If this is not the appropriate list I apologize.

Anyway, I am using Borland Delphi 7 and Zeoslib PG access components and I have just noticed that when I restore a database from
7.x and then load the function source into my program and make a change, i.e. compile it, the next time I open it the all the carriage return line feeds are gone, it's just one big string. The function continues to work, but is a pain to edit.
I saved it in my app and then opened using PG admin and normally you can see the CRLFs in the property view, but they are totally gone.

This did work fine when my test servers where on 7.4.x.

I even converted all the CRLF to LF and that also failed.

If I do a brand new function on 8.0 I don't have any problems, the CRLF stay.

If anyone has any idea why this would be happening on 8.0 and not on 7.x please let me know, I know you are all busy with the 8.0 release so I will understand if no one replies.


Tony Caduto
AM Software Design

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