[GENERAL] Table Column Retrieval

2010-02-22 Thread dmp

Recently I read that one of the distinctions between a standard database  
a columnar one, which led to an increase in its efficiency, was and I  

"Only relevant columns are retrieved (A row-wise database would pull
all columns and typically discard 80-95% of them)"

Is this true of PostgreSQL? That eventhough my query does not call for a
column it is still pulled from the table row(s). I know that my client via
the JDBC does not contain the data in the ResultSet for the column, because
of the packet monitoring I have done on queries.


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Re: [GENERAL] pain of postgres upgrade with extensions

2008-03-12 Thread dmp

I noticed this immediately when using the PostgreSQL tool for examples of
dumps for creating export of database/table structure/data for the 
application. I considered implementing a similar copy dump, but seems it 

not be handled properly with SQL statements.

This is not a flame about current or previous release of Postgres.

I have just gone through the awful experience of upgrading from Postgres
8.2 to 8.3 with a database that had one of the many Postgres extensions
included. The problem comes down to the way that Postgres extensions are
packaged up, each extension tends to define some extension specific
functions, when you do a dump of the database these functions get include.
If upgrade from one version of Postgres to another, you take a dump of
the database, which then needs to be upgrade if there have been any
changes in the extension.  The problem being that there doesn’t seem
to be a way of dumping the database with out including extension specific

There is a possible solution to this problem, move all the extension
specific functions to an extension specific schema.  That way the contents
of the database are kept separate from extensions.

For example the postgis function area would change to postgis.area
assuming the the schema for postgis extension was call postgis, this would
also avoid the problem if two extensions happen to have a function with
the same name.


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Re: [GENERAL] how do you write aggregate function

2008-03-09 Thread dmp

I'm really not a expert in this area, on how to code this, or functions in
PostgreSQL. All I could offer is some ideas which you might try. Sometimes
this is all it takes. Perhaps someone else will respond that might be more
helpful. With that said I have read in the documentation the use of other
languages and if you are looking for a higher performance, that is the
way I would said its going to come about perhaps.


DMP   you did give me an idea on changing how to call the append array
sfunc looks like this

create or replace function wcost_average_sf (numeric[],  numeric, 

returns numeric[] as
   return array_append(array_append($1, $2), $3);

this yanked out 140,000 ms   on the run time,  a big improvement but 
no where i want it to be.

are there speed improvements in the other languages TCL

dmp wrote:

Array appends are usually a performance hit, as you said. I'm not 
sure though with
PostgreSQL. Why not try it with two arrays and see what happens. At 
least you would

reducing the single array and the eliminating the append.


I got the aggregate function for weighted average done.   I finely 
left alone for more than 10 minutes  to actual get it written.  It 
takes 2 value input  Weight and the Value.  it will sum the weighted 
entries to create the constant then does the normal formula, but 
does not percentage number but averaged number.  A simple change on 
the return line it can do percentages.

I did a couple of  things a little odd .  instead of doing a multi 
dimensional array i did a one dimensional array where the 1st row is 
Weight and the  2nd row is Value.   This made the loop through the 
array look stupid.
I tested it across 50,000 records with a group by it took 3.3 
seconds to run.

without the group by clause performance is terrible taking several 
minutes just to do the sfunc part. 371,563ms

The Array seems to have performance hit any advice?It could be 
the way i'm appending to the Array which has a performance hit as 
the array gets bigger and bigger ?

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Re: [GENERAL] how do you write aggregate function

2008-03-09 Thread dmp
Array appends are usually a performance hit, as you said. I'm not sure 
though with
PostgreSQL. Why not try it with two arrays and see what happens. At 
least you would

reducing the single array and the eliminating the append.


I got the aggregate function for weighted average done.   I finely 
left alone for more than 10 minutes  to actual get it written.  It 
takes 2 value input  Weight and the Value.  it will sum the weighted 
entries to create the constant then does the normal formula, but does 
not percentage number but averaged number.  A simple change on the 
return line it can do percentages.

I did a couple of  things a little odd .  instead of doing a multi 
dimensional array i did a one dimensional array where the 1st row is 
Weight and the  2nd row is Value.   This made the loop through the 
array look stupid.
I tested it across 50,000 records with a group by it took 3.3 seconds 
to run.

without the group by clause performance is terrible taking several 
minutes just to do the sfunc part. 371,563ms

The Array seems to have performance hit any advice?It could be the 
way i'm appending to the Array which has a performance hit as the 
array gets bigger and bigger ?

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Re: [GENERAL] Changing column names in tables 2

2008-03-05 Thread dmp

Hello Tony,
Perhaps this will help maybe not. Since the original data import
used quotes for the fields then any case was maintained in the
creation of the new table(s) & fields(s). Just take your original
import file and remove all the quotes, ",. Re-import and and
PostgreSQL will use all lowercase for the table(s) and field(s).
If psql is to much of a hassle, Just use MyJSQLView to dump
the database and removed the quotes, ". You should of been able
to remove the quotes directly in MyJSQLView during the dump,
but I just tried it and it is broken. Edit | Preference | Data Export |
SQL, set empty string identifier. I always recommend backing up
data to get back where you started just in case things get screwed up,
so pg_dump everything before starting.


Tony Cade wrote:


There are too many fields to issue alter table commands to rename in SQL so
my question is , is it safe to use a query such as

select relfilenode from pg_class where relname='rates'


update  pg_attribute set attname=lower(attname) where attnum >0 and
attrelid= ( from above query)

Don't do that.  It's far better to create a shell script, or PL/pgSQL
function, whatever suits you, to get the table/column names from the
catalog and then produce the ALTER TABLE commands you need.

Playing directly with the catalogs is *never* supposed.

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?


Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL Array Use

2008-03-03 Thread dmp

I was slightly confused. I'm really trying to identify what type
of support the project should provide to array types. Just from
the input so far, it looks like more needs to be done. If 100's to
1000's of elements are in an array type, the application is going
to have some problems. Presently it will adequately handle less
then 10 or 20 elements in multi-dimensional arrays, without
much problem with adding, editing, & viewing, but 100s to 1000s
of elements need a more robust & easy method to view and edit
elements. The data type of the array is not a real problem, except
bytea and some of the geometry types which have some specific
input form requirements. Text might be a problem if the byte
size is large.

On Mar 3, 2008, at 2:05 PM, Josh Trutwin wrote:

On Mon, 3 Mar 2008 20:48:55 +0100
Karsten Hilbert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Mon, Mar 03, 2008 at 01:22:17PM -0600, Erik Jones wrote:

Where are you getting this information.

IMO the OP wanted to know how people *use* arrays, not how
one *can* use arrays.

That was my thought, sort of a poll.  Hopefully OP isn't confused
now.  :)

Ah, I sure was then :)

Erik Jones

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

[GENERAL] PostgreSQL Array Use

2008-03-03 Thread dmp

The project MyJSQLView will provided basic support
for array types in PostgreSQL at the next release.
Information is desired from anyone that uses arrays
in PostgreSQL to effect this support. Just a couple
of questions.

1. What Size, <10 or 100's, 1000's of elements?
2. Single or Multi-Dimensional?
3. What data types?

Any input would be welcome.

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster