Hello Group,
   I need your help, in putting together a list of comparisons, and good solid 
technical reasons, to why to use PostgreSQL over using Microsoft SQL Server.  Right 
now, we are using PostgreSQL for a back-end for some of our web stuff.  A couple of 
our developers, which are Microsoft VB developers, are complaining about not being 
able to use proprietary MS stuff with PostgreSQL.  I have told them to use standard 
SQL92 compliant programming techniques, and all will work just fine.  They just don't 
seem to understand why a person wouldn't use SQL Server.  If I could put together a 
list of good solid technical arguments, (Performance, Support, Reliability, ETC.), as 
to why PostgreSQL is better, I think I can make a good case in keeping PostreSQL.  I 
just don't have any SQL Server experience to compare with.  If any of you, who have 
SQL Server experience could send me good technical comparisons of SQL Server vs 
PostgreSQL, I would greatly appreciate it.

Thanks in advance,
Dale Anderson.

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