2005-09-07 Thread Scott Marlowe
On Wed, 2005-09-07 at 01:50, Jürgen Rose wrote:
> Scott Marlowe wrote:
> > 
> > A couple of points:
> > 
> > 1:  You wouldn't buy the QE II (a big luxery liner) and complain that it
> > doesn't work well for water skiing and is too complex.  It's the QE II.
> I don't get that argument.

The real point is that database performance isn't very interesting from
the point of view of a single user.

I've seen plenty of database driven apps that were quite snappy for a
single user bog down and fall over dead when a dozen or a hundred users
started accessing it.

PostgreSQL's strength is in how it handles dozens, hundreds, and
sometimes thousands of users.  It's not a dog at the single user
situation either, mind you, but not a development priority like multiple
user performance is.  Right along side that is performance of things
like schematic changes while in use and under load.  PostgreSQL also
excels at that.

> > 2:  You've given us absolutely nothing we can go on to help you make
> > postgresql work better for you.  Nothing.  Just one explain analyze
> > output.
> It is a bit complex, and I have now added two eplains from the main 
> queries to this mail

Thanks, however an explain ANALYZE would tell us much more.  explain
tells us what the query planner thinks is gonna happen, explain analyze
tells us both what the query planner expects, and then what really
happens.  Far more useful for troubleshooting.

> > 3:  If you're running one OS on top of another, and then a database on
> > top of that, and all you've got is 512 Meg of RAM, don't expect stellar
> > performance, especially from a database that uses shared memory like
> > postgresql does.
> I don't expect mega performance, this is just a devel system, I mean do 
> you develop your database on the productive system?

Well, I develop it on a system as close as possible to a production
system, within reason.  We deploy to production on linux, so I develop
on linux.  My workstation hardware is actually pretty good, considering
it's only got a single IDE hard drive.

> > 4:  Don't compare PostgreSQL to those other databases unless you're
> > going to give it a chance.  So far, you haven't done so, you've only
> > complained. 
> I used it now for over half a year, and as I said in one of my previous 
> mails, it is quite powerful and flexible, but I'm not impressed with the 
> performance and it has its quirks.

But you've used it without any tuning of any kind.  That means you
haven't really had a chance to see it at its best yet.

> > 5:  I have tested a properly tuned PostgreSQL server that was on about
> > 1/2 the hardware (CPU speed, memory, RAID array) as a MSSQL server and
> > easily out ran it.  But, I took my time, read the docs, and tuned the
> > server OS and PostgreSQL
> As I said before, I don't want to tune my system (my devel!), in my 
> opinion it has to run with ok performance out of the box.

Wait, you're not willing to invest 2 minutes to make one or two minor
changes that might double or even treble the speed of your development
machine?  I can't help you then.  Not on that.  no one's going to do
what it takes to make your development machine run postgresql faster out
of the box if it means postgresql can't run out of the box on half the
machines it now runs on.  There has been some work on auto-tuning it. 
But since you're running under an emulator, I can't imagine performance
is all that important.  Are you running Windows with linux on top in
vmware, then postgresql?  If that's the only reason you're running
vmware, then get the windows native port and run it, it should be MUCH
faster than the emulated one you're running now.

> > 6:  Databases may appear simple, they are not, and the more complex they
> > are, the more you'll have to do to make full use of them.
> > 
> > So, have you been running vacuum and analyze, do you have the right
> > indexes, are you using queries that can use those indexes, have you
> > turned up sort_mem and a few other easily tweakable settings.
> > 
> > PostgreSQL's use of shared memory, combined with many older Operating
> > systems have VERY conservative settings for such, combined further with
> > the need for PostgreSQL to run on dang near anything, mean that, often,
> > out of the box, it's not as fast as some other servers.
> I can set the sort_mem to what I want, but postgres doesn't care. It 
> just consumes my CPU time but no memory.

Again, have you been running vacuum and analyze regularly, do you know
the difference between a regular and full vacuum and which you may need
(right now a full vacuum may help a bit, if you haven't been vacuuming
up til now, then schedule regular vacuums)

sort_mem is just one setting, and unless the database is in the act of
sorting, it won't use that memory.  Have you read the tuning guide on
the varlena site?

> I'm sorry but it is a bit complicated to explain the whole structure.
> And my main point is, that with each row I insert, it beco


2005-09-07 Thread Lincoln Yeoh
Apparently postgresql runs at 11% to 45% of normal speed in VMware 
workstation. Basically it could be about 1/10th the performance for OLTP 

See here:
(Notice also that the web server performance is less than 30% of native).

I daresay those figures are applicable for VMware GSX as well. So unless 
you are talking about VMware ESX (which I seriously doubt) don't expect 
VMware stuff to run at near full speed especially for complex stuff (e.g. 
not SPECINT), until _maybe_ sometime next year on next year's hardware - 
Intel's Vanderpool or AMD's Pacifica.

In my own experience postgresql runs much faster native than running in vmware.

Seriously though, if you are doing development vmware is fine. But when 
it's time to test performance, then if it's slow, you have to try it on 
real hardware to confirm whether it really is slow or not. If it's fast 
enough on vmware, then you're lucky :).

Basically if you are running something in vmware workstation/GSX, you 
should be thankful if it runs fast enough. For VMware ESX, apparently stuff 
like I/O is significantly faster - but I haven't had a chance to test it :).

Even if postgresql somehow performs rather more poorly than other DBs on 
virtual machines, I doubt the developers should invest much time in 
optimizing postgresql for current imperfect virtual machines. Especially 
with virtualization friendly x86 hardware on the horizon...


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
  choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not


2005-09-07 Thread Jürgen Rose

Scott Marlowe wrote:

On Tue, 2005-09-06 at 16:09, Jürgen Rose wrote:

Sorry, but I better use this email address, I just hate to use Outlook 
for this stuff.

To Peter Eisentraut

Yes, I've read the chapter in the manual.

To Michael Glaesemann

locally I run the database on my laptop (Dell D800) 1 GB Ram, but there 
within VMWARE with 512MB assigned RAM. But the target platform is a dual 
processor machine with 2 GB.

But, and thats the big but here, I don't care. For me a database has to 
work satisfying in the first place without twiddeling some obscure knobs 
or push levers to get just accaptable performance if I only have a small 
set of data. Heck, I'm talking about maybe in the whole 45.000 
records!!! I mean I used Interbase, MySQL, SQLite, SQLServer before, and 
for this project postgres was set, so I had to use  it. Which is fine, I 
wouldn't mind, if I would not have such troubles.

A couple of points:

1:  You wouldn't buy the QE II (a big luxery liner) and complain that it
doesn't work well for water skiing and is too complex.  It's the QE II.

I don't get that argument.

2:  You've given us absolutely nothing we can go on to help you make
postgresql work better for you.  Nothing.  Just one explain analyze

It is a bit complex, and I have now added two eplains from the main 
queries to this mail

3:  If you're running one OS on top of another, and then a database on
top of that, and all you've got is 512 Meg of RAM, don't expect stellar
performance, especially from a database that uses shared memory like
postgresql does.

I don't expect mega performance, this is just a devel system, I mean do 
you develop your database on the productive system?

4:  Don't compare PostgreSQL to those other databases unless you're
going to give it a chance.  So far, you haven't done so, you've only

I used it now for over half a year, and as I said in one of my previous 
mails, it is quite powerful and flexible, but I'm not impressed with the 
performance and it has its quirks.

5:  I have tested a properly tuned PostgreSQL server that was on about
1/2 the hardware (CPU speed, memory, RAID array) as a MSSQL server and
easily out ran it.  But, I took my time, read the docs, and tuned the
server OS and PostgreSQL

As I said before, I don't want to tune my system (my devel!), in my 
opinion it has to run with ok performance out of the box.

6:  Databases may appear simple, they are not, and the more complex they
are, the more you'll have to do to make full use of them.

So, have you been running vacuum and analyze, do you have the right
indexes, are you using queries that can use those indexes, have you
turned up sort_mem and a few other easily tweakable settings.

PostgreSQL's use of shared memory, combined with many older Operating
systems have VERY conservative settings for such, combined further with
the need for PostgreSQL to run on dang near anything, mean that, often,
out of the box, it's not as fast as some other servers.

I can set the sort_mem to what I want, but postgres doesn't care. It 
just consumes my CPU time but no memory.

OTOH, it coexists well with other software. If you've ever tried to
build a MSSQL or ORacle box that did anything else, you know how those
two database engines just consume memory and CPU without really asking. 
Here's an explain analyze on one of the production pgsql servers I work


explain analyze select count(*) from sometable

 Aggregate  (cost=6209.99..6209.99 rows=1 width=0) (actual
time=339.200..339.201 rows=1 loops=1)
   ->  Seq Scan on sometable  (cost=0.00..5856.19 rows=141519 width=0)
(actual time=0.025..202.636 rows=162427 loops=1)
 Total runtime: 339.262 ms
(3 rows)

Admitted, the rows aren't that big, but that's a seq scan of 160,000
rows.  Not bad really.  And it's quite fast at our more esoteric
reporting generation queries as well.

Now, we can sit here and argue about how nice it would be if PostgreSQL
just configured itself for maximum performance on installation, or you
can tell us what runs slow, and let us help you fix it.  The ball is in
your court.

I'm sorry but it is a bit complicated to explain the whole structure.

And my main point is, that with each row I insert, it becomes slower, 
and I will try to reproduce that behaviour, but I don't have so much 
time for it right now.

The following output is for the two main queries. There are some other 
views depending on it, but the tuning was left as an exercise for later, 
but it seems it would be needed now. The basic idea is just to handle 
the stored persons and organisations in the same way, therefore using 
the same tables and having the 


2005-09-06 Thread Scott Marlowe
On Tue, 2005-09-06 at 16:09, Jürgen Rose wrote:
> Sorry, but I better use this email address, I just hate to use Outlook 
> for this stuff.
> To Peter Eisentraut
> Yes, I've read the chapter in the manual.
> To Michael Glaesemann
> locally I run the database on my laptop (Dell D800) 1 GB Ram, but there 
> within VMWARE with 512MB assigned RAM. But the target platform is a dual 
> processor machine with 2 GB.
> But, and thats the big but here, I don't care. For me a database has to 
> work satisfying in the first place without twiddeling some obscure knobs 
> or push levers to get just accaptable performance if I only have a small 
> set of data. Heck, I'm talking about maybe in the whole 45.000 
> records!!! I mean I used Interbase, MySQL, SQLite, SQLServer before, and 
> for this project postgres was set, so I had to use  it. Which is fine, I 
> wouldn't mind, if I would not have such troubles.

A couple of points:

1:  You wouldn't buy the QE II (a big luxery liner) and complain that it
doesn't work well for water skiing and is too complex.  It's the QE II.

2:  You've given us absolutely nothing we can go on to help you make
postgresql work better for you.  Nothing.  Just one explain analyze

3:  If you're running one OS on top of another, and then a database on
top of that, and all you've got is 512 Meg of RAM, don't expect stellar
performance, especially from a database that uses shared memory like
postgresql does.

4:  Don't compare PostgreSQL to those other databases unless you're
going to give it a chance.  So far, you haven't done so, you've only

5:  I have tested a properly tuned PostgreSQL server that was on about
1/2 the hardware (CPU speed, memory, RAID array) as a MSSQL server and
easily out ran it.  But, I took my time, read the docs, and tuned the
server OS and PostgreSQL

6:  Databases may appear simple, they are not, and the more complex they
are, the more you'll have to do to make full use of them.

So, have you been running vacuum and analyze, do you have the right
indexes, are you using queries that can use those indexes, have you
turned up sort_mem and a few other easily tweakable settings.

PostgreSQL's use of shared memory, combined with many older Operating
systems have VERY conservative settings for such, combined further with
the need for PostgreSQL to run on dang near anything, mean that, often,
out of the box, it's not as fast as some other servers.

OTOH, it coexists well with other software. If you've ever tried to
build a MSSQL or ORacle box that did anything else, you know how those
two database engines just consume memory and CPU without really asking. 
Here's an explain analyze on one of the production pgsql servers I work

explain analyze select count(*) from sometable
 Aggregate  (cost=6209.99..6209.99 rows=1 width=0) (actual
time=339.200..339.201 rows=1 loops=1)
   ->  Seq Scan on sometable  (cost=0.00..5856.19 rows=141519 width=0)
(actual time=0.025..202.636 rows=162427 loops=1)
 Total runtime: 339.262 ms
(3 rows)

Admitted, the rows aren't that big, but that's a seq scan of 160,000
rows.  Not bad really.  And it's quite fast at our more esoteric
reporting generation queries as well.

Now, we can sit here and argue about how nice it would be if PostgreSQL
just configured itself for maximum performance on installation, or you
can tell us what runs slow, and let us help you fix it.  The ball is in
your court.

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?


2005-09-06 Thread Tom Lane
=?ISO-8859-1?Q?J=FCrgen_Rose?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> enough of ranting, but I'm totally frustrated

So are we, because you haven't provided nearly enough detail to let
anyone help you.  A complete test case would be good, for instance.

regards, tom lane

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
   choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not


2005-09-06 Thread Ian Harding
On 9/6/05, Jürgen Rose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I did some serious stuff with SQLServer and Interbase, and I had
> **never** those performance problems.

On a laptop?  Under VMWare?  

I have used MSSQL Server too, and find PostgreSQL to compare favorably
in most cases.  You may have found a case where it does not.  I have
found PostgreSQL to work fine out of the box in most cases, with the
main 'obscure knob' that needs to be twiddled being sort_mem (or
work_mem for 8.0 and up.)

If you give specifics of your database structure and migration
functions I am sure someone on the list will be able to help you get
reasonable performance.

> enough of ranting, but I'm totally frustrated

It will work out.

- Ian

> with best regards
> Jürgen
> ---(end of broadcast)---
> TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?


2005-09-06 Thread Jürgen Rose
Sorry, but I better use this email address, I just hate to use Outlook 
for this stuff.

To Peter Eisentraut

Yes, I've read the chapter in the manual.

To Michael Glaesemann

locally I run the database on my laptop (Dell D800) 1 GB Ram, but there 
within VMWARE with 512MB assigned RAM. But the target platform is a dual 
processor machine with 2 GB.

But, and thats the big but here, I don't care. For me a database has to 
work satisfying in the first place without twiddeling some obscure knobs 
or push levers to get just accaptable performance if I only have a small 
set of data. Heck, I'm talking about maybe in the whole 45.000 
records!!! I mean I used Interbase, MySQL, SQLite, SQLServer before, and 
for this project postgres was set, so I had to use  it. Which is fine, I 
wouldn't mind, if I would not have such troubles.

Which I'm working on is just a redesign of a database which has some 
hysterically grown tables. Not much in it, but there are some tables 
which should be merged together and some others have to split up. No big 
deal. So my basic idea was to use the flexibility of rules to provide a 
transparent interface to the frontend, which has the big advantage of 
not having to change the frontend in most places at all. We have a bit 
of a homegrown framework (PHP) to show and manipulate the data on the 
frontend side. Unfortunately it is only easy if you access 1 table, and 
don't have to update several tables. So my idea was to use the rule 
system as well to put the data into the database and distribute it on 
the underlying tables. To have views which separate the physical model 
from the logical model. This is best practice isn't it? Unfortunately it 
seems no way to create triggers on views, which is what I need. Some 
insert rules are not enough, because I'm using data which is just 
created, so this is not an option. Ok as a workaround I create a table 
which is just there to have a insert trigger on it to distribute the 
data on the tables. For selecting, updating, and deleting the rules are 

So I actually merging some tables with appr. 8000 + 14,000 + 30,000 
records in it, so we talking about a small database. The performance of 
selecting data from the views is slow, I mean there are only around 
5 records in there in the whole. It can take up to several seconds 
to get the data from the views, which is just not fast enough. The 
update is even slower, for just updating 1 record it takes ages.

The actual migration process, of moving the old data to the new tables 
is just agonizing slow. To move tha data from the small table (8000 
entries) it takes somewhere (not deterministic) between a few minutes 
and 40 minutes to move it. Essentually it is just a select from one 
table to the compatibility view of the new table. For me it seems that 
each additional row makes the database slower. It occured to me that 
either table (8000 or 14000 entries) is faster migrated if it happens to 
be the first of both. Then migrating the 3 entries (and it has to be 
the last one) takes **hours**!!!

The migration of the tables itself consists of two parts, first move the 
data from the table, than update all the linked tables (I had to remove 
the joins, they have to point afterwards to the new tables), at this 
point I'm using a lot of subselects (which are slow but there is no 
other way).

And I actually vacuum and analyze the database after each step, all 
usefull indices are set and also used.

I did some serious stuff with SQLServer and Interbase, and I had 
**never** those performance problems.

enough of ranting, but I'm totally frustrated
with best regards

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

More statistics? [was: [GENERAL] SLOOOOOOOW]

2005-09-05 Thread John D. Burger

Have you set your stats appropriately?

I've been wondering about how high to set these - is there any 
performance downside to pumping up the statistics count on a table?  I 
presume ANALYZE will take longer, and the planner might take a tiny bit 
longer, but otherwise, it can't hurt, correct?


- John D. Burger

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?


2005-09-05 Thread Roman Neuhauser
# [EMAIL PROTECTED] / 2005-09-05 09:39:47 +0200:
> I working now for a wile with postgres (7.4), and I have the impression
> that is one of the slowest dbms with which I've aver worked. Can please
> somebody explain to me, why this is the case?

Because the default configuration (is | seems to be) aimed at PDAs.
You'll need to configure PostgreSQL for real world use.

How many Vietnam vets does it take to screw in a light bulb?
You don't know, man.  You don't KNOW.
Cause you weren't THERE.

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?