[HACKERS] create type- similar char

2014-03-16 Thread Mohsen SM
I create one new type with CREATE TYPE command.
for my type its INTERNALLENGTH is VARIABLE .
but I want to my type behavior  similar to char and when I type this query:
then when I write this query, so it get an error for it's length:
insert into tbl values('dd');
its error is :
ERROR:  value too long for type character(1)
but my NEWTYPE don't get this error and work similar to varchar.
how I can do it?
I check for char type the bpchar() function. when I work with char type and
want to insert one word longest one character so, bpchar() called.
but for my NEWTYPE don't call the newtype() function.
how can I correct this problem?

[HACKERS] bpchar functinos

2014-03-15 Thread Mohsen SM
I want to fined when is used these functions(what query caused the call of
these functions) :


2014-03-06 Thread Mohsen SM
I want use CREATE TYPE to create one type similar to char.
I want to when I create type, then my type behave similar to char:

CREATE TABLE test (oneChar char);

when I want insert one column with length1 to it, so it gets this error:
ERROR:  value too long for type character(1)

I want my type behave similar this but it behaves similar varchar type.

[HACKERS] define type_transform to new user defined type

2014-02-25 Thread Mohsen SM
 I want to create new type that is similar to varchar.
its size is variable.
I use CREATE TYPE query.
I define for that type this functions:
I can define 1 to 4 functions in CREATE TYPE
but I can't define type_transform for that type. how did I can define
type_transform for that type?

[HACKERS] varchar_transform

2014-02-23 Thread Mohsen SM
when did use varchar_transform function?

[HACKERS] typemode for variable types

2014-02-22 Thread Mohsen SM
I have a new type similar to varchar.
I want to fine how did I can to calculate typemod
and where must I calculate typemod for this type.

[HACKERS] control to don't toast one new type

2013-12-28 Thread Mohsen SM
I create type based on varlena.
I want control it that don't toast.
how to control the length? I must control all of varlena size or data
varlena size?

[HACKERS] Like operator for name type

2013-12-13 Thread Mohsen SM
I don't find where of code run the like operation for name Type.
can you tell me where compare Like clues with one column of name type ?
I don't find function for this operation in /src/backend/utils/adt/name.c
when I was in debugging mode and get break point on all functions.