Re: [GENERAL] Help needed creating a view

2012-01-27 Thread Sebastian Tennant
Quoth David Johnston
 A) SELECT user_id, CASE WHEN course_name = 'Maths' THEN completed ELSE false
 END math_cmp, CASE WHEN course_name = 'English' THEN completed ELSE false
 END AS english_cmp  FROM applications
 a) Expand to multiple columns and store either the default false or the
 value of completed into the value for the corresponding column

 B) SELECT user_id, CASE WHEN bool_or(math_cmp) THEN true ELSE false END AS
 did_math, CASE WHEN bool_or(english_cmp) THEN true ELSE false END AS
 did_english FROM  A GROUP BY user_id
 b) Then determine whether the user_id has at least one true in the given
 column by using the bool_or function

 Dynamic columns are difficult to code in SQL.  You should probably also
 include some kind of OTHER COMPLETED DISCIPLINES column to catch when you
 add an previously unidentified course - course_name NOT IN

 Also concerned with the fact that, as coded, a single complete course
 triggers the given flag.  What happens when you want to specify that they
 have only completed 3 of 4 courses?  Also, instead of hard-coding the
 course_name targets you may want to do something like CASE WHEN
 course_name IN (SELECT course_name FROM courses WHERE course_type =

Many thanks David for a clear and comprehensive reply, although I haven't
completely grokked your use of bool_or.

No matter though, because 'CASE WHEN ... THEN column_name END' is precisely
the idiom I was looking for.

My view definition now looks something like this:

   -- query includes every user_id in applications
   SELECT user_id,
  CASE WHEN course_name='Maths'   THEN completed END AS 
  CASE WHEN course_name='English' THEN completed END AS 
 FROM applications ) AS foo
-- so we need to exclude user_ids who did not complete *any* courses
WHERE  maths_alumni   IS TRUE
   OR  english_alumni IS TRUE

Thanks again.

Emacs' AlsaPlayer - Music Without Jolts
Lightweight, full-featured and mindful of your idyllic happiness.

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[GENERAL] Help needed creating a view

2012-01-26 Thread Sebastian Tennant
Hi list,

Given an 'applications' table for a static set of courses::
 user_id (integer)
 course_name (text)
   completed (boolean)

how best should I go about creating an 'alumni' view with columns:

 user_id (integer)
   maths (boolean)
 english (boolean)
   . .
   . .
   . .

where each of the columns (apart from user_id) is a boolean value representing
whether or not user_id completed each course?

Emacs' AlsaPlayer - Music Without Jolts
Lightweight, full-featured and mindful of your idyllic happiness.

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Re: [GENERAL] Best database model for canvassing (and analysing) opinion

2009-08-20 Thread Sebastian Tennant
Quoth Sam Mason


 The only table that's really needed to solve your original problem would
 be the last one, but the others provide all the checks that the data
 is actually going in correctly and may or may not be useful depending
 on your problem.  The main thing to notice is lots of tables with few
 columns, the reason being is that the database normally takes care of
 the rows and you, the DBA/programmer, take care of the columns.  Thus
 the more work you can give to the database the better.


 Hope that gives you some ideas!

More than enough ideas.  Thank you _very_ much.  

Presenting this kind of 'distributed' data in a useful way is more difficult
(at least for me) but I can see now that this is what _relational_ databses are
all about, and that once you've grasped how to do this, the advantages are

Many thanks once again.

Emacs' AlsaPlayer - Music Without Jolts
Lightweight, full-featured and mindful of your idyllic happiness.

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[GENERAL] Best database model for canvassing (and analysing) opinion

2009-08-18 Thread Sebastian Tennant
Hi all,

A school wants to offer a number of short courses on a number of different
dates.  Students apply online for a single course at a time and choose one or
more dates (from a list) which would suit them. Once the application period is
over which course is taught when is decided soley on the basis of maximising
the number of students that can attend.

Perhaps the simplest model is a database table 'application_forms' which
includes two text columns; 'course' and 'preferred_dates' with entries that
look like this:

 course: Drama
 prefered_dates: Sat_22Aug09, Tue_25Aug09, Tue_08Sep09

The data can then be usefully presented in a series of SELECT statements (one
for each date):

 AS SELECT count(*), course FROM application_forms WHERE preferred_dates like
 '%Sat_22Aug09%' GROUP BY course ORDER BY count DESC;

  count | course  
  7 | Drama
  3 | Readers
  1 | Self-study

but clearly this method doesn't scale very well as the number of dates

A single table of results looking something like this would be far better, but

date | course_suiting_most_applicants | num_applicants
 - --++---
 Sat_22Aug09 | Drama  | 7
 Tue_25Aug09 | Readers| 4

Any advice/tips/pointers/suggestions for a database design newbie very much



Emacs' AlsaPlayer - Music Without Jolts
Lightweight, full-featured and mindful of your idyllic happiness.

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Re: [GENERAL] running postgres

2009-02-05 Thread Sebastian Tennant
Quoth Kusuma Pabba
 /usr/local/pgsql/bin/psql test

 sudo su postgres -c psql template1

 why is the path different in both cases?


 $ which psql


 $ sudo which psql

The answer is the same, yes?

 $ /usr/local/pgsql/bin/psql test
   absolute path

 $ cd /usr/local/pgsql
 $ bin/psql test
  relative path

When you provide an absolute path (or a relative path), your shell does
not search your $PATH environment variable for the program - it just
runs the program in the directory you specified.

When you don't provide a path of any sort, your shell looks for the
program in the directories specified in your $PATH environment variable.

Check the value of your $PATH by typing:

 $ echo $PATH

If there is only one executable file called 'psql' in the directories in
your PATH, it makes no difference whether you specify a path, or no path
at all.

Note that different users may have different directories in their $PATH.
Your can alter your $PATH variable (if you need to) in your ~/.profile.

 what is the difference between the above two and,

'sudo command' is a command for running a single command with
superuser privileges, i.e., 'as root'.

'su user' (without the -c switch) is a command for 'becoming' user
until you type 'exit'.

'su user -c command' is similar to 'sudo' in that the single command
command is run as user.

If you type:

 $ su postgres -c psql template1

you will be asked for a password, and if you haven't setup any user
accounts and passwords in postgres you won't know what the password is,
and therefore you won't be able to connect.

This is why you need to type 'sudo su postgres -c psql template1'. sudo
temporarily makes you root, and root is never asked for passwords (root
is God in the UNIX world) so you are able to connect as user 'postgres'.

 how can i create a user in test or template?

 when i give create user it is asking for create role , how should i
 create role?

Others with a better understanding of users and roles should answer this

Emacs' AlsaPlayer - Music Without Jolts
Lightweight, full-featured and mindful of your idyllic happiness.

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[GENERAL] Recovery mode

2009-01-29 Thread Sebastian Tennant
Hi there,

Just noticed this in my webapp logs:

 ERROR: FATAL:  the database system is in recovery mode

Only one instance, so I'm not too concerned, but why, how often, how
long for, etc.

Am I negelecting to do some important database maintenace?

Could it be related to the backup cron performs hourly:

 pg_dump --format=custom --file=file db

Emacs' AlsaPlayer - Music Without Jolts
Lightweight, full-featured and mindful of your idyllic happiness.

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[GENERAL] Building the PostgreSQL manual in Info format on Debian Lenny

2009-01-25 Thread Sebastian Tennant

Here's a step-by-step guide to building the PostgreSQL manual in Info
format on a Debian Lenny box:

First of all, you may made need to install a few extra packages:

 $ sudo apt-get install bzip2 docbook-dsssl docbook2x opensp
Next, download the PostgreSQL source (using apt), unpack it and

 $ cd ~/workspace/src

 $ apt-get source postgresql

 $ cd postgresql-8.3-8.3.5

 $ bunzip2 postgresql-8.3-8.3.5.tar.bz2

 $ tar -xf postgresql-8.3-8.3.5.tar

 ## this next operations is not strictly necessary but...
 $ sudo chown -R sebyte:sebyte postgresql-8.3.5  # change user/group name to 

 $ cd postgresql-8.3.5

 $ ./configure

Now we need to tell a program called 'osx' to ignore any errors by
editing the relevant Makefile:

 $ cd doc/src/sgml

 $ emacs -Q Makefile

 ## change line 227 to read:
 ##  $(OSX) -E0 -x lower $ | \
 ##  ^
 ##  |___ add this switch

While you are about it, you may also decide to edit the Makefile so that
the resulting Info manual utilises the full width of your screen.  (This
greatly improves the look of tables within the manual, of which there
are many).

 ## change line 263 to read:
 ## $(MAEKINFO) --fill-column 184 --enable-encoding --no-split --no-validate $ 
-o $@
 ## specify number of columns _|

That's it.  You're ready to roll.

 $ make
 $ ls -l
 -rw-rw-r-- 1 sebyte sebyte 4939332 Jan 24 15:33

Job done :)

'osx' generates 108,484 errors, all of which we ignored, and there are
14 other warnings in the output, but the resulting Info manual is fine.

I wouldn't be surprised if there's a way of bypassing 'osx' altogether
but I've no idea how.  In fact, I've no idea what 'osx' even does :)

Any tips anyone?


Emacs' AlsaPlayer - Music Without Jolts
Lightweight, full-featured and mindful of your idyllic happiness.

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[GENERAL] Ordering returned rows according to a list

2008-12-22 Thread Sebastian Tennant
Hi all,

I'd like to make a single query that returns a number of rows using a
'WHERE id IN (list-of-ids)' condition, but I'd like the rows to be
returned in the order in which the ids are given in the list.

Is this possible?


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Re: [GENERAL] Ordering returned rows according to a list

2008-12-22 Thread Sebastian Tennant
Quoth Adam Rich
 I'd like to make a single query that returns a number of rows using a
 'WHERE id IN (list-of-ids)' condition, but I'd like the rows to be
 returned in the order in which the ids are given in the list.

 Depending on how many IDs you have in your list, you can accomplish this
 with a CASE statement:

 WHERE id IN (6, 9, 3)
 WHEN 6 then 1
 WHEN 9 then 2
 WHEN 3 then 3 END

Thanks for this suggestion Adam.

You say depending on how many IDs there are in the list.  The query is
constructed programatically so unless there's a limit on the number of
conditions a CASE clause can handle, this is the way I'll go about it.


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[GENERAL] Unique constaint violated without being violated

2008-12-06 Thread Sebastian Tennant
Hi all,

Here's an odd one:

 itidb= \d joblist;
   Table public.joblist
   Column   |   Type   | Modifiers 
  full_name | character varying(64)| not null
  email_address | character varying(64)| not null
  username  | character varying(12)| 
  password  | character varying(12)| 
  recruiter | boolean  | not null
  subscribed| boolean  | not null
  verified  | boolean  | not null
  created_at| timestamp with time zone | not null
  updated_at| timestamp with time zone | not null
  verification_code | character varying(24)| 
  alumni| boolean  | 
 joblist_pkey PRIMARY KEY, btree (email_address)
 joblist_username_key UNIQUE, btree (username)

 itidb= update joblist set (full_name, email_address, recruiter, 
 itidb( subscribed, verified, created_at, updated_at) =
 itidb- ('[name hidden]', '[email address hidden]', false, true
 itidb( true, current_timestamp(0), current_timestamp(0));
 ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint joblist_pkey

 itidb= select * from joblist where
 itidb- email_address='[email address hidden]';
 (No rows)

email_address is the primary key of this table (because the manual says
every table should have one :-) and the unique aspect of this primary
key is being violated when I try to enter the (hidden) email address

But the email address hasn't already been entered into this table, as
shown by the output of the select command...  so why the error?

Is my database corrupted somehow, or am I just losing my mind?

What course of action do you suggest I follow?


P.S. I've checked three times now, and I'm definitely using the same
 email address in the update command and the select command, i.e., a
 typo is not what's causing this.

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Re: [GENERAL] Resp.: Automatic insert statement generator?

2008-12-06 Thread Sebastian Tennant
Hi Osvaldo,

Your list_fields function looked interesting to me so I tried it out and
it only worked for one of the five or so tables in the database I was
connected to at the time.

More concerning is the fact that I can't seem to drop it.  I'm told it
doesn't exist, and then I use it to prove (to myself) that it does.

Here's it not working:

 itidb= select list_fields('joblistings');
 -[ RECORD 1 ]-
 list_fields | 

Here's it working:

 itidb= select list_fields('joblist');
 -[ RECORD 1 ]--
 list_fields | full_name,username,password,recruiter,subscribed,...

Here's me trying to drop it, only to be told it doesn't exist:

 itidb= drop function list_fields();
 ERROR:  function list_fields() does not exist

And here's it working again!

 itidb= select list_fields('joblist');
 -[ RECORD 1 ]--
 list_fields | full_name,username,password,recruiter,subscribed,...

I'm noticing some very strange behaviour this evening (see thread
'Unique constaint violated without being violated').

Is my database corrupted or are there some vital database maintenance
tasks I've neglected to do?

I'm starting to get worried now.


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Re: [GENERAL] Unique constaint violated without being violated

2008-12-06 Thread Sebastian Tennant
Quoth Merlin Moncure [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 It looks to me like you are setting the whole table to the same
 address in the update statement (no where clause) of course you'd
 get the error.  Maybe you want to do an insert statement?


Doh!  Thanks Merlin.  I'm so glad it's just my mind that's going! :-)


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Re: [GENERAL] Resp.: Automatic insert statement generator?

2008-12-06 Thread Sebastian Tennant
Quoth Raymond O'Donnell [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 On 06/12/2008 16:02, Sebastian Tennant wrote:
 Here's it working:
  itidb= select list_fields('joblist');


 Here's me trying to drop it, only to be told it doesn't exist:
  itidb= drop function list_fields();
  ERROR:  function list_fields() does not exist

 You need to specify the argument types as well, so this -

   drop function list_fields(varchar); -- or whatever it is

 - ought to work.


Man, am I'm feeling geriatric tonight!  Thanks for clearing that up for
me Ray.

I guess this is what comes of working under pressure on a Saturday night
when I should be out having a quiet drink with a few friends.


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Re: [GENERAL] Detecting changes to certain fields in 'before update' trigger functions

2008-12-02 Thread Sebastian Tennant
Quoth Alvaro Herrera [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Sebastian Tennant wrote:
 Quoth Alvaro Herrera [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Sebastian Tennant wrote:
  P.S.  Emacs users of PostgreSQL might like to know that there's a
texinfo version of the manual (version 8.3.3) available for
download from here:
  Hmm, we did have a patch to add a texinfo target to the docs Makefile ... 
  apparently it was never applied.  Maybe that's a good idea?
 It's a very good idea IMHO.

 Hmm, actually now that I look closer, it is there (make
 does the trick).  The build process throws a worrying number of warnings

Warnings are better than errors :-)

I'll download the source and have a go myself.  

Many thanks Alvaro.


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[GENERAL] Detecting changes to certain fields in 'before update' trigger functions

2008-12-01 Thread Sebastian Tennant
Hi list,

First steps in trigger functions and PL/pgSQL so please bear with me...

How can one detect changes to certain fields in before update trigger

 IF (NEW.column-name != OLD.column-name) THEN ...

doesn't work, so obviously my understanding of the values of the
varriables NEW and OLD in before update trigger functions is wrong; I
had thought that OLD holds the record as it was before the update, and
that NEW holds the record as it is since the update (but before the
update has been committed)?

How should one go about detecting changes to certain fields in before
update trigger functions?

Any help/advice much appreciated.


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Re: [GENERAL] Detecting changes to certain fields in 'before update' trigger functions

2008-12-01 Thread Sebastian Tennant
Quoth Adrian Klaver [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 On Monday 01 December 2008 7:18:51 am Sebastian Tennant wrote:
 I had thought that OLD holds the record as it was before the update,
 and that NEW holds the record as it is since the update (but before
 the update has been committed)?

'42.10 Trigger Procedures' seems to confirm this:

  Data type `RECORD'; variable holding the new database row for
  `INSERT'/`UPDATE' operations in row-level triggers. This variable
  is `NULL' in statement-level triggers.

  Data type `RECORD'; variable holding the old database row for
  `UPDATE'/`DELETE' operations in row-level triggers. This variable
  is `NULL' in statement-level triggers.

 It works here. Can you be more specific? Full function code, table schema,etc.

Of course.

 timestamper.sql starts here 
 -- \i ./timestamper.sql

 CREATE TEMP TABLE tt (username character varying(12),
   delisted boolean,
   created_at timestamp(0) without time zone,
   updated_at timestamp(0) without time zone,
   delisted_at timestamp(0) without time zone);

   IF (TG_OP = 'INSERT') THEN NEW.created_at := current_timestamp(0); END IF;
 NEW.updated_at := current_timestamp(0);
 IF ((NEW.delisted = true) AND (NEW.delisted != OLD.delisted)) THEN
   NEW.delisted_at := current_timestamp(0); END IF;
 $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

 CREATE TRIGGER timestamper_before_insert BEFORE INSERT ON tt FOR EACH ROW
   EXECUTE PROCEDURE timestamper();

 CREATE TRIGGER timestamper_before_update BEFORE UPDATE ON tt FOR EACH ROW
   EXECUTE PROCEDURE timestamper();

 -- DROP FUNCTION timestamper() CASCADE;
 -- no need to drop temporary tables

 timesatmper.sql ends here 

 testdb= \i ./timestamper.sql
 testdb= insert into tt values (foo');
 testdb= select * from tt;
 -[ RECORD 1 ]
 username| foo
 created_at  | 2008-12-01 16:17:37
 updated_at  | 
 delisted_at | 

 testdb= update tt set username=bar';
 testdb= select * from tt;
 -[ RECORD 1 ]
 username| bar
 created_at  | 2008-12-01 16:17:37
 updated_at  | 2008-12-01 16:18:27
 delisted_at | 

 testdb= update tt set delisted=true where username='bar';
 testdb= select * from tt;
 -[ RECORD 1 ]
 username| bar
 delisted| t
 created_at  | 2008-12-01 16:17:37
 updated_at  | 2008-12-01 16:19:01
 delisted_at |

The triggers for the initial insert and the first update do what I want
them to, but the second update (that marks 'foo' as delisted) fails to
update the delisted_at timestamp.


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Re: [GENERAL] Detecting changes to certain fields in 'before update' trigger functions

2008-12-01 Thread Sebastian Tennant
Quoth Richard Broersma [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 7:18 AM, Sebastian Tennant

  IF (NEW.column-name != OLD.column-name) THEN ...

  The != operator doesn't work the way you might think when nulls are
 thrown into the mix.  I asked a similar question a while back and was
 kindly pointed to the following syntax:


That's it!  Thanks very much Richard.

I sometimes think this kind of gotcha is purposely buried, or not
addressed at all, in order to force users to read the manual.  I wasn't
planning on spending four hours doing just that, but now I suppose I'm
almost glad I did.


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Re: [GENERAL] Detecting changes to certain fields in 'before update' trigger functions

2008-12-01 Thread Sebastian Tennant
Quoth Richard Broersma [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 8:35 AM, Sebastian Tennant
  IF (NEW.column-name != OLD.column-name) THEN ...


 I sometimes think this kind of gotcha is purposely buried, or not
 addressed at all, in order to force users to read the manual.

 I wouldn't say it is intentionally buried.  I would say that the
 PostgreSQL manual focuses primarily is on What are the PG features.
 While the manual may at times document some of the good/best practices
 to use by combining various PG features, I wouldn't say that its
 intention isn't to be an authoritative source on How to use PG

 On the other hand, there are many ANSI-SQL books that focus on good
 practices.   For example, the need for the IS DISTINCT FROM when
 dealing with nulls would be discussed in an SQL book.  Once you have
 the theory down, you can turn to the PostgreSQL manual to find out how
 PostgreSQL implements this functionality.

That's sound advice and I take your point about the manual focussing on
Postgre features rather than SQL per se.  I have read one or two SQL
books but I'm very much a learn by doing person... and the fact is, I
haven't done much doing, until now.

May I wriggle out a little by saying that I didn't really mean what I
said, or rather, I failed to say what I really meant; that it sometimes
feels as if a gotcha has been buried in order to make you read the


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Re: [GENERAL] Detecting changes to certain fields in 'before update' trigger functions

2008-12-01 Thread Sebastian Tennant
 Sebastian Tennant [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 I sometimes think this kind of gotcha is purposely buried, or not
 addressed at all, in order to force users to read the manual.

 Where exactly do you think we should document it, if not in the

I clearly didn't express myself very well.  Let me set the record
straight by saying that my experience with PostgreSQL over the past
three months or so has been fantastic, thanks in no small part to the
clear and comprehensive accompanying manual.

All I meant was that it sometimes _feels_ as if a vital piece of
information has been buried in the manual in order to make you read it.

(I wasn't making a serious point and I didn't expect it to be taken


P.S.  Emacs users of PostgreSQL might like to know that there's a
  texinfo version of the manual (version 8.3.3) available for
  download from here:

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Re: [GENERAL] Detecting changes to certain fields in 'before update' trigger functions

2008-12-01 Thread Sebastian Tennant
Quoth Alvaro Herrera [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Sebastian Tennant wrote:

 P.S.  Emacs users of PostgreSQL might like to know that there's a
   texinfo version of the manual (version 8.3.3) available for
   download from here:

 Hmm, we did have a patch to add a texinfo target to the docs Makefile ... 
 apparently it was never applied.  Maybe that's a good idea?

It's a very good idea IMHO.

I would love to see a texinfo target in the docs Makefile.  Nothing
beats Info for convenience.


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