[HACKERS] creating a Plan...

2005-01-04 Thread Martha Chronopoulou

Hi all
best wishes, and happy new year ! :) :)

I implement a new type of join called "Double Pipelined Hash Join".
This type of join requires 2 hash tables; one for the left (outer) and
one for
the right(inner) relation. At the execution phase one (or more)
tuple(s) from the inner relation must
probe the hash table of the outer relation and one (or more) tuple(s)
from the
outer relation must probe the hash table of the inner relation. Let's
make the assumption that
the sequence of this selection of the tuples from the inner or the
outer relation,
happens in a random manner. (Its obvious that there are many details
that I
don't mention here; if there is a problem with this, please tell)
Those days I create the plan that later on must be executed. The
problem I have is that I don't know whether I should create two more
(inner and outer), that is to add two more fields to the struct Plan,
so as to
be able later, at the execution phase to access each relation tuple by
and through a hash table any time I want.(is it necessary to add those
plan nodes? should I create only 2 Hash nodes without adding anything

(i.e. ..
typedef struct Plan // plannodes.h
NodeTag type;

struct Plan *rigthtree;   // for access tuple by tuple
struct Plan *lefttree; //for
access tuple by tuple
struct Plan
*rigthtreeHash;  //for probing the hash table
struct Plan *lefttreeHash;   //for probing the hash table


(The truth is that I'm thinking only the simple case where there is one
Join. I suspect that in other cases, things may be different.)
If there is something that is not clear, please let me know, so as to
give more info.
Thanks in advance !!! 

[HACKERS] Bitmapset data type???

2004-12-19 Thread Martha Chronopoulou
Hi all,
I'm tring to understand a part of code of postgres and I saw a line like
bms_is_subset(restrictinfo-right_relids,outerrelids)  (createplan.c,
function get_switched_clauses() at ~/src/backend/optimizer/plan).
I don't understand the data types of the the arguments
of that function. The datatype of those arguments is Bitmapset,
typedef struct Bitmapset
int nwords;
bitmapword words[1];
}Bitmapset; (bitmapset.h at ~/src/include/nodes)
and bitmapword is:
typedef unit32 bitmapword; (bitmapset.h at ~/src/include/nodes)
and the prototype of the function is:
extern bool bms_is_subset(const Bitmapset *a, const Bitmapset *b);
(bitmapset.h at ~/src/include/nodes)
The following is at the file bitmapset.h at dir  ~/src/include/nodes)
A bitmap set can represent any set of nonnegative integers, although it
 is mainly intented for sets where the maximum value is not large, say
at most a few hundred.By convention, a NULL pointer is always accepted
by all operations to represent the empty set.(But beware that this is
not the only representation of the empty set. Use bms_is_empty() in
preference to testing for NULL.)
Can someone explain to me please the datatype Bitmapset?
I'm confused.
Thanks in advance!!! 
- martha

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

[HACKERS] adding and compiling new code

2004-11-07 Thread Martha Chronopoulou
Hi all
I've just started writing code to PostgreSQL 7.4.2 and I wand to 
recompile the new source code that I  added in some .c files. I suspect 
that there  must be a quicker way to compile those files than executing 
the commands: ./configure, gmake, gmake install... . Could I use only 
some  Makefiles (the correspodent ones)  that  there are in each  
directory? If yes, how should I use them?
regards Martha

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

[HACKERS] implementing another hash join...

2004-10-13 Thread Martha Chronopoulou
Im new to postgres and I'm about to implement the algorithm double 
pipelined hash join. I've started using SPI functions but soon I 
realised that  I 'm  not at the right way (am I?). Is there a way that 
I'm not obliged to change code of  the optimizer of postgres but to 
write a seperate code as a new function?I've been told by my supervisor 
that I should use the function that is doing the hashing of a relation.  
There is a chaos Please help!!I'm reading the documentation of 
postgres and some '.c .h'  files (mainly the createplan.c  at the 
directory ~/src/backend/optimizer/plan/) to figer out  what to do and 
from where to start.

---(end of broadcast)---
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