[GENERAL] Setting up replication

2015-03-17 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
I have a question about setting up replication between my 
postgresql-9.3.6 servers. If I'm using pg_basebackup on my FreeBSD 10.1 
slave server, the postgresql.conf file is in the data directory, which 
pg_basebackup insists must be empty. I can't find any info about how to 
relocate the postgresql.conf file and tell the init script its new 
location. If I setup PITR prior to replication setup and share the same 
postgresql.conf file transferred by pg_basebackup, how can both servers 
see the archive directory? It is local for the slave, nfs mount for the 

Obviously there is something I'm missing or not understanding, can 
anyone help? Thanks!


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[GENERAL] Using functions to calc field values in other table

2013-06-18 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
I was wondering if it is possible to store a function in a table for 
calculating a value for a field in another table. I am creating a sales 
quote tool where users can pick a service to add to the quote_services 
table when building the quote. I have a services table  where some 
services have a static price and others need to be a calculation. The 
services table has a numeric price field to use when static pricing is 
needed. Would it be possible to add a couple of other fields, say 
service_options where I could enter the value 'calc' that would tell my 
before TRIGGER on the quote_services table to use a function also stored 
in the services table in another field called service_func? When someone 
selects the service for the quote, it would execute the function to 
calculate and enter the resulting price from the function.

My TRIGGER on the quote_services table would look something like this...

SELECT INTO aRec service_options, service_func FROM services WHERE 
service_id = NEW.quote_service;

IF aRec.service_options = 'calc' THEN
NEW.service_price := aRec.service_func || '(' || NEW.service_id || ')';

I realize the syntax above may not work, just trying to get across my 
idea and hope for some guidance how all this could be done, if possible.

Thanks for any pointers!


Robert rob...@webtent.org

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Re: [GENERAL] could not load plperl library SOLVED

2013-04-05 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick

   	Paolo Saudin  
  Wednesday, April 
03, 2013 3:10 PM
Try to check the 
perl version against Postgres version athttp://forums.enterprisedb.com/posts/list/3295.page


Thanks! I'm using postgresql 9.2 and needed 5.14, luckily still 

[GENERAL] could not load plperl library

2013-04-03 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
I have a Windows XP laptop I've loaded postgres on for dev purposes. 
When I try to create the plperl language on a db, I get an error 'cannot 
load library' referencing the location where plperl.dll does exist. It 
has the lastest version of ActiveState Perl, but I remember (it's been a 
while) that I need an older version. I found a 5.8 installer, 
uninstalled the 5.16 and then installed the older 5.8, but still getting 
the error. I restarted the postgres service, do I need to reinstall? I 
used the Enterprise DB installer.

Hope this is the right list for this, let me know if not, thanks
Robert rob...@webtent.org

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Re: [GENERAL] Test for cascade delete in plpgsql

2011-10-14 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
On 10/13/2011 5:45 PM, David Johnston wrote:
 the company record should not be visible
 if you execute a SELECT against the companies table using the given
 company_id value.  The previous is not tested and I am not totally sure
 about the visibility rules in this situation (mainly whether the cascade
 delete occurs before or after the statement delete)

Yes, you understood exactly what I am trying to do, and it appears the
cascade delete occurs after, I didn't even think of that. If I PERFORM a
query on the companies table to test if the record exists in the DELETE
AFTER trigger of the contacts table and base my restriction on IF FOUND,
the record is allowed to be deleted. Thanks!

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[GENERAL] Test for cascade delete in plpgsql

2011-10-13 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
My contacts table has a FK with cascade delete to foreign table
companies using the company_id column.

I have a DELETE AFTER trigger on my contacts table that checks to see if
there are any contacts left with an email address or it won't allow you
to delete the record for a company. However, if the company is being
deleted, is there a way I can test for the cascade delete reason and
have my trigger allow the contact to be deleted?


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Re: [GENERAL] plperl.dll on windows with postgresql 9.0.3

2011-02-09 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
On 2/8/2011 12:03 PM, Robert Fitzpatrick wrote:
 On 2/8/2011 11:58 AM, Robert Fitzpatrick wrote:
 could not load library “C:/Program Files/PostgreSQL/8.3/lib/plperl.dll”:
 The specified module could not be found. SQL state: 58P01
 Sorry the correct error I am getting is...
 could not load library “C:/Program Files/PostgreSQL/9.0/lib/plperl.dll”:
 The specified module could not be found. SQL state: 58P01
 The previous was copied from a post found on the net when searching for

Finally found the solution to this issue, it seems PostgreSQL is looking
for perl510.dll, or earlier perhaps...


I also renamed my ActivePerl library from perl512.dll and perl510.dll to
solve. Does this mean I may run into issues with the new Perl? I also
tried 5.8.x and could not get plperl.dll installed with same error.
Robert rob...@webtent.org

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[GENERAL] plperl.dll on windows with postgresql 9.0.3

2011-02-08 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
I am upgrading a Windows install from 8.2.x to 9.0.3. ActivePerl 5.8 was
already installed, but when I run the createlang command to install into
my database, I get...

could not load library “C:/Program Files/PostgreSQL/8.3/lib/plperl.dll”:
The specified module could not be found. SQL state: 58P01

I see the plperl.dll in that very location in the error. I looked at the
functions of pg_catalog and the plperl functions are not there like
plpgsql call handler, etc.

I thought this was due to the older version of ActivePerl, so I
uninstall Postgres and ActivePerl, restarted, downloaded and installed
latest ActivePerl 5.12, restarted and re-installed Postgres, and
restarted yet again to still get the error. I did a search and find
perhaps 5.12 does not work (at least during beta)?


I am installing on Windows 2003 server. Unfortunately I never installed
Postgres on Windows prior to the pginstaller, so I'm not sure what else
needs to be done for PostgreSQL to find the module. Since I see the
module dll in the lib folder, I assume a separate package is not needed
like I am accustomed to under BSD, is that right and it should find
without further config or installs?

Robert rob...@webtent.org

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Re: [GENERAL] plperl.dll on windows with postgresql 9.0.3

2011-02-08 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
On 2/8/2011 11:58 AM, Robert Fitzpatrick wrote:
 could not load library “C:/Program Files/PostgreSQL/8.3/lib/plperl.dll”:
 The specified module could not be found. SQL state: 58P01

Sorry the correct error I am getting is...

could not load library “C:/Program Files/PostgreSQL/9.0/lib/plperl.dll”:
 The specified module could not be found. SQL state: 58P01

The previous was copied from a post found on the net when searching for

Thanks for any help!
Robert rob...@webtent.org

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[GENERAL] plperl.dll on windows with postgresql 9.0

2011-02-06 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
I am upgrading a Windows install for a client of mine from 8.2.x to
9.0.3 and understand the pginstaller does not provide plperl for this
version. ActivePerl 5.8 was already installed and after uninstalling 8.2
and installing 9.0.3, there is no plperl.dll in the lib folder. I
thought this was due to the older version, so I uninstall Postgres and
ActivePerl, restarted, downloaded and installed latest ActivePerl 5.12,
restarted and re-installed Postgres to still not find the dll. How do I
get the lib to install? I did a google and find perhaps 5.12 does not
work (at least during beta)?


Can someone help with how to get plperl module installed or confirm the
version required? I am installing on Windows 2003 server. Unfortunately
I never installed Postgres on Windows prior to the pginstaller. Is there
a plperl package that I need to install similar to Unix?

Robert rob...@webtent.org

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[GENERAL] plperl.dll on windows with postgresql 9.0

2011-02-04 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
I am upgrading a Windows install for a client of mine from 8.2.x to
9.0.3 and understand the pginstaller does not provide plperl for this
version. ActivePerl 5.8 was already installed and after uninstalling 8.2
and installing 9.0.3, there is no plperl.dll in the lib folder. I
thought this was due to the older version, so I uninstall Postgres and
ActivePerl, restarted, downloaded and installed latest ActivePerl 5.12,
restarted and re-installed Postgres to still not find the dll. How do I
get the lib to install? I did a google and find perhaps 5.12 does not
work (at least during beta)?


Can someone help with how to get plperl module installed or confirm the
version required? I am installing on Windows 2003 server. Unfortunately
I never installed Postgres on Windows prior to the pginstaller. Is there
a plperl package that I need to install similar to Unix?

Robert rob...@webtent.org

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[GENERAL] key=value imports

2011-01-19 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
I was wondering if someone could help with my new task of trying to
import from an API into PostgreSQL 9.0. An example query would respond
like this...


Based on the domain name, I want to update the other fields in our
table. I can do split routines in plperl, but after I build an hash, I'm
finding it hard to figure out how to feed that back to my plpgsql
function for updates? Or is there a better way or some contrib that
would help better?

Thanks, Robert
Robert rob...@webtent.org

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[GENERAL] Invalid byte sequence

2010-12-09 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
I am getting the following error when trying to migrate a db from 
8.4.0/FreeBSD 7.1 to 9.0.1/FreeBSD 8.1, both are VMware virtual machines 
with FreeBSD amd64...

data1# psql -U pgsql template1  /data/maia.sql
template1  /data/incoming.sql
ERROR:  invalid byte sequence for encoding UTF8: 0xe93532
CONTEXT:  COPY awl, line 7884

I checked the build options for both pgsql port installations and found 
only difference being WITH_INTDATE=true in the destination server. I 
checked the line in the source file created by pg_restore and see no 
date involved in the record...

data1# head -7884 /data/incoming.sql | tail -1
vscan   geva...@prolongedinspire.com216.188 2   25.8380001

pg_restore -l on the source file dump file...

; Archive created at Thu Dec  9 03:03:27 2010
; dbname: maia
; TOC Entries: 161
; Compression: -1
; Dump Version: 1.11-0
; Format: CUSTOM
; Integer: 4 bytes
; Offset: 8 bytes
; Dumped from database version: 8.4.0
; Dumped by pg_dump version: 8.4.0

Is it the WITH_INTDATE option and I should rebuild or something else 
causing this error?


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[GENERAL] Setting NEW in AFTER trigger

2008-12-15 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
Is it not possible to set the value of a field by reference of NEW.field
in an AFTER trigger? I have a trigger where I set NEW.field :=
myfunction and NEW.field shows the resulting value in my RAISE NOTICE as
shown here...

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.registrants_tr_test_func () RETURNS 
trigger AS
NEW.egw_id := egw_add_account(NEW.id);
LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'
COST 100;
CREATE TRIGGER registrants_tr_test AFTER UPDATE 
ON public.registrants FOR EACH ROW 
EXECUTE PROCEDURE public.registrants_tr_test_func();

update registrants set registrant_email = 'li...@webtent.net' where id = 14135;
NOTICE:  Groupware user already exists: 3058
CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function registrants_tr_test_func line 2 at assignment

maxegen= SELECT  public.registrants.egw_id FROM   public.registrants WHERE   
public.registrants.id = 14135;

(1 row)

The Groupware NOTICE is output from the function if a lookup is found
and returns the existing id in place of an INSERT with the new id
returned if not found. I get no errors, but NEW.field remains NULL after
updating the record as shown above. Hopefully I'm doing something wrong?


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[GENERAL] pgcrypto contrib

2008-11-13 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
I am trying to develop a trigger that will post a new account into a
table in another db sing dblink that is part of the egroupware web app
that uses tripledes as the algorithm. I can't seem to find a combination
for gen_salt that produces the correct crypt password, however, my
knowledge in this area is limited. Does anyone know if pgcrypto is able
to produce this type of algorithm and have suggestions how I might be
able to get it done?


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[GENERAL] Post to another db using pl/pgsql

2008-11-12 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
I've worked with pgsql for a while, but never needed to post from a
database trigger to another db. Is this possible? And if so, can someone
offer a pointer to the docs on how to refer to other db's in my script,


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Re: [GENERAL] Post to another db using pl/pgsql

2008-11-12 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
On Wed, 2008-11-12 at 18:02 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I've worked with pgsql for a while, but never needed to post from a
  database trigger to another db. Is this possible? And if so, can someone
  offer a pointer to the docs on how to refer to other db's in my script,
 What do you mean by 'other db'? Does that mean other PostgreSQL database,
 or a completely different db (say MySQL for example)?

Sorry, yes, I'm wanting to post to another pgsql db on the same server.


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[GENERAL] Using dblink to connect as non-superuser

2008-11-12 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
I try to use dblink_connect while logged into the database as the
superuser and it returns OK, but if I disconnect and use the same
command as follows, it give and error, password is required. Even if I
try to use the superuser login in the connect string below while
connected as a non-superuser, I get the error...

select dblink_connect('dbname=egroupware user=myuser password=mypass');

Does this mean I have to be connected to the db as the superuser? I
assume not since reading the docs and having the ability to use user and
password in my connection string. I can try the same command as above
with only the dbname while logged in as the superuser and works. All
works fine with superuser, but not any non-superuser. I am trying to
develop a trigger pl/pgsql on this 8.3 server, but the connections to
the db will be from a non-superuser from a web site connection. What am
I doing wrong?

My non-superuser owns both db's. The error hints that the target
server's authentication method must be changed. I have tried to setup
localhost to trust in pg_hba.conf, still no help.


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[GENERAL] worker took too long to start; cancelled

2008-11-05 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
I have a FreeBSD server with Postfix that filters mail using
amavisd-maia+SA+ClamAV. It crashed when we received an SMTP attack that
traced back to a compromised user login and a flood a messages were sent
to this smarthost. After getting it back up, I find this in the logs...

Nov  4 08:09:50 esmtp postgres[769]: [6-1] WARNING:  worker took too
long to start; cancelled

I have this every minute prior to the crash about 5 or 6 times. However,
this server is not accessing a local database. All filtering is using a
production db server over our private network. This server was just
brought online with 6GB of memory using the PAE kernel option for
FreeBSD. I copied over a working pgsql configuration on our existing
production db server and some boot settings and wondering if memory or
memory settings may be the issue?

esmtp# cat /boot/loader.conf 
esmtp# cat /etc/sysctl.conf 
# $FreeBSD: src/etc/sysctl.conf,v 1.8 2003/03/13 18:43:50 mux Exp $
# tuning for PostgreSQL

Also, from postgresql.conf, here are my custom settings...

max_connections = 250
shared_buffers = 512MB
work_mem = 128MB
maintenance_work_mem = 256MB
max_fsm_pages = 179200
max_fsm_pages = 512000
wal_buffers = 256kB
checkpoint_segments = 100
effective_cache_size = 1028MB

Again, I'm wondering why the local postgresql was even involved since
the mail system does not use the localhost pg server for filtering.
Unless the error is related to the production db server it is hitting. I
did not find any errors isolated to this time period, but I do see the
following throughout those logs...

ERROR:  deadlock detected

As I mentioned, this server and the production db server both filter
using Maia Mailguard which is the only use of of pgsql on those servers.


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[GENERAL] Installing debugger

2008-05-16 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
I have built posgresql 8.3.1 on a FreeBSD 6.1 via the ports system
WITH_DEBUG=true and also on a Windows machine with the debugger
selected. I see the plugin_debugger.dll under the lib/plugins folder on
the Windows machine as well. But when I look for the procs, they are not

template1=# select * from pg_proc where proname like 'pldbg%';
 proname | pronamespace | proowner | prolang | procost | prorows | proisagg | 
prosecdef | proisstrict | proretset | provolatile | pronargs | prorettype | 
proargtypes | proallargtypes | proargmodes | proargnames | prosrc | probin | 
proconfig | proacl 
(0 rows)

Can someone help or point me to some docs that can tell me what else I
need to do to enable debugging plpgsql?


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Re: [GENERAL] Installing debugger

2008-05-16 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
On Fri, 2008-05-16 at 14:27 +0100, Dave Page wrote: 
 There is a README with the plugin which tells you how to modify
 postgresql.conf to preload the libraries at server start (which you
 must do). Once you've done that, just run the pldbgapi.sql script
 that's also included to load the api functions into the database you
 wish to debug.

Thanks for the help, I guess this is my problem. I do not have anything
in the Windows server plugins folder except plugin_debugger.dll and
plugin_profiler.dll. On the FreeBSD box, cannot find plugin_debugger.so
anywhere or the pldbgapi.sql script on either server. More suggestions?

I did find this link, so I believe I know how to get it setup once I get
the needed lib and script files...



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[GENERAL] Test text value as interval

2008-02-07 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
Been searching for a way to do this, but haven't found what I was hoping
to find. Is there any way in pl/pgsql to test a text value to see if it
would be a valid interval without having to try and store in a field? In
a trigger, I'd like to test a NEW text type field. Right now, I have
just the following to generate an error...

test := NEW.textfield::interval;

I'd like to test the field and RAISE EXCEPTION if not valid interval.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
   choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [GENERAL] Test text value as interval

2008-02-07 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
On Thu, 2008-02-07 at 16:58 -0800, Jeff Davis wrote:
 On Thu, 2008-02-07 at 19:37 -0500, Robert Fitzpatrick wrote:
  Been searching for a way to do this, but haven't found what I was hoping
  to find. Is there any way in pl/pgsql to test a text value to see if it
  would be a valid interval without having to try and store in a field? In
  a trigger, I'd like to test a NEW text type field. Right now, I have
  just the following to generate an error...
  test := NEW.textfield::interval;
  I'd like to test the field and RAISE EXCEPTION if not valid interval.
 Trap the error and do what you want with it:

Yes, this looks like it might work, thanks! But not sure which condition
to look for or if I'm doing this correctly. I tried syntax_error
condition, but I'm still receiving the same cast error trying this in a
trigger function...

  test := NEW.textfield::interval;
   WHEN syntax_error THEN
RAISE NOTICE 'Invalid Duration';
return null;
snip other code
return new;

 Although: why do you want to generate your own error? It seems like it
 would probably be about the same as the error produced by the casting

My application will display whatever I can return via raise exception,
hence, that's why I'm trying this. Looking for a way to translate to the

update events set event_duration = '3ho' where event_id = 2;
ERROR: invalid input syntax for type interval: 3ho


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

[GENERAL] Getting all tables into memory

2008-01-24 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
I have a couple of servers running Postfix with amavisd-maia+SA+clamav
on FreeBSD 6.2 which use a central db server running PgSQL 8.2.4. My
issue is the bayes database causing SA TIMED OUT in the logs and want to
make sure I am getting everything into memory. The disk activity is high
on the db server, this is the average systat status...

/0   /1   /2   /3   /4   /5   /6   /7   /8   /9   /10
 Load Average   |

  /0   /10  /20  /30  /40  /50  /60  /70  /80  /90  /100
cpu  user| 

  /0   /10  /20  /30  /40  /50  /60  /70  /80  /90  /100
aacd0 MB/s 

I know I'm running RAID-5 and that is set to change, right now I'm just
focusing on getting my tables into memory. I have 4GB of memory in the
db server now, but the server indicates about only 3GB in dmesg, not
sure why this is, FreeBSD warns a small amount of over 4GB will not be
used when booting...

real memory  = 3220635648 (3071 MB)
avail memory = 3150565376 (3004 MB)

Here is my conf...

mx1# cat postgresql.conf
listen_addresses = '*'  # what IP address(es) to listen on; 
max_connections = 250
shared_buffers = 500MB  # min 128kB or max_connections*16kB
work_mem = 64MB # min 64kB
maintenance_work_mem = 256MB# min 1MB
max_fsm_pages = 256000  # min max_fsm_relations*16, 6 bytes each
checkpoint_segments = 100   # (value * 2 + 1) * 16MB
effective_cache_size = 1000MB
log_destination = 'syslog'
silent_mode = on
stats_start_collector = on  # needed for block or row stats
stats_row_level = on
autovacuum = off# enable autovacuum subprocess?
datestyle = 'iso, mdy'
lc_messages = 'C'   # locale for system error message 
lc_monetary = 'C'   # locale for monetary formatting
lc_numeric = 'C'# locale for number formatting
lc_time = 'C'   # locale for time formatting

I vacuum every night and expire my bayes db for SA. While I have plenty
of memory installed, it just does not seem to be using it considering my
disk status above? How can I tell if PgSQL is using memory or not and
how much? Excuse my ignorance on the matter, just learning how to
properly tune PostgreSQL.

My top 20 tables sizes are as follows...

maia= SELECT relname, reltuples, relpages FROM pg_class ORDER BY relpages DESC 
limit 20;
relname|  reltuples  | relpages 
 pg_toast_70736|  846647 |   257452
 maia_mail |  375574 |63639
 maia_sa_rules_triggered   | 4.52118e+06 |38526
 bayes_token   |  447008 |20033
 maia_sa_rules_triggered_pkey  | 4.52118e+06 |17821
 bayes_token_idx1  |  447008 |11437
 maia_mail_recipients  |  377340 | 9867
 maia_sa_rules |1578 | 8501
 token_idx |  377340 | 8053
 envelope_to_received_date_idx |  375574 | 7202
 pg_toast_70736_index  |  846647 | 4719
 maia_mail_idx_received_date   |  375574 | 3703
 maia_mail_recipients_pkey |  377340 | 3471
 bayes_token_pkey  |  447008 | 3200
 awl_pkey  |  189259 | 2965
 maia_mail_recipients_idx_recipient_id |  377340 | 2696
 awl   |  189259 | 2599
 maia_stats| 185 | 2545
 bayes_seen_pkey   |  174501 | 2433
 bayes_seen|  174501 | 2238
(20 rows)


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?


Re: [GENERAL] Getting all tables into memory

2008-01-24 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
On Thu, 2008-01-24 at 10:46 -0500, Bill Moran wrote:
 In response to Robert Fitzpatrick [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  How can I tell if PgSQL is using memory or not and
  how much?
 Well, top is helpful.  Also, consider installing the pg_buffercache addon
 so you can see how much of your shared_buffers is being used.

Well, all of it I guess from looking below? Again, just learning here...

maia=# select count(*) from pg_buffercache;
(1 row)
maia=# select count(*) from pg_buffercache where relfilenode is null;   
(1 row)
maia=# SELECT c.relname, count(*) AS buffers
   FROM pg_class c INNER JOIN pg_buffercache b
   ON b.relfilenode = c.relfilenode INNER JOIN pg_database d
   ON (b.reldatabase = d.oid AND d.datname = current_database())
   GROUP BY c.relname
 relname | buffers 
 bayes_token |   16684
 bayes_token_idx1|   10264
 maia_sa_rules   |8501
 pg_toast_70736  |5898
 maia_mail   |4361
 maia_sa_rules_triggered |3913
 maia_stats  |2545
 token_idx   |2442
(10 rows)

Thanks again for any insight?


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
   subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
   message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

[GENERAL] Creating indexes

2007-12-10 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
I have a PHP 5 app using pgsql 8.2 and a HTML table of clients now grown
to almost 10,000 loading 25 per page. There is a filter feature atop all
seven columns in the table listing (all varchar except one date column).
Also, sorting can be done by clicking any column header. Some complain
of speed during filtering or clearing the filter. I want to create some
indexes to see if this will help as I'm sure it will since there are
none currently.

Now my question, would it be better to create one index with all columns
in the table -or- a separate index for each column field? I was assuming
the latter, but would the index with all columns be beneficial as well?

Thanks in advance!


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

[GENERAL] delta copies of pg_dump files

2007-09-24 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
Trying to format our pg_dump files so that we can take advantage of
rsync delta copies and the problem seems to be the sequences and maybe
very active tables not allowing much matched data in the transfer. I
have a 3GB dump file in plain text and broke off the head of two dump
files into their own and diff'd to see the following. I assume these
differences are what is causing me to get a very low percentage of
matched data in my transfer? 

esmtp# ls -la data/maia.sql 
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  2906254629 Sep 23 22:46 data/maia.sql
esmtp# ls -la data.bak/maia.sql 
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  2935474571 Sep 23 19:01 data.bak/maia.sql
esmtp# head -500 data/maia.sql  new.sql
esmtp# head -500 data.bak/maia.sql  old.sql
esmtp# diff new.sql old.sql
 SELECT pg_catalog.setval('maia_mail_id_seq', 567254, true);
 SELECT pg_catalog.setval('maia_mail_id_seq', 565121, true);
 SELECT pg_catalog.setval('maia_stats_history_id_seq', 77273, true);
 SELECT pg_catalog.setval('maia_stats_history_id_seq', 76573, true);
 SELECT pg_catalog.setval('maia_viruses_id_seq', 320, true);
 SELECT pg_catalog.setval('maia_viruses_id_seq', 319, true);
 vscan [EMAIL PROTECTED]  88.247  1   7.8096
 vscan [EMAIL PROTECTED]  84.255  1   17.5770002
 vscan [EMAIL PROTECTED]   103.188 1   20.0620001
 vscan [EMAIL PROTECTED]   216.75  1   7.1713
 vscan [EMAIL PROTECTED]209.44  2   51.0130005
 vscan [EMAIL PROTECTED]   59.94   2   0.58196
 vscan [EMAIL PROTECTED]66.248  2   14.827
 vscan [EMAIL PROTECTED]  216.188 2   17.859

This is a very active database used as a mail cache for a couple of mail
gateways using Postfix+amavisd-maia+SA+clamAV on FreeBSD. Can I move
sequences to the end and will this help my cause? Seems the records are
changing as well, I'm not sure why there is so much changing in the
front of these dumps. Does pg_dump sort by OID? Looking in the dump
file, I see these records are coming from the AWL table, could this be
changing drastically all the time, I guess a question for my amavisd or
maia lists?

What can be done to best prepare dumps for this type of data transfer,
the file sizes are not much different and we want to save that bandwidth
to our remote facility? Thanks for the help!


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

[GENERAL] autovacuum

2007-09-20 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
I have a large database used with our mail filter. The pg_dumpall
results in about 3GB with this being the only database in the system
besides templates and postgres.

I do a vacuum every night after backup and it takes about an hour, is
this normal for this size db? I also have autovacuum enabled and when it
is running during the day, our mail queues will tend to fill up with
slow response to the server. Should I have autovacuum on even if I am
vacuuming the db every night?

Let me know if you need more specifics. Just trying to get some feedback
on if my vacuum is taking too long or if both are necessary...thanks for
the help!


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
   subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
   message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Re: [GENERAL] autovacuum

2007-09-20 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
On Thu, 2007-09-20 at 16:38 -0400, Bill Moran wrote:
 In response to Robert Fitzpatrick [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Why does everyone leave of the IO subsystem?  It's almost as if many
 people don't realize that disks exist ...
 With 2G of RAM, and a DB that's about 3G, then there's at least a G of
 database data _not_ in memory at any time.  As a result, disk speed is
 important, and _could_ be part of your problem.  You're not using RAID
 5 are you?

Yes, using RAID 5, not good? RAID 5 with hot fix total of 4 drives. All
SATA 80GB drives giving me little under 300GB to work with.

Also, my nightly backup does a pg_dump of the one database and vacuums
only that database as there are no other except template#'s. Then it
does a pg_dumpall. Now, I noticed that we have the -dD flags on
pg_dumpall, not sure why, I took them off. But the strange thing I am
finding is while my one database using a 'pg_dump -F c' only comes out
at 930MB while the pg_dumpall results in 3GB, is that due to the use of
INSERTS by using -dD?

  max_connections = 250
  max_fsm_pages = 204800
  shared_buffers = 128MB
 Unless this machine runs programs other than PostgreSQL, raise this to
 about 650MB.  You might get better performance from even higher values.
 The rule of thumb is allocate 1/4 - 1/3 of the available RAM to
 shared_buffers ... subtract the RAM that other programs are using first.

Yes, it runs a few other things like Postfix+amavisd-maia+SA+clamAV, but
low priority MX so it gets little unless the primary is not responding.
Other than that, I use it to run the web GUI (php) for this amavisd-maia
mail server where users can view spam/ham caches. Can I determine the
amount of memory everything else is running by stopping postgres and
look in top to see what is being used?

Thanks for the other pointers...!


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

[GENERAL] Getting result from EXECUTE

2007-09-08 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
I have a trigger function that I want to apply to several tables, hence
my use of TG_RELNAME. I just want the record to get inserted if an
UPDATE comes from my view rule if the record for the client doesn't
already exist. This is what I have, but I'm finding the FOUND is not
returned for EXECUTE. How can I accomplish what I need?

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.create_fldclientnumber_trigg_func () 
RETURNS trigger AS'
  EXECUTE ''SELECT * FROM '' || TG_RELNAME || '' WHERE fldclientnumber = '' || 
 EXECUTE ''INSERT INTO '' || TG_RELNAME || '' (fldclientnumber) VALUES ('' 
|| NEW.fldclientnumber || '')'';

Thanks for the help.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

[GENERAL] Left joining table to setof function

2007-09-07 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
I have a function that returns a set of a custom type...

trax=# \d client_search
  Composite type public.client_search
 Column |  Type  
 clientno   | bigint
 client | character varying(100)
 contactno  | bigint
 city   | character varying(50)
 state  | character varying(50)
 contact_info   | text
 contact_title  | character varying(100)
 contact_phone  | character varying(20)
 contact_cell   | character varying(20)
 clientnamesort | text
 lastnamesort   | text

...and need to left join this with a table that can tell me if each
record exists in that table depending on certain values. When I get to
tens of thousands of records returned by the function, while my runtime
of the function itself is little changed, I am struggling to lower the
runtime as it gets very high when there are more and more matches in the
join. I have gone through to make sure all my comparisons in the join
are of same type, here is the table I am joining...

trax=# \d tblsearch_selections   
Table public.tblsearch_selections
   Column| Type  |  
 search_selection_id | bigint| not null default 
 search_id   | integer   | 
 user_id | character varying(12) | 
 selection_value | text  | 
 selected_value  | bigint| 
 selection_type  | character varying(10) | default 'client'::character 
tblsearch_selections_pkey PRIMARY KEY, btree (search_selection_id)
search_selection_unique_idx UNIQUE, btree (search_id, user_id, 
selection_value, selection_type)
Foreign-key constraints:
tblsearch_selections_search_fk FOREIGN KEY (search_id) REFERENCES 
tblclientsearch(search_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE
tblsearch_selections_user_fk FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES 

Here is the analysis of the query with over 12000 join matches...

trax=# explain analyze select * from client_search_id_func(62) left join 
tblsearch_selections ON search_id = 62 and user_id = 'RF' and ((selected_value 
= clientno and selection_type = 'client') or (selected_value = contactno and 
selection_type = 'contact'));
 Nested Loop Left Join  (cost=301.98..9434.48 rows=1000 width=426) (actual 
time=288.130..234578.634 rows=18202 loops=1)
   Join Filter: (((tblsearch_selections.selected_value = 
client_search_id_func.clientno) AND 
((tblsearch_selections.selection_type)::text = 'client'::text)) OR 
((tblsearch_selections.selected_value = client_search_id_func.contactno) AND 
((tblsearch_selections.selection_type)::text = 'contact'::text)))
   -  Function Scan on client_search_id_func  (cost=0.00..12.50 rows=1000 
width=382) (actual time=253.805..265.752 rows=18202 loops=1)
   -  Materialize  (cost=301.98..305.02 rows=304 width=44) (actual 
time=0.001..4.931 rows=12747 loops=18202)
 -  Seq Scan on tblsearch_selections  (cost=0.00..301.68 rows=304 
width=44) (actual time=0.040..12.749 rows=12747 loops=1)
   Filter: ((search_id = 62) AND ((user_id)::text = 'RF'::text))
 Total runtime: 234673.875 ms
(7 rows)

Perhaps I need to use subselects or some other approach?

trax=# explain analyze select *, (select search_selection_id from 
tblsearch_selections where search_id = 62 and user_id = 'RF' and 
((selected_value = clientno and selection_type = 'client') or (selected_value = 
contactno and selection_type = 'contact'))) from client_search_id_func(62);
 Function Scan on client_search_id_func  (cost=0.00..315837.50 rows=1000 
width=382) (actual time=259.520..148524.590 rows=18202 loops=1)
 -  Seq Scan on tblsearch_selections  (cost=0.00..315.82 rows=1 width=8) 
(actual time=3.555..8.131 rows=1 loops=18202)
   Filter: ((search_id = 62) AND ((user_id)::text = 'RF'::text) AND 
(((selected_value = $0) AND ((selection_type)::text = 'client'::text)) OR 
((selected_value = $1) AND ((selection_type)::text = 'contact'::text
 Total runtime: 148540.593 ms

And with no matches, the winner so far is the left 

[GENERAL] Using COALESCE nside function

2007-07-23 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
Is it possible to use COALESCE function inside a function as a cursor

test cursor (myvar varchar) for

I get a syntax error when trying this...ERROR:  syntax error at or near
COALESCE...is there a way to do this?


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

[GENERAL] Generate random password

2007-06-07 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
Can anyone suggest how one might be able to do this? I want to be able
to generate an 8 character random password for users in their password
field. Perhaps through the default setting of the field or a trigger
function. I found the following, but is there anything that can be used
on both Windows and *nix or can this be used on Windows somehow?



---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?


[GENERAL] Restoring 8.2 to 8.0

2007-06-01 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
I have a dump from 8.2 restored to file that was pg_dump'd with format c
from a production server. I want to know if it is possible for me to
restore this to a 8.0 development server where I am not able to upgrade
at this time. Trying to do some testing, but this is the only other
server that's available right now. I tried a normal restore and start
getting errors relating to regclass:

honeypot:~ # psql -U postgres trax  pgtrax.sql
ERROR:  cannot cast type text to regclass
ERROR:  relation public.tblmenu does not exist
ERROR:  function nextval(regclass) does not exist

Is there a way I can prepare my dump to work? There is a lot of data, so
I need to maintain COPY methods of inserting.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [GENERAL] Restoring 8.2 to 8.0

2007-06-01 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
On Fri, 2007-06-01 at 19:24 +0200, RW wrote:
 I've never tried this but maybe it works if you use pg_dump
 from 8.0 to do the dump.
 Robert Fitzpatrick wrote:
  I have a dump from 8.2 restored to file that was pg_dump'd with format c
  from a production server. I want to know if it is possible for me to
  restore this to a 8.0 development server where I am not able to upgrade
  at this time. Trying to do some testing, but this is the only other
  server that's available right now. I tried a normal restore and start
  getting errors relating to regclass:
  honeypot:~ # psql -U postgres trax  pgtrax.sql
  ERROR:  cannot cast type text to regclass
  ERROR:  relation public.tblmenu does not exist
  ERROR:  function nextval(regclass) does not exist
  Is there a way I can prepare my dump to work? There is a lot of data, so
  I need to maintain COPY methods of inserting.

Thanks for the idea, but it didn't work. It warned me when trying, I had
to add the -i option to make it dump and I am getting the same ERROR's.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?


[GENERAL] Referencing any field in a trigger

2007-05-25 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
How can I reference any NEW field in an insert/update trigger function?
When someone inserts or updates any field with a single asterisk (*), I
need it to become '%%%'. But if they use an asterisk in any combination
with other fields, then I want to TRANSLATE those asterisks to a single

I was hoping not to have to test every field in the table.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?


Re: [GENERAL] Referencing any field in a trigger

2007-05-25 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
On Fri, 2007-05-25 at 11:17 -0400, Robert Fitzpatrick wrote:
 But if they use an asterisk in any combination
 with other fields 

I meant to say 'But if they use an asterisk in any combination with
other *values* in the field...'. For instance, if they enter '*test*',
it will be TRANSLATE'd to '%test%'.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?


Re: [GENERAL] Referencing any field in a trigger

2007-05-25 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
On Fri, 2007-05-25 at 12:00 -0400, Alvaro Herrera wrote:
 Robert Fitzpatrick wrote:
  How can I reference any NEW field in an insert/update trigger function?
  When someone inserts or updates any field with a single asterisk (*), I
  need it to become '%%%'. But if they use an asterisk in any combination
  with other fields, then I want to TRANSLATE those asterisks to a single
 You can't do that with PL/pgSQL.  You can with other languages like
 PL/Perl though (which has better tools for string treatment, so it is a
 good idea anyway).

Great! I use Perl for a lot of string functions now, but I've never used
pl/perl for triggers. I did not know I could use pl/perl in
triggers...but do now :)


But still, how would I reference all fields using the pl/perl? Can I
specify column numbers versus names as in '$_TD-{new}{1}' for the first
column and loop or something? For instance, I would like to be able to
say if any NEW column has a single asterisk only, set it to '%%%'.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [GENERAL] Referencing any field in a trigger

2007-05-25 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
On Fri, 2007-05-25 at 13:45 -0400, Alvaro Herrera wrote:
 Robert Fitzpatrick wrote:
  But still, how would I reference all fields using the pl/perl? Can I
  specify column numbers versus names as in '$_TD-{new}{1}' for the first
  column and loop or something? For instance, I would like to be able to
  say if any NEW column has a single asterisk only, set it to '%%%'.
 Well, do a foreach ($_TD-{new}) or foreach (keys $_TD-{new}) (not sure
 of the exact syntax but if you're used to Perl you can figure it out).

You gotta love pgsql, took a bit, but done...

foreach $i (keys %{$_TD-{new}}) {
if (${$_TD-{new}}{$i} eq '*') {
${$_TD-{new}}{$i} = '%%%';
} else {
${$_TD-{new}}{$i} =~ s/\*/\%/g;
return  MODIFY;


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

[GENERAL] Searching data across tables, some large

2007-05-23 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
Thanks to Richard for the help earlier this week with performance
questions, once I was able to get pgsql and mssql using the same
resources and doing some tuning, I was able to get comparable results.

The issue still though, I have this view that I designed with the
thought in mind to provide all fields the user will want to search in
the PHP web app. However, I have found when joining a couple of large
tables, the view count reaches the 40+ million records, this does not
seem to work in pgsql (or in mssql), especially if distinct is needed.
Should I even be attempting this approach?

I have never used TSearch and wonder if that is the solution to this
type of search? From a quick read of some TSearch info I see indexes are
setup on a column basis in a table? So, I could create an index column
for say the first name and last name fields in a contact table, but
cannot create a field with information from different tables? Also, not
all fields are text that I need to search, some boolean for instance,
can I search TSearch index fields and other fields at the same time. Not
sure how TSearch works, just wanted to get an opinion that that may be
what I need before delving into it too much.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?


Re: [GENERAL] Searching data across tables, some large

2007-05-23 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
On Wed, 2007-05-23 at 18:53 -0400, Ericson Smith wrote:
 Yeah, we've used Tsearch with joins and searches on other fields on
 the tsearch table no problem. Tsearches are  just another part of a
 WHERE clause.

And can there be Tsearch fields built based on fields in different
tables? Where can I find the best docs for TSearch2? I'm looking for
information pertaining to how TSearch can help in my situation, instead
of building a view with a lot of joins causing absurd amount of rows

Or am I going to need to limit the tables a user can search at one time
regardless? For instance, seems if I join my table of clients with
contacts to return all the contacts with company info, no problem. I can
also join my clients with activity *or* comments table. But if I try to
left join all three of those tables in one view against clients, seems
to return way too many rows. Of course, I will not want all those rows,
but I can't get it to respond to queries. Meanwhile, I can create a view
with just the comments table joined to clients, while the count is over
1 million records, select statements execute quickly.

Is TSearch for me? Thanks for the advice!


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
   subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
   message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Re: [GENERAL] Searching data across tables, some large

2007-05-23 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
On Wed, 2007-05-23 at 19:48 -0400, Robert Fitzpatrick wrote:
 On Wed, 2007-05-23 at 18:53 -0400, Ericson Smith wrote:
  Yeah, we've used Tsearch with joins and searches on other fields on
  the tsearch table no problem. Tsearches are  just another part of a
  WHERE clause.
 And can there be Tsearch fields built based on fields in different
 tables? Where can I find the best docs for TSearch2? I'm looking for
 information pertaining to how TSearch can help in my situation, instead
 of building a view with a lot of joins causing absurd amount of rows

Of course, what was I thinking! After reading through the TSearch stuff
I see the objective is to index multiple columns. There would be no way
to reference a unique record from an index of columns over multiple

So, it is looking like a build of the query string is going to have to
take place on whichever tables the fields are in while limiting what
fields the user can search (depending whether fields are in different
tables), that versus a view with everything is what I should be doing?


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

[GENERAL] Permance issues with migrated db

2007-05-22 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
I posted an issue I was having with a migration from MS SQL server to
pgsql over the weekend. Tom's suggestion for the query I posted was
right on, I made the appropriate updates to column types by dumping,
changing and restoring the database. I then analyze'd the db and my
query performance was equal to that of MS SQL. This is my first
migration and also my first time trying to spot performance issues,
mainly because all the previous db's I've worked with were built from
scratch, never an issue with performance, but never worked with so much
data either (not sure if that has anything to do with my issues).

I have developed a view in pgsql that takes over 160K ms to execute, but
when copied into MS SQL against the old database (with syntax mods of
course), runs in a few seconds. Seems the issues are with tblcontactinfo
and tblclientactivitytag. Only if I remove all references to *both*
tables do I get good performance from the query. Thanks for any help!

SELECT tblclientmaster.fldclientnumber, tblclientmaster.fldclientname, 
tblclientmaster.fldclienttype, tblclientmaster.fldbuyingstatus, 
tblclientmaster.fldsellingstatus, tblclientproductpreference.fldfullservice, 
tblclientproductpreference.fldallsuite, tblclientproductpreference.fldbudget, 
tblclientproductpreference.fldconference, tblclientproductpreference.fldresort, 
tblclientproductpreference.fldprivate, tblclientproductpreference.fldmunicipal, 
tblclientroomsize.fldsize149, tblclientroomsize.fldsize299, 
tblclientroomsize.fldsize449, tblclientroomsize.fldsize599, 
tblclientroomsize.fldsize600, tblgeopreference.fldsw, tblgeopreference.fldnw, 
tblgeopreference.fldmw, tblgeopreference.fldw, tblgeopreference.fldma, 
tblgeopreference.fldse, tblgeopreference.flds, tblgeopreference.fldne, 
tblproductmaster.fldproductname, tblproductmaster.fldproductcode, 
tblcontactinfo.fldcontactnumber, tblcontactinfo.fldcontactfirstname, 
tblcontactinfo.fldcontactlastname, (tblcontactinfo.fldcontactaddress1::text || 
' '::text) || tblcontactinfo.fldcontactaddress2::text AS fldcontactaddress, 
tblcontactinfo.fldcontactcity, tblcontactinfo.fldcontactstate, 
tblcontactinfo.fldcontactzipcode, tblcontactinfo.fldcontacttitle, 
tblcontactinfo.fldcontactphone2_type, tblcontactinfo.fldcontactphone2_num, 
tblcontactinfo.fldcontactphone3_num, tblcontactinfo.fldcontactphone4_num, 
tblcontactinfo.fldcontactphone5_num, tblcontactinfo.fldcontactemail, 
tblcontactinfo.fldenable, tblcontactinfo.fldcontactphone1_num, 
tblcontactinfo.fldperscomments, tblclientactivitytag.fldcontactactivitytag
   FROM tblclientmaster
   LEFT JOIN tblclientproductpreference ON tblclientmaster.fldclientnumber = 
   LEFT JOIN tblclientroomsize ON tblclientmaster.fldclientnumber = 
   LEFT JOIN tblgeopreference ON tblclientmaster.fldclientnumber = 
   LEFT JOIN tblclientproductrelation ON tblclientmaster.fldclientnumber = 
   JOIN tblproductmaster ON tblclientproductrelation.fldproductnumber = 
   LEFT JOIN tblcontactinfo ON tblclientmaster.fldclientnumber = 
   LEFT JOIN tblclientactivitytag ON tblclientmaster.fldclientnumber = 
  ORDER BY tblclientmaster.fldclientnumber, tblclientmaster.fldclientname, 
tblclientmaster.fldclienttype, tblclientmaster.fldbuyingstatus, 
tblclientmaster.fldsellingstatus, tblclientproductpreference.fldfullservice, 
tblclientproductpreference.fldallsuite, tblclientproductpreference.fldbudget, 
tblclientproductpreference.fldconference, tblclientproductpreference.fldresort, 
tblclientproductpreference.fldprivate, tblclientproductpreference.fldmunicipal, 
tblclientroomsize.fldsize149, tblclientroomsize.fldsize299, 
tblclientroomsize.fldsize449, tblclientroomsize.fldsize599, 
tblclientroomsize.fldsize600, tblgeopreference.fldsw, tblgeopreference.fldnw, 
tblgeopreference.fldmw, tblgeopreference.fldw, tblgeopreference.fldma, 
tblgeopreference.fldse, tblgeopreference.flds, tblgeopreference.fldne, 
tblproductmaster.fldproductname, tblproductmaster.fldproductcode, 
tblcontactinfo.fldcontactnumber, tblcontactinfo.fldcontactfirstname, 
tblcontactinfo.fldcontactlastname, (tblcontactinfo.fldcontactaddress1::text || 
' '::text) || tblcontactinfo.fldcontactaddress2::text, 
tblcontactinfo.fldcontactcity, tblcontactinfo.fldcontactstate, 
tblcontactinfo.fldcontactzipcode, tblcontactinfo.fldcontacttitle, 
tblcontactinfo.fldcontactphone2_type, tblcontactinfo.fldcontactphone2_num, 
tblcontactinfo.fldcontactphone3_num, tblcontactinfo.fldcontactphone4_num, 

Re: [GENERAL] Permance issues with migrated db

2007-05-22 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
On Tue, 2007-05-22 at 17:21 +0100, Richard Huxton wrote:
 Robert Fitzpatrick wrote:
  I have developed a view in pgsql that takes over 160K ms to execute, but
  when copied into MS SQL against the old database (with syntax mods of
  course), runs in a few seconds. 
 Your query seems to produce 41.8 million rows. Are you sure MS-SQL is 
 returning that many rows in a few seconds?
I thought the same thing. While I'm not a MS SQL guru, I put 'TOP 100
PERCENT' after SELECT in the query. The Enterprise Manager does not
indicate how many rows come back. I save it as a VIEW in MS SQL and do a
'select count(*)...' and, yes, it comes back 42164877 records.

Just to be sure MS SQL hasn't done something to the structure (I noticed
dbo prefixes, etc.), I pasted back into pgadmin, took off 'top 100
percent'. Then saved as a view and did a count(*) in pgsql, got
41866801. The difference in the number of records could vary due to the
dataset age I'm using in pgsql for migration. The MS SQL db is still
actively used. I hope I'm just missing something here...this are the
queries for mssql and pgsql, respectively...

SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT dbo.tblClientMaster.fldClientNumber, 
dbo.tblClientMaster.fldClientName, dbo.tblClientMaster.fldClientType, 
dbo.tblClientRoomSize.fldSize299, dbo.tblClientRoomSize.fldSize449, 
dbo.tblGeoPreference.fldSW, dbo.tblGeoPreference.fldNW, 
  dbo.tblGeoPreference.fldW, dbo.tblGeoPreference.fldMA, 
dbo.tblGeoPreference.fldSE, dbo.tblGeoPreference.fldS, 
dbo.tblProductMaster.fldProductCode, dbo.tblContactInfo.fldContactNumber, 
dbo.tblContactInfo.fldContactLastName, dbo.tblContactInfo.fldContactCity, 
dbo.tblContactInfo.fldContactTitle, dbo.tblContactInfo.fldContactPhone2_Type, 
dbo.tblContactInfo.fldContactEMail, dbo.tblContactInfo.fldEnable, 
FROM dbo.tblClientMaster LEFT OUTER JOIN
  dbo.tblClientProductPreference ON 
dbo.tblClientMaster.fldClientNumber = 
dbo.tblClientProductPreference.fldClientNumber LEFT OUTER JOIN
  dbo.tblClientRoomSize ON 
dbo.tblClientMaster.fldClientNumber = dbo.tblClientRoomSize.fldClientNumber 
  dbo.tblGeoPreference ON 
dbo.tblClientMaster.fldClientNumber = dbo.tblGeoPreference.fldClientNumber LEFT 
  dbo.tblClientProductRelation ON 
dbo.tblClientMaster.fldClientNumber = 
dbo.tblClientProductRelation.fldClientNumber INNER JOIN
  dbo.tblProductMaster ON 
dbo.tblClientProductRelation.fldProductNumber = 
dbo.tblProductMaster.fldProductNumber LEFT OUTER JOIN
  dbo.tblContactInfo ON dbo.tblClientMaster.fldClientNumber 
= dbo.tblContactInfo.fldClientNumber LEFT OUTER JOIN
  dbo.tblClientActivityTag ON 
dbo.tblClientMaster.fldClientNumber = dbo.tblClientActivityTag.fldClientNumber

 SELECT tblclientmaster.fldclientnumber, tblclientmaster.fldclientname, 
tblclientmaster.fldclienttype, tblclientmaster.fldbuyingstatus, 
tblclientmaster.fldsellingstatus, tblclientproductpreference.fldfullservice, 
tblclientproductpreference.fldallsuite, tblclientproductpreference.fldbudget, 
tblclientproductpreference.fldconference, tblclientproductpreference.fldresort, 
tblclientproductpreference.fldprivate, tblclientproductpreference.fldmunicipal, 
tblclientroomsize.fldsize149, tblclientroomsize.fldsize299, 
tblclientroomsize.fldsize449, tblclientroomsize.fldsize599

Re: [GENERAL] Permance issues with migrated db

2007-05-22 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
On Tue, 2007-05-22 at 19:04 +0200, PFC wrote:
  I thought the same thing. While I'm not a MS SQL guru, I put 'TOP 100
  PERCENT' after SELECT in the query. The Enterprise Manager does not
  indicate how many rows come back. I save it as a VIEW in MS SQL and do a
  'select count(*)...' and, yes, it comes back 42164877 records.
   No, it comes back 1 record with the count in it, the ORDER BY is 
 for a count(*), etc.
   What is it that you are trying to do exactly ?

Yes, one record indicating over 42 million records available from the
view, correct? I realized this after my first post, there is no 'ORDER
BY' in my last post with the two query examples.

I'm trying to my query in pgsql to return a result in the same amount of
time (approx) than it does in the existing mssql db. The query comes
back with results using MS SQL Enterprise Manager in seconds and the
same query in pgadmin takes super long. I just tried running the query
now and it is still going with over 200K ms clocked. If I stop the
query, remove all references to tblcontactinfo and tblactivitytag, the
query comes back in less than 6000 ms.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?


Re: [GENERAL] Permance issues with migrated db

2007-05-22 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
On Tue, 2007-05-22 at 13:10 -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
 Robert Fitzpatrick [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  On Tue, 2007-05-22 at 17:21 +0100, Richard Huxton wrote:
  Your query seems to produce 41.8 million rows. Are you sure MS-SQL is
  returning that many rows in a few seconds?
  I thought the same thing. While I'm not a MS SQL guru, I put 'TOP 100
  PERCENT' after SELECT in the query. The Enterprise Manager does not
  indicate how many rows come back. I save it as a VIEW in MS SQL and do a
  'select count(*)...' and, yes, it comes back 42164877 records.
  Just to be sure MS SQL hasn't done something to the structure (I noticed
  dbo prefixes, etc.), I pasted back into pgadmin, took off 'top 100
  percent'. Then saved as a view and did a count(*) in pgsql, got
 How much time do the two select count(*) operations take?  That would be
 a reasonably fair comparison of the query engines, as opposed to
 whatever might be happening on the client side (in particular, I wonder
 whether the MS client is actually fetching all the rows or just the
 first few).

Takes 25K ms in pgsql, don't see a timer in MS Ent Manager, but only 5
seconds clocked. Maybe I should put together a php script to operate on
each to be using the exact same client. I am doing all this all on the
same server with PostgreSQL 8.2 loaded in Windows Server 2003 also with
MS SQL server 2000.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [GENERAL] Permance issues with migrated db

2007-05-22 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
On Tue, 2007-05-22 at 19:03 +0100, Richard Huxton wrote:
 4. We're still 5 x slower than MS-SQL (with the count). That might
 be down to having to check visibility on each row with our MVCC
 than just going to the index.

Tips? I'd love to know how to see inside MVCC. I really appreciate the

 Hmm... How much of your machine is PG getting to use vs. MS-SQL? What 
 are your shared_buffers, work_mem, effective_cache_size (and how much 
 RAM on this box)? 

3.5GB of RAM on a Xeon 2.8GHz server. I have default shared_buffers
32MB, no defaults changed except listen_addresses. How can I check
work_mem and effective_cache_size? 


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?


Re: [GENERAL] Permance issues with migrated db

2007-05-22 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
On Tue, 2007-05-22 at 14:30 -0400, Robert Fitzpatrick wrote:
 On Tue, 2007-05-22 at 19:03 +0100, Richard Huxton wrote:
  Hmm... How much of your machine is PG getting to use vs. MS-SQL? What 
  are your shared_buffers, work_mem, effective_cache_size (and how much 
  RAM on this box)? 
 3.5GB of RAM on a Xeon 2.8GHz server. I have default shared_buffers
 32MB, no defaults changed except listen_addresses. How can I check
 work_mem and effective_cache_size? 

I did some googling and came up with some ideas, I have it now with
these settings and after restarting PG, no help.

work_mem = 5MB
shared_buffers = 128MB
effective_cache_size = 800MB


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?


Re: [GENERAL] Permance issues with migrated db

2007-05-22 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
On Tue, 2007-05-22 at 20:13 +0100, Richard Huxton wrote:
 Robert Fitzpatrick wrote:
  I did some googling and came up with some ideas, I have it now with
  these settings and after restarting PG, no help.
  work_mem = 5MB
 My last post missed yours - you're ahead of my previous reply :-)
 Try 32MB, then 64MB, then perhaps 128MB. If it looks like you're not 
 using stupid amounts of RAM on this one sort go higher still.

This really has me perplexed now :\

I closed pgadmin, set it to 128MB work_mem and restarted PG, went back
into pgadmin and created script from my saved view (again, this view is
identical/copied from the same mssql view with only syntax changes). I
started the query and then I started looking over that doc you sent me
(again, since I just read through it from a google search)...after over
30 ms, still going, not even finishing. I'm beginning to worry
something is wrong with the dataset migrated from mssql? I can migrate
again tonight, last done about a month ago. Since then it has been
dumped from a linux server and loaded on this Windows server without


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?


[GENERAL] Performance tuning?

2007-05-19 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
We have a MS SQL server db that we successfully migrated to pgsql 8.2
and I am now working on some views and notice select queries being very
slow. I have vacuumed last night and running the exact same query (with
minor changes to syntax of course), it runs in just a few seconds
compared to several minutes in pgsql. Since I've never dealt with MS
SQL, I wanted to ask here if this is expected performance for the type
of query *or* do I need to just learn how to properly tune my
performance on the pgsql server? Perhaps some commands or tests may help
me determine where issues may lie?

I am running the following query on a linux server with comparable
processor and memory as the windows server. The query was just taken
from the SQL server as is and adjusted teh syntax...the query only
returns 3 records, but several tables have tens of thousands of records,
the tblactivitytag table has over 100K...

SELECT distinct A.fldClientNumber as cNumber, A.fldClientName as cName,
 B.fldContactNumber as contactNumber, B.fldContactCity as cCity,
 B.fldContactState as cState, B.fldContactFirstName as contactFName,
 B.fldContactLastName as contactLName, B.fldContactEmail as ContactEmail,
 B.fldContactTitle as cTitle, B.fldContactPhone1_Num as B1Phonenumber,
 B.fldContactPhone4_Type as Num4Type, B.fldContactPhone4_Num as CellNum
FROM tblClientMaster A, tblContactInfo B,tblClientProductPreference C,
 tblClientRoomSize D,tblProductMaster F, tblClientProductRelation G,
 tblclientcomments H, tblgeopreference E ,tblClientActivityTag
 A.fldClientNumber = B.fldClientNumber AND
 A.fldClientNumber = C.fldClientNumber AND
 A.fldClientNumber = D.fldClientNumber AND
 A.fldClientName ilike '%ADVISOR%' AND
 B.fldContactFirstName ilike '%%%' AND
 A.fldClientNumber = G.fldClientNumber AND
 G.fldProductNumber = F.fldProductNumber AND
 F.fldProductName ilike '%%%' AND
 A.fldClientNumber = H.fldClientNumber AND
 H.fldenable = 't' AND
 H.fldcontactnumber = b.fldcontactnumber AND
 H.fldClientcomments ilike '%%%' AND
 (A.fldBuyingStatus = 'Now' ) AND
 (A.fldSellingStatus = 'Now' ) AND
 (C.fldFullService = 't' ) AND
 (D.fldSize149 = 't' ) AND
 (E.fldW = 't' ) AND
 A.fldClientNumber = E.fldClientNumber AND
 A.fldclientnumber = tblClientActivityTag.fldclientnumber AND
 tblClientActivityTag.fldcontactnumber = b.fldcontactnumber AND
 tblClientActivityTag.fldcontactactivitytag like 'A%' AND
 b.fldcontactnumber in (select fldcontactnumber from tblclientcomments where 
 A.fldEnable = 't' AND B.fldEnable = 't'
ORDER BY A.fldClientName, B.fldContactLastName;


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?


Re: [GENERAL] Performance tuning?

2007-05-19 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
On Sat, 2007-05-19 at 17:05 -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
 Robert Fitzpatrick [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  I am running the following query on a linux server with comparable
  processor and memory as the windows server.
 Show us the table definitions and the EXPLAIN ANALYZE output, please.

Thanks Tom...

 Unique  (cost=2326081.07..2354383.40 rows=12445 width=998) (actual 
time=71931.967..71989.731 rows=3 loops=1)
   -  Sort  (cost=2326081.07..2328258.17 rows=870841 width=998) (actual 
time=71931.959..71943.845 rows=9110 loops=1)
 Sort Key: a.fldclientname, b.fldcontactlastname, a.fldclientnumber, 
b.fldcontactnumber, b.fldcontactcity, b.fldcontactstate, b.fldcontactfirstname, 
b.fldcontactemail, b.fldcontacttitle, b.fldcontactphone1_num, 
b.fldcontactphone4_type, b.fldcontactphone4_num
 -  Merge Join  (cost=55798.98..60543.68 rows=870841 width=998) 
(actual time=46902.686..70218.041 rows=9110 loops=1)
   Merge Cond: (outer.fldclientnumber = inner.fldclientnumber)
   -  Merge Join  (cost=679.89..4617.75 rows=224283 width=8) 
(actual time=17.104..74.653 rows=125 loops=1)
 Merge Cond: (outer.fldclientnumber = 
 -  Index Scan using ix_tblgeopreference_fldclientnumber 
on tblgeopreference e  (cost=0.00..556.87 rows=6699 width=4) (actual 
time=0.205..56.266 rows=143 loops=1)
   Filter: (fldw = true)
 -  Sort  (cost=679.89..696.63 rows=6696 width=4) (actual 
time=16.844..17.005 rows=247 loops=1)
   Sort Key: c.fldclientnumber
   -  Seq Scan on tblclientproductpreference c  
(cost=0.00..254.39 rows=6696 width=4) (actual time=0.084..15.884 rows=663 
 Filter: (fldfullservice = true)
   -  Materialize  (cost=55119.09..55127.13 rows=804 width=1014) 
(actual time=46827.886..70028.280 rows=9110 loops=1)
 -  Merge Join  (cost=53060.03..55118.29 rows=804 
width=1014) (actual time=46827.877..69956.976 rows=9110 loops=1)
   Merge Cond: (outer.fldclientnumber = 
   -  Nested Loop  (cost=53060.03..54565.61 rows=24 
width=1010) (actual time=37189.898..69232.176 rows=25048 loops=1)
 -  Nested Loop  (cost=53060.03..54420.94 
rows=24 width=1014) (actual time=37148.445..67472.468 rows=25048 loops=1)
   -  Nested Loop IN Join  
(cost=53060.03..53581.73 rows=1 width=1006) (actual time=37129.788..66642.591 
rows=1017 loops=1)
 Join Filter: 
(inner.fldcontactnumber = outer.fldcontactnumber)
 -  Nested Loop  
(cost=53060.03..53565.72 rows=1 width=1040) (actual time=36584.031..37402.166 
rows=1017 loops=1)
   Join Filter: 
(outer.fldcontactnumber = (inner.fldcontactnumber)::numeric)
   -  Merge Join  
(cost=53060.03..53087.19 rows=1 width=210) (actual time=36561.298..36603.979 
rows=1873 loops=1)
 Merge Cond: 
((outer.fldclientnumber = inner.fldclientnumber) AND 
(outer.fldcontactnumber = inner.fldcontactnumber))
 -  Sort  
(cost=50577.52..50585.04 rows=3008 width=189) (actual time=36156.473..36159.932 
rows=6167 loops=1)
   Sort Key: 
a.fldclientnumber, h.fldcontactnumber
   -  Nested Loop  
(cost=0.00..50403.74 rows=3008 width=189) (actual time=6.180..36110.024 
rows=6167 loops=1)
Filter: ((outer.fldclientnumber)::numeric = inner.fldclientnumber)
 -  Seq 
Scan on tblclientmaster a  (cost=0.00..728.70 rows=1 width=172) (actual 
time=0.680..197.224 rows=4 loops=1)
Filter: (((fldclientname)::text ~~* '%ADVISOR%'::text) AND 
((fldbuyingstatus)::text = 'Now'::text) AND ((fldsellingstatus)::text = 
'Now'::text) AND (fldenable = true))
 -  Seq 
Scan on tblclientcomments h  (cost=0.00..40651.36 rows=601579 width=34) (actual 
time=0.019..7026.388 rows=1202169 loops=4)
Filter: ((fldenable = true) AND ((fldclientcomments

Re: [GENERAL] Performance tuning?

2007-05-19 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
On Sat, 2007-05-19 at 19:19 -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
 You're comparing fields of distinct types, which not only incurs
 run-time type conversions but can interfere with the ability to
 use some plan types at all.  Looking at the table definitions,
 you've got primary keys declared as SERIAL (ie, integer) and the
 referencing columns declared as NUMERIC(18,0).  This is just horrid
 performance :-( --- NUMERIC arithmetic is pretty slow, and it's really
 pointless when the referenced columns are only integers.  I suspect
 you should have translated these column types as BIGINT (and

Thanks again, I'll be sure to get this straightened out and tested again
tomorrow. I thought my nightly backup was analyze'ing the database
afterward, I'll be sure to check that as well.

I really appreciate your analysis! It is my first migration from another
SQL database.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?


[GENERAL] Constructing a SELECT statement in pl/pgsql

2007-05-16 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
I have a function that returns a set of records based on one of my
views. The function takes two arguments of user_id and saved search
name, looks up the search values from a table previously saved and
performs a SELECT query on my view to return my set of records found.
However, I don't want to SELECT all columns of the view in my query,
only the fields that have values specified to search for. So, if a value
in my search table for a clientname field is blank, omit this field from
my query so I can use DISTINCT and pull only those records. I hope this
is not confusing. I guess my question is how to replace the following...

FOR searchresults IN SELECT * FROM my_view WHERE snip LOOP

With something like this...

FOR searchresults IN SELECT DISTINCT clientname FROM my_view WHERE snip LOOP

But I don't know if the field I want to search is going to be clientname
or clienttype or even other types of fields until I test them for
values. Is there a way for me to construst a comma separated list of
columns to search in my pl/pgsql script and then use it in my FOR LOOP?
I know I can use Perl to help build my list of columns, if needed, but
then how can I pass that off to my SELECT query? If I have a variable
called 'myfields' and try to place that in my SELECT query, it thinks
there is a field named myfields, of course. Maybe a way to evaluate the
comman sepeated list? Thanks in advance for any help! Or suggestion for
a better way to develop user saved searches.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

[GENERAL] Building a record in a function

2007-02-27 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
Haven't done a whole lot of plsql returning records, only those based on
a query. I was wondering, can I build a record from the results of the
query using other values for some fields in the record? I know 'return
next' requires a record and want to build my own record to include some
argument values in the record. I have my record declared and my query
results in that record. So, how do you construct a record in a function?
Below is my work...

  period := $1;
  rep := $2;
  FOR dateval IN SELECT (period::date+(s||'month')::interval)::date from 
  COUNT(public.view_pick_1_data.units)::numeric AS units
  (public.view_pick_1_data.rep = rep) AND
  (public.view_pick_1_data.start_date = dateval.date)
return next picks;
  end loop;

I need the period in the record. My record type has three fields of
text, date and numeric where I need the word units in the first field,
the period from the loop query in the second and count from the picks
query in the last field. If you could return fields, which I see you
cannot, it would look like this:

return next 'units', dateval.date, picks.units

The final objective is a crosstab based on the return of this function.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
   choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

[GENERAL] Querying all months even if don't exist

2007-02-26 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
I have a query that pulls totals for the month and from there I am
building a crosstab to show all months. My dilemma is that sometimes
there is no data for a month and the crosstab becomes skewed. I made a
table with all the 12 months in it and joined to the query in my view to
get all the months for any year there was sales to show in the query
results, surely there is a better way? But when spanning different years
like in the query below, that does not work as I only get the 12 months
of the years where sales occurred in my query leaving out 2005 since
this user had no sales in 2005.

primepay=# select * from view_pick1 WHERE rep = 'aespinal' and nmonth = 
'12/01/2005' and nmonth = '11/30/2006' ORDER BY 1;
   rep|   nmonth   | units | revenue
 aespinal | 2006-01-01 |   |
 aespinal | 2006-02-01 |   |
 aespinal | 2006-03-01 |   |
 aespinal | 2006-04-01 |   |
 aespinal | 2006-05-01 | 4 |
 aespinal | 2006-06-01 | 3 |
 aespinal | 2006-07-01 |   |
 aespinal | 2006-08-01 |   |
 aespinal | 2006-09-01 |   |
 aespinal | 2006-10-01 |   |
 aespinal | 2006-11-01 |   |
(11 rows)

I need to make sure there is always 12 rows with all months for each
type. Is there any kind of query I could make to build a list of all
months whether they had sales in that year or not? Right now, this query
below is what I'm using to get all the months of any year there were
sales. The view_pick1_data view is the query where the totals are built.
The view_pick1 shown in the above query takes all the months in the
result of the query below and joins the view_pick1_data. I know there
must be a better way, I'm struggling to figure it out.

SELECT DISTINCT view_pick1_data.rep, view_pick1_data.nyear, months.month
FROM view_pick1_data, months
ORDER BY view_pick1_data.rep, view_pick1_data.nyear, months.month;

Thanks for any help in advance!


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?


[GENERAL] Expanding the crosstab function to extra rows

2007-02-21 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
Finally figured out what was wrong with my crosstab that I posted for
help yesterday. I was really close, just need to set the right types. I
have it working using the crosstab(text sql, int N) function. This
displays a crosstab from my view below for units sold by each sales rep
under each month...

SELECT view_pick1_months.rep, view_pick1_months.month, view_pick1_data.units,
FROM (view_pick1_months LEFT JOIN view_pick1_data ON
view_pick1_months.rep)::text = (view_pick1_data.rep)::text) AND
(view_pick1_months.month = view_pick1_data.nmonth
ORDER BY view_pick1_months.rep, view_pick1_months.month;

primepay=# select * from view_pick1 where rep ='aespinal';
   rep| month | units | revenue
 aespinal | 1 |10 |  500
 aespinal | 2 | 9 |  100
 aespinal | 3 | 8 |  250
 aespinal | 4 | 7 |  1000
 aespinal | 5 | 6 |  500
 aespinal | 6 | 5 |  250
 aespinal | 7 | 4 |  300
 aespinal | 8 | 3 |  150
 aespinal | 9 | 2 |  100
 aespinal |10 | 1 |  250
 aespinal |11 | 2 |  5000
 aespinal |12 | 3 |  2500

In my crosstab, I only use units right now and it works fine...

primepay=# select * from crosstab('select rep, month, units from view_pick1 
where rep =''aespinal'' order by 1,2;', 12) AS view_pick1(rep varchar, jan 
bigint, feb bigint, mar bigint, apr bigint, may bigint, jun bigint, jul bigint, 
aug bigint, sep bigint, oct bigint, nov bigint, dec bigint);
   rep| jan | feb | mar | apr | may | jun | jul | aug | sep | oct | nov | 
 aespinal |  10 |   9 |   8 |   7 |   6 |   5 |   4 |   3 |   2 |   1 |   2 |   

Now, what I'd like to do is use the synopsis crosstab(text source_sql,
text category_sql) and include revenue on another line with units and
revenue being the extra_col in the README example for that function. So,
according to the readme, I need to produce the following data, but I am
perplexed at how to do this, can anyone help me produce the following

   rep| month |  extra  | amount
 aespinal | 1 | units   | 10
 aespinal | 1 | revenue | 500
 aespinal | 2 | units   | 9
 aespinal | 2 | revenue | 100
 aespinal | 3 | units   | 8
 aespinal | 3 | revenue | 250
 aespinal | 4 | units   | 7
 aespinal | 4 | revenue | 1000
 aespinal | 5 | units   | 6
 aespinal | 5 | revenue | 500
 aespinal | 6 | units   | 5
 aespinal | 6 | revenue | 250
 aespinal | 7 | units   | 4
 aespinal | 7 | revenue | 300
 aespinal | 8 | units   | 3
 aespinal | 8 | revenue | 150
 aespinal | 9 | units   | 2
 aespinal | 9 | revenue | 100
 aespinal |10 | units   | 1
 aespinal |10 | revenue | 250
 aespinal |11 | units   | 2
 aespinal |11 | revenue | 5000
 aespinal |12 | units   | 3
 aespinal |12 | revenue | 2500

If I can accomplish the above, then I think my new crosstab would output
like this:

   rep| extra   | jan | feb | mar |  apr | may | jun | jul | aug | sep | 
oct |  nov |  dec
 aespinal |   units |  10 |   9 |   8 |7 |   6 |   5 |   4 |   3 |   2 |   
1 |2 |3
 aespinal | revenue | 500 | 100 | 250 | 1000 | 500 | 250 | 300 | 150 | 100 | 
250 | 5000 | 2500


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

[GENERAL] Complex search advice?

2007-02-20 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
I want to be able to build complex search and reporting capabilities in
to our PHP5 application. We want to be able to save searches for later
use. We also want to build queries from virtually any field in certain
tables from our PHP app. I hope to do as much within postgresql as
possible. Then I start looking for how to enumerate field names, etc.
Before I spend countless hours on seeing if some of my ideas will work
and coding them, I hoped to receive some guidance here as to where I
should start and possibly what are the elements of something like this?
Will anything in contrib help?


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
   subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
   message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

[GENERAL] Crosstab

2007-02-20 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
I am trying to use the crosstab function of the contrib tablefunc.
Reading the README, I believe I am supposed to be using crosstab(sql, N)
for my situation and wondering if the SQL can be based on a view? I have
this view created that gives me each sales rep and their total number of
units sold and total revenue for each month:

CREATE VIEW public.view_pick1 (
SELECT users.user_login AS rep, date_part('month'::text,
current_clients.start_date) AS month, count(companies.company_id) AS
units, sum(companies.company_revenue) AS revenue
FROM ((companies JOIN current_clients ON ((companies.company_id =
current_clients.client_id))) JOIN users ON ((companies.company_sales_rep =
GROUP BY users.user_login, date_part('month'::text, current_clients.start_date)
ORDER BY users.user_login, date_part('month'::text, current_clients.start_date);

Trying to make a crosstab, let's say just for units, this is what I'm
attempting, which is wrong of course, can someone enlighten me as this
is my first crosstab.

select * from crosstab('select rep, month, units from view_pick1 order by 
1,2;', 12) AS view_pick1(rep varchar, jan double precision, feb double 
precision, mar double precision, apr double precision, may double precision, 
jun double precision, jul double precision, aug double precision, sep double 
precision, oct double precision, nov double precision, dec double precision);

Error is: ERROR: return and sql tuple descriptions are incompatible
SQL state: 42601

Not sure what that means, I tried to match up the view field types with
the returned fields. My sql produces the following after which is what I
would like to get. Am I even going about this correctly?

 rep  | month | units
 aespinal | 5 | 4
 aespinal | 6 | 3
 asmith   | 1 | 1
 athranow | 1 | 5
 athranow | 2 | 1
 athranow | 3 | 2
 athranow | 4 | 1

repjan   feb   mar   apr   may   jun   etc...
aespinal4 3
asmith  1
athranow5 1 2 1

Thanks for the help!

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
   choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not


2007-01-22 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
I have a customer who is wants to migrate his MSSQL database to
PostgreSQL and we'll replace his application ASP with PHP. The issues
should be limited as there are no stored procedures or triggers in
MSSQL, just structure and data should be all that is needed to migrate.
I have never migrated from MSSQL or to PostgreSQL, but have handled
database migration in the past for other DB's. I know there is
mssql2pgsql script out there somewhere and I find lots of info on the
subject. Of course, when we rebuild his application, some db structure
will change, I was planning to do all the changes to structure after a
successful migration of his current structure now w/o data. After the
new application is done, then create a migration path for the data. Is
that the best way to handle these types of migrations? The customer will
want to continue working on the old system during the several months of
development in the new. Any docs or other helpful info is welcome, just
looking for some advise.

Thanks in advance,

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
   subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
   message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Re: [GENERAL] MSSQL/ASP migration

2007-01-22 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
On Mon, 2007-01-22 at 16:32 +, Peter Rosenthal wrote:
 Wanting to do something similar I recently submitted a large patch to
 the mysql2pgsql project. It will now handle conversion of a mysqldump
 file complete with data for the quite large and diverse DB I was using
 it with. I'm sure there are still corner cases, but you should give it
 a try:

Thanks, but my project has to do with Microsoft SQL server.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
   subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
   message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Re: [GENERAL] MSSQL/ASP migration

2007-01-22 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
On Mon, 2007-01-22 at 12:13 -0500, Ted Byers wrote:
 Is the original application ASP or SP.NET?  It makes a difference, 
 particularly if it was developed to take advantage of ASP.NET 2.  It might 
 conceivably be ASP.NET 3, but since that is brand new I can't see anyone 
 paying to replace an ASP.NET 3 application that was just created.  If it is 
 ASP.NET 2, and you can't find a PostgreSQL provider class, your simplest 
 approach after migrating the data might be to write your own provider (check 
 a recent, decent reference on ASP.NET 2 for details - there are several). 
 OTOH, if it is ASP.NET 1.x or the earlier ASP, your planned conversion to 
 PHP might be worth comparing to developing it de novo with ASP.NET 3.

Thanks for the response, the existing app is completely in just ASP,
done several years ago. The current app only handles one division of the
company and is still small and simple enough to migrate inexpensively.
There are several divisions now, the security needs to be re-written to
allow for more diverse access levels, etc. They are interested in
PostgreSQL/PHP first so they can run it on basically any platform with
relative ease and second, because we are more experienced and already
have lots of tools to support the rapid development under PHP, we're old
Perl hackers.

 I am not an MS advocate, and I don't like tying myself to one vendor, but 
 for obvious commercial reasons I have to be aware of the options including 
 MS options.  I recently, therefore, started studying all things .NET, and 
 comparing to other application frameworks I've worked with, MS seems to have 
 done a decent job with ASP.NET 2 and 3.  Therefore, if I have a client 
 running mostly MS software,

They have the MS SQL server (SMB 2003) also running the IIS web
application and a file sharing server (W2K), that's it. No current major
commitment to MS. We have loaded Linux on a third server now being used
for some mail duties where we can build the new application and decide
on its production server specs later.

  and time is of the essence, I would probably 
 make .NET, ASP.NET3 or a Windows .NET app, as the case may be, my first 
 choice; that is unless I find a public domain framework in Perl or PHP that 
 is competitive with .NET.  That said, I've not had an opportunity to see how 
 it performs in a production setting, so YMMV.

Yeah, so far, time has not been the main concern, more of a concern that
they have lots of options going forward and scalability and availability
using any browser.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [GENERAL] Process won't start in Windows

2007-01-17 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
On Tue, 2007-01-16 at 20:00 -0600, Adam Rich wrote:
 Open Computer Management and find the postgres service.
 There should be an item saying Run As.  You want that to be 
 a non-privledged account.  Typically, postgres asks you what account
 to use when you install it.  Just make sure that account has not been
 granted administrative rights (you can check that under Computer
 Management as well)

Thanks, yes, I verified the services has 'postgres' as the account being
used under the Log On tab of the PostgreSQL service. But still, the
service will not start with the administrative permissions error
previously posted. Any other ideas?


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?


Re: [GENERAL] Process won't start in Windows

2007-01-17 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
On Wed, 2007-01-17 at 14:13 +, Dave Page wrote:
 Raymond O'Donnell wrote:
  Robert Fitzpatrick wrote:
  Thanks, yes, I verified the services has 'postgres' as the account being
  used under the Log On tab of the PostgreSQL service. But still, the
  service will not start with the administrative permissions error
  previously posted. Any other ideas?
  Did you check that the postgres user is not part of the local
  Administrators group?
 Or any other group it might have inherited admin rights from. the check
 is recursive - if you have *any* admin right, no matter how many parent
 groups they were inheirted form, it'll find them and refuse to run.

The local administrators group has the Administrator, Domain Admins for
the domain, and one other user (not postgres). The postgres user is a
Member Of only the Users group.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

[GENERAL] Process won't start in Windows

2007-01-16 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
I am running PostgreSQL 8.1.5 under Windows Server 2003 Standard
edition. All has been running for weeks now, don't know if it has been
restarted since we installed. Today we installed a program, Paradox
database, which required a restart, and now the PostgreSQL Server
service won't start with the Event description that the service cannot
start by a user with administrative permsissions:

Execution of PostgreSQL by a user with administrative permissions is not
The server must be started under an unprivileged user ID to prevent
possible system security compromises.  See the documentation for
more information on how to properly start the server.

I tried checking permissions on the data folder for the postgres user,
resetting the password, even re-created the user and reset perms on the
data and program files. Still won't start with the event error above.

What should I look for? I am used to running PostgreSQL on our BSD boxes
and have this setup for a customer.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
   choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

[GENERAL] Error code 1063

2006-07-11 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
We have PostgreSQL 8.1 running on Windows 2000 for a few weeks now, when
we try to start the service, it could not start claiming no error
returned. So, I go to the command prompt and run the following:

C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.1\bin\pg_ctl.exe runservice -N
pgsql-8.1 -D C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.1\data\
pg_ctl: could not start service psql-8.1: error code 1063

I tried googling that error code, but come up with nothing. Can someone
tell us what this code means?


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

[GENERAL] Error code 1063

2006-07-11 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
We have PostgreSQL 8.1 running on Windows 2000 for a few weeks now. Don't know 
what happened, the users reported a connection issue to the database and I 
found the service will not start. When
we try to start the service, it could not start claiming no error
returned. So, I go to the command prompt and run the following:

C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.1\bin\pg_ctl.exe runservice -N pgsql-8.1 -D 
C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.1\data\
pg_ctl: could not start service psql-8.1: error code 1063

I tried to Google that error code, but come up with nothing. Can someone
tell us what this code means?

Last few things in the logs is:

2006-06-12 08:50:18 LOG:  autovacuum: processing database postgres
2006-06-12 08:51:18 LOG:  autovacuum: processing database ohc
2006-06-12 08:51:18 LOG:  received fast shutdown request
2006-06-12 08:51:18 LOG:  shutting down
2006-06-12 08:51:19 LOG:  database system is shut down
2006-06-12 08:51:19 LOG:  logger shutting down

I guess it has been down sine then, but the users have not used the database.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

[GENERAL] Division

2005-11-04 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
I am having a problem gettig a percent via division. Below is the first
part of my trigger function where pct returns 0.00, instead of the
expected 0.50. If I try without dimensions to the numeric variable, I
just get 0. What is the correct way to accomplish the percent?

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.issue (varchar) RETURNS numeric
  repar text[];
  pct numeric(3,2);
  noreps integer;

  repar := string_to_array($1,''-'');
  noreps := array_upper(repar,1);
  pct := 1/noreps;
  RETURN pct;

bachman=# select issue('AA-BB');
(1 row)

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?


[GENERAL] Looping through arrays

2005-11-03 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
I have a field with 'AA-BB-CC-DD' and I want to pull those four values
into an array and then loop through the array inserting records into a
table for each element. Can you someone point me to an example of this
in pl/pgsql?


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?


[GENERAL] Create a pg table from CSV with header rows

2005-09-15 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
Anyone know a package that can do this? Perferrably a Unix/Linux


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?


[GENERAL] Password authentication failed for user

2005-06-07 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
I have a database that is used every day for the past year and all of a
sudden, this morning, I get a report that a user cannot login. I have
doubled checked the pg_hba.conf file, which has not been changed in
several months. But only this one user even after resetting the
password, any other user works fine and if I update the pg_hba.conf file
to trust that user, it works. What can cause this? I don't know if I
should post by pg_hba.conf file here, but like I said, nothing has
changed in several months and this problem just appeared today.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?


[GENERAL] Sorting by constant values

2005-05-03 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
I have a column that I want to sort by certain values. The values are
Unit, Exterior and Common. I want all the records with Unit first,
Common second and Exterior last in the sort order. These are the only 3
possible values, is there a way to sort manually like that with the
alphanumeric values?


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

[GENERAL] Dropping sequences

2004-11-30 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
I have changed the default sequence on a primary key integer (created as
SERIAL) field in a table, but it will not let me drop the old sequence
and continues to tell me that the sequence is required by the table. Can
someone tell me what is required to get this dropped? I am just paranoid
that it could be using the old sequence still even though it seems all
is coming from the new sequence.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

[GENERAL] Posting COPY data with shared sequences

2004-11-19 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
I share the same sequences across 3 tables and have a COPY that send
data to one of those tables. That table has a before insert trigger
function that looks for a condition and redirect records to the other
two depending on that condition result. Sharing the sequence is needed
to act as a primary key for the view that UNION ALL's the tables.

Since I'm posting all the data from one COPY command, the sequence
number is duplicated in the tables. Should I move the moving the trigger
function to after, which would require me to delete entries that get
moved -or- separate the different data into separate incoming COPY
commands? Anyone have suggestions on how I would best achieve what I'm
looking to do.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command
(send unregister YourEmailAddressHere to [EMAIL PROTECTED])

[GENERAL] Rules WHERE condition

2004-11-17 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
I have a view that used union all to merge three tables together. I was
hoping to create a rule, one for each table using the WHERE condition of
the rule to determine which table gets updated. Is this possible?

This is what I have, assume the view here is a merge of three tables
using union all:

CREATE RULE update_xrf AS ON UPDATE TO public.viewdeterioratedlbp 
WHERE ((new.note)::text = 'Unit'::text)
DO INSTEAD (UPDATE tblxrf SET deterioration = new.deterioration;);

The note column contains a value that can trigger which table needs to
be updated. I would like to make one of these rules for each table to
update. But when I run the update, it says I have to have an
unconditional rule, is that right? Any suggestions?

ohc=# update viewdeterioratedlbp set note = 'Unit', deterioration =
'test' where xrf_id = 733;
ERROR:  cannot update a view
HINT:  You need an unconditional ON UPDATE DO INSTEAD rule.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
  joining column's datatypes do not match

Re: [GENERAL] Rules WHERE condition

2004-11-17 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
On Wed, 2004-11-17 at 11:49, Michael Fuhr wrote:
 On Wed, Nov 17, 2004 at 11:20:41AM -0500, Robert Fitzpatrick wrote:
  I have a view that used union all to merge three tables together. I was
  hoping to create a rule, one for each table using the WHERE condition of
  the rule to determine which table gets updated. Is this possible?
 See the CREATE RULE documentation:

Thanks, that explains a lot, but still not able to get my rule to work,
this is what I have now:

CREATE RULE update_unconditional AS ON UPDATE TO

CREATE RULE update_xrf AS ON UPDATE TO public.viewdeterioratedlbp 
WHERE ((new.note)::text = 'Unit'::text)
DO (UPDATE tblxrf SET deterioration = new.deterioration WHERE
(tblxrf.xrf_id = new.xrf_id););

ohc=# update viewdeterioratedlbp set deterioration = 'test' where xrf_id
= 143;

This is the first rule I have tried to setup, I read through the doc,
but don't seem to be able to catch what I'm doing wrong. Do I have to
update all fields for it to work?


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [GENERAL] Rules WHERE condition

2004-11-17 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
On Wed, 2004-11-17 at 12:49, Robert Fitzpatrick wrote:
 On Wed, 2004-11-17 at 11:49, Michael Fuhr wrote:
  On Wed, Nov 17, 2004 at 11:20:41AM -0500, Robert Fitzpatrick wrote:
   I have a view that used union all to merge three tables together. I was
   hoping to create a rule, one for each table using the WHERE condition of
   the rule to determine which table gets updated. Is this possible?
  See the CREATE RULE documentation:
 Thanks, that explains a lot, but still not able to get my rule to work,
 this is what I have now:

Forget that last post, it is working even though the UPDATE 0 is
returned. The record did update :)

Please someone let me know if you see any issues with that? Like I said,
my first rule let alone with a WHERE condition.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
  joining column's datatypes do not match

[GENERAL] DROP DATABASE, but still there

2004-11-11 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
What does it mean when you drop a database and then recreate with the
same name and all the objects are still there. I want to wipe out the db
and put back from pg_restore. After I re-create the db, all the old
tables are back before I run pg_restore.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command
(send unregister YourEmailAddressHere to [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: [GENERAL] DROP DATABASE, but still there

2004-11-11 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
On Thu, 2004-11-11 at 14:03, Doug McNaught wrote:
 Robert Fitzpatrick [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  What does it mean when you drop a database and then recreate with the
  same name and all the objects are still there. I want to wipe out the db
  and put back from pg_restore. After I re-create the db, all the old
  tables are back before I run pg_restore.
 Check the 'template1' database to see if the tables got put in there
 by mistake at some point.

Yeah, I was just starting to realize that these objects that keep coming
back are in the template1 as well.any reason why I shouldn't drop
the template1 and re-create like any other?


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command
(send unregister YourEmailAddressHere to [EMAIL PROTECTED])

[GENERAL] Converting number to words

2004-11-05 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
I searched through the net quickly and the list archives, but could not
find anything doing this. Is it possible? There is a Perl module for
doing this, but I guess cannot use modules for security reasons.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command
(send unregister YourEmailAddressHere to [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: [GENERAL] Copy command and import - MS SQL Server to Postgres

2004-11-05 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
On Fri, 2004-11-05 at 16:48, Allen Landsidel wrote:
 On Fri, 5 Nov 2004 16:31:21 -0500, Goutam Paruchuri
  Iam trying to import data from ms-sql server to postgres. I export the data
  which has datetime columns in sql server using BCP. I use the following to
  import back into postgres.
  copy tablename from 'c:\\bcpdata\\mcfa\\tablename.txt' with delimiter as
  I get the following error !!
  invalid input syntax for type timestamp: 
  My input file has the timestamp value like 
  2004-09-30 11:31:00.000

What about the .000 on the end? I am not able to enter that format in
a timestamp field in 7.4.5, it is invalid.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
  subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
  message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

[GENERAL] Sorting street addresses

2004-10-28 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
Thanks to some help here on the list, I've been able to get addresses
sorting pretty well, but now I have a issue with same addresses on
different streets not grouping the streets. This is what I'm using a
substring search in the ORDER BY statement now like in this view:

SELECT tblhudsimilargroups.rems_id, tblhudsimilargroups.group_id,
tblhudsimilargroups.similar_group_id, tblhudbuildings.address,
is_bldg_lbp(tblhudbuildings.hud_building_id) AS is_lbp,
is_bldg_lbp_hazard(tblhudbuildings.hud_building_id) AS is_lbp_hazard
FROM (tblhudsimilargroups LEFT JOIN tblhudbuildings ON
((tblhudsimilargroups.similar_group_id =
ORDER BY tblhudsimilargroups.rems_id, tblhudsimilargroups.group_id,
varying, (substring((tblhudbuildings.address)::text,

And getting this result:

ohc= SELECT public.viewbldginfo.group_id, public.viewbldginfo.address
FROM public.viewbldginfo WHERE (public.viewbldginfo.rems_id
 group_id | address
 A| 3601/3603 ROYALTY COURT
 A| 3602/3604 ROYALTY COURT
 A| 3605/3607 ROYALTY COURT
 A| 3701/3703 MCKINLEY COURT
 A| 3702/3704 MCKINLEY COURT
 A| 3705/3707 MCKINLEY COURT
 A| 3709/3711 MCKINLEY COURT
 A| 7801/7803 SOCIAL CIRCLE
 A| 7801/7803 ANDALUSIA
 A| 7801/7803 HAVERSHAM
 A| 7802/7804 ANDALUSIA
 A| 7802/7804 HAVERSHAM
 A| 7805/7807 SOCIAL CIRCLE
 A| 7806/7808 HAVERSHAM
 A| 7811/7813 SOCIAL CIRCLE
 A| 7815/7817 SOCIAL CIRCLE
 A| 7825/7827 SOCIAL CIRCLE
 A| 7833/7835 SOCIAL CIRCLE

I would like all those on the same street grouped together. Is there any
tricks to getting the street names sorted first, possibly where numbers
and strings separate?


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[GENERAL] COPY command with PHP

2004-10-23 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
I have a PHP script that was having problems using the COPY command with
files around 1500 lines in size. The script will build the copy data
from incoming CSV file into a temp file, then start a COPY command and
loop through the copy data using pg_put_line to insert and then
pg_end_copy after posting the last line as '\.'. Worked well under that
1500 line area. What I found was if I issue a pg_connection_busy($dbh)
before the pg_put_line(...) in the while statement processing the lines
of the temp file handle, it works. Don't ask me why, that is what I'd
like to know. If I report back if busy is true, I get nothing. Maybe it
is just giving a millisecond to breathe or something while checking to
see if the connection is busy? One thing though, don't know if it had
anything to do with it, the script is on an old box with an AMD 300
processor with maybe 256MB memory while the database is on an up to date
dual Pentium 4 processor with 1GB mem.

Of course, if I took the copy data file it is trying to COPY into
PostgreSQL and psql to bring it in on the server directly, no issues.
Not that it doesn't work with the busy check, just curious as to what is
causing the need for it since I spent many hours to finally find the
answer. No one on the PHP list seemed to know.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
  subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
  message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

[GENERAL] Outliers of data

2004-10-21 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
I have a project where it is necessary to determine Outliers of lab
results and looking for some pointers on the best way to handle this
type of calculation with PostgreSQL. Possibly an operator? I have no
experience with that. I found some info on the web for calculating
Outliers, here is one of them...



---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[GENERAL] Returning a list of fields in a composite type

2004-09-24 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
Is it possible to return the field names of a composite type using a
function? Any examples or pointers?


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command
(send unregister YourEmailAddressHere to [EMAIL PROTECTED])

[GENERAL] Returning recordsets with functions

2004-09-23 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
Can someone point me to some more information or perhaps show an example
of returning a recordset from a plpgsql function. I'd like to send an
argument or arguments to the function, do some queries to return a set
of records. I've done several functions that return one value of one
type, but nothing that returns a set.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [GENERAL] Returning recordsets with functions

2004-09-23 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
On Thu, 2004-09-23 at 18:28, Tim Penhey wrote: 
 Robert Fitzpatrick wrote:
 Can someone point me to some more information or perhaps show an example
 of returning a recordset from a plpgsql function. I'd like to send an
 argument or arguments to the function, do some queries to return a set
 of records. I've done several functions that return one value of one
 type, but nothing that returns a set.
 Ah ha.  Someone else trying to find out what I had hunted for.  I could 
 not find an example on the web, so I started writing one.
 Not fully complete yet, but here is what is there and I hope it helps.

Thanks to all, that is very helpful. But when I create your function or
a small test function, I get the following error. I am running
PostgreSQL 7.4.5, do you know what this means or how I can define the

ERROR: a column definition list is required for functions returning

I have another question. I was getting a syntax error when trying to
create the function on the page linked above:

ERROR:  syntax error at or near INTEGER at character 64

I made my own test function with trying to put my own variable names in
the arguments list and it created without the syntax error, but now back
to the first problem. Here is what I have so far:

pg_catalog.record AS'
row_ RECORD;
cursor_ CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM tblhudreports WHERE rems_id=$1;
OPEN cursor_;
FETCH cursor_ INTO row_;
CLOSE cursor_;

ohc=# select * from test('80061');
ERROR:  a column definition list is required for functions returning


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?


[GENERAL] Updating another table using a trigger

2004-09-15 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
I am running PostgreSQL 7.4.5 and have a trigger on a table called
tblriskassessors which inserts, updates or delete a corresponding record
in tblinspectors by lookup of a contact id and license number match. The
INSERT and DELETE work fine. The UPDATE works good unless I update the
license number. The error, at the bottom of this message, suggests the
primary key violation. But my UPDATE in no way alters the primary key,
which is inspector_contact_id. A manual update on tblinspectors using
the same values works fine. There is a foreign key on tblriskassessors
assessor_contact_id field to the primary key above. The structures of
the two tables can be found below as well.

Can anyone see here what may be causing my problem?

CREATE TABLE public.tblriskassessors (
  assessor_contact_id INTEGER NOT NULL, 
  assessor_certification_state CHAR(2) NOT NULL, 
  assessor_license VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, 
  assessor_certificate TEXT, 
  assessor_expiration_date DATE, 
  CONSTRAINT tblriskassessors_assessor_license_key
  CONSTRAINT tblriskassessors_pkey PRIMARY KEY(assessor_contact_id),
  CONSTRAINT tblinspectors_tblriskassessors_fk FOREIGN KEY
REFERENCES public.tblinspectors(inspector_contact_id)
  CONSTRAINT tblriskassessorstblstates_fk FOREIGN KEY
REFERENCES public.tblstates(state_abbreviation)

CREATE TRIGGER tblriskassessors_set_inspecor_trigger BEFORE INSERT OR
ON public.tblriskassessors FOR EACH ROW 

CREATE TABLE public.tblinspectors (
  inspector_contact_id INTEGER NOT NULL, 
  inspector_certification_state CHAR(2) NOT NULL, 
  inspector_license VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, 
  inspector_certificate TEXT, 
  inspector_expiration_date DATE, 
  CONSTRAINT tblinsepectors_pkey PRIMARY KEY(inspector_contact_id), 
  CONSTRAINT tblcontacts_tblinspectors_fk FOREIGN KEY
REFERENCES public.tblcontacts(contact_id)
  CONSTRAINT tblinsepectorstblstates_fk FOREIGN KEY
REFERENCES public.tblstates(state_abbreviation)

COMMENT ON TABLE public.tblinspectors
IS 'Risk assessors details tied to contact entry.';

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX tblinspectors_activity_license_key ON
USING btree (inspector_license);

CREATE TRIGGER tblriskassessors_set_inspecor_trigger BEFORE INSERT OR
ON public.tblriskassessors FOR EACH ROW 

public.tblriskassessors_set_inspecor_trigger_func () RETURNS trigger
  checkit record;
  contactid integer;
  license varchar;
contactid := OLD.assessor_contact_id;
license := OLD.assessor_license;
contactid := NEW.assessor_contact_id;
license := NEW.assessor_license;

  SELECT into checkit
  INNER JOIN public.tblcontacts ON
(public.tblinspectors.inspector_contact_id =
(public.tblinspectors.inspector_contact_id = contactid) AND
(public.tblinspectors.inspector_license = license);

-- insert inspector if id does not exist
INSERT INTO tblinspectors VALUES (NEW.assessor_contact_id,
NEW.assessor_certification_state, NEW.assessor_license, NULL,
  RAISE EXCEPTION ''Could not insert inspector'';
-- update inspector if id does not exist
 UPDATE tblinspectors set inspector_certification_state =
NEW.assessor_certification_state, inspector_license =
NEW.assessor_license, inspector_expiration_date =
NEW.assessor_expiration_date WHERE inspector_contact_id =
 RAISE EXCEPTION ''Could not update inspector'';
   END IF;
   DELETE FROM tblinspectors WHERE inspector_contact_id =
 RAISE EXCEPTION ''Could not update inspector'';
   END IF;


Transaction failed!
Your SQL:

[GENERAL] Sorting varchar w/single digits

2004-08-10 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
I have varchar column with both numbers and letters, like 1 thru 10 and
5A thru 5G, they are unit numbers for apartments. If I have 1 thru 100,
since it is a varchar field, it sorts like 1,10,11... instead of

Is there any way to handle this without having to make a sort order


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command
(send unregister YourEmailAddressHere to [EMAIL PROTECTED])

[GENERAL] postmaster does not shut down

2004-08-10 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
I am getting 'postmaster does not shut down' when trying to stop the
database with '.../pg_ctl -D /path/to/datadir stop -m fast. How should I
proceed to get the database shut down and restarted? Are there other
options besides immediate shutdown flag? I dont' want to lose everything
I've worked on today :(


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

[GENERAL] DELETE and UPDATE in same function with foriegn keys

2004-08-09 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
I have tblhud74b that has a foreign key to tblhudunits with Restrict
Updates. I have a function that DELETEs corresponding records before
doing an UPDATE right after the DELETE statement and receive the
following error:

ERROR:  update or delete on tblhudunits violates foreign key
constraint tblhudunitstblhud74b_fk on tblhud74b
DETAIL:  Key (similar_group_id,sort_order)=(18,1) is still referenced
from table tblhud74b.

It seems the DELETE is not posted before the UPDATE happens, hence the
error, right? I tried setting the Foreign Key to DEFERRABLE INITIALLY
DEFERRED, but does not seem to work. Is there a way to do this without
having to set my Foreign Key to Update instead of Restrict. That works
if I do that.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

[GENERAL] tracking down foreign key constraint violation error

2004-08-08 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
I have a function that does varous things, I can post it if necessary.
Basically, it deletes any related similar_group_id in tblhud74b, sets
sort_order field in tblhudunits to NULL and then proceeds to re-populate
tblhud74b based on certain calculations. The function runs fine through
all loops to the end. At the end, the following ERROR appears and the
transactions in the function all fail.

ERROR:  update or delete on tblhudunits violates foreign key
constraint tblhudunitstblhud74b_fk on tblhud74b
DETAIL:  Key (similar_group_id,sort_order)=(18,10) is still referenced
from table tblhud74b.

I even tried running the script with tblhud74b empty. I can get a RAISE
NOTICE just before the END keyword in the function on the last line. No
triggers on tblhud74b, only a insert/delete after trigger on
tblhudunits, which is only updated with NULL sort_order's in the
function, inserts or deletes are being done to tblhudunits in the
function. All other edits in the function occur on tblhud74b. The only
thing I've been able to find related is the record with the Key
(similar_group_id,sort_order)=(18,10) is the first record in

Can anyone see something I am missing?

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
  joining column's datatypes do not match

[GENERAL] SELECT based on function result

2004-07-15 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
I have a function that tells me if a record is positive and negative
based on several field values. I use it in select statements:

ohc= SELECT sample_id, is_wipe_positive(tblleadwipe.sample_id) AS
positive FROM tblleadwipe WHERE hud_building_id IS NOT NULL;
 sample_id | positive
73 | f
81 | t
(2 rows)

I see that I cannot change my WHERE statement to WHERE positive = 't'
because the column positive does not exist. Now I am looking for the
best way to return all records that are found positive or negative using
a query. Can anyone offer any guidance to how I can return all the
positives (or negatvies)? Or do I need to write another function that
does that?


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
  joining column's datatypes do not match

[GENERAL] Trigger to update records out of memory

2004-06-18 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
On 7.4.2 I have a trigger that I want to update any existing boolean
values to false if a new one in that group is declare true by inserting
a new record or updating an existing record:

ohc=# CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.clear_common_groups ()
RETURNS trigger AS'
ohc'# BEGIN
ohc'#   IF NEW.common_area = ''t'' THEN
ohc'# UPDATE tblhudunits SET common_area = ''f'' WHERE
hud_building_id = NEW.hud_building_id;
ohc'#   END IF;
ohc'#   IF NEW.exterior_area = ''t'' THEN
ohc'# UPDATE tblhudunits SET exterior_area = ''f'' WHERE
hud_building_id = NEW.hud_building_id;
ohc'#   END IF;
ohc'#   RETURN NULL;
ohc'# END;
ohc-# ON public.tblhudunits FOR EACH ROW
ohc-# EXECUTE PROCEDURE public.clear_common_groups();
ohc=# update tblhudunits set common_area = 't' where sort_order = 2;
ERROR:  out of memory
DETAIL:  Failed on request of size 1048576.

Can someone point out what I am obviously doing wrong?


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?


Re: [GENERAL] Trigger to update records out of memory

2004-06-18 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
On Fri, 2004-06-18 at 13:17, Robert Fitzpatrick wrote:
 ohc=# CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.clear_common_groups ()
 RETURNS trigger AS'
 ohc'# BEGIN
 ohc'#   IF NEW.common_area = ''t'' THEN
 ohc'# UPDATE tblhudunits SET common_area = ''f'' WHERE
 hud_building_id = NEW.hud_building_id;
 ohc'#   END IF;
 ohc'#   IF NEW.exterior_area = ''t'' THEN
 ohc'# UPDATE tblhudunits SET exterior_area = ''f'' WHERE
 hud_building_id = NEW.hud_building_id;
 ohc'#   END IF;
 ohc'#   RETURN NULL;
 ohc'# END;
 ohc-# ON public.tblhudunits FOR EACH ROW
 ohc-# EXECUTE PROCEDURE public.clear_common_groups();
 ohc=# update tblhudunits set common_area = 't' where sort_order = 2;
 ERROR:  out of memory
 DETAIL:  Failed on request of size 1048576.

After getting doing some NOTICEs, I find it I'm looping my update
funtion. But I change the TRIGGER to 'BEFORE INSERT' instead and now I
have a peculiar problem. The first time I ran the UPDATE query, I
receive an good response, ever since I receive 'INSERT 0 0'. But neither
time did the record get inserted.

ohc=# insert into tblhudunits (hud_building_id, sort_order, common_area)
values (21, 10, 't');
INSERT 1304826 1
ohc=# insert into tblhudunits (hud_building_id, sort_order, common_area)
values (21, 10, 't');

Same 'INSERT 0 0' no matter what valid values I use. Can someone tell me
what it means to receive 'INSERT 0 0'?


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [GENERAL] Database accesss using plperl

2004-06-17 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
On Wed, 2004-06-16 at 19:05, Paul Thomas wrote:
 On 16/06/2004 21:27 Robert Fitzpatrick wrote:
  I have plperl installed my PostgreSQL 7.4.2 server, but from what I
  understand in chapter 39.3 of the docs, you cannot access the databases
  without DBD::PgSPI. According to the readme for that module, it will
  only run on the untrusted plperlu.
  Is this the only way to run queries (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE) using
 Are you talking about writing functions/stored procedures in PERL or 
 accessing the database from a PERL program because what you have read is 
 specific to functions/stored procedures. (sorry for the bad/absent 
 punctuation but I've just come back from the pub after a generous quantity 
 of Old Speckled Hen)

I'm talking about writing PostgreSQL stored procedures using Perl that
access the database via queries (like pl/pgsql, maybe using DBI:Pg) for


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
  joining column's datatypes do not match

[GENERAL] Database accesss using plperl

2004-06-16 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
I have plperl installed my PostgreSQL 7.4.2 server, but from what I
understand in chapter 39.3 of the docs, you cannot access the databases
without DBD::PgSPI. According to the readme for that module, it will
only run on the untrusted plperlu.

Is this the only way to run queries (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE) using

What are the consequences and things to look out for when running
untrusted languages?


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

[GENERAL] Intalling PHP 4.3.7 with PGSQL support and Heimdal

2004-06-06 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick

Trying to portupgrade my PHP 4.3.6 
packagewith PostgreSQL 7.4.2 support and getting this error below. Trying 
to setup postgresql with Heimdal Kerberos 5 support, believe I have, but not 
tried anything with it, yet.

/usr/local/lib/libpq.so: undefined reference to 
`krb5_cc_get_principal'/usr/local/lib/libpq.so: undefined reference to 
`krb5_sname_to_principal'/usr/local/lib/libpq.so: undefined reference to 
`krb5_cc_default'/usr/local/lib/libpq.so: undefined reference to 
`krb5_cc_close'/usr/local/lib/libpq.so: undefined reference to 
`error_message'/usr/local/lib/libpq.so: undefined reference to 
`krb5_free_error'/usr/local/lib/libpq.so: undefined reference to 
`krb5_sendauth'/usr/local/lib/libpq.so: undefined reference to 
`krb5_free_principal'/usr/local/lib/libpq.so: undefined reference to 
`krb5_unparse_name'/usr/local/lib/libpq.so: undefined reference to 
`krb5_free_context'/usr/local/lib/libpq.so: undefined reference to 
`krb5_init_context'*** Error code 1

Stop in 

I've posted this around a few weeks ago on some 
lists and still no success. I had a suggestion to add lines to the spec file, 
but not sure which file that is. Seems PHP is having a problem with the PGSQL 
support and its libraries for krb5. Nonetheless, from the looks of the Makefile 
for postgresql, everything should be there for it to build with krb5 support. I 
receive no errors when building or installing posgresql with heimdal support and 
have tried 'make deinstall' and 'make reinstall'. I have the WITH_HEIMDAL_KRB5, 
HEIMDAL_HOME is set to /usr/local where it resides with libs and includes. 
Someone also suggested adding a -lkrb5, but again, I have not been able to 
figure out where to place this setting in the file. Should I add it to the line 
that produces the error building PHP above (I think the libtool command) or in 
the postgresql Makefile.

esmtp# ldd 
libpq.so.3 = /usr/local/lib/libpq.so.3 
(0x28096000) libkrb5.so.20 = 
/usr/local/lib/libkrb5.so.20 (0x280b2000)

Anyone know where I can make these changes needed 
or what to try next?


[GENERAL] Upgrade from 7.3.4 to 7.4.2 went wrong

2004-05-16 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
I get this error after doing the upgrade on FreeBSD 5.2.1:

The data directory was initialized by PostgreSQL version 7.3, which is
not compatible with this version 7.4.2

Should I just re-initdb and the import my dump file?


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend