On Sat, 2003-08-16 at 12:34, Ken Harris wrote:
> The closet thing PHP has is PEAR - it has the Dataobject concept and is as 
> close to "neutral" as PHP gets.  A long time ago, I wrote a "DB Neutral set of 
> routines which works with Oracle, Postgresql and, untested, MySQL.  That just 
> seemed to be the easiest thing to do, but I have not tried to plug it into 
> Dreamweaver.

 PHP also has a module called dbx that allows you to do this as well. It
has some serious performance advantages over the PEAR library because it
is a module (written in C) rather than a bunch of PHP classes.

 More on dbx here:




Christopher Murtagh
Enterprise Systems Administrator
ISR / Web Communications Group 
McGill University
Montreal, Quebec

Tel.: (514) 398-3122
Fax:  (514) 398-2017

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