On Sat, 24 Feb 2001 18:48:15 -0800 "Richard T. Robino"
> Use binary type for transferring files via FTP.
it's the same

On Sat, 24 Feb 2001 09:27:43 +0100 Stefan Huber
> wild guess: maybe you must escape the pipe-symbol: ...USING DELIMITERS
the same :(

finally I managed to export LANG=es_ES on system then on postmaster.ini I
also have LANG=es_ES but when I do:

COPY products FROM '/var/lib/postgres/dadesi.txt' USING DELIMITERS '|' \g

it causes:

SELECT edicion FROM products;
 España|Nacional <-------puts on the same cell either there's an '|' in
the middle!!!

SELECT protagonista FROM products;
 Ferran Adrià|Castellano <-------puts on the same cell
 el Bulli taller
 Ferran Adrià|Francés|Francia <-------puts on the same cell 2 '|'

Also have tried with @ or tabs as delimiters with any result at all!!

why this only occurs on some cells? what more could I check?

best regards,

> On 2/23/01 3:04 AM, "Jaume Teixi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I cannot use any kind of odbc because my customers have his local m$
> > access db's locally then export them on .txt with tab or | separated,
> > put on my server trought ftp.
> > 
> > and is working ok except that the customers are on spanish databases
> > a data like:
> > --DATE-----NAME---------LANG------
> > 1/6/2000|Ferran Adrià|Castellano|
> > 
> > when sended trought ftp on my server is converted to:
> > --DATE-----NAME------------LANG------
> > 1/6/2000|Ferran Adri\xe0|Castellano|
> > 
> > so when imported on Postgresql with:
> > COPY products FROM '/var/lib/postgres/iii2.txt' USING DELIMITERS '|'
> > --DATE-----NAME-----------------------LANG------
> > 1/6/2000|Ferran Adri\xe0|Castellano|NULL
> > 
> > on the same cell, ignoring the '|' completelly
> > 
> > on 'postmaster.init' I have: LANG=es_ES but doesnt' works...
> > using tabulators as a separators also causes same problem...
> > 
> > any pointers to solve this will be really apreciated
> > 
> > the other problem is that if a m$ access database has a return
carraige on
> > a text cell the import also fails.
> > 
> > 
> > bests from barcelona,
> > teixi.
> > 

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