Tom lane wrote:

> True, but I think we'll have to deal with that anyway.  Even if the
> physical database upgrade were trivial, people are going to find
> application compatibility problems due to schemas and other 7.3 changes.

More reasons:

a) learning curve -- I want to use 7.3 and gain some experience with
   7.2.x -> 7.3 migration before rolling out 7.3 to my users.

b) change control and configuration freezes sometimes dictate when
   upgrades may be done.  A 7.2.2 -> 7.2.3 upgrade for bug fixes is
   much less intrusive than an upgrade to 7.3.

> So we're going to have to expend at least some work on fixing critical
> 7.2.* problems.  (I just want to keep a tight rein on how much.)

No argument here.  Supporting multiple versions eats resources and
eventually destabilises the earlier releases, so critial fixes only,
please.  New features and non-critical fixes however minor are
actually unhelpful.

Since PostgreSQL is open source, anyone who "just has" to have some
minor new feature back ported can do it, or pay for it to be done.
But this doesn't have to effect all users.



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