
I'm looking for a way to monitor all the queries that are executed by the 
server and to be able, by using these queries, to reproduce the data in all 
databases. The idea is to periodicaly (e.g. every two minutes) store the newly 
executed queries in a sort of wal segment file. I first tried to figure this 
out by monitoring the data in the wal file that is currently being updated (in 
the directory .../pg_xlogs). I hoped that it would be blank (filled with 
zeroes) from the last wal info inserted up to the end of the file. That was not 
the case. The wal files are recycled and the new wal info is written over the 
old one.

Another possible solution would be to configure the server to 'cycle' through 
the wal files every X seconds and not when the file is full (default 16MB) but 
i don't know if such a configuration parameter is available in the server 

Finally, I also thought about placing a trigger in every table's update but 
this is far too complicated and cannot be applied to already functional 
database applications.

Any help appreciated
Tsakiridhs Oresths

P.S. It is very important that wal-like log files that are generated, in case
of execution, will reproduce the database exactly the way it was.

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