But
is that recommended?


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Re: [GENERAL] Help - corruption issue?

2011-04-25 Thread Phoenix Kiula
On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 8:35 PM,  t...@fuzzy.cz wrote:
 On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 8:20 PM,  t...@fuzzy.cz wrote:
 On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 7:07 PM,  t...@fuzzy.cz wrote:
 In the pg_dumpall backup process, I get this error. Does this help?

 Well, not really - it's just another incarnation of the problem we've
 already seen. PostgreSQL reads the data, and at some point it finds out
 needs to allocate 4294967293B of memory. Which is strange, because it's
 actually a negative number (-3 AFAIK).

 It's probably caused by data corruption (incorrect length for a field).

 There are ways to find out more about the cause, e.g. here:


 but you need to have a pg compiled with debug support. I guess the
 packaged version does not support that, but maybe you can get the
 and compile them on your own.

 If it really is a data corruption, you might try to locate the corrupted
 blocks like this:

 -- get number of blocks
 SELECT relpages FROM pg_class WHERE relname = 'table_name';

 -- get items for each block (read the problematic column)
 FOR block IN 1..relpages LOOP
 SELECT AVG(length(colname)) FROM table_name WHERE ctid =
 '(block,0)'::ctid AND ctid  '(block+1,0)'::ctid;

 Thanks for this. Very useful. What is this -- a function? How should I
 execute this query?

 It's a pseudocode - you need to implement that in whatever language you
 like. You could do that in PL/pgSQL but don't forget it's probably going
 to crash when you hit the problematic block so I'd probably implement that
 in outside the DB (with a logic to continue the loop once the connection

 And 'ctid' is a pseudocolumn that means '(block#, row#)' i.e. it's
 something like a physical location of the row.


A question.

Is data dumped from COPY TO command any use?

It has taken me days, but I have managed to COPY my large table in chunks.

If I subsequently COPY FROM these files, would this be a workable solution?

My fear based on my ignorance is that maybe the data corruption, if
any exists, will also get COPY-ied  and therefore transferred into the
fresh database.

Is this fear justified, or is COPY a viable alternative?


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Re: [GENERAL] Help - corruption issue?

2011-04-25 Thread Phoenix Kiula
On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 9:19 PM, Phoenix Kiula phoenix.ki...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 8:35 PM,  t...@fuzzy.cz wrote:
 On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 8:20 PM,  t...@fuzzy.cz wrote:
 On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 7:07 PM,  t...@fuzzy.cz wrote:
 In the pg_dumpall backup process, I get this error. Does this help?

 Well, not really - it's just another incarnation of the problem we've
 already seen. PostgreSQL reads the data, and at some point it finds out
 needs to allocate 4294967293B of memory. Which is strange, because it's
 actually a negative number (-3 AFAIK).

 It's probably caused by data corruption (incorrect length for a field).

 There are ways to find out more about the cause, e.g. here:


 but you need to have a pg compiled with debug support. I guess the
 packaged version does not support that, but maybe you can get the
 and compile them on your own.

 If it really is a data corruption, you might try to locate the corrupted
 blocks like this:

 -- get number of blocks
 SELECT relpages FROM pg_class WHERE relname = 'table_name';

 -- get items for each block (read the problematic column)
 FOR block IN 1..relpages LOOP
 SELECT AVG(length(colname)) FROM table_name WHERE ctid =
 '(block,0)'::ctid AND ctid  '(block+1,0)'::ctid;

 Thanks for this. Very useful. What is this -- a function? How should I
 execute this query?

 It's a pseudocode - you need to implement that in whatever language you
 like. You could do that in PL/pgSQL but don't forget it's probably going
 to crash when you hit the problematic block so I'd probably implement that
 in outside the DB (with a logic to continue the loop once the connection

 And 'ctid' is a pseudocolumn that means '(block#, row#)' i.e. it's
 something like a physical location of the row.


 A question.

 Is data dumped from COPY TO command any use?

 It has taken me days, but I have managed to COPY my large table in chunks.

 If I subsequently COPY FROM these files, would this be a workable solution?

 My fear based on my ignorance is that maybe the data corruption, if
 any exists, will also get COPY-ied  and therefore transferred into the
 fresh database.

 Is this fear justified, or is COPY a viable alternative?


Sorry, spoke too soon.

I can COPY individual chunks to files. Did that by year, and at least
the dumping worked.

Now I need to pull the data in at the destination server.

If I COPY each individual file back into the table, it works. Slowly,
but seems to work. I tried to combine all the files into one go, then
truncate the table, and pull it all in in one go (130 million rows or
so) but this time it gave the same error. However, it pointed out a
specific row where the problem was:

COPY links, line 15272357:
16426447   9s2q7   9s2q7   N   
server closed the connection unexpectedly
This probably means the server terminated abnormally
before or while processing the request.
The connection to the server was lost. Attempting reset: Failed.

Is this any use at all?  Would appreciate any pointers!

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Re: [GENERAL] Help - corruption issue?

2011-04-25 Thread Phoenix Kiula
On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 1:56 AM, Tomas Vondra t...@fuzzy.cz wrote:
 Dne 25.4.2011 19:31, Alban Hertroys napsal(a):
 On 25 Apr 2011, at 18:16, Phoenix Kiula wrote:

 If I COPY each individual file back into the table, it works. Slowly,
 but seems to work. I tried to combine all the files into one go, then
 truncate the table, and pull it all in in one go (130 million rows or
 so) but this time it gave the same error. However, it pointed out a
 specific row where the problem was:

 COPY links, line 15272357:
 16426447    9s2q7   9s2q7   N       
 server closed the connection unexpectedly
      This probably means the server terminated abnormally
      before or while processing the request.
 The connection to the server was lost. Attempting reset: Failed.

 Is this any use at all?  Would appreciate any pointers!

 I didn't follow the entire thread, so maybe someone mentioned this already, 
 Usually if we see error messages like those it turns out the OS is killing 
 the postgres process with it's equivalent of a low-on-memory-killer. I know 
 Linux's got such a beast, and that you can turn it off.

 It's a frequently recurring issue on this list, there's bound to be some 
 pointers in the archives ;)

 Not sure if this COPY failure is caused by the same issue as before, but
 the original issue was caused by this

 pg_dump: SQL command failed
 pg_dump: Error message from server: ERROR:  invalid memory alloc
 request size 4294967293
 pg_dump: The command was: COPY public.links (id, link_id, alias,
 aliasentered, url, user_known, user_id, url_encrypted, title, private,
 private_key, status, create_date, modify_date, disable_in_statistics,
 user_running_id, url_host_long) TO stdout;
 pg_dumpall: pg_dump failed on database snipurl, exiting

 i.e. a bad memory alloc request (with negative size). That does not seem
 like an OOM killing the backend.

Most likely you're right.

I did a COPY FROM and populated the entire table. In my hard disk, the
space consumption went up by 64GB.

Yet, when I do a SELECT * FROM mytable LIMIT 1 the entire DB
crashes. There is no visible record.

What's this?

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Re: [GENERAL] Help - corruption issue?

2011-04-25 Thread Phoenix Kiula
 On Tuesday, April 26, 2011, Tomas Vondra t...@fuzzy.cz wrote:
 Dne 25.4.2011 18:16, Phoenix Kiula napsal(a):
 Sorry, spoke too soon.

 I can COPY individual chunks to files. Did that by year, and at least
 the dumping worked.

 Now I need to pull the data in at the destination server.

 If I COPY each individual file back into the table, it works. Slowly,
 but seems to work. I tried to combine all the files into one go, then
 truncate the table, and pull it all in in one go (130 million rows or
 so) but this time it gave the same error. However, it pointed out a
 specific row where the problem was:

 COPY links, line 15272357:
 16426447     9s2q7   9s2q7   N       
 server closed the connection unexpectedly
       This probably means the server terminated abnormally
       before or while processing the request.
 The connection to the server was lost. Attempting reset: Failed.

 Is this any use at all?  Would appreciate any pointers!

 So the dump worked fina and it fails when loading it back into the DB?
 Have you checked the output file (just see the tail). Can you post the
 part that causes issues? Just the line 16426447 and few lines around.


From the old server:
Yearly COPY files worked. Pg_dumpall was giving problems.

In the new server:
COPY FROM worked. All files appear to have been copied. Then I create
the primary key index, and another index. Many records are there, but
many are not there! There's no error, just that some records/rows just
didn't make it.

I did the COPY FROM in a transaction block. If there had been an
error, then commit would have rolledback, right? It didn't. It
committed. No errors. Just that some data has not come in.

How can I get more info on why?

Tomas, the line where it crashed, here are the 10 or so lines around it:

 head -15272350 /backup/links/links_all.txt | tail -20
164264229s2pi   9s2pi   N   
 0 7a69d5842739e20b56c0103d1a6ec172e58f9e07   
 \N  Y   2009-01-10
20:59:31.135881 2009-01-10 20:59:31.135881  \N  \N
164264239s2pj   9s2pj   N   
 0   5e2ae1f363c7854c13a101a60b32a9a1ade26767   
 \N  Y   2009-01-10
20:59:31.593474 2009-01-10 20:59:31.593474  Y   \N  \N
158978629gqva   9gqva   N   
N   Y   2009-01-04
19:40:50.734967 2009-01-10 20:59:32.286937  N   \N  \N
1513014990ahx   90ahx   N   
N   Y   2008-12-22
14:54:20.813923 2009-01-10 20:59:33.896232  N   \N  \N
164264259s2pl   9s2pl   N   
  0 fb7af64a4b886f074a6443b8d43f571c3083f51c  
  \N  Y   2009-01-10
20:59:33.986764 2009-01-10 20:59:33.986764  Y   \N  \N
163917569rbyk   9rbyk   N   
  N   Y   2009-01-10
13:20:54.86346  2009-01-10 20:59:34.641193  N   \N  \N
162299289nv3c   9nv3c   N   
   N   Y   2009-01-08
19:35:19.842463 2009-01-10 20:59:35.343552  N   \N  \N
164264279s2pn   9s2pn   N   
http://www.annehelmond.nl/2007/11/26/celebrating-two-thousand-delicious-bookmarks/   22a06537e25985273297471dbeb3fb6ae217cb90
\N  Y   2009-01-10

Re: [GENERAL] Help - corruption issue?

2011-04-22 Thread Phoenix Kiula
On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 7:07 PM,  t...@fuzzy.cz wrote:
 On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 12:06 PM, Phoenix Kiula phoenix.ki...@gmail.com
 On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 12:51 AM, Tomas Vondra t...@fuzzy.cz wrote:
 Dne 21.4.2011 07:16, Phoenix Kiula napsal(a):

 I did a crash log with the strace for PID of the index command as you

 Here's the output:

 Also including below, but because this will wrap etc, you can look at
 the link above.

 Thanks for any ideas or pointers!

 Process 15900 attached - interrupt to quit

 Nope, that's the psql process - you need to attach to the backend
 process that's created to handle the connection. Whenever you create a
 connection (from a psql), a new backend process is forked to handle
 single connection - this is the process you need to strace.

 You can either see that in 'ps ax' (the PID is usually +1 with respect
 to the psql process), or you can do this

  SELECT pg_backend_pid();

 as that will give you PID of the backend for the current connection.

 Thanks. Did that.

 The crash.log is a large-ish file, about 24KB. Here's the last 10
 lines though. Does this help?

  ~  tail -10 /root/crash.log
 read(58, `\1\0\0\230\337\0\343\1\0\0\0P\0T\r\0 \3
 \374\236\2\2T\215\312\1\354\235\32\2..., 8192) = 8192
 write(97, 213.156.60\0\0 \0\0\0\37\0\364P\3\0\34@\22\0\0\000210,
 8192) = 8192
 read(58, `\1\0\0\274\362\0\343\1\0\0\0T\0\210\r\0 \3
 0\217\352\1\240\236\272\0024\235\322\2..., 8192) = 8192
 read(58, [\1\0\0\354)c*\1\0\0\0T\0\214\r\0 \3
 \254\236\242\2\340\220\342\2\\\235\232\2..., 8192) = 8192
 read(58, \\\1\0\0\200\245\207\32\1\0\0\0\\\0\340\r\0 \3
 \237\272\1\304\235\262\2\340\215\322\1..., 8192) = 8192
 read(58, \350\0\0\0\274\311x\323\1\0\0\0\\\\r\0 \3
 \200\236\372\2(\235\252\2\34\234\22\2..., 8192) = 8192
 read(58, ;\1\0\0|#\265\30\1\0\0\0`\0h\r\0 \3
 \324\236R\2\314\235\n\2h\215\362\1..., 8192) = 8192
 read(58, c\1\0\\24%u\1\0\0\0\230\0\210\r\0 \3
 \240\226\32\16\260\235\252\1p\222Z\10..., 8192) = 8192
 --- SIGSEGV (Segmentation fault) @ 0 (0) ---
 Process 17161 detached

 The full crash.log file is here if needed:
 https://www.yousendit.com/download/ VnBxcmxjNDJlM1JjR0E9PQ

 Btw, this happens when I try to create an index on one of the columns
 in my table.

 Just before this, I had created another index on modify_date  (a
 timestamp column) and it went fine.

 Does that mean anything?


 Probably a dumb and ignorant question, but should I be reseting the xlog?

 Nope, that's a different problem I guess - you don't have problems with
 starting up a database (when the logs are replayed), so this would not
 help (and it might cause other issues).

 Anyway I haven't found anything useful in the strace output - it seems it
 works fine, reads about 500MB (each of the 'read' calls corresponds to 8kB
 of data) of data and then suddenly ends. A bit strange is the last line is
 not complete ...

 Anyway, this is where my current knowledge of how processes in PostgreSQL
 ends. If I was sitting at the terminal, I'd probably continue by try and
 error to find out more details about the segfault, but that's not very
 applicable over e-mail.

 So let's hope some of the pg gurus who read this list will enlighten us
 with a bit more knowledge.


In the pg_dumpall backup process, I get this error. Does this help?

pg_dump: SQL command failed
pg_dump: Error message from server: ERROR:  invalid memory alloc
request size 4294967293
pg_dump: The command was: COPY public.links (id, link_id, alias,
aliasentered, url, user_known, user_id, url_encrypted, title, private,
private_key, status, create_date, modify_date, disable_in_statistics,
user_running_id, url_host_long) TO stdout;
pg_dumpall: pg_dump failed on database snipurl, exiting


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Re: [GENERAL] Help - corruption issue?

2011-04-22 Thread Phoenix Kiula
On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 8:20 PM,  t...@fuzzy.cz wrote:
 On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 7:07 PM,  t...@fuzzy.cz wrote:
 In the pg_dumpall backup process, I get this error. Does this help?

 Well, not really - it's just another incarnation of the problem we've
 already seen. PostgreSQL reads the data, and at some point it finds out it
 needs to allocate 4294967293B of memory. Which is strange, because it's
 actually a negative number (-3 AFAIK).

 It's probably caused by data corruption (incorrect length for a field).

 There are ways to find out more about the cause, e.g. here:


 but you need to have a pg compiled with debug support. I guess the
 packaged version does not support that, but maybe you can get the sources
 and compile them on your own.

 If it really is a data corruption, you might try to locate the corrupted
 blocks like this:

 -- get number of blocks
 SELECT relpages FROM pg_class WHERE relname = 'table_name';

 -- get items for each block (read the problematic column)
 FOR block IN 1..relpages LOOP
 SELECT AVG(length(colname)) FROM table_name WHERE ctid =
 '(block,0)'::ctid AND ctid  '(block+1,0)'::ctid;

Thanks for this. Very useful. What is this -- a function? How should I
execute this query?


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To make changes to your subscription:

Re: [GENERAL] Help - corruption issue?

2011-04-21 Thread Phoenix Kiula
On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 12:51 AM, Tomas Vondra t...@fuzzy.cz wrote:
 Dne 21.4.2011 07:16, Phoenix Kiula napsal(a):

 I did a crash log with the strace for PID of the index command as you

 Here's the output:

 Also including below, but because this will wrap etc, you can look at
 the link above.

 Thanks for any ideas or pointers!

 Process 15900 attached - interrupt to quit

 Nope, that's the psql process - you need to attach to the backend
 process that's created to handle the connection. Whenever you create a
 connection (from a psql), a new backend process is forked to handle that
 single connection - this is the process you need to strace.

 You can either see that in 'ps ax' (the PID is usually +1 with respect
 to the psql process), or you can do this

  SELECT pg_backend_pid();

 as that will give you PID of the backend for the current connection.

Thanks. Did that.

The crash.log is a large-ish file, about 24KB. Here's the last 10
lines though. Does this help?

 ~  tail -10 /root/crash.log
read(58, `\1\0\0\230\337\0\343\1\0\0\0P\0T\r\0 \3
\374\236\2\2T\215\312\1\354\235\32\2..., 8192) = 8192
write(97, 213.156.60\0\0 \0\0\0\37\0\364P\3\0\34@\22\0\0\000210,
8192) = 8192
read(58, `\1\0\0\274\362\0\343\1\0\0\0T\0\210\r\0 \3
0\217\352\1\240\236\272\0024\235\322\2..., 8192) = 8192
read(58, [\1\0\0\354)c*\1\0\0\0T\0\214\r\0 \3
\254\236\242\2\340\220\342\2\\\235\232\2..., 8192) = 8192
read(58, \\\1\0\0\200\245\207\32\1\0\0\0\\\0\340\r\0 \3
\237\272\1\304\235\262\2\340\215\322\1..., 8192) = 8192
read(58, \350\0\0\0\274\311x\323\1\0\0\0\\\\r\0 \3
\200\236\372\2(\235\252\2\34\234\22\2..., 8192) = 8192
read(58, ;\1\0\0|#\265\30\1\0\0\0`\0h\r\0 \3
\324\236R\2\314\235\n\2h\215\362\1..., 8192) = 8192
read(58, c\1\0\\24%u\1\0\0\0\230\0\210\r\0 \3
\240\226\32\16\260\235\252\1p\222Z\10..., 8192) = 8192
--- SIGSEGV (Segmentation fault) @ 0 (0) ---
Process 17161 detached

The full crash.log file is here if needed:
https://www.yousendit.com/download/ VnBxcmxjNDJlM1JjR0E9PQ

Btw, this happens when I try to create an index on one of the columns
in my table.

Just before this, I had created another index on modify_date  (a
timestamp column) and it went fine.

Does that mean anything?


Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org)
To make changes to your subscription:

Re: [GENERAL] Help - corruption issue?

2011-04-21 Thread Phoenix Kiula
On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 12:06 PM, Phoenix Kiula phoenix.ki...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 12:51 AM, Tomas Vondra t...@fuzzy.cz wrote:
 Dne 21.4.2011 07:16, Phoenix Kiula napsal(a):

 I did a crash log with the strace for PID of the index command as you

 Here's the output:

 Also including below, but because this will wrap etc, you can look at
 the link above.

 Thanks for any ideas or pointers!

 Process 15900 attached - interrupt to quit

 Nope, that's the psql process - you need to attach to the backend
 process that's created to handle the connection. Whenever you create a
 connection (from a psql), a new backend process is forked to handle that
 single connection - this is the process you need to strace.

 You can either see that in 'ps ax' (the PID is usually +1 with respect
 to the psql process), or you can do this

  SELECT pg_backend_pid();

 as that will give you PID of the backend for the current connection.

 Thanks. Did that.

 The crash.log is a large-ish file, about 24KB. Here's the last 10
 lines though. Does this help?

  ~  tail -10 /root/crash.log
 read(58, `\1\0\0\230\337\0\343\1\0\0\0P\0T\r\0 \3
 \374\236\2\2T\215\312\1\354\235\32\2..., 8192) = 8192
 write(97, 213.156.60\0\0 \0\0\0\37\0\364P\3\0\34@\22\0\0\000210,
 8192) = 8192
 read(58, `\1\0\0\274\362\0\343\1\0\0\0T\0\210\r\0 \3
 0\217\352\1\240\236\272\0024\235\322\2..., 8192) = 8192
 read(58, [\1\0\0\354)c*\1\0\0\0T\0\214\r\0 \3
 \254\236\242\2\340\220\342\2\\\235\232\2..., 8192) = 8192
 read(58, \\\1\0\0\200\245\207\32\1\0\0\0\\\0\340\r\0 \3
 \237\272\1\304\235\262\2\340\215\322\1..., 8192) = 8192
 read(58, \350\0\0\0\274\311x\323\1\0\0\0\\\\r\0 \3
 \200\236\372\2(\235\252\2\34\234\22\2..., 8192) = 8192
 read(58, ;\1\0\0|#\265\30\1\0\0\0`\0h\r\0 \3
 \324\236R\2\314\235\n\2h\215\362\1..., 8192) = 8192
 read(58, c\1\0\\24%u\1\0\0\0\230\0\210\r\0 \3
 \240\226\32\16\260\235\252\1p\222Z\10..., 8192) = 8192
 --- SIGSEGV (Segmentation fault) @ 0 (0) ---
 Process 17161 detached

 The full crash.log file is here if needed:
 https://www.yousendit.com/download/ VnBxcmxjNDJlM1JjR0E9PQ

 Btw, this happens when I try to create an index on one of the columns
 in my table.

 Just before this, I had created another index on modify_date  (a
 timestamp column) and it went fine.

 Does that mean anything?


Probably a dumb and ignorant question, but should I be reseting the xlog?

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Re: [GENERAL] Help - corruption issue?

2011-04-20 Thread Phoenix Kiula
 On a fast network it should only take a few minutes.  Now rsyncing
 live 2.4 TB databases, that takes time. :)  Your raptors, if they're
 working properly, should be able to transfer at around 80 to
 100Megabytes a second.  10 to 15 seconds a gig.  30 minutes or so via
 gig ethernet.  I'd run iostat and see how well my drive array was
 performing during a large, largely sequential copy.

OK. An update.

We have changed all the hardware except disks.

REINDEX still gave this problem:

server closed the connection unexpectedly
This probably means the server terminated abnormally
before or while processing the request.
The connection to the server was lost. Attempting reset: Failed.

So I rebooted and logged back in a single user mode. All services
stopped. All networking stopped. Only postgresql started. I tried the
REINDEX again.

Same problem :(

This means the problem is likely with data?

I do have a pg_dumpall dump from 1 day before. Will lose some data,
but should have most of it.

Is it worth it for me to try and restore from there? What's the best
thing to do right now?

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Re: [GENERAL] Help - corruption issue?

2011-04-20 Thread Phoenix Kiula
On Thu, Apr 21, 2011 at 7:27 AM, Tomas Vondra t...@fuzzy.cz wrote:
 Dne 20.4.2011 22:11, Tomas Vondra napsal(a):
 There's a very nice guide on how to do that


 It sure seems like the problem you have (invalid alloc request etc.).
 The really annoying part is locating the block, as you have to scan
 through the table (which sucks with such big table).

 And yes, if there's corruption, there might be more corrupted blocks.

 BTW, there's a setting 'zero_damaged_pages' that might help with this


 see this talk for more details how to use it


 Anyway don't play with this without the file backup, as this will zero
 the blocks.


Thanks Tomas. Very handy info.

FIRST: is there anyone on this list who offers PG admin support?
Please write to me directly.

Second, for the strace, which process should I use?

ps auxwww|grep ^postgres
postgres  4320  0.0  0.1 440192 10824 ?  Ss   08:49   0:00
/usr/bin/postmaster -p 5432 -D /var/lib/pgsql/data
postgres  4355  0.0  0.0 11724  964 ?Ss   08:49   0:00
postgres: logger process
postgres  4365  0.0  0.0 440396 3268 ?   Ss   08:49   0:00
postgres: writer process
postgres  4366  0.0  0.0 11860 1132 ?Ss   08:49   0:00
postgres: stats collector process
postgres 15795  0.0  0.0  7136 1440 pts/0S22:44   0:00 -bash
postgres 15900  0.0  0.0  7860 1956 pts/0S+   22:44   0:00 psql -h
postgres 15901  0.0  0.0 441124 3072 ?   Ss   22:44   0:00

Third, I have the backup in two ways:

1. I took a backup of the entire /pgsql/data folder. PG was shutdown
at the time.
2. I have a pg_dumpall file but it is missing one day's data (still
useful as last resort).

Will #1 have corrupt data in it?

Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org)
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Re: [GENERAL] Help - corruption issue?

2011-04-20 Thread Phoenix Kiula
On Thu, Apr 21, 2011 at 11:49 AM, Phoenix Kiula phoenix.ki...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Thu, Apr 21, 2011 at 7:27 AM, Tomas Vondra t...@fuzzy.cz wrote:
 Dne 20.4.2011 22:11, Tomas Vondra napsal(a):
 There's a very nice guide on how to do that


 It sure seems like the problem you have (invalid alloc request etc.).
 The really annoying part is locating the block, as you have to scan
 through the table (which sucks with such big table).

 And yes, if there's corruption, there might be more corrupted blocks.

 BTW, there's a setting 'zero_damaged_pages' that might help with this


 see this talk for more details how to use it


 Anyway don't play with this without the file backup, as this will zero
 the blocks.


 Thanks Tomas. Very handy info.

 FIRST: is there anyone on this list who offers PG admin support?
 Please write to me directly.

 Second, for the strace, which process should I use?

 ps auxwww|grep ^postgres
 postgres  4320  0.0  0.1 440192 10824 ?      Ss   08:49   0:00
 /usr/bin/postmaster -p 5432 -D /var/lib/pgsql/data
 postgres  4355  0.0  0.0 11724  964 ?        Ss   08:49   0:00
 postgres: logger process
 postgres  4365  0.0  0.0 440396 3268 ?       Ss   08:49   0:00
 postgres: writer process
 postgres  4366  0.0  0.0 11860 1132 ?        Ss   08:49   0:00
 postgres: stats collector process
 postgres 15795  0.0  0.0  7136 1440 pts/0    S    22:44   0:00 -bash
 postgres 15900  0.0  0.0  7860 1956 pts/0    S+   22:44   0:00 psql -h
 postgres 15901  0.0  0.0 441124 3072 ?       Ss   22:44   0:00

 Third, I have the backup in two ways:

 1. I took a backup of the entire /pgsql/data folder. PG was shutdown
 at the time.
 2. I have a pg_dumpall file but it is missing one day's data (still
 useful as last resort).

 Will #1 have corrupt data in it?


I did a crash log with the strace for PID of the index command as you

Here's the output:

Also including below, but because this will wrap etc, you can look at
the link above.

Thanks for any ideas or pointers!

Process 15900 attached - interrupt to quit
read(0, r, 1) = 1
write(1, r, 1)= 1
rt_sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, NULL, [], 8)  = 0
read(0, e, 1) = 1
write(1, e, 1)= 1
rt_sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, NULL, [], 8)  = 0
read(0, i, 1) = 1
write(1, i, 1)= 1
rt_sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, NULL, [], 8)  = 0
read(0, n, 1) = 1
write(1, n, 1)= 1
rt_sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, NULL, [], 8)  = 0
read(0, d, 1) = 1
write(1, d, 1)= 1
rt_sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, NULL, [], 8)  = 0
read(0, e, 1) = 1
write(1, e, 1)= 1
rt_sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, NULL, [], 8)  = 0
read(0, x, 1) = 1
write(1, x, 1)= 1
rt_sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, NULL, [], 8)  = 0
read(0,  , 1) = 1
write(1,  , 1)= 1
rt_sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, NULL, [], 8)  = 0
read(0, l, 1) = 1
write(1, l, 1)= 1
rt_sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, NULL, [], 8)  = 0
read(0, i, 1) = 1
write(1, i, 1)= 1
rt_sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, NULL, [], 8)  = 0
read(0, n, 1) = 1
write(1, n, 1)= 1
rt_sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, NULL, [], 8)  = 0
read(0, \177, 1)  = 1
write(1, \10\33[K, 4) = 4
rt_sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, NULL, [], 8)  = 0
read(0, \177, 1)  = 1
write(1, \10\33[K, 4) = 4
rt_sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, NULL, [], 8)  = 0
read(0, \177, 1)  = 1
write(1, \10\33[K, 4) = 4
rt_sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, NULL, [], 8)  = 0
read(0, \177, 1)  = 1
write(1, \10\33[K, 4) = 4
rt_sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, NULL, [], 8)  = 0
read(0, \177, 1)  = 1
write(1, \10\33[K, 4) = 4
rt_sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, NULL, [], 8)  = 0
read(0, \177, 1)  = 1
write(1, \10\33[K, 4) = 4
rt_sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, NULL, [], 8)  = 0
read(0, \177, 1)  = 1
write(1, \10\33[K, 4) = 4
rt_sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, NULL, [], 8)  = 0
read(0, \177, 1)  = 1
write(1, \10\33[K, 4) = 4
rt_sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, NULL, [], 8)  = 0
read(0, \177, 1)  = 1
write(1, \10\33[K, 4) = 4
rt_sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, NULL

[GENERAL] Questions about Partitioning

2011-04-19 Thread Phoenix Kiula
While I fix some bigger DB woes, I have learned a lesson. Huge indexes
and tables are a pain.

Which makes me doubly keen on looking at partitioning.

Most examples I see online are partitioned by date. As in months, or
quarter, and so on. This doesn't work for me as I don't have too much
logic required based on time.

The biggest, highest volume SELECT in my database happens through an
alias column. This is an alphanumeric column. The second-biggest
SELECT happens through the userid column -- because many users check
their account every day.

A rough table definition can be considered as follows:

   CREATE TABLE maintable
  idSERIAL  primary key
  alias  VARCHAR(42)
  user_id  VARCHAR(30)
  user_registered   BOOLEAN

 My questions:

1. Which column should I partition by -- the alias because it's the
largest contributor of queries? This should be OK, but my concern is
that when user_id queries are happening, then the data for the same
user will come through many subtables that are partitioned by alias
-- will this happen automatically (presuming constraint exclusion is
on)? How does partitioning by one column affect queries on others.
Will there be subtable-by-subtable indexes on both alias and

2. How does SERIAL type work with partitions? Will INSERT data go into
the respective partitions and yet maintain an overall sequence -- I
mean, the *same* overall sequence for the parent table distributed
automagically across subtables?

3. If I partition using a%, b% etc up to z% as the partition
condition, is this an issue -- are about 26 subtables too many
partitions? Mine are static partitions as in they will be the same
forever, unlike data-based partitions. And each partition will
continue to grow. If I include that aliases can begin with numbers
and allowed symbols too, then this may be 45 partitions? What's the
limit of partitions -- not only official limit, but practical limit in
terms of performance?

4. Given that it's a wildcard LIKE condition (with a %) will this
affect the index and subsequent SELECT speed? Are partition conditions
recommended to be = or  type operators only or is LIKE ok??

5. Does partitioning need to happen only through one column? Can I
have a condition containing two columns instead?

   CREATE TABLE subtable_a (
CHECK ( user_id LIKE 'a%' and user_registered IS TRUE)
) INHERITS (maintable);

   CREATE TABLE subtable_b (
CHECK ( user_id LIKE 'b%' and user_registered IS TRUE)
) INHERITS (maintable);


6. Triggers - how do they affect speed? Everything, insert, update,
select will happen through this conditional trigger. I will likely be
writing this in PLSQL, but I read in several websites that C triggers
are much faster than PLSQL triggers. Is this a concern?

7. Constraint exclusion - is it recommended to have this in the
pg.conf, or will I need to do this before every SQL? I prefer the
pg.conf way, but want to confirm that there are no downsides for other
regular SQL operations with this setting?

8. How will JOIN work? I have different tables JOINing with the parent
table now. With partitioned subtables, will constraint exclusion
automatically do what's needed and my SQL does not need to change? Or
will there be triggers required for each and every query I currently

Eight questions is enough for my first post in this partitioning thread   :)

Thanks much!

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