Sanath Peiris wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I gotta this problem while I was trying to work with weblogic and postgresql with 
>storing images as byte arrays.
> First, I used JBOSS-2.2.2  as an application server and Postgresql-7.0.3 as a 
>database serevr to run one of my Java enterprise applications. There I used "OID" 
>data type to store images, and worked fine with the above combination. I used 
>jdbc7.0-1.2.jar as a postgresql  jdbc driver.
> Please look at the sample codes given below.
> InputStream banner;
> String bannerID = "some id';
> PreparedStatement pstmt =
>                 dbConnection.prepareStatement(?Insert into tablename (BannerID, 
>Banner)  values(?,?)?);
> int NoOfBytes = banner.available();
> byte[] bytebuffer = new byte[NoOfBytes];
> pstmt.setString(1, bannerID);
> pstmt.setBytes(2, bytebuffer);
> int resultCount =  pstmt.executeUpdate();
> After this, I successfully deployed this application in weblogic-6.0 using the same 
>Postgresql database and the jdbc driver. There, some other database accessing parts 
>worked fine, but the above image thing is not worked and gave an error message like 
>"FastPath call returned ERROR: lo_write: invalid large obj descriptor (0)".
> I think nothing wrong with the codes...and can be a driver problem with 
>weblogic..Can anybody explain the above pls.


Dont know if anybody replied to your question yet. But you should set
your AutoCommit to false e.a conn.setAutoCommit(false); Do this before
you execute your preparedstatement.
That should fix your problem.


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