Good evening, tonight while running my routine vacuum, the following came up on my 

NOTICE:  Rel xamefiles: Uninitialized page 708135 - fixing
NOTICE:  Rel xamefiles: Uninitialized page 708136 - fixing
NOTICE:  Rel xamefiles: Uninitialized page 708137 - fixing
NOTICE:  Rel xamefiles: Uninitialized page 708138 - fixing
NOTICE:  Rel xamefiles: Uninitialized page 708599 - fixing

There were a lot more than this, several hundered.

Here's the general details of the DB:
        - Approximately 30,000,000 rows
        - No triggers
        - Table consists strictly of text, integers and one key ( SERIAL )
        - PostgreSQL 7.2.3 ( yes, i'll update to 7.2.4 in the next day or so )
        - Pentium III 1.2Ghz with 1Gb RAM running RedHat 8.0 ( Not my machine! )

Here's the lead up to events:

        - Two days ago I DELETE'd approximately 7 million rows
        - I proceeded to vacuum, but it was 'terminated' by another admin 
approximately 12 hours later
        - I restarted the vacuum, which resulted in the following stats:

                NOTICE:  Pages 701193: Changed 8459, Empty 0; Tup 21042082: Vac 0, 
Keep 0, UnUsed 32056923      

        - I ran the DELETE script again which purged another 200,000 rows ( approx )
        - I proceeded to vacuum, the table in question returned the following stats:

                NOTICE:  Pages 704754: Changed 9599, Empty 0; Tup 14385034: Vac 0, 
Keep 207650, UnUsed 38884420.

        - Today I  dropped an index off the table, ran the DELETE again, removing 
457,636 rows
        - Vacuum dumped the above NOTICES.  Final output for the table is:

                NOTICE:  Index xamefiles_k_key: Pages 187175; Tuples 14521716: Deleted 
                CPU 8.92s/14.11u sec elapsed 1306.20 sec.
        - The vacuum is still going along fine.

        Backups are proceeding without incident ( using pg_dump )
        DELETE's are proceeding without incident

Hope this is enough information.

Kind Regards.

Paul L Daniels
Linux/Unix systems    Internet Development
A.B.N. 19 500 721 806

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