Hi all,

Here are some (slightly too long) thoughts about this.

Shaun Thomas skrev 2012-07-12 22:40:
On 07/12/2012 12:02 PM, Bruce Momjian wrote:

Well, the problem also exists if add it as an internal database
feature --- how long do we wait to consider the standby dead, how do
we inform administrators, etc.

True. Though if there is no secondary connected, either because it's not
there yet, or because it disconnected, that's an easy check. It's the
network lag/stall detection that's tricky.

It is indeed tricky to detect this. If you don't get an (immediate) reply from the secondary (and you never do!), then all you can do is wait and *eventually* (after how long? 250ms? 10s?) assume that there is no connection between them. The conclusion may very well be wrong sometimes. A second problem is that we still don't know if this is caused by some kind of network problems or if it's caused by the secondary not running. It's perfectly possible that both servers are working, but just can't communicate at the moment.

The thing is that what we do next (at least if our data is important and why otherwise use synchronous replication of any kind...) depends on what *did* happen. Assume that we have two database servers. At any time we need at most one primary database to be running. Without that requirement our data can get messed up completely... If HA is important to us, we may choose to do a failover to the secondary (and live without replication for the moment) if the primary fails. With synchronous repliction, we can do this without losing any data. If the secondary also dies, then we do lose data (and we'll know it!), but it might be an acceptable risk. If the secondary isn't permanently damaged, then we might even be able to get the data back after some down time. Ok, so that's one way to reconfigure the database servers on a failure. If the secondary fails instead, then we can do similarly and remove it from the "cluster" (or in other words, disable synchronous replication to the secondary). Again, we don't lose any data by doing this. We're taking a certain risk, however. We can't safely do a failover to the secondary anymore... So if the primary fails now, then the only way not to lose data is to hope that we can get it back from the failed machine (the failure may be temporary).

There's also the third possibility, of course, that the two servers are both up and running, but they can't communicate over the network at the moment (this is, by the way, a difference from RAID, I guess). What do we do then? Well, we still need at most one primary database server. We'll have to (somehow, which doesn't matter as much) decide which database to keep and consider the other one "down". Then we can just do as above (with all the same implications!). Is it always a good idea to keep the primary? No! What if you (as a stupid example) pull the network cable from the primary (or maybe turn off a switch so that it's isolated from most of the network)? In that case you probably want the secondary to take over instead. At least if you value service availability. At this point we can still do a safe failover too.

My point here is that if HA is important to you, then you may very well want to disable synchronous replication on a failure to avoid down time, but this has to be integrated with your overall failover / cluster management solution. Just having the primary automatically disable synchronous replication doesn't seem overly useful to me... If you're using synchronous replication to begin with, you probably want to *know* if you may have lost data or not. Otherwise, you will have to assume that you did and then you could frankly have been running async replication all along. If you do integrate it with your failover solution, then you can keep track of when it's safe to do a failover and when it's not, however, and decide how to handle each case.

How you decide what to do with the servers on failures isn't that important here, really. You can probably run e.g. Pacemaker on 3+ machines and have it check for quorums to accomplish this. That's a good approach at least. You can still have only 2 database servers (for cost reasons), if you want. PostgreSQL could have all this built-in, but I don't think it sounds overly useful to only be able to disable synchronous replication on the primary after a timeout. Then you can never safely do a failover to the secondary, because you can't be sure synchronous replication was active on the failed primary...


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