Douglas wrote:
> Since I'am new to linux and pgsql, and I really want to know about
> what was going on in the pocess, I didn't use rpm.  and my linux
> kernel is 2.2.17.  I only use enable-locale and enable_multbyte=EUC_TW
> as the configuration parameters.

Ok.  To pass regression, you need to rename /etc/sysconfig/i18n to some
other name, reboot, and rerun regression.  If you have installed
postgresql in /usr/local/pgsql, as is recommended by the source
distribution install documentation, then use that set of environment
variables.  If you have it installed in /opt, then use that set of
variables.  The gist being that those variables need to point to where
the files referenced by them actually reside.

After passing regression, you'll need to put /etc/sysconfig/i18n back in
place if you want locale support.  But expect 'unexpected' collation
orders. The collation is unexpected by Unix standards, but is according
to ISO standards.
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11

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