Re: [GENERAL] The first dedicated PostgreSQL forum

2010-11-17 Thread Tony Caduto

On 11/15/2010 5:53 PM, Lee Hachadoorian wrote:

If anyone's interested, I've started accessing the postgres list through (along with several other mailing lists I subscribe to). It's
gives you the choice of reading the list as a threaded archive, a blog,
or through an NNTP newsreader or an RSS feed. Everyone chooses their
preferred interface, the community is not fractured by interface preference.

Honestly those options suck.
The mailing lists etc are fine, but they are kind of old school, people 
coming from other databases
expect a web based forum plain and simple.  To attract more users the 
forums are a GREAT idea.

Stop this ridiculous complaining about interface fracture etc .

I can tell you for SURE that many people who are not OLD SCHOOL hate 
mailing lists,  A web based forum

gives everyday users more of a chance of interacting with the community.

It would be a good idea to stop the bickering and just implement the forums.

Sorry if people don't like my honest answer :-)

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[GENERAL] 9.0 pg_database datconfig ?

2010-09-21 Thread Tony Caduto

Just looking around  9.0 and noticed pg_database is missing the 
datconfig field which stored default session info for the database.
Where is this stored now?  I looked in the release notes, but no mention 
of datconfig.



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Re: [GENERAL] Visual DATA editor for PostgreSQL?

2009-12-31 Thread Tony Caduto

Dmitry Koterov wrote:


Is there a GUI utility to visually edit Postgres DATA (not a database 
schema!), which allows at least:
- insert/update rows using screen windowed forms (possibly ugly 
auto-generated forms, but - still forms)
- insert foreign key references by selecting them from a list (not by 
typing the keys manually)

- work with multi-line text fields (textarea) for TEXT columns

There is a lot of DB development tools around (e.g. I like EMS 
PostgreSQL Manager). But a developer tool is handy for a database 
STRUCTURE editing, and when we need to modify its DATA quickly, these 
tools are not too useful.
Lightning Admin has a form view when editing data and shows text fields 
as multi line in the form view and in the data grid itself.



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Re: [GENERAL] COPY questions

2009-02-18 Thread Tony Caduto

Bill Todd wrote:
Thanks for the suggestion but pgloader appears to be a Linux only 
solution and my environment is Windows. The other problem is that 
there is no documentation that I could find (other than a PDF made 
from slides).


pgloader is a Python app,  It should work on win32 as well.


Tony Caduto
AM Software Design
Home of Lightning Admin for PostgreSQL

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Re: [GENERAL] PGSQL or other DB?

2009-01-30 Thread Tony Caduto

durumdara wrote:

Another important thing that I don't understand (what as I saw) that 
the PostGreSQL is store the databases in one, unseparatable file set, 
in a directory named data.
In another databases, like DBISAM, FireBird, MySQL, the databases are 
separated to another directories/files.

This one datadir is seems to be not too good for us. We used DBISAM 
in our clients, and many times when we got some filesystem error, we 
can simply recover the tables - from the files.
When we want to backup or restore one database, we can do it in two 
way: a.) archive all files b.) make sql dump from database.

Postgresql uses a database cluster.  In the data directory each database 
goes into a directory identified by the database OID, and in this 
directory the database resides
in 2 gb chunks(as far as I remember).  You can easily backup the cluster 
by using the file system, you just have to make sure you stop the 
postmaster and then you can backup the entire data dir or individual 
database dir.  You have to restore this to the same version of PG though.
it's the same kind of deal with Firebird, you can't backup a running 
database with the file system and even Firebird must be stopped in order 
to do a file system copy of the database file.

Firebird also stores all it's transaction data in the same file, so you 
end up with HUGE files unless you do a backup and restore to shrink them 
down.  You don't have this problem with PostgreSQL as it stores that 
info in the WAL.

PostgreSQL will give the the best solution for your project hands down, 
just give it a chance and don't worry about what you did with Firebird 
or MySQL.

I have never had a PostgreSQL database or dump file become corrupt, but 
on Firebird it happens fairly often and it's part of the reason why I 
eventually dumped it and moved to PostgreSQL.

Hope that helps you out some.

Tony Caduto
AM Software Design
Home of Lightning Admin for PostgreSQL

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Re: [GENERAL] PGSQL or other DB?

2009-01-30 Thread Tony Caduto

durumdara wrote:

 - quick (re)connect - because mod_python basically not store the 
database connections persistently

You should consider using a Python connection pool with something like 
Pylons (, I use dbutils:

You can scale PostgreSQL and Python web apps really well with that as 
long as you are
not using CGI.  I use Pylons combined with mod_wsgi, but you can use it 
with mod_python as well.

Tony Caduto
AM Software Design
Home of Lightning Admin for PostgreSQL

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Re: [GENERAL] System table documentation

2009-01-28 Thread Tony Caduto

Bill Todd wrote:
Where can I find documentation for the system tables? I have not found 
anything in the 8.3.1 documentation. Thanks.


Hi Bill,

Good to see a Delphi guy here :-)


Tony Caduto
AM Software Design
Home of PG Lightning Admin for PostgreSQL

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[GENERAL] pg_restore question (-T and -t)

2008-12-31 Thread Tony Caduto

does anyone know if you can do multiple
-T or -t   (restore named trigger, restore name table) switches?

In the docs for pg_restore it does not specify if it will accept more 
than one, but in the pg_dump docs the -n and -t switches allow multiples.



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[GENERAL] compiling libpq.dll with Borland C++, is it possible?

2008-11-17 Thread Tony Caduto

I am trying to compile my own copy of libpq.dll using bcc32.exe, the 
docs say it is possible, but I get a error when it tries to compile dirent.c
Has anyone been able to do this? 

C:\postgresql-8.3.5\src\interfaces\libpqmake -N -DCFG=Release /f bcc32.mak
MAKE Version 5.3  Copyright (c) 1987, 2008 CodeGear
Building the Win32 DLL and Static Library...

Configuration Release

   bcc32.exe @MAKE0014.@@@
Borland C++ 5.5.1 for Win32 Copyright (c) 1993, 2000 Borland
Error E2451 ..\..\port\dirent.c 35: Undefined symbol 
'INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES' in function opendir
Error E2451 ..\..\port\dirent.c 52: Undefined symbol 'dirname' in 
function opendir
Error E2451 ..\..\port\dirent.c 53: Undefined symbol 'dirname' in 
function opendir
Error E2451 ..\..\port\dirent.c 59: Undefined symbol 'dirname' in 
function opendir
Error E2451 ..\..\port\dirent.c 60: Undefined symbol 'dirname' in 
function opendir
Error E2451 ..\..\port\dirent.c 60: Undefined symbol 'dirname' in 
function opendir
Error E2451 ..\..\port\dirent.c 61: Undefined symbol 'dirname' in 
function opendir
Error E2451 ..\..\port\dirent.c 61: Undefined symbol 'dirname' in 
function opendir
Error E2451 ..\..\port\dirent.c 62: Undefined symbol 'dirname' in 
function opendir
Error E2451 ..\..\port\dirent.c 64: Undefined symbol 'dirname' in 
function opendir
Error E2451 ..\..\port\dirent.c 65: Undefined symbol 'handle' in 
function opendir
Error E2451 ..\..\port\dirent.c 66: Undefined symbol 'ret' in function 
Error E2451 ..\..\port\dirent.c 67: Undefined symbol 'ret' in function 
Error E2451 ..\..\port\dirent.c 77: Undefined symbol 'handle' in 
function readdir
Error E2451 ..\..\port\dirent.c 79: Undefined symbol 'handle' in 
function readdir
Error E2451 ..\..\port\dirent.c 79: Undefined symbol 'dirname' in 
function readdir
Error E2451 ..\..\port\dirent.c 80: Undefined symbol 'handle' in 
function readdir
Error E2451 ..\..\port\dirent.c 88: Undefined symbol 'handle' in 
function readdir
Error E2451 ..\..\port\dirent.c 100: Undefined symbol 'ret' in function 
Error E2451 ..\..\port\dirent.c 102: Undefined symbol 'ret' in function 
Error E2451 ..\..\port\dirent.c 102: Undefined symbol 'ret' in function 
Error E2451 ..\..\port\dirent.c 103: Undefined symbol 'ret' in function 
Error E2451 ..\..\port\dirent.c 109: Undefined symbol 'handle' in 
function closedir
Error E2451 ..\..\port\dirent.c 110: Undefined symbol 'handle' in 
function closedir
Error E2451 ..\..\port\dirent.c 111: Undefined symbol 'dirname' in 
function closedir
Error E2228 ..\..\port\dirent.c 111: Too many error or warning messages 
in function closedir

*** 26 errors in Compile ***

** error 1 ** deleting .\Release\dirent.obj

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[GENERAL] Trying Compile libpq.dll with VC++ 9.0, but need help

2008-11-17 Thread Tony Caduto

Trying to get a libpq.dll that only has SSL deps using these instructions:

It compiles a bit then dies at:

C:\postgresql-8.3.5\src\interfaces\libpqnmake /f win32.mak

Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 9.00.30729.01
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Building the Win32 static library...

Using default OpenSSL Include directory: C:\OpenSSL\include
Using default OpenSSL Library directory: C:\OpenSSL\lib\VC
Using default Kerberos Include directory: C:\kfw-2.6.5\inc
Using default Kerberos Library directory: C:\kfw-2.6.5\lib\i386
   link.exe -lib @C:\DOCUME~1\20659\LOCALS~1\Temp\nm1B.tmp
.\Release\win32.obj : fatal error LNK1107: invalid or corrupt file: 
cannot read at 0xB39
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual 
Studio 9.0\VC\BIN\link.exe' : return code '0x453'


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Re: [GENERAL] Trying Compile libpq.dll with VC++ 9.0, but need help

2008-11-17 Thread Tony Caduto

Dann Corbit wrote:

How much disk space do you have?

I guess that you are running out of space.

During the link, watch the available disk space.


Hi Dan,
Thanks for the reply :-)

I actually got it working.Now the only problem is it still has a 
dependency for


Does anyone know if this can be done with mingw so I can eliminate the 
MSVCR90.DLL dependency?
I have it installed but that is even more foreign to me than VS :-)  
(mostly use borland CodeGear tools)



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Re: [GENERAL] Trying Compile libpq.dll with VC++ 9.0, but need help

2008-11-17 Thread Tony Caduto

Dann Corbit wrote:

Change from /MD to /MT and it will not use the runtime DLL.
Look under: Properties - Configuration Properties - C/C++ - Code
Generation - Runtime Library


Hi Dann,

I changed that in the win32.mak file and now it gives this error:

   link.exe @C:\DOCUME~1\20659\LOCALS~1\Temp\nmA6.tmp
  Creating library .\Release\libpqdll.lib and object .\Release\libpqdll.exp
LIBCMT.lib(dosmap.obj) : error LNK2005: __dosmaperr already defined in 
.\Release\libpq.dll : fatal error LNK1169: one or more multiply defined 
symbols found
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual 
Studio 9.0\VC\BIN\link.exe' : return code '0x491'


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Re: [GENERAL] Trying Compile libpq.dll with VC++ 9.0, but need help

2008-11-17 Thread Tony Caduto

Hiroshi Saito wrote:


It is very strange

I checked that it was ready in VC9 again.
Furthermore, even psql was checked.

Please move psql_win32_pg83 win32.mak on src\bin\psql.

However, It will be necessary what is bad and to investigate in your 

I think

1. One proposal nmake -f win32.mak clean

Hiroshi Saito



I will give it another try tomorrow.  It could be something related to 
the fact that I am running on XP 64bit.  I will try and compile it on a 
VM with 32bit XP, and also try to build it with MinGW.  I did try the 
clean and it didn't make any difference.  It compiles fine with the
/MD option, I even got it to compile against the lastest openSSL, though 
I did have to comment out one little line.



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[GENERAL] Libpq.dll lite is here :-)

2008-11-17 Thread Tony Caduto
Finally got everything to compile with MinGW.  Thanks to everyone that 
helped me out getting it going.

Here are the download links:

Libpq.dll with SSL No Zlib (includes the latest openssl dlls 
0.9.8i also built with MinGW)

If you need a really lite deployment there is also:  (just libpq.dll with no other dependencies)

These also have no special MS VC++ runtime requirements, just the 
standard MSVCRT.DLL which means these all work
perfectly on WINE.  The current libpq.dll won't work on wine because of 
the VC++ runtime.

I would like to maintain these for future PostgreSQL releases and if 
anyone is interested in helping or has a suggestion on where to host 
them permanently please let me know.


Tony Caduto
AM Software Design

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Re: [GENERAL] 8.3 libpq.dll not working on some versions of windows

2008-11-16 Thread Tony Caduto

Glyn Astill wrote:

Pretty sure I've used most 8.3.x versions here on both sp2 and 3.

How have you chacked you have all the dependencies? (I like depends.exe)

hmm, the problem seems to be that MSVCR71.DLL has a problem with some 
versions of Kernel32.DLL,

dependency walker reports this:
Error: At least one module has an unresolved import due to a missing 
export function in an implicitly dependent module.

I have all the required files in the same dir as my exe

I did this test on the latest version of wine (libpq.dll always worked 
in wine before), and I was getting the exact same behavior on the
PCs at work.  WINE is not a good test for this I know, but all I have at 
the moment.

I will have to try this on the PCs at work(on Monday) that are having 
the issue.  I know one of them is a really old XP (6 years) that was 
just recently updated to SP3. 

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[GENERAL] 8.3 libpq.dll not working on some versions of windows

2008-11-15 Thread Tony Caduto

We have been running into issues where the 8.3.x versions of libpq.dll 
will not load in certain

versions of windows and WINE(does not load at all on wine).

It seems to be hit and miss on Windows XP, mostly seems to affect SP3 
and some SP2 installs of XP.

I have only been able to get around this by installing a much older 
version of libpq.dll. 

And I did have all the dependencies installed along with the DLL, it 
just plain refuses to load.  I also check that there were no

rouge copies of the files in system32.



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Re: [GENERAL] How to know the password for the user 'postgres'

2008-10-28 Thread Tony Caduto

Shashank Sahni wrote:

when i posted the question on dspace mailing of the guy 
replied me with this solution..

createuser -h localhost -U postgres -d -A -P dspace
but he said that to execute the above command i must know the password 
for the user postgres..
Edit the pg_hba.conf file and add a entry for the PC you are doing your 
admin from and set it to Trust.
When set to trust you won't need a password, then use the admin tool of 
your choice to change the postgres password to whatever
you want.  Afterwards remember to set it back to MD5 or whatever it was 
prior to you making the change.


Tony Caduto
AM Software Design

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Re: [GENERAL] SELECT INTO returns incorrect values

2008-09-03 Thread Tony Caduto

Did you try it like this:

parent_id = 0
category_name = ''
select category, parent_category_id
 from note.category
where category_id = 477 into category_name, parent_id;
raise notice 'curr cat, name, parent id: % % ', category_name, 

I have found in the past that it's a good idea to initialize your vars 
before you use them in PL/pgsql.

Also as a FYI, you don't need to upper case all your text in a function 
(I know you have to do that in Firebird), just use standard case with 
normal capitalization because
PostgreSQL will lowercase everything you send to the server that is not 
in quotes.  It's a lot easier to read without the uppercase.


Tony Caduto
AM Software Design
Home of Lightning Admin for PostgreSQL

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Re: [GENERAL] Oracle and Postgresql

2008-09-03 Thread Tony Caduto

David Fetter wrote:

What they want to have is a huge entity they can blame when everything
goes wrong.  They're not interested in the actual response times or
even in the much more important time-to-fix because once they've
blamed Oracle, they know the responsibility is no longer on their

That is only a perceived sense of risk avoidance, if you read the EULA 
etc that ship with Oracle, MS SQL server etc, they are not responsible
for anything that may happen to your data.  Sure management could blame 
them, but that's about it.  They would get the same amount of 
satisfaction from blaming the FOSS community.  No matter what management 
says any blame rests squarely on their shoulders and the people they 
have entrusted to create their corp projects/products when something 
goes wrong.

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Re: [GENERAL] RAISE NOTICE format in pgAdmin

2008-09-02 Thread Tony Caduto

Bill Todd wrote:
If I have a series of RAISE NOTICE 'xxx' statements in a plpgsql 
function and I call the function from pgAdmin the notice messages are 
concatenated on a single line on the Messages tab. Is there any way to 
get each message to appear on a separate line?

Is there a better way than using RAISE NOTICE to debug functions?


Make sure you are on at least version 8.2 (8.3 is preferred) and use a 
plpgsql debugger.  Later versions of Pgadmin have one built in and a 
stand alone version is available from:  (built with 

If you are using the win32 version there is a option at the end of the 
installer script to install the debugger part.  On 8.2 or 8.3 you will 
need to install it yourself.

Please see:

Hope that helps.

Tony Caduto
AM Software Design
Home of Lightning Admin for PostgreSQL

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Re: [GENERAL] Number or parameters for functions - limited to 32 ?

2008-04-08 Thread Tony Caduto
Just a FYI, you can get around  the 32 param limit in older versions of 
postgresql by passing the function a varchar/text array, then use the 
built in array functions to pull the params from the passed array.

Something like this(not tested code, just a sample):

CREATE or REPLACE FUNCTION test_func(varchar)
IN_ARRAY text[] ;

IN_ARRAY = string_to_array($1,'~^~');  --use a unique delimiter




Tony Caduto
AM Software Design
Home of Lightning Admin for PostgreSQL and MySQL

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Re: [GENERAL] edb-debugger, debugging pl/pgsql

2008-04-07 Thread Tony Caduto

josep porres wrote:


I don't know if here is the right place to post this, but anyway ...
Does anybody know if there is any binary dist for win32 edb-debugger 
for pgsql8.3?

If not, do you know which compiler I have to use?
I don't need to install anything on the client side where is my 
pgadmin, right?

You can use the Lightning Admin win32 debugger, very stable and FREE.
From my testing it's more stable on win32 than the others, but that 
will probably be debated since I am biased.

Anyway I encourage you to check it out at:

Tony Caduto
AM Software Design

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Re: [GENERAL] edb-debugger, debugging pl/pgsql

2008-04-07 Thread Tony Caduto

josep porres wrote:

2008/4/7, Dave Page [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:

On Mon, Apr 7, 2008 at 10:21 AM, josep porres [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 well, when you asked me about where I downloaded it, I
downloaded it from I
 installed it again.
 It seems I can debug with no problems till now.
 However, when I begin to debug and the function parameters
window appears,
  if I click cancel it freezes.


The stand alone Lightning Debugger does not have this issue and if it 
does crash or hang (not likely) it won't take down whatever admin tool 
you are

using.  Oh, and it's FREE.

Check it out works great on win32 and built with a native compiler with 
a high performance memory manager.

Tony Caduto
AM Software

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Re: [GENERAL] edb-debugger, debugging pl/pgsql

2008-04-07 Thread Tony Caduto

Magnus Hagander wrote:

You know, kinda like PostgreSQL vs Oracle Express ;)

Well, not quite the same since  LA Debugger Client is not crippled in 
some way Like Oracle or MS SQL Express :-)

It's just plain old freeware.



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[GENERAL] Getting weird pg_tblspc error, has anyone seen this before?

2008-04-01 Thread Tony Caduto
I have a client who is running this query(just brings back info about 
the databases on the server):

pgd.datname as database,
pgr.rolname as owner,
pgt.spcname as tablespace,
pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size(pgd.oid)) as dbsize,
pg_encoding_to_char(encoding) as encoding,
from pg_database pgd
LEFT JOIN pg_roles pgr on pgr.oid = pgd.datdba
LEFT JOIN pg_description pdesc on pdesc.objoid = pgd.oid
LEFT JOIN pg_tablespace pgt on pgd.dattablespace = pgt.oid
WHERE pgd.datname not like 'template%' ORDER BY pgd.datname;

The exact error is(as reported from PG Admin III):

ERROR: could not open tablespace directory pg_tblspc: No such file or 

SQL state: 58P01

The user is running on a Mac PC that is booting Windows XP via Bootcamp.

The user also claims that the error only occurs when running the query 
locally i.e. localhost, but when he runs the query from a different PC 
it works and he gets a result set back.  The error occurs regardless of 
the client as well, same error is reported via PG Admin III, PSQL, and LA.

Other queries such as select * from pg_tablespace work fine so I am at a 
loss as why this query gives a pg_tblspc error.

He is running 8.2.6 win32 version on a Mac core 2 system that dual boots 
to XP.

I have been trying for days to reproduce the error on my PCs running the 
client and server on the same PC with no luck, I have tried the same 
version of PGSQL he is running as well as 8.3 with no luck.  I am 
missing some info from the client like what user he is running as and 
what his pg_hba.conf looks like.

If anyone has seen this before please let me know.


Tony Caduto

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Re: [GENERAL] Getting weird pg_tblspc error, has anyone seen this before?

2008-04-01 Thread Tony Caduto

Tom Lane wrote:

This must be coming from calculate_database_size().  Is
$PGDATA/pg_tblspc actually missing?  If the guy has no custom
tablespaces, I can believe that nothing except pg_database_size()
or pg_tablespace_size() would try to touch that subdirectory, so
he might not otherwise notice that it'd gone missing.

Thanks Tom,
I will follow up with the client and have him check if that directory is 
I think he may have used the Postbooks win32 installer to install his 
server, so it might be that their installer is messed up and not 
creating the directory properly or messing something up with the 
environment vars where it can't find the directory.


Tony Caduto

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Re: [GENERAL] Getting weird pg_tblspc error, has anyone seen this before?

2008-04-01 Thread Tony Caduto

Magnus Hagander wrote:

Tony Caduto wrote:
I will follow up with the client and have him check if that directory 
is missing.
I think he may have used the Postbooks win32 installer to install his 
server, so it might be that their installer is messed up and not 
creating the directory properly or messing something up with the 
environment vars where it can't find the directory.

The pg_tblspc directory is created by initdb, not the installer. And 
IIRC doesn't touch any environment variables. It does set the data 
path on the commandline, but if that one is incorrect you shouldn't 
even get that far.


I just used the postbooks installer and it did not create the pg_tblspc 
directory, so the issue appears to be caused by a messed up Postbooks 
win32 installer.   Check out this screenshot:

They must be deleting it after the initdb, maybe they figured since it 
was empty they did not need it?



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Re: [GENERAL] Getting weird pg_tblspc error, has anyone seen this before?

2008-04-01 Thread Tony Caduto

Tom Lane wrote:

Bizarre.  I hope you'll tell them to fix that.


Agreed :-)

I bet they just took a snapshot of a install dir that had the postmaster 
stopped and used that in their setup.  It probably does not do a initdb 
during the setup.  Why it's missing that directory is a mystery :-)

I did report the issue on the PostBooks sourceforge project forum.


Tony Caduto

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Re: [GENERAL] date and time

2008-03-24 Thread Tony Caduto

Alain Roger wrote:


i have a stored procedure (a function) in which i must generate a 
date/time stamp.
for that i use select * from now(); and store the result into a 
column table.

is there a easier way to do that ? i tried to store directly now(); 
result but without success.

Do you mean something like this:

RETURNS timestamp  AS
mydate_var timestamp;

--store the current timestamp  in a variable
mydate_var = now();

RETURN mydate_var;



Tony Caduto
AM Software
Home of Lightning Admin for PostgreSQL and MySQL

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Re: [GENERAL] msvcr80.dll and PostgreSQL 8.3 under Windows XP

2008-02-18 Thread Tony Caduto

Dave Page wrote:

You can avoid this by building your own libpq.dll using mingw/msys if
you like - that will work just fine with a VC++ built server.


Hi Dave,
Just some thoughts on the whole libpq.dll thing.

It would be really nice from a client distribution view of things to 
have a libpq.dll that was not so dependency heavy.
For the 8.3 release the total amount of files needed to use things such 
as pg_dump.exe is close to 5mb.

maybe a light version of libpq.dll is needed, just the libpq and the 
open ssl dlls would be ideal, many times all that extra stuff is not 
needed just to run pg_dump.

Didn't there used to be a project on pgfoundry that built the client 
tools separate from the server build?

Just some thoughts,



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Re: [GENERAL] Pains in upgrading to 8.3

2008-02-15 Thread Tony Caduto

paul rivers wrote:
Going from 8.2.4 and 8.2.6 to 8.3.0 has been painless for me.  
However, unlike the blogger you cite, I read the directions before, 
not after, attempting it.

The blogger has a point about pg_dump and restore, it could be much 
better, for example
the backup process could be part of the server core and instead of 
having a fat client where most of the process is running on the client, 
a API could be
used where the backup is generated on the server and then have options 
where it could be left on the server or transferred to the clients PC.

Using pg_dump remotely is becoming a pain because it's not really 
backwards compatible with earlier releases, so you end up having to have 
multiple copies laying around to use on different server versions.

While Firebird is mostly inferior, it's backup system is much nicer that 
PostgreSQL's system.  Firebird uses a backup API, so if you backup 
remotely there is no fat client needed and it eliminates all the 
dependency issues on the client side.  The client access library 
implements the API and that's it.
You of course could hack something similar on PGSQL by using SSH and 
remotely executing pg_dump on the server, but that does not really help 
on windows servers where SSH is not a common thing.

The backup data is coming back to the client regardless, so why not just 
return it as a result set?

Just my opinion on the matter, no flames please.



---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [GENERAL] Pains in upgrading to 8.3

2008-02-15 Thread Tony Caduto

Magnus Hagander wrote:

For the case of upgrading, it wouldn't work. But there are certainly 
other cases where it would help. Say from your central pgadmin console 
administering 10 servers from 3 different major release trees :-(

It can be done with commandline pg_dump, but it means you have to have 
three different installs on your management or backup or whatever 
machine. Those cases would certainly be easier if you could just call 
a backup API on the server that would feed you the data... (yes, there 
are ways to do it with ssh tunneling and whatever, but that's yet 
another external service that has to be set up and configured)

I'm not saying it's worth the work and potential downsides, just that 
there are clear upsides :-)

Exactly, I didn't necessarily mean the blogger had a point about 
upgrades in general, just that pg_dump had room for improvement.

Hey maybe a backup API is something for the Google Summer of Code thing, 
it would be really nice to have, and make general backups much easier 
from a admin point of view.



---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQLDirect versus Npgsql

2008-02-14 Thread Tony Caduto

Benjamin Arai wrote:
Has anybody had a good experience going from Npgsql to 
Corelab:PostgreSQLDirect?  I am considering migrating because it 
offers support for COPY but I am wondering about other functionality 
and performance as well.  Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.


The Corelab product does not support SSL connections.  I looked at it, 
but I needed SSL, so I am sticking with Npgsql.

Other than the fact it does not have SSL, it looks very nice and 
includes a dump component, not sure if that is fully managed or just a 
wrapper around pg_dump.exe.


Tony Caduto
AM Software Design
Home of Lightning Admin for PostgreSQL and MySQL

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
  choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

[GENERAL] Possible tiny issue with pg_dump.exe on windows

2008-02-12 Thread Tony Caduto

This may apply to Unix versions as well but I have not tried.

Anyway, I am using C# to create a GUI front end to pg_dump and I am 
using the PGPASSWORD environment variable to set the password like this:

System.Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(PGPASSWORD, myargs.password);

This works fine and pg_dump.exe executes happily. But now here is the issue:

When I pass a database name that does not exist after setting the 
password via the environment variable instead of writing the database 
not found error to standard error, it prompts for the password and 
causes the C# program to lock.  Now the chance of it getting a bad 
database name is slim, but it could happen if a database is deleted and 
the list is not refreshed.  I am not forcing it to display the password 
prompt with -W by the way.

Shouldn't it write the database not found error to standard error 
instead of prompting for the password?

If I purposely pass other bad arguments after setting the password it 
does not display the password prompt in the command window.  I noticed 
this because during development I am showing the process window and for 
production it of course will be hidden.

I notices this on the 8.3 version of pg_dump, but probably applies to 
others as well.

Has anyone else noticed this?

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

[GENERAL] Lets get the 8.3 Announcement on the front page of Digg

2008-02-05 Thread Tony Caduto

I dugg it :-)



---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
  choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [GENERAL] Lets get the 8.3 Announcement on the front page of Digg

2008-02-05 Thread Tony Caduto

At the bottom of that Register article I saw this article:

In which it says:

Ingres inventor and Postgres architect Mike Stonebraker

So this Stonebraker guy is the Postgres Architect?

Interesting stuff on the Register :-)

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: [GENERAL] Is PostGreSql's Data storage mechanism inferior?

2008-01-31 Thread Tony Caduto

Swaminathan Saikumar wrote:

Check out the link. I am starting out on a new personal project  had 
zeroed in on PostGreSql with Mono-ASP.NET as ideal for my needs, 
mainly owing to a PostGreSql whitepaper.
Now, I chanced upon the article above. I've pasted the cons as 
mentioned in the article, and would like the community feedback on it, 
especially with regards to the inferior Data Storage mechanism.

The cons of PostgreSql Hosting
* Performance considerations: Inserts and Updates into the PostgreSql 
database is much slower compared to MySql. PostgreSql hosting thus 
might slow down the display of the web page online.
* BSD license issues: Since PostgreSql comes under the Berkeley 
license scheme, this is again considered to be too open.
* Availability of inferior Data Storage mechanism: PostgreSql uses 
Postgres storage system, which is not considered to be transaction sae 
during PostgreSql hosting.
* Its not far-flung: While MySql hosting and MSSql hosting have deeply 
penetrated into the market, PostgreSql hosting still remains to be 
passive in the database hosting market.
* Non-availability of required assistance for PostgreSql hosting: 
Assistance is being provided via mailing lists. However there is no 
guarantee that the issue faced during PostgreSql hosting would be 

Those cons are seriously out of date.
They apply to very old versions of PostgreSQL and even that is 
stretching it.

The part about the BSD license is bogus. A BSD license is the most 
desirable of any Open Source license and gives you the right to use 
PostgreSQL in your commercial apps without worry.

The part about  inferior Data Storage mechanism is also flat out wrong.  
PostgreSQL uses a MVC system same as Oracle and it also has transaction 
logs,PITR etc.

Inserts and updates will be slightly slower than a Non MVC system, but 
the human eye would not detect any difference in a web page displaying, 
we are talking about miliseconds.  Who does massive amounts of inserts 
and updates from a web page anyway?  I have CMS such as Drupal running 
on both PostgreSQL and MySQL and I can't tell the difference in the 
speed the pages render.

The availability of assistance is also bogus as there are many ways to 
get support if you need it including commercial support companies and 
Enterprise DB, The mailing list is also very active and effective.

The only part that has any truth to it is the far flung part, and MySQL 
is king there, it even dwarfs M$ SQL server.  M$ SQL server is severely 
limited for hosting as well since it ONLY runs on windows and most 
hosting providers run some form of Unix where M$ cannot play at all.

So in conclusion I would not pay attention to this article, it was 
written by someone who really does not know what they are talking about.


Tony Caduto
AM Software Design
Home of Lightning Admin for PostgreSQL and MySQL

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?

[GENERAL] PostgreSQL 8.2 and Firebird 1.5 comparative

2007-11-15 Thread Tony Caduto

I submitted this to digg.

Needless to say PGSQL has a lot more yes entries :-)

Please give it a digg if you want.



---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [GENERAL] moving from mysql to postgree

2007-11-15 Thread Tony Caduto

Pau Marc Munoz Torres wrote:

 I'm moving from mysql to postgresql just now i I'm a bit lost, could 
anyone tell me some place with a comparative between postdresql and 
mysql commands, i think than mostly is the same think but, any way, do 
anything change ?



You should check out Lightning Admin.  We have a version for both that 
have the same look and feel and could make the transition easier.

You can also ask questions at our forums: regarding moving from MySQL to 

Tony Caduto
Home of Lightning Admin for PostgreSQL and MySQL
Both versions for 24.99 (limited time only).

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
  subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
  message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

[GENERAL] 8.3 vs 8.2 sql compatiblity issue

2007-11-15 Thread Tony Caduto

Just running some queries that have worked from 7.4 through 8.2 and they 
don't seem to work on 8.3.

select case when a.attnum  = any(conkey) then true else false end from 
pg_constraint where contype = 'p' and conrelid = c.oid

This one is puking on  a.attnum  = any(conkey)

returns the following error:

SQL State: 42883
ERROR: operator does not exist: smallint = text
HINT: No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You might 
need to add explicit type casts.

0 Record(s) Returned

I am actually getting a lot of these operator does not exist errors in 8.3
another one I get is operator does not exist for char=integer


attnum = pi.indkey[0])  used to work but fails in 8.3




---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

[GENERAL] Compiled debugger plug in for windows, any one have it?

2007-11-15 Thread Tony Caduto

I dont' have a c/c++ compiler on my PCs as I am a Delphi guy.

Anyone have it compiled for win32 and willing to share?

Actually I do have CodeGear C++, but it's unlikely to work with that.



---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [GENERAL] 8.3 vs 8.2 sql compatiblity issue

2007-11-15 Thread Tony Caduto

Tom Lane wrote:

That's no doubt got something to do with it, but I think Tony is mighty
confused about exactly what is failing.  pg_constraint.conkey is not
text, for instance; it's smallint[] and so the quoted bit should still
work just fine.  I'd suggest trying the query in some client that gives
you an error location pointer, which whatever he's using evidently does

regards, tom lane

You are exactly correct, I copied the wrong line in the original 
message, sorry about that, it was this line:

case when a.attnum as text IN( select array_to_string(conkey,',') from 
pg_constraint where

which is fixed by adding a cast:

case when cast(a.attnum as text) IN( select array_to_string(conkey,',') 
from pg_constraint where

I must have missed it in the release notes about the implicit casts not 
working anymore.

It's going to be a huge pain in the ass to go through all the code and 
add explicit casts :-(



---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
  choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

[GENERAL] Question about PostgreSQL from Delphi newsgroups

2007-11-15 Thread Tony Caduto

Someone asked me a question about PostgreSQL on the Delphi newsgroups 
and I was not sure how to answer them:

Do you know if using PostgreSQL a query or connection can have a 
priority set, so it can run quicker than other queries?
For example, in a POS system the reporting queries should have lower 
priority than the generated invoices insert queries. 



---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

[GENERAL] Tom thinks it's bad code was 8.3 vs 8.2 sql compatibility issue

2007-11-15 Thread Tony Caduto

Alvaro Herrera wrote:

Tom Lane wrote:

Tony Caduto [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

case when cast(a.attnum as text) IN( select array_to_string(conkey,',') 
from pg_constraint where

Surely that's the worst bit of SQL code I've seen in awhile.

Wow, you really are lucky.


You guys really should keep such kind words to yourself. 
Not sure how in the hell you can say its bad code when it is just a 
little piece. 
You don't even know what it does.

Again thank you for you kind words of wisdom.

Have a great day.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

[GENERAL] PLpgsql debugger question

2007-11-14 Thread Tony Caduto

Does anyone know if there is a debugger function that will return the 
line numbers that are executable?

Also, is the debugger code available at pgfoundry the GUI client that 
EnterpriseDB has done or is the module that needs to be installed on the 

As I understand it the debugger functions are included by default in 
8.3, but how do you install for 8.2?


Tony Caduto

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [GENERAL] PLpgsql debugger question

2007-11-14 Thread Tony Caduto

Tom Lane wrote:

Tony Caduto [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
As I understand it the debugger functions are included by default in 

That's incorrect.

regards, tom lane


Ok, thanks for the info.

Back in Sept the debugger was advertised as a feature of 8.3, so if it's 
not included how is it a feature?
Is it going to be included as a contrib module or something else?  I am 
talking about the server side stuff not the EDB GUI client.



---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [GENERAL] PLpgsql debugger question

2007-11-14 Thread Tony Caduto

brian wrote:

I don't know what you're referring to when you say it was advertised 
as a feature but it's not a part of the PG release. You can get it here:

Here ya go:

From the article:

After nine months of work, the new features in 8.3 will be available at They will include:
A finished PL/pgSQL debugger, a tool for editing PostgreSQL's version of 
the standard SQL data access language in database applications.
Full text search made more accessible by becoming a feature included in 
the system code instead of being an add-on option.
Clustering code from Skype for load balancing and spreading queries to a 
large database across several PostgreSQL systems.

Now you know what I am talking about :-)


Tony Caduto

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: [GENERAL] PLpgsql debugger question

2007-11-14 Thread Tony Caduto

Joshua D. Drake wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On Wed, 14 Nov 2007 12:49:37 -0600
Tony Caduto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Here ya go:

I see nothing incorrect in that article.


Joshua D. Drake

Who said anything was incorrect? It's just a bit misleading (the Info 
Week Article).

It's just after reading that MANY readers would think that if they 
install 8.3, the debugger hooks/whatever would be ready out of the box.

Whoever is doing the release notes may want to have something in there 
about the debugger and the fact that it's not included and has to be 
manually compiled and all that.

In the current release notes for 8.3  it makes NO mention of the debugger.


Tony Caduto

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [GENERAL] PLpgsql debugger question

2007-11-14 Thread Tony Caduto

Richard Huxton wrote:

So you're saying the finished plpgsql debugger will be available from ?

After nine months of work, the new features in 8.3 will be available 
at They will include:

* A finished PL/pgSQL debugger

There is no mention of anything debugger related in the 8.3 beta release 
notes either.

Kind of seems like its not really a feature to me, but what do I know :-)

The article is very misleading with regards to the debugger.


Tony Caduto

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

[GENERAL] Verison 8.3 PL/pgSQL debugger Question

2007-11-10 Thread Tony Caduto

Is there any documentation for developers on how to use the new debugger 
in 8.3?
Specifically on how it works and general guidelines on integration into 
3rd party GUI applications.



---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL vs Firebird feature comparison finished

2007-08-27 Thread Tony Caduto

Stephen Ince wrote:
Postgres can't be embedded or serverless. Firebird has the embedded 
feature. Most of the databases have this capability (hsqldb, 
derby,oracle,mysql, firebird, and db2). Derby and hsqldb are the only 
free embedded databases for commercial use.

A lot of Firebird users have been saying this as well, but the 
comparison if more for Enterprise use.
Plus if you need a embedded database wouldn't it be better to use one 
built specifically for that purpose?  i.e. SQLite for example.

Good call on the name limit, I remember running into that when porting 
something from MS SQL server to Firebird about 4 years ago.

I will have to check and see if this still applies to version 2.0



---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

[GENERAL] Can someone else verify if this is a bug?

2007-08-25 Thread Tony Caduto

I think there might be a bug in the built in function pg_get_viewdef.

Basically if you have a function in your view SQL like this:

replace(address1, '\r', '')

pg_get_viewdef is returning the view definition with the \r replaced by 
it's ASCII code which causes this:

replace(address1, '

The returned def gets a line break where the \r should be.

I have verified this in Lightning Admin and PG Admin III, just wanted a 
second opinion.

I apologize if this is already known.



---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL vs Firebird feature comparison finished

2007-08-25 Thread Tony Caduto

Someone mentioned we should put this in the PostgreSQL wiki.

Do you guys think that would be beneficial?  If so, I don't mind the 
work on the list I have done so far going on the wiki.

It would make it a lot easier to add other DBs to the mix.



---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL vs Firebird feature comparison finished

2007-08-25 Thread Tony Caduto

Greg Smith wrote:

This is a really good comparision, focusing on features that I think 
people understand rather than so much on technical trivia.  Someone 
else mentioned moving it onto the Wiki.  Questions that pop into my head:

-Tony, would be you be comfortable with your work being assimilated 
into a larger table that was hosted somewhere else but credited yours 
as a source?

Thanks Greg :-)

I don't have any problem with what I have done so far being assimilated 
in a larger work as long as I get credited as a contributer.



---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL vs Firebird feature comparison finished

2007-08-23 Thread Tony Caduto

Dave Page wrote:

Couple of corrections Tony:

- You don't necessarily need to stop the postmaster to take a filesystem
backup -
Obviously that assumes logs will be replayed during recovery.

- The native win32 port will run on FAT32, we just prevent the installer
from initdb'ing on such a partition. You can do it manually however, but
tablespaces won't work.

I'm a little puzzled about why you list multi-threaded architecture as a
feature - on Windows it's a little more efficient of course, but the
multi-process architecture is arguably far more robust, and certainly
used to be more portable (I'm not sure that's still the case for
platforms we actually care about).

Regards, Dave.


Thanks  Dave.
Will update ASAP.

I agree with you on the multi-threaded.  I think I will add a note 
saying the the multi-threaded architecture is only advantageous  on Windows.
I have seen instances where the threaded version of Firebird completely 
craps out because one of the threads  has issues.

Will also make a note that it can run on FAT32 with some limitations.



---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
  subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
  message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL vs Firebird feature comparison finished

2007-08-23 Thread Tony Caduto

Dave Page wrote:

Tony Caduto wrote:

Other than that I would say PG kicks butt.

You're just realising that? :-)


Ah, I new that around 2004 :-)  I just have to convince Delphi users of 
that :-)



---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?

[GENERAL] PostgreSQL vs Firebird feature comparison finished

2007-08-22 Thread Tony Caduto

Check it out here:

When comparing in the grid the only major advantage FB has is probably 
BLOB support.
PG only suppports 1 gb while FB supports 32gb.  Bytea is pretty slow as 
well when compared to the FB BLOB support.

The other area is Character sets and collation.  They support it at a 
field level as well as the database.

Other than that I would say PG kicks butt.

If there is any interest I could also add MySQL 5.0 to the mix as the 
third column.



---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
  subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
  message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

[GENERAL] Need help doing a PostgreSQL vs Firebird feature comparison

2007-08-21 Thread Tony Caduto


I was just wondering if anyone could help me out by taking a look to see 
if I missed any important features.

This comparison is going to be for the benefit of Delphi users.  The 
Delphi community is heavily biased to Firebird.

Please post any comments or suggestions here:

You don't need to register.



---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: [GENERAL] Need help doing a PostgreSQL vs Firebird feature comparison

2007-08-21 Thread Tony Caduto

Dmitry Koterov wrote:
One difference in SQL syntax is that FireBird could join stored 
procedures like this:

  get_ids() a
  LEFT JOIN get_data(a.ID http://a.ID) ON 1=1

(where a.ID http://a.ID parameter is passed from the previous set as 
a next procedure parameter), but Postgres cannot.

Can't PostgreSQL do that now though?
Functions with out params are treated like tables as of 8.1.



---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [GENERAL] Postgresql INSERT speed (how to improve performance)?

2007-08-13 Thread Tony Caduto

Lim Berger wrote:

INSERTing into MySQL takes 0.0001 seconds per insert query.
INSERTing into PgSQL takes 0.871 seconds per (much smaller) insert query.

What can I do to improve this performance? What could be going wrong
to elicit such poor insertion performance from Postgresql?


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend


The first thing I would ask is what type of DB engine are you using 
while doing the inserts on MySQL?
The reason MySQL is doing the inserts faster is it does not have 
transaction support if you are using anything other than InnoDB.

With that said you can increase your insert performance by simply using 
a transaction and committing every 1000 rows or so.

If you do this you will see a huge performance increase.

hope that helps.

Tony Caduto
AM Software Design
Home of Lightning Admin for PostgreSQL and MySQL

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [GENERAL] Postgresql INSERT speed (how to improve performance)?

2007-08-13 Thread Tony Caduto

Lim Berger wrote:

On 8/14/07, Andrej Ricnik-Bay [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 8/14/07, Lim Berger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

INSERTing into MySQL takes 0.0001 seconds per insert query.
INSERTing into PgSQL takes 0.871 seconds per (much smaller) insert query.

What can I do to improve this performance? What could be going wrong
to elicit such poor insertion performance from Postgresql?


Are you sure you are not confusing Seconds VS Milliseconds from one 
query tool to the other?

What tools are you using to show the query times?

As far as I know the psql command line tool shows milliseconds not seconds.

You should probably post some more info like the actual insert query 
used and the table.

I have never seen a insert take that long even a big one, unless you 
have some network latency to the PGSQL host and it's causing the time to

be messed up on the client.

Might also help to let us know exactly how you are timing this stuff.  
Are you connecting remotely via PSQL or are you connecting via SSH and 
running psql or mysql that way?


Tony Caduto
AM Software Design
Home of PG Lightning Admin for PostgreSQL and MySQL

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: [GENERAL] Reordering columns, will this ever be simple?

2007-08-07 Thread Tony Caduto

Gregory Stark wrote:

novnov [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Is there any plan to add such a capability to postgres? 

It's been talked about. I wouldn't be surprised to see it in 8.4 but nobody's
said they'll be doing it yet and there are a lot of other more exciting ideas

From a admin tool developers perspective the ability to reorder columns 
without manually copying to a new table and all that is pretty exiting :-)

Tony Caduto
AM Software Design

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [GENERAL] pgTray - win32 tray tool for monitoring PostgreSQL service

2007-08-02 Thread Tony Caduto

Andrei Kovalevski wrote:

   Hi all!

   Everyone who use PostgreSQL server on Windows knows - it would be 
nice to have some tray management and  monitoring tool for PostgreSQL 
server which is running as NT Service (for example - MS SQL already 
have such tool). I have created a new project on pgfoundry - I'm opened for any ideas how can 
we improve this tool and what features whould be helpful.

Thanks, Andrei.

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Have you done any development yet?   I can do something in Delphi in a 
matter of hours and would be able to donate the code as a BSD license.
I have done a similar tray application for Firebird and it would be just 
a matter of changing the service it monitors.

We could also do a control panel applet.


Tony Caduto
AM Software Design

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: [GENERAL] The leanest, meanest Windows installer possible

2007-07-30 Thread Tony Caduto

Mitchell Vincent wrote:

I've been using PG for years and years but bringing it to the Win32
desktop presents some deployment challenges. Since this software will
be downloaded I am looking for the smallest possible installer that
provides the functionality I'm looking for. 

Hi Mitchell,

I created a slick installer to do just what you want with Inno setup.
Nice and easy to use with no MSI/WIX dependencies or complexities.
Get it here, full source included with a BSD license for the parts I wrote.

It's only been tested with 8.1, but should work just fine with 8.2.

This program is AS IS..with no support from AM Software.

Inno Setup is available from here for free:

I can't remember exactly, but I think this one comes in at around 8mb.

Tony Caduto
AM Software Design
Home of Lightning Admin for PostgreSQL and MySQL

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
  choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [GENERAL] Proposed Feature

2007-06-22 Thread Tony Caduto

Bruce Momjian wrote:

Naz Gassiep wrote:

I'm using PG on windows for the first time (as of about 6 minutes ago).
I was thinking that it would be great to have a system tray icon with a
running indicator, kind of like the way Apache2.x for windows has, or
even MSSQL. Perhaps the PG logo with a small white circle with a red
square or a green triangle in the same fashion.
Just a thought.

And what does the icon show or do?


That would be pretty easy to do with Delphi.
I could whip something up and donate it to the project with a BSD license.

It could be a green Play arrow if the service is running and a red one 
if it is not, then have a few right click options

to start/stop/restart the service.

I was thinking the same thing awhile back, but forgot about it.


Tony Caduto
AM Software Design
Home of PG Lightning Admin for Postgresql
Your best bet for Postgresql Administration 

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: [GENERAL] SQL Manager 2007 for PostgreSQL released

2007-06-01 Thread Tony Caduto

Guillaume Lelarge wrote:

I asked them some time ago. They answered me this :

As for SQL Manager for PostgreSQL - we regret to inform you that the
development and support of Linux editions of EMS software products has
become impossible now that Borland no longer supports Kylix libraries
for Delphi, on which all Linux versions of EMS software were based.
Hence, EMS has made a decision to discontinue Linux versions of its
products. Linux products will not be available for sale or download anymore.


Just a FYI, their win32 versions will probably work fine in Linux via WINE.

Lightning Admin does anyway(work via WINE) and they program their 
products with Delphi as well, so I think it would work fine.

Just one word of advice about WINE, make sure you have the core MS true 
type fonts installed or the win32 apps will look funny, especially when 
using editors.


Tony Caduto
AM Software Design
Home of PG Lightning Admin for Postgresql
Your best option for Postgresql Administration 

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [GENERAL] Postgres data/form entry tool

2007-04-19 Thread Tony Caduto

David Potts wrote:

Can any body recommend a generic opensource  data entry tool that can be
used to make some simple forms for entering data in to postgres?

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend


For Desktop applications on win32

Lazarus :

Delphi Turbo Explorer:  (use with ODBC or 

Sharp Develop:  (use with npgsql .net data 

For web based:

PHP and use NVU ( to design the forms. 

Netbeans IDE

There are probably many more

Tony Caduto
AM Software Design
Home of PG Lightning Admin for Postgresql
Your best option for Postgresql Administration 

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [GENERAL] Is there a shortage of postgresql skilled ops people

2007-03-27 Thread Tony Caduto

The sad reality from what I have observed is that unless more people gain 
those skills and want to work in ops, it's becoming very hard for me to 
justify recommending postgresql for enterprise (or larger) scale projects.

What do others  do and/or experience?


I think there are people around, but maybe they don't want to move etc.

If a PostgreSQL job where ever to show up in Milwaukee, I would apply 
for it in a heartbeat.

Another thing is this, how hard could it possibly be for a MS SQL DBA or 
Oracle DBA to pick up using PostgreSQL?
I don't think it would take a decent admin of any database to come up to 
speed in a very short time as long as they were interested in doing so.

Tony Caduto
AM Software Design
Home of PG Lightning Admin for Postgresql
Your best bet for Postgresql Administration 

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [GENERAL] Postgresql to Delphi

2007-03-20 Thread Tony Caduto

Bob Pawley wrote:

I have posed this question to the Delphi list but they don't appear to 
be able to help.
I am attempting to have the information in a PostgreSQL database table 
trigger a function in Delphi.
At present the delphi application is triggered by a mouseup on a 
TImage file, residing in a notebook,  through an alias 
(DeviceNotebookMouseUpAlias). I want to have the Postgres use this 
alias to trigger the function.
Could someone point me to any literature that would help me with this 
Bob Pawley

I would have replied to the Delphi List if I had seen it :-)

The best way would be to use the listen/notify that PostgreSQL provides, 
but only a couple of the Delphi libraries support
notifications from PostgreSQL, zeoslib does not work at all, nor will 
the PGSQL driver that shipped with Kylix.
PostgresDAC from Microolap ( will work with 
notifications and they have pretty decent support.
If you prefer Dbexpress you could try the driver from 
which has support for notifications, but it is a bit pricey compared to 
the  Microolap product.  There is also a library for libpq.dll out there 
if you want to code really low level.

And for those out there who don't know what Delphi is, check out
It's basically  Visual Object Pascal and works very similar to VB 
version 6, except it has full support for inheritance etc and can 
program down to the bare metal using inline Assembler if you really need 
to do that :-) It also has full support for pointers etc so you can 
pretty much get the performance of C or C++ all in the same package.  
Using Delphi for database applications is like being in Paradise all the 
time :-)


Tony Caduto
AM Software Design
Home of PG Lightning Admin for Postgresql
Built with CodeGear Delphi 2007
Your best bet for Postgresql Administration 

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
  choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [GENERAL] Postgresql to Delphi

2007-03-20 Thread Tony Caduto

Bob Pawley wrote:
Listen/notify implies a dynamic table that is constantly on the 
change. Am I correct?

The table I am talking about is completed through one interface then 
imported as a relatively static information base for the application 
in which I am seeking help.

you would have to define a rule on the table and when the table changed 
it would send a notification back to who ever is listening.

Why don't you just run a query against the table, then loop through the 
result set and then trigger your devices from inside the loop?

myquery.sql.add('select * from mytable where bla = bla;');;
While not myquery.eof do
if myquery.fieldbyname('somefield').asstring = 'something' then

  //signal your device.;

I guess that is the best I can come up without knowing more.


Tony Caduto
AM Software Design
Home of PG Lightning Admin for Postgresql
Your best bet for Postgresql Administration 

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: [GENERAL] pg_dumpall and version confusion

2007-03-16 Thread Tony Caduto

Joshua D. Drake wrote:

other deficiencies let's not add to complexity by having an

If you want that, create a wrapper program that calls to different
statically compiled versions of pg_dump.

Joshua D. Drake

I am afraid that I have to agree with Tom here. Pg_dump has plenty of

Well for me that would not be a option.  I use object pascal and can't 
statically link C code into my apps.  Doing the statically linked thing 
would also bloat any resulting binary.

I don't think the whole --output-version thing would be a good idea 
either, but it would be a simple matter to add some logic for the
GRANT ON SEQUENCE, which seems to be the only thing that is really 
causing problems at least between 8.1 and 8.2.

The old way of granting permissions on sequences still works on 8.2 
right?  If so then maybe a switch to disable GRANT ON SEQUENCE would do 
the trick.


Tony Caduto
AM Software Design
Home of PG Lightning Admin for Postgresql
Your best bet for Postgresql Administration 

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [GENERAL] pg_dumpall and version confusion

2007-03-15 Thread Tony Caduto

Tom Lane wrote:

We try to make pg_dump
cope with prior server releases, but since we lack a time machine we
can't go back and teach old versions about subsequent server changes...

How come version 8.2 of pg_dump uses GRANT ON SEQUENCE when dumping a 
8.1 or older database?
Was it just a oversight?  Seems it should be a simple matter to add some 
logic that says IF version = 8.2 THEN use grant on seq  else don't use it.

Bruce told me just the opposite of what you said in the above message.


Tony Caduto
AM Software Design
Home of PG Lightning Admin for Postgresql
Your best bet for Postgresql Administration 

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
  subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
  message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Re: [GENERAL] pg_dumpall and version confusion

2007-03-15 Thread Tony Caduto

Alvaro Herrera wrote:

What's wrong with that?  8.2 will understand the GRANT ON SEQUENCE
without a problem.


Yes, but 8.1 and earlier wont!

If you dump a 8.1 database (with 8.2 pg_dump) and then use that dump to 
restore to another 8.1  server, any permissions on sequences will fail 
to restore because the 8.2 pg_dump can't handle NOT using GRANT ON 
SEQUENCE on the lower version of the server.
Would it really be that big of a deal to add some logic to 8.2 pg_dump 
to say: Hey I am not dumping a 8.2 server, so don't use GRANT ON SEQUENCE?

most Admin tools ship with the latest version of pg_dump and restore, so 
If I attempt to restore that dump via pgAdmin III (or other tools) which 
is using 8.2 versions of dump and restore it will fail on a 8.1 server.

Do you see the point I am trying to make?   Should admin tool vendors 
start shipping every version of pg_dump now?

In a earlier message about this same thing Bruce said (I am quoting from 
memory so it's not exact) that we don't try and make pg_dump backwards 
compatible and to use the dump that came with whatever version you are 
dumping from  So to me that seemed opposite of what Tom said.

If I misquoted anyone I  apologize  in advance.


Tony Caduto
AM Software Design
Home of PG Lightning Admin for Postgresql
Your best bet for Postgresql Administration 

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: [GENERAL] pg_dumpall and version confusion

2007-03-15 Thread Tony Caduto

Dave Page wrote:
This is a problem I've been thinking about on and off recently - and I 
am starting to come to the conclusion that shipping each version of 
the utilities is the only way things are likely to work unless someone 
puts some really significant effort into adding backwards 
compatibility modes to pg_dump (which I imagine is likely to meet 
resistance if offered as a patch anyway).

I never had a issue before the 8.2 dump and the GRANT ON SEQUENCE. 
The version differences in PGSQL are nothing compared to what goes on 
with MySQL.

Maybe that would be a good Google summer of code project :-)  (make 
pg_dump more backwards compatible to at least 8.0)


Tony Caduto
AM Software Design
Home of PG Lightning Admin for Postgresql
Your best bet for Postgresql Administration 

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [GENERAL] How to write a function that manipulates a set of results

2007-03-14 Thread Tony Caduto

Ashley Moran wrote:
It fetches about 20 rows from a table of approx 4 million, then it 
needs to do further calculations to narrow them down further.  
Previously we have only written database code for SQL Server, and 
there we would use a table variable.  Apparently temporary tables are 
not equivalent and not suitable for this.

Seems like a temp table with a insert into would work for you.

insert into mytemptable
select field1,field2 from sometable where field1 = 5;

Then you can query the new temp table anyway you would like while you 
are still in the function.

Tony Caduto
AM Software Design
Home of PG Lightning Admin for Postgresql
Your best bet for Postgresql Administration 

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [GENERAL] grant on sequence and pg_restore/pg_dump problem

2007-02-28 Thread Tony Caduto

Bruce Momjian wrote:

Tony Caduto wrote:

I did a quick search and didn't see anything on this, if I missed it 
sorry in advance.
Anyway, I was doing a restore of a 8.1 database(on a 8.1 server) using 
the 8.2 pg_restore and it was throwing errors when it was trying to

restore the permissions on the sequences.
basically the pg_restore was using the grant on sequence against the 8.1 
database which of course 8.1 knows nothing about.

Is there a switch or something I missed that would allow this to work 
properly on a 8.1 or lower database?

Or do I have to now have 2 versions of dump/restore in order to do this?

You can use 8.2 to dump 8.1, but for restore, you should use the same
version as the target database.

So for admin tool vendors, we need to now ship more than one copy of 
Wasn't the restore pretty much backwards compatible until now? 
Certainly pg_restore must know what version of the server it's 
connecting to, shouldn't it be able to adjust the GRANT ON so on versions

  8.2 it does not use the SEQUENCE keyword?


Tony Caduto
AM Software Design
Home of PG Lightning Admin for Postgresql
Your best bet for Postgresql Administration 

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?

[GENERAL] grant on sequence and pg_restore/pg_dump problem

2007-02-26 Thread Tony Caduto

I did a quick search and didn't see anything on this, if I missed it 
sorry in advance.
Anyway, I was doing a restore of a 8.1 database(on a 8.1 server) using 
the 8.2 pg_restore and it was throwing errors when it was trying to

restore the permissions on the sequences.
basically the pg_restore was using the grant on sequence against the 8.1 
database which of course 8.1 knows nothing about.

Is there a switch or something I missed that would allow this to work 
properly on a 8.1 or lower database?

Or do I have to now have 2 versions of dump/restore in order to do this?



---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [GENERAL] Password issue revisited

2007-02-20 Thread Tony Caduto

Magnus Hagander wrote:

Are we sure we want to do this? (Sorry, didn't notice this thread last

The default on *all* windows versions since NT 4.0 (which is when the
directory we use was added) will put this file in a protected directory.
Is there truly such a thing on a windows PC?  All it takes is one Virus 
or Malware to gain access to the PC and anything stored in the

user profile is easy picking.
The virus and malware creators may not know about the pg_pass file now, 
but they will eventually.
What about having a wallet type system where the user can create a pass 
phrase to protect a generated key that would get

loaded once per session.  That is how KDE allows users to store passwords.

I work at a large financial institution and if the auditors knew about 
the pg_pass being plain text, they would pretty much ban

it's use.

Anytime a password is sitting on a non encrypted file system, regardless 
of it's permissions it is potentially at risk.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

[GENERAL] Nice article on Unicode and it's encodings (utf8, utf16 and utf32)

2007-02-20 Thread Tony Caduto

Tony Caduto
AM Software Design
Home of Lightning Admin for PostgreSQL and MySQL

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [GENERAL] postgresql vs mysql

2007-02-20 Thread Tony Caduto

one last thing mysql team doesn't afraid to change behaviours between
minor releases, look at this thread

That is so true, all the differences between minor versions made creating
Lightning Admin for MySQL a pain in the rear...

After I did the port I really appreciated how clean PostgreSQL is.

Tony Caduto
AM Software Design
Home of Lightning Admin for PostgreSQL and MySQL

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

[GENERAL] CodeGear working on a new DB access layer for Delphi, but.....

2007-02-17 Thread Tony Caduto
It seems they are not going to include support for PostgreSQL (just the 
big 4), which would be a big mistake if you ask me.

Here is the link to the lead developer's blog who is working on this new 

Take a peek and add a comment (if you want to) that nicely suggests 
PostgreSQL support.

I know there are not a lot of Delphi developers on this list, but the 
more stuff that supports PostgreSQL the better right?


Tony Caduto
AM Software Design
Home of Lightning Admin for PostgreSQL and MySQL

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: [GENERAL] I might have found a bug on 8.2.1 win32

2007-02-02 Thread Tony Caduto

Dave Page wrote:

What you are saying is that because you don't believe in the pgpass 
design, you are going to summarily delete them - which I know for 
absolute sure would *really* annoy some pgAdmin users that I know for 
a fact have a whole heap of passwords stored in theirs. Doing that 
would only hurt your products reputation, not mine.


My product is not storing passwords using pgpass without the users 
If pgAdmin III stored it's own passwords in the registry it would be up 
to the user (as it should be) to use pgpass.
If they chose to use pgpass, libpq would override the passwords stored 
in the registry anyway, which is what pgAdmin III is doing

automatically to my application without my or my users consent.

pgAdmin III is corrupting the intended use of pgpass. 
It seems you guys did it as a shortcut so you wouldn't have to write 
your own password storage

code which is not that difficult to do anyway.

If you guys are at all interested in doing the right thing you will take 
this very seriously and find a way to fix it.

I know you think I am being a pain, but I am just sticking to my guns on 
what I KNOW is right.


Tony Caduto
AM Software Design
Home of PG Lightning Admin for Postgresql
Your best bet for Postgresql Administration 

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL/FireBird

2007-02-02 Thread Tony Caduto

RPK wrote:
How is FireBird rated when compared with PostgreSQL? 
I used to be a big time user of Firebird, but then I discovered 
PostgreSQL and have never looked back.
Firebird has only a few built in functions even the simple ones are 
missing. To get the built in
functionality of PostgreSQL's built in functions, you have to use UDFs 
compiled in C,C++ or Delphi/Kylix/Free Pascal.

Many times these UDFs are unstable and can crash the whole server.

Firebird also uses a single file for the database that must be 
referenced like this:\program files\data\mydatabase.fdb
There is no transaction log, no way to do log shipping etc.
This is nice for a embedded system, but not for a robust enterprise 
class database.
They do have the ability to set alias for the connection path, but it's 
a manual setup process in the conf file.

Firebird as of 2.x still does not have temp tables and it is limited to 
one stored proc language.

If need a embedded database Firebird is a good choice, however if you 
want a serious database that can compete

with Oracle or M$ SQL server then look no further than PostgreSQL :-)

Tony Caduto
AM Software Design
Home of PG Lightning Admin for Postgresql
Your best bet for Postgresql Administration 

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

[GENERAL] I might have found a bug on 8.2.1 win32

2007-02-01 Thread Tony Caduto
I had installed the win32 version awhile ago, but I had the pg_hba.conf 
set to trust.  Then I started to test SSL on win32 so I changed it to this:

hostall all  md5
hostall all md5  #my pcs adddress

And I ensured the service had been restarted after making the change to 
md5 instead of trust for my PC address.

Ok, here is the problem, If I pass in a blank password '' the md5 
authentication is not done and I simply go right in with full access.
If I pass in a space ' ' the I get the password authentication error.  
Normally with a blank password I would expect to see the no password
supplied error, but that is not happening on win32 it just gives full 
blown access.

Here is the connect string being passed to libpq.dll when I use the 
blank password, this string is captured from the debugger:

hostaddr='' port='5432' dbname='template1' user='postgres' 
password='' connect_timeout='15' sslmode=disable

I tried the same thing on a Linux server and it does not behave this 
way, only on win32.

I then uninstalled 8.2.1 on the win32 box and completely deleted the 
data directory and reinstalled and the same behavior prevailed.

I know a new connect GRANT was enabled in 8.2, but I though that was in 
addition to the first checks done in pg_hba.conf.

Maybe I am doing something wrong, but it sure doesn't seem that way.  
Like I said it might be a bug.

Tony Caduto
AM Software Design
Home of PG Lightning Admin for Postgresql
Your best bet for Postgresql Administration 

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [GENERAL] I might have found a bug on 8.2.1 win32

2007-02-01 Thread Tony Caduto

Question, I hope stupid, postgres user HAS a password right?

Yes, it has a password, I set the password from the installer, and I
even reset it after the install was complete.
I just tried this from the command line and it let me right in:

psql template1 -U postgres

Didn't ask for a password or anything, and the localhost entry in
pg_hba.conf is also set for md5.

Tony Caduto
AM Software Design
Home of PG Lightning Admin for Postgresql
Your best bet for Postgresql Administration

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [GENERAL] I might have found a bug on 8.2.1 win32

2007-02-01 Thread Tony Caduto

Bill Moran wrote:

Will only apply if you connect via loopback networking (which is not
psql's default).  Try your connect command like this:
psql template1 -U postgres -h
and see if the results change.


Hi Bill,

Using the -h does cause the password prompt to fire, however 
the weird part is in my pg_hba.conf I also have the local entry set to md5

local   all all   md5

I did some more testing and it seems the password I used during the 
win32 install is being cached somewhere.
If I don't change the password from the one I used during the install it 
lets me right in, if I change the password to something else I get a 
authentication error with a blank password, if I then change the 
postgres password back to the one I used during install a blank password 
again lets me right in.   I have not done a reboot yet, I will do reboot 
and see if that clears it up.

Tony Caduto
AM Software Design
Home of PG Lightning Admin for Postgresql
Your best bet for Postgresql Administration 

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: [GENERAL] I might have found a bug on 8.2.1 win32

2007-02-01 Thread Tony Caduto

Well, there is something weird going on here:

If I change the postgres users password to the one I used during install 
I get this when using psql:

C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.2\binpsql template1 -U postgres
DEBUG:  InitPostgres
DEBUG:  StartTransaction
DEBUG:  name: unnamed; blockState:   DEFAULT; state: INPROGR, xid/subid
1348/1/0, nestlvl: 1, children: 
DEBUG:  CommitTransaction
DEBUG:  name: unnamed; blockState:   STARTED; state: INPROGR, xid/subid
1348/1/0, nestlvl: 1, children: 
Welcome to psql 8.2.1, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.

Type:  \copyright for distribution terms
  \h for help with SQL commands
  \? for help with psql commands
  \g or terminate with semicolon to execute query
  \q to quit

Warning: Console code page (437) differs from Windows code page (1252)
8-bit characters may not work correctly. See psql reference
page Notes for Windows users for details.


If I change the password to anything else I get this:

C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.2\binpsql template1 -U postgres
psql: FATAL:  password authentication failed for user postgres

I did a search for a password file but it came back empty.

Anyone have any ideas on why this is happening?

Tony Caduto
AM Software Design
Home of PG Lightning Admin for Postgresql
Your best bet for Postgresql Administration 

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [GENERAL] I might have found a bug on 8.2.1 win32

2007-02-01 Thread Tony Caduto

Never mind,
somehow a application setup a pgpass.conf file for me
without my knowledge.

Sorry it's not a bug.  However I wonder if it might be a good idea if 
psql would raise a warning after logon that a pgpass.conf file was used 
for authentication or have it written to the log. 
I am sure some 3rd party application I was testing created the file when 
it took my server login information.  I would have found out about it 
right away if it's use would have been written to the log.

Thanks everyone for you help.

Tony Caduto
AM Software Design
Home of PG Lightning Admin for Postgresql
Your best bet for Postgresql Administration 

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
  choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [GENERAL] I might have found a bug on 8.2.1 win32

2007-02-01 Thread Tony Caduto

Magnus Hagander wrote:

Have you been leaving the dark side lately?
(pgAdmin does this..)


I still have pgAdmin installed :-)  it's a good reference tool.
I imagine you guys are using it for the pg_restore/pg_dump?  There 
really should be a pg_dump.dll and a pg_restore.dll so a pgpass
file would not be needed.  The microolap guys have created the dlls and 
it's what I use now for my dump/restore operations.

Is there a way to tell libpq in the connection string or something not 
to use a pgpass.conf file?  I looked in the libpq docs but didn't really 
see anything.

I kind of don't like the way the pgpass file affected all the apps that 
used libpq, it could be considered a security risk.

Tony Caduto
AM Software Design
Home of PG Lightning Admin for Postgresql
Your best bet for Postgresql Administration 

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [GENERAL] I might have found a bug on 8.2.1 win32

2007-02-01 Thread Tony Caduto

Dave Page wrote:

Could this be proof of you using pgAdmin ( :-) ) and checking the Store 
Password option? That'll save it in pgpass.conf in your profile.


I won't deny I have it installed :-)  I don't remember using the stored 
password option though.
Do you also use that for the pg_restore/pg_dump so you don't have to 
pipe the password?

Why don't you just store the password in a file in the same directory as 
the pgAdmin executable?  That way it would not affect other



Tony Caduto
AM Software Design
Home of PG Lightning Admin for Postgresql
Your best bet for Postgresql Administration 

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: [GENERAL] I might have found a bug on 8.2.1 win32

2007-02-01 Thread Tony Caduto

Dave Page wrote:

I must Be missing the point - why should I work something out with your app for 
using a documented feature of libpq in pgAdmin?


The whole point is pgAdmin III is storing the password in the pgpass 
file which is global for every single application that uses it, don't you
see the problem? It's clear as crystal  pgAdmin III should be 
storing the password on win32 in the registry like every other win32 
program does, or in a ini file, it's the accepted
way to do that sort of thing on win32.  It just is, and the way you are 
doing it is not the way it should be done in the win32 world.
I was just asking that we work together to find a way our applications 
would not affect each other, and currently pgAdmin III is the clear 
violator by using a global feature of libpq to store
passwords for its own use without regard for other applications that may 
be using libpq.

I don't think the pgpass file was intended to be used as a password 
storage method for pgAdmin III, it was meant as a way to allow psql and 
other command line programs to
be easily used from scripts where it would be detrimental to have a 
password prompt pop up during a scheduled run or maybe I am wrong and it 
was created just for the use of pgAdmin III but

that does not really matter.

I am sorry, but I believe the way pgAdmin III is using the pgpass file 
is TOTALLY WRONG, sorry but it just is.

It's global to every single app that uses libpq on the PC, I just don't 
understand why you don't get it.

The way you make it sound is like pgAdmin III does not want to play nice 
with other applications, and I can do that to.  I don't want to delete 
the pgpass file, but I will so my application gets the
same rights as pgAdmin III.  I have users who set their test servers to 
trust and why should I make them store a password when they don't need 
to? That's what I would have to do, force the user to enter some form of 
password, so it's not blank or force them to store a password even if 
the server is set for trust access.

Sorry in advance if you don't like what I have to say, but sometimes you 
can be very stubborn and one way or the highway!!!


Tony Caduto
AM Software Design
Home of PG Lightning Admin for Postgresql
Your best bet for Postgresql Administration 

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
  subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
  message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

[GENERAL] Any Plans for cross database queries on the same server?

2007-01-30 Thread Tony Caduto
Dblink is nice, but should it really be needed for databases on the same 
physical server?

What would be cool is to allow a double dot notation i.e.

Just a idea.  Comments?


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
  choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [GENERAL] Any Plans for cross database queries on the same server?

2007-01-30 Thread Tony Caduto

Peter Eisentraut wrote:
This has been discussed about ten thousand times, and the answer is 
still no.

Why?  Seems to me if it was discussed that much it must be a very sought 
after feature.

How come it's not on the TO Do list for the future at least?
Is it because of some limitation of the core engine or something?


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [GENERAL] Any Plans for cross database queries on the same server?

2007-01-30 Thread Tony Caduto

Ron Johnson wrote:

 be separate databases because they're clearly related data.

Just because they are related, doesn't mean that it's always wise to
lump it all in the same database.  Mainly for scalability and
performance reasons.

I would tend to agree, there are numerous times being able to do a cross 
database query without the hassle of DBlink
would be extremely handy.  I could also see it being valuable in a data 
warehouse type situation.

I know it can be done in M$ SQL server using .. notation and I bet you 
can do it in DB2 and Oracle.
you can even do it in MySQL, in MySQL it's their way of implementing 

Considering all these other DBs can do it, doesn't it make sense to at 
least put it on the radar for Postgresql?

Just my 2 cents


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [GENERAL] Any Plans for cross database queries on the same server?

2007-01-30 Thread Tony Caduto

Mark Walker wrote:
 It's sort of a matter of taste, but there are lots of people who like 
to keep there logic on the server or at least within sql statements, 
so there's probably a good sized market that your not reaching if you 
ignore it.

That is a good point, I and many developers I know like to keep all the 
business logic on the server in stored procedure and functions and 
having this ability as a native part of Postgresql would be a huge 
DBlink is a decent workaround,but it becomes a pain having to wrap 
everything with the dblink syntax, plus there is a little bit of 
overhead involved creating a connection over TCP/IP to run a query on 
the same server.  DBlink is great when you need to connect to a 
different server though.



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Re: [GENERAL] Any Plans for cross database queries on the same server?

2007-01-30 Thread Tony Caduto

David Fetter wrote:

That being said, I think it is a dumb feature. If you have data in
one database, that requires access to another database within the
same cluster. You designed your database incorrectly and should be
using schemas.

I would have to disagree, it's a feature that has been available on M$ 
SQL server and the other commercial

databases for years.  It's hardly a dumb feature.

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

[GENERAL] Default fillfactor question (index types other than btree)

2007-01-26 Thread Tony Caduto
Does anyone know what the default fillfactor is for index types other 
than btree?

I found in the docs that the default for btree is 90, but can't seem to 
find what it is for the other index types.

Thanks in advance,


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

[GENERAL] Postgresql 64bit question

2007-01-25 Thread Tony Caduto

I was just wondering if a 32bit client connected to a 64bit server, 
would it be possible for the 64bit server to return a OID that was over 
4 billion to the 32 bit
client and possibly cause a range error if the OID value was used in a 
unsigned 32-bit integer var?



---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [GENERAL] MSSQL/ASP migration

2007-01-22 Thread Tony Caduto

Robert Fitzpatrick wrote:

 Any docs or other helpful info is welcome, just
looking for some advise.

One think I would recommend is to make sure when creating the new table 
structure that you make
sure not to use capitalized object names.  Because MS SQL server can be 
case insensitive I have found there is always
caps somewhere, and the caps make things in Postgresql a PITA because 
you have to quote everything in your application code.

You could also take a look at Lightning Admin, we have some nice import 
and export wizards that can import

data from any ADO or ODBC source.

Tony Caduto
AM Software Design
Home of PG Lightning Admin for Postgresql
Your best bet for Postgresql Administration 

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [GENERAL] Building web sites using a database

2007-01-17 Thread Tony Caduto

Jan Mura wrote:

I would like to ask if there is a genral concept of creating web pages 

a database and PHP or another scripting language.
What I mean is to store basic entities and relations between pages. 
Only the

certain texts or information regarding every site will differ. But indeex
page, search page, result page and so on for every site should look
similarly so the application select a structure of a page from DB and add
certain text.
I am not sure if I am clear.
The aim is to create sites quickly because a creator just insert into the
database text for every page.
And I am looking for some documentation or info how to do this and how 
to deal with such things.

Jan Mura

Well, you could always start with something like Drupal:
You can create sites very quickly and everything is stored in a Postgresql
or MySQL database.

I recently converted my website to it and could not be more happy :-)

Tony Caduto
AM Software Design
Home of PG Lightning Admin for Postgresql
Your best bet for Postgresql Administration 

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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